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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Aug-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи о Китайской Летней Международной Неделе Аккордеонного Искусства в Харбине 2014 – Китай
Объявлены даты проведения Кубка мира 2016 в Ростове-на-Дону – Россия
Окончание приема заявок на 39 международный конкурс "Città di Castelfidardo" – Италия
Первый альбом комик-певца ‘Weird Al’ Янковича, петиция для участия в шоу ‘Super Bowl Show’ – США
Видео: выступление Юрия Шишкина на церемонии награждения в Харбине – Китай
Видео: Ма Ки (Ma Qui) – победитель международной исполнительской аккордеонной категории 2014 года в Харбине – Китай

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Complete Opening Concert, Harbin 2014 Accordion Art Week - China
Jacques Pellarin Accordion Rushes Album - France
Video: Yuri Shishkin and the "Harmonium Duo" Make a Trio Performance - China
Video: 2014 ATG Festival Orchestra Performs MacArthur Park - USA
2014 Wallace Accordion Festival, Idaho - USA
Video: Song Yue (Moon) Round 2 Competition Performance - China
Video: Rosinha TV Performances - Portugal
Video: Noteable Soundz Quintet Composition Erratic Aspect - New Zealand
Video: Li Dong Zhe, Winner, Under 18 years Popular Music category - China
“Alive Inside” Film Explores Power of Music to Restore Memory
Video: "Harmonium Duo" of Hubert Giziewski and Rafal Grzaka - China

Будущие события

2014 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Ready For Some Squeezebox Music? Cotati - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Lorenzo Bosica Releases eTracks Album - USA
Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions
Jon Hammond Releases eTracks Album - USA
Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions
Jon Hammond Releases eTracks Album - USA
Updated Site for eTracks album by Zhang Guoping - China

CD Отзывы

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи о Китайской Летней Международной Неделе Аккордеонного Искусства в Харбине 2014 – Китай

Harbin 2014 header
Ежедневные репортажи о Неделе Аккордеонного Искусства 2014 в Харбине доступны онлайн на Harbin 2014


Объявлены даты проведения Кубка мира 2016 в Ростове-на-Дону – Россия

Yuri Shishkin and Raymond Bodell
International Musical Center 'Harmony' logoМеждународная Конфедерация Аккордеонистов (CIA), член Международного музыкального совета (IMC), официального партнера НПО ЮНЕСКО, объявляет о том, что 69-й международный конкурс «Кубок мира» и 136-я Генеральная Ассамблея делегатов пройдут в Ростове-на-Дону, Россия, с понедельника 12 сентября по пятницу 16 сентября 2016 года.

Мероприятие будет организовано членом CIA Международным музыкальным центром "Гармония" (логотип слева), президент которого является известный исполнитель и педагог Юрий Шишкин. Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония» с 2005 года организует ежегодный Международный фестиваль «Аккордеон плюс», который привлекает большую аудиторию (около 3000 человек) и представляет публике Ростова-на-Дону многих известных баянистов и аккордеонистов со всего мира.

Это престижное мероприятие будет включать восемь конкурсных категорий – Coupe Mondiale (концертные исполнители), Junior Coupe Mondiale (исполнители до 18 лет), Masters Coupe Mondiale (исполнители без ограничения возраста), Virtuoso Entertainment (исполнители эстрадной музыки), Junior Virtuoso Entertainment ( исполнители эстрадной музыки до 18 лет), Digital (исполнители на цифровом аккордеоне) и Ensemble (ансамбли) плюс великолепные концерты.

Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония» три года назад внес предложение провести «Кубок мира 2016» в Ростове-на-Дону, и впервые в истории этот конкурс состоится в России. Аэропорт Ростова-на-Дону выполняет прямые рейсы в 35 городов, 147 международных рейсов вылетают каждую неделю из аэропорта Ростова.

«Кубок мира 2015» пройдет с 6 по 11 октября 2015 года в Турку, Финляндия, а «Кубок мира 2014» с 27 октября по 2 ноября в Зальцбурге, Австрия.


Окончание приема заявок на 39 международный конкурс "Città di Castelfidardo" – Италия

PIF 2014 Castelfidardo
PIF 2014 Castelfidardo RegulationsПоследний день приема заявок на 39 международный аккордеонный конкурс 'Città di Castelfidardo Prize and Award’ для солистов и ансамблей 24 августа 2014 года. Мероприятие пройдет с четверга 18 сентября по воскресенье 21 сентября 2014 года.

Скачать правила, информацию, а также бланки заявок на английском и итальянском языках можно на 2014castelfidardo.

Программа, отчеты с 2004 года, а также ежедневные репортажи (начиная с 18 сентября) доступны онлайн на 2014Concorso

Конкурс, открытый для всех желающих, включает сольные, групповые и оркестровые секции для исполнителей разных возрастов, в категориях классической, камерной, эстрадной (варьете, фолк, джаз, латиноамериканский репертуар) и этнической музыки. В рамках конкурса состоятся прослушивания исполнителей на акустическом и цифровом баяне и аккордеоне, а также на бандонеоне.

В специальной категории «Маркосиньори», посвященной покойному выдающемуся аккордеонисту Гервасио Маркосиньори, (Gervasio Marcosignori 1927-2013), участники должны выбрать программу из списка музыки, связанной с Маэстро.


Первый альбом комик-певца ‘Weird Al’ Янковича, петиция для участия в шоу ‘Super Bowl Show’ – США

Weird AlЛюбитель игры на аккордеоне, комик-певец 'Weird Al’Янкович выпустил петицию, призывающую пародистов – аккордеонистов/певцов – выступить в следующем году на шоу Суперкубка по американскому футболу ‘Super Bowl’.

Всего через несколько недель после того, как ‘Weird Al’ выпустил свой первый за тридцатилетнюю карьеру альбом, этой петицией он пытается повлиять на выбор в развлекательной программы такого значимого события, как Суперкубок. Петиция, выпущенная на сайте Change.org (создатель сайта Эд Болл – Ed Ball), собрала более 48 тысяч подписей по состоянию на утро четверга.

Эд Болл пишет: «На протяжении десятилетий ‘Weird Al’ развлекает своих фанатов, молодых и старых, своими популярными умными пародиями и уникальным чувством юмора. Если бы он получил шанс вести шоу Суперкубка, это было бы не только принято миллионами зрителей, но и было бы в вполне в духе стандартов и качества того шоу Суперкубка, которое мы полюбили и уважаем».

Похоже, что ‘Weird Al’ – правильный выбор в качестве ведущего крупнейшего спортивного события.

Выдержки из обзора последнего поп-проекта ‘Weird Al’ под названием “Mandatory Fun” Дэвида Хилтбранда (David Hiltbrand).

«Заголовок: Спустя 35 лет после своей дебютной записи "Weird Al" Янкович значимее и претенциознее, чем когда-либо.

Певец-пародист, играющий на аккордеоне? Это не формула для карьерного долголетия. Но вот ‘Weird Al’ Янкович спустя 35 лет после выхода своей дебютной записи сейчас более значимый и претенциозный в своем творчестве, чем когда-либо. ‘Weird Al’ совершенно не изменил свой подход, работая над своим альбомом ‘Mandatory Fun’, попавшим на вершины чартов.

Он пародирует «крупную рыбу» поп-музыки (в данном случае ‘Lorde’, ‘Pharrell’, ‘Iggy Azalea‘). Минусовки вульгарны, но моментально узнаваемы, а пародийные тексты умные и цепляющие. Альбом включает в себя аккордеонное попурри, которое охватывает всех от Carly Rae до Pitbull. Они все одинаково интересны для ‘Weird Al’».


Видео: выступление Юрия Шишкина на церемонии награждения в Харбине – Китай

Yuri ShishkinВидео: выступление Юрия Шишкина на церемонии награждения в Харбине. Наслаждайтесь прослушиванием замечательной музыки.


Видео: Ма Ки (Ma Qui) – победитель международной исполнительской аккордеонной категории 2014 года в Харбине – Китай

2014 Harbin header
Ma QuiВидео: выступление победительницы исполнительской категории Ма Ки на церемонии награждения 12 августа 2014 года в Харбине на Китайской Летней Международной Неделе Аккордеонного Искусства.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Complete Opening Concert, Harbin 2014 Accordion Art Week - China

2014 Harbin header
Video: Complete Opening Concert of the Harbin 2014 China Summer International Accordion Art Week.
Time: 1:35 minutes
The program of the Opening Concert plus video viewer are at:


Jacques Pellarin Accordion Rushes Album - France

Jacques Pellarin Accordion Rushes CD coverJacques Pellarin presents his first volume of Accordion Rushes, his new album.

He writes: "I gathered in this new album my closest compositions of a universe that I think forward-Image and after "My french cinema", I am pleased to present Accordion Rushes.

The presence of the accordion in film scores is a musical tradition in France for decades. As an accordionist, I found my inspiration from famous composers of film music as Francis Lai, François de Roubaix, Michel Legrand, Georges Delerue, Jacques Loussier, Jean Wiener and others. As a film buff, I loved the work of Claude Sautet, La nouvelle vague , Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Fellini or recent independent American productions.

These became my inspiration for Accordion Rushes."


Video: Yuri Shishkin and the "Harmonium Duo" Make a Trio Performance - China

Video: Yuri Shishkin and the "Harmonium Duo" of Hubert Giziewski and Rafal Grzaka (Poland) formed a trio to perform Rondo Capriccioso by Zolatariev. This was a performance at the Prize Giving of the Harbin 2014 China Summer International Accordion Art Week, enjoyed immensely by the audience.


Video: 2014 ATG Festival Orchestra Performs MacArthur Park - USA

2014 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival Orchestra performs MacArthur Park composed by Jimmmy Webb.

Arranged for accordion orchestra by Joan Cochran Sommers & Jeff Lisenby and conducted by Jeff Lisenby. Video courtesy of Mike Roche assisted by Dan Grauman.


2014 Wallace Accordion Festival, Idaho - USA

Wallace Accordion
Michael BridgeThis year the Spokane Accordion Ensemble are welcomed to the Friday night concert, to be held in a new venue - the Nite Rock Events Center.

On Saturday night, we welcome back Canadian musician extraordinaire Michael Bridge for a concert and dance in that same venue.

In between, we will have our traditional Saturday morning Celebration Parade, workshops, gazebo music, and our second-annual youth competition.

Schedule of Events for 2014 Festival
Friday, August 8
Gazebo Music - all afternoon, downtown
Friday Night Concert - 7 p.m., Nite Rock Events Center; $15 per person. Seating is limited so please purchase your tickets early.

Saturday, August 9
Accordion Celebration Parade - 10 a.m., Downtown Wallace
Gazebo Music - all afternoon, downtown
Workshops - TBA
Youth Competition - 2:30 p.m., Gazebo
German Buffet - Details to be announced
Saturday Concert & Dance - 7 p.m., Nite Rock Events Center, featuring Michael Bridge. Admission $20 per person or $35 per couple; Balcony cabanas available (with private bar service) for $25 per person or $50 per couple; each cabana holds up to six people.)

Sunday, August 10
Farewell Breakfast - time and place to be announced


Video: Song Yue (Moon) Round 2 Competition Performance - China

2014 Harbin header

Video of Popular music category competitor Song Yue (Moon) performing two pieces from her Round 2 program at the the Harbin 2014 China Summer International Accordion Art Week.
Video 1: L'enfant Demon
Video 2: A Lee Lang


Video: Rosinha TV Performances - Portugal

Video 1

Video 2
Video 1: Published on Aug 2, 2013 TVI - Somos portugal em Lordelo

Video 2: Popular singer Rosinha performing on RTP1 TV - Portugal


Video: Noteable Soundz Quintet Composition Erratic Aspect - New Zealand

Video: July 29, 2014 performance by Noteable Soundz Quintet of Erratic Aspect, a work recently composed by Dan Robinson who is also a member of Noteable Soundz.

Excerpts from article: Group challenges wrong perceptions by Tao Lin
Courier Newspaper (picture right).

Audiences might be in for a surprise when a piano accordion group plays at the Hawkins Theatre. Notable Soundz five piece ensemble is playing a concert on Sunday showcasing group and individual musical pieces.

The group played Dan Robinson's composition Erratic Aspect for the first time at the South Auckland Performing Arts Competition in July and were stoked to receive a mark of 98 out of 100.

Group members from left: Daniel Robinson, Tamba Young, Bradley Williams, Andrew McFall and Ellie Archer.


Video: Li Dong Zhe, Winner, Under 18 years Popular Music category - China

Video: Li Dong Zhe was the winner of the under 18 years popular music category. This was recorded from the second round of the competition.


“Alive Inside” Film Explores Power of Music to Restore Memory

If you are fortunate enough to attend accordion festivals around the world, you may have noticed the varying ages of the participants and attendees.

For example, at the recent AAA Festival in Tarrytown, NY, the youngest participant was 5 years old and the oldest was in his early 80's. Remarkable and wonderful to realize that music and accordion can be a part of ones life from infancy to old age!

Unlike sports, where the aging of the body prohibits participation in certain sports, playing an instrument or even listening to music, is beneficial both physically and emotionally.

Especially the accordion with its unique co-ordination of the two hands and the bellows with resulting in a musical mix of very beneficial mind and muscle usage.

I highly recommend your viewing of "Alive Inside". The source of the complete article below, written by Dawn Chmielewski, is from the Apple Home Page.

"Audiences first encounter Henry hunched over in his wheelchair, head down, hands clasped firmly together, unresponsive to the world around him.

As soon as a pair of headphones are placed on his head, the 94-year-old dementia patient opens his eyes, sits up straight and begins swaying and humming along with the music. Henry speaks animatedly about his favorite band leader, Cab Calloway, and even begins to emulate the jazz artist’s style of scat singing — at one point launching into a rendition of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.”

The dramatic transformation, which takes place against the bleak institutional setting of the nursing home where Henry has spent the last decade of his life, is a powerful set piece for the documentary film “Alive Inside,” which opened in New York City in July 2014.

“Alive Inside” follows social worker Dan Cohen, whose nonprofit Music & Memory organization works to bring iPods loaded with personalized playlists to elderly Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. So far, Cohen’s program has expanded from three nursing homes to 489 in 42 states — with the help of private donations spurred by the film.

Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett said he was hired to create a video for Cohen’s website. The scope of the project changed as he witnessed Henry’s transformation when the music of his youth was returned to him.

“I had goosebumps over my whole body when he was waking up. I had tears in my eyes,” said Rossato-Bennett. “They say every artist only tells one story over and over again. If I had to tell my story, it’s the finding of life where you think there is none.”

“Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory” is winning acclaim on the festival circuit, collecting the prestigious audience award for documentary film at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and best documentary at the Milan International Film Festival.

Apple is lending the film a promotional nudge, as it opens to limited release in theaters throughout the U.S.

The documentary uses Henry’s story, and those of other patients, to illustrate music’s power to reach parts of the brain that remain intact, even late in the onset of Alzheimer’s, and evoke memories.

“Music therapists know all this. They practice it,” Cohen said. “But there are very few music therapists in the world of the elderly. It’s knowledge that was siloed.”

Cohen, who has spent a career working in technology, viewed the problem as one of technical limitations, and he set out to solve it, one iPod and custom playlist at a time. His goal is an ambitious one: To bring personalized music to 16,000 long-term care facilities in the U.S.

“It’s not a cure for Alzheimer’s, but it does work most of the time,” Cohen said. “And there is no downside. The worst case scenario — you don’t get a benefit. Sometimes, it’s a dramatic change in someone’s life.”


Video: "Harmonium Duo" of Hubert Giziewski and Rafal Grzaka - China

The "Harmonium Duo" of Hubert Giziewski and Rafal Grzaka (Poland). This was a performance at the Prize Giving of the Harbin 2014 China Summer International Accordion Art Week.

Witold Lutoslawski - Paganini Variations


Будущие события

2014 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention

2014 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
The 15th Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention takes place from August 18-21, 2014 at the Gold Coast Hotel Casino - located at 4000 West Flamingo Blvd, Las Vegas, NV. Hotel rates from $29 a night per room!.

Educational and Entertainment event featuring 4 nights and 3 full days of unforgettable entertainment, workshops, classes and sumptuous Las Vegas style banquets, with two full meals offered each day. Join Friends new and old for a fabulous accordion event.

Michael Bridge and Alicia Baker two of the most talented young accordionists in North American will be performing and teaching at the August 18-21 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention!

Michael, who earned the distinction of performing with the Boston Pops, astonished Keith Lockhart, the famed conductor, who said of Michael “I’m amazed what you do with this instrument, I find it totally baffling!”

Alicia Baker, 22 recently graduated in music with a triple degree in music education as well as piano and vocal performance. Alicia has been performing on the accordion since age 6 and has a long list of awards and credits to her name.

Featured performers and workshop presenters include:
Dick Contino, Joey Miskulin, Stas Venglevski, Bruce Gassman, Peter and Mady Soave, Ron Borelli, Paul Pasquali, Pete Barnutti, Gordon Kohl, Gina Branneli, Elena and Gregory Fainshtein, Liz Finch, Mary Tokarski, Shelia Lee, The Seventh Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Orchestra directed by Professor Joan C. Sommers and many more !

LVAC is pleased to announce a Costume Ball at the Wednesday evening Concert in celebration of their 15th Anniversary with awards for best costume. Also Thursday evening will feature the best-dressed awards!

Come join the FUN and be a part of the 15th Celebration and party the night away with Good Food, Good Friends, Good Music, Good Dancing and FUN!

Mention ACCORDN and get hotel rooms as low as $28/night (Sun-Thurs_ at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino.

For further information:
USA Phone: 1-800-472-1695
Outside USA Phone: +01-801-486-1695


Ready For Some Squeezebox Music? Cotati - USA

CIA Coupe Mondiale 2014 logo
Cotati Accordion Festival posterTian JiananVideo above: Tian Jianan who will be one of the Cotati Guest artists.

Excerpts from an article by Nick Walden:

This year will mark the twenty-fourth time that accordion musicians of all ages and genres flock to La Plaza Park in the small town of Cotati for the annual two-day event that celebrates entertainment and fun along with music.

The festival takes place Saturday, August 16 and Sunday, August 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days in La Plaza Park which is located at 60 West Cotati Avenue, Cotati.

Tickets are $15 advance, $17 at the gate and $25 for both days with kids 15-and-under free with a paying adult. This multi-cultural, multi-generational musical extravaganza will feature over 20 performance acts, food, drinks and some of the best accordion music in the country.

Along with such staples as the Lady of Spain ring and Beer Barrel Polka rendition, event goers will be treated to the sounds of The Great Morgani, the Steve Balich Sr. Polka Band, Tian Jianan, the Mad Maggies, and so many more.

The event is part of the local tradition of Cotati with the statue of local musician and founder of the festival, Jim Boggio, gracing the corner of La Plaza Park.

The festival now is much as it was originally with the same format lasting throughout the years. Using two stages allows for continuous music and entertainment throughout the day. Vendors of all types are on hand with food, drink, and a wide range of accordion related products.

For more information Phone 707-664-0444


Новые и обновленные сайты

Lorenzo Bosica Releases eTracks Album - USA

Lorenzo Bosica has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Virtuosity', catalog: bosica01

with sound samples. Music performed by Lorenzo Bosica.


Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Colombian Rose', catalog: cfranco189

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Jon Hammond Releases eTracks Album - USA

Hammond's Bolero CD cover by Jon HammondJon Hammond has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Hammond's Bolero', catalog: hjon301

with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond.


Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Rumba de Rua', catalog: cfranco188

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Jon Hammond Releases eTracks Album - USA

The NRD Sessions Projekt CD cover by Jon HammondJon Hammond has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'The NRD Sessions Projekt', catalog: hjon302

with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond.


Updated Site for eTracks album by Zhang Guoping - China

In Concert CD coverZhang Guoping update eTracks album titled

'In Concert Album', catalog: guoping03

with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Guoping.


CD Отзывы

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

“3 Couleurs” CD Cover by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTESCD Reviews Index for the Review of “3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES, Accordion, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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