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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Apr-2011
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора:
Выставка Musikmesse 2011, Франкфурт - Германия
Скончался Тони Даннон (Tony Dannon) – 1937-2011, Мичиган – США
39 Национальный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов, Икаалинен – Финляндия
Объявлены полуфиналисты аккордеонного конкурса Big Squeeze Accordion Contest, Хьюстон – США
Музыкальная Академия Питера Соаве (Peter Soave), Саурис – Италия
Аккордеонный фестиваль в Рейкьявике 2011 – Исландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordionist Lionel Reekie featured on Top Rating Radio Show – New Zealand
Dick Black ‘Come To The Barn Dance’ Re-released on CD, Perth – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Readers’ Comments - the first enquiry…

Будущие события

World Accordion Day Website Updated
Gianni Mirizzi’s ‘Serata Danzante’, Rome - Italy
CCE Festivals in April/May 2011 – Ireland
Pascal Contet‏ Concerts – Switzerland, France
Caroline Philippe and Diane Marlaud Recitals, Scotland - UK
‘Nuit De L'Accordéon’, La Bourboule – France
Dancing to Accordions, Mazara Del Vallo – Sicily
‘From Beethoven to Piazzolla’ Concert, Bergen – Norway

Новые и обновленные сайты

Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces
Franco Cambareri releases 3 new compositions
Mario Tacca release 1 new piece
Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces
Franck Angelis release 1 new work
Peter Piccini releases 3 new works
Gary Dahl updated 4 music and release 1 new muisc
Sebastiano Cali release 1 new work
Franco Cambareri releases 4 new compositions

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора:

Rob HowardМеждународный ресурс Accordions Worldwide расширяет объем предлагаемых услуг. Пройдите по ссылкам сайта (кнопки справа и слева), и Вы поймете, что я имею в виду. Одно из недавних расширений – баннер “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” (Помощь, Информация, Комментарии читателей), расположенный под разделом Weekly News (Еженедельные новости).

Этот раздел предоставляет читателям интерактивную возможность оставлять свои комментарии прямо на станицах новостей. Еще одно недавнее расширение – сайт о различных диатонических гармониках и исполнителях на этих инструментах Diatonic News.com (кнопка на левой стороне).

Роб Ховард (Rob Howard)


Выставка Musikmesse 2011, Франкфурт - Германия

Frankfurt Musikmesse Live Report graphic
Все о крупнейшей выставке музыкальных инструментов и оборудования смотрите здесь Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report, автор Хлольда Паолетти-Кампль (Holda Paoletti-Kampl) – сообщения с каждого дня выставки. Новые инструменты, музыканты, производители, любители и профессионалы встретились на этоймеждународной выставке…читайте новости на английском здесь – Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report !
Frankfurt Musikmesse Entrance


Скончался Тони Даннон (Tony Dannon) – 1937-2011, Мичиган – США

Tony Dannon  (1937-2011)Тони Даннон родился в Италии, но вырос в Детройте, штат Мичиган. На аккоредоне начал играть в возрасте 3 лет. Первым учителем стал его отец. Занимаясь по 5-6 часов в день, Тони вырос в замечательног исполнителя, специализирующегося на джазе.

В начале 50-х Тони учился у знаменитого Гуса Зоппи (Gus Zoppi). Затем вместе с Олли Петрини (Ollie Petrini) открыл известную школу Modern Accordion Studio. В этой школе училоь до 1000 аккордеонистов в неделю. Сама школа получила множество важных наград. Просуществовала нона до 1982 года. Одним из самых известных учеников Тони стал Питер Соаве – известный американский баянист – обладатель Кубка и Трофея мира.

Тони выступал в Детройте и его окрестностях. А с 50-х годов еще и по радио ни на ТВ. Он сделал множество записей, в том числе с известным трио DeMara Sisters trio, участницей которого была его жена Лиллиан. Одной из лучших записей Тони стала запись,сделанная в 2001 году – “Jam Session”, в дуэте с известным джазовым аккордеонистом Джо Керрито (Joe Cerrito).

Он также выступал в Карнеги-Холле, что сам он расценивал как вершину своей исполнительской карьеры. Тони также сочинял и аранжировал музыку, а кроме того вместе с Артом Ван Даммом выпустил 2 сборника с серией джазовых аранжировок.

Дополнительная информация и полная статья на сайте Accordion USA News.


39 Национальный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов, Икаалинен – Финляндия

Category E: participants, under school age
Marino RuoneHermanni Morander39 Национальный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов для детей и юниоров прошел в концертном зале Oma Tupa, Икаалинен, Финляндия, и был очень веселым, интересным и успешным. 112 участников в возрасте от 5 до 18 лет приняли участие в 6 категориях.

Исполнительский уровень был достаточно высоким. Конкурс был организован Ассоциацией Преподавателей аккордеона Финляндии и Финской аккордеонной Ассоциацией (SHL).

Победитель категории A (до 18 лет) – Херманни Морандер (Hermanni Morander) – будет представлять Финляндию на конкурсе CIA «Кубок мира», который пройдет в октябре 2011 года Шанхае, Китай.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: minna.plihtari@harmonikkaliitto.net

Finland recordings опубликованных финских Аккордеон институт и Finland eSheet Музыка.


Объявлены полуфиналисты аккордеонного конкурса Big Squeeze Accordion Contest, Хьюстон – США

Big Squeeze logoОбъявлены полуфиналисты аккордеонного конкурса ‘Big Squeeze Accordion Contest’ 2011: Malcom Rossyion (19) - Хьюстон; Isaiah Tellez (12) – Хьюстон; Rito Peña (12) – Сан Антонио; Ignacio Morales (15) – Даллас; Joseph Garcia (14) – Виктория; Omar Garza (16) - Мишн; Ernesto Villansana (16) – Мишн; Rogelio Garcia (17) – Сан Бенито.

Полуфинал пройдет в Остине в субботу 30 апреля в 14.30 в помещении музея Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. Этим полуфиналом откроется «Месяц Латинской Музыки в Остине» (Austin Latino Music Month). До 4 финалистов будут отобраны для участия в финале, который пройдет в здании театра Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre 4 июня в рамках 22 ежегодного фестиваля «Короли и королевы аккордеона» (Accordion Kings & Queens Festival).

На дневном концерте выступят аккордеонисты Дебра Петерс (Debra Peters) и ансамбль “The Love Saints”. Также пройдут выступления мастеров музыки Кайюн и Зидеко, включая победителя прошлого года Keyun Dickson. Помимо этого состоится выступление артистов, играющих в жанре Conjunto Rio Jordan с Esteban Jr. & Ricardo Jordan, продолжающих выступать в коллективе их отца Esteben ‘Steve’ Jordan’s legacy, которого часто называют «Джими Хендриксом с аккордеоном» и «аккордеонным магом».

Конкурс «The Big Squeeze contest», организованный Texas Folklife, открыт для техасских аккордеонистов в возрасте 21 года и моложе, играющих в любом жанре, включая Cajun, German, Czech, Polish, Tejano, Conjunto, Norteño, Western и Zydeco.

Обладатель Гран-При конкурса 2011 года получит приз на сумму $4500, в которую входят $1000 наличными, новый аккордеон Hohner и запись на исторической студии Hacienda Records в Corpus Christi. Кроме того рекламная поддержка от SugarHill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records и Texas Folklife, и другие профессиональные возможности.

Для получения дополнительной информации, пишите программ-директору Кристине Балли (Cristina Balli): cballi@texasfolklife.org


Музыкальная Академия Питера Соаве (Peter Soave), Саурис – Италия

Peter & Maddy Soave
Начинает свою работу Музыкальная академия Питера Соаве (PSMA)! Курсы занятий пройдут в отеле Morgenleit Hotel, Саурис, Италия. Даты первых занятий:
24 – 31 июля
31 июля – 1 августа
28 августа – 4 сентября
PSMA приглашает на свои занятия аккордеонистов и любителей музыки всех возрастов, уровней подготовки, играющих в любых жанрах, включая джаз, классику и фолк. Участники получат удовольствие от прекрасной окружающей природы и недельных занятий на семинарах, лекциях, индивидуальных занятиях и уроках группового музицирования.

Преподаватели PSMA:
Питер Соаве (Peter Soave) – аккордеон, бандонеон
Мэди Соаве (Mady Soave) – аккордеон, ансамбль
Профессор Деннис Тини (Dennis Tini) – джаз, фортепиано, музыкология
Ральф Бетке (Ralf Bethke) – ремонт инструментов, акустика/MIDI
и многие другие!

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: madysoave@hotmail.com


Аккордеонный фестиваль в Рейкьявике 2011 – Исландия

Reykjavik Accordion Festival - Iceland‏
Рейкьявикский Аккордеонный фестиваль 2011 пройдет с 23 по 24 июля в Городском Музее Рейкьявика. В этом году на фестиваль съедутся многие известные аккордеонисты Исландии, включая Карла Йонатанссона (Karl Jonatansson), которые примут участие в воскресном концерте в Городском Музее. Аккордеонные мероприятия меньшего масштаба пройдут в пригородах Рейкьявика в субботу 23 июля.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: jonatank@internet.is


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordionist Lionel Reekie featured on Top Rating Radio Show – New Zealand

Lionel ReekieLionel Reekie, New Zealand-based professional accordionist, accordion teacher and conductor of the North Shore Accordion Orchestra, was the special in-studio guest on Jim Sutton’s Newstalk ZB radio show for a whole hour on Saturday April 9th. Broadcast nationwide, this show is the top rating programme for its Saturday night timeslot.

Promoting his new vocal album ‘From Russia With Love’, Lionel also spoke extensively about the accordion, and several tracks were played from some of Lionel’s previously released accordion recordings together with both the North Shore Accordion Orchestra (conducted by Lionel) and the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (ANZAO), of which Lionel was a member.

The show opened with the ANZAO’s ‘William Tell Overture’, and also featured tracks like Lionel’s recording of Frosini’s ‘Cubanola’, and Gary Daverne accordion orchestra arrangement of the ‘Invercargill March’, from the recent NSAO CD release ‘A Musical Party’.
Lionel was the lead vocalist with the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra on three of their International Goodwill Concert tours, and has also sung with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra.  For this latest CD of songs from stage and screen, he recorded with the Siberian Festival Orchestra, in Novosibirsk, Russia earlier this year.

Lionel Reekie’s ‘From Russia with Love’ is available worldwide on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/from-russia-with-love/id426897376


Dick Black ‘Come To The Barn Dance’ Re-released on CD, Perth – UK

Come to the Barn Dance CD coverVeteran Scottish chromatic button accordionist and bandleader Dick Black, from West Lothian, has re-released some of his dance music albums on CD. One of these is ‘Come To The Barn Dance’.

The tracks include: 1) Britannia Two Step: ‘The Bugle Boy’ 2) Gay Gordons: ‘Leaving the Field’/ ‘Sam Cleland’/‘P/M Bob Martin’ 3) St.Bernard's Waltz: ‘Bonnie Navar Bay’ 4) Palais Glide: ‘Kerrera Polka’ 5) ‘Swedish Masquerade’ 6) Lomond Waltz: ‘The Oslo Waltz’ 7) Canadian Barn Dance: ‘The Northlands’ 8) Boston Two Step: ‘Inveraray Inn’/‘The Banjo Breakdown’ 9) Party Polka: ‘The Royal Scots Polka’ 10) La-Va: ‘Willie Smith’ 11) Hesitation Waltz: ‘Bonnie Jeannie Shaw’ 12) Eva Three Step: ‘The Fair Maid of Mull’/’Triumph Street Pipe Band’ 13) Continental Waltz: ‘Springtime in Switzerland’ 14) Two Step: ‘Imperial Echoes’

For further information email: tommynewcomen@hotmail.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – Readers’ Comments - the first enquiry…

Accordions Worldwide logo
Last week, in this spot, we published David Kemp’s suggestion, from April 11th 1997, that Accordions Worldwide publish a readers’ comments section. On April 18th 1997 the news included the first letter received, a plea for assistance in learning the accordion, and we are wondering if Tim persevered – perhaps if he’s reading this he would let us know?

Subject: Please answer my question
Hi I have an accordion (a gift) and I have no idea how to use it. I got the piano keyboard part but what are all the buttons on the left side? Is there a chart on your site you can refer me to? I know some music but cannot figure it out.
Thank you

We don't have a chart on Accordions Worldwide, as there are many different "systems" or arrangements of these notes. Does it have a piano keyboard? If it does, you probably have a stradella bass system.

We eventually want to have a layout of all the systems on the site, but this could be a while away. The problem is that I don't want to miss one out and offend someone.

I suggest that you find a teacher in your area and get some help from them. The best place to begin is by going to "teachers" on the accordion yellow pages Database on the Index page of Accordions Worldwide.

I hope you find the site of benefit. If you have any further questions, or can't find a teacher in your area, please let me know so I can help you further.

Congratulations on wanting to take up the accordion!

Best wishes,
Wayne Knights


Будущие события

World Accordion Day Website Updated

World Accordion Day logoThe World Accordion Day website has been updated and people organizing events to promote World Accordion and the accordion in their area of the world, are reminded to “Register Your Event” on the website.

World Accordion Day is on the 6th May. There is no cost to Register and Registration enables media to see the full range of activities. “This event is co-ordinated under the auspices of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) and is a unified global effort to celebrate and promote the accordion, internationally.” says CIA President Raymond Bodell.

World Accordion Day was initiated in 2009 and is growing each year including events in China for 2011, where later in the year the Coupe Mondiale in being hosted. No event is too big or too small, so even if you have not organized something for 2011, we hope you will think about organizing an World Accordion Day promotional event to promote accordion in your country, for 2012.”


Gianni Mirizzi’s ‘Serata Danzante’, Rome - Italy

Gianni MirizziOn Saturday April 16th, 8.30pm, accordionist Gianni Mirizzi plays for dancing at Il Girasole, via Niccolò Cannicci, Rome.

Gianni Mirizzi began his musical studies at age of 8 years, driven by a family tradition, and was inspired by maestro Pino Di Modugno. Taught by Giancarlo Caporilli, Gianni Mirizzi is a highly accomplished accordionist whose many appearances include the International Festival of Accordion in Castelfidardo, Italy, the Musikmesse in Frankfurt, Germany, and Accordions International at Seacroft, UK.

For further information email: giannimirizzi@libero.it
Sheet music by Gianni Mirizzi is available from Wurzburger-Musikverlag Germany


CCE Festivals in April/May 2011 – Ireland

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE)
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), founded in 1951, a non-profit cultural movement that seeks to promote Irish traditional music, song and dance. Although based in Dublin, CCE is an international organisation, holding competitions and sponsoring tours and educational activities in several countries.

Each year CCE holds local competitive festivals in Ireland, Britain and the USA, leading to the All Ireland Festival (Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann) – a large scale festival attracting many thousands of competitors and visitors.

This year’s All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil takes place in Cavan Town, County Cavan in the Irish Republic from August 13th to 22nd. The button and piano accordion is a common feature of all CCE festivals, both as a solo instrument and in ensembles.

There are several local CCE festivals in Ireland scheduled for April and May, as follows:

April 14th to 17th - Féile Patrick Byrne 2011, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan
April 15th to 17th - Clifden Traditional Music Festival, County Galway
April 15th to 16th - Clogher Valley, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland
May 6th to 8th - Cork Fleadh 2011, Dunmanway, Co. Cork
April 21st to 22nd - Fleadh Cheoil Chill Dara 2011, Clane, Co. Kildare
April 26th to 29th - Kerry Fleadh 2011, Community College, Causeway, Co. Kerry

For further information email: eolas@comhaltas.ie


Pascal Contet‏ Concerts – Switzerland, France

Wu Wei (Sheng) & Pascal Contet (accordion)
Iceberg, Wu Wei (Sheng) & Pascal Contet (accordion)Pascal Contet? Concerts
April 17th, 12noon to 4pm – with sheng player Wu Wei, Musée du Dauphinois, Festival Les Détours de Babel, Grenoble, Switzerland
April 27th, 7pm – broadcast on Radio France
May 6th and 7th – Limoges Opera
May 10th, 8.30pm - Buenos AIres, Ville Imaginaire - Ars Nova ensemble (Argentinean tango), l'Athanor, Saint Nazaire
May 12th, 12noon - with sheng player Wu Wei, Le Mans Europa Jazz, Collégiale Saint Pierre  
May 13th – duo with Maguelone Vidal, Carcassonne
May 17th to 21st - Concerto Karl Koop Konzert de Bernard Cavanna, with l'orchestre de Limoges, Limoges
May 26th -  Festival La voix est libre - duo with Maguelone Vidal, Theatre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
May 27th, 8.30pm - duo with violinist Marianne Pik, Scène Nationale, Quimper
May 29th, 8.30pm - Buenos AIres, Ville Imaginaire - Ars Nova ensemble (Argentinean tango), Salle du Moulin, Arleux

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Caroline Philippe and Diane Marlaud Recitals, Scotland - UK

Diane Marlaud (clarinet) and Caroline Philippe (accordion)
Caroline Philippe and Diane MarlaudFrench musicians Caroline Philippe (accordion) and Diane Marlaud (clarinet) perform three classical recitals next week, as follows:

April 20th, 7.30pm, at Holy Trinity Church, Fullarton Street, Ayr KA7 1UB
April 21st, 8pm - Wellington Church, 77 Southpark Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LE
April 22nd, 8pm - Lindisfarne Room, St Cuthbert Church, 5 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2EP
April 23rd, 7.30pm - Allan Park South Church, Dumbarton Road, Stirling FK8 2LQ

Caroline Philippe and Diane Marlaud perform interpretations of Belgian, Russian, Italian and German works by Franck, Rachmaninov, Cavallini, Bach (father and son), amongst others.

For further information email: lahd.management@hotmail.fr


‘Nuit De L'Accordéon’, La Bourboule – France

Nathalie Boucheix & young accordionists of the CNIMA J Mornet School of Music‘Nuit De L'Accordéon’ is a concert/dance held on Sunday April 24th, 9pm, at the Salle Du Casino, La Bourboule, starring accordionist Nathalie Boucheix, the young accordionists of the CNIMA J.Mornet School of Music, with the Jean-Pierre Cousteix et son Orchestre.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Dancing to Accordions, Mazara Del Vallo – Sicily

On Wednesday, May 25th, 9pm, there will be dancing to the music of Salvatore Camilleri and Ignazio Sugamiele, and their orchestra at the Tropikana Dance (Le Caprice), Mazara Del Vallo, West Sicily.


‘From Beethoven to Piazzolla’ Concert, Bergen – Norway

Almir Meskovic‘From Beethoven to Piazzolla’ is the title of concerts at Korskirken, Bergen, on consecutive evenings, July 8th and 9th,7.30pm, by Almir Meskovic (accordion) and Sonja Radojkovic (piano). Thee concerts are part of the 15th Grieg Festival, which runs from June to August.

Almir Meskovic, from Bosnia, is one of the finest accordionists of his generation in the former Yugoslavia republics. He is the winner of many international competitions in Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Portugal, Bosnia, Croatia, Rumania and Germany.

He is currently finishing his studies in the class of Professor Zoran Rakic, and has been invited to continue his Master studies at the Norwegian State Academy of Music from September 2011.

He has recorded several CDs, including one with Sonja Radojkovic. He will also record two more CDs in 2011.

For further information email: booking@musicanord.no


Новые и обновленные сайты

Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces

Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces by composer Parnell Frederick titled, 'Mazurka Capricco', catalog:M650, 'Pony Trot', catalog:M651, 'Ragamuffin', catalog:M652, 'Rondo Alla Zingarese', catalog:M653. Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri releases 3 new compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online. 'Let's Jive', catalog:cfranco136, 'Ojos De Agua', catalog:cfranco137, 'Ombra Latina', catalog:cfranco138. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Mario Tacca release 1 new piece

Mario Tacca release a new piece, 'Cirque du Monde', catalog:mtacca212. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces

Charnwood Publishing releases 4 new pieces by composer Da Caprio Francesca titled, 'Carribean Holiday', catalog:M645, 'Fantasia in La Minore', catalog:M646, 'La Poupée de la Valse', catalog:M647, 'Scotch Mist', catalog:M648, 'The Northern Lights', catalog:M649 and 1 new piece by composer Parnell Frederick titled, 'Mazurka Capricco', catalog:M650. Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Franck Angelis release 1 new work

Franck Angelis releases 1 new work, 'Hommage A Paco (Solo)', catalog:ang566. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

This wonderful composition has been used extensively around the world in solo format by 2009 Coupe Mondiale winner Grayson Masefield (New Zealand). You can hear it being performed on Video at the 2010 Trophee Mondial in Spain by Grayson Masefield which he won. This will be a real audience favorite and great for competitions too.

High quality video, right click to download. Video: Hommage A Paco (37MB)
Video Hommage A Paco played by Grayson Masefield


Peter Piccini releases 3 new works

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 3 new works for accordion, 'Romantic Waltz', catalog:pp287, 'Golden Waltz', catalog:pp288, 'Swingin Note's', catalog:pp289. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updated 4 music and release 1 new muisc

Gary Dahl - author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music titles for purchase on-line. 'Finlandia', catalog:DH0229, 'O Mio Babbino Caro', catalog:DH0086, 'O Mio Babbino Caro - single note version', catalog:DH0090, 'Sentimental Journey', catalog:DH0033 and new music title 'Technique Exercise # 1', catalog:DH0231. Samples for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit


Sebastiano Cali release 1 new work

Sebastiano Cali releases 1 new work for accordion, 'Nocturne in Eb major - Op. 9 No. 2', catalog:scali050. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri releases 4 new compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases four new compositions for accordion available for purchase online. 'Andalucian Sky', catalog:cfranco132, 'Chicken Polka', catalog:cfranco133, 'Coco Loco', catalog:cfranco134 and 'Granada By Night', catalog:cfranco135. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


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