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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 14-Oct-2022
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第75届 Coupe Mondiale 在佐芬根 - 瑞士
2023年经典手风琴国际比赛 - 迪拜,阿联酋
Alfredo Alessandrini, 1928年6月2日至2022年10月13日 - 意大利
第38届VAMÖ手风琴比赛 - 奥地利
“Black Pencil” 演出地点 Floriade Expo 闭幕式 - 荷兰
11th International Accordion Festival - Portugal


5th International Accordion Competition for Soloists and Groups "Città di Palmi" – Italy
World Accordion & Tango Festival - Canada
Video: Semir Hasic "War Rhapsody" - Croatia


“Forro do Cana” Entertain at East Van Opry 2022 - Canada
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Lanciano - Italy
Mia Grozdanić Lecture Concert - Finland
“Lilies of the Midwest” Concert - USA
An Evening with The No. 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra - England
“Locura Tanguera” Perform at Classic Salon Amadeus - Japan
Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert - New Zealand
Accordion Orchestra Concert – Germany
Cody McSherry Performs with the Tamburitzans – USA
CNIMA 2022 Adult Workshop – France

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Daily Reports, 75th Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofingen - Switzerland
每日报道。第47届 "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo"国际手风琴奖和音乐节 - 意大利

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第75届 Coupe Mondiale 在佐芬根 - 瑞士

CIA executive team
Dragoslav Vasiljevic (Serbia), Grayson Masefield, Joan Sommers图片上方。2022年至2026年的中情局执行官,从左至右,未出席的李聪教授(中国) Kevin Friedrich (美国),Zorica Karakutovska(北马其顿), Jörgen Sundeqvist (瑞典), Mirco Patarini (意大利-主席), Kimmo Mattila (芬兰-秘书长), Alexander Selivanov (俄罗斯), Harley Jones (新西兰)。

左图:2022年Coupe Mondiale冠军Dragoslav Vasiljevic(塞尔维亚)。
Grayson MasefieldJoan Cochran Sommers 在评审。

美国报道: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes CIA)在瑞士佐芬根举行了第75届 Coupe Mondiale 世界手风琴锦标赛和第148届CIA国际代表大会。该活动由CIA成员 accordeon.ch 于2022年10月4日至9日主办。

国际手风琴协会(Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes,CIA)于1935年在法国巴黎成立,是国际音乐理事会的成员,是联合国教科文组织的非政府组织官方合作伙伴)。 美国手风琴家协会( AAA )和国际手风琴家和教师协会( ATG )早已分享了美国的CIA成员资格。

超过80名选手参加了六个类别的比赛,获奖者代表了不同的国家。 今年的Coupe Mondiale冠军是塞尔维亚手风琴家Dragoslav Vasiljevic。 在一场激动人心的比赛中,经过几天的三轮激烈角逐,他以23.49分的成绩险胜中国的丁杭,后者以23.41分仅落后几分。

今年的美国代表团包括代表AAA(和CIA大使)和ATG主席Mary Ann Covone的 Kevin FriedrichJoan Cochran Sommers (CIA荣誉会员,第75届世界锦标赛评审团主席)和代表ATG的Liz Finch。

佐芬根市长Christiane Guyer在开幕式音乐会上欢迎大家来到佐芬根,音乐会上有一系列独特的瑞士表演,包括Yodeling和Alp Horns,以及2021年在慕尼黑举行的Coupe Mondiale的冠军Olzhas Nurlanov。

活动中进行了三项特别的颁奖,包括为国际手风琴运动做出杰出贡献的CIA功绩奖,获奖者是 Vojin Vasovic 以及来自塞尔维亚的 立陶宛的Ricardas Sviackevicius教授。而手风琴荣誉朋友奖则颁发给了来自奥地利的Lois Breitfuss,以表彰其对手风琴运动的贡献。

继去年Mirco Patarini(意大利)再次当选为CIA主席后,本次大会包括所有其他职位的选举。 新当选的CIA执行委员会成员列在上面的照片下。选举产生了中国国际广播电台音乐委员会。成员名单和照片如下。

为了配合比赛,还举行了几场精彩的音乐会,包括马丁-帕尔梅里的壮观的Misa a Buenos Aires,由手风琴乐团Brittnau和Soland合唱团在Ruth Soland的指导下进行表演,独奏者为Susanne Wiesner(中音)和Julien Tudisco(班顿琴)。

由60人组成的蓝色计划乐团是专门为此次活动组建的团体,在Lionel Chapuis的指挥下演出。节目包括与 "蓝色 "有关的作品,包括像Blue Rondo a la Turk、乔治-格什温的《蓝色狂想曲》与钢琴独奏家Etienne Murith以及Jean Thielmanns和Worlgang Russ的Bluesette。

颁奖音乐会以著名作曲家卡莱维-阿霍(Kalevi Aho)的芬兰新作品的世界首演拉开帷幕,当时亚内-瓦尔克亚约基(Janne Valkeajoki)演奏了他新创作的第三号奏鸣曲。

经过五天繁忙的比赛和音乐会,Coupe Mondiale音乐节在本次活动的明星--年轻艺术家们自己的颁奖典礼和音乐会中落下帷幕,六类比赛的获奖者将在音乐会上亮相。

所有 Coupe Mondiale 手风琴比赛的结果都在网上公布: www.coupemondiale.org

CIA瑞士成员accordeon.ch组织者主席Yvonne Glur和CIA荣誉副主席Ruedi Marti因举办此次活动而获得了起立鼓掌。所有的活动,包括音乐会、比赛、赛事和最终结果,包括所有裁判员的评分,都可以在CIA Coupe Mondiale网站上的每日报告和视频中心看到.

2023年的 Coupe Mondiale 将于2023年9月5日至9日在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的比耶利纳举行。

下面的图片。CIA音乐委员会,2022年至2026年。 Jirí Lukeš (捷克), Ruedi Marty (瑞士), Grayson Masefield (新西兰), Alexander Selivanov (主席, 俄罗斯), Danijela Gazdic (波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳), Antonio Spaccarotella (意大利), 未出现在照片中 - Crystal Wang (CongYu Wang, 王丛玉,中国).
CIA Music committee


2023年经典手风琴国际比赛 - 迪拜,阿联酋

Dubai poster
Yuri Medianik第一届经典手风琴国际比赛将于2023年3月6日至11日在阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)迪拜市举行,由SAMIT活动集团与CMDI集团合作举办。本次大赛的艺术总监和评委会主席是 Yuri Medianik(图右)。





Alfredo Alessandrini, 1928年6月2日至2022年10月13日 - 意大利

Alessandrini Accordions logo
Alfredo AlessandriniAlfredo Alessandrini 2022年10月13日今晨在卡斯特尔菲达多去世,享年94岁。

他在Paolo Soprani工厂工作了很多年(就像那个时代的许多手风琴工匠一样),他白天在那里工作,晚上会帮助他哥哥处理新开始的业务。

阿尔弗雷德自己的生意开始于1970年,名字是Alessandrini Fratelli。在那之前,他们为其他手风琴公司制作零件,就像当时许多手工艺人所做的那样。大多数人都在卡斯特尔菲达多的大公司接受过培训,当大公司关闭时,他们经常为剩下的大工厂做合同工作。



葬礼。2022年10月15日(星期六)9时30分,在卡斯特尔菲达多的圣安东尼奥教堂(Parrocchia di Sant'Antonio)。


第38届VAMÖ手风琴比赛 - 奥地利

VAMO banner
第38届VAMÖ手风琴比赛将于2023年2月25日和26日在奥地利维也纳的Yamaha Music Europe Gmbh举行。





“Black Pencil” 演出地点 Floriade Expo 闭幕式 - 荷兰

BP Poster
“Black Pencil” (如下图)将于本月在荷兰莱岑达姆举行的2022年花卉博览会闭幕式上表演。该博览会是一个世界园艺展览,每10年才在荷兰举行一次。

包括手风琴演奏家马科-卡斯尔(Marko Kassl)在内的这个团体将表演开幕式节目 "Schoonschip "中的音乐片段,并为乌尔里克-夸德公司(Ulrike Quade Company)的《机器人洛基》(Rocky de Robot)的节选片段伴奏。洛基在一个名为Flevoland的未来景观中徘徊。

他们的节目 "出来吧,Caioni "展示了世俗歌曲、匈牙利和罗马尼亚的民间舞蹈、巴洛克作品和教会音乐。

- 2022年10月23日下午3时30分--- Hippolytus Church in Hippolytushoef
- 2022年10月27日晚8点30分--The Dorpskerk Church in Leidschendam

Black Pencil


11th International Accordion Festival - Portugal

11th International Accordion Festival poster
The 11th International Accordion Festival will be held at the Centro Cultural Alfredo Keil in Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém, Portugal from October 15th and 16th, 2022, organised by the Municipality of Ferreira do Zêzere.

Performances will be given by Eric Bouvelle, Tiago Pirralho, Rodrigo Maurício, Rita Nunes, Júlio Vitorino and Marcio Cabral.

See poster for details.



5th International Accordion Competition for Soloists and Groups "Città di Palmi" – Italy

The 5th International Accordion Competition for Soloists and Groups "Città di Palmi" will be held in Palmi, Calabria, Italy from November 18th to 20th, 2022, organised by the musical association "CSFP" (Centro Studi Fisarmonicisti Palmi).

The Competition will take place with a free program chosen by the competitor for each class.

Age group categories include:
Chamber music for accordions
Diatonic accordion
Chamber music for diatonic accordion.

Competitors can register in a maximum of 2 categories. Applications close on November 12th, 2022.

Download competition regulations and entry form here: 2022Palmi.pdf


World Accordion & Tango Festival - Canada

World Accordion & Tango Festival banner
Bridge & WolakThe 2022 World Accordion & Tango Festival will be held at various venues in Victoria and Oak Bay, British Columbia, Canada from November 16th to 20th, 2022.

The event will include the following:

November 16th - Free2Tango – Free introductory tango lessons with Sam and Kelly from Alive Tango, followed by Practica, held at Solwood Studios

November 17th: Free accordion lessons

November 18th –Concert by the Payadora Tango Ensemble and the Nikolay Bine Jazz Quartet at St. Mary's Anglican Church.

November 19th – Three tango workshops at the Da Vinci Centre with Maria Ines Bogado, World Tango Champion and her partner Sergiy Podbolotnyy, followed by a Gala Milonga with live music by the Tango A La Parilla ensemble led by Canadian/German bandoneonist Douglas Schmidt plus special guest performers.

November 20th - Three tango workshops at the Canadian College for Performing Arts, followed by “TANGO, to the Pointe!”, a new show of Argentine tango by the PointeTango Dance Company. In addition, a concert by internationally acclaimed music & comedy duo, Bridge & Wolak (which includes Michael Bridge on accordion and Kornel Wolak on clarinet & piano - picture right) will be held at St. Mary's Anglican Church.

For details email: contact@watf.ca


Video: Semir Hasic "War Rhapsody" - Croatia

Video: Semir Hasic (from Zagreb, Croatia) performing "War Rhapsody".
Solo violin: Natalija Stanisavljevic

The music aims to send a message of "No More War".



“Forro do Cana” Entertain at East Van Opry 2022 - Canada

East Van Opry 2022 poster
“Forro do Cana” will entertain at the East Van Opry 2022 festival held at the Rio Theatre in Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 15th, 2022 at 8pm.

“Forro do Cana” (pictured below), which includes accordionists Serena Eades and Steve Charles, is a Brazilian Forro band.

For details email: info@riotheatre.ca
Forro do Cana


Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Lanciano - Italy

Mario Stefano poster
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi will perform a concert at the “Fedele Fenaroli” Theater in Lanciano, Abruzo, Italy on October 21st, 2022 at 9pm.

Two internationally renowned musicians will be guests of the evening: violinist Andres Gabetta and Lebanese composer Khaled Mouzanar.

The musical event, which is sponsored by the Municipality of Lanciano, will open the 2022/23 season of the "Literary coffee ... and beyond" Association.

See poster for details.


Mia Grozdanić Lecture Concert - Finland

Mia Grozdanić
Mia Grozdanic will provide a “Lecture Concert” at the R-talo Pikkusali, University of Arts in Helsinki, Finland on October 27th, 2022, organised by Veli Kujala.

Mia Grozdanic (Pula, Croatia) is a prominent musician as evidenced by her collaboration with Croatian composer Davor Bobic, who dedicated three works to her.

During 2022, Mia was a member of juries in several international competitions: Australian International AATA Music Championship and Festival, Daruvar Accordion Award (Daruvar, Croatia), Susret Harmonikaša (Pula, Croatia) and Eufonija (Novi Sad, Serbia).

In 2022 she was also awarded a golden medal with high distinction for her performance in the Manhattan International Music Competition.


“Lilies of the Midwest” Concert - USA

Lilies of the MidwestThe “Lilies of the Midwest” trio will perform at The Lily Pad in Middleton, Wisconsin, USA on October 27th, 2022 from 1pm.

The group are a trio of Irish traditional musicians who hold regular sessions in the Middleton area.

For details email: theliliesofthemidwest@gmail.com


An Evening with The No. 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra - England

No 1 Ladies poster
The No. 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra will entertain at St Edburg's Church, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England on October 29th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

“This all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea (and wine!) drinking band of lovely talented ladies has enthralled audiences across the country, in village halls, ballrooms, festivals, fetes, parties, piers and pavilions. Led by Musical Director Jane Ward, the group will play a program of waltzes and tangos, film music and hornpipes, bellows and banter, jollity and jigs!"

See poster for details.


“Locura Tanguera” Perform at Classic Salon Amadeus - Japan

Locura Tanguera
“Locura Tanguera” will perform a daytime concert at Classic Salon Amadeus in Kobe, Motomachi Shopping District, Japan on October 30th, 2022 at 2pm.

The Argentine Tango Quartet enjoy performing a variety of works from classical tango to Astor Piazzola.

The quartet includes Ville Hiltula (bandoneon), Kazuhiro Takagi (violin), Tomomitsu Fumoto (piano) and Masashi Goto (double bass).

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com


Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert - New Zealand

CAA poster
The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold a Variety Concert at St Stephen's Church in Christchurch, New Zealand on October 30th, 2022 at 2pm.

Performers include the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra conducted by David Thorne and local guests.

See poster for details.


Accordion Orchestra Concert – Germany

Orchestra concert poster
The Akkordeonorchester Hamburg Eimsbu¨ttel 1949 e.V. conducted by Stefanie Perl-Kindel, will hold a concert at the Laeiszhalle Hamburg (small hall) in Hamburg, Germany on October 30th, 2022 at 11am.

Guests the 1st Akkordeon Club Ludwigshafen Niederfeld orchestra (pictured below) will also perform at this concert.

Their program will include pieces from Bach to Grönemeyer.

See poster for details.
1st Akkordeon Club Ludwigshafen Niederfeld


Cody McSherry Performs with the Tamburitzans – USA

Cody McSherryCody posterAccordionists Cody McSherry will perform concerts with the Tamburitzans in the USA next month.

The Tamburitzans, formerly the Duquesne University Tamburitzans, is an ensemble that has performed a wide variety of folk dance and music representing international cultures for over 80 years in the United States and internationally.

Cody was accepted into the Tamburitzans in 2020 following an audition that included singing, dancing and playing accordion.

November concerts as follows:

November 5th at 6pm: North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA
November 12th at 3pm: Lancaster, PA (see poster above right)
November 13th at 3pm: Meadville, PA
November 19th at 7pm: Edwardsville, IL
November 20th at 3pm: Kansas City, KS

For details email: info@thetamburitzans.org


CNIMA 2022 Adult Workshop – France

CNIMA banner
The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold their final workshop for adults this year from November7th to 11th, 2022.

The course is specifically designed for adults with smaller classes adapted to the specific problems of adults in a friendly atmosphere by tutors Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix.

The workshop will cover instrumental work based on the Jacques Mornet method, approach of the accordion as a wind instrument, management of the air column and the bellows, search for a balance between body and instrument, work on touch and articulations and quest for musicality.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link



Daily Reports, 75th Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofingen - Switzerland

Daily Reports
2022 Coupe Mondiale PosterVideo Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2022CM-Video
Daily Reports, pictures, results at: 2022CM-Report

The Daily Reports of video and pictures start with the Opening Concert. There will be video of every Coupe Mondiale contestant and the concerts, provided by the CIA Video Archive and Education Project.

The 75th Coupe Mondiale will be held from 04 - 09 October 2022 in Zofingen, Switzerland, hosted by the CIA member accordeon.ch led by President: Yvonne Glur (President) and Switzerland CIA delegate Ruedi Marty.

The results of the Coupe Mondiale International Accordion Competitions will be published Sunday 9th October 18:00 hours at 2022CM-Report
2022 Coupe Mondiale footer


每日报道。第47届 "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo"国际手风琴奖和音乐节 - 意大利

PIF Castelfidardo header

卡斯特尔菲达多市议会(意大利马尔凯大区)与卡斯特尔菲达多专业旅游协会合作,召集并组织了PIF "卡斯特尔菲达多市 "手风琴独奏和团体的古典音乐和其他流派的国际比赛,以及以手风琴为特色的音乐节。

卡斯特尔菲达多市政府由市长Roberto Ascani领导,Castelfidardo Pro Loco由Ruben Cittadini领导,2022年PIF艺术总监Antonio Spaccarotella。在昨天的新闻发布会上,他们高兴地谈到了参赛作品的水平,以及在比赛和音乐会上表演许多不同风格的音乐的积极前景。

同时发言的还有音乐马尔凯手风琴协会(AMMA)主席Mirco Soprani和Nugo-Creative Collective的Cesare Sampaolesi。合影:2022PR.jpg 新闻发布会在电视新闻采访中结束。

Reuben Cittadini, Mayor Roberto Ascani, Antonio Spaccarotella


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