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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Nov-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Конкурс AAA имени Фейс Деффнер (Faithe Deffner), 1 премия – $20000 – США
Видео с концерта «Я люблю тебя жизнь» с Юрием Шишкиным и Александром Поелуевым – Россия
Мун Сон Ю (Moon Song Yue) в драме "Have You In My Life" – Китай
Чарли Уоткинс (Charlie Watkins – 1923-2014), Лондон – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA
Videos: Senior Coupe Mondiale Winners, Round II and III - Austria
Midlands Accordion Festival, Dudley – UK
Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow 2014 Tour - Switzerland
Videos: Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Austria
João Gentil CD Release in December, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Video: Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchestra Perform Vivaldi Four Seasons of Tango - Russia
Video: Karlsson Band new CD Single "Shaggae" - Sweden
Video: Ali & Cengiz Oyunu / Akordeon - Garmon Living Room
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Activities in Japan in November 2000

Будущие события

Jacques & Corinne Pellarin Tour, England – UK
Accordion and Violin Duo Peter DiBono and Harriet Newhart
Video: Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland
Slavic Soul Party! Performance, New York City – USA
John Morgan @ Tynedale Accordion & Fiddle Club, Northumberland – UK
Video: DuetTango, Cesare Chiacchiaretta and Filippo Arlia Tour to New Zealand
Accordion Orchestra Wesseling Concert, Druck - Germany
Alexian Santino Spinelli Master Class, Pisa - Italy

CD Отзывы

Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian

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Особенности Highlights

Конкурс AAA имени Фейс Деффнер (Faithe Deffner), 1 премия – $20000 – США

Faithe Deffner Accordion Competition
AAA logoМеждународный аккордеонный конкурс имени Фейс Деффнер проводится и спонсируется в честь известной американской аккордеонистки Фейс Деффнер, которая скончалась в июне 2014 года.

Этот конкурс будет проводиться в рамках фестиваля Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (ААА) 2015 года. Конкурс и фестиваль пройдут в Александре с 8 по 12 июля 2015 года. Впечатляет призовой фонд конкурса: 1 премия $20.000 наличными, 2 премия – $3.000 и 3 премия – $2.000 долларов.

Требования к участникам и программе: максимальный возраст участников – 32 года по состоянию на 8 июля 2015 года.

Обязательная пьеса: ‘Herricks Road’, композитор Карен Фремар (Karen Fremar).

Академическая категория: программа продолжительностью 10 минут, включающая 1 часть из «Дивертисмента» Вячеслава Семенова и одну или несколько пьес в классическом, барочном или романтическом стиле по выбору участника.

Эстрадная категория: программа продолжительностью 10 минут, включающая 2 или более пьесы разных стилей по выбору участника.

Обе пьесы – ‘Herricks Road’ и «Дивертисмент» – были посвящены Фейс Деффнер.

Полную информацию о конкурсе, а также форму заявки можно скачать здесь: 2015Deffner.pdf

Информация о фестивале ААА 2015 на сайте Ассоциации: American Accordionists' Association (AAA)


Видео с концерта «Я люблю тебя жизнь» с Юрием Шишкиным и Александром Поелуевым – Россия

Rostov concert poster

В воскресенье 16 ноября в 17.00 часов по московскому времени состоится прямая трансляция концерта под названием «Я люблю тебя, жизнь» из концертного зала «Роствертол», Ростов-на-Дону.
Юрий Шишкин, Александр Поелуев, лауреаты конкурса «Аккордеон плюс», фольклорные ансамбли «Донцы» и «Ани», а также выдающийся баритон из Москвы Василий Пьянов подарят всем незабываемые впечатления.

Программа концерта будет включать в себя известные произведения из репертуара этих известных и весьма уважаемых исполнителей, и публика, несомненно, испытает яркие эмоции радости и любви от концерта «Я люблю тебя, жизнь».

Даже если вы не сможете посмотреть концерт в прямом эфире, вы сможете после концерта в любое удобное для вас время посмотреть это видео в окне выше.

Организатором концерта выступил Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония», который является членом международной конфедерации аккоредонистов (CIA) и хозяином конкурса «Кубок Мира» в 2016 году, который пройдет в Ростове-на-Дону. Центр «Гармония» проводит большой фестиваль «Аккордеон плюс», который ежегодно проходит в конце марта, а также в течение всего года организует большие концерты с полными залами.

Фото ниже – Юрий Шишкин и Александр Поелуев с разными составами.
Yuri Shishkin and Alexander Poeluev with different groups.


Мун Сон Ю (Moon Song Yue) в драме "Have You In My Life" – Китай

Сон Ю (Мун) – лауреат национальных китайских аккордеонных чемпионатов в эстрадных категориях и студентка последнего курса Шанхайского Педагогического Университета (SHNU), класс профессора Ли Цуна (Li Cong).

Мун сыграет в новой драме под названием "Have You In My life", которая будет исполнена более 38 раз в Шанхайском Народном Большом Театре (Shanghai People Grand Theater) с 7 ноября по 10 января.

В драме Мун появится как актриса и музыкант и сыграет несколько пьес на аккордеоне. Фото выше Ли Силе (Li Sile, слева) и Чэнь Сиань (Chen Xiyan, справа).

Эта драма является адаптацией романа с таким же названием, который был написан известным писателем Чжан Сяосиан (Zhang Xiaoxian) из Гонконга. Пьесу поставил известный режиссер Хе Ниан (He Nian).

Постановочная группа высокого уровня в этой спектакле развивает новую форму пьесы/драмы с целью возбудить и заинтересовать публику.


Чарли Уоткинс (Charlie Watkins – 1923-2014), Лондон – Великобритания

Charlie Watkins
Charlie WatkinsЧарли Уоткинс был одним из самых известных и любимых персонажей на аккордеонной сцене Великобритании, человеком, обладающим многими достоинствами. Основной его деятельностью была аудио-инженерия. Уоткинс был известен на международном уровне благодаря своим усилителям в том числе Watkins Copicat Echo unit, который он изобрел в 1958 году и произвел революцию в музыкальной индустрии по всему миру.

В 1949 году совместно со своими братьями Регом и Сидом Чарли основал компанию ‘Watkins Electric Music’ (WEM), которая разрабатывала и изготовляла электрогитары (например, 'Watkins Rapier Guitar’) и была известна в 1960-х и 1970-х годах своими новаторскими системами PA systems для уличных рок-фестивалей.

Чарли Уоткинс был звукооператором группы ‘Rolling Stones’ на их знаменитом концерте ‘Stones in the Park’ в 1969 году, а также на концертах Боба Дилана и Джими Хендрикса в Гластонбери в 1970 году. Продукция WEM стала широко использоваться такими артистами, как Элтон Джон, Пол Маккартни, Боб Дилан, Род Стюарт, группами ‘Fleetwood Mac’, ‘The Who’, ‘The Byrds’, ‘Pink Floyd’, ‘Rolling Stones’ и многими другими.

В 1980-х годах Чарли Уоткинс прекратил работать с поп-музыкантами и посвятил себя удовлетворению нужд аккордеонистов: разработке и маркетингу спектра усилителей для аккордеона WEM ‘Songbird’ и других продуктов. Усилители WEM ‘Songbird’.

Он также выпустил аккордеоны под своим собственным брендом, продавал аксессуары, издавал свой собственный бесплатный журнал ‘Accordion Today’ («Аккордеон Сегодня»).

Чарли и его жена Джун внесли существенный вклад в благотворительность. Он был филантропом, отчисляя большую часть своего капитала в пользу других.

Чарли Уоткинс, замечательная «личность» с большим чувством юмора, скончался 28 октября 2014 года в возрасте 91 года. У него осталась жена Джун.
Watkins Copicat Echo unit


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Traditional Polish Carols eBook coverGary DahlGary Dahl has released a new eBook titled Traditional Polish Carols which he has arranged in collaboration with Fr. Boleslaw Zadora, advisor. The book contains 28 Polish titles and you can see samples of many pieces at Catalog: DH07-eB

eBook means that the book is emailed to you. Purchase online for only USD$16.50 or Euro equivalent at: DH07-eB

This eBook Traditional Polish Carols is Collection #7 in a series of eBooks by Gary Dahl that have proved to be very popular:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! Collection #1- eBook
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards Collection #2 - eBook
DH03-eB - The American Songbook Collection #3- eBook
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas Collection #4 - eBook
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #5 - eBook
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #6 - eBook
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols Collection #7 - eBook

There is a special for clients wanting to purchase all 7 eBooks at: DH01-07eB

Gary Dahl is widely known as a virtuoso accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator.


Videos: Senior Coupe Mondiale Winners, Round II and III - Austria

Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project
Senior Coupe Mondiale Winners, Round I, published last week.

1st Place: Vitaly Kondratenko (Russia) - Round II Program: V. Semionov, Sonata No. 3

1st Place: Vitaly Kondratenko (Russia) - Round III Program:
D. Shostakovich, Prelude and Fugue E Minor
M. Reger, Toccata
G. Katzer, Toccata
J. Ganzer, Passacaglia
V. Semyonov, Valse Caprice

2nd Place: Laimonas Salijus (Lithuania) Round II Program: S. Gubaidulina Sonata Et Exspecto

2nd Place: Laimonas Salijus (Lithuania) Round III Program:
V. Solotaryov, Sonata No. 3 Mov. 4
D. Shostakovich, Prelude And Fugue E Minor
S. Gubaidulina, Light And Darkness
B. Dowlasz, Postscriptum

3rd Place: Ma Qi (China) Round II Program: A. Kusyakov, Partita

3rd Place: Ma Qi (China) Round III Program:
S. Haapamäki, Power
D. Scarlatti, Sonata G Major
L. Berio, Sequenza Xlll
G. Hermosa, Zhengzai
A. Beloshitsky, Suite No. 3 Movs. 1, 5, 7
Senior Coupe Mondiale Winners, Round I was published last week.

Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project is sponsored by Pigini srl, with the assistance of Accordions Worldwide and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).


Midlands Accordion Festival, Dudley – UK

Midlands Accordion Festival posterThe second Midlands Accordion Festival took place from November 7th/9th at The Quality Hotel, Dudley, Birmingham, and was voted a huge success by its attendees. This was a non-stop feast of accordion music in different styles, enjoyed by all who attended.

The guests included:
Jovan Rnjak – popular standards on accordion and vocals,
Helen Rich – mainly accordion classics by the likes of Frosini, the Deiro brothers, Graham Romani, Frank Marocco, etc,
Sarah Chant – Country & Western songs on midi accordion,
Alan Young – jazz and swing on accordion and piano,
Roy Hendrie – accordion in the Scottish style, Malachy Cairns – Irish songs and tunes on the Elkavox 83,
Harry Hussey – jazz and popular requests on accordion,
Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton – classical music duets on accordion,
Rosemary Wright – many styles on accordion, and
The Master Butchers Band, featuring Barry Smith on accordion – manic fun music that brought the festival to a crescendo on the last night.

There was also a brilliant impromptu performance from David Lukins on the last day during a hiatus in the afternoon workshops concert.

The well attended workshops were Elementary Band (MD Rosemary Wright), Vintage Band (Adrienne Griffiths), and Scottish Band (Angie Lukins), culminating in concert performances on the last day.

The trade show included The Birmingham Accordion Centre, Limex Midi Systems (Roy Hendrie), Robaccord Publications, Accordina (Alan Shute), and Accordion World (Karina Fodden).

For further information email: accordions2010@hotmail.co.uk


Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow 2014 Tour - Switzerland

Timbre Russian Accordion Group
From 30th October to 7th November, the Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow made four very successful concerts in Switzerland:
- Tramelan
- Yverdon-les bains
- Zug
- Privat

For more than 20 years, we have organised concert tours with the Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow to different parts of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Each tour has been a big success.

The instruments are individually made to have distinctive sounds akin to orchestral instruments. For 2014, the musicians of the ensemble were:
Viacheslav Kuzminskiy, French horn (Director of the group),
Viacheslav Stoma, Clarinet,
Pasha Zaitsev, Oboe,
Alexey Kochurov, Bayan Accordion,
Maksim Tkachev, Tuba / Bass.
For the Zug concert, there was also a soloist, Jonas Iten (cello, picture left) from Switzerland.

Picture lower left: Pavel Zaitsev, Martin Frey, Viacheslav Kuzminski and Irene Niederberger.

The 2014 music program was played with the superb musical precision, audiences in East and Western Europe have long associated with the Timbre Russian ensemble and at every concert, the group received a standing ovation.
Concert program included:
- J.S. Bach, Matthäus Passion. 47, Aria "Erbarme, dich, mein Gott"
- J.S. Bach, Siciliana
- D. Rossini, L.'inqano felice
- D. Rossini, Kavatina Figaro
- F. Chopin, Nocturne cis-moll
- A. Joice, Waltz "Autumn Dream"
- V. Gavrilin, Tarantella from ballet "Anyuta"
- A. Khachaturjan, Lezginka from ballet "Gajane"
- N. Kanajev, Russian Songs
- P. Tschaikovski, Rokoko (with cello soloist)
- S. Rachmaninov, Vacalise (with Cello soloist)
- G. Rodriges, La Cumparsita
- L. Braginskiy, Caravan
- M. Pankin Korobejniki
- V. Fendrikov, Dark eyes
- E. Rokhlin, In the evening
- A. Piazzolla, Libertango (with Cello soloist)
- A. Rodigin, Ural Riabinushka
- J. Marx, All of me

The concert in Zug was very special. The ensemble played with the cello soloist Jonas Iten and the full concert is sound/video recorded.

Attending the Zub concert was Ilgis Yanbuchtim, Director of the “Moscow Symphonic Association” who was extremely pleased with the success of the concert.

A major support was the use of Patricia Draeger, Sergei Simbirev and Claude Alain Antonelli (Club des Cents). All of them were also hosts for the group. The organization of the tour and also hosts and tour organizers, were Irene Niederberger and Martin Frey.


Videos: Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Austria

1st Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Jean Baptiste Baudin (France) Round I program:
J. Richard Grain de fantaisie
D. Ellington Take the "A" Train

1st Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Jean Baptiste Baudin (France) Round II program:
G. Veit, Souvenir de ...
R. Galliano, Opale Concerto

2nd Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russian) Round I program:
J. Strachey, Arr. N. Ovchinnikov. These Foolish Things
R. Ruggieri, Arr. A. Shirunov, Carneval

2nd Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russian) Round II program:
K. Dorham, Arr. E. Akhanov, Blue Bossa
A. Noël, Notes Vagabondes

3rd Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy) Round I program:
R. Ruggieri, Roma Tango
J. Frade, Coco Mazurka

3rd Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy) Round II program:
R. Ruggieri, Acquarelli Italiani
P. Umiliani, arr. R.Ruggieri, Mahna Mahna
Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project is sponsored by Pigini srl, with the assistance of Accordions Worldwide and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).


João Gentil CD Release in December, Buenos Aires - Argentina

João Gentil‘ConLatinidade’ is inspired by the travels of the Portuguese musician and accordionist João Gentil, especially in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Italy and France. This debut album expresses Latin aromas and flavours through the sounds of the accordion, as well as the acordina. These are accompanied by a group violin, piano, bass, and Portuguese guitar players, as well as other guests, such as the voices of Luanda Cozetti, Viviane, Rita Marques, Selma Uamusse, JP Simoes recorded on the album. We can also expect to hear João Gentil’s own voice in this work.

This is a unique and outstanding musical selection; a true and moving musical journey conceived and written in Buenos Aires, Argentina and directed and interpreted by João Gentil itself.

The whole album was recorded and pre-produced by João Gentil in Buenos Aires during his several stays in the Argentine capital. The post-production stage and remaining recordings were finalized in Coimbra - Portugal.

In this work we can also enjoy the presence of the Portuguese Fado guitar in Piazolla’s tango- a true marriage between Tango and Fado, between Argentina and Portugal.

The CD available next December on iTunes or by order to email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Video: Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchestra Perform Vivaldi Four Seasons of Tango - Russia

Юрий Медяник, #ВивальдиВременаТанго


Video: Karlsson Band new CD Single "Shaggae" - Sweden

Published on Nov 10, 2014 is the music video of the new CD-single "Shaggae" by the accordion-based folkrock group Lars Karlsson Band from Sweden. Enjoy.


Video: Ali & Cengiz Oyunu / Akordeon - Garmon Living Room

Ali & Cengiz Oyunu / Akordeon - Garmon Living Room
Published on Jun 11, 2013
BDT ORGANIZASYON Tanitim Görselleri
Cengiz Berkün ve Aziz Ali Elyagutu


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Activities in Japan in November 2000

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 10th 2000 included three short articles about accordion performances in various cities in Japan.

News from Japan

On November 3rd the Celtic band ‘Caledonia’ (Tokyo), which features accordionist Jim Ediger, performed at the ‘Hiroshima Prefectural Culture Festival’ in Hiroshima. The audience enjoyed their program of traditional Irish and Scottish tunes which were played on the violin, accordion, bag-pipes, uillean-pipes, guitar, and tin whistles.

Accordionist Hisaji Sugimura will perform at the annual ‘Kansai Tango Festival 2000’ in Meruparuku, Osaka on November 14th. The concert is titled ‘Cumparsita Night’.

Popular group ‘Swap’, which includes accordionist Karen Tweed, will tour Japan from November 15th to 26th. The quartet will play concerts in Tenri, Hyogo Takarazuka, Hyogo Kobe, Mie Matsusaka, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, with a final concert titled ‘Tribute To The Love Generation’ in Tokyo.


Будущие события

Jacques & Corinne Pellarin Tour, England – UK

Jacques & Corinne Pellarin
Virtuoso accordionist Jacques Pellarin has brought the sounds of the French countryside to all corners of the globe. With international song placements, 8 albums and many world tours, he has shared his French cinema-inspired accordion compositions with world-wide audiences. At present he is touring England with his wife and vocalist Corinne Pellarin, as the duo Jac & Co, inspiring audiences with the eternal sounds of France. With only voice and accordion, Jac & Co captivate audiences and transport them to the dance-halls and street side cafés of France’s yesteryear.

Tour dates:
November 14th - Bristol Alliance Francaise/Hen & Chicken Pub
November 15th - Wilbraham Carpenter's Arms restaurant
November 20th - Witham Crofters Wine Bar
November 21st - The Globe Inn (by the sea), Wells


Accordion and Violin Duo Peter DiBono and Harriet Newhart

Accordion and Violin Duo Peter DiBono and Harriet NewhartThe San Francisco Accordion Club presents accordionist Peter DiBono and violinist Harriet Newhart in concert on Sunday November 16th, 2pm, at the Oyster Point Yacht Club, 911 Marina Blvd, South San Francisco.

Peter DiBono has played accordion for many years, and his varied audiences have included presidents, royalty, Supreme Court Justices, Hollywood actors and opera stars.

Harriet Newhart along with her husband Byrne, has been entertaining national and international audiences with their thirteen piece strolling orchestra, the San Francisco Starlite Strings, featuring the musical treasures of the American Song Book, Viennese Waltzes and Continental favorites

For further information: info@sfaccordionclub.com


Video: Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland

Motion Trio
Video: Motion Trio perform Carrousel, Published on Oct 8, 2014

The amazing Motion Trio perform in concert at the Opera Krakowska, ul. Lubicz 48, 31-512 Krakow, on Monday November 17th, 7pm.

Formed in 1996, the highly successful Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. They continually explore the new possibilities of the accordion in their performances and recordings, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

The group has worked with such artists as Bobby McFerrin and Michal Urbaniak, and won such prizes as the grand prix 4th Edition of the Krzysztof Penderecki International Contemporary Chamber Music Competition.


Slavic Soul Party! Performance, New York City – USA

Slavic Soul Party
Slavic Soul Party! perform their version of the ‘Far East Suite’ by Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn on November 20th and 21st at the Park Slope bar Barbès in New York City. There will be 4 shows, at 8pm and 10pm on both evenings. The sets will be recorded for a live album. Only 45 tickets are available for each show, costing $12 per ticket.

Slavic Soul Party is an American Balkan brass/jazz band, based in Brooklyn, NY. Their music includes gypsy music, klezmer, funk, and New Orleans jazz influences.

SSP! includes Ben Holmes and John Carlson (trumpet), Oscar Noriega (sax/clarinet), Jacob Garchik and Brian Drye (trombone), Ron Caswell (tuba), Peter Stan (accordion), and Matt Moran (bubanj/snare/darabouka).

For further information: info@slavicsoulparty.com


John Morgan @ Tynedale Accordion & Fiddle Club, Northumberland – UK

John MorganThe versatile Scottish accordionist John Morgan, from Falkirk, is the guest at Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club on Thursday November 20th, 7.30pm until 11pm. £4 admission; players admitted free. The venue is Hexham Ex-Servicemens Club, I Hallstile Bank, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 3PQ.

John Morgan’s extensive repertoire ranges from Glenn Miller to Johann Straus to Riverdance.


Video: DuetTango, Cesare Chiacchiaretta and Filippo Arlia Tour to New Zealand

DuetTango of Cesare Chiacchiaretta (bandoneon) and Filippo Arlia (piano) are performing in Auckland, New Zealand.

Cesare Chiacchiaretta is a highly regarded bandoneon tango performer and has traveled extensively performing including to Beijing, Moscow and much of Europe.

Cesare Chiacchiaretta is also the accordion tutor at the Conservatory of Music - Music Institute of Higher Education "Arrigo Boito" in Parma, Italy.

28 Novembre 2014 8:30pm - Performing Arts Centre of Massey High School, Auckland

30 Novembre 2014 6-8 pm - St Heliers Community Centre, Auckland.
Adults: $20 @ door or eventfinder http://www.eventfinder.co.nz/2014/bandoneon-and-piano-concerto/auckland/st-heliers
Children and music students of the St Heliers Music Centre: free

Bacalov – Il Postino
Gardel – Por una cabeza
Piazzolla – Vuelvo al sur
Jeanne y Paul
Primavera Porteña
La muerte del Angel
Adios Nonino
Milonga del Angel

Masterclass: Saturday 29th November 2014 Master class program for bandoneon and/or accordion at midday.

For more information email flaviovillaninz@gmail.com


Accordion Orchestra Wesseling Concert, Druck - Germany

Accordion Orchestra Wesseling
The Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling perform in concert, "Love Is In The World", on Saturday November 22nd, 7pm, at the parish hall of St. Germanus, Druck, Germany.


Alexian Santino Spinelli Master Class, Pisa - Italy

Alexian Santino Spinelli Master Class posterAlexian Santino Spinelli holds an accordion techniques master class on Saturday November 22nd Circolo Agora, Via Bovio 48/50, Pisa.

Alexian Santino Spinelli, from Lanciano, studied at the Bologna University. He is a distinguished accordion soloist, and has performed concerts for both Pope Francis and his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican.


CD Отзывы

Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian

Tango Dreams CD cover by Alexander SevastianCD Reviews Index for the Review of Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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