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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Mar-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Международная выставка ‘Musikmesse 2014’, Франкфурт – Германия
52 музыкальный фестиваль ‘New England’, 4-6 апреля – США
Александар Коловски (Aleksandar Kolovski) стал обладателем премии «Молодой музыкант» – Македония
Летние аккордеонные курсы, Шотландия – Великобритания
Европейский тур ансамбля ‘Beltango’ – Германия, Франция, Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Richard Galliano at Festival Jazz à Porquerolles - France
Gorka Hermosa New CD 'Heterodoxia' - Spain
Petar Maric’s Concert Tours - USA and Poland
Video: Lars Karlsson & Øivind Farmen: "Annas visa"
RAM Students Accompany ‘Pinocchio’, March Concert – UK
Zoltan Orosz CD 'Contrasts', Budapest – Hungary
Zevy Zions Donates Galla-Rini Recordings to Frosini Society Archive – Sweden
Video: Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs Symphonic Sevdah Dreams - Netherlands
Video: Ambiance Accordeon - France
Video: Tuur Flirzoone and Didier Laloy - Belgium
‘14 Years Ago’: Gary Dahl Publications Contracted in March 2000

Будущие события

Paulo Jorge Ferreira in Beethoven Event, Saint Quentin En Yvelines – France
TDA ‘Alive and Squeezing Tour 2014’, California, Oregon – USA
Roland 15th Semi-Annual V-Accordion Event, April 13th, Massachusetts - USA
David Munnelly Gigs – Belgium, Netherlands
Pietro Roffi Tour to Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing – China
CNIMA J.Mornet Seminars and Updated Website - France
Kilfenora Ceili Band St Patrick’s Day Gigs, Cork – Republic of Ireland
Joâo Gentil Concert, Figuera Da Foz - Portugal
Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil - Germany
Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy
Igor Outkine Entertains @ Hither Green Cinema, London - UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Douglas Ward Site, Charnwood Publishing - UK
Renzo Ruggieri Publishes Virtuoso Entertainment Composition - Italy
Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy
MusicForAccordion.com Recordings Advertising Page

CD Отзывы

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Особенности Highlights

Международная выставка ‘Musikmesse 2014’, Франкфурт – Германия

Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2014_Accordion_Live_Report – репортаж с места событий: впечатления от выставки.


52 музыкальный фестиваль ‘New England’, 4-6 апреля – США

Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) banner
Peggy Falcetti, ATAM logoАссоциация Преподавателей Аккордеона Массачусетса (Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts – ATAM) станет спонсором 52 музыкального конкурса-фестиваля, который состоится 4-6 апреля 2014 года в помещении отеля ‘Boston Newton Marriot’, Ньютон, Массачусетс.

Председатель Пегги Фальцетти (Peggy Falcetti – фото слева) утверждает, что в этом году фестиваль обещает стать таким же крупным мероприятием, как в последние годы, с участием более 700 конкурсантов.

Президент фестиваля Йоханна Льюис (Johanna Lewis) рада анонсировать специальное выступление участницы «Кубка мира 2013» от США Рэйчел Куайрбах (Rachel Quirbach), которое состоится в воскресенье днем.

Во время фестиваля конкурсанты в возрасте до 22 лет примут участие в аккордеонной, гитарной, бас-гитарной, ударной (барабаны и перкуссия), фортепианной, скрипичной и вокальной номинациях в сольных и ансамблевых категориях. Внеконкурсные категории также включают сольные и ансамблевые выступления. В рамках фестиваля найдутся подходящие категории и любого уровня подготовки и опыта. Участники должны быть студентами преподавателей Ассоциации.

В пятницу вечером и в воскресенье свыше 20 групп примут участие в «Битве ансамблей» в бальном зале отеля. Сольные прослушивания пройдут в пятницу вечером. Банкет в честь победителей состоится в субботу вечером с участием более чем 500 человек. Призовой фонд более $ 4000 наличными.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт ATAM: Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts (ATAM)


Александар Коловски (Aleksandar Kolovski) стал обладателем премии «Молодой музыкант» – Македония

Aleksandar Kolovski Awarded Young Music Artist presentation
Македонский аккордеонист Александар Коловски, лауреат нескольких международных конкурсов, выиграл премию «Виртуоз» в номинации «Молодой музыкант» на церемонии, которая состоялась на прошлой неделе при полном зале в Национальном Македонском Театре (фото выше).

В общей сложности были вручены девять наград премии «Виртуоз» в области академической музыки. Эти награды созданы для признания успехов македонских артистов и музыкальных учреждений за прошедший год.

«Виртуоз» была создана в прошлом году по инициативе Министерства культуры, ассоциации македонских композиторов – SOKOM, македонской филармонии и Македонского Театра Оперы и Балета.

Кроме того Александр Коловски получил награду «Человек года 2013» по версии газеты ‘Nova Makedonija’ (фото ниже).

Десять номинантов из числа самых известных лиц и организаций Македонии 2013 года получили награду «Человек года» в соответствии с выбором редакции газеты ‘Nova Makedonija’. Награда учреждена в 2012 году и спонсируется этой старейшей газетой в стране.

Победители получили дипломы и статуэтки в виде павлинов за заслуги в различных сферах общественной жизни в 2013 году и способствование утверждения авторитета Республики Македония.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: akolovski@yahoo.com
Aleksandar Kolovski  'Person of the Year’ presentation


Летние аккордеонные курсы, Шотландия – Великобритания

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland logoDjordje GajicКоролевская Консерватория Шотландии в Глазго приглашает исполнителей в возрасте от 12 до 17 лет на летние аккордеонные курсы, которые пройдут с 4 по 8 августа 2014 года. Преподаватель курсов Джордже Гажич (Djordje Gajic – фото справа). Стоимость составляет £225, срок подачи заявок до 7 июля.

Этот пятидневный аккордеонный курс дает студентам возможность поработать с преподавателями Королевской Консерватории и специальной музыкальной школы St Mary's. Студенты получат индивидуальные уроки, а также возможность поиграть в ансамблях и выступить на публике.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: shortcourses@rcs.ac.uk


Европейский тур ансамбля ‘Beltango’ – Германия, Франция, Италия

Lille posterВидео выше: квинтет “Beltango” исполняет ‘El Lloron’ вместе с танцорами Анхель Кориа и Клаудия Сортино (Angel Coria & Claudia Sortino). Опубликовано 11 февраля 2014 года, снято 1 ноября 2013 года на X Белградском Фестивале Танго в концертном зале Kolarac, Белград, Сербия.

Даты концертных выступлений квинтета:
15 марта – Лилль, Франция
24-27 апреля – Палермо, Италия
29 апреля – Штутгарт, Германия
30 апреля – Бремен, Германия
1 мая – Бонн, Германия
2 мая – Билефельд, Германия
3 мая – Штутгарт, Германия
23 мая – Бремен, Германия
24-25 мая – Старсбург, Франция
30 мая – Лейпциг, Германия
31 мая – Фленсбург, Германия

Состав ансамбля ‘Beltango Quintet’: Александар Николич (Aleksandar Nikolic – бандонеон, баян), Ивана Николич ( Ivana Nikolic – фортепиано, вокал), Йован Богославлевич (Jovan Bogosavljevic – скрипка), Богдан Пежич (Bogdan Pejic – электрогитара), Любинко Лазич (Ljubinko Lazic – контрабас).

В онлайн магазине доступен тройной CD ансамбля.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Richard Galliano at Festival Jazz à Porquerolles - France

A full 66 minute concert by Richard Galliano at the Festival Jazz à Porquerolles, filmed on the 31st July 2013 for Arte Concert, a very large website with many concerts, videos, interviews, magazines, web productions and DVD's at:

Search 'accordeon' to see many other accordion related videos. The site is in French, German and English.


Gorka Hermosa New CD 'Heterodoxia' - Spain

Heterodoxia CD cover, Gorka HermosaComposer, teacher, performer and historian Gorka Hermosa writes: "Using the pretext of the 25th anniversary from my first concert, I have managed to gather recordings that could not be included in my previous CDs, which so far had gone either unreleased or released as scattered loose themes in different CDs.

In this CD some of the musicians who I have great fun with in the last 25 years take part:
• Reciter: Raquel Martín
• Cantaor (flamenco singer): Miguel “El Picuo”
• Clarinet: Josep Sancho
• Bass clarinet: Chema Gª Portela
• Hurdy gurdy: Germán Díaz
• Violoncello: Esther Moratilla
• Harpsichord: Silvia Márquez
• Guitar: Jesús Prieto "Pitti"
• Flamenco guitar: Jose Luis Monton
• Electric bass: Chuchi Marcos
• double bass: Baldo Martínez
• Txalaparta (basque percussion instrument): Buli Dominguez & Jokin Calvo “ZSK”
• Percussion: Jorge Tejerina, Odei Lizaso, José Luis Montón
• Drums: Diego Martín"

The Heterodoxia CD is available at: http://www.musikaze.com
Hermosa sheet music is available online at: Gorka Hermosa

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Petar Maric’s Concert Tours - USA and Poland

Petar MaricPetar Maric (Coupe Mondiale, Trophée Mondial, Klingenthal and Castelfidardo competitions winner) has just completed his USA tour, performing 17 concerts on the East Coast at: Easton, New York, Washington DC, Cumberland, Richmond, Prince George, Salisbury, Annapolis, Baltimore, Reading, Hamburg, Milltone, Elizabethtown, and Hopewell.

The concerts made a big impression and he will return to the USA and Canada in August and September for a longer two months tour.

Video above: Petar Maric & DJ B.k.o. (Cedomir Miljkovic-DJ and Music Producer), playing minimix of popular songs. This combination of digital accordion and DJ was made 100% live.
Following the USA tour, Petar Maric went to Wagrowiec, Poland, for a concert that attracted a full attendance. He will then perform concerts in Nuremberg, Germany, from March 24th to 27th, and in Portugal with 7 concerts from March 28th to April 8th.
Petar is also proud to release his latest CD of electronic music, made to promote the accordion to audiences of all ages. 

For further information email: maestromaric@gmail.com


Video: Lars Karlsson & Øivind Farmen: "Annas visa"

Published on Mar 8, 2014. Music video of the song "Annas visa", composed by Leif Göras and performed by Lars Karlsson (Sweden) & Øivind Farmen (Norway). This video was filmed in October 2013 at Tjolöholm Castle in Fjärås, near Gothenburg in Sweden. Filmed and edited by Mikael Säwström.


RAM Students Accompany ‘Pinocchio’, March Concert – UK

Royal Academy of Music accordion logo
Royal Academy of Music accordion students Ilona Suomalainen and Katariina Ahjoniemi played in four sell-out performances on March 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th of the Guildhall Opera department's production of Jonathan Dove and Alasdair Middleton's ‘The Adventures of Pinocchio’. It was one of Guildhall's largest and most ambitious projects in recent years.

On Tuesday 25th March at 7.30 pm David Josefowitz Recital Hall, RAM, Academy accordionists will perform a varied program in collaboration with the string and guitar departments. Tickets £7.50 (concessions £5.50) from the Academy’s Box Office:
Tel: 020 7873 7300

The program will include:
Timothy Bowers – Three Paganini Fantasies
Vaclav Trojan – The Emperor’s Nightingale
Locatelli - Sonata
Piazzolla – Le Grand Tango
Gubaidulina – In Croce
Schnittke – Suite in the Olden Style

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


Zoltan Orosz CD 'Contrasts', Budapest – Hungary

Contrasts CD CoverZoltan OroszAfter an absence from the recording studio, a CD, ‘Contrasts' is available online at: Zoltan Orosz

Track list: ‘Boite a Frissons’; ‘The Jolly Caballero’; ‘Carioca’; ‘Czardas Variations’; ‘Autumn Leaves’; ‘C'est Magnifique’ – swing; Marta: ‘Radino’; A.Piazzolla: ‘Oblivion’; .A.Mozart: ‘Turkish March’; J.Strauss: ‘Tritsch-Tratsch’ polka; Presser/Dzinovic: ‘Csak játék’/‘Jesul dunje procvale’; A.Piazzolla: ‘Libertango’

The CD has continuity with a previous album, named 'Thousand Faced Accordion', featuring well known tunes played on the accordion in a virtuoso performance.

However there are such musical styles present on the new release that have not been present on any of the artist's previous albums. Zoltan Orosz has dedicated his career to introduce the fantastic opportunities of this interesting instrument to as wide audience as possible.

He aims to present the shades, dynamics and passion that are the characteristics of both the instrument and the musician. Thus, on the new album there is a wide and colourful variety of songs ranging from French accordion music through Argentinean tango to South-Slavic folk music, and from swing to rearranged classical pieces.

'Contrasts' was recorded in one of the best Hungarian studios, Tom-tom Studio, with the contribution of Attila Kölcsényi as engineer and the guitarist Zoltan Sipeki as music director.

Besides the accordionist's own group the album features such excellent and internationally acclaimed musicians such as the legendary jazz drummer Ferenc Szabó; Béla Lattmann, the head of bass guitar faculty at the Ferenc Liszt Music Academy; guitarist Antal Kovács; and the Kossuth award holder Kornél Horváth, percussionist.

‘Contrasts' CD available online at: Zoltan Orosz


Zevy Zions Donates Galla-Rini Recordings to Frosini Society Archive – Sweden

Zevy ZionsLars Ek, from the Frosini Society, announces that 12 unique recordings by Anthony Galla-Rini are now in the music archive, and more is to come. These are:

1) Blue Danube waltz, 2) Blue Danube (second version), 3) Bolero, from Sicilian Vespers, 4) Ciribiribin, 5) Ciribiribin (second version), 6) Dan Les Trers, 7) Dan Les Tres-Vela (second version), 8) Dancing Shadows, 9) Down South, 10) El Relicario, 11) El Sonsito, 12) El Sonsito (second version)

Thanks to performer and arranger Zevy Zions (picture left) of New York, who so generously sent all these Galla-Rini recordings to the Frosini Society.

For further information email: lars@frosinisociety.org


Video: Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs Symphonic Sevdah Dreams - Netherlands

'Black Orpheus' CD coverPublished on Mar 8, 2014, Nihad Hrustanbegovic live in concert, De Baliem, Amsterdam, recorded March 1, 2014. Scars and dreams, Bosnia 20 years after the war, Symphonic Sevdah Dreams.

Read the CD Review by Joan Sommers of the 'Black Orpheus' CD by Hrustanbegovic. http://www.accordions.com/reviews/cd_13_12_17.aspx

Opus 7 'The Cross-over' CD available online at: Nihad Hrustanbegovic


Video: Ambiance Accordeon - France

Emission Atmosphere Accordion No. 19 with guest: Manu Maugain, published on Mar 11, 2014. There are currently 26 videos at émissions ambiance accordeon: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIYRDKbnlaoXjk92FCWg1aw


Video: Tuur Flirzoone and Didier Laloy - Belgium

Tuur Flirzoone and Didier Laloy appeltuinjazz. Tuur Flirzoone (composer and accordionist) of Louvain, Belgium and Didier Laloy (diatonic accordion) also of Belgium perform together.


‘14 Years Ago’: Gary Dahl Publications Contracted in March 2000

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 17th 2000 included an announcement that accordionist Gary Dahl had been contracted by Mel Bay to produce a further 15 music books plus CDs. This demonstrated the confidence of the publisher in Gary Dahl to keep the flag flying for quality accordion publications in the USA and internationally. It is good to note that Gary Dahl books continue to be popular with accordionists everywhere.

Accordionist to Write 15 New Books – USA

Accordionist Gary Dahl has been signed (by Mel Bay and Santorella Publishing) to write and record 15 new books. This is excellent news for accordionists, who will enjoy this substantial amount of new repertoire. Unlike "listening only" CDs, the accordionist now has the opportunity to "hear" the written arrangements, thus facilitating the learning and inspiration process.

Other books arranged by Gary's Dahl are enjoying popular success with the Mel Bay Jazz Accordion Solos Book with CD now in its 3rd printing, the French Tango Book with CD will be in the 3rd printing by the summer of 2000 and the Clifton Chenier King of Zydeco Book with CD will be ready for 2nd printing this year.

New Mel Bay titles by Gary Dahl to be released during 2000 include ‘15 Tex Mex Conjunto Classics’, ‘Chord Melody Method for Accordion’, ‘Italian Music for Accordion’, and ‘15 Louisiana Cajun Classics’.


Будущие события

Paulo Jorge Ferreira in Beethoven Event, Saint Quentin En Yvelines – France

Paulo Jorge FerreiraPortuguese accordionist Paulo Jorge Ferreira is a guest musician in an orchestral concert (MD Peter Rundel) featuring an interpretation of ‘33 Variations of 33 Variations’, by Hans Zender. The concert takes place on Friday March 14th, 8.30pm, at Theatre/Scene Nationale de Saint Quentin En Yvelines, France.
When Beethoven, nearing the end of his life, composed that legendary piano work, the ‘Diabelli Variations’, he revisited music history from the Baroque to the Classicism, and challenged audiences of his era, anticipating many of the features that would feature in Romanticism.

When Hans Zender undertook the orchestration of these thirty three Variations, he added to his interpretative task two more centuries of music. The result emerges in the form of ‘33 Variations on 33 Variations on a theme of Diabelli’, which fluctuates between an intimate kinship to the original and a detachment and which surprisingly stimulates the soundtrack of Beethoven's universe.

For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com


TDA ‘Alive and Squeezing Tour 2014’, California, Oregon – USA

Those Darn Accordions
‘Those Darn Accordions’ and ‘The Mad Maggies’ are joining forces for a 7 date tour in northern Californis and Oregon, for what is promised to be “a whole lot of accordion madness”. The dates are:

March 14th, 8pm – The Palms Playhouse, Winters, California
March 15th, 8pm – Rancho Nicasio, Nicasio, California
March 19th, 9pm – Sam Bond’s Garage, Eugene, Oregon
March 20th – Cloud and Kelly’s Public House, Corvalis, Oregon
March 21st, 8pm – Alberta Street Pub, Portland, Oregon
March 22nd, 8pm – Astoria Event Center, Astoria, Oregon

For further information email: tda@thosedarnaccordions.com
The Mad Maggies


Roland 15th Semi-Annual V-Accordion Event, April 13th, Massachusetts - USA

US V-Accordion Orchestra
Sam FalcettiOn Sunday afternoon, April 13, 2014, the Roland 15th semi-annual workshop and performance event will take place at Falcetti Music, Springfield, Mass from 2-4 pm.

The workshop topic will be on “How to more effectively control bellows & keyboard velocity for maximum expression on orchestral sounds (treble keyboard)”.

Also included will be instruction on the left hand bass and chord controls for both orchestral and percussion sounds.

Using these features correctly adds passion and musicianship to your playing.

The New England V-Accordion Orchestra, organized and conducted by Sam Falcetti (picture right), was recently featured in the German accordionists' magazine, "Akkordeon" with a two page spread about the Orchestra.

Above is a video of the orchestra performing in 2013. Other videos are online - search “Roland Digital Accordion Orchestra”.

Be sure to set aside April 13th for an exciting workshop and performance event. Refreshments will be served.

For further information email: Peggyf1944@gmail.com


David Munnelly Gigs – Belgium, Netherlands

David MunnellyMarch 14th - Emblem Folk Club, Emblem, Belgium
March 15th - Eist a Stoir Folk, Surfpad 50, Vlaardingen, Netherlands
March 20th - Koffie en Theeschenkerij Vlagheide, Vlagheide 5, 5482NM Schijndel, NL
April 13th - Culturele Stichting Niedorp, Winkle, NL

Diatonic accordionist David Munnelly, from Belmullet, a small town by the sea in County Mayo, Ireland, now lives in Utrecht, Netherlands. He is known for his colourful playing style, with bold bass fingerings, complex arrangements and his modern compositions. This unique style led David into becoming a member of the Loose Connections. As his reputation grew in Irish traditional music circles David quickly found himself recording and touring with some of the greatest Irish bands and musicians of recent times, including The Chieftains, De Danann, Gerry O Connor, Arty McGlynn, and Sharon Shannon.

David formed the David Munnelly Band in1999 and began a 13 year journey with his own band touring Europe, America and Japan and recording four critically acclaimed CDs.

Recently David has expanded his repertoire to mainland Europe where he is currently working on several new projects. Along with other European accordionists, David currently performs with the ‘Accordion Samurai’, whose debut CD has won numerous high-profile awards. Additionally, David recently released a duo CD with Irish accordionist Mick Conneely in 2012.


Pietro Roffi Tour to Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing – China

Pietro RoffiItalian accordionist Pietro Roffi is making a concert tour in China. The four recitals, organized by the Italian Culture Institutes of Beijing and Shanghai, will take place in:

March 28th, 6.30pm - 751 D-Park, Beijing
March 29th, 8pm - Western Shore Art Salon, Tianjin
March 30th, 7pm - Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing
April 2nd, 7pm - Italian Cultural Institute, Beijing

Pietro Roffi will perform music from the Baroque period to original works.

In May he will perform as soloist with the Tivoli Philarmonic Orchestra.

For further information email: pietro.roffi@alice.it


CNIMA J.Mornet Seminars and Updated Website - France

Ludovic Beier at CNIMA J.Mornet. A place still remains. "The Secrets of gypsy swing and jazz" course open to all instruments, from 31 March to 4 April 2014. Further information at: CNIMA J.Mornet

From April 11th to 13th, 2014, Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix host a master class at the ESAT du Vieux Bourg Châteaulin. Three days to discover (or deepen) and learn from the globally recognized CNIMA educational system. Information and registration at 02 98 16 10 97 or at: CNIMA J.Mornet

The CNIMA J.Mornet website has been updated with videos of students performances at international competitions and concerts during the last two years. Video above is Loriane Legros, a student of CNIMA who plays Remembrance ... G. Weit. She placed 3rd at the 2013 Klingenthal international accordion competitions.


Kilfenora Ceili Band St Patrick’s Day Gigs, Cork – Republic of Ireland

Kilfenora Ceili Band
The Kilfenora Ceili Band play for a ceili on Sunday March 16th, 9pm, at The Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Kildare, in a St Patrick’s Day event that is part of the annual Clane Festival.

On Monday March 17th, 8pm, the Kilfenora Ceili Band perform a St Patrick’s Day concert at Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork.

Founded in County Clare in 1909, the Kilfenora are Ireland’s longest established ceili band.
The current line-up is John Lynch (leader) – banjo, accordion - Claire Griffin, Tim Collins – concertina, flutes - Anthony Quigney, Garry Shannon, fiddles – Anne-Marie McCormack, Anne Rynne, Eimear Howley, Sinead Heagney, piano - Fintan McMahon, drums - Sean Griffin.

For further information email: johnlynch1955@gmail.com


Joâo Gentil Concert, Figuera Da Foz - Portugal

Joâo GentilAccordionist Joâo Gentil performs in concert at Quebra Costas, Coimbra, Portugal, on Friday March 21st, 11pm.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil - Germany

Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil have their next concert in a disused cinema theatre in Tiengen. Great website graphics by Uli Ebner who was recently honored for his 20-year tenure as club Chairman and particularly for his promotion of the club in the community.


Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy

Gianni MirizziAccordionist Gianni Mirizzi is in concert on Saturday March 29th, 9pm, at GP2, via del Grottino, Rome.

Gianni Mirizzi, taught by Giancarlo Caporilli, has performed in Germany, Greece, Croatia, and the UK. His repertoire includes musette, swing, jazz, blues, classical, and Latin American, and he has also composed within these genres.


Igor Outkine Entertains @ Hither Green Cinema, London - UK

Igor OutkineRussian midi-accordionist and singer Igor Outkine entertains on Saturday March 29th, doors open 7pm, at Hither Green Cinema, St Swithin’s Hall, Hither Green?, London SE13 6RW, with music from his extensive repertoire of Russian, Gypsy, Balkan, Argentine, Italian, Tango, Classical, Opera, Hot Club Jazz, Latin, film music, International Pop and Rock and original music. Tickets: £8 on the door.

“Igor Outkine is a sort of Russian Rick Wakeman of the button accordion, switches from a conventional instrument to a midi accordion – a veritable Tardis of an instrument, much more than it appears, from which he coaxes everything from guitar tones and saxophone solos to a James Brown back-up band” - The Scotsman.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Douglas Ward Site, Charnwood Publishing - UK

Douglas WardA new site for Douglas Ward listing over 70 compositions and arrangement of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


Renzo Ruggieri Publishes Virtuoso Entertainment Composition - Italy

catalog: rrenzo504, 'Carnevale'
Carnevale by Renzo Ruggieri can now be purchased online. This virtuoso entertainment composition by Renzo Ruggieri is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy

Renzo Ruggiericatalog: rrenzo503, 'Tango Italiano'
This newly available virtuoso solo arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri can now be purchased online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Video above is Renzo performing the same work with his group. This is NOT the solo arrangement.


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CD Отзывы

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minorCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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