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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Sep-2013
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Особенности Highlights

38th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy
63 международный конкурс Всемирной Конфедерации Аккордеона (CMA) «Трофей мира», Самара – Россия
150 лет аккордеонного производства в картинках – Италия
Гастроли и мероприятия Романо Вьяццани (Romano Viazzani) в сентябре – Великобритания и Италия
Бесплатная электронная книга ‘Accordion4Composers’ («Аккордеон для композиторов»), автор Лука Пьовезан (Luca Piovesan) – Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic New CD ‘Black Orpheus’, Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Video: The Show "The Solitary Pleasures" by Chloe Lacan - France
25th Anniversary of First Accordion Orchestra Tour to China - New Zealand
Video: Victor Derenboim New Accordion Orchestra Concert - Israel
Amy June Hatfield, 1965 to 2013 - USA
Video: King Of Copenhagen by the Mahones - Canada
Video: Harmonica Summer Days at Camping Lanterna - Croatia
Video: Fujita Takamitsu - Japan
‘14 Years Ago’ – Sharon Shannon Goes Stateside in 1999

Будущие события

Lácides Romero and Francisco Rivera Concerts – Argentina, Uruguay
4th Festival d’Accordeon, Incourt – Belgium
Accordéon Gala, Valais - Switzerland
Unusual Duo Concert: Theremin & Accordion!, Klosterkapelle Walsrode – Germany
Mazaika ‘Strictly Classical’ Concert, London - UK
CT Tango Ensemble Concert/Milonga, Western Cape – South Africa
Iain MacPhail SDB @ Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club, Hexham - UK
Kimmo Pohjonen KTU Concert, Wroclaw – Poland
Philippe Thuriot Performs Goldberg Variations, Stadhuis Aalst - Belgium
Janusz Prusinowski Trio to Yoshi's, San Francisco - USA
Natalija Japerte Featured, ‘Hidden Secrets of a Culture’ Concert, London – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Klaus Paier releasing music
Alexander Poeluev releasing a new CD

CD Отзывы

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

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Особенности Highlights

38th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy

The Daily Reports with pictures, video and results start Thursday 19th September to 22nd September at: 2013Concorso


63 международный конкурс Всемирной Конфедерации Аккордеона (CMA) «Трофей мира», Самара – Россия

CMA header
Sergey Voitenko and Frederic Deschamps63-й международный конкурс «Трофей мира», который проходит под эгидой CMA (Всемирной Конфедерации Аккордеона), во второй раз в своей истории состоится в Самаре с 24 по 29 сентября. Фестиваль и конкурс, который привлек более 80 заявок участников в различных категориях, включая классические, эстрадные, диатонические, ансамблевые, а также специальную новую шоу-категорию «Баян Mix», организован представителями CMA Сергеем Войтенко и Еленой Татариновой.

Открытие фестиваля и конкурса должно включать захватывающий круиз по Волге для всех собравшихся гостей.

Президент CMA Фредерик Дешамп (Frédéric Deschamps – на фото слева) с нетерпением ждет возможности приветствовать гостей из более чем 20 стран, включая Бразилию, Чили и Китай, а также международных членов жюри, в которое войдут Фридрих Липс (Россия), Милан Бьелетич (Miljan Bjeletic) из Сербии, Жак Морне (Jacques Mornet) из Франции, Ренцо Руджери (Renzo Ruggieri) из Италии и др.

Не пропустите это событие с призовым фондом более 15 000 евро и зрелищными концертами.

Для тех, кто не сможет присутствовать могут присоединиться в онлайн трансляции, любезно предоставленной интернет-каналом Фредерика Дешампа Deschamps Channel.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите, пожалуйста, сайт CMA или напишите по адресу: c.m.a@btinternet.com


150 лет аккордеонного производства в картинках – Италия

150 yearsИнтересная экспозиция истории баяна и аккордеона и их производства под названием “Artigiani del Suono” («Мастера звука») состоялась в театре "La Nuova Fenice» в прошедшую субботу 7 сентября в итальянском городе Озимо (регион Марке, окрестности города Кастельфидардо).

Эта важная документальная экспозиция представила историю 150 лет инструментального производства, работ и изобретений в области звуковых технологий, и, особенно, каким образом старт аккордеонного производства повлиял на жизнь в этом прекрасном регионе Италии и как ее изменил.

Все это можно увидеть в замечательной книге высоким качеством под названием "Artigiani del Suono" которая в ближайшее время появится в музее аккордеона в Кастельфидардо. Не упустите возможность увидеть книгу и выставку во время вашего следующего визита в этот город.

Вечером гостей выставки развлекал исполнитель на различных видах диатонических гармоник, чемпион мира, маэстро Джулиано Камели (Giuliano Cameli). В рамках вечернего мероприятия с речами также выступили директор Музея Кастельфидардо Беньямино Буджолакки (Beniamino Bugiolacchi) и художественный руководитель Международного конкурса и фестиваля города Кастельфидардо маэстро Паоло Пиккьо (Paolo Picchio).

Международный фестиваль в этом году начнется на этой неделе с 14 сентября конкурсом исполнителей на диатонических гармониках, а затем с 20 по 22-е сентября состоится основной международный конкурс “Città di Castelfidardo”.

Ежедневные отчеты будет доступны онлайн по ссылке с этой страницы новостей с 18 по 22 сентября.


Гастроли и мероприятия Романо Вьяццани (Romano Viazzani) в сентябре – Великобритания и Италия

Romano ViazzaniИзвестный британский аккордеонист итальянского происхождения Романо Вьяццани в этом году станет одним из членов международного жюри конкурса в Кастельфидардов период с сентября 19 по22 сентября. В этом году международный конкурс и фестиваль в Кастельфидардо отмечает 150 лет со дня рождения баянно-аккордеонной промышленности в этом городе, а Романо в последние годы был постоянным членом жюри этого конкурса.

27 сентября Романо вернется обратно в Pheasantry in King's Road, Челси, для работы в кабаре с Бетани Джеймсон (Bethany Jameson) и ансамблем. Он пишет: «У нас есть несколько потрясающих новых номеров, так что если вы пропустили ‘The Green Note, Camden’ перед летним перерывом, теперь у вас есть шанс снова его посетить».

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk
Три CD Романо Вьяццани доступны для заказа на: Romano Viazzani


Бесплатная электронная книга ‘Accordion4Composers’ («Аккордеон для композиторов»), автор Лука Пьовезан (Luca Piovesan) – Италия

Luca PiovesanЛука Пьовезан только что выпустил версию 1.0 своего проекта ‘ACCORDION4COMPOSERS’, которая должна стать полезным инструментом помощи композиторам, пишущим для баяна.

'ACCORDION4COMPOSERS' – это бесплатная электронная книга в формате PDF, объемом 45 страниц, скачать которую можно по адресу:

Лука Пьовезан записал также ряд пояснительных сэмплов, чтобы лучше познакомить читателя со звучанием инструмента и понять принципы его работы. Для получения этих бесплатных сэмплов напишите, пожалуйста, на e-mail: info@lucapiovesan.it

Пьовезан пишет: «‘ACCORDION4COMPOSERS’ является открытым проектом. Пожалуйста, присылайте свои отзывы, чтобы помочь улучшить эту работу, и ваши предложения будут приняты во внимание в следующем выпуске.

Эта работа является результатом сотен часов размышлений и записей наряду с многолетним опытом работы. Я был бы очень благодарен за вашу помощь».

Лука Пьовезан – 30-летний аккордеонист из Венеции. Он с отличием окончил класс аккордеона Миланской Консерватории и факультет литературы ВенецианскогоУниверситета. Он также имеет диплом по специальности звукорежиссура и является основателем студии звукозаписи "Blowoutstudio".

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: info@lucapiovesan.it


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic New CD ‘Black Orpheus’, Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nihad Hrustanbegovic New CD ‘Black Orpheus’Accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic has released a CD, ‘Black Orpheus’, and the tracks include Black Orpheus, Take Five, My Favourite Things, Smile, Nuages, Summertime, All the Things You Are, Blusette, Happiness, and Sky Blue.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic, for many years based in The Netherlands, returned home to Bosnia and Herzegovina in August to perform at this year’s Sarajevo Film Festival. He also took the opportunity to record two CDs, the other being performed on the pianoforte.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Video: The Show "The Solitary Pleasures" by Chloe Lacan - France

Video segments from the Show "The Solitary Pleasures" ("Les plaisirs solitaires") by Chloe Lacan. For further information about Chloe Lacan, view her website at: www.chloelacan.fr


25th Anniversary of First Accordion Orchestra Tour to China - New Zealand

CD CoversLast weekend, was the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra tour to China in 1988. At that time, the orchestra sponsored by Air New Zealand was a New Zealand Cultural Ambassador promoting tourism to beautiful New Zealand.

Such was the international interest in accordion activities in China, that the American Accordionists Association (AAA) President Faithe Deffner also came on the tour and made a report to the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) about the remarkable accordion activities in China.

This was the 5th International Goodwill Concert Tour by the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra and went to Australia, Singapore, the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong.

After performing extensively at the World Expo '88 in Brisbane (over 30 concerts) the Orchestra was greatly honored to be the first foreign accordion orchestra to perform in the People's Republic of China, a country in 1988, where more people play accordion than in any other country.

Performances included full concert programs in the Beijing and Shanghai Concert Halls, each fully televised as well as in Xian and Canton cities. The tour concluded with several concerts and television appearances in Hong Kong.

The orchestra players, average age 16 years, played their complete 80 minute program from memory and today, accordion orchestras in China often play from memory.

Conductor Fay-Ellen Schaw thanked all those present for their dedication and efforts to achieve a superb standard (standing ovations on 4 continents of the world) and for making such concert tours possible at that time.

CD's of the orchestra are available at:


Video: Victor Derenboim New Accordion Orchestra Concert - Israel

Victor Derenboim New Accordion Orchestra Concert, released 9th September 2013, Beer-Sheva, Israel.

Video 1: Danube Waltz. Piano solo: Ora Mindel.

Video 2: Russian Songs. Soloists: Victor Aryutkin, Tal Bushari, Sahar Rozenberg and Yaara Binyamin.

Video by: Gennady Kuchuk.
Camera Equipment: "Berger Camera Services", Tel Aviv, Israel.


Amy June Hatfield, 1965 to 2013 - USA

UMKC Ensemble, ATG 2013
Amy June Hatfield, 1965 to 2013Picture above of Amy at the recent ATG Festival where she was performing in the UMKC ensemble group (Amy far right).

A very nice condolence message by Kevin Friedrich:
My sincerest condolences to the entire family, Joe and Amy's many friends, as everyone comes to terms with this tragic loss.

I will always value the wonderful memories of music, travel and friendship with Amy, an integral part of our accordion family. From my freshman year at UMKC in 1980 when she would take us horseback riding on the farm, to the many concert tours within the USA and abroad with the UMKC Accordion Orchestra, to the social travel and ski trips, Amy was always a joy to be around.

She cherished her family and friends, and always contributed unquestioningly to whatever projects she was involved with. A wonderful musician, a delightful social butterfly and an inspiring friend, her radiant spirit will live on through the music she loved so much, continuing to bring joy to those it touches. Thanks for being a friend.

~ Kevin Friedrich - September 10, 2013

Amy is survived by her daughter, Kaley Irene Hatfield-Hayes, 12, her son, Ryan Allen Hatfield-Hayes, 11; her mother, Carol June Hatfield of Thayer and her brother, Raymond Hatfield of Kansas City, Missouri.

Many members of the UMKC Accordion Orchestra who had played with Amy in the group over many years while performing extensively throughout the USA and abroad, will join together to perform the music at the funeral services.

A Memorial Service will be held at the Thayer United Methodist Church, 203 N. Okmulgee, Thayer, Kansas, on Tuesday, September 17, at 2:00 p.m. Interment will be at the Thayer Cemetery.

Picture below from UMKC Accordion Orchestra, 1990, Amy to the right of conductor Joan Sommers.
UMKC Accordion Orchestra circa 1990


Video: King Of Copenhagen by the Mahones - Canada

Canada's popular Celtic punk rock party band, The Mahones have used fan footage from their 2013 European tours to make an official video of the single King Of Copenhagen, from their album Angels and Devils. This video was published on September 5th, 2013. Katie "Kaboom!" McConnell is featured on accordion and vocals.


Video: Harmonica Summer Days at Camping Lanterna - Croatia

This is a promotional video about 'Harmonica Summer Days, a unique event in Camping Lanterna dedicated to the sound of accordion or locally called "Harmonica". During two days, visitors have the chance to see performing, leading accordionists and also taste delicious specialties.'


Video: Fujita Takamitsu - Japan

Some blues and jazz by Fujita Takamitsu, Japan, who has 112 videos on youtube of organ, keyboard, and accordion. Fujita plays solo and heading the "Fujita Takamitsu Trio" at cafes and social events.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Sharon Shannon Goes Stateside in 1999

Sharon ShannonThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 10th 1999 included news of an impending American tour by Irish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon. Since the 1980s Sharon Shannon has been internationally successful, and is one of those accordionists who is well known in the mainstream music scene.

Sharon Shannon and the Woodchoppers Tour USA
Contributed by Mitchell Greenhill

Accordionist Sharon Shannon (Ireland) and the Woodchoppers will tour USA from September 19th to October 9th. Their first concert will be at the Chicago Celtic Festival followed by performances in Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, California, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Colorado.

The group, which includes Sharon (accordion), Mary Shannon (banjo, violin, mandolin), Liz and Yvonne Kane (violin), Jim Murray (guitar), and Tony Molloy (bass) will play many favorites such as ‘Blackbird’ and ‘Sandy River Belle’.


Будущие события

Lácides Romero and Francisco Rivera Concerts – Argentina, Uruguay

Lácides Romero and Francisco Rivera Concerts posterThe duo Lácides Romero (accordion) and Francisco Rivera (clarinet), from Colombia, perform concerts this month in Argentina and Uruguay.

September 13th - Museo del Acordeón Anconetani, Buenos Aires, Argentina
September 14th, 9.30pm - Auditorio de la Asociación Médica, Rosario, Argentina
September 17th - Auditorio de la facultad de Artes, Montevideo, Uruguay
September 21st - Auditorio casa Horacio Quiroga de la ciudad de salto, Uruguay
September 23rd - la ciudad de Concepción, Uruguay

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


4th Festival d’Accordeon, Incourt – Belgium

4th Festival d’Accordeon posterThe 4th Festival d’Accordeon takes place on Saturday September 14th, 6pm, at Le Rianfra, 3 Place des Fetes, Incourt, Belgium. The guest accordionists include Erika, Jos Steve, Guy Tillieux, René Depas, and Didier Renard.


Accordéon Gala, Valais - Switzerland

Accordéon Gala posterAn Accordéon Gala takes place on September 15th, 11.30am, at Colline aux Oiseaux, Chamoson, Valais. The main guests are French accordionists Jean-Robert Chappelet and Fabrice Peluso, with Swiss accordionists Pierrot Glappey, Theodore Monset, Alain Bourgeois, and Jean-Yves Sixt also performing.


Unusual Duo Concert: Theremin & Accordion!, Klosterkapelle Walsrode – Germany

Mirjana PetercolOn Sunday September 15th, 7pm, at Klosterkapelle Walsrode, Germany, Mirjana Petercol – accordion, and Rolf Sudmann – theremin, perform together as a duo in concert.

The theremin - an electronic instrument developed in 1919 to be played without touching it, has a bizzare appearance and very early came into use in science fiction films. In this unusual engagement you can hear works by Rachmaninow, Piazzolla, Schubert, Schillinger, and others.

In addition to his concerts Professor Rolf Sudmann has a teaching post at the University of Bielefeld.

Mirjana Petercol, lecturer for accordion at the Universities of Wiesbadener and Kassel, Music Academy and University, is a well-known concert accordionist.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Mazaika ‘Strictly Classical’ Concert, London - UK

The duo MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform a concert, ‘Strictly Classical’, on Wednesday September 18th at Pushkin House, 5a Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2TA. Tickets: £15, £10 (concessions). Their program includes:

'’Preludium and allegro’ – Fritz Kreisler
‘Ombra mai fu (Serse)’ – George Frideric Handel
‘Winter’ - Antonio Vivaldi
‘Ave Maria’ - Vladimir Vavilov (Caccini)
‘En Aranjues Con Tu Amor’ - Rodrigues
‘La Danza’ – Gioacchino Rossini
‘Zigeunerweisen’ – Pablo de Sarasate
‘Cease thy singing’ – Sergei Rachmaninoff
‘Gadfly’ – Dmitri Shostakovich
‘Singer’s song behind the stage’ (Raphael) – Anton Arensky
‘Sabre dance’ - Aram Khachaturian
‘Libertango’ – Astor Piazzolla

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


CT Tango Ensemble Concert/Milonga, Western Cape – South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleThe CT Tango Ensemble perform an afternoon gig at Mountain Shadows Country Manor, Paarl, Western Cape, on Sunday September 22nd, 12.30pm, starting as a concert and ending as a Milonga.

The CT Tango Ensemble line-up is Stanislav Angelov (bandoneon and accordion), Piet de Beer (violin), Albert Combrink (piano), and Charles Lazar (double bass).


Iain MacPhail SDB @ Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club, Hexham - UK

Iain MacPhailThe Iain MacPhail Scottish Dance Band are the guests at Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club on Thursday September 19th, 7.30pm. The venue is Hexham Ex-Service Club, 1 Hallstile Bank, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 3PQ. Admission £4 pay at the door, players free admission.


Kimmo Pohjonen KTU Concert, Wroclaw – Poland

Kimmo PohjonenThe trio KTU perform on September 27th, 7pm, at Zaklete Rewiry, Wroclaw, Poland. Trio KTU are Kimmo Pohjonen (accordion, voice), Trey Gunn (warr guitar) and Pat Mastelotto (drums, rhythmic devices, effects).

For further information email: pap@hoedown.com


Philippe Thuriot Performs Goldberg Variations, Stadhuis Aalst - Belgium

Philippe ThuriotOn September 29, 11 am, Philippe Thuriot will perform the Goldberg Variations at the Feestzaal Stadhuis Aalst, Belgium. The Goldberg Variations, BWV 988, is a work for harpsichord by Johann Sebastian Bach, consisting of an aria and a set of 30 variations.

First published in 1741, the work is considered to be one of the most important examples of variation form. The Variations are named after Johann Gottlieb Goldberg, who may have been the first performer.

Philippe Thuriot studied in Antwerp and Copenhagen and has made a name with solo concerts and performing with groups and orchestras.


Janusz Prusinowski Trio to Yoshi's, San Francisco - USA

The Janusz Prusinowski Trio are performing on Sunday, October 6th, 7:00pm at Yoshi's, San Francisco, $18 adv., $22 door, available online at Yoshi's website.

The Janusz Prusinowski Trio, are a group of musicians who have learned from village masters of central Poland and who "follow in their tradition while at the same time creating their own characteristic modern sound and language of improvisation".


Natalija Japerte Featured, ‘Hidden Secrets of a Culture’ Concert, London – UK

Natalija JaperteOn Friday October 25th, 7pm, a unique concert, ‘Hidden Secrets of a Culture’, will be presented in London for the first time by the Swedish based organisation ‘Music without Borders’.

The event takes place in the concert hall at St John's, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HA.

The musicians are Mikhail Kazinik, presenter, violin (Sweden), Nika Shirocorad - piano (UK), Boris Kazinik - violin (Sweden), Natalia Lomeiko - violin (UK), and Natalija Japerte - accordion (UK).

The performance will include classical music by Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart and Rachmaninov. The audience will also have an opportunity to discover the work of Swedish composer Oleg Gotzkosik. Some of his works will be receiving their first performances in the UK, such as ‘Six Scenes from ‘La Strada’ – suite for violin and piano, as well as his adaptation of the well-known piece ‘Adios Nonino’ by Astor Piazzolla.

Natalia Japerte was born in Latvia and completed her education at the Accordion Department, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilnius), with teacher Prof. Eduardas Gabnis.

In 1998 she was awarded the title of the scholarship holder of the Republic of Latvia for her achievements in international competitions. Natalija Japerte participated in many concerts and festivals in prestigious venues in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Poland.

Since 2008, Natalija lives and works in the Cumbria region, England. She is engaged in many activities as a performer, a teacher and also in the organization of concerts, tours and seminars.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Klaus Paier releasing music

Klaus Paier Music Book coverKlaus Paier has just released ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’, a 3 volume set of accordion technique books. The text is in both German and English, and published by jova-music of Munich, Germany.

Purchase with credit card.


Alexander Poeluev releasing a new CD

Alexander Poeluev CD coverAlexander Poeluev releasing his new CD titled 'Alexander Poeluev accordion, Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013', catalog: apoeluev01 with sound samples. Music performed by Alexander Poeluev. Purchase online.


CD Отзывы

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

Martynas CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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