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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 13-Jan-2017
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Editor’s Note:
Alessandrini手风琴工厂采访,Castelfidardo -
Friedrich Lips for 2017--俄罗斯、克罗地亚、英国、奥地利
Mika Väyrynen 开设了一个新的课程--芬兰


Renzo Ruggieri独奏新曲与弦乐队合作--意大利
新杂志“手风琴邮政”推出,West Midlands--英国
第2部分视频:Sergey Osokin在Nigniy Novgorod表演--俄罗斯
Anne Romagnoli (1926-2017), Chicago-- USA
Wall Street Journal Features Dr. William Schimmel - USA
Archie Duncan (1927 - 2016),苏格兰,英国
Gary Dahl发布作品Ashokan Farewel--美国
Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) Music Now Published - Israel


Gary Blair and Roman Jbanov Go East, Novosibirsk – Siberia
10th Festival Accords des Montagnes - France
2nd Festival D’Accordeon, Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont – Belgium
‘Hommage a Gus Viseur’ Concert, Aix-En-Provence - France
Harry Hussey and Lily’s Weepers Jazz Night, Stoke-on-Trent – UK
‘Piazzolla & Beyond’ Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa
NAO Thames area Accordion Festival, London – UK


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield Adds New Video - Switzerland
New: Espana Cani Ensemble Arrangement by Palmer-Hughes - USA
新版本:Jessi Teich &劳伦特derache双人舞etracks专辑--美国
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) Music Information Updated - Israel

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment


Editor’s Note:

Rob HowardHappy New Year and welcome to 2017.

As always, Accordions Worldwide will be reporting accordion events, large and small, wherever they are happening if we get to know about them. If you know of any accordion activity that would benefit from some free publicity, contact me on: robaccord5@hotmail.com.

I will take this opportunity to remind you that this website contains a huge amount of accordion related articles, CD reviews, advertisements for books, music books, CDs, DVDs, sheet music, instruments, accessories, etc, and past Weekly News editions dating all the way back to 1996.

This all adds up to an unrivalled resource of material likely to be of interest to accordionists and enthusiasts.

Seasons greetings to you all from the team at Accordions Worldwide.

Rob Howard


Alessandrini手风琴工厂采访,Castelfidardo -

Alessandrini Accordions

Daniela and Tonino Alessandrini视频1:2011年CQFP Giorgio Conte

视频2:Piotr Rangno @ Jazzfest Gronau 2013

“Know the people ”Alessandrini手风琴工厂面试Alessandrini与: Tonino Alessandrini(业主) Daniela Alessandrini(业主) 编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl 在Castelfidardo制作手风琴背后的“Know the people ”,这使得这个小城市在世界各地以其高质量的手风琴而闻名。




National Acccordion Association (NAA) header
Norman Seaton国家手风琴协会(NAA)主席Norman Seaton(图片左)宣布新的NAA网站已经完全重建为移动友好,允许手机和电脑上的人们在3次点击内查找任何手风琴相关信息。

新网站还将于2017年3月8日至11日在得克萨斯州Richardson的Hyatt Regency举办NAA 30周年大会。





DHV logoIOAC coverThe IOAC competition categories are:
- Soloists "Classical" over 18 years
- Soloists "Popular" over 18 years
- Soloists "Classical" under18 years
- Soloists "Popular" under 18 years
- Soloists under 15 years
- Soloists under 12 years
- World Music / Bands (2-6 instruments, at least 1 accordion)
- World Music / Bands (2-6 instruments, at least 1 accordion) average age of band under 18 years.
- World Music / Bands (2-6 instruments, at least 1 accordion) average age of band under 15 years.

Hohner Konservatorium Trossingen
Deutscher Harmonika Verband e. V. (German member of the CIA).

Entries can be made online.报名截止日期: 15 March 2017

Download in German and English,更多消息见文件: 2017IOAC.pdf


Friedrich Lips for 2017--俄罗斯、克罗地亚、英国、奥地利

Friedrich LipsFriedrich Lips for 2017 - Russia, Croatia, UK, Austria

2月5日 大师班 莫斯科。

2月13日至20日 Pula (Croatia)

2月22日至25日 Royal Academy in Londo

3月18日Allrussian Day of bayan, accordion harmonica Moscow

Michael Bronner: Eight sonnets about love“ bayan 与交响乐团(世界首演)

6月5日 G. Kancheli:“Kapote”为巴杨,打击乐,低音吉他和弦 “莫斯科独奏家”,Y. Bashmet,cond。

7月10日至14日 Musikforum Viktring大师班(奥地利)

7月11日 “Viktring connection”音乐会与Friedrich Lips,Klaus Paier和Asja Valcic Viktring大教堂

12月13日至17日 第29节“巴扬与巴扬演奏家Moscow


Mika Väyrynen 开设了一个新的课程--芬兰

University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).
Mika Väyrynen这个新课程将赞助他目前在赫尔辛基着名的西贝柳斯学院的教学活动。新的学习机会将在米卡的家乡坦佩雷,在那里他将提供在应用科学大学(TAMK)的课程。 学生被邀请申请导致手风琴教师认证(AMK)的四年课程。申请时间是3月15日至4月5日。研究课程不仅针对那些希望成为手风琴教师的人,还包括那些寻求深刻独立研究的学生,因为学生还将参加每周的手风琴课程以及参加在室内音乐等你找到从他们的网站的信息http://www.tamk.fi/musiikki-paiva-muusikko


MikaVäyrynen是当今世界上最多产的手风琴表演和录音艺术家之一。他拥有超过20张CD,包括独奏,室内和管弦乐作品,他的演奏生涯始于1985年,当时只有17岁。此后,他在世界各地,包括大多数欧洲国家,所有北欧国家,日本,俄罗斯,美国和中国演出。他几乎是所有主要的芬兰乐团,爱沙尼亚国家爱乐管弦乐团,塔林室内乐团和哥本哈根爱乐乐团的独奏家。与他一起演出的导演是着名的大师,包括Okko Kamu,Sakari Oramo,JohnStorgårds,Ralf Gothoni,Juha Nikkola,Olari Elts,VelloPähn,Atso Almila,Andres Mustonen和许多其他。

有兴趣的学生可以联系音乐教育主任Timo Salo先生,通过电子邮件寻求更多关于学习机会和申请过程的信息和询问:timo.salo@tamk.fi









Renzo Ruggieri独奏新曲与弦乐队合作--意大利

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri出版了一个新曲。目录:rrenzo511Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini.

此编曲十分精彩。手风琴在音乐会中独奏,同样的手风琴独奏也适用于完整的管弦乐伴奏。以上视频, 表演者Mario D'Amario


Renzo Ruggieri 40页乐谱包括手风琴独奏, 乐团分谱和总谱。独奏音乐价格仅仅是€10和Renzo与管弦乐团合作部分免费提供。在在线下载pdf格式的音乐文件。

目录:rrenzo511 Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini手风琴独奏,手风琴与管弦乐合作。


新杂志“手风琴邮政”推出,West Midlands--英国

Accordion Post新的双月刊杂志的“手风琴邮政”将在 1 月推出。面向爱好者,由Barry Smith编辑和出版,a4 杂志计划继续推行“手风琴世界”。

Barry Smith是每年 11 月在Dudley举行一年一度的Midland手风琴节的主办机构。教授 Les Devaldi 手风琴、Barry 多年组织Barry Schmidt Bavarian乐队,为Norman Wisdom, Max Bygraves, Frankie Howerd, Beryl Reed, Ted Rogers等演出,和他为名人表演包括Bill Gates 和 Richard Branson。

更多信息请联系电子邮件︰ accordions2010@hotmail.co.uk


第2部分视频:Sergey Osokin在Nigniy Novgorod表演--俄罗斯

Space CD cover视频:第2部分选自最日Sergey Osokin在Nigniy Novgorod的表演。



Sergey Osokin是国际手风琴比赛冠军,现在任教于莫斯科Schnittke国立音乐学院。

谢尔盖最近发布了“空间”专辑。大胆、多彩和有趣,新CD目录:os604(€15 +邮费),eTracks mp3专辑(€9可通过电子邮件发送)。


Anne Romagnoli (1926-2017), Chicago-- USA

Italo American
Anne RomagnoliAnne Romagnoli (nee Piatanesi)音乐教师、 商人、手风琴制造与维修专家,于 1 月 6 日星期五去世,享年 90 岁。

Anne Romagnoli长期是Italo 美国手风琴制造公司的老板,中西部销售新的和二手手风琴。很多人认为她是芝加哥地区手风琴第一夫人。

自1996 年以来公司位于95th St ,5510 W.橡树草坪,从51st t St,3137 W. Park公园搬来。20 世纪初在 ‘Little Italy’ 城市周边,1915 年由Romagnoli夫人的父亲和叔叔们购买。

Romagnoli夫人和她的丈夫,Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Romagnoli从 1950 年代初到 1994 年去世在美国从白手起家到制造手风琴。


在 20 世纪 50 年代,吉他乐队成为流行之前, 美国Italo从业人员多达 100 人。今天,它有小规模员工。


Wall Street Journal Features Dr. William Schimmel - USA

William Schimmel
Picture above: William Schimmel warms up before a performance of the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center in New York.
Video above: The best known film appearance of William Schimmel is in the tango scene of "Scent of a Woman" starring Al Pacino.

The Wall Street Journal featured accordionist Dr. William Schimmel in an article in the January 9, 2017 publication written by Charles Passy. The article describes how Bill Schimmel, "an expert on Kurt Weill, has been the accordionist for the New York Philharmonic for over 40 years.

The New York Philharmonic often features unusual instruments which becomes a challenge for them to find a musician who is not only accomplished on his instrument but can also have a working knowledge of following a conductor and being a part of a symphony orchestra.

Dr. William Schimmel has all of these credentials and more. As a Juilliard trained musician, he is frequently asked to play with the Philharmonic and other orchestras around the country. He also performs in the pit orchestras on Broadway, his most recent performance being the accordionist for the award winning production of 'An American in Paris'."

On September 19, 2016 a free concert to honor the 70th birthday of William Schimmel was held at William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ.

The concert was sponsored by the Composers Concordance and the New Jersey Percussion Ensemble presented contemporary music in honor of Bill Schimmel who has commissioned and premiered many new works.

Over the years Bill’s music has been included in television shows and films. His best known appearance is in the tango scene of "Scent of a Woman" starring Al Pacino. (See video above)

Bill Schimmel learned accordion as a child and attended Julliard School of Music where he received his doctorate in composition. While he was still a student at the school, his career was launched after he recorded songs of avant gard composer, Luiano Berio. An authority on Kurt Weill, Dr. Schimmel has recorded all of Weill's music with accordion

Beginning in 1981, Schimmel’s Tango Project has released a string of acclaimed recordings on the Nonesuch and Newport Classic labels. The first Tango Project recording went to No. 1 on Billboard’s classical charts and was named Record of the Year by Stereo Review magazine.

Schimmel has described the accordion as having a “built-in ironic duality,” both “elegant and vulgar.” That dual quality is captured in the tango scene of “Scent of a Woman,” where it adds a spirit of fun and an undertone of raw sexuality.

He has served and continues to serve as Artist in Residence of The American Accordionist's Association (AAA) where he also serves as Distinguished Lecturer in Residence and member of the Governing Board. 

Directed by Peter Jarvis, the Composers Concordance program featured eight world premieres including music composed by Schimmel alongside compositions by John Clark, Dan Cooper, Franz Hackl, Jarvis, Gene Pritsker, David Taylor and Payton MacDonald. Performers will include Schimmel, Pritsker on guitar, the New Jersey Percussion Ensemble and the B3+ Brass Trio.

Bill will be the moderator/curator of the AAA 23rd Master Class and Seminars July 28-30, 2017 at the Tenri Cultural Institute in New York City. 

For further information: accordionbill@gmail.com


Archie Duncan (1927 - 2016),苏格兰,英国

Archie DuncanArchie Duncan,一个苏格兰战后手风琴家, 十岁学习手风琴 , 在第二次世界大战期间进入苏格兰军队。他在1946年参军并两年参与乐队演奏, 之后他开始更加认真地研究手风琴。

在1948年和1952年之间,他走向专业,Archie进入苏格兰,英国和世界锦标赛由英国手风琴家协会的组织, 在这段时间成为苏格兰公开赛冠军四次。

1953年10月他第一次录制独奏广播在英国广播公司(BBC)。1954年,他成立了Archie Duncan五重奏, 多年参与节目。从1961年到1965年,他作为手风琴手参加各种苏格兰乐团。

在1960年期间,Archie出现在BBC电视节目‘The White Heather Club’和 ‘Degrees of Folk’。1966年,他为BBC电视录制了惊悚片‘The Dark Island’主题音乐,由lan MacLachlan作曲。从那时起, ‘The Dark Island’经常被演奏和录制——但Archie Duncan做到了!

在1970年, Archie Duncan完成了两个优秀的作品——‘High Level Accordion’和‘Three Faces of St Andrew’,并担任录音工作室手风琴手。多年来,他是一个受人尊敬的手风琴修琴师和调琴师,他的叔叔是手风琴家Gary Blair.。
Archie Duncan LP covers


Gary Dahl发布作品Ashokan Farewel--美国

Gary Dahl目录No: DH0257 - Ashokan Farewell by Jay Unger

编曲人Gary Dahl描述了新作品:


Jay Ungar和他的妻子以及其他音乐家, Molly Mason组织Ashokan训练营,暑期艺术学校主攻小提琴和舞蹈。在那里, Ray Ungar作曲和他的乐队,小提琴Fever-recorded歌曲,包括它的1983年专辑华尔兹的风。

这首歌需要一个名字。Mason建议“Ashokan Farewell.”

通常Ken Burns花费很多精力研究和制作与内战纪录片的年代相吻合专辑的发行。特别是1984年, Burns在寻找可以作为纪录片电影配乐的歌曲。

Ken Burns听到了这张专辑,其余的就是历史了。

可在线购买:目录No: DH0257 - Ashokan Farewell by Jay Unger


Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) Music Now Published - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerFurther music composed or arranged by Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) that has never been published before.

OY509 - Serenade - Tosselli
OY523 - Debka (Oriental Dance)
OY579 - Souvenir d'amour (Valse Romantique)
OY594 - Ave Verum corpus - Mozart
OY596 - Mazurka (Traditional Polish)
OY559 - Tumbalalaika (4 part arrangement)
OY608 - Toy Symphony Haydn

View sample pages of the music and purchase online.



Gary Blair and Roman Jbanov Go East, Novosibirsk – Siberia

Roman Jbanov, Gary Blair, Domi Emorine
Picture above: Roman Jbanov, Gary Blair, Domi Emorine

Scottish accordionist Gary Blair has travelled to Siberia be a competition adjudicator and to perform in concerts at a traditional music festival in Novosibirsk. Also adjudicating and performing is Roman Jbanov, who is one of the festival organisers.

Gary Blair will perform in a concert on Friday January 13th with Emy Dragoï, and again on Sunday January 15th.

Gary Blair is celebrating his 40th year in teaching, and is also a world travelled player and workshop leader, having performed in the USA, Canada, Russia, China, India, UAE, Qatar, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, etc. He is also the musical director of the Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra. 

This will be the 30th year of the festival, which celebrates the 120th anniversary of the birth of the famous Siberian accordionist Ivan Malanin, on what would be the 120th anniversary of his birth. This bi-annual festival has around 960 participants from different parts of Russia and ex-Soviet countries, including Belorussia, Ukraine, Kazakstan and Tatarstan. 

This year, for the first time, the festival will have guests from Spain, France, Portugal, Scotland, and Romania. It takes place at the Centre Palace, Jeleznodorojnikov of Novosibirsk and will attract thousands of people. The aim of the festival is to bring together traditional music from around the world and to forge cultural friendships.

Gary said, “I am delighted to be invited to perform at such a prestigious event in the accordion calendar. It is such an honor to have been invited by one of my musical heroes, Roman Jbanov, one of the finest players in the entire world! I am really excited and looking forward to representing Renfrewshire and Scotland on the world stage.

I hope that this will help in some small way to promote and support Paisley’s bid for City of Culture”. He later added “Siberia, where the warmth of the people makes up for the cold of the weather!”


10th Festival Accords des Montagnes - France

10th Festival Accords des Montagnes
The 10th Festival Accords des Montagnes takes place from January 14th to 20th, featuring a varied range of concerts and dances at venues in Montagnes in eastern France. The guest accordionists include James Leseur, Stephanie Rodrigues, Michel Pruvot, Gilou, Jerome Richard, Franck Vilain, Laure Forestier, Nicolas Grandfils, Celine & Robert Antonelli, Myriam Thiebaut, Bac plus Zinc, Charlotte Buch, Alexis Balandier, Martial Vuillemin, Jean-Michel Rey & Co, Acorps de Rue, and the Orchestre Frederic Buch.

For further information email: accords.des.montagnes@gmail.com


2nd Festival D’Accordeon, Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont – Belgium

2nd Festival D’Accordeon, Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont posterThe second Festival D’Accordeon takes place on Sunday January 15th, 11am onwards, at the Maison du Peuple de Chapelle, 8 rue Robert, 7160 Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont, Belgium. The guest artists include accordionists Andre Loppe, Erika, Armand Gerard, and Laura Namur.


‘Hommage a Gus Viseur’ Concert, Aix-En-Provence - France

Gus Viseur CD‘Hommage a Gus Viseur’ is a concert dedicated to the music and memory of Gus Visuer, held on Friday January 20th, 8.30pm, at Le Petit Duc, rue Emile Tavan, Aix-En-Provence. Christophe Lampidecchia (accordion), Jean-Luc Difraya (percussion), and Lilian Bencini (bass) will perform and improvise Viseur’s compositions.

Gus Viseur (1915-74) became one of France’s leading musette players in the 1930s, and worked as accompanist for Edith Piaf. After meeting Django Reinhardt he became enthused at playing jazz, and was the first musette accordionist to incorporate jazz into his style. He was the only accordionist to play and record with the Hot Club of France.


Harry Hussey and Lily’s Weepers Jazz Night, Stoke-on-Trent – UK

Harry HusseyOn Tuesday January 24th, 8pm, jazz accordionist Harry Hussey teams up with Lily’s Weepers for an evening of traditional jazz, show tunes, and much fun at the Goldenhill Working Men’s Club, Kidsgrove Rd, Stoke-on-Trent SK6 5SH. Admission is £5, which includes plus Christmas cake, mince pies and sherry, and tickets are available from Steve Hughes on 01782 787935 or 07939 362294.

For further information email: stevehg@gmail.com


‘Piazzolla & Beyond’ Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleThe highly accomplished CT Tango Ensemble performs a concert titled ‘Piazzolla & Beyond’ on Sunday January 29th, 6.30pm, at the Oude Libertas Amphitheater, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The CT Tango Ensemble members are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, Charles Lazar – double bass, and Albert Combrink - piano.


NAO Thames area Accordion Festival, London – UK

NAO logoThom HardakerThe NAO Thames area Accordion Festival takes place on Saturday February 4th. The venue is St Andrew's Church Centre, Mount Park Road, Ealing, London W5 2RS, which is a 5 minutes’ walk from Ealing Broadway station and very near to Ealing Broadway shopping Centre - so there's lots of places nearby for lunch. There's a car park plus lots of unrestricted parking in the surrounding roads.

The adjudicator is Thom Hardaker, who will do a recital at the end of the day, plus the Goodreed ensemble who will also perform. There will also be trade stands and accordion crafts for sale, and tea, coffee and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

For further information email: Japmullaly@gmail.com




Fisitalia Accordion Factory Interview

视频1:苏格兰女乐队,Celtic Quines,由著名手风琴演奏家John Carmichael,演奏一些苏格兰Ceilidh曲调。

"Know the People"”Fisitalia手风琴工厂采访2016年Fisitalia与: - Giuseppe Chiaraluce - Piero Montecchiani

编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl."Know the People"Castelfidardo这个小城市,因此他们的手风琴制造质量在世界各地著名。 访谈2016 Fisitalia


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield Adds New Video - Switzerland

Gary DaverneGrayson Masefield has updated his site adding a video. The 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne (picture left) was recorded at the Takapuna War Memorial Hall, North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand, 11th December 2016. Soloist Grayson Masefield performs with the North Shore Accordion Ensemble conducted by Lionel Reekie.

Ensemble players left to right: Lian Jones, Campbell Bettridge, Alanah Jones, Jenna Murray, Kristina Roper, Stephanie Panzic, Catrina Lin, Alexandra Reekie.

This was a New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) project and the work was commissioned by a grant from Foundation North Trust.

Gary Daverne is one of New Zealands most famous composers and has written extensively for the accordion. The 1st Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary  Daverne has been performed over 150 times in many parts of the world with symphony orchestra and with accordion orchestra.

The 2nd Rhapsody is expected to be equally popular and is composed for accordion solist and accordion orchestra or accordion soloist with symphony orchestra.

In 1996, Daverne was awarded the Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit - ONZM for his contribution to New Zealand Music.

Daverne has also composed many other works for accordion solo, duet, group and accordion orchestra which are all available at: Gary  Daverne


New: Espana Cani Ensemble Arrangement by Palmer-Hughes - USA

Espana Cani graphicRe-released is the Espana Cani ensemble arrangement by the famed Palmer-Hughes with parts accordion 1 - 4 with an optional 5th accordion part.

This is an eSheet publication sent to you by email (no postage) within 24 hours of purchase. Sample page online. mfa8048


新版本:Jessi Teich &劳伦特derache双人舞etracks专辑--美国

the Duets album cover, Jessi Teich & Laurent DeracheMP3 etracks专辑Jessi泰希和劳伦特derache发布于12月8日

Singer Jessi Teich,国际获奖的独立歌手,作曲家,音乐家,和总部在洛杉矶的表演者写




单一的MP3曲目和专辑都可以在网上发表 TheDuets00eT


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) Music Information Updated - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerThe following Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925-2012) compositions and music arrangements have had the information pages updated.

OY509 - Serenade (Tosselli) (Solo)
OY523 - Debka (Oriental Dance) (Solo)
OY553 - Maoz Tzur (Solo)
OY555 - Aria (Solo)
OY559 - Tumbalalaika (4 part) (Ensemble/Orchestra)
OY562c - Dolores (Duet)
OY573 - Rondeau (Solo)
OY579 - Souvenir d'amour (Valse Romantique) (Solo)
OY580 - Tango (Solo)
OY581 - Magic Accordion (Solo)
OY587 - Gavotte and Rondo (Solo)
OY588 - Bingo (Solo)
OY589 - Badinerie (Solo)
OY590 - Symphony No. 40 in Gm, 1st mvt (Solo)
OY591 - Eilat (Solo)
OY592 - A l l e g r o (Solo)
OY593 - Bingo Accordion Duet (Duet)
OY594 - Ave Verum corpus (Solo)
OY597 - Mini Valse (Duet) (Duet)
OY598 - Air (Suite No. 3) (Solo)
OY599 - Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring (Solo)
OY600 - Eilat (Duet)
OY601 - Allegro Spirituoso (Solo)
OY602 - Sailing (Duet) (Duet)
OY603 - Toccata (Solo)
OY604 - Silent Night (Solo)
OY605 - Oboe Concerto (Solo)
OY606 - Flute Staccato (Solo)
OY608 - Toy Symphony (Solo)
OY611 - Israeli Polka (Solo)
OY616 - Tibidabo (Solo)
OY630 - Quadri D'israele 1 - Caravan To The Dead Sea (Solo)
OY631 - Golan (Solo)
OY632 - Golan (Duet)


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