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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 13-Dec-2019
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视频:第十三届国际音乐节开幕音乐会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
视频:12月12日音乐会,第三十一届国际音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
国际手风琴协奏曲比赛 - 克罗地亚
Martynas Levickis(立陶宛)被任命为驻地艺术家 - 德国


Rob Howard:手风琴选集2书评
2020手风琴宝贝 - 敢为人先的女性 - 全球
Alexander Poeluev 的新YouTube教学视频


Marco Lo Russo at Latina Province Concerts 2019 – Italy
“Teapot in the Tuba” Christmas Concerts – Canada
Coba在圣诞节音乐会上的演出 - 日本
Accordionist Murl Allen Sanders with the LeRoy Bell Band in Seattle - USA
New Year's Eve Gala Celebrations with Alex Meixner Band in Florida – USA
Chaika 2020 Concert in Brisbane – Australia
2020 Ian Lowthian Gentle Start Accordion Music Weekend - UK
"Midnight in Paris" Concert in Minnesota - USA
Mabon “Last Huzzah” Tour in 2020 - UK


CIA冬季大会,2020年2月28日至3月1日,布拉格 - 捷克
Renzo Ruggieri 发行 Il Tuo Sguardo 乐谱 - 意大利

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视频:第十三届国际音乐节开幕音乐会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

11th December poster
12月11日 - 开幕音乐会海报如上

多姆拉和管弦乐队的 Efrem Podgaits 70周年音乐会以及巴扬交响乐队的2号音乐会 “Vivavoce” 将由 Ekaterina Mochalova 和 Aidar Salakhov 进行表演,伴奏者是俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院的俄罗斯灵魂乐团,艺术指导和指挥则是 Vladimir Shkurovsky。

第二部分将介绍来自世界各地的独特和声。你可以听到 巴赫、肖邦、加格里亚诺、皮亚佐拉、威廉姆斯 和其他作曲家的作品,其中相关乐器包括手风琴,印度口琴,英式六角琴,德国口琴,非洲安比里琴,班德琴,中国笙和键钮式手风琴。独奏家 Pyotr Tkachenko 和 Sergey Soimenov 将得到以 Lyudmila Zykina 命名的俄罗斯国立学院民乐团“俄罗斯”的支持,该团的艺术总监兼指挥家为 Dmitry Dmitrienko 。

2019音乐会时间表 - 每个音乐会的海报和节目手册请点击:2019Moscow


视频:12月12日音乐会,第三十一届国际音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

12th December concert
12月12日活动海报如上。 12月12日视频如上。

Stravinsky,M.Mussorgsky 和 A.Na-Yun-Kin。独奏者是国际比赛的获奖者 Yuri Kononov,他是西伯利亚学校的代表。

A. Vivaldi,I. Albeniz 和 S. Prokofiev 的作品将由 Nikita Syrchin 和 Vladimir Anikin 组合的 Krasnoyarsk 二重奏进行表演。

Evgeny Derbenko Pavel Ukhanov,Anton Lukyanovsky,Pavel Fomin,Nikita Tabaev 和斯图皮诺爱乐乐团的俄罗斯民间乐团“俄罗斯旋律”70周年纪念日,艺术总监兼指挥家 Aleksey Sysoev 将表演 Evgeny Derbenko 的作品。

2019音乐会时间表 - 查看每场音乐会的海报和节目手册请点击:2019 Moscow


国际手风琴协奏曲比赛 - 克罗地亚

Concerto comp header


国际评审团将包括切 Cesare Chiacchiaretta (意大利), Krešimir Seletkovic (克罗地亚), Dominique Emorine (巴黎莫斯科二人组 - 法国), Peter Soave (美国), Matej Meštrovic (克罗地亚)和 Marjan Krajna (克罗地亚)。


与德国国家交响乐团在柏林著名的爱乐乐团 Kammermusiksaal 演出(德国)

与欧洲交响乐团在 Joseph Haydn Saal 进行演出(维也纳)

中国巡演 - 在著名场馆举办多达8场音乐会

有机会通过美国的 PARMA Recordings 录制并发行专辑(全球发行)


Sinfonica di Sanremo 乐团(意大利)
Sinfonica Citta di Grosseto 乐团(意大利)



Croatian Chamber Orchestra


Martynas Levickis(立陶宛)被任命为驻地艺术家 - 德国

Martynas Levickis视频:Martynas Levickis – 与 Igne Pikalaviciute & Mikroorkéstra 共同演奏 Shallow(一个明星的诞生)

立陶宛手风琴家 Martynas Levickis (左图)在于德国北部举行的2020年 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 音乐节上被任命为驻地艺术家。

他加入了杰出的表演者名单,其中包括 Nigel Kennedy,Daniel Hope,Pinchas Zukerman 和 Daniel Muller-Schott 。

伦敦皇家音乐学院的手风琴老师 Owen Murray 写道:“这对于手风琴的主流向发展来说是无与伦比的。”


Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Ulrichshesen 城堡,德国
与维尔纽斯城市乐团 Mikroorkestra 的表演
节目包括巴赫(Bach),阿尔比诺尼(Albinoni),维拉罗布斯(Villa-Lobos),皮亚佐拉(Piazzolla),亨德尔(Handel),维瓦尔第(Vivaldi),佩莱西斯(Pelecis)和维拉洛斯(Villa-Lobos)的音乐。电子邮件: Schachermeier@goette.de
Martynas poster



Rob Howard:手风琴选集2书评

Book cover
Rob HowardRob Howard 的新书《Accordion Anthology 2》,目录 robaccord08, 已由 Norwich 的 Peter Ayers (MD Norvic Concordia MD) 完成了审评。

评语的一部分:“让此书读起来使人如此舒服的因素是书中大量的出色的彩色照片,唯一的黑白照片是很久以前拍摄的。虽然 Rob 撰写了其中的一部分文章,但其他文章是由那些手风琴特定领域的专家所写的。”

阅读完整的评论,请点击:Catalog robaccord08


2020手风琴宝贝 - 敢为人先的女性 - 全球

Accordion Babes 2020 CalendarRenéela la Prade说:女权主义者有魅力吗? 我们认为这是当然的!

Joana Reis (封面) - 葡萄牙
LynnMarie - 美国
Mishkin Fitzgerald - 英国
Susan Hwang - 美国
Renee de la Prade - 美国/德国
Calvaleigh Rasmussen - 美国
Debra Peters - 美国
Sarah Savoy - 美国/法国
Wendy Fitz - 美国
Skyler Fell - 美国
Aurelia Cohen - 美国
Natasha Enquist 小姐 - 加拿大
Meredith Pangrace - 美国




Alexander Poeluev 的新YouTube教学视频

Alexander Poeluev视频:如何演奏手风琴的半音音阶? 手风琴 Lifehacks#1

Alexander Poeluev (左图)早已开始在 Youtube 上传一系列的教学视频,标题为“Accordion Lifehacks”,在其频道中他会教大家“如何演奏手风琴”以及“如何成为手风琴天才”。


翻译 - Ksenia Posternyak
英语语音 - Kirill Posternyak
项目管理 - Elizaveta Poelueva



Marco Lo Russo at Latina Province Concerts 2019 – Italy

Lo Russo poster
Video: Caruso Made in Italy by Marco Lo Russo a "Monitor Laziotv"

Accordionist Marco Lo Russo will give two concerts in Latina Province this week. The first will be held on December 14th at 6pm at the Circolo Cittadino di Latina, Italy. This concert is held in conjunction with the “Fall Concert 2019” organised by the International Campus Foundation of Music in Latina.

Marco will perform a solo accordion recital with original compositions, world music, jazz and tango.

The following day, December 15th, he will perform at the Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata in Priverno, Italy. At this event Marco will perform with Korean soprano Min Ji Kang and together they will offer a varied repertoire of Christmas pieces, classical music and some small surprises.

For details phone: +39 340 94 04 250
Lo Russo poster2


“Teapot in the Tuba” Christmas Concerts – Canada

Teapot duo“Teapot in the Tuba” duo, which includes Mike Allen (clarinet) and accordionist Katheryn Petersen will perform their repertoire of jazzy Roma, pop, original and seasonal tunes at their December concerts leading up to Christmas.

December 15th: the duo will entertain at the 7th Annual Winter Solstice Coffee House, Britannia Community Centre in Vancouver from 7pm to 9pm.
Email: britanniacc@vancouver.ca

December 21st: performance at the 26th Secret Lantern Solstice Celebration, False Creek Community Centre Games Room in Vancouver from 7pm to 7.45pm

December 22nd: performance at the Hastings Park Winter Farmers Market in Vancouver from 10am to 12 midday. Email: info@eatlocal.org

December 24th: performance at the Vancouver Christmas Market at Jack Poole Plaza in Vancouver from 4pm to 6pm. Phone: +1 778-200-0167


Coba在圣诞节音乐会上的演出 - 日本

Coba poster
日本大受欢迎的手风琴家 Coba 先生将于12月22日下午5点在名古屋的 Wink Aichi 大音乐厅举行的圣诞节音乐会上进行表演,名为“Christmas Live 2019”。 Coba 将由 Kiyotsugu Amano (吉他手),Bakabon Suzuki (贝斯) 和 Masataka Tenkura (鼓手)共同参与演奏。

有关名古屋演唱会的详细信息,请致电 052-320-9933


Accordionist Murl Allen Sanders with the LeRoy Bell Band in Seattle - USA

Murl Allen SandersAccordionist Murl Allen Sanders (picture left) will perform a concert with the LeRoy Bell Band at the Tractor Tavern in NW Seattle, WA on December 28th at 7.30pm.

LeRoy Bell is a rock/pop/soul singer & songwriter who has written hits for Elton John.

Murl Allen Sanders is a musician, composer, teacher and recording artist who is active in the Seattle area music scene and across the United States, Canada, England, Brazil and Japan. Murl has worked with such diverse artists as Chuck Berry, Etta James, Il Divo, Glenn Yarbrough, Seattle Symphony, Brazilian accordionist Chico Chagas, Stas Venglevski, Gary Blair and more.

For concert details phone: (206) 789-3599


New Year's Eve Gala Celebrations with Alex Meixner Band in Florida – USA

New Years Eve poster
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at a New Year's Eve Gala Celebration organised by the German American Society of Central Florida in Casselberry, Florida on December 31st from 5pm.

The event will feature dancing and celebrations to “Ring in the New Year” in traditional German-American style.

The Alex Meixner Band plays a unique mix of a wide variety of styles and connects with audiences of all ages.

There will be party favors and a traditional Balloon Drop at midnight.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Chaika 2020 Concert in Brisbane – Australia

Chaika poster
“Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) will perform a concert along with Kristin Berardi & James Sherlock (vocals and guitar) at the Queensland Multicultural Centre, Kangaroo Point, Queensland on January 4th at 7pm.

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com


2020 Ian Lowthian Gentle Start Accordion Music Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (picture right) will kick off his 2020 music weekends with an accordion “Gentle Start Weekend” on January 25th and 26th. The weekend will take place in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders.

The event will begin with some nice slower numbers to break us into 2020 gently! Airs and Waltzes mostly, but perhaps the odd slow reel or slow foxtrot!

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


"Midnight in Paris" Concert in Minnesota - USA

Cafe accordion orchestra
The Cafe Accordion Orchestra, which includes accordionist Dan Newton will present "Midnight in Paris" at Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, Minnesota with Tony Balluff and Diane Jarvi on January 14th, 2020.

The group play a mix of romantic, gypsy-influenced valse-musette, swing, ballads, tangos, cha chas, rumbas, and cumbias to create a wonderfully varied show.

For details email: daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Mabon “Last Huzzah” Tour in 2020 - UK

Popular Welsh band “Mabon”, which includes Jamie Smith (accordion & vocals), Oliver Wilson-Dickson (fiddle & vocals), Ron Juppy (guitar & vocals), Matt Downer (electric & upright basses & vocals) and Iolo Whelan (drums, percussion & vocals) have decided to disband in 2020 after twenty years of good times. Band members say they have so many good memories of great concerts across the years and they are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm along the way.

Although it's a thoroughly amicable ending: it's time for new projects for some of the band, and new chapters for others.

However, before they finish, the band has launched a final UK tour entitled “The Last Huzzah” beginning in February 2020.

Dates are:
February 14th: PONTYPRIDD - Hawthorn Community Centre
February 15th: PEMBROKESHIRE - Solva Memorial Hall
February 20th: CAERNARFON - Galeri Caernarfon
February 21st: DEVON - Teignmouth Pavilions
February 22nd: MONMOUTHSHIRE - The Narth
March 6th: PEMBROKESHIRE - Penally Village Hall
March 7th: PORTHCAWL - Cwlwm Celtaidd festival
April 30th: ALDERSHOT - West End Centre
May 1st: NEW MILTON - Forest Arts Centre
May 2nd: FAREHAM - Ashcroft Arts Centre
May 7th: CARDIGAN - Theatr Mwldan
May 8th: BUILTH WELLS - Wyeside Theatre
May 9th: GLYN CEIRIOG - Ceiriog Centre
May 20th: NOTTINGHAM - Lakeside Arts
May 21st: LONDON - Cecil Sharp House
May 22nd: CARDIFF - Saint David's Hall
June 11th: DORSET - venue to be confirmed
June 12th: DEVON - Plough Arts, Torrington
June 13th: POWYS - Llanbedr Village Hall

Mabon play a mix of traditional and contemporary Celtic/Folk/World music and expect to add more dates to this list next year.

For further information email: info@jamiesmithsmabon.com



CIA冬季大会,2020年2月28日至3月1日,布拉格 - 捷克

CIA Winter congress banner
2020年2月28日至3月1日,第143届 CIA 国际手风琴家联合会 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes CIA) 冬季大会将在捷克共和国布拉格 Sokolovská138 的奥林匹克饭店举行。

大会由 CIA 投票成员布拉格音乐学院的指导 JiríLukeš 主持策划。


想要获得 CIA 特价酒店入住价,请在2020年2月15日之前进行预订。在线报名网址:http://www.accordions.com/cia/cia_winter_congress.php


Renzo Ruggieri 发行 Il Tuo Sguardo 乐谱 - 意大利

Renzo Ruggieri
Click to play sound file:
Renzo RuggieriValentino è Tango album coverRenzo Ruggieri 的 ll Tuo Sguardo 乐曲,目录: rrenzo521 ,是 “Valentino è Tango” 专辑,目录: rruggieri11 , 的标准低音手风琴的转录,适用于爵士探戈/virtuoso手风琴。

现在发行的 Renzo Ruggieri 作品《ll Tuo Sguardo》, 目录:rrenzo521(独奏)pdf格式的活页乐谱在专辑编排层面上有即兴演奏。 这首曲子很难演奏,但是由于高效率效的旋律,使其很适合被演奏于音乐会场合和国际比赛。

目录: rrenzo518 Valentango(独奏)乐谱.pdf格式。 “Valentango”是取材自节目“ Valentino è Tango!”的作品。 致敬给 鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺 的传奇和探戈的历史


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