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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Dec-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Китаец Ханжи Ван (Hanzhi Wang) выиграл XXI международный конкурс "Arrasate Hiria" 2013 – Испания
Видео: мировая премьера нового сочинения Горки Хермозы (Gorka Hermosa) 'Zheng Zai' в исполнении Сю Сяонаня (Xu Xiaonan) – Китай
Австралийский международный аккордеонный конкурс и фестиваль 2014 – Австралия
Последние несколько дней, Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Massimo Andreotti Peforms "El Toco" on TV Italia 7 Gold - Italy
Corky Bennett ‘Have Yourself a Corky Little Christmas CD’ – USA
Video: Erwan Mellec (Accordion) & Thomas Le Bris (Guitar) - France
Video: Banda Myllenium Performing at Cana Verde - Portugal
Stockport Accordion Club’s Fund Raising, Macclesfield, Salford – UK
Video: Wann ist Musik Musik by Uwe Steger - Germany
Video: Group Gemelli D'Italia Perform Caravan - Italy
Video: Edo Krilic playing Mosk-Pari - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Video: Singers and accordionists Cezinha and Terezinha Perform - Brazil
Video: Hilde Myran at the Harmonica Festival Bindslev - Denmark
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion used as Lottery symbol, Canada, 1999

Будущие события

Pietro Adragna Performing, Palermo – Sicily
‘Akonima’ Accordion Orchestra Concert, Wehr – Germany
‘Whiskey and Women’ Winter Europe Tour- Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Germany ‏
Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy
NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Veszprem – Hungary
Joao Gentil Concert, Coimbra - Portugal
Marco Lo Russo Concert, Latina – Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Book, ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com
Franco Cambareri release music
Charnwood Publications release music
Karen Fremar releases music
6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA
Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA
Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up.

CD Отзывы

Lips Concerto CD by Friedrich Lips, Bayan

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Особенности Highlights

Китаец Ханжи Ван (Hanzhi Wang) выиграл XXI международный конкурс "Arrasate Hiria" 2013 – Испания

Arrasate banner
Video: Hanzhi Wang (China), part of Round II program, PIF Castelfidardo Competition, 22 September 2013
Hanzhi WangВидео вверху: ХанжиВан (Китай), фрагмент программы 2 тура, конкурс в Кастельфидардо, 22 сентября 2013 года

Ханжи Ван (Китай, фото слева) стал победителем XXI международного аккордеонного конкурса "Arrasate Hiria 2013", всего на 0,07 опередив другого китайца Сю Сяонаня (Xu Xiaonan), занявшего 2 место. 3 место завоевал Марко Севралич (Marko Sevarlic) из Сербии. Это самые близкие баллы за всю историю конкурса.

С 5-го по 8 декабря около 350 аккордеонистов из 11 стран выступили в Испании в двух турах этого конкурса, организаторами которого стали “Hauspoz” (“Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea”), мэрия города Аррасате и Совет “County Council of Gipuzkoa”. Премии: 1-е место – € 3600, 2-е место – € 1800, 3-е место – € 900.

Жюри международной категории: Иньяки Альберди (Iñaki Alberdi – Испания), Алексей Артемьев (Россия), Гер Дрогсволл (Geir Draugsvoll – Дания), Георг Катцер (Georg Katzer – Германия) и Мие Мики (Mie Miki – Япония). На фото внизу – церемония награждения победителей международной категории .

Победителем VI Международного конкурса сочинений "Francisco Escudero" стало произведение Франсиско Хосе Риоса (Francisco Jose Rios – Испания) для аккордеона, кларнета и виолончели под названием 'Harkaitza ".

Скачать 56-страничную программу можно на: 2013AHiria.pdf
2013 international competitors


Видео: мировая премьера нового сочинения Горки Хермозы (Gorka Hermosa) 'Zheng Zai' в исполнении Сю Сяонаня (Xu Xiaonan) – Китай

Xu XiaonanВидео мировой премьеры произведения “Zheng Zai” в Пекине. Это сочинение также вошло в конкурсную программу Сю Сяонаня (фото слева), которую он с успехом исполнил на международном конкурсе в испанском городе Аррасате (см. статью выше), отстав от победителя всего на 0,07 балла.

Композитор, исполнитель, педагог и историк Горка Хермоза (фото ниже) пишет о своем новом сочинении “Zheng Zai” (2013), с которым можно ознакомиться на сайте: ghermosa03:

«Произведение “Zheng Zai” (которое можно перевести, как «Прямо сейчас», прим. пер.) можно для аккордеона/баяна соло было написано по просьбе китайского исполнителя Сю Сяонаня. Он предложил мне сочинить пьесу, основанную на наполненной энергией тибетской мелодии, и я принял эту идею.

Эта пьеса является мостом между различными культурами: восточной и западной. Восточной – из-за тибетской ауры, а западной – из-за ритмов в стиле фанк и минималистской фактуры.

Сочинение было написано в августе 2013 года и впервые исполнено 1 декабря 2013 года Сю Сяонанем в Концертном зале Центральной Консерватории Пекина. Этот концерт стал важной частью проекта "BOB" (Лучшие из лучших»), который представляет собой китайский национальный проект по выявлению талантов».

CD “Sunrise” и альбом е-треков доступны онлайн на: Xu Xiaonan
Gorka Hermosa


Австралийский международный аккордеонный конкурс и фестиваль 2014 – Австралия

AATA Banner
Mirco Patarini and Lionel Reekie7 и 8 июня 2014 года Австралийская Ассоциация Преподавателей Аккордеон (AATA) празднует 20-летие своих международных конкурсов и фестивалей. Специальный гостем мероприятия станет Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini – Италия, фото вверху слева).

Президент AATA Таня Лукич-Маркс (Tania Lukic-Marx) пишет: «Мне очень приятно лично пригласить вас приехать и присоединиться к празднованию 20-летнего юбилея, а также принять участие в нашем специальном проекте «Международный Большой Оркестр».

Наша цель – собрать всех победителей, лауреатов, приглашенных музыкантов и членов жюри последних двух десятилетий и отпраздновать единство аккордеонного сообщества в Австралии на 20-м юбилейном фестивале AATA. Приходите и присоединяйтесь к нашему празднику аккордеона».

Популярный вокалист, артист и дирижер Лайонел Рики (Lionel Reekie, фото слева) станет дирижером Международного Большого Оркестра.

Правила и условия для международных конкурсных категорий можно скачать: AATA. Требования ряда этих категорий соответствуют требованием эквивалентных категорий конкурса «Кубок мира».

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: tats64@gmail.com


Последние несколько дней, Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой

Merry Christmas logoИдеи рождественских подарков для всей семьи, связанных с аккордеоном, на 2013Christmas Ideas

Только с 15 ноября по 20 декабря можно заказать эти книги с бесплатной почтовой рассылкой, что делает их превосходными рождественскими подарками по соотношению цена-качество.

Бесплатная почтовая доставка предоставляется для некоторых самых популярных книг: “The Ins and Outs of the Accordion” и “Sounding Out The Accordion”, автор Thierry Benetoux. “An A to Z of the Accordion” и “Related Instruments”, автор Rob Howard. “Playing Well”, автор Lynda Griffith и “ Prevention and Biomechanics of Musician Injuries”.

Эти идеи рождественских подарков имеют своей целью привлечь наших читателей потратить свои средства на поддержку деятелей аккордеонного искусства: артистов, композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство и выберите рождественский подарок из более чем 2200 электронных изданий, 270 CD/DVD, 990 треков и 833 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Massimo Andreotti Peforms "El Toco" on TV Italia 7 Gold - Italy

Popular accordionist Massimo Andreotti performing "El Toco" on TV Italia 7 Gold. Published 19 November 2013


Corky Bennett ‘Have Yourself a Corky Little Christmas CD’ – USA

Corky BennettAccordion entertainer Corky Bennett has released a CD, ‘Have Yourself a Corky Little Christmas’. All songs are instrumental, arranged and recorded by Corky Bennett.

Tracks: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, White Christmas, Jingle Bells, I'll be Home for Christmas, Feliz Navidad, The Christmas Waltz, Deck the Halls, Sleigh Ride, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Here Comes Santa Claus, Silver Bells, Blue Christmas, The Christmas Song, We Wish You a Merry Christmas

For further information email: info@corkybennett.com


Video: Erwan Mellec (Accordion) & Thomas Le Bris (Guitar) - France

Erwan Mellec (Accordion) & Thomas Le Bris (Guitar) with some real French swing-musette. Published on Dec 4, 2013


Video: Banda Myllenium Performing at Cana Verde - Portugal

Banda Myllenium: Portuguese folk instrumental theme filmed at a live concert. Featured is Liliana on Concertina


Stockport Accordion Club’s Fund Raising, Macclesfield, Salford – UK

Stockport Accordion Club
The Stockport Accordion Club Band (MD Derek Stubbs), with spots from the Stockport AC Quartet, Helen Rich, Walter Perrie, and Pearl Fawcett Adriano, all performed at an annual concert on December 6th in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice at The Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield. Rob Howard acted as compere. The SAC Band’s programme included Zillertaller, Whistling Rufus, Somewhere My Love, Sweet Georgia Brown, La Paloma, Hopping Polka, Tulips from Amsterdam, Charleston, Domino, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory, Hallelujah Chorus, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland, and White Christmas. The amount raised equaled last year's record of £1400. Congratulations and thanks to all those who played and supported.

Six Stockport AC members followed up the Macclesfield concert with an open air gig playing Christmas music outside The Lowry Shopping Mall, Salford, at a Victorian Christmas Fair. This was in aid of The Christie Appeal, and went very well indeed. There were quite a lot of Manchester United and Newcastle fans watching en route to Old Trafford for the match, and contributing to the Appeal, which was good on them.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Video: Wann ist Musik Musik by Uwe Steger - Germany

A new video of accordion / V-accordion and voice by Uwe Steger in German and English languages. Enjoy. You can download a press release about this (in German) at: 2013Steger.pdf


Video: Group Gemelli D'Italia Perform Caravan - Italy

A typical South American cumbia titled Caravan, performed by the group Gemelli D'Italia, written and arranged by Joseph Zanca in collaboration with Gemini Francini. The track features Carlo on accordion.


Video: Edo Krilic playing Mosk-Pari - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Accordionist Edo Krilic of Bosnia and Herzegovina playing his own composition Mosk-Pari.


Video: Singers and accordionists Cezinha and Terezinha Perform - Brazil

Singers and accordionists Cezinha and Terezinha (lady) perform together "minha vida é te amar" (My Life is Loving You).


Video: Hilde Myran at the Harmonica Festival Bindslev - Denmark

This is the Life. Hilde Myran singing with unnamed accordionists at the Harmonica Festival Bindslev 2013 in Denmark


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion used as Lottery symbol, Canada, 1999

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending December 17th 1999 included an item from Mario Bruneau in Canada telling us that a depiction of an accordion was being used as part of advertising for a lottery. Nice to see the accordion in the public eye.

Accordion featured in Millenium Lottery – Canada
Contributed by Mario Bruneau

"Loto-Québec", a lottery in Québec, Canada, is using this nicely drawn accordion to illustrate the Millennium version of their Mini Lottery (the Mini being the most affordable draw of Loto-Québec). These accordions can be seen everywhere - in supermarkets and cigar stores. What a refreshing sight!


Будущие события

Pietro Adragna Performing, Palermo – Sicily

Pietro AdragnaPietro Adragna Concert posterItalian accordionist Pietro Adragna performs, in the Auditorium, Astoria Palace Hotel, Palermo, Sicily, on Saturday December 14th, 8.30pm.


‘Akonima’ Accordion Orchestra Concert, Wehr – Germany

Akonima’ Accordion Orchestra Concert poster
An accordion orchestra concert involving the Jugendorchester Wehr, the Vadim Fedorov Band, and the Akkordeon Rockorchester takes place on December 14th, 7pm, at the Stadhalle, Wehr, a town in the Waldshut district in Baden-Württemberg. The music will be varied, with everything from classical and folk to Queen and Phil Collins.


‘Whiskey and Women’ Winter Europe Tour- Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Germany ‏

Whiskey and Women posterRenee de la Prade, of the band ‘Whiskey & Women’, writes, “Here I am again, back in Europe. It looks like I'm going to be coming here a lot, because I found this romance here which can work with my crazy music-saturated travelling lifestyle. My new sweetheart Ingo Brauning will be driver, roadie, and sometimes drummer for this winter tour. He's taking really good care of Whiskey & Women: he's kept the fire going and the P.A. running for us in his magical art space in Hamburg. He also booked us a couple of fun Christmas shows in his home town, and has rehearsed loads of really fun grooves with me. A good man is hard to find, but not impossible!

Our winter travels will take us to Belgium, Holland, France, and Germany. We are all cramming into Ingo's 2-door hatchback Corsa so it's a good thing that we're good friends. Between the tiny steamy car, and the swampy grooves in toasty places... I think I'll be a lot warmer here in the land of snow than in my drafty warehouse back in Oakland. My further adaptation to this cold winter weather is a new furry pair of leg warmers and snow-ready boots. Bring on the schnee!”

Tour dates:
December 13th, 8pm - De Piek, Vlissingen, Netherlands  
December 14th, 8pm - Swamp Studio, Molenstraat 58a, Raamsdonk, Netherlands
December 15th, 8pm - Café Lokaal, Anthonie Verherentstraat 5, Haarlem, Netherlands
December 19th, 9pm – with Ophelia's Iron Vest, Treibhaus, Spelteriniweg 2, 6005 Lucerne, Switzerland
December 20th, 10pm - Les Copains D'Abord, 52 avenue d'Orléans, Salbris, France
December 21st, 9.30pm - Chez Fanfan, Rue Gourdon, Vierzon, France
December 22nd, 8.30pm - Chair de Poule, 141 Rue Saint-Maur, 75011 Paris, France
Rosie and Joan fly home to the US, and Rene and Ingo play two shows in Germany 
December 25th, 9pm - 25 Dec: Renee and Ingo Christmas show, Pferdehof Kindermann,   Metzels, Germany
December 27th, 9pm - Kaffee Krämer, Sraße 9a, Meiningen, Germany    

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy

Gianni MirizziOn Sunday December 15th, 11am, accordionist Gianni Mirizzi performs at the Salone Margherita theatre, Piazza di Spagna, Rome. The concert is in aid of ‘Matinée musicale’, an educational initiative.


NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association bannerThe New Hampshire Accordion Association Christmas celebration takes place on Saturday December 21st, 12.30pm until 4pm. The music and refreshments will be suitably seasonal.

NHAA members, please note: music playlist and parts for December 21st will be emailed to those NHAA members who let us know they will be attending and intend to play. To receive the list and music, please email DonnaRegis@comcast.net as soon as possible. 

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Veszprem – Hungary

Zoltan OroszAccordionist Zoltan Orosz performs a programme of Christmas music in concert on Sunday December 22nd, 7.30pm, at Ovari Ferenc, Veszprem.


Joao Gentil Concert, Coimbra - Portugal

Joao GentilAccordionist Joao Gentil performs music by Astor Piazzolla Richard Galliano, Amalia Rodrigues, Edith Piaf, Hermeto Pascoal and Pixinguinha at Salao Brazil, Coimbra, Portugal, on Friday December 27th, 10.30pm.

This concert features several guest musicians and friends, including Miguel Duarte (bass), Chico Cardoso (drums), Claudio Andrade (baritone sax), Mauro Ribeiro (guitar).

For further information email: salaobrazil@gmail.comsalaobrazil@gmail.com


Marco Lo Russo Concert, Latina – Italy

Marco Lo RussoOn Friday December 27th, 6pm, accordionist Marco Lo Russo performs with visiting Mexican musicians, the Duo La Boquita - Silvia Basurto (vocals and percussion) and Paolo Uccelli (stringed instruments and flute) in the church of San Michele Arcangelo, Sermoneta, Latina, Italy.

The diverse program will include flamenco, Arabic music, Hindu, Mexican, Argentinean Tango and Latin American music.

This year Marco Lo Russo has performed in Mexico, USA and Canada.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Book, ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com

Rob Howard new book cover 'Accordion: A Pictorial History'Available online with secure server credit card purchase in Euro or US$

Catalog No: robaccord06
‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’


Franco Cambareri release music

Franco Cambareri eSheet sampleFranco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, release a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Salsa Fusion', catalog:cfranco185

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications release music

Charnwood eSheetCharnwood Publications releases 3 new eSheet pieces for accordion available for purchase online.

'Chocolation', catalog:DW924E,
'Coming Home', catalog:DW510E,
'Emancipation ', catalog:M375E,

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Karen Fremar releases music

Karen Fremar eSheet sampleKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'One Hundred and One Green Goblins', catalog:kfremar309

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card


6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlFollowing on the very successful Gary Dahl arranged eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email), Gary Dahl has now released the 6th of his music eBooks.

Cat No: DH06-eB Collection #6 Easy Listening Variety

26 Titles: You Belong To My Heart, Walk On By, Tumbling Tumbleweeds, Ebb Tide, Time To Say Goodbye, Baby Face, Rocky Top, Lara's Theme, Impossible Dream, Danny Boy, It's All In The Game, Can't Help Falling In Love, California Dreaming, Adagio, Music Of The Night, Port Orchard Blues (Cajun Blues), Eloise (A Cajun Waltz), It Had Better Be Tonight, Hello My Baby, The Godfather, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, The Baby Elephant Walk, Abide With Me, Rockin' The Blues, Lyin' Eyes, Perdido.

65 pages of music for only US$40.00 or Euro equivalent. Click the link to see music samples and see why Gary Dahl arrangements are very popular. These eBooks make excellent gifts for Christmas.

The previous eBooks recently released are:
Cat No: DH01-eB Collection #1 Latin Spectacular (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH02-eB Collection #2 Favorite French Standards (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH03-eB Collection #3 The American Songbook (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH04-eB Collection #4 Favorite Waltzes & Polkas (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH05-eB Collection #5 Easy Listening Jazz (click link to see music samples)

There are over 200 Gary Dahl arrangements available online at:


Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA

Gary Dahl eBook coverGary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated eBooks music cover for purchase on-line.

'Latin Spectacular!', catalog:DH01-eB,
'Favourite French Standards', catalog:DH02-eB,
'The American Songbook', catalog:DH03-eB,
'Favorite Waltzez Polkas', catalog:DH04-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH05-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH06-eB

Samples for these eBooks are now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The eBooks music are in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up.

Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up. http://www.dockitjet.com


CD Отзывы

Lips Concerto CD by Friedrich Lips, Bayan

Lips Concerto  CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Lips Concerto CD by Friedrich Lips, Bayan, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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