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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Jul-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Герой для многих, Андре Вершурен (André Verchuren – 1920-2013), Шантильи – Франция
Видео: Андре Вершурен (André Verchuren – 1920-2013) – Франция
Хит Мартинаса Левикиса (Martynas Levickis) возглавил Клаcсические Чарты, Лондон – Великобритания
Окончание приема заявок на «Трофей мира 2013» – Россия
Бразильский тур Антонио Спаккаротеллы (Antonio Spaccarotella) – Бразилия
Отчет о Всемирном Аккордеонном Фестивале, Кастельфидардо – Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Accordions of Uruguay’ visit Accordion Festival, Valledupar – Colombia
Video: Pingu TV Episode Features Accordion - UK
Video: The Accordion and the Skirt by Micki Goodman - USA
Joseph Macerollo to Receive the ‘Order of Canada’, Ottawa - Canada
Video: Petar Maric Arrangement of ‘Tango Tronic’ - Serbia
Xian Gao Achieves Masters Degree and DipRAM, London – UK
Video: Duo Mellec/Vandenbroucque Performing "Little Piece Of You" - France
Puhoi Celebrates 150 Years – New Zealand
Video: Mika Tarkkonen & Pentti Karjalainen Performing - Finland
‘14 Years Ago’ –Accordionists perform at India’s ‘World Music Day’ in 1999

Будущие события

Roland Corporation U.S. Announces the 2013 V-Accordion Festival - USA
Altrincham French Festival, Cheshire – UK
Klaus Paier Jazz Workshop, Klagenfurt – Austria
UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble in Concert, Illinois - USA
Kyiv Classic Duo Tour Dates, England, Scotland – UK
Rhythm, Voice, & Accordion Workshop, San Francisco – USA
AAA 2013 Master Class and Concert Series, New York - USA
Jeff Lisenby Activities - USA
Concert with Columbian Group 'Los Ninos Vallenatos', Trossingen - Germany

Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions
John Raczka release 4 new music
Don Grzanna release new music
New Celebrity Interview with Mika Väyrynen Online - Finland

CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

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Особенности Highlights

Герой для многих, Андре Вершурен (André Verchuren – 1920-2013), Шантильи – Франция

André VerchurenЗвезда звукозаписи, Кавалер ордена Почетного легиона, популярный баянист и музыкант - герой для многих.

Ветеран французского баяна Андре Вершурен, родившийся 28 декабря 1920 года в Нейи-су-Клермон, Уаза, Франция, умер в Шантильи (Уаза) 10 июля 2013 года в возрасте 92 лет. Сын баяниста, Вершурен начал играть на баяне в возрасте 4 лет и вскоре играл на танцах со своим отцом Рэймондом.

Немного баянистов во всем мире могут сравниться с Вершуреном в долголетии артистической карьеры. Вершурен впервые выступил перед публикой в 1927 году, в начале 1930-х годов он выступал на балах и в парижских кафе, играя мюзеты и популярные французские ginguettes. И еще совсем недавно он брал в руки инструмент.

В 1930-е Вершурен принял участие и выиграл в нескольких конкурсах, в том числе конкурс в Брюсселе в 1934 году, на котором победу и титул Чемпиона Мира ему вручил король Бельгии Леопольд III. В 2007 году он отметил 80-летие своей карьеры юбилейным концертом в Олимпии в Париже.

Во время Второй мировой войны Вершурен был членом Сопротивления. В июле 1944 года он был арестован гестапо, подвергся пыткам, и в числе 2566 человек был отправлен на поезде в концентрационный лагерь Дахау. В путешествии в таких тяжелейших условиях выжили лишь 1630 человек.

Позже Вершурен стал обладателем ордена Рыцаря Почетного Легиона, был награжден Военной Медалью и Крестом Волонтеров бойцов сопротивления за свои военные заслуги. После освобождения Вершурен вернулся в Париж, чтобы возобновить свои исполнительскую карьеру, которая стремительно взлетела в конце 1940-х и 50-х годов, хотя ему потребовалось несколько лет, чтобы полностью восстановить гибкость пальцев.

Андре Вершурен, главным образом артист и шоумен был чрезвычайно влиятельным баянистом своего поколения во Франции и других странах. Хотя обычно его имя связывают с жанром мюзет, он был хорошим исполнителем классической и латиноамериканской музыки.

Он стал очень популярным благодаря многочисленным концертам, выступлениям на радио и телевидении, а также продажам его аудио и видео записей. В послевоенные годы Вершурен, опередивший свое время, открыл собственную студию звукозаписи и сделал огромное количество записей, разошедшихся тиражом в 50 миллионов.

Вершурен также исполнил партии аккордеона в нескольких фильмах, а его автобиография ‘Mon Accordéon Et Moi’ («Мой аккордеон и я») был опубликована в 1967 году.

Жена Вершурена погибла в автомобильной катастрофе в 1974 году. У него остались сыновья Гарри Уильямс и Андре Вершурен младший, оба превосходные аккордеонисты. Первый из них был назван в честь Гарри Уильямса, погибшего на войне пилота RAF, который был другом с Андре.


Видео: Андре Вершурен (André Verchuren – 1920-2013) – Франция

André Verchuren

Видео Андре Вершурена.


Хит Мартинаса Левикиса (Martynas Levickis) возглавил Клаcсические Чарты, Лондон – Великобритания

Martynas Levickis CD coverМартинас Левикис – аккордеонист литовского происхождения, недавний выпускник Королевской Академии Музыки в Лондоне, поднялся на первое место в британских классических чартах со своим новым CD ‘Martynas’, выпущенных компанией Decca, который продается лучше, чем записи Кэтрин Дженкинс (Katherine Jenkins) и Лондонского Симфонического Оркестра.

Победитель телешоу ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ Мартинас становится послом аккордеонного искусства, а его новый компакт-диск включает в себя популярную классику и смесь из других композиций, включая транскрипцию поп-хитов Леди Гага и Кэти Перри.

На диск вошли: «Венгерский танец № 5 соль минор» И. Брамса, темы из оперы «Сила судьбы», Хабанера из оперы «Кармен», «Кумпарсита», танго "Por Una Cabeza" - Карлоса Гарделя, ‘Telephone’, ‘Ai Se Eu Te Pego’ (‘Nossa Nossa’), «Хава Нагила», «Ария для струнных» И. С. Баха, «Турецкое рондо» В.А. Моцарта, “La Califfa” (из "Cinema Paradiso") Э. Морриконе, ‘Hot 'N' Cold’ Кэти Перри, «Чардаш» В. Монти, ‘Parlez-Moi d'Amour’, "Allegretto" Л. Бетховена, «Зима» А. - Вивальди.

Мартинас Левикис играет на акустическом аккордеоне фирмы Pigini, и среди его успехов – победы на «Кубке мира» в категории «Клавишный аккордеон» в Вараждине, Хорватия, в 2010 году.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: Martynas@Levickis.com


Окончание приема заявок на «Трофей мира 2013» – Россия

63rd CMA Trophée Mondiale to be hosted in Samara, Russia banner
CMA logoAnna Bodell (CMA Administrator)Дата окончания приема заявок на участие в 63 международном конкурсе «Трофей мира 2013», проходящего под эгидой Всемирной Конфедерации Аккордеона (CMA) – 14 июля 2013 года. Конкурс пройдет в Самаре с 24 по 29 сентября. Мероприятие с более чем € 15 000 призовых организовано Сергеем Войтенко и его компанией «Voytenko production».

Президент CMA Фредерик Дешамп пишет: «Мы очень рады вернуться в Самару, место проведения «Трофея Мира» в 2007 году».

Категории конкурса: Классика (взрослые и юниоры), Национальный Трофей (National Trophée), Варьете (взрослые и юниоры), Варьете на диатонических гармониках, Ансамбль и категория Баян Mix.

Полная информация о требованиях по категориям, о поездке в Самару, проживании в отеле, визовых данных, примерное расписание мероприятия и т.д. можно найти на веб-сайте www.accordions.com CMA / CMA.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: c.m.a@btinternet.com


Бразильский тур Антонио Спаккаротеллы (Antonio Spaccarotella) – Бразилия

После недавних мастер-классов Риккардо Теси (Riccardo Tesi) и Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini) в Бразилии туда отправился итальянский аккордеонист Антонио Спаккаротелла в длительный 26-дневный тур. Этот тур, призванный также рекламировать фабрику по производству баянов и аккордеонов Scandalli из Кастельфидардо, проходит при поддержке артистического агентства Musical Quitanda.

Антонио побывает в разных регионах Бразилии, станет гостем радио и телепередач, даст ряд концертов в театрах с участием различных бразильских исполнителей, а также проведет мастер-классы и семинары в университетах и консерваториях.

Окончанием бразильского тура станет долгожданный концерт Антонио в дуэте с великим Освальдиньо до Аккордеона (Oswaldinho do Accordeon) – одним из самых известных исполнителей и иконой бразильской аккордеонной музыки, который состоится 21-ого июля.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: sarah.sarah07@gmail.com


Отчет о Всемирном Аккордеонном Фестивале, Кастельфидардо – Италия

World of Accordion Festival posterОтчет о фестиваль и фотографии можно посмотреть по адресу: 2013woa
Программа фестиваля на: 2013program_woa.pdf

На прошлой неделе завершился новый музыкальный фестиваль "World of Accordion", который стартовал 29 июня 2013 года в Кастельфидардо и продолжался до воскресенья 7 июля.

Все посетители фестиваля WOA могли насладиться не только жаркой летней неделей, но и музыкой различных стилей, а также красивыми и талантливыми артистами со всего мира.

Последние 3 дня фестиваля были посвящены джазу и мировой, развлекательной и популярной, а в воскресенье также фольклорной музыке.

Последним развлечением этого нового мероприятия, организованного президентом фабрики Victoria Эльке Аренгольц (Elke Ahrenholz) стала попытка побить мировой рекорд Гиннеса – 1200 аккордеонистов должны были выступить перед зданием мэрии Кастельфидардо в присутствии мэра Мирко Сопрани.

Музыкантам удалось побить итальянский рекорд, но собрать 1200 участников не получиось. В любом случае это был веселый аттракцион для участников и многочисленных зрителей.

Приятно было видеть, что многие аккордеонные фабрики приняли участие в этом событии (см. фотоотчет).

Обновленный отчет о последних днях фестиваля, фотографии и тексты можно просмотреть по адресу: 2013woa


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Accordions of Uruguay’ visit Accordion Festival, Valledupar – Colombia

Silvio PrevialeSeveral accordionists, under the collective name ‘Accordions of Uruguay’ and sponsored by the Uruguayan Ministry of Tourism and Sports, participated in the ‘V Encuentro Mundial de Música de Acordeón’, held in the city of Valledupar, Colombia, between June 19th and 22nd.

The Uruguayan accordionists presented folk and original music, such as ‘Marcha de las serpentinas’ by Walter Méndez, ‘Serenata de acordeones’, ‘A mi gente’ by José Carbajal, ‘Pa' bailar con acordeón’ by Silvio Previale, ‘Desde el alma’ by Rosita Melo, and the famous tango ‘La Cumparsita’ by G. M. Rodríguez.

The Fundación Yutavaso in conjunction with the Embassy of Uruguay, the Municipality of Zipaquirá, and the Salt Cathedral, organized functions for the group in Bogotá. The first was at the Fundación Yutavaso on Saturday June 22nd and the second was at the Cathedral on Sunday June 23rd. Both functions ended with a toast of honour using Uruguayan wines donated by the winery Joanicó.

The Uruguayan delegation included accordionists Silvio Previale, Nicolás Previale, Denis Raykoff, Néstor Bisio, Sergio Gómez, Walter Olaussen, Martha Xamo, Deisy Aguerre, Sergio Araújo, Norma Priario, Santiago Previale, percussionist José Luis Curubeto, choreographers Roberto Lucero and Silvia Montaña, the teacher Gisela Pinato, and Professor Analía Etchart.


Video: Pingu TV Episode Features Accordion - UK

This charming Pingu TV episode features the accordion throughout. Enjoy.


Video: The Accordion and the Skirt by Micki Goodman - USA

Video released 10th July 2013. The Accordion and the Skirt by Micki Goodman with music by accordionist, philosopher, composer and teacher Dr. William Schimmel.

CD's and compositions online at: William Schimmel


Joseph Macerollo to Receive the ‘Order of Canada’, Ottawa - Canada

Joseph MacerolloCanadian accordionist and educator Joseph Macerollo has been awarded the ‘Order of Canada’ "for his pioneering achievements as a musician and educator, and for bringing the classical accordion to Canadian concert halls," according to a citation by David Lloyd Johnston, the Governor-General of Canada.

Joseph Macerollo will receive the ‘Order of Canada’ at a ceremony at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, in the autumn.

After sitting on the news since April, Joseph can finally talk about his award since the Governor General's office released the names of recipients late last week. "I was sworn to secrecy. I couldn't tell my Dad, my brothers or sisters. It was hard work keeping this quiet. I'm in awe. It's one of those rare things that happens to individuals. You just never think it will happen to you," he said.

Joseph Macerollo (born 1944), has long been one of Canada’s leading concert accordionists and teachers. As a musician, he has performed with many artists, ensembles and orchestras in addition to much solo work, and he has taught extensively at colleges and universities.

For many years Macerollo has striven to promote the development and use of the free bass accordion. Macerollo has also composed and performed the music for several movie and TV scores.

He has been Vice-President, 1970-4, of the CIA and President, 1974-77, of the Canadian Accordion Teachers' Association.


Video: Petar Maric Arrangement of ‘Tango Tronic’ - Serbia

Petar Maric’s latest video of his own arrangement of ‘Tango Tronic’. All that is heard comes from one instrument, the Roland FR-7X. Camera - Nebojsa Vasic, edited by Petar Maric.


Xian Gao Achieves Masters Degree and DipRAM, London – UK

Xian GaoXian Gao, from Shanghai, China, has graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London with a Masters Degree and the coveted DipRAM, which is only awarded to students who achieve the very top marks.

Her performance embraced  concerto, chamber music and solo works. This follows a long line of former students of Professor Owen Murray who have been awarded a DipRAM including Ksenija Sidorova, Rafal Luc, Amadej Herzog, Milos Milivojevic and Borut Zagoranski.


Video: Duo Mellec/Vandenbroucque Performing "Little Piece Of You" - France

Published on Jul 6, 2013. The Duo Mellec/Vandenbroucque of Erwan Mellec (accordion) and Gérard Vandenbroucque (violin) perform "Little Piece Of You" composed by Erwan Mellec.

Acoustic session recorded in June 2013 in the workshop of master Luthier Vincent Schryve.


Puhoi Celebrates 150 Years – New Zealand

Photos above: pictures of accordion in the famous Puhoi Hotel and a feature article in New Zealands largest newspaper. Lower is a book by local author Diane Krippner.

150 years ago a boatload of settlers from Bohemia who had spent 4 months without making landfall were dropped off at midnight (because of the tides) at what has become the settlement of Puhoi.

They had nothing, most importantly no food, and the local Maoris took pity on them and helped them through the winter until they could grow food. The hard working immigrants cleared the land of scrub and huge kauri trees and created gardens and pasture, built the church, school house, library and museum, which all still stand today.

Significantly they bought their music with them and accordion was a mainstay of this. The local pub was famous for its music bands which all included accordionists. A display of the early instruments resides in a kauri display case at the Dargaville museum.

The celebrations started on Friday evening at the Pub and continued at the church the next morning. Many people dressed in period costume. On Sunday at the Puhoi Market well known accordionist Heather Gladstone (picture below) and Roger Buckton (dudlesac), who had come from Christchurch to perform as ‘Folkworks’ from 9am to 11am.

This was followed by the Ohaupo Bohemian Band from 11am, who had two accordionists playing also. On sale were books of the areas also featuring the accordion music as well as a CD of the band from the pub with its accordionists.


Video: Mika Tarkkonen & Pentti Karjalainen Performing - Finland

Published 15th May 2013: Mika Tarkkonen & Pentti Karjalainen performing Parisian Moods & Tuckholman Polkka.


‘14 Years Ago’ –Accordionists perform at India’s ‘World Music Day’ in 1999

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending July 9th 1999 reported that accordionists M. B. Prakash and P. Ravindra performed in a World Music Day concert held in Bangalore, India. We know that accordions are played in India, and the instrument fits well into the country’s traditional folk music, but we rarely get to know about accordion activity there. Can anyone in India let Accordions Worldwide know what goes on?

World Music Day - India
Contributed by Ravindra Rao

Accordionists M. B. Prakash and P. Ravindra (India) celebrated World Music Day in June with concerts in Bangalore with other musicians who performed a variety of music such as Indian classical, folk and western folk.

The duo concert included polkas, waltzes, tarantellas and landlers. The concert was well received, especially by the French people present, who felt they were at home with music rendered with great authenticity. The response was so positive that the organizers have requested the duo perform again for the next World Music Day.


Будущие события

Roland Corporation U.S. Announces the 2013 V-Accordion Festival - USA

Official Roland US V-Accordion Festival Graphics
The Roland Corp. U.S. V-Accordion Festival in conjunction with the 7th Roland International V-Accordion Festival is offering the US winner a trip to Rome to represent the USA at the 7th Roland International V-Accordion Festival. Dates of the Rome Festival are 18 and 19th October.

This Senior (18 years and over) category is open to both amateurs and professionals and can be entered in two ways. Those US citizens competing at the Coupe Mondiale in August in Victoria City, BC, Canada in any division of the Coupe Mondiale, the top three, will be eligible without having to go through the pre-qualifying round.

Other USA entrants are invited to submit a YouTube audition video. Audition videos will be accepted online through August 18, 2013 for the Roland Corp. U.S. “pre-selection round,” and entrants may perform on either an acoustic or digital accordion during this round.

A panel of judges will select 6 finalists and Roland Corp. U.S. will loan a Roland FR-7X to each finalist for them to make a video, and from those videos, the jury will choose one winner. The winner will receive a prize of a new Roland FR-8X V-Accordion and will also win the prize to travel to Rome to compete in the international V-Accordion Festival finals. The international competitors will all compete on the new Roland FR-8X.

Further information at: Roland Corp. U.S.


Altrincham French Festival, Cheshire – UK

John Jones and Helen RichRob HowardAltrincham French Festival takes place from 4pm on July 13th and morning/afternoon on the 14th in Stamford Park, Altrincham, Cheshire.

On July 14th, accordionists Rob Howard (pictured right), John Jones (pictured left-top) and Helen Rich (pictured left-low) will be performing musette style music during the day, which runs from 10am until 4pm.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Klaus Paier Jazz Workshop, Klagenfurt – Austria

Klaus Paier Jazz Workshop programme
Accordionist and bandoneonist Klaus Paier holds an accordion workshop, ‘Jazz and more…”, July 15th to 18th, at Musikforum Viktring, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Klaus Paier (born 1966) graduated from Klagenfurt Conservatory, specializing in accordion, jazz and composition. He has performed in most European countries as well as Egypt, Israel, Canada, Algeria, Vietnam, and the United States.

In 2011 in Moscow, Russia, Klaus Paier became the first Austrian accordionist to receive the Silver Disc prize - a special award for accordionists and their achievements.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.at

8 CD's of accordion / bandoneon available online at: Klaus Paier


UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble in Concert, Illinois - USA

The University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Chamber Accordion Ensemble
The University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Chamber Accordion Ensemble will perform at the upcoming Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International, (ATG) Festival in Lisle, IL, on Thursday July 18th. The group comprises CIA Vice President and well known accordion celebrity Joan Cochran Sommers, ATG President Betty Jo Simon, AAA, ATG Board of Director Kevin Friedrich, and fellow UMKC Alumni Amy Hayes, Ron Barrow and Joyce Davis.

All former members of the renowned UMKC Accordion Orchestra, the UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble will perform ‘Fuga 9’, by Astor Piazzolla, a magnificent version of ‘Mephisto Waltz No. 1’, by Franz Liszt, arr. by Joan C. Sommers, ‘Anantango’, by Gorka Hermosa, and ‘La Cumparsita’, by Gerardo Matos Rodríguez.

In addition to their performance, members will also anchor the ATG Board of Directors and Friends orchestra as well as the ATG Festival Orchestra, an International extravaganza where members of the popular 50 member Orchestre Polyphonia, from Réunion Island, will bring an exciting mixture of instrumentation to the 2013 Festival Orchestra.

The UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble recently participated in the USA contributions to World Accordion Day, when videos of their past performances were broadcast during the live presentation.

For information on all performances and activities at the upcoming ATG Festival, please visit the official website of the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG).
ATG banner


Kyiv Classic Duo Tour Dates, England, Scotland – UK

Kyiv Classic Duo Tour Dates posterThe Kyiv Classic Duo – Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoeits, from Kiev in the Ukraine - are on their annual summer tour, bringing their magic to concert audiences, as follows:

July 14th, 7.30pm – Christ Church, New Mill, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 7BL
July 16th, 8pm – also in support, Stefan Andrusychsyn & Denise Leigh, at North Staffs Accordion Club, Holditch WMC, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs
July 19th, 7.30pm – St Augustine’s Church, 2a High St, Dumbarton G82 1LL, Scotland
July 22nd, 7.30pm – Black Country Accordion & Music Club, Rowley Regis Disability Club, West Midlands B65 9AT
July 23rd, 7.30pm – St Peter & Paul Church, Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire
July 24th, 7.30pm – Thaxted Parish Church, Margaret St, near Saffron Waldon
July 25th, 7.30pm - St Augustine’s Church, High St, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8DS
July 26th, 7.30pm – St Mary the Virgin Church, Watch House Rd, Church End, Stebbing, Essex CM6 3SW
July 27th, 8pm – Soar Valley Accordion Club, Rothley Centre Hall, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7PR


Rhythm, Voice, & Accordion Workshop, San Francisco – USA

Rob Reich with the band
A ‘Gypsy Jazz’ Workshop with accordionist Rob Reich takes place on Saturday July 20th, 5pm, at The Accordion Apocalypse Repair Shop, 255 10th St, San Francisco, CA 94103.

Rob Reich, from San Francisco, is a multi instrumentalist and composer, plays in the bands Tin Hat, Gaucho and Nice Guy Trio, and as a solo accordionist. On Monday July 15th, 7pm-9pm, he is performing a solo accordion gig at the Divine Café, 1600 Stockton St, San Francisco.

For further information email: robbyreichmusic@gmail.com


AAA 2013 Master Class and Concert Series, New York - USA

AAA 2013 Master Class and Concert Series posterThe long running annual American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Master Class and Concert Series celebrates its 19th season on July 26th, 27th, and 28th at the Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th St, New York.

The AAA Master classes are at 3 pm, and concerts at 7pm. Master Classes’ admission is $20, concert admission is $25; a $40/day ticket includes master class and concert; weekend tickets cost $110.

The title of the Seminars this year is ‘The Accordion is 3D - No Glasses Required’. The moderator/curator, Dr. William Schimmel suggests that it will be the best one yet, with intriguing workshops, stellar performances, and - most of all - a collegial attitude in its presentation.

Participants come from New York and around the USA, and from China, Japan, Argentina, Croatia, and Norway. Guest artists during the weekend include Dr. William Schimmel, Dr. Robert Young McMahan, Erica Mancini, Peter Flint, John Foti, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Micki Goodman presenting a new video work, Doug Makofka, Ken Laufer, Paul Stein, Ingrid Kvale, Martina Li, Mayumi Mayaota, Corn Mo, Mary Tokarski, Will Holshouser, Bob Goldberg and The Famous Accordion Orchestra, David Stoler, Art Bailey, Brian Dewan, Melissa Elledge.

In addition to the above line-up, the following has been added: ‘A Compcord Suite’, featuring Di J Noizepunk (Gene Pritsker) and Dr Schimmel performing works by Dan Cooper, Patrick Grant, Jed Distler, Joe Pehrson, Milica Paranovic, Dr. Schimmel and Gene Pritsker as well as a 7 minute remix of ‘Maria de Buenos Aires’ (Piazzolla) and ‘Lights’ (Goulding).

For reservations and information: 212-876-0827 (office), 917-498-6823 (cell).

For further information email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Jeff Lisenby Activities - USA

Jeff LisenbyRenowned accordionist, pianist, composer and arranger Jeff Lisenby is featured on a fun new album from John England And The Western Swingers. "Songs Older Than Pappy" which features Jeff's accordion skills on the song "When You And I Were Young, Maggie". Check out this lively swingin' Texas-style track on iTunes.

Jeff is currently working as music director, arranger, and band leader at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival's production of "Ring Of Fire: The Music Of Johnny Cash". Show opens July 13.

We're halfway through our fundraising campaign for production of Jeff's new Christmas album "Walkin' The Winter Wonderland". We're currently $558 short of our 50% goal. We have two days to make it! Pre-order your copy or make a pledge to receive fun prizes and updates from Jeff here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1595862748/walkin-the-winter-wonderland-a-swingin-piano-chris

Available online, accordion compositions and CD at: Jeff Lisenby


Concert with Columbian Group 'Los Ninos Vallenatos', Trossingen - Germany

The Hohner-Konservatorium
Saturday 13th July 2013 at 3 pm, Hohnerstraße 4/1, Trossingen.

Los Ninos Vallenatos is a group of young musicians aged 9-14 years that are currently on tour in Europe.

In addition to the group "Los Ninos Vallenato" are students of the Hohner Conservatory and the school of music Trossingen.

We invite you to this concert. Admission is free! Donations will go to the young musicians of "Los Ninos Vallenato".


Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Slippery Slide', catalog: cfranco178,
'Spring Fantasy', catalog: cfranco179

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


John Raczka release 4 new music

John Raczka - accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'Santa Lucia', catalog:raczka237,
'Scarborough Fair', catalog:raczka238,
'Sous Le Ciel De Paris', catalog:raczka239,
'Spinningwheel Song', catalog:raczka240

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Don Grzanna release new music

Don Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'The Romantic Waltz', catalog: grza179

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Celebrity Interview with Mika Väyrynen Online - Finland

Mika VäyrynenAccordions Worldwide is proud to publish its latest feature in the Celebrity Interviews series, updating readers on the extraordinary career of Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen.


Mika is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding accordion artists today. He has performed all over the world both as a soloist, and in concert with other internationally acclaimed artists, conductors and orchestras. He has an impressive list of recordings and World Premieres, and is responsible for commissioning many new works for accordion.

Mika has an impressive discography, having already released 19 CDs, with more on the way. His most recent CD is "For Duo Works For Two Accordion" CD by Mika Väyrynen and Angel Luis Castaño, which is available online along with other CD's by Mika, from the Finnish Accordeon Institute. Just prior to this, he released his first 'all Bach' series CD Vol. 1, and now Vol. 2 has been recorded and being prepared for publication.

During the Interview Mika talks about his recording and concert work, his work as a teacher, and some insights into his career working alongside the elite of the musical world.

We invite you to enjoy this fascinating publication, our second Celebrity Interview we have published with Mika Väyrynen: http://accordions.com/interviews/mika/13_interview1.htm
As part of the Interview, Mika has also published an article 'The Technical Strategies of Playing the Accordion.


CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier TrioCD Reviews Index for the Review of Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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