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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Sep-2015
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные отчеты 40-й Международного Città di Castelfidardo, Италия
Новый CD Фридриха Липса Fachwerk/Kapote, Австрия
Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon Festival. Квебек, Канада

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Inside Diatonic Accordion, Music by Andrej Gropajc - Slovenia
Sharon Shannon CD/DVD ‘In Galway’ – Republic of Ireland
Video: Petar Maric at VI Festival Internacional "Acordeão em Espectáculo" - Portugal
Renzo Ruggieri "Up To Christmas" €10 CD Special - Italy
Video: Duet 'LiubAnya' Perform 'Those Were The Days' - Russia
Tom Izzo Plays Accordion Ending Michigan State's 4 Game Trip to Italy - USA
‘14 Years Ago’: Coupe Mondiale all set for London in October 2001

Будущие события

Noirfest 2015, Vancouver – Canada
Gorka Hermosa Conference/Concert, Zarautz – Spain
The Brandon McPhee Show, Aberdeen – UK
Stanislav Angelov performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape - South Africa
Bird Mancini Band in Beatles Tribute Show, Massachusetts – USA
Oswaldinho do Acordeon Concert, São Paulo – Brazil
Ray Carse @ Castle Douglas A & F Club, Scotland – UK
Nihad Hrustanbegovic performs ‘The Four Seasons’, Orléans – France
Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Valletta – Malta
Manchester Klezmer Day, Manchester – UK
Classic Buskers @ Dvorak Festival, Prague – Czech Republic
Milwaukee Accordion Club - ‘Bill Anderson with a Little Bit of Heaven' - USA
Zoltán Orosz Concert - Sweden

Новые и обновленные сайты

Viivi Maria Saarenkylä Carnevale CD on Internet - Finland
Updated Site: Gorka Hermosa Flamenco Etxea Album - Spain
Mike Middleton New CD Release and Upcoming Performances - USA

CD Отзывы

CD Review: Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion

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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные отчеты 40-й Международного Città di Castelfidardo, Италия

2015  PIF International
Yuri Shishkin, Duo Paris MoscouRenzo Ruggieri, Antonio Spaccarotella40-й международный конкурс Città di Castelfidardo проходит с 17 по 20 сентября.

Ежедневные отчеты фото, видео и результаты каждого дня мероприятия на: 2015Concorso

Исполнители выступающиена фестивале:
Юрий Шишкин, Ренцо Руджери, Риккардо Теси и банда Italiana, Дуэт Париж Москва Жбанов/Эморин, Чезаре Кьякьяретта, Роберто Люканеро, Антонио Спаккаротелла, Кристиан Риганелли, Винченцо Абрачьянте, Ивано Баттистон, а также много других исполнителей и очень большое количество участников в разных категориях.

Расписание доступно на сайте вместе с правилами и другой информацией на: 2015Concorso


Новый CD Фридриха Липса Fachwerk/Kapote, Австрия

Sofia Gubaidulina and Friedrich Lips
CD Cover, Giya KancheliВышел в свет новый CD Фридриха Липса Fachwerk/Kapote. На компакт-диске представлены два крупных произведения для баяна с оркестром.

1. Fachwerk Софии Губайдулиной (1931) написан в 2009 году для баяна, ударных и струнного оркестра - 33.44 мин

Запись была сделана в концертном зале имени Гнесиных в Москве 13 декабря 2013 года, Фридрихом Липсом и симфоническим оркестром имени Гнесиных Российской академии музыки (дирижер Александр Соловьев).

2. Kapote Гии Канчели (1935) написан в 2006 году для баяна, ударных, бас-гитары и струнного оркестра - 28:24

Это было записано на радио «Орфей» с симфоническим оркестром (дирижер Сергей Кондрашев).

Информацию о CD Fachwerk/Kapote Фридриха Липса вы можете прочитать на сайте: CD027

Можно заказать компакт-диск онлайн, оплачивая в евро или долларах США с помощью WorldPay.com, одной из крупнейшей и безопасной в мире системы обработки платежей.


Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon Festival. Квебек, Канада

Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon Festival
Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon FestivalВ первый уик-энд сентября можно выделить из «Года аккордеона Канады» фестиваль Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon, который был проведен 27-й раз в Монманьи, Квебек, Канада.

В этом году ежегодный фестиваль собрал более 70 исполнителей со всего мира, около 35000 зрителей, чтобы насладиться музыкой во всех его проявлениях и всех его формах в течение пяти интенсивных дней фестиваля.

Концерты и презентации проходили на трех основных открытых площадках в центре города, а также в нескольких концертных залах и крытых сценах с раннего утра до позднего вечера. Музей аккордеона привлек посетителей и позволил больше узнать об истории инструмента и главной дороги города, на которой были ярмарки и уличные музыканты.

Трехчасовое открытие в пятницу, 4 сентября - волнующий обзор программы фестиваля. Артисты из разных стран выступали на сцене, демонстрируя публике аккордеон на любой вкус. Главным образом американско-канадской аудитории, казалось, было предложено все, что она любит - от традиционной музыки Квебека до Антонио Вивальди. После каждого исполнения они вставали, чтобы горячо поприветствовать каждого арстиста.

Различные диатонические аккордеоны и традиционная музыка была широко представлена на фестивале. Молодой канадский виртуоз, исполняющий музыку на диатонических аккордеонах, Тими Турмель со своим трио наслаждались огромным успехом с самого открытия концерта. Он интерпретировал традиционную музыку Квебека и ирландскую музыку с удивительной виртуозностью и скоростью – и еще с большей музыкальностью.

Одно из самых интересных открытий был также бельгийский дуэт Дидье Лалоу (диатонических баян) и Кэти Адам (виолончель). Связь между этими двумя музыкантами, играющими вместе более 20 лет, очень глубокая и интенсивность их работы чрезвычайно увлекательная. Их композиции были в одно и то же время жестокими и мелодичными, акробатическими и оригинальными, был даже рок.

Французско-русский дуэт Франсуа Хайма и Алексей Бирюкова предложил яркое и свежее сочетание диатонической гармоники и балалайки. Традиционная испанская музыкальная культура была представлена дуэтами Эрик Вейганд/Элиас Портер из Каталонии и ансамбля А Cadiera Coixa. Ирландские братья Найл и Киллиан Валлели играл мелодии своей страны на концертино и ирландской волынке.

Французы Роберто Сантьяго представили латинско-боливийское направление традиции на диатонических гармошках, а дуэт Этьен Гранджин (диатоническая гармошка) и Зонг Зиберил (гитара) предложили микс традиционных народных песен из Бретани. А события традиционной музыки Квебека и традиционного танца Квебека показали десятки местных американских аккордеонистов, что привлекло огромный общественный интерес.

Кроме того, этническая музыка, джаз, классическая музыка, варьете – все присутствовало на фестивале. Роман Жбанов и его сестра Анна (фото выше) исполняли разнообразный классический репертуар для баяна и фортепиано, разумно и чисто. Итальянский аккордеонист Мирко Патарини (на фото ниже), исполнил классические мелодии и хорошо известные композиции элегантно.

Новые ветры виртуоза музыки варьете были представлены молодой финской аккордеонисткой Вийви Марией Сааренкюлией (фото ниже), победителем международного конкурса в Кастельфидардо в 2014 году, которая удивила общественность репертуаром от Чика Кориа до Tango Nuevo и Майкла Джексона.

Интригующий франко-баскский дуэт Bilika: Дидье Итюрсарри (хроматический аккордеон) и Кристоф Хириарт (вокал/перкуссия) обратил большое внимание и интерес к их уникальной музыке, находящейся где-то между традиционной баскской музыкой и свободной импровизацией. Их выступление было глубокое по погружению в корни и очень свежим на ощупь.

Мастер на хроматическом аккордеоне Дэвид Вентуччи вместе с певицей и актрисой Аник Кисарюк предложил новый проект, состоящий из песен Барбары и Лео Ферре. Французский джаз играл также ансамбль Quartier Libre. В целом художественная составляющая фестиваля была настолько широка и разнообразна, что невозможно все описать.

Фестивалю Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon действительно удалось показать магию аккордеона.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Inside Diatonic Accordion, Music by Andrej Gropajc - Slovenia

We often wonder what is happening in the accordion when we are playing, what is hidden in it, how does it all work? Hence the idea to try to capture on video and show the inside of the accordion and what is happening while you play.

Published on Sep 1, 2015
Music title: Po hitrih poteh.
Players: Andrej Gropajc, Diatonic accordion: Beltuna Alpstar IVDR (LUPINC)
Guitar: Jani Rednak
Bass: Jani Rednak

Beltuna Accordions, Inmuzik and Kleva Films.


Sharon Shannon CD/DVD ‘In Galway’ – Republic of Ireland

Sharon Shannon CD
Sharon ShannonIrish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon’s latest CD/DVD release, ‘In Galway’, was recorded live at O’Connor Famous Pub in Salthill, Galway. She is joined on this recording by Dublin pianist and guitarist Alan Connor. The pair have a natural spark, and the show is full of joy and verve. The joint CD/DVD is available from Shannon’s website or via Amazon.

Tracks: The Bungee Jumpers, Coridinio, Rathlin Island, The Midnight Special/Windchime, Little Bird, Reel Beatrice, The Woodchoppers, Neckbelly/Gaffo’s Ball, Duo In G, Cavan Potholes, Backbird, James Brown’s March/Mouth of the Tobiqu, The Galway Girl/Music For A Found Harmonium, The Shining, Sandy River Bell.

Sharon Shannon has done much to promote the accordion in her home country. She is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through other genres, such as Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Classical and even Rap.

She has recorded and toured with a who's who of the Irish and Global Music Industry, including Bono, Adam Clayton, Sinead O’Connor, Jackson Browne, Steve Earle, The RTE Concert Orchestra, The Chieftains, The Waterboys, Willie Nelson, Nigel Kennedy, Alison Krauss and Shane MacGowan - a list that demonstrates Sharon's versatility. She has entertained US Presidents Clinton and Obama and Irish Presidents Robinson and MacAleese.

She has worked with Hollywood film directors Jim Sheridan in a production of ‘The Playboy of the Western World’ and played a cameo role in Neil Jordan’s film ‘Ondine’ alongside Colin Farrell. She has had multi-platinum album sales and has had several number one albums, singles and DVDs in her home country. Her album ‘Galway Girl’ went 4 times platinum in Ireland with the title track winning her the Meteor award two years running for most downloaded song.

Currently touring the UK as well as working on a book on her life, Sharon is a passionate animal lover and does a lot of voluntary work and fundraising for various animal rescues and supports many other charities.

Sharon has recently become an ambassador for ‘Building Of Hope’, a charity that brings practical help, education support and care to young people in The Third World.


Video: Petar Maric at VI Festival Internacional "Acordeão em Espectáculo" - Portugal

Published on Aug 6, 2015, Petar Maric (Serbia) at the VI Festival Internacional "Acordeão em Espectáculo" in Caria, Portugal. Video by Francisco Pinto.


Renzo Ruggieri "Up To Christmas" €10 CD Special - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri CD's
Valentino è Tango CD CoverRenzo Ruggieri CD'sFamous Renzo Ruggieri is making an "Up To Christmas" special for all his CD's at the super price of only €10 each. This special includes his latest album Valentino è Tango.

There are sound samples online so you can hear the vast array of music on these 11 CD's. If you buy all 11 CD's, the postage within Europe is for €11 and outside Europe €21 Euro.
Email musicforaccordion@yahoo.com for how to order all 11 CD's.

The online shopping basket links to the high security eCommerce site run by WorldPay.com, one of the world's largest payment processing system.

Click the links below to hear sound samples and to order.
rruggieri01 Improvvisazioni Guidate
rruggieri02 Storie di Fisarmonica Vissuta
rruggieri03 Accordion Voyage
rruggieri04 Bends
rruggieri05 Spaghetti Time
rruggieri06 Terre
rruggieri07 Renzo Ruggieri Collection
rruggieri08 Kramer Project - Renzo Ruggieri Orchestra
rruggieri09 Opera?
rruggieri10 Inni D'Italia
rruggieri11 Valentino è Tango
Renzo Ruggieri CD's


Video: Duet 'LiubAnya' Perform 'Those Were The Days' - Russia

Duet ''LiubAnya" Perform 'Those Were The Days'. Published on Mar 30, 2015.


Tom Izzo Plays Accordion Ending Michigan State's 4 Game Trip to Italy - USA

Tom IzzoThe Michigan State basketball team took a trip to Italy for some overseas competition, and despite a fairly unsuccessful trip, it ended with a jolly Tom Izzo playing the accordion at the team's final dinner.

The Spartans kicked off their trip with a 98-54 win over Basket Fiorentina - but dropped their next three games to the Russian Senior National Team, the Italian national team, and Georgia's national team.

They lost to the Georgia national team by one point after Bryn Forbes missed a 40-foot shot at the buzzer to win the game.

Even though the team came back from Europe with just one win, Izzo was happy with what the team took away from the trip. "This trip was as good as anything I've done in my 20 years," he said in an article posted on Michigan State's athletics website.

The last time Izzo was seen playing the accordion in public was at last season's Midnight Madness, where he played to 'Rock All Night' dressed as a member of KISS.


‘14 Years Ago’: Coupe Mondiale all set for London in October 2001

2001 Coupe MondialeThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 14th 2001 included information about the impending CIA Coupe Mondiale, due to be held in London, UK, from October 24th to 28th. That autumn, all within a few weeks, there were four major accordion festivals in England: Bridlington and Pakefield, the Coupe Mondiale, and the London Accordion Festival – an unprecedented schedule unlikely to be repeated. This year’s Coupe Mondiale is set for Turku, Finland, October 6th to 11th.

World Accordion Championships in London – England
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

This year the Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships will be held at the Cumberland Hotel in Central Harrow, London, hosted by the National Accordion Organization of the United Kingdom (NAO). All activities take place at either the Cumberland Hotel, or in Halls close by, including the magnificent Church Hall. This is the first time the event has been held in the UK since 1984 and this year’s Coupe Mondiale promises to be an exceptional event, not to be missed!

Young musicians worldwide will be given the opportunity to compete for the distinction of winning the world title in a variety of categories which has grown to include:
Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships
Junior Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships
Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition
NAO/CIA Piano Accordion Competition
Chamber Music Competition (to be introduced in 2002)

To date (with more arriving each day), the competition has attracted a record number of entries as follows:
Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships: 21
Junior Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships: 17
Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition: 11
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition: 8
Piano Accordion Division: 18

The event will also include a concert recital by Alexander Dmitriev, a final "Gala Concert & Prize Presentation" and the CIA Congress.


Будущие события

Noirfest 2015, Vancouver – Canada

The 8th annual festival Noirfest 2015 takes place from September 10th to 13th at venues in Vancover, including Western Front, Wise Hall, and Spartacus Books.

The guest artists include Wendy McNeill (Spain/Canada), Angélica Negrón & Shayna Dunkelman (New York), Geoff Berner (Canada), Kate and Rich Duo (Nova Scotia), Flying Machines (Vancouver), Compassion Gorilla (Victoria), Ana Bonbon (Vancouver), Rattletrap Ruckus (USA), Svetka and the Raven (Victoria), The Wayward Hearts (Vancouver), and Steve Normandin (Quebec).

For further information email: accordionnoirfest@gmail.com


Gorka Hermosa Conference/Concert, Zarautz – Spain

Gorka HermosaGorka Hermosa holds a conference and performs in concert at the Cine Modelo, Zarautz, on Friday September 11th, 7pm. The conference will be about Hermosa’s book ‘The accordion in the 19th Century’ and in the concert (duo with the pianist Francisco San Emeterio) will include works for free reed instruments by Saint Säens, Czerny, Franck, Widor, and Prin.

Gorka Hermosa is one of Spain’s foremost concert accordionists, composers and teachers. He is Professor of Accordion at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Valladolid, where he teaches accordion, chamber music, harmony, fundamentals of composition, analysis and aesthetics.


The Brandon McPhee Show, Aberdeen – UK

Accordionist and singer/guitarist Brandon McPhee headlines a concert at the Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen, Scotland, on Saturday September 12th, 7.30pm. Pianist Robert Lovie and comedian Eddie Rose are also on the bill.

Brandon McPhee, who plays a Shand Morino button accordion, is an All Scotland Champion and has made several CDs and DVDs. He also sings Country & Western songs, accompanying himself on guitar.


Stanislav Angelov performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape - South Africa

Stanislav Angelov
On Saturday September 12th, 7pm, the ever popular Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ will be performed by Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus De Beer (violin), and Charles Lazar (double bass). The concert takes place at the Morgansviei Country Estate, Tulbagh, Western Cape.

The show presents the genius of Vivaldi in an unusual but highly effective combination. The artists are also joined by local Tulbagh resident, acclaimed blues guitarist Albert Frost, who will add to this eclectic combination demonstrating his versatility and ability to collaborate with artists from all fields. Frost will also give impressions of the seasons from his genre.


Bird Mancini Band in Beatles Tribute Show, Massachusetts – USA

The Bird Mancini Band
The Bird Mancini Band perform at the Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis St, Framingham, Massachusetts, on Saturday September 12th, 8pm. The Bird Mancini Band will be opening the show for the fantastic Beatles Solo Years tribute band Afterfab, whose repertoire includes Beatles songs from 1962 until 1970 plus solo songs from 1970 onwards.

For further information email: info@amazingthings.org


Oswaldinho do Acordeon Concert, São Paulo – Brazil

Oswaldinho do Acordeon
On Monday September 14th, 7pm, Oswaldinho do Acordeon performs in concert at Sesc Consolacao, Rua Doutor Vila Nova, 245, 01222-020 São Paulo, Brazil.

Oswaldinho do Acordeon will perform his own original compositions and music written by Richard Galliano, Lee Ritnour, Carlos Santana, Egberto Gismonti, and Luiz Gonzaga.


Ray Carse @ Castle Douglas A & F Club, Scotland – UK

Ray CarseTartan LadsAccordionist Ray Carse is the guest at the Castle Douglas Accordion & Fiddle Club on Tuesday September 15th, 7.30pm. The club meets at the Urr Valley Hotel, Ernespie Rd, Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Galloway, DG7 3JG, Scotland.

Ray Carse is best known as one half of The Tartan Lads duo with vocalist Bill Moran, who were popular for 40 years before disbanding in 2012.


Nihad Hrustanbegovic performs ‘The Four Seasons’, Orléans – France

Nihad HrustanbegovicAccordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic, performs ‘The Four Seasons’, by Vivaldi, and a selection of sacred music at the church of Saint-Pierre, Martroi, Orléans, France, on Thursday September 17th, 8.30pm.

Netherlands-based Bosnian Nihad Hrustanbegovic has recently recorded this work on a CD.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Valletta – Malta

Santa Maria Accordion Band
The Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Busuttil Cassar, L.B.C.A.) perform in concert on Saturday September 19th, 7.30pm, at Pjazza Jean De Valette, Valletta, Malta. The concert features full band, solo and trio items, playing music from genres from all over the world.


Manchester Klezmer Day, Manchester – UK

Manchester Klezmer Day
Manchester Klezmer Day, takes place on Saturday September 19th, at St Matthew’s Church, Chapel Lane, Stretford, Manchester M32 9AJ. There will be workshops and evening dancing at St Matthew's in Stretford. Bring your own food and drinks. Tea and coffee is provided.

St Matthew's has a lovely wooden dance floor. Musicans who attended the workshops have the option of playing for the Klezmer Keilidh or joining in the with the dancing. All musicians are welcome to play in the evening.

The dance orchestra will be led by Susi, Josie and Frances, with our expert dance leader Judith Plowman showing you what to do. Workshops, a Klezmer Keilidh and more with Susi Evans, Frances O'Rourke, Josie Wexler and Judith Plowman.

Workshops: Susi Evans (clarinet), Frances O'Rourke (piano accordion), Josie Wexler (fiddle), and Judith Plowman (dances).

Saturday tickets: Workshops 10-5pm - £20, Klezmer Keilidh 8-11.30pm - £8 Full Day Ticket £25 (workshops & keilidh).

On Friday September 18th there is a Klezmer session at Mono Bar in Chorlton from 8.30pm till late - close to Chorlton tram station. Friday session free (collection).

For further information email: klezmer@yiddlesticks.com


Classic Buskers @ Dvorak Festival, Prague – Czech Republic

Classic Busters
The Classic Buskers & Neil Henry perform at the Dvorak Festival in Prague, Czech Republic, on Sunday September 20th, 3.30pm and 5pm.

3.30pm - Open Air concert, Rudolfinum
5pm - Dvorák Hall, Rudolfinum

The Classic Buskers are Michael Copley on over 40 woodwind instruments and Ian Moore on one small but perfectly-formed accordion, either pink or yellow. Formerly known as The Cambridge Buskers, they have delighted audiences worldwide with their virtuosity and dry sense of humour. Neil Henry is a magician, who often performs with The Classic Buskers.

For further information email: info@dvorakovapraha.cz


Milwaukee Accordion Club - ‘Bill Anderson with a Little Bit of Heaven' - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
Bill AndersonOn Monday, September 28, the Milwaukee Accordion Club meeting has ‘Bill Anderson with a Little Bit of Heaven' as their featured program.

The band became organized when a few musicians gathered in a church in Hartland, Wisconsin about 20 years ago to provide music for special services, with the goal of every performance, being to create a pleasant experience for its audience.

‘A Little Bit of Heaven’ performs a mixture of polkas, waltzes, 2-steps, novelty songs, old favorites and gospel music.

6:30 pm: Performance by club members
7:30 pm: Brief business meeting
8:00 pm: Bill Anderson with a Little Bit of Heaven
Admission is $3 for MAC members; non-members pay $5

Further information about the club at: Milwaukee Accordion Club


Zoltán Orosz Concert - Sweden


Новые и обновленные сайты

Viivi Maria Saarenkylä Carnevale CD on Internet - Finland

Carnevale Viivi Maria Saarenkylä CD coverCarnevale (catalog viivi01) is Viivi Maria Saarenkylä's first solo album. It contains a selection of virtuoso music from jazz to tango and from pop music to new Finnish folk music. Most of the songs are composed and arranged for international accordion competitions, some exclusively for Viivi Maria.

Viivi Maria Saarenkylä (born in 1993) is an award-winning Finnish accordion artist, in 2014, winning the PIF Castelfidardo Senior Variete category.

Album tracks are:
01. Carnevale, Renzo Ruggieri
02. Säkkijärven Polkka, Traditional, arranged R Ruggieri
03. Spain, Chick Corea, arranged R Ruggieri
04. Polska 3Bertta4, Jukka Hannula, arranged Tolonen/Saarenkylä
05. Tango En Tres, Giorgio Albanese
06. Tarantella, R Ruggieri
07. The Jackson Medley, Michael Jackson arranged R Ruggieri
08. Tango Italiano, R Ruggieri
09. Waltz for Debby, Bill Evans arranged R Ruggieri
10. Basso Ostinato, Viktor Vlasov
11. Polkka Mollissa, Helmut Ritter

CD and eTracks mp3 album (only €9) available online at: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä


Updated Site: Gorka Hermosa Flamenco Etxea Album - Spain

Gorka Hermosa Flamenco Etxea AlbumGorka Hermosa homepage and Flamenco Etxea Album. CD and eTracks mp3 album (only €9) available online at: hermosa12eT

José Luis Montón and Gorka Hermosa offer us in "Flamenco - Etxea" (flamenco house in Basque) a very original fusion of flamenco and Basque music, from his own compositions, to flamenco versions of Bach.


Mike Middleton New CD Release and Upcoming Performances - USA

Mike Middleton CD coverTexan accordionist Mike Middleton and his group The Middletones have released a new CD titled "Back inTexas" which is available online at: Mike Middleton

Mike Middleton is a semi professional accordionist who performs mainly for local festivals and charity events, performing all styles of international accordion music. The other members of the group are Clayton Capps (tuba), Lance and Mitch Middleton (drums/percussion).

Dr. Mike Middleton is a nuclear medicine physician and Professor of Radiology in Central Texas. He performs mainly on weekends; and a portion of his album sales goes to benefit local charities, including the Scott & White Hospital.

The "Accordion To Mike & The Middletones: Back In Texas" CD tracks are:
01. San Antonio Rose (2:38)
02. Jambalaya (3:42)
03. The Blue Danube Waltz (6:11)
04. The Happy Wanderer (1:46)
05. Jonny Oslo Schottische (2:53)
06. Just Because (2:30)
07. L'Amour Est Bleu (Love is Blue) (3:47)
08. Rangers Waltz (2:35)
09. Peanuts Polka (2:16)
10. Somewhere My Love (3:32)
11. Julida Polka (3:39)
12. El Cumbanchero (3:57)
Bonus Track
13. William Tell Overture - Excerpts (including the Lone Ranger Theme) (4:43)

Upcoming Performances:
4th October, 1-4 pm Heritage House Museum Opening, Pflugerville, Texas.
7th - 8th November, Wurstfest 2015!, (7th - 11:30am, 2:10pm, 5:20pm & 8th- 11:30am, 2:30pm) New Braunfels, Texas.
15th November, Wurstfest 2015! (5:20-6:30pm, & 8:30-9:30pm) New Braunfels, Texas.

For further information, view the website: Mike Middleton


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion

Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion CD CoverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion in English and Italian languages. Accordionist is Paul Betken. Review by Paolo Picchio.


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