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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-May-2018
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Dr. William Schimmel: Akkordeonist für "Carousel" nominiert für 11 Tony Awards - USA
Tag der Harmonika 2018/Angerberg/Tirol - ÖSTERREICH
Bürgermeister proklamiert den Welt Akkordeon Tag in Superior, WI - USA
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) begrüßt Mika Väyrynen - Schweiz
RAM Studenten im Konzert mit dem Philharmonia Orchestra, Cardiff - UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Foiled Accordion Theft, Birmingham Accordion Centre – UK
55. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Results - Germany
Mazaika @ VE Day Event on board HMS Belfast, London – UK
Ferran Martinez World Accordion Day Concert, Cervera – Spain

Future events

CNIMA Music and Accordion Stages for all Levels/Ages/Styles - France
‘L'Accordéon Plein Pot’ Festival, St Quentin-la-Poterie – France
Cathie Travers at Armadale Arts Festival 2018 - Australia
Gustavo Reynoso Trio Concert, Salto - Uruguay
Jac & Co French Music Concerts, Rhode Island - USA
Sylvia Pagini ‘Notte Italiana’ Concert, Pineto (TE) – Italy
Bavarian Beer Garden Band Show, Seattle – USA
Shand Morino Gathering, Scotland – UK
‘Akordeon Art’ Festival, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Red Point Trio Concert, Scalea (CS) – Italy
Sue Coppard @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK

New and Updated Sites

New Ivano Battiston Arrangements, "Ricercare a tre" & 3 Balkan Dances - Italy
New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany
Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA
Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

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Dr. William Schimmel: Akkordeonist für "Carousel" nominiert für 11 Tony Awards - USA

William Schimmel
Carousel posterDr. William Schimmel, Mitglied des AAA Boards, ist der prominente Akkordeonist in der Hit Broadway Revue von "Carousel". Dieses Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel ist eine neue Orchestrierung von Jonathan Tunick, indem das Akkordeon besonders hervorgehoben wird.

Ironischerweise war das Akkordeon nicht Teil der ursprünglichen Orchestrierung in der ersten und späteren Produktionen von 1945. Für das Jahr 2018 fügt das Akkordeon der dunklen Geschichte mit Erlösung am Ende, eine neue Dimension hinzu.

"Carousel" wurde für 11 Tony Awards nominiert!

Es handelt sich um eine multi-ethnische Besetzung mit Joshua Henry (Hamilton) als Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller (Beautiful) und Rene Flemming (internationale Operndiva). Die Chicago Tribune sagt: "Gott ist im Karussell". Es wurde für 12 Drama Desk Awards, 6 Outer Critic Awards und 3 Drama League Awards nominiert. Eine Cast-Aufnahme erscheint in Kürze.

William Schimmel ist auch auf der neuen CD "Jarvis and Friends" zu hören, in der Schimmel und Perkussionist Peter Jarvis ihre gemeinsame Komposition "Devotional Suite" und Schimmel's New York Classical spielen. Eine zweite CD zeigt Schimmel in "Das Concerto für Akkordeon und Perkussion" von Peter Jarvis mit dem New Jersey Percussion Ensemble. Beide CDs befinden sich auf dem von Naxos vertriebenen Label The Concorders 'Concordance.


Tag der Harmonika 2018/Angerberg/Tirol - ÖSTERREICH

„Tag der Harmonika“ 2018 header
Poster  „Tag der Harmonika“ 2018Im Rahmen des internationalen Weltakkordentag (WAD) wird der diesjährige "Tag der Harnonika" vom 10. - 13. Mai 2018 in der wunderschönen Landschaft von Angerberg (Tirol, bei Innsbruck) stattfinden.

Download Poster links und Farbprogramm unter: 2018TagHarmonika.pdf

Diese halbjährliche Veranstaltung umfasst den 28. Wettbewerb der Akkordeonsolisten, Duos, Ensembles (Kammer- und Weltmusikkategorie) und Orchester, den 25. diatonischen Wettbewerb (sog. Steirische Harmonika), den 20. Wettbewerb für Volksmusikensembles und den 13. Wettbewerb Wettbewerb für Mundharmonika (Solo, Ensembles und Orchester).

Um mehr Kandidaten zu gewinnen, wird zum ersten Mal ein spezieller "Entertainment-Wettbewerb" (Kategorien entsprechend dem Wettbewerb für klassisches Akkordeon) organisiert.

Die Preisverleihung für Akkordeon und Mundharmonika findet am Freitag um 18 Uhr statt, am Samstag um 18 Uhr für diatonische und folkloristische Ensembles. Abgerundet wird das Abendprogramm durch das österreichische Volksensemble "Die laufen Oberkrainer".

Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte www.harmonikaverband.at und für weitere Informationen: e-mail: w.weibert@kabsi.at oder herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Venue „Tag der Harmonika“ 2018


Bürgermeister proklamiert den Welt Akkordeon Tag in Superior, WI - USA

Two Mayoral proclamationsBilder oben: Dr. Mike Middleton (Akkordeon und Clayton Capps (Tuba), Bill Palmer III, Sue Spencer (Gitarre) und Jim Ofsthun (Akkordeon), Die Fremonts - Stephani Dodd (Akkordeon) Bill Palmer III und Justin Badger (Gitarre).

Der Bürgermeister von Superior, Wisconsin, Jim Paine, verkündete am 6. Mai 2018 den Welt Akkordeon Tag (WAD) während des festlichen Festivals im World Akkordeon Museum (World of Accordions Museum). In einer seltenen Doppelproklamation erklärte Mayor Paine den 5. Mai als Dr. Willard A. Palmer Tag. Bild links: 2018Proclomations.pdf

Museums Kuratorin Helmi Harrington Ph.D, Gastgeber des prächtigen Wochenendes der Feierlichkeiten einschließlich Workshops, Konzerte und soziale Aktivitäten, zogTeilnehmer aus den Vereinigten Staaten an. Die Veranstaltung würdigt das Vermächtnis des verstorbenen Dr. Willard "Bill" Palmer und WAD, der das Patent des Akkordeons vom 6. Mai 1829 feiert.

WAD wurde vom CIA - Botschafter Kevin Friedrich eröffnet und zeigte dann eine Akkordeon-Geschichte-Demonstration von Helmi Harrington, mit einem historischen Querschnitt von einigen der 1.300 Akkordeons, die im Museum ausgestellt sind.

Vorgestellte Künstler für die weltweite Feier waren Thunder Bay Akkordeonist John Scaffeo, Celtic Focus Gruppe Eira einschließlich Sue Spencer, Jim Ofsthun und Liesel Wilson (Akkordeons, Erhu, Violine, Gitarre und Gesang), Minneapolis Akkordeonist Dee Langley und Event-Headliner, Grammy Gewinner und Country Hall of Fame Preisträger Joey Miskulin.

Joey wurde von Stas Venglevski für mehrere Stücke begleitet und schloss das komplett improvisierte Duo "Eine Welt der Akkordeons Museum Tango" ein, eine atemberaubende Kombination der Talente der beiden renommierten Musiker. Die Veranstaltungen wurden mit dem 35-köpfigen Festival-Orchester unter der Leitung der Sinfonie-Dirigentin Tracey Gibbens abgeschlossen, als sie mehr als ein Dutzend Werke aus der ganzen Welt aufführten.

Bilder unten: Stas Venglevski und Joey Miskulin (Duett), Helmi Harrington - Historische Aufführung, Joey Miskulin (Solo).
Joey Miskulin.


Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) begrüßt Mika Väyrynen - Schweiz

ZHdK logo
Mika VäyrynenDie Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) begrüßt Mika Väyrynen für das akademischen Jahr 2018/19 als neuen Akkordeon-Dozenten. Studierende können sich jetzt für das kommende Studienjahr an der ZHdK für ein Studium bewerben. Potentielle Studenten können die hochmodernen Einrichtungen auf https://www.zhdk.ch/en/dmu sehen.

Als einer der weltweit bekanntesten und renommiertesten Akkordeonisten hat Väyrynen Hunderte von Konzerten in Finnland und Europa, den USA und Asien gegeben.

Mika Väyrynen, ein hoch angesehener Pädagoge, unterrichtet an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste als Akkordeon-Akkordeon (Zürich, Schweiz), an der Sibelius-Akademie (Helsinki, Finnland) und an der Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tampere, Finnland).

Er war Gastdozent an vielen der weltweit führenden akademischen Akkordeon-Institutionen und Absolventen seiner Klassen arbeiten als Solisten und Lehrer auf der ganzen Welt und viele haben Preise bei internationalen Akkordeon-, Kammermusik- und Multi-Instrumental-Wettbewerben gewonnen.

Das Department of Music bietet Programme in der Kreation, Lehre und Interpretation von klassischer Musik, Jazz, Pop und Kirchenmusik. Zwei BA- und vier MA-Studiengänge bieten eine professionelle Ausbildung für zukünftige Orchester- und Schulmusiker, Orchester- und Chorleiter, Solisten und Kammermusiker.

Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 31. Mai 2018, der Prüfungstermin ist der 4. Juni 2018. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: www.zhdk.ch/en/accordion-6494. Für weitere Informationen, Fragen und Bewerbungsdetails wenden Sie sich bitte an: barbara.portmann@zhdk.ch.


RAM Studenten im Konzert mit dem Philharmonia Orchestra, Cardiff - UK

RAM header
Akkordeonstudenten der Königlichen Musikakademie (RAM) in London werden am Freitag, dem 18. Mai, in der St David's Hall in Cardiff mit dem Philharmonia Orchestra unter der Leitung von Vladimir Ashkenazy und am Sonntag, den 20. Mai in der Royal Festival Hall in London auftreten , beide Konzerte um 19.30 Uhr. Die Konzerte erinnern an die Russische Revolution von 1917 und tragen den Titel "Voices of Revolution" und "Voices of Revolution: Exile & Return".

Das Konzertprogramm für den 18. Mai beinhaltet Prokofjew - "Herbst", Prokofjew - "Violinkonzert Nr. 1", Prokofjew - "Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution"

Das Konzertprogramm für den 20. Mai beinhaltet Prokofjew - "Sieben, sie sind Sieben", Prokofjew - "Violinkonzert Nr. 1", Prokofjew - "Kantate für den 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution"

Für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte ein Email an: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Foiled Accordion Theft, Birmingham Accordion Centre – UK

Theft 1-2Theft 3-4On May 9th a man entered the premises of the Birmingham Accordion Centre, 131 Garrison St, Birmingham B9 4DE, and was foiled in an attempt to steal an accordion. Four pictures of the theft from store cameras.

The business owner Rob Beecroft explains:

“A message to all accordion and music retailers this man came into our premises today and took a Sonola 120 bass accordion within seconds of us taking our eyes off him. Luckily we got the accordion back after chasing him but did not manage to pin him down!”

For further information email: enquiries@accordioncentre.com


55. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Results - Germany

Ratoi Radu, 1st Category VI55. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Results
Klingenthal vom 29. April - 05. Mai 2018

Kategorie VI - Solisten ohne Altersbegrenzung mit virtuoser Unterhaltungsmusik
Nr. Name Vorname Land Tobias Morgenstern Alexander Dmitriev Prof. Jacques Mornet Prof. Vojin Vasovic Klaudiusz Baran Ulf Seifert

1 Ratoi Radu Republik Moldau
2 Gatte Diégo Frankreich
3 Bartkeviciute Egle Litauen

Kategorie V
Tobias Morgenstern Jeanette Dyremose Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing Ivano Battiston Iñaki Alberdi Klaudiusz Baran
1 Sasha&Sasha Konovalova, Aleksandra (Akkordeon) Ostrovskiy, Alexander (Klarinette) Russland
2 Duo Accellorandom Torkar, Neža (Akkordeon) Simbera, Romana (Violoncello) Slowenien
3 Kacprzak&Sokolowski Duo Kacprzak, Maciej (Akkordeon) Sokolowski, Karol (Violoncello) Polen

Kategorie IV
Nr. Name Vorname Land Prof. Stefan Husson Prof. Tibor Racz Prof. Vojin Vasovic Ivano Battiston Klaudiusz Baran Andreas Nebl Gesamt-

1 Han YiLin China
2 Rydz Dawid Polen
3 Ratoi Radu Republik

Kategorie III - Solisten bis zum vollendeten 18. Lebensjahr
Nr. Name Vorname Land Prof. Stefan Hussong Andreas Nebl Prof. Tibor Racz Prof. Vojin Vasovic Alexander Dmitriev Werner Weibert

1 Zhang Zhuo China
2 Lazic Milan Serbien
3 Motyka Piotr Polen

Kategorie II - Solisten bis zum vollendeten 15. Lebensjahr
Name Vorname Land Ulf Seifert Jeanette Dyremose Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing Werner Weibert Alexander Dmitriev

1 Yang Zhan China
2 Sapuntsov Roman Ukraine
3 Leonardo Labraña Beatriz Spanien

Kategorie I - Solisten bis zum vollendeten 12. Lebensjahr
Nr. Name Vorname Land Ulf Seifert Jeanette Dyremose Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing Tobias Morgenstern Prof. Jacques Mornet

1 Paduch Krzysztof Adam Polen
2 Slavoljub Maric Serbien
3 Khlebnova Alina Russland

Further info: Klingenthal
Han YiLin, 1st Category IV


Mazaika @ VE Day Event on board HMS Belfast, London – UK

VE Day Event
On Tuesday May 8th the duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (midi accordion and vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin, domra, vocals) - performed lively Russian folk and Gypsy music on board HMS Belfast, moored in London on the Thames, at an event to celebrate VE Day. There were many World War Two veterans present, including several former Soviet army veterans, who all very much enjoyed the entertainment by Mazaika. The Soviet veterans were presented with a flag from HMS Belfast in honour of the occasion.

On May 9th Mazaika performed at a Victory Day concert at Pushkin House in Bloomsbury Square, London, commemorating the day the USSR formally ended the war in Europe.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Ferran Martinez World Accordion Day Concert, Cervera – Spain

Accordionist Ferran Martinez performed a World Accordion Day solo concert on Saturday May 5th in Cervera, Lleida, Catalonia, northern Spain. His programme included music by E. Piaf, A. Piazzolla, J.S.Bach, P. Frosini, C. Dauquin, and V. Semionov.

Ferran Martinez, born in 1971, is a graduate of the Barcelona Conservatory. He performs solo classical concerts and is a member of the Cavall Bernat group, performing Catalan popular music. He is also both an accordion and computer teacher.

Cavall Bernat have recently released a new CD, Ulls de Mar’. This month they perform on May 19th at Rte La Bufa, and on May 26th at Taverna La Bella Lola.

For further information email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


Future events

CNIMA Music and Accordion Stages for all Levels/Ages/Styles - France

CNIMA poster
The well known music school CNIMA, under the guidance of Prof. Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Bouchet, offers music and accordion stages for all levels, ages and styles.

You may choose courses of 5, 2 and 1/2 a day.

For further information view the CNIMA website


‘L'Accordéon Plein Pot’ Festival, St Quentin-la-Poterie – France

L'Accordéon Plein Pot’ Festival
The festival ‘L'Accordéon Plein Pot’ takes place at 15 rue du Docteur Blanchard, St Quentin la Poterie, a commune in the Gard department in southern France, from May 8th to 13th. This event, which features accordion styles ranging from musette to Cajun to pop music, includes concerts, conferences, exhibitions, and dancing. Guest accordionists include Jeremie Buirette, Steve Normandin, Cédric Pierini, Freddo Boss, Denis Massé, and more, including several bands.

Accordionists Jacques Mornet, Laetitia Mallet, Anaïs Bessières, Julien Locatelli and Maxime Novas, from the well-known accordion school CNIMA J. Mornet in the Auvergne, will all be present at the festival on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th.

For further information email: contact@officeculturel.com


Cathie Travers at Armadale Arts Festival 2018 - Australia

Armadale Arts Festival
Cathie TraversACES OF THE FESTIVAL | Cathie Travers, Festival Artist

Cathie Travers is our Festival Artist for 2018. A talented accordionist, she will join the string quintet of the locally based Classic Symphony Orchestra for a 'Live in the Chapel' session on 19 May.

Cathie’s talent has seen her featured as a composer, performer, and musical director for numerous theatre and dance works, as well as ensemble and orchestral performances around Australia, Asia, USA, Canada and the UK. Cathie is regularly inspired by a social or environmental situation and continues to write original instrumental titles.


Gustavo Reynoso Trio Concert, Salto - Uruguay

Gustavo Reynoso Trio
The Gustavo Reynoso Trio performs Chamame dance music on Friday May 11th, 9pm, at the Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Lavajella 48, Salto, Uruguay.

Gustavo Reynoso, born 1990 in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina, began studying the bandoneon aged 9 at the Municipal School of Music of Aranguren. He later studied the guitar, the 2-row and 3-row diatonic accordions, and also the piano accordion, though the bandoneon remains his first choice of instrument. He plays with various ensembles and also as a soloist.


Jac & Co French Music Concerts, Rhode Island - USA

Jacques PellarinFrench accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin and his vocalist wife Corinne, as the duo ‘Jac & Co’, have taken the music of France to many countries, including the USA, where they are regular visitors. This weekend, May 11th, 12th and 13th, they will be performing for three evenings at the French restaurant ‘Le Pot au Feu’ in Providence, Rhode Island.

According to the French magazine Le Progrès, they “bring back almost a century of the traditional French 'chanson' songs in the likes of Édith Piaf and Yves Montand, Francis Lemarque. With just voice and accordion, Jac & Co captivate audiences and transport them to the dance halls and street side cafés of France's yesteryear!

Jacques Pellarin’s two most recent CDs are ‘My French Cinema’ and ‘Paris Ma Jeunesse’, available via his website.

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Sylvia Pagini ‘Notte Italiana’ Concert, Pineto (TE) – Italy

Sylvia PaginiAccordionist Sylvia Pagni performs in a concert she has devised titled ‘Notte Italiana’, along with other musicians, on Saturday May 12th, 9pm, at the Teatro Polifunzionale, Pineto (TE), Italy. A special guest will be the singer Loris Cattunar, presenting his tribute to Elvis Presley.

Sylvia Pagni began studying piano, accordion and conducting under the guidance of her father, Giuseppe Pagni, musician and teacher, earning a diploma at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome. With her accordion, she has been a guest in a concert in memory of Gorni Kramer in an international jazz festival attended by Rick Wakeman, and the Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, at the Sistina in Rome.


Bavarian Beer Garden Band Show, Seattle – USA

Bavarian Beer Garden Band ShowThe Bavarian Beer Garden Band entertains with their German songs, polkas and waltzes, and even some AC/DC and Led Zeppelin songs on Saturday May 12th, 6-9pm, at the Queen Anne Beerhall, 203 W Thomas St, Seattle, Washington, USA.

The members of the Bavarian Beer Garden Band are Greg Perry – accordion and vocals, Gary Beyer - soprano, alto & tenor sax, Celtic tin whistle, and vocals, Tero Jankko - bass guitar, and Dan Chappelle – percussion. The band was founded by Wally Franz, accordionist and a true Oktoberfest veteran. Over 90 years old, Wally still performs part time with BBGB on local gigs.

For further information email: info@queenannebeerhall.com


Shand Morino Gathering, Scotland – UK

Shand Morino GatheringThe annual Shand Morino Gathering takes place on Sunday May 13th, 1pm to 5pm, at The Windygates Institute, Milton Road, Windygates, Leven, Fife KY8 5DG. The event is organised by the Windygates Button-key Accordion and Fiddle Club to pay tribute to Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000), perhaps the world’s most famous exponent of Scottish country dance music. Shand Morino owners are invited to play at this afternoon concert.

The Shand Morino is one of the most iconic of all accordions, and in the late 1930s was part designed by Jimmy Shand in collaboration with Venanzio Morino, chief designer at Hohner at the time. Jimmy Shand had an idea for improving the response of the three row diatonic accordion and together with the accordion retailer Charles Forbes (his employer at the time) and Morino they designed and built the Hohner Special in 1939. After World War Two, a design based on this instrument was mass produced by Hohner under the name ‘Shand Morino’. The Shand Morino is a British Chromatic accordion – a hybrid instrument combining a diatonic treble keyboard with a stradella bass, and is the most celebrated type of this kind of accordion.


‘Akordeon Art’ Festival, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

‘Akordeon Art’ Festival 2018
The ‘Akordeon Art’ Festival takes place from May 15th to 18th in Istocno, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This festival includes competitions for accordion (solo, ensembles and orchestras) and for piano, and has a programme of concerts and seminars featuring international guests such as the Paris-Moscow Duo (France), Aleksandar Serdar (Serbia), Stephane Chapuis (Switzerland), Teodoro Anzellotti (Italy), and Josif Puric (Russia)

For further information email: akordeonart@mak.ues.rs.ba


Red Point Trio Concert, Scalea (CS) – Italy

Red Point Trio Concert, Scalea (CS) – Italy
On Friday May 18th, 7pm, The Red Point Trio - Paolo Esposito, Nicola Emanuele Maggio and Davide Di Filippo, who are all classical accordion students at l'Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "Tchaicovsky" di Nocera Terinese (Cz), will be guests at the La Bruca Resort of Scalea (CS).


Sue Coppard @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK

Sue CoppardThe versatile accordionist and composer Sue Coppard, from Wiltshire, is the guest at Guildford Accordion Club on Friday May 18th, 8pm. The venue is the Ripley Village Hall, High St, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF. Doors open at 7pm. Admission is £5, which includes refreshments.

The club night will begin at 7.30pm with a “play-along” of familiar tunes (bring your musical instrument and join in – all levels of proficiency are welcome to play or just to listen.)

Sue Coppard plays and composes in a variety of international genres, entertains as a soloist at all kinds of functions, and has recorded 2 CDs, ‘Magic Carpet’ and ‘Carried Away…’ consisting entirely of her compositions. She has appeared at the Caister Accordion Festival, and was the organiser of the White Horse Accordion Club.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


New and Updated Sites

New Ivano Battiston Arrangements, "Ricercare a tre" & 3 Balkan Dances - Italy

Ivano BattistonVideo: 3 Balkan Dances (Hum , Surduk, Rakita) catalog battiston106, performed as encores by David Bellugi and Ivano Battiston for a concert in Krasnoyarsk, Russia with the Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: Michael Beniumov). The famous theme of the last dance is an "audience winner".

Ivano Battiston newly released arrangements:

Catalog: battiston105 The "Ricercare a tre" arranged for accordion solo, is a three-voice fugue and the first piece of the Musical Offering (1747) by Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the most articulate and complex works ever composed, and is universally considered one of the highest points ever achieved in the history of music.

All the material is based on a musical theme created by Frederick II of Prussia and masterfully elaborated by the great German musician.

Catalog: battiston106 3 Balkan Dances are three short pieces written for recorder and accordion and inspired by the folklore of Serbia and Macedonia. The song titles are also the names of some Balkan villages. Hum, Surduk, Rakita. Exciting encore arrangements and hear the applause at the end!

Other works or arrangements recently released:
battiston101 Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla
battiston102 Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston
battiston103 Ples composed by Ivano Battiston
battiston104 Paganiniana arranged for two accordions.


New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo above: "Il bosco incantato" premiere on 26th April performed by Marco Gemelli. This video does not include the intro of the work.

Renzo Ruggieri has released "Il bosco incantato" the first piece he has composed for free bass accordion.

Renzo writes: "I wrote the melody for a theatrical show by Marco Goldin - to whom the piece is dedicated - on the famous painter Edward Munch. In fact, the title recalls one of his paintings "The Enchanted Forest" of 1903. Then the simple melodic idea was reworked, arranged and used for "the guided solo", a moment that the soloist can freely interpret and personalize."

Available online, also view sample page, at catalog No: rrenzo517


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionThe complete Karthause-Schmülling site is now online. There are over 520 line items of printed accordion sheet music (for solo, duo, ensemble and orchestra) as well as books (text) about accordion.

In stock. The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips, Catalog kslips03


Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA

Mike Middleton
Mike MiddleonUpdated Site: Picture above of Texas accordionist Mike Middleton performing at the National Accordion Association (NAA) Convention. Updated site adds pictures and text to the website. Also lists future events.


Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

AAA Header
Joan Grauman, AAA HistorianRita Barnea, Editor USA News: This is the 5th article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the 80th AAA Anniversary Celebration. An article is planned each month containing a segment of the history of the AAA, from its creation on March 9th, 1938 through to 2018. Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s

Thank you Joan Sommers, Liz Finch, Joe Cerrito, Mark Yacovone, Linda Soley Reed, Rita Barnea, Karen Malan-Uribe and Marilyn O’Neil for their contributions to this article!

Read the full article by Joan Grauman at: Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s


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