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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-May-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Огромный успех 24 часовой онлайн трансляции в честь празднования Всемирного Дня Аккордеона – событие международного масштаба
Семинар национальной камерной музыки для аккордеона 2012, Сиань – Китай
В еженедельных новостях Accordions.com появляется новая возможность – видео ролики
Македония празднует Всемирный День Аккордеона

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Breaking News: Results 49th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - Germany
‘Tag der Harmonika’, Perg – Austria
World Accordion Day Photos from Hanoi - Vietnam
Marjan Krajna, Accordion and Art, Zagreb – Croatia
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano World Accordion Day Concert, Stockport – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Nico Carstens and the Accordion - South Africa

Будущие события

AAA 18th Master Class and Concert Series, New York – USA
Louis van Rensburg Concert, Johannesburg - South Africa
Rescheduled: First Annual Branson Accordion Festival, Missouri - USA
Karen Tweed’s Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, Staffordshire- UK
Marco Lo Russo Concert, Sermoneta - Italy
Victor Prieto Trio @ Terraza 7, New York – USA
Igor Outkine Accompanies 1929 Silent Movie ‘Picadilly’, London – UK
‘2012 Academy Festival des Arcs’, Savoie – France
31st Annual Conjunto Festival, San Antonio, Texas - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated World Accordion Day 2012 site, 24 Hours Live Video - International
Silvio De Pra Website Updated with Eulogy

CD Отзывы

BOOK REVIEW - Vintage Accordions by Rob Howard, Reviewed by Peter Ayers - UK

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Особенности Highlights

Огромный успех 24 часовой онлайн трансляции в честь празднования Всемирного Дня Аккордеона – событие международного масштаба

World Accordion Day Highlights Video
24 часовое онлайн шоу, посвященное празднованию Всемирного Дня Аккордеона 2012, имело огромный успех.  Вся трансляция доступна для просмотра в виде 24 отдельных архивных видеозаписей. Каждый час шоу можно посмотреть на: 2012WAD. Ссылка также есть в новостях прошлой недели.

Вся информация и видео по ссылке: 2012WAD
WAD logo


Семинар национальной камерной музыки для аккордеона 2012, Сиань – Китай

All participants,
Prof Li Cong andCеминар национальный камерной музыки  National Chamber Music (Accordion) Works Collecting and Teaching Seminar 2012 прошел с 26 по 28 апреля. Мероприятия провела Сианьская Консерватория (Xian Conservatory of Music) в городе Сиань.

В семинаре приняли участие многие руководители: Fan Yongbin (Департамент высшего образования правительства провинции Шаньси), профессор Li Cong (фото слева, Президент Китайской Аккордеонной Ассоциации CAA, входящей в Ассоциацию Китайских Музыкантов), An Ning (секретарь парткома), Sun Weiguo (заместитель секретаря парткома, заместитель главы Администрации), Han Lankui (проректор). Председатель  Bai Luping (проректор Сианьской Консерватории) представил всех собравшихся.

Профессор Li Cong в своем выступлении сказал: «Сианьскую Консерваторию будут помнить не только за ее огромный вклад в деле популяризации и развития аккордеона в Китае, но и в качестве первой консерватории в Китае, которая включила аккордеон в свою основную программу». Он добавил: «Я надеюсь, что этот семинар станет хорошим началом работы по сбору и коллекционированию камерной музыки для аккордеона. Каждая академия искусств должна пропагандировать это наследие, чтобы быть уверенными, что наше аккордеонное дело продолжает развиваться и процветать».

В рамках мероприятия состоялся концерт новой камерной музыки Сианьской Консерватории. Профессор Cao Xiaoqing из Центральной Консерватории и профессор Chen Jun Сычуаньской консерватории представили новые камерные произведения для аккордеона, а их присутствие обеспечило участие в семинаре профессиональных педагогов всех консерваторий Китая.

Это событие стало очень важным вкладом в развитие камерной музыки  для аккордеона  в Китае.


В еженедельных новостях Accordions.com появляется новая возможность – видео ролики

Video graphics
Теперь вы можете отправлять видео ролики на accordions.com для размещения в международных еженедельных новостях, выходящих на 7 языках. В течение последних двух недель прошли успешные тестирования этой новой возможности.

Статья ниже – «Македония отмечает Всемирный День Аккордеона 2012» является хорошим примером новостного видео. Новостное видео может быть с/без текста и с/без фотографий, но, как правило, читателям наиболее интересны новости, содержащие и видео, и тексты с фотографиями.

Обратите внимание, что эта функция не предназначена для размещения старых видео, в новостях будут размещаться лишь актуальные видео ролики.

Вы можете сами загрузить свое видео. Пришлите запрос по электронной почте нашему новостному редактору Робу Ховарду (Rob Howard), и мы вышлем вам информацию по загрузке видео. Вы также можете загрузить свои ролики на YouTube, и мы сможем загрузить их с этого ресурса.

Для получения дополнительной информации напишите Харли Джонсу по адресу: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


Македония празднует Всемирный День Аккордеона

concert posterМакедонская Ассоциация Аккордеонистов голода Скопье "Ljubiteli па klasicnata Muzika" отпраздновала Всемирный День Аккордеона проведением различных мероприятий с целью популяризации аккордеона и повышения его статуса. 2012 Macedonia

Статья с информацией о 4-м Всемирном Дне Аккордеона, проходившем 183-й день рождения аккордеона, была опубликована во всех центральных газетах Македонии. Члены нашей организации появилась в прямом эфире национального ТВ, чтобы рассказать об этом глобальном событии.

Главным событием празднования ВДА стал концерт, который состоялся 5 мая в фойе театра Македонской Оперы и Балета города Скопье.

Концерт, который запомнится надолго, начался с приветственной речи Президента нашей ассоциации профессора Зорицы Каракутовска (Zorica Karakutovska).Высокопрофессиональные выступления солистов, дуэтов, трио, квартетов и различных ансамблей смешанных составов были очень хорошо приняты многочисленной публикой. Это стало знаком того, что концерт получился действительно впечатляющим, а его проведение повысило репутацию аккордеона в Македонии.
В программу концерта вошли две композиции македонского автора Элизабеты Илиевска-Бете (Elizabeta Ilievska-Bete)  под названиями: «Надежда, Вера и Любовь» в исполнении Александра Котевски ( Aleksandar Kotevski – виолончель), профессора Зорицы Каракутовска (аккордеон) и профессора Марии Джосевска (Marija Gjosevska – фортепиано) и 'Separation for voice and accordion'.

Как и в прошлом году, кульминацией концерта стали выступления дуэта и трио аккордеонов в составе Зорицы Каракутовска и двух ее коллег, победителей Гран-При 49-ого Национальный конкурса камерной музыки, Бояна Волчевски (Bojan Volcevski) и Филипп Стамевски (Filip Stamevski) – дуэт Fi-Bo.

В течение мая Македонская Ассоциация Аккордеонистов города Скопье ‘Ljubiteli na klasicnata muzika’ проведет ряд концертов в других городах Македонии и заграницей. 2012 Macedonia
Prof. Zorica Karakutovska on TV


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Breaking News: Results 49th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - Germany

Klingenthal header
Xiaonan Xu, Iosif Purits, Petronio MatteoThe results for the 49th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition 2012, May 6th to 13th are:

Category I - Soloists up to 12 years
1 Motyka Piotr / Poland
2 Niittyviita Sara / Finland
3 Fischer Sophie / Germany

Category II - Soloists up to 15 years
1 Bondar Krzysztof / Poland
2 Chen Dinghua / China
3 Sinoimeri Julia / France

Category III - Soloists up to 18 years
1 Zhang Jiahe / China
2 Eliasson Viktor Daniel / Sweden
3 Zhang Qianyu / China

Category IV - Soloists of any age
1 Xu Xiaonan / China (picture top right)
2 Iosif Purits / Russia (picture middle right)
3 Torkar Neža / Slowenien

Category Va - Accordion duo
1 Jeux d’Anches (Kerkez, Nikola / Sevarlic, Marko) / Serbia
2 Duo “Eurasia” (Shkindzerava, Anastasiya / Fang,Xuan) / Russia/Germany
3 Duo Ivashina, Olga / Listunov, Evgeny) Russia

Category Vb - Duo - accordion and other instrument
1 Van Amsterdam Duo van Amsterdam, Vincent / van Amsterdam, Jeanine) Netherlands
2 Duo Baczewski – Vuger Baczewski, Beniamin / Vuger, Stjepan) Poland / Croatia
3 Duo Pascher- Komatina Komatina, Nikola / Pascher, Sarah) Serbia / Austria

Category VI - Soloists of any age, virtuoso entertainment music
1 Petronio Matteo / Italy (picture lower right)
2 Cao Ye / China
3 Babaz Bastien / France

Category VII - Bandoneon soloists of any age
1 Wu Yung-Lung / Taiwan
2 Gierster Lukas / Germany
3 Hayakawa Jun / Japan

Category VIII - Instrumental groups with at least one but no more than two bandoneons, with a total of up to six musicians
1 Solo Tango Orquesta (Talanin, Ivan / Ryazanov, Alexander / Timin, Artem / Il’ya Alpeev) Russia
2 Tango Spleen ( Bruno, Francesco / Marras, Andrea / Ravaglia, Gianluca / Speranza, Mariano) Italy / Argentinia

Jury (from left):
Prof. Krzysztof Olczak/Poland - Jacques Mornet/France, Sergej Voitenko/Russia - Raimondas Sviackevicius/Lituania - Prof. Xiaoqing Cao/China - Prof. Radomir Tomic/Serbia - Ulf Seifert/Germany - Prof. Gudrun Wall/Germany – Tobias Morgenstern/Germany – Matti Rantanen/Finland (behind) – Prof.Tibor Rácz/Slowakia – Prof. Jürgen Ganzer/Germany (head of Jury) – Jeanette Dyremose/Denmark – Prof. Ivan Koval/Cech Rep – Fritz Dobler/Germany


‘Tag der Harmonika’, Perg – Austria

Pictures above: Werner Weibert (HVÖ president) with his vice presidents Dr. Leopold Dercsaly (left) and Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif (right), picture below is Benno Mitterlehner (organizer), Marlies Fürst (winner of the junior classic), Michael Rettig (classic
and entertainment).

This year’s ‘Tag der Harmonika’ was held from May 4th to 6th in Perg, which is located in the lovely region of Upper Austria. The competition attracted about 300 participants and included categories for accordion soloists, duos, ensembles and orchestras, for harmonica and the ‘Steirische Harmonika’ (Styrian Harmonica, a type of diatonic accordion), which has become very popular recently.

Compared to previous competitions it can be said that the interest in the instrument and also the level of performance are constantly growing. The possibility to study the accordion at all major conservatories and universities of music as well as the work of the executive committee of Austrian Confederation of Accordionists HVÖ is showing very positive results.

Most impressive performances came from Michael Rettig, who won both the Classic and the Entertainment categories, the ‘Duo akk:zent’ (Paul Schuberth, picture middle right, and Johannes Münzner, picture lower right), and the accordion orchestra ‘Vielharmonie’, from Salzburg. Alexander Pamer (picture top right) obtained first place in the highest category of the Diatonic competition, but there were also excellent performances by diatonic duets and folk music ensembles.

Surely they will be going to represent their country at international competitions such as the Coupe Mondiale or the World Diatonic Competition in oncoming years. Gottfried Hubmann, Hermann Schlacher and Christian Höller were awarded the ‘Silver needle’, one of the highest distinctions of the Austrian Confederation.
It was a lucky coincidence that the Austrian Day of the Harmonica was organized exactly 183 years after the patent of the accordion was granted to Cyrill Demien in Vienna in 1829. This aspect was also mentioned in the interview with Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif during the 24 hours livestream for World Accordion Day.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


World Accordion Day Photos from Hanoi - Vietnam

These photos of World Accordion Day, 6th May in Hanoi, Vietman have been sent to us by the President of the Vietnam National Academy of Music (VNAM), Prof., Dr., Artist of Merit, Accordionist Luu Quang Minh and by the General Secretary, accordionist Dr. Nguyen Tai Hung.

Picture above: at the Hanoi Opera House, 2nd picture at a concert, 3rd at music school.


Marjan Krajna, Accordion and Art, Zagreb – Croatia

Rudolf PaterOn May 9th, in Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Marjan Krajna (picture right) opened an exhibition of the paintings by Rudolf Pater (picture left) with music by Astor Piazzolla and with a dance pair presenting the Tango of Astor Piazzolla.

The artist Rudolf Pater modulates with almost musical art occasionally dangerous heterogeneus tones, not allowing them to cross the tonality and aligning a great deal of this recognizable flats and sharps.

In collaboration with well known Croatian poet, dramatist and translator Luko Paljetak, he created two books of maps, which he illustrated: ‘Dandruf of the Iguana’ and ‘Whispering to the Lost One’ between the lips.

Alongside the painting Pater works in the mediums of sculpture, graphics, murals and stained glass.


Pearl Fawcett-Adriano World Accordion Day Concert, Stockport – UK

Pearl Fawcett-AdrianoPearl Fawcett-Adriano was the guest at Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire, in NW England, on May 9th. Pearl was on her brilliant best top form throughout both her two sets, and her performance was like a fireworks display, and with a varied program that sustained interest.

Pearl spoke about World Accordion Day, and her choice of music was suitably international. Her program included Granada, O Sole Mio, Cubanola (Frosini), Caravan, Hejre Kati, Sleepy Blues, Lambeth Polka, Ciribiribin, Hungarian Dance No 5 (Brahms), Sicilian Serenade (Frosini), Strangers in the Night, Hear My Song, Violetta (two duets with Phil Watson), La Vie Parisienne (Offenbach), Musette Italienne, Carmen Selection (Bizet), and a self composed tarantella, Tinarella.

The supporting cast - the Stockport AC Orchestra, Tameside Juniors, Rob Howard, Derek Stubbs on his recently purchased Roland FR7X, Betty Molloy & Chris Green, the SAC Quartet, and Helen Rich - all contributed well to a wonderful evening of entertainment. Pearl sold lots of copies of her super new CD 'Pearl - The Jewel of the Accordion' plus MAP Editions sheet music.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – Nico Carstens and the Accordion - South Africa

The Accordions Worldwide news for May 8th 1988 included a brief report about Nico Carstens, a South African accordionist equally well known as a composer. The accordion has a presence in South Africa, aided considerably in recent years by the promotional work of the very active accordionist Sergio Zampolli.

Contributed by Etienne Ozorak

In South Africa, when one thinks accordion, one thinks of jazz artist Nico Carstens. Nico recently recorded with ‘Springbok Nude Girls’ and appears regularly at jazz festivals in South Africa. His CD ‘22 Goue Treffers’ gives a glimpse of his music as recorded through the years.

His compositions have been used by Acker Bilk, Bert Kaempfert, The Shadows, James Last, Chet Atkins, Floyd Cramer and Geoff Love.


Будущие события

AAA 18th Master Class and Concert Series, New York – USA

AAA 18th Master Class and Concert Series
July 27th, 28th and 29th are the dates for the three days of the 2012 Accordion Master Class and Concert Series, sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA), and moderated once more by Dr William Schimmel. The venue is again the Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West St, 13th St, New York.

This year’s series is titled, ‘Redemption: The Radar off the Radar’. Dr Schimmel comments, “…
you can find Redemption right smack in the middle of the accordion community. If I sound excited, I am – and it's OK to be excited. It's a new kind of Radar!! And Redemption is waiting for you there. Is it Salvation?? No, not exactly – It's Redemption – sort of like the Halleluiah Chorus played by dozens and dozens of Accordionists – sort of like that – but not exactly.”

There will be Master Classes in the afternoon at 3pm, and concerts in the evening at 7pm – featuring a distinguished lineup! In the lobby there will be books, CDs, DVDs, etc, on sale.

Concert No. 1 on July 27th, 7pm, includes:
‘New Interactive Video’, by Micki Goodman, with Ms. Goodman - video, dance and choreography, music – Dr Schimmel
‘Star Twinkle – Mix’, by Mozart, Cage, Telstar, Doo Wop, and ‘Sonata for Two Pianos’ (accordion and piano) by Mozart, performed by Dr Gugo Goldenzweig and Dr Schimmel
‘St John Coltrane!’, by Mark Birnbaum/WS, performed by Dr Birnbaum, piano, and Dr Schimmel
‘Kensington’, by Art Baily, ‘Romp III’, by Robert Young McMahon, performed by Dr McMahon – Johanna Cho, piano
‘The Minimal Accordion’, by Michael Century
‘Grieg Goes Indie’, by John Foti, ‘Concerto (excerpts), by Howard Hanson, with Mafoka - Dr Schimmel, piano
‘Der Rosenkavalier’, by Richard Strauss, performed by Dr Schimmel
‘Variations on an Easter Hymn’, by Page Long, performed by Ingrid Kvale

plus much more……. creative musical performances!

Master Class No 2 on July 28th, at 3pm, includes the following:

Accordions Occupying Wall Street
Song Writing at the Accordion
Don’t Just Get Them, But Keep Them (Julio Giulietti)
How I Achieved Salvation Through the Accordion Without Playing It
A Bellows Pleated World/Full of Ins and Outs
The Accordion and Dominion Theology
How to play Happy Birthday anywhere
Merton/Bhudda/Pussycat (WS)
The Reality Chord/Money/Exhibit
Fire and Worship
Installation in Lobby – Please Don’t Go Away (WS)
Music: Gregosphere (WS)

These are just some of the programs offered during the seminars.

For further information email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Louis van Rensburg Concert, Johannesburg - South Africa

Louis van Rensburg Concert posterLouis van Rensburg and friends entertain on May 12th, 7pm, at Il Guardino, 44 Stanley Ave, Milpark, Johannesburg, South Africa.

The performers are Louis van Rensburg (vocals, guitar, clarinet), Andries van der Heever (accordion), Paul Hanmer (piano), Luke van der Merwe (guitar, oud), Denny Lalouette (bass guitar), Edwin Knobel (drums), Annelie du Plessis-Hoberg (flute), and Leonore Bonnet (contrabass).

For further information email: voshaar@yebo.co.za


Rescheduled: First Annual Branson Accordion Festival, Missouri - USA

Rescheduled: First Annual Branson Accordion Festival
The first Annual Branson Accordion Festival, set for May 17th to 20th, has been rescheduled due to damage from a recent tornado. A new date will be announced soon. All deposits and registration fees will be returned in full.

For further information email: bransonaccordionfestival@hotmail.com


Karen Tweed’s Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, Staffordshire- UK

Karen TweedKaren Tweed’s Ladies Accordion Orchestra is appearing in concert at St Edward’s Church, Leek, Staffordshire ST13 6AB, at 7.30pm on Saturday May 19th as part of the Leek Arts Festival.

They are an all female group of ten and they play anything from French musette to Irish set dance to tango – from Edelweiss to Stevie Wonder – from Piazzolla to Paris. That’s obviously quite a varied programme with something for everyone and should be very enjoyable. Admission is £8.

For further information email: lorraine@differentstrings.co.uk


Marco Lo Russo Concert, Sermoneta - Italy

Last week accordionist Marco Lo Russo was awarded the ‘Premio Speciale Cultura Albatros’ (The Culture Special Prize) in Naples.

On Sunday May 13th, 6.30pm, Marco performs in a special concert at the Loggia dei Mercanti, Sermoneta, Latina, Italy.

For further information email: dina.tomezzoli@alice.it


Victor Prieto Trio @ Terraza 7, New York – USA

The Victor Prieto Trio continue their residency at Terraza 7, 40-19 Gleane St, Elmhurst, New York, on Thursday May 17th, 9.30pm. The trio perform at Terraza 7 on the third Thursday of each month.

Jazz accordionist Victor Prieto will be accompanied by Edward Perez on bass, and Eric Doob on drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Igor Outkine Accompanies 1929 Silent Movie ‘Picadilly’, London – UK

Igor OutkineThe 1929 silent film ‘Picadilly’ will be screened on Sunday May 20th at the Hackney Attic, Hackney Picturehouse, 270 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 1HE. The film will be accompanied by Russian accordionist Igor Outkine – a one-man LSO (London Silent Orchestra), performing an original self-composed score.

Described by Martin Scorsese as “one of the truly great films of the silent era”, the plot of ‘Piccadilly’ involves Valentine Wilmot discovering Shosho, a Chinese dishwasher, dancing on a table in the kitchen of his Soho nightclub. He puts her on the stage and she becomes a bigger star than less exotic dancers like Mabel. When Valentine visits Shosho’s apartment, they are followed by Mabel and the night ends with a murder. But who is the killer?

Like a Russian Rick Wakeman of the button accordion, Igor Outkine switches from a conventional instrument to a Midi accordion (a veritable Tardis of an instrument, much more than it appears), from which he coaxes everything from guitar tones and saxophone solos to a James Brown back-up band. He likes to call himself one-man LSO (London Silent Orchestra) and has a unique way of interpreting every nuance of the film, at times it almost feels like actual dialogue.

Dinner from select menu and daily specials board. Doors/Food 6.30-7.30pm. Film: 7.45pm. Costs: £9 , £8 Concs, £7 Members, £20 with dinner and wine, £19 concs with dinner and wine, £18 Members with dinner and wine.

For further information email:hackney.attic@picturehouses.co.uk


‘2012 Academy Festival des Arcs’, Savoie – France

The ‘2012 Academy Festival des Arcs’ takes place, July 21st to 31st, in Les Arcs, a ski resort located in Savoie, in the south of France. The event offers tuition on accordion and a wide range of orchestral instruments such as violin, flute, clarinet, harp and piano. Bruno Maurice (picture left) is the accordion teacher.

The festival offers an opportunity to combine accordion tuition with a holiday in the French Alps. Full details are now available.

For further information email: bmaurice33@gmail.com


31st Annual Conjunto Festival, San Antonio, Texas - USA

31st Annual Conjunto Festival posterThe Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center is the venue for the 31st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio, May 15-20 at the Guadalupe Theatre and Rosedale Park.

The major radio sponsor KEDA Radio 1540 AM will be running interviews with the musicians performing at the festival.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated World Accordion Day 2012 site, 24 Hours Live Video - International

The World Accordion Day 2012 site has been updated with information and the 24 Hours Live Video. The show directed by Frederic Deschamps, Grayson Masefield and Mike Rossi is available for viewing in 24 separate hours of archived video coverage. Each 1 hour archived segment online.
World Accordion Day 2012


Silvio De Pra Website Updated with Eulogy

Silvio De PraSilvio De Pra has sadly passed away on 1st May 2012. Eulogy by Heather Masefield is now online. Excerpts about Silvio De Pra from the book, The History of the Accordion in New Zealand (catalog: nzaa1081), also online.

Three older albums re-released 3 weeks ago by Silvio De Pra
Continental Cabaret Volume 1
Continental Cabaret Volume 2

The beautiful voice and accordion of Silvio De Pra is backed by some of New Zealand's finest musicians. Listen to the sound samples on the site.


CD Отзывы

BOOK REVIEW - Vintage Accordions by Rob Howard, Reviewed by Peter Ayers - UK

Vintage Accordions by Rob HowardCD Reviews Index for the Review of the book Vintage Accordions, author Rob Howard, review by Peter Ayers.


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