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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 11-Dec-2020
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线上活动:第58届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛 - 德国
CIA “手风琴的魔力” 宣传视频比赛 - 芬兰
音乐会时间表于线上公布:第32届国际莫斯科音乐节“巴扬和手风琴音乐家” - 俄罗斯
Martina Jembrišak 荣获“Ivo Vuljević”奖 – 克罗地亚
2021瑞士手风琴比赛(Schweizer Akkordeon Wettbewerb – SAW)– 瑞士
世界上第一个获得新冠疫苗的手风琴家 John Jones MBE - 英国


第六届国际手风琴会议,里约热内卢 - 巴西
新视频:Alexander Poeluev 与民乐合唱团“Pravoslavniy Don” - 俄罗斯
Elsie M. Bennett 编曲获奖者和信息已发布上线 - 美国
Mimmo Mirabelli 在 PrimAntenna 电视上演出 - 意大利
Jeanne Velonis 发行新CD“New York Dronescape” - 美国
Wiesław Ochwat 发行了他的第一张个人专辑 - 波兰
Aydar Gaynullin 新视频:“Shape of My Heart” - 德国


Rémi Geffroy 三重奏线上音乐会将举行 - 法国
线上音乐会:Alexander Poeluev 庆祝禧年 - 俄罗斯
Online Mazaika Duo Concert - UK
在线观看:Mario Tacca 和 Mary Mancini 第23届圣诞节年度音乐会 - 美国
Online Concert with Viviane Chassot - Switzerland


Petr Vacek


Updated Site: Rob Howard
Updated Site: AccordionGifts Holiday Sale – 25% off everything in stock! – USA
Updated Obituary Site: Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956 - France

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线上活动:第58届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛 - 德国

Klingenthal header第58届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛将于2021年5月2日至8日在线上举行,该赛事面向独奏者,手风琴二重奏、三重奏组合和乐队开放。

可在以下地址下载包含德语,法语,俄语,西班牙语和英语的比赛规则: 2021KlingenthalRules.pdf




CIA “手风琴的魔力” 宣传视频比赛 - 芬兰

CIA Magic Accordion Video Competition header
Mirco Patarini国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 主席 Mirco Patarini 正式宣布开启 “手风琴的魔术” 创作宣传视频比赛。

比赛的目标是制作一个宣传视频,时长约60秒,主题为“手风琴的魔力”; 致力于向公众推广手风琴。 建议视频点也可以在30秒和10秒的时长版本中符合媒体的使用。

CIA 网站 Magic Video页面:magicvideo.php


音乐会时间表于线上公布:第32届国际莫斯科音乐节“巴扬和手风琴音乐家” - 俄罗斯

Moscow banner
15th December concert post16th December concert poster第32届国际莫斯科音乐节“巴扬与手风琴音乐家”将于2020年12月15日至20日在莫斯科的格涅辛音乐学院举行。艺术指导是 Friedrich Lips

点击下载英文版音乐会完整时间表以及每个音乐会的海报: 2020Moscow
17,19,20 December concerts posters


Martina Jembrišak 荣获“Ivo Vuljević”奖 – 克罗地亚

Award certificate
Martina with trophyMartinaMartina Jembrišak(如上图所示)获得了具有极高荣誉的“Ivo Vuljevic” 2020年度克罗地亚音乐家奖。 这是手风琴家第一次获得该奖项!

正式的颁奖典礼于2020年12月9日在萨格勒布的克罗地亚科学院举行。 该奖项由克罗地亚女爵(Jeunesses Musicales Croatia)音乐总监 Tonci Bilic 颁发。

The Jeunesses Musicales Croatia has been presenting this award since 1988, which consists of a diploma, a sum of money, and concerts that assist in the development of musical careers of the recipients in Croatia and abroad.

The award is named after Ivo Vuljevic (1919-1986), lifetime Honorary President of the Jeunesses Musicales Croatia, Director of the Opera of Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, Director of the LADO Ensemble, longtime director and honorary member of Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.

The award ceremony focuses the public's attention on the talents, efforts, abilities and musical personalities of young artists.

The Jeunesses Musicales Croatia has numerous supporters and partners including the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City Office for Culture of the City of Zagreb, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Zagreb Soloists Ensemble, Tis Group and HEP-Hrvatska elektroprivreda as the main sponsor.

下方照片从左到右依次为: Frano Parac,Martina,Mia Pecnik(也获得了奖),克罗地亚女爵(Jeunesses Musicales Croatia)音乐总监 Tonci Bilic 和以前的获奖者 Danijel Detoni 。
group photo


2021瑞士手风琴比赛(Schweizer Akkordeon Wettbewerb – SAW)– 瑞士

Swiss header
面向独奏者,二重奏和室内音乐表演者的瑞士手风琴比赛(Schweizer Akkordeon Wettbewerb – SAW)将于2021年5月29日至30日在瑞士的 Aarberg 举行。 该活动由 Accordeon.ch 与 Ipsach 手风琴乐团,Aarberg-Kallnach 和 OK 主席 Thomas Peter 共同组织。

Organisers have allowed 2 days for the event due to additional possible Covid-19 regulations having to be implemented.

The following events leading up to the entry closing date are as follows:

Seminar Competition Preparation for Teachers: 9th January, 2021 in Lyss.
Information for the selection of Coupe Mondiale entrants: 9th January, 2021 in Lyss.

The deadline for competition entry registrations is February 28th, 2021.

Download competition information and rules in German and French languages here: 2021SwissRules.pdf

For further details email: info@accordeon.ch


世界上第一个获得新冠疫苗的手风琴家 John Jones MBE - 英国

John Jones MBE. Rapper Mist在英国推广新冠疫苗的第一天,John Jones MBE 成为了世界上第一位接受辉瑞新冠疫苗的手风琴家。 柴郡的麦克尔斯菲尔德综合医院已经向所有工作人员和志愿者提供了疫苗,由于他在医院手风琴演奏中多年筹集善款,John 被列为了志愿者。 John 的不间断募款使他成为Macclesfield 本地的传奇人物!

Since John retired from his career as a structural bridge engineer in 1992 he has devoted much of his time to fund raising for various charities, and in 2012 was awarded the MBE for his efforts in raising over £250,000. The ceremony took place in Buckingham Palace, carried out by HRH Princess Anne.

Before taking up the accordion in the 1980s John was a pianist who entertained in pubs, and since switching to the accordion he has played at all sorts of functions and has a very large repertoire of all kinds of music.

He is a member of both Stockport Accordion Club and North Staffs Accordion Club, and is the organizer of the annual charity concert at the Broken Cross Club in Macclesfield in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice. He and Rob Howard have performed war songs in the Stockport Air Raid Shelters each December since 1999.

Like everybody else, John has this year been sidelined from playing gigs indoors because of the Covid lockdowns and restrictions, but undeterred has gone out into the streets and parks busking.

About one such occasion he writes:
“On September 11th I was busking in Teggs Nose Country Park, raising money for the Intensive Care Unit in Macclesfield Hospital in memory of my wife June who passed away on March 9th, when suddenly there was a very loud “vroom, vroom” as a convoy of Super Cars arrived in the car park. These cars were on a rally known as ‘The Cannon Run’. One of the group saw my collecting box, and put a £20 donation in it.

The box was then passed round and a total of £158 was raised for the hospital charity. A member of the group then asked me to play the accordion, which he recorded. I was then told that I had just been videoed with a famous rapper called ‘Mist’ (picture left), who has a worldwide fan base of millions, and the video was then posted on his Instagram page.

Imagine my surprise when my grandson, Marcus, rang me up later in the evening to tell me he had seen the video and couldn’t believe that his grandad played the accordion for Mist. It seemed to me it was as if I’d been seen with Elvis!”.

Picture below: John Jones is also popular with the birds who love the acccordion!!
John Jones - birds




手风琴和小提琴二重奏 Piero 和 Horacio 在乌拉圭达人秀节目中的演出,受到了大众的喜爱,几乎得到了金色的评委选票!

Piero and Horacio


第六届国际手风琴会议,里约热内卢 - 巴西


Brazil poster


新视频:Alexander Poeluev 与民乐合唱团“Pravoslavniy Don” - 俄罗斯

Alexander PoeluevAlexander Poeluev 刚刚发布了与民乐合唱团“Pravoslavniy Don”的新视频,这是他们演奏的 Don Rhapsody 的原始版本,由 Viatcheslav Semionov 编曲的曲子 ,被编排用于手风琴和民乐合奏。 Don Rhapsody 以民歌为基础,在这部作品中,他们试图将原始歌曲和 Semionov 的 Don Rhapsody 结合起来。

The video was produced within the framework of the Discover Russia: 5 geniuses of the world born in the Don Region project, supported by the President's Grants Fund.

Project operator: All-Russian Association of Honored Citizens, Mentors and Talented Youth.
Inspired by the creative work of Russian and Soviet veteran-writer Mikhail A. Sholokhov - Russian and Soviet writer, journalist and scriptwriter, the Nobel Prize in Literature laureate, Stalin Prize, Lenin Prize laureate, twice the Hero of the Socialist Labour.

Artistic Director: Gennady Vecherkin

Young Cossack: V. Poeluev

Executive Producers: Elizaveta Poelueva and Larisa Lutsenko

The shooting was held in the Bokovsky and Sholokhov regions of the Rostov region, M.A.Sholokhov's State Museum-Reserve and Memorial Historic Complex in Karginskaya.


Elsie M. Bennett 编曲获奖者和信息已发布上线 - 美国

AAA header
Elsie M. Bennett自2009年以来,Elsie M. Bennett(右图)作曲比赛的获奖者现在已在 AAA 网站上发布。 http://www.ameraccord.com/bennett.php

从2017年开始, AAA 添加了获奖音乐的示例页面和示例声音文件。 另外,还可以通过作曲家的电子邮件等联系方式以购买这些新作品。


Mimmo Mirabelli 在 PrimAntenna 电视上演出 - 意大利

Mimmo Mirabelli 本周在意大利 Prim Antenna 电视台上进行了来自巴西的流行舞蹈作品“Lambada”的娱乐表演。 请看上面的视频。

Prim Antenna 是位于意大利皮埃蒙特,利古里亚,伦巴第和瓦莱达格斯塔的电视网络,提供娱乐相关和本地信息的节目。


Jeanne Velonis 发行新CD“New York Dronescape” - 美国

Jeanne VelonisJeanne Velonis 将于2020年12月13日在布鲁克林手风琴俱乐部的线上会议上发行她的新CD“New York Dronescape”。数字版发行日期定于2020年12月12日。

The CD includes three pieces:

1. Music of Chants" by Guy Klucevsek
2. "Vegetative States" by Peter Flint
3. "Brooklyn Dronescape" by Bob Goldberg--three 21st-century drone-based accordion pieces by New York City composers.

Jeanne Velonis, is a classical recording engineer and the newest member of Bachtopus. Initially self-taught, she has studied accordion with Leah Barkan and Mary Tokarski .

For more information: sinolev@yahoo.com


Wiesław Ochwat 发行了他的第一张个人专辑 - 波兰

CD Cover

Wieslaw Ochwat(波兰,克拉科夫)刚刚在DUX标签上发行了他的第一张个人专辑,名为“Between Paths”。

The album includes contemporary accordion music and Polish works for solo accordion that shows the versatility of the accordion, by composers Wojciech Blecharz, Maciej Zimka, Artur Zagajewski, Chris Olczak, Przemyslaw Scheller and Peter Peszat.

The CD release was financed by the "Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow" and is available at major music stores. It will also soon be available in digital form.


Aydar Gaynullin 新视频:“Shape of My Heart” - 德国

Aydar Gaynullin 刚刚发布了由 Dominic Miller 和 Sting 制作的新视频“Shape of My Heart”。





Rémi Geffroy 三重奏线上音乐会将举行 - 法国

视频:Rémi Geffroy 三重奏组12月音乐会

Rémi Geffroy 三重奏组于2020年12月6日在法国 Lignareix 的 Studio La Claranbox 进行了一场线上音乐会。三重奏组由 Rémi Geffroy (二重奏手风琴家和作曲家)以及Christian Martinaud(鼓)和Thomas Curtil(吉他)组成。

这场音乐会是由La Claranbox工作室举办的系列音乐会之一。

On December 12th, Rémi will perform with his group “The Booze Brothers” in Langon, South Western France. The group play a mix of Irish music and ultra energetic, joyful and tribal Punk Rock.


线上音乐会:Alexander Poeluev 庆祝禧年 - 俄罗斯

Pouleuv header
Alexander Poeluev 将于12月12日在莫斯科时间下午6点举办线上音乐会。 这场音乐会是契科夫诞辰160周年和肖洛霍夫诞辰115周年之际人们期待已久的盛事。

音乐会将作为“Get to know Russia”教育项目的一部分举行。 在总统拨款基金的支持下出生的文学天才和俄罗斯联邦公共商会成员 Leonid Shafirov,全俄罗斯荣誉公民、导师和有才能青年协会。

它还将作为第二届认知旅游、文化和媒体志愿者国际大会“Living Heritage of a Small Homeland”和“Learn Russia”文学节的音乐开幕式的一部分。

Special guest at the concert is: laureate of international jazz competitions and festivals, and participant of the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet saxophonist Andrey Machnev. Alexander Poeluev has been playing with the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet for over 10 years.

At this concert, we want to unite Russians and foreigners, lovers of Russian culture, connoisseurs of the history and traditions of the Don region from different parts of our world.

We will all remember 2020 as a year online in which we all have tried new things, looked for new ways to communicate, meet, and implement our creative projects. Although, under the current conditions, we still cannot invite the entire New-Centropezn line-up, Alexander has prepared several interesting performances with Andrey Machnev, so Saturday evening promises to be filled with positive and great music.

For concert information email: a_poeluev@mail.ru


Online Mazaika Duo Concert - UK

Sarah & IgorThe Mazaika Duo, which includes Igor Outkine (midi accordion & vocals) and Sarah Harrison (violin & domra) will give an online concert on December 13th, 2020 at 4pm.

Their program will include a festive mix of classical favourites, folk, gypsy jazz, tango and Christmas Carols.

For details phone: +44 7968 316295


在线观看:Mario Tacca 和 Mary Mancini 第23届圣诞节年度音乐会 - 美国

Tacca Xmas poster
Tacca & Mancini由于新冠疫情的限制, Mario Tacca 和 Mary Mancini (左图)将于今年在线上举行第23届年度圣诞节音乐会。

该音乐会将献给音乐家Vincent Lionti,活动将于12月19日晚上7点举行。



Online Concert with Viviane Chassot - Switzerland

Viviane Chassot
Viviane Chassot will perform an online evening concert from the Aula Cantonal School in Sursee, Switzerland on January 30th, 2021 at 7.30pm. Her program will include works by Bach, Haydn and Piazzolla.

Registrations are mandatory as seating at the venue will be limited due to Covid-19 restrictions, so for details please contact: info@accordeon.ch



Petr Vacek

Petr Vacek



Updated Site: Rob Howard

Rob HowardRob Howard, author, has had several new pictures, text site update all books added to his home page;


Updated Site: AccordionGifts Holiday Sale – 25% off everything in stock! – USA

AccordionGifts header
AccordionGifts Holiday Sale.

This year has been difficult with the Coronavirus pandemic affecting everyone, so we thought that we would end the year on a happy note.

AccordionGifts is offering everything in stock, including holiday items, clothing, jewellery, stationery, and novelties at 25% off the listed price. The sale is in effect for the entire month of December.


Updated Obituary Site: Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956 - France

Historical Video of Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956, France, added to her obituary site.


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