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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Jul-2009
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Особенности Highlights

Номинации на премию Орфей, Пинето – Италия
Концерты и мастер-классы Анхеля Луиса Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) – Испания
Отбор на 59 «Трофей Мира» в Германии, Троссинген – Германия
«Пицца и Тарантелла» Нандо Моники – Германия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet
Jérôme Richard, Petar Maric and Frédéric Deschamps on LMTV - France
DAM Competititon, Baden-Baden – Germany
8th ‘Ohrid Pearls 2009’, Ohrid - Macedonia
Accordion-Yellow Pages.com Future Events – Internet

Будущие события

Marco Lo Russo Concerts – Italy
Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships, BC - Canada
12 year old Felipe Granemman Appears on TV – Brazil
2nd National Competition Savuto, Calabria – Italy
Main Squeeze Accordion Festival 2009, New York - USA
Joao Gentil Concerts, Figueira – Portugal
Castelfidardo Summer Festival, Ancona – Italy
Reykjavik Accordion Festival 2009 - Iceland
Future Concerts of Renato Borghetti – Europe, Ukraine

Новые и обновленные сайты

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet
2009 Coupe Mondiale Draft Schedule Updated
Gary Daverne Website Update
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
H S Production New Music Releases
CMA Trophée Mondial Website Update

CD Отзывы

Eternal Returning

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Особенности Highlights

Номинации на премию Орфей, Пинето – Италия

Orpheus Awards
Объявление номинантов на премию Орфей, премию, вручаемую музыкальными критиками, прошло во время 3 Фестиваля аккордеонного искусства (Accordion Art Festival). Фестиваль проходил в Москиано с 19 по 21 июня и был организован ассоциацией Art Promotion. Арт-директор – Ренцо Руджиери (Renzo Ruggieri), председатель – Клаудио Аззаро (Claudio Azzaro).

Номинации и номинанты:

Классическая музыка (лучший CD ИТАЛИИ 2008)
Клаудио Якомуччи (Claudio Jacomucci) - ‘Wonderland’, Adatto Records
Марио Стефано Пьетродарки (Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi) - ‘Live in Minsk’, Autoprodotto

Джазовая музыка (лучший CD ИТАЛИИ 2008)
Симоне Занчини (Simone Zanchini) - ‘Fuga per Art’, Dodicilune Records
Макс де Алое (Max de Aloe) - ‘Lirico Incanto’, Abeat Records
Симоне Занчини (Simone Zanchini) - ‘Better Alone’, Silta Records
Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) - ‘Mediterranean Accordion... Live’, Nelson Records
Сальваторе Каутеруккьо (Salvatore Cauteruccio) - ‘Nova 4tet, Tangout’, Picanto Records
Лучано Бьондини (Luciano Biondini) - ‘Prima del Cuore’, Enja Records

Музыка мира (World Music) (лучший CD ИТАЛИИ 2008)
Фабио Россато (Fabio Rossato) + Иван Тиболла (Ivan Tibolla) - ‘Impressioni Lontane’, Emmeciersse Records
Сантино Спинелли (Santino Spinelli) - ‘Alexian Group, Mo Pase Ko Murdevèlè - Io Ac-Canto a Dio’, CNI Records
Паскуале Нигро (Pasquale Nigro) - ‘Orientato a Sud’, MK Records
Давиде Бонетти (Davide Bonetti) - ‘Compagnia della Vocata, Il Tavoliere delle Alpi’, Alchechengi Records
Джанкарло Капорилли (Giancarlo Caprorilli) - ‘Solo Fisarmonica’, Autoprodotto

Премия Орфей за Достижения
Пеппино Принчипе (Peppino Principe)

Члены жюри: Паоло Аита (Paolo Aita – Италия), Киммо Матилла (Kimmo Mattila – Финляндия), Ульрих Шмюлинг (Ulrich SchmüllingKarthause Schmülling Германия), Ливио Боллани (Livio Bollani – Италия), Паоло Пиккио (Paolo Picchio – Италия), Амедео фурфаро (Amedeo Furfaro – Италия), Джино Фортунато (Gino Fortunato – Италия), Алессандро Пьеротти (Alessandro Pierotti – Италия), Фабио Симиниера (Fabio Ciminiera – Италия) и Давиде Фабрици (Davide Fabrizi – Италия).

Победители будут названы во время аккордеонного фестиваля Pineto Jazz Accordion Festival 1 августа 2009 года.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: info@renzoruggieri.it


Концерты и мастер-классы Анхеля Луиса Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) – Испания

Angel Luis Castaño and David del Puerto
Испанский концертирующий аккордеонист Анхель Луис Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) и гитарист и композитор (лауреат Национальной музыкальной премии 2005 года) Давид дель Пуэрто (David del Puerto) в качестве дуэта под названием Dúo Rejoice успешно выступили с концертами в Испании. В обоих концертах Анхель Луис Кастаньо играл сольные произведения и камерную музыку на аккордеоне и бандонеоне.

Первый концерт 26 июня был организован Галисийской Ассоциацией Аккордеона в рамках 52-го Национального аккордеонного конкурса, проходившего в Оренсе с 26 по 28 июня. Их программа включала произведения Баха, Чавиано, Дель Пуэрто, Де Фальи, Владимира Зубицкого и Пьяццоллы.

Второй концерт прошел в субботу 27 июня в аудитории Леон, в рамках Международного фестиваля испанской музыки. В программу была включена премьера новой пьесы испанского композитора Консуэло Диеса (Consuelo Díez), а также музыка Гарсии Лаборда (García Laborda), Дель Пуэрто, Чавиано и Пьяццоллы.

Следующий концерт Dúo Rejoice! пройдет 24 сентября в Касересе на фестивале современной музыки, организованном музеем Vostell Malpartida.

Этим летом Анхель Луис Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) проведет мастер-класс по аккордеону в Овьедо (Астурия) с 21 июля по 1 августа. Организатор - Фонд принца Астурийского. В рамках мероприятия пройдут мастер-классы для студентов, концерты преподавателей и студентов, лекции и т.д…

Анхель Луис Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) также сыграет дуэтом с Аланом Ковачем (Alan Kovacs - альтист, профессор CSMA в Сарагосе и Королевской консерватории в Мадриде) 8 августа в Сеговии. В программе прозвучит музыка Пьяццоллы, Сарасате, Де Фальи и Владимира Зубицкого.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: alcastano@gmail.com


Отбор на 59 «Трофей Мира» в Германии, Троссинген – Германия

Hohner Konservatorium/TrossingenCMA logoФото: Фредерик Дешамп (Frederic Deschamps)/ Семинар/Консерватория Hohner
Германский отбор на 59-й Международный конкурс «Трофей (Trophée) мира» пройдет во вторник 28 июля в Консерватории Hohner, Троссинген, Баден-Вюртемберг.

«Трофей (Trophée) мира» - международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов – пройдет в Альбуфейре (Португалия) с 23 по 26 сентября. Более подробную информацию по конкурсу можно найти на сайте CMA.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


«Пицца и Тарантелла» Нандо Моники – Германия

Würzburger Musikverlag logo
Pizza and TarantellaПосле успеха CD ‘Amore E Fisarmonica’ («Любовь и аккордеон») солиста Нандо Моники (выпущен the Würzburger Musikverlag / Elwephon Records R & T) в память об этом талантливом аккордеонисте недавно был выпущен новый CD под названием ‘Pizza and Tarantella’ («Пицца и Тарантелла»), который в настоящее время также проигрывается и получает хорошие отзывы на немецком радио.

CD содержит 25 блестящих поп-композиций, исполненных в элегантном стиле Нандо Моники. Все 28 треков ранее не издавались, хотя почти все другие его композиции, выпущенные Würzburger Musikverlag в Германии,

Этот CD Нандо Моники рекомендуется для прослушивания аккордеонистам, желающим расширить свой репертуар. Все эти прекрасные композиции исполнены в оригинальном стиле Нандо Моники, артиста, посвятившего всю свою жизнь этому магическому инструменту – аккордеону.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: fisanoten@aol.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet

Diatonic News
The second edition of the Diatonic News (www.Diatonic-News.com) is now online. This is a site dedicated to diatonic, concertina, button box, bandoneon type instruments, and a new edition is published on the first of each month.

This Diatonic News site is unique, in that contributions are published in the language there are sent and viewers can use an online translation system if they need.


Jérôme Richard, Petar Maric and Frédéric Deschamps on LMTV - France

Frédéric Deschamps, Jérôme Richard and Petar Maric
On 17 June, Jérome Richard, Petar Maric (Serbia) and Frédéric Deschamps were broadcast on the LMTV program of Pascal Savard, "au bonheur de nacre”.

Petar Maric, a student of Alexander Nikolic (Beltango) has recently arrived in France learning accordion from Frédéric Deschamps as part of the dynamic young Hohner Team.

An exciting atmosphere prevailed. It has been a dream of Petar Maric to meet one of his idols, namely Jérome Richard, six times world champion and former student of Frédéric Deschamps. This dream happened live on television.

The two then played a completely improvised duet on the famous and fearsome "Tempête" by André Astier which left everyone speechless.

Find the best moments of this show on “Daily Motion” at:


DAM Competititon, Baden-Baden – Germany

In June the two-phase competition for solo accordion and chamber music took place in Baden-Baden. The big national competition of the German Accordion Music Prize took place for the 11th time, organised by the German Harmonica Association in connection with the accordion teacher association.

Furthermore, there were cultural events including the medal award for the well-known music teacher, Professor Dr. Hans Günther Bastian. Photo: Mirjana Petercol with students (participants and winners of the DAM competition in Baden-Baden/Germany).

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


8th ‘Ohrid Pearls 2009’, Ohrid - Macedonia

Group photo, 8th ‘Ohrid Pearls 2009’,
Jury photo, 8th ‘Ohrid Pearls 2009’,The 8th International competition for young musicians, ‘Ohrid Pearls 2009’, was held from June 16th until 20th, in Ohrid, Macedonia (UNESCO heritage site since 1980).

A town of vast history and heritage, Ohrid is without a doubt the jewel in Macedonia 's crown. Nestled between high mountains and Lake Ohrid, it is not only a place of historic magnificence but also of outstanding natural beauty.

This year’s competition ‘Ohrid Pearls’ included disciplines for wood winds, brass instruments and accordion. There were more then 100 candidates from several European countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Norway, and Slovenia.

The jury for the accordion sections included: Zorica Karakutovska (Macedonia), Zoran Rakic (Serbia), Gorka Hermosa (Spain), Vjera Odak (Croatia), Diana Stanceva (Bulgaria). Jury photo top.

The next ‘Ohrid Pearls’ competition will take place from June 16th to 20th 2011 in Ohrid, Macedonia.

For further information email: Anica.Karakutovska@stb.com.mk


Accordion-Yellow Pages.com Future Events – Internet

Accordion Yellow Pages banner
The popular accordion yellow pages (www.Accordon-YellowPages.com) Future Events is listed at the top right hand corner of the news and seen by a large readership each week.

Organizers can easily list their concerts, festivals, seminars themselves. Its simple, and you can see your listing immediately. Its also easy to edit your listings from time to time as well.

Organizers are encouraged to use this free internet publicity site, and promote their events to attract greater audiences and participation.


Будущие события

Marco Lo Russo Concerts – Italy

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo performs as follows:

July 10th, 9pm - Palazzo Petrignani, Narni, Terni
July 12th, 9pm - Piazza Carlo Fontana, Lanuvio, Rome
July 17th, 9pm – 45th Capus internazionale di musica pontino,
complesso di Sant'Oliva, Cori, Latina

For further information email: fisa@marcolorusso.com


Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships, BC - Canada

Bernadette ConlonThe 35th annual Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships take place from July 6th until 11th. The venue is Downtown Kimberley, 525 Archibald St, Kimberley, British Columbia.

This year’s performers include Gary Blair and Gary Blair Jr., Patricia Bartell, The Brabec Step-Brothers Dance, Bernadette Conlon, Alex Meixner, Sylvia Marie, and The Emeralds.


12 year old Felipe Granemman Appears on TV – Brazil

Felipe GranemmanOn Sunday afternoon, July 12th, accordionist Felipe Granemman, aged 12, from Caçador City-SC, performs on the television program ‘Domingão do Faustão’. Felipe came 7th in Brazil’s ‘International Competition for Accordionists’ in 2007.

‘Domingão do Faustão’ is a popular talk show featuring live music, hosted by Fausto Corrêa da Silva.

For further information email: acordeon@valerio.com.br


2nd National Competition Savuto, Calabria – Italy

On July 11th and 12th in Rogliano the Savuto National Competition takes place and is open to competitors of all ages and with instruments of every type and brand, divided into 7 sections: accordion/entertainment music, classical accordion standard bass, free reed classical accordion, electronic keyboard, diatonic accordion with 2, 4 and 8 basses. The organiser is Luca De Marco.

Well-known names of the accordion world will be present on the jury: Danilo Di Paolonicola, Tiziano Chiapelli, Antonio Spaccarotella, Johnny (Giuseppe) Grosso, and Giuseppe Scigliano ande Jean Louis Noton (president of Jury)

For further information contact email: lucademarco1977@yahoo.it


Main Squeeze Accordion Festival 2009, New York - USA

Main Squeeze Accordion festival
The Main Squeeze Accordion Festival 2009 takes place on July 11th, from 3pm, at Riverside Park South, Pier I, W 70th St. and Riverside Blvd, New York.

The festival’s publicity says: “The squeeze box masters are back! Celebrate all things accordion at the 4th annual NYC Main Squeeze Accordion Festival, our annual festival of traditional and eclectic music from around the globe. Kids can get in on the act too, at the Accordion Kids Corner. Browse the Accordion Flea Market and dance, dance, dance! Performers include the all-female Main Squeeze Accordion Orchestra directed by Walter Kuhr and many more. Admission is completely free!”


Joao Gentil Concerts, Figueira – Portugal

Joao GentilAccordionist Joao Gentil performs at the Casino Figueira, Coimbra, on Sunday, July 12th at 10.30pm, and on Monday July 13th at 1pm.

João Gentil and Luis Formiga perform at the Centro Artes E Espectaculos Figueira on Wednesday, August 12th, 10,30pm, and on Thursday, August 13th, 12.30am.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Castelfidardo Summer Festival, Ancona – Italy

Castelfidardo logoThe Summer Festival will be held from July 23rd to 26th - four days dedicated to high quality music where the accordion in its many forms will play the leading role. The Summer Festival is also renowned for its magical and suggestive theme lighting.

Thursday July 23rd, 9pm – Area X (featuring accordionist Andrea Naspi) in concert, Piazzale Don Minzoni

Friday July 24th, 9.15pm – accordionist Giuliana Soscia and the Pino Jodice Italian Tango Quartet in concert, Parco delle Rimembranze

Saturday 25th, 9.15pm – drama, ‘Divine Comedy’ (Dante), narrators Davide Rondoni and David Bugari, featuring original music performed by accordionist Christian Riganelli, in the Parco delle Rimembranze – 9.15pm

Sunday 26th, 9.15pm – accordionist Danilo di Paolonicola performs his ‘Ethnic Project’ in concert

The proceeds from any fundraising will be entirely donated to victims of the Abruzzo earthquake.

For further information email: info@festivalinternazionalefisarmonicacastelfidardo.it


Reykjavik Accordion Festival 2009 - Iceland

Sigmund DehliThe Reykjavik Accordion Festival 2009 will be held July 18. - 19. This festival is designed to provide an opportunity for accordion enthusiasts to meet their colleagues and present the accordion and accordion music to the public.

One goal is to offer as varied a program as possible so that people can see and hear this instrument played in as many different ways as possible. The instrument has been played in Iceland for generations and is an important part of the musical heritage of the nation.

During the weekend, accordionists perform on various locations in Reykjavik. Numerous concerts feature artists from Iceland and abroad.

The main attraction is the well known Norwegian accordionist : Sigmund Dehli. He will perform in the Nordic House in Reykjavik Saturday 18. at 15.00 hours. He and many of Iceland's leading accordion players will perform at "Arbaejarsafn" - Reykjavik City Museum, Sunday afternoon 19. July, starting 13.00

For further information email jonatank@internet.is


Future Concerts of Renato Borghetti – Europe, Ukraine

Renato BorghettiRenato Borghetti, from Brazil, is one his country’s leading accordionists and composers. He works in many genres, including traditional styles from his home state of Rio Grande do Sul, other styles of Brazilian music like samba, and international genres including jazz and classical music. His main instrument is the diatonic button accordion. He won a Latin Grammy in 2005 for ‘Best Brazilian Roots/Regional Album’, for his CD ‘Gaita Ponto Com’.

Presently on an international tour, Renato Borghetti’s concert schedule includes:

September 19th – Accordion Festival, Zug, Switzerland
September 22nd - Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, SIovenia
September 23rd - Theater Akzent, Vienna, Austria
September 24th – Gogolfest, Kiev, Ukraine
September 25th – Odessa Jazz Carnival, Ukraine
September 26th - Vinnitsa Jazz Festival, Ukraine
September 27th - Chisinau Ethno Jazz Festival, Moldova

For further information email: office@cultureworks.at


Новые и обновленные сайты

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet

The second edition of the Diatonic News (www.Diatonic-News.com) is now online. This is a site dedicated to diatonic, concertina, button box, bandoneon type instruments and a new edition is published onthe 1st of each month.

The Diatonic News site is unique, in that contributions are published in the language there are sent and viewers can use an online Google translation if they need. Please send news to:
Holda Paoletti-Kampl or Werner Weibert email: w.weibert@tele2.at


2009 Coupe Mondiale Draft Schedule Updated

The updated draft schedule for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale, 25-29 August, New Zealand is online. There is also considerable press release material been added to the Coupe Mondiale site. The hotel booking page has been updated as well.


Gary Daverne Website Update

The website of Gary Daverne has been updated with sound files for the new CD's and a review of his most recent concerts with accordionists.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 5 new pieces - 'Girbiribin, catalog:mfa7026', 'Cielito Lindo, catalog:mfa7028', 'La Spagnola, catalog:mfa7029', 'El Choclo, catalog:mfa7030' and 'Santa Lucia, catalog:mfa6038'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Little Polka, catalog:hs139', 'Oh, for – by Gaius, by Gaius, catalog:hs285', 'Steppes and Steppes Around, catalog:hs399', 'Seratov Omamentalia, catalog:hs400', 'The Cossack Went Beyond The Danube, catalog:hs413', and 'At The Gray Pigeon, catalog:hs414'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CMA Trophée Mondial Website Update

The official website for the CMA organised Trophée Mondial has been updated to include entry forms, 2009 schedule and all rules and regulations.


CD Отзывы

Eternal Returning

Sergey Osokin CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Eternal Returning” by Joan Cochran Sommers. Performer is Sergey Osokin.


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