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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Feb-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Сайт конкурса «Трофей мира 2012» на китайском, фрнцузском и русском языках – США
Трогательная рождественская история от Dietrich Mateschitz, Зальцбург – Автсрия
Конкурс ‘AccoHoliday’, Киев – Украина
Янив Гершон (Yaniv Gershon) приветствует Иегуду Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer), Иерусалим – Израиль

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Young Accordionists Perform ‘Take on Me’, Pyongyang – North Korea
Walter Kasprzyk Performs with Charlotte County Symphony, Florida - USA
Variety Artists Club, Auckland - New Zealand
Håvard Svendsrud and the Bærum Symphony Orchestra Concerts - Norway
‘14 Years Ago’ – Coba’s Unusual Recording Project

Будущие события

Alexander Sevastian and Michael Bridge Performances - USA, Canada
Rob Howard Interview on ‘Take the Floor’, BBC Radio Scotland - UK
Paris Moscou Duo Concerts - France
Duo Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands
Richard Tyce’s Valentine’s Day Concert, Richmond B.C. - Canada
Victor Prieto Trio Concerts, Madrid, Vigo, Asturias – Spain
Competition ‘Trofeo Città di Greci’ - Italy‏
‘A Celebration of Latin American Music’, London – UK
Marco Lo Russo Live in Latina - Italy
Jack Emblow & Tony Compton @ Eastbourne Accordion Festival – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs
Donato Santoianni selling his new CD
Rebecca Oliver releases new music
Klaus Paier Releases New CDs

CD Отзывы

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

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Особенности Highlights

Сайт конкурса «Трофей мира 2012» на китайском, фрнцузском и русском языках – США

CMA 2012 header
Patricia BartellВсемирная Конфедерация Аккордеона (CMA) постоянно пытается расширить свое влияние и прилагает все усилия, чтобы стать всемирно значимой, начиная с реорганизации ее Исполнительного Комитета в 2005 году.

CMA обновила свой сайт, на котором теперь на французском, китайском и русском языках доступны сведения о международном конкурсе «Трофей мира 2012», который пройдет в городе Спокан, штат Вашингтон, США, с 23 по 27октября  2012 года.

Впервые «Трофей мира» состоится в Северной Америке. Вебсайт организации на 4 языках содержит полную информацию о конкурсе 2012 года – нормы и правила, порядок регистрации, предлагаемый график, визовая анкета, информация о гостиницах, транспорт в / из Спокана и все необходимые контакты Исполнительного Комитета CMA.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт CMA.


Трогательная рождественская история от Dietrich Mateschitz, Зальцбург – Автсрия

Dietrich Mateschitz / Red Bull
Статья в газете "Kleine Zeitung" рассказывает  трогательную историю, которая произошла в Рождественские каникулы с  производителем аккордеонов  Петером Мюллером (Peter Müller) в городе Бад-Санкт-Леонхард, Каринтия, Австрия.

Стефан Уолнер (Stefan Wallner) из Dellach завершил свое обучение в качестве механика в Зальцбурге и вместе с отцом  решил купить новый инструмент Steirische Harmonika  в компании Мюллера. После того, как Стефан, который играет на Steirische Harmonika с пяти лет, опробовал инструменты и решил, который из них он хочет купить, в торговый зал Мюллера зашли двое мужчин и одна женщина.

Они также хотели купить Steirische Harmonika, но из-за большого ассортимента никак не могли сделать выбор и поэтому попросили продавщицу Маргит Меллуних (Margit Mellunig) сыграть несколько песен на разных моделях Harmonikas Steirische. Продавщица, которая и сама умела играть, попросила Стефана поиграть для покупателей на различных гармониках. Стефан с удовольствием и большим чувством продемонстрировал инструменты.

Старший из двух иностранных господ был так впечатлен его игрой, что приобрел две гармоники Steirische Harmonikas. Когда Стефан собрался платить за свой инструмент, продавщица показала ему счет на 4.600 евро и сказала, что у ней для него большой сюрприз. Джентльмен, для которого он играл, уже за все заплатил.

Стефан и его отец были поражены, особенно, когда они узнали, кто этот джентльмен. Им оказался  Дитрих Матешиц (Dietrich Mateschitz), владелец империи  "Red Bull".Какой щедрый и прекрасный рождественский подарок он сделал музыканту!


Конкурс ‘AccoHoliday’, Киев – Украина

AccoHoliday header
Jan Tabachnik7 международный конкурс и фестиваль ‘AccoHoliday’ пройдет в Киеве с 26 про 29 апреля.

В фестивале примут участие исполнители из Украины, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья (включая победителей национальных и международных конкурсов). Конкурс AccoHoliday проходит для солистов в следующих категориях:
категория A – исполнители академической музыки в возрасте от 18 до 32
категория B – концертные исполнители фольклорной, эстрадной и джазовой музыки (без ограничения возраста)

Дата окончания приема заявок 1 марта.
Заявки принимаются по адресу: ул. Ильинская, 8, бизнес-центр «Ильинский», 2 этаж, Киев, 04070, Украина. Заявки принимаются на украинском, русском и английском языках.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: ark@ksg.kiev.ua or elenaluchyk@mail.ru


Янив Гершон (Yaniv Gershon) приветствует Иегуду Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer), Иерусалим – Израиль

Cover  ‘The Man, the Accordion and Legend’В этом выпуске (что случается нечасто) у нас есть еще одна трогательная история.

Янив Гершон, студент Иегуды Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer), который учился у него с 5 лет, узнал о выходе новой книги Иегуды под названием «Человек, Аккордеон и Легенда" (Catalog No: oybook), а также о его серьезных проблемах со здоровьем.

Янив решил на 2 дня  приехать из своего дома в США в Израиль и посетить Иегуду в иерусалимской больнице  I.C.C.U Shaare Zedek Medical Center. По дороге он взял аккордеон Иегуды у его жены Адины, а затем в течение 2 часов  играл  в больнице, таким образом отдавая дань уважения своему выдающемуся учителю.

Действительно хорошая музыка должна помогать людям. И хорошая новость заключается в том, что вскоре Иегуда Оппенгеймер был выписан больницы и его здоровье постоянно улучшается.

Accordions Worldwide благодарит Янив Гершона за его преданность этому признанному во всем мире исполнителю и желает Иегуде Оппенгеймеру скорейшего выздоровления, поскольку он готовится к получению награды «За заслуги», церемония вручения которой пройдет 14 февраля (подробнее об этом в наших новостях на следующей неделе).

На сайте  доступны 2 CD Иегуды Оппенгеймера, демо-записи, оригинальные композиции, его аранжировки народной музыки и музыки знаменитых классиков (Yehuda Oppenheimer).


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Young Accordionists Perform ‘Take on Me’, Pyongyang – North Korea

Morten TraavikIn December 2011, Norwegian artist and film director Morten Traavik (pictured) travelled to North Korea looking for musicians to play in a forthcoming music festival. On a visit to the Kum Song School of Music in the capital Pyongyang, he met with pupils and presented them with a CD of the Norwegian pop band A-ha.


Two days later, an accordion quintet of three boys and two girls surprised him with their own excellent arrangement of A-ha’s 1985 hit song ‘Take on Me’. Western pop music is little known in North Korea, and the music of A-ha was completely new to the quintet.

Morten Traavik has tried hard in recent years to build a relationship with North Korean culture officials, musicians and artists, and is one of the few outsiders to attempt such boundary-crossing exhibitions and performances.


Walter Kasprzyk Performs with Charlotte County Symphony, Florida - USA

Walter KasprzykOn February 4, accordionist Walter Kasprzyk performed with the Charlotte County Symphony in Punta Gorda, Florida. The program under the direction of T. Francis Wada included the best of Mantovani. Mantovani had an arranger who was an accordionist and often included prominent parts for the accordion in his arrangements.

The concert was at the symphonies permanent performance venue at the Charlotte Performing Arts Center, located in Punta Gorda on the campus of Charlotte High School.

Walter Kasprzyk is part of the famous K Trio (with his sisters Mary Tokarski and Julie Cardona) and he studied at University of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Over the years, Walter has been a regular performer for the Florida Accordion Association SMASH, various functions of the Southeast Accordion Association, and at the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) events.

Walter has previously performed Dominick Argento's "Valentino Dances" with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra.


Variety Artists Club, Auckland - New Zealand

Gary DaverneGrayson MasefieldOn Monday February 6th a showcase of top variety artists was held by the Variety Artists Club of New Zealand to celebrate the National Holiday of Waitangi Day. This was hosted by Variety Artist Club committee member, international accordion composer, conductor and arranger Gary Daverne ONZM (picture left). 

Multi world champion for concert and variété music, Grayson Masefield (picture right) was in New Zealand, and was invited to perform a variété program for the audience of performers, concert artists, actors, and industry employers. 

Other guests on the program were producer/singer song writer Larry Killip, Dance talent Show Planners, Band leader and crooner Grant Chilcott, TV personality Max Cryer, cellist and guitarist Natarani & Sasha Witten-Hannah, and Piano Man (piano & vocals) Deryn Trainer.

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Håvard Svendsrud and the Bærum Symphony Orchestra Concerts - Norway

Håvard Svendsrud CD coverPhoto above: Håvard Svendsrud and Bærum Symphony Orchestra in Modum Culture Hall in Vikersund.

February 4th and 5th 2012, Håvard Svendsrud and the Bærum Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jon Terje Svendsen, performed two concerts in Norway. The concerts were at Ridehuset at Akershus Fortress in Oslo and at Modum Culture Hall in Håvard Svendsrud's hometown, Vikersund.

Vikersund is later this month, the venue for the Ski Flying World Championships.

In the concerts the Bærum Symphony Orchestra played music by the Norwegian composers Johan Halvorsen, Fritz Austin and Ole Olsen. Håvard Svendsrud had some solo pieces - Prelude, Op.31 by Adamo Volpi and the Italian Fantasy by Pietro Frosini.

Svendsrud was also the accordion soloist in the following works:
Toralf Tollefsen (1914-1994): Ski Jump
Pietro Frosini (1885-1951) Arr. Alf Blyverket: La Mariposita
Pietro Deiro (1888-1954): Concerto in E for accordion and orchestra
Instrumentation: A.A. Gregory
- Allegro non troppo
- Largo
- Allegro Vivace
- Allegro Moderato
Encore: Hora staccato (Dinicu - Heifetz).


‘14 Years Ago’ – Coba’s Unusual Recording Project

COBACoba, alias Yasuhiro Kobayashi (born 1959) is a Japanese accordionist, composer and arranger, with CD sales in excess of 1,000,000. Coba studied the accordion in Italy, and graduated with honours. He has performed in numerous countries, and considers that his music doesn't belong to any genre.

The Accordions Worldwide news for February 6th 1998 included an item about a most unusual recording project Coba had embarked upon.


Next spring, accordionist Yasuhiro Kobayashi (Coba) will release his latest recording in two albums. "One will be 'Positive' and the other will be 'Negative'," he explained. "The songs will be the same and have the same name, but the arrangements and the atmosphere will be different, like two sides of the face, or person".


Будущие события

Alexander Sevastian and Michael Bridge Performances - USA, Canada

Alexander SevastianMichael BridgeCanadian accordionist, Michael Bridge (picture right), will perform on February 11th at 7 PM with the highly regarded Quartetto Gelato who include 2007 Coupe Mondiale World Champion accordionist, Alexander Sevastian (picture left), in Santa Barbara, California.

Classic in training and eclectic by design, Quartetto Gelato thrills audiences with its multi-instrument mastery. They play a mixture of tangos, gypsy and folk songs.

The concert is at the Lobero Theatre, 33 East Canon Perdido Street, Santa Barbara, California. For tickets, please call: 805-963-0761

Alexander Sevastian has a CD available from his website.

Michael Bridge has recently represented Canada with distinction placing 4th in the 2011 Junior Coupe Mondiale in Shanghai and 4th in the 2011 Roland V-Accordion International Festival competition in Rome.

Michael will also perform with clarinetist Kornel Wolak at the University of Toronto on Sunday, February 12, at 7 PM at Fellowship Towers, 877 Younge Street, Toronto.

For further information: michael@michaelbridgemusic.com


Rob Howard Interview on ‘Take the Floor’, BBC Radio Scotland - UK

Vintage Accordions Book coverRob Howard will be interviewed by host Robbie Shepherd on the BBC Radio Scotland show ‘Take the Floor’, discussing his most recent book, Vintage Accordions (picture right, catalog: robaccord05). The interview will be broadcast on February 17th, 7.05pm and repeated on February 18th at 1.05pm.

Vintage Accordions is an illustrated history of the accordion, in its various forms, going right back to its origins in the 19th Century. There are 300 color pictures and info, plus some related articles.

The majority of accordions featured are from the magnificent collections owned by Ken Hopkins in Northern Ireland and Caroline Hunt in the Scottish Highlands, as featured in her accordion calendars. Vintage Accordions (catalog: robaccord05) by Rob Howard is a limited edition, A4 sized hardcover printing and is available online at the Rob Howard website.


Paris Moscou Duo Concerts - France

Paris Moscou Duo CD coverThe Paris Moscou duo of Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, perform this month, as follows: 

February 11th – Courcôme, Charente, South-Western France
February 19th - Montceau les Mines, Burgundy
February 24th – Nantes, Pays de la Loire
February 26th – Rennes, Brittany

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Duo Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands

Accordeon Melancolique duoThe accordion duo Accordeon Melancolique, Jean-Pierre Guiran and Cherie de Boer, perform as follows:

February 12th, 11.30am – concert, Doopsgezinde Kerk, Zoutsloot 50, Aanvang
February 19th, 3pm – concert, Doopsgezinde Kerk, Buorren 1, Aanvang
February 26th, 3pm – concert, Thomaskerk aan de Kerkelaan 20, Katlijk
March 4th, 3pm – concert, Stolphoevekerkje, Burg. Kolfschotenplein 1, Aanvang, Volendam

Accordeon Melancolique’s varied repertoire includes original compositions, French musette, Italian folk tunes, Antillean waltzes, Indonesian kronchong melodies, Argentinean tangos, Jewish and Greek folk music, Swing standards, film music, Gypsy music, Classical, Merengues, Tex-Mex, and Mediterranean accordion music.

For further information email: cheriedeboer@acmel.nl


Richard Tyce’s Valentine’s Day Concert, Richmond B.C. - Canada

Richard TyceAccordionist and vocalist Richard Tyce performs in a special Valentine’s Day concert on February 14th, 7.30pm, at the River Rock Show Theatre, 8811 River Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada.

Richard says, “I’m playing ‘Blue Tango’ on the accordion, to name a few, with the orchestra. Lots of fun! Singing with me are special guest singers Julie Duerichen, Rachel Steward and Peter Alexander, and featuring the 50 piece Solstice Symphony Orchestra. This is turning out to be a very exciting concert, so don't miss it.

We will be performing pieces like ‘You Raise Me Up’, ‘My Heart Will Go On’, ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ (Con te partiró), ‘Pearl Fishers Duet’, and the newly orchestrated title track from my CD ‘Say You Love Me’, and some Mozart”.

For further information email: s-bahn@shaw.ca


Victor Prieto Trio Concerts, Madrid, Vigo, Asturias – Spain

The Victor Prieto Trio, based in New York, USA, visit Spain next week to play some dates:

February 22nd, 10pm - Café Berlín, Madrid
February 23rd, 10.30pm - Dado Dadá, Santiago de Compostela
February 24th, 12.30am - XancaraJazz, Vigo
February 25th, 9pm - Villaviciosa, Oviedo

More dates are likely. The trio are Victor Prieto (accordion), Edward Perez (bass), Eric Doob (drums).

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Competition ‘Trofeo Città di Greci’ - Italy‏

‘Trofeo Città di Greci’ logoThe competition ‘Trofeo Città di Greci’ is held in Greci, Italy, from March 15th to 25th. There are sections for accordion and diatonic accordion, and for other instruments such as piano, violin, cello, guitar, saxophone, clarinet, and singing. The organizer is Vincenzo Norcia, and the closing date for entries is February 28th.

For further information email: norcia.vincenzo@gmail.com


‘A Celebration of Latin American Music’, London – UK

Phuong Nguyen‘A Celebration of Latin American Music’ is a concert by the band Machaca at the Wigmore Hall, London, on Wednesday February 22nd, 7.30pm.

Machaca is led by Mexican award-winning guitarist Morgan Szymanski, and features accordionist Phuong Nguyen (picture left). They embark on a journey through the music of Latin America’s best known composers from Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela.

For further information email: boxoffice@wigmore-hall.org.uk


Marco Lo Russo Live in Latina - Italy

Marco Lo Russo will be performing Live, Sunday 12 February 7.00 pm at Foyer Teatro A. Cafaro, Latina, Italy.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Jack Emblow & Tony Compton @ Eastbourne Accordion Festival – UK

Jack Emblow & Tony ComptonLegendary jazz accordion entertainers Jack Emblow and Tony Compton are now booked for concerts and workshops at the Eastbourne Accordion Festival at The Cumberland Hotel, October 12 to 15th. The Festival Bookings Hotline is  01323-733700.

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs

Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs, catalog: kpaier3Packs, catalog:kpaier6Packs and catalog:kpaier8Packs with sound samples. Music performed by Klaus Paier. Purchase online.


Donato Santoianni selling his new CD

Donato Santoianni selling new CDs titled 'That's Mine ', catalog: donato501 with sound samples. Music performed by Donato Santoianni. Purchase online.


Rebecca Oliver releases new music

Rebecca Oliver - accordionist, arranger, writer, releases 3 new pieces for accordion, available for purchase online. 'Brosna and Mary Willie’s Slide Set', catalog:ro402, 'Pigtown Fling and Ger the Rigger Reel Set', catalog:ro403 and 'Chief O’Neill’s and Sweep’s Hornpipe Set', catalog:ro404. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Klaus Paier Releases New CDs

Klaus Paier selling new CDs titled 'Tango', catalog: kpaier101 and 'Accordion'. catalog:kpaier102 with sound samples. Music performed by Klaus Paier. Purchase online


CD Отзывы

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

CD Reviews Index for the Review of Kein Schöner Land CD, Italian and English, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Manfred Leuchter and Ian Melrose.


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