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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 09-Mar-2018
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2018年国际比赛和节日“Accordion Plus”,Rostov-on-Don -俄罗斯
乔伊·米斯库林(Joey Miskulin)入选美国乡村音乐名人堂(Nashville - USA)
Mirco Patarini音乐会巡演和大师班-乌拉圭,智利,阿根廷


Coupe Mondiale网站更新了酒店信息和时间表-立陶宛
2018 AAA比赛规则发布在新网站-美国
CIA颁发给Werner Weibert优异奖——奥地利
北爱尔兰NAO开放手风琴锦标赛—英国 卡里克弗格斯
手风琴乐队日-英国 剑桥


Roman Jbanov Concert, Auvergne – France
Beyond the Pale, Southern Tour - USA
Roger Dobson SDB @ Glasgow Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Declan Aungier and Declan Nerney Concert, County Kildare - Irish Republic
Andrei Oloieri @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey - UK
Antonino De Luca Concert, Pretoria – South Africa
NAO Thames Area Festival, London – UK
Tom Petty Tribute Concert, Berlin – Germany
Grayson Masefield Concert and Workshop in Spokane - USA
Jerome Richard Master Class, Nocera Terinese – Italy


100th Year Celebration of the Death of Paolo Soprani - Italy
Updated Website: Women in the AAA through the Decades - Beverly Roberts Curnow
New American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Website - USA


Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

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Peppino Principe佩皮诺·普林西比(Peppino Principe), 1927年出生在圣安吉洛(Foggia),但米兰人通过他的方式,和他的父亲米歇尔(Michele)一起学习音乐和手风琴。米歇尔是加尔加诺地区一位非常受欢迎的老师。1940年,他和他的兄弟莱昂纳多一起搬到北方,他是著名的爵士乐单簧管演奏家,在战争的第一年的夏天,他在13岁的时候首次登台,作为著名的手风琴独奏者,在著名的帕多瓦的Caffe Pedrocchi。


2018年国际比赛和节日“Accordion Plus”,Rostov-on-Don -俄罗斯

2018年国际比赛和节日“Accordion Plus”将于2018年3月23日至27日在罗斯托夫举行。

“Accordion Plus”由国际音乐中心“Harmony”组织,由罗斯托夫学院、罗斯托夫艺术学院(竞赛场馆)、音乐与舞蹈学院(中国、北京)、中国手风琴协会协办。

“Accordion Plus”是俄罗斯在2018年在立陶宛举行的“双门”(Coupe Mondiale)比赛中选拔参赛选手的全俄罗斯系统的一部分。





乔伊·米斯库林(Joey Miskulin)入选美国乡村音乐名人堂(Nashville - USA)

Country Music Hall of Fame
Joey MiskulinJoey Miskulin是第一个被邀请进入乡村音乐名人堂(上图)的手风琴手,而颁奖典礼将于4月14日在纳什维尔举行。这一荣誉是为了表彰他对唱片业做出的杰出贡献。多年来,他曾与许多国家和流行音乐的知名人士一起演奏过数百张唱片。

自20世纪70年代以来,乔伊·米斯库林(Joey Miskulin)就曾与保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)、U2乐队、约翰·丹佛(John Denver)、瑞奇·斯卡格斯(Ricky Skaggs)、安迪·威廉姆斯(Andy Williams)、瑞奇·范·谢尔顿(Ricky Van Shelton)、艾米卢·哈里斯(Emmylou Harris)、弗兰基·扬科维奇(Frankie Yankovic)、加斯·布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)等人一起录制专辑。

作为歌手、编曲和制作人,乔伊·米斯库林以表演乡村音乐闻名于世,他在天空和波尔卡的乐队中与弗兰基·扬科维奇(Frankie Yankovic)一起演奏乡村音乐,但他的多才多艺也被他的专辑《the Other Side of the Fence》所证明。

同样在1990年,他发布了“手风琴风格和技术”的视频/DVD,这是第一个类似的视频。Miskulin的作品包括《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)、迪士尼(Disney)和皮克斯(Pixar),最近还在中国上海与华特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)合作了两周。


Mirco Patarini音乐会巡演和大师班-乌拉圭,智利,阿根廷

Mirco Patarini, Uruguay
Poster ChileMirco Patarini正在南美三个国家巡回演出。事件详细信息:
乌拉圭,3月13日,蒙得维的亚,在蒙得维的亚最重要的剧院,Teatro Solis的音乐会。免门票。这场音乐会是由乌拉圭人在西尔维奥·普雷维勒和意大利文化协会的指导下举办的。

智利,3月16日,圣地亚哥,在圣地亚哥的Teatro Azares。
智利,3月17日,圣地亚哥,国家音乐学院的大师,导演Ignacio Hernandez。在Teatro Azares,陪审团的手风琴比赛。
阿根廷,3月24日,San Jorge, Masterclass & Accordion Competition(评委)和音乐会。
Mirco Patarini Poster, Argentina



ZHdK logo
Mika Väyrynen苏黎世艺术大学(ZHdK) Zurcher Hochschule der Kunste /苏黎世大学在Mika Vayrynen的指导下,公布了他们新的手风琴课程。更新的ZHdK网页:www.zhdk.ch/en/classical-music-2445。






Coupe Mondiale网站更新了酒店信息和时间表-立陶宛

Coupe Mondiale 2018 header
Kazys Stonkus & Mindaugas LabanauskasCoupe Mondiale poster今年9月24日至30日,第71届Coupe Mondiale在立陶宛的Kaunas举行。

更新后的Coupe Mondiale网站现在在线提供酒店信息(非常合理的价格)和旅游信息。

主办单位是立陶宛国家手风琴协会,由主席Kazys Stonkus和副主席Mindaugas Labanauskas组织。

所有的Coupe Mondiale比赛项目的规则都在网上公布,报名截止日期为2018年7月31日。在线报名软件将于6月上线。


下图是由 Joan Cochran Sommers指挥的世界手风琴的第九交响曲。

完整信息:Coupe Mondiale。


World Accordion Orchestra IX conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers.


2018 AAA比赛规则发布在新网站-美国

AAA site header
2018 AAA 80th Festival poster美国手风琴协会(AAA)已经发布了2018年的AAA比赛的规则,比赛将于7月11日-7月15日在弗吉尼亚州的亚历山大市举行。






Washington collage


CIA颁发给Werner Weibert优异奖——奥地利

CIA header
Werner Weibert在CIA冬季大会上,CIA的代表们一致同意,并非常热情地批准了CI)对Werner Weibert的奖励。


北爱尔兰NAO开放手风琴锦标赛—英国 卡里克弗格斯

Clyde JohnstonPoster, NAO UK Championships 20182月24日星期六,第21届北爱尔兰NAO公开手风琴锦标赛在拉克费格斯的Loughshore酒店举行,当晚的颁奖典礼在晚会上举行。

苏格兰冠军Brandon McPhee是一位特殊的客人,这个非常受欢迎和成功的活动是由Clyde Johnston(图左)组织的。



以下是Clyde Johnston写的关于比赛结果的报告:2018 nireland.pdf




Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logo新西兰手风琴考试委员会(AEBNZ)已经更新了其网站,包括2018年的考试日期和2018年的参赛费用和参赛表格。


手风琴乐队日-英国 剑桥

Cambridge Accordion Day
Nigel Pasby剑桥手风琴俱乐部提供了如下的报告:我们在周日有很棒的管弦乐队,还有剑桥的Stapleford Granary,一个很棒的新场地,和我们热情和的MDNigel Pasby。

感谢Nigel, Helen 和 Matthew,感谢Susanna Brooking为剑桥手风琴俱乐部举办这一天的活动,以及那天前来参加比赛和帮助的每一个人。



Roman Jbanov Concert, Auvergne – France

Poster Roman JbanovAccordionist Roman Jbanov performs in concert on Saturday March 10th, 11am, at the Librarie les Volcans, 80 Blvd Francois Mitterand, 63000, Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergerne.

Ukrainian-born Roman Jbanov’s achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and in 1997 winning the CMA Trophée Mondial.


Beyond the Pale, Southern Tour - USA

Tour dates listed above.


Roger Dobson SDB @ Glasgow Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Roger Dobson SDB
On Monday March 12th, 7.30pm, the Roger Dobson Scottish Dance Band performs as guests at the Glasgow Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is the Scotstounhill Bowling Club, 633 Anniesland Rd, Glasgow G14 9AD.

Roger Dobson, from Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway in southern Scotland, has a long experience of playing Scottish dance music and plays the Shand Morino 3-row button accordion.


Declan Aungier and Declan Nerney Concert, County Kildare - Irish Republic

Accordionist Declan Aungier and the singer Declan Nerney perform at the Hamlet Court Hotel, Johnstontownbridge, County Kildare, Irish Republic, on Thursday March 15th, doors open at 8.30pm. Admission is 20 Euro.

Declan Aungier is one of Ireland’s most popular and versatile accordionists, and Declan Nerney has emerged as one of Ireland’s most popular singer-songwriters, who also plays the guitar, banjo, and steel guitar.


Andrei Oloieri @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey - UK

Andrei OloieriGuildford Accordion Club’s guest on Friday March 16th, 8pm, is Moldovan accordionist Andrei Oloieri. The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra will peform a supporting spot.

Andrei Oloieri, born in Moldova but now based in Romania, began his professional career playing in the San Marco Square in Venice, and has since travelled the world playing the accordion, violin and piano. He has also recently worked as Musical Director and arranger for Entertainment Connect, and has entertained on cruise liners.

The Guildford Accordion Club is at Ripley Village Hall, High Street, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF.

For further information email: myra@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Antonino De Luca Concert, Pretoria – South Africa

Antonio de LucaItalian accordionist Antonino De Luca performs in concert on Friday March 16th, 7pm to 9pm, at the Brooklyn Theatre, C/o Thomas Edison and 13th Street, 0181 Pretoria, South Africa.

Antonino De Luca, from Sicily, studied at the Istituto Pareggiato G.B. Pergolesi of Ancona, graduating in ‘Classical Accordion I Level’ with Professor Alessandro Mugnoz. He also studied jazz with Frank Marocco, and has attended master classes with Luciano Biondini, Vincent Abbracciante, Gabriele Mirabassi, Massimo Tagliata, Klaus Paier, Goran Alachki, Richard Galliano and Vincent Segal. He currently works as a Professor of Jazz Accordion at the Music School of Castelfidardo, Italy. Antonino De Luca has performed concerts in Germany, USA, UK, Netherlands, Slovakia, France, Israel, Poland, South Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, and China.

For further information email: info@brooklyntheatre.co.za


NAO Thames Area Festival, London – UK

NAO Thames Area FestivalThe NAO Thames Area Festival takes place on Saturday March 17th at St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Mount Park Rd, Ealing, London W5 2RS. The organizer is Alison Worthington.

This area festival is a qualifying event for the annual NAO UK Accordion Championships, held at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool, from April 25th to 27th.

For further information email: thamesareafestival@gmail.com


Tom Petty Tribute Concert, Berlin – Germany

Natasha EnquistAccordionist Natasha Enquist is one of several musicians performing in a tribute concert for the late American singer Tom Petty, who died on October 2nd 2017. The concert, titled the ‘Take It Easy, Baby - the Berlin Tom Petty Tribute Night’ takes place on Thursday March 22nd, 9pm, at Marie-Antoinette, Holzmarktstrasse, 15-18 – 10179 Berlin.

The house band is performed by Rah Hell (The Erinyes), Baron Anastis, Miss Natasha Enquist (accordion/vocals), Samantha Wareing (Wasp Summer) and Bryan Grayson (guitars/vocals), with guest singers from the indie folk, rock and electronic scene Stephen Paul Taylor, Holger Hagmueller, Michael Brinkworth, Eric Eckhart, Kidaphex1975, Adam Sandahl (Pleasuredome, Adamore), David Hawkins, Ok! Choir, and Rachel Bassini.

For further information email: party@marie-antoinette-berlin.de


Grayson Masefield Concert and Workshop in Spokane - USA

Grayson Masefield poster concert
Grayson Masefield is performing at the "Able to Play Music Academy" in Spokane on the 23rd March, a concert advertised as "Classical and contemporary music by a master of the accordion."

On the 24th March, there will be a Masterclass Workshop, also at the "Able to Play Music Academy", 418E Pacific Ave, Spokane.

For further information, phone: (509) 998 5422


Jerome Richard Master Class, Nocera Terinese – Italy

Jerome RichardOn Tuesday March 27th and Wednesday 28th leading French accordionist Jerome Richard holds a Classic and Modern Accordion Master Class at the Conservatorio di Musica P.I.Tchaikovsky, Nocera Terinese (CZ), Calabria, Italy. The organiser is Antonio Spaccarotella.

Jerome Richard was a very successful competition player, most notable winning both the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany, and the CMA Trophee Mondiale in Ourense, Spain in 1999. He is much in demand for concerts, playing for dancing, master classes, and is a prolific recording artist.



100th Year Celebration of the Death of Paolo Soprani - Italy

100th Year Celebration Paolo Soprani
In the presence of the niece of Paolo Soprani, Mrs. Elena Soprani, major celebrations took place in Castelfidardo on the 20th of February at the Auditorium San Francesco.

Castelfidardo City Hall in collaboration with the Circolo Culturale Filatelico Numismatico “F.Matassoli” with its compere Pigini hosted a unique event to honor Castelfidardos' historically most important citizen, Paolo Soprani, the man who gave birth to the production of accordions in the small city of Castelfidardo.

All authorities of Castelfidardo City were present and everyone received a warm welcome by the Mayor Roberto Ascani and the director of the Museum Castelfidardo, Christian Riganelli.

Castelfidardo’s Historian, Beniamino Bugiolacchi (Chronology of Italian Accordions and many other publications), gave a very interesting view of the history and life of this unforgettable personality, not only for Castelfidardo, but the entire world of the accordion.

For this special occasion, a personalized stamp was put into circulation by the Luxembourg Post Office (picture above).

The students of the local Music School Paolo Soprani made a lively animated event with their music.

To complete this day of remembering – an evening concert took place in the Theatre Astra with Luigi Presta, who won this concert during the PIF 2017 and Manuel Marchegiani, winner of the Varieté PIF 2017 category who is a student of Renzo Ruggieri, Artistic Director of the PIF 2018.

View a detailed picture report of the event at: Paolo_Soprani_100
Music School Paolo Soprani


Updated Website: Women in the AAA through the Decades - Beverly Roberts Curnow

Joan Grauman, AAA HistorianRita Barnea, Editor USA News: This is the third article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the 80th AAA Anniversary Celebration. An article is planned each month containing a segment of the history of the AAA, from its creation on March 9th, 1938 through to 2018. Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

February 2018 Article: "Joseph Biviano and Charles Magnante – A Lifetime Commitment to the American Accordionists’ Association (AAA)" at: Biviano-Magnante

January 2018 Article "What Events Led to the Formation of the American Accordionists' Association?" at: AAA-Formation.htm


March 2018 Article: Women in the AAA through the Decades
Beverly Roberts Curnow – Accordion Queen and World Accordion Champion still bringing joy with her beloved instrument!
by Joan Grauman

During the first few decades of the AAA, it was still very much “a man’s world” in society. Yet, and very fortunately for the rise of the accordion in the USA, the AAA welcomed several women no longer with us but never forgotten, who were respected leaders, teachers, composers, performers and music publishers.

These women remained dedicated to the AAA their entire lives: Maddalena Belfiore Greco, Addie Cere, Theresa Costello, Elsie Bennett and Faithe Deffner. I will be featuring these extraordinary women as part of the AAA archival exhibit at our 80th anniversary festival this coming July in Alexandria, Virginia. Hope to see all of you there!!

Read the full article by Joan Grauman at: Beverly Roberts Curnow
Beverly Roberts Curnow


New American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Website - USA

AAA Site
2018 AAA 80th Festival posterThe AAA website is an important informational resource for the AAA members and its many accordion interested viewers.

A substantial site design upgrade has now been completed to make a fresh, clean and contemporary site designed to very professionally present the AAA and the acccordion to the world.

The site features the latest coding standards and responsive designs suitable for all sizes of mobile phones, tablets through to wide screen monitors.

The site navigation has been updated and simplified for easy viewing and promotion of AAA events and projects. A Search function has been added to every page of the site, which will enable a user to find information based on keywords.

All pages of the site have been revamped and the proud AAA history is being expanded considerably in the build up to the 80th Anniversary Festival this July.

Please look for the latest information about the upcoming AAA 80th Anniversary Festival (poster right) and the 2018 AAA Masterclass and Concert Series on the new site.

The AAA would like to thank AAA Second Vice President Linda Soley Reed, AAA Historian Joan Grauman, Dan Grauman, and AWW Founder Harley Jones for all their work in completing this major project.

For further information, please email the AAA Office at ameraccord1938@gmail.com



Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionCurrently, music schools and conservatories do not teach how to structure, design or implement arrangements of original compositions for other instruments. Friedrich Lips, bayan-accordion virtuoso and professor at the prominent Gnesin Russian Academy of Music in Moscow, fills that gap with what could be used as course material with his book The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion. First published in Russian and then German, it is now available in an updated and expanded form in English.

Although the book was written primarily with classical music in mind, the findings, declarations and descriptions are made by the author in generally understandable and simple words. Therefore, they apply or can be transferred to all areas of music, including virtuoso light music, folk music, traditional music, etc.

Similarly, while explanations focus on the concert bayan-accordion with converter bass, they are equally applicable to related instruments such as the Bandoneon, Concertina, Diatonic Accordion, Melodeon Player, etc.

This is an essential book for composers, professional players, musicologists and active amateurs who want to understand and create arrangements of music as well as interpret and perform them. They will find a discussion of the basic principles of creating arrangements.

These are followed by countless tips and numerous examples in musical notations for using the characteristics of the selected instrument to the best advantage. Descriptions include the accordion’s tonal range, use of registers to provide natural dynamics, bellows techniques explained in detail to enhance certain passages, types of articulation to be considered and methods of artistic presentation.

One chapter is devoted to arranging organ music, which is written on three staffs (two for the keyboards and one for the foot pedal), where there are certain analogies between organ and accordion tone generation. Another chapter concentrates on arranging piano and cembalo music and explains how to overcome the differences between the percussive and bellows instruments.

Extensive and detailed registers with names, terms, literature and titles of music examples included in the text provide the reader with significant source material.

The excellent content of the book corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: typographically lavish with finest Italian paper, thread-stitching, laminated softcover with double flap and exclusive design – worthwhile, treasured.

232 pages · 150 sheet music samples · Format: 17 x 24 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

Purchase at Catalog No: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion


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