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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Jan-2015
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Заметка редактора
Джеральд Кроссман (Gerald Crossman,1920-2015), Лондон – Великобритания
Новый CD оркестра ‘Guardia Nueva’, запись с концерта в зале Берлинской филармонии – Германия
Нильс О. Лундин (Nils. O. Lundin, 1921-2014), Нью-Хемпшир – США
Концерты Ксении Сидоровой, Базель, Фрайбург – Швейцария, Германия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Beltango Release Theatre of Soul CD - Serbia
Video: Lars Karlsson Band "Jailhouse Folk" (Bondbröllopsschottis) - Sweden
John Jones MBE Does It Again!!, Cheshire – UK
Video: Paris Moscou Popular Russian Melody - France
Walter Kuehr Dies, ‘Main Squeeze’ Closes, New York – USA
Video: ENEJ Performs "Bila Topola" on TVP rozrywka - Poland
Benefit of Kids' Music Lessons Revealed - Study Reported by Washington Post - USA
Video: Michael Telo and Friends - Brazil
Maria Selezneva - Now I have three men! Moscow - Russia
Tribute to Roy Carrier, Louisiana - USA
Video: Accordion Orchestra München e.V. - Germany
Video: TV Program 123 Musette Hosted by Pierre-Yves Lombard - France
‘14 Years Ago’: Sir Jimmy Shand Passes Away – Scotland

Будущие события

Friedrich Lips’ 2015 Diary Dates - Russia, Switzerland, UK, Austria
Marco Lo Russo Show, Rome - Italy
Erika plays for dancing, Floreffe – Belgium
NHAA Meeting and Tribute to Nils O. Lundin, New Hampshire – USA
Harry Hussey Jazz Night, Staffordshire – UK
Eddie Monteiro @ Connecticut Accordion Club – USA
Accordion Course Entrance Exam, Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work U Ciucciariellu (The Little Donkey)
Updated Site: Lorenzo Bosica Adds CD to Site - Italy

CD Отзывы

According to Amy by Amy Jo Sawyer

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора

Rob HowardНа этой неделе закончились новогодние праздники, и украшения и елки будут убраны еще на один год. Это также означает, что выходит первый выпуск еженедельных новостей на нашем сайте, и мы с нетерпением ждем новых аккордеонных событий по всему миру.

Если вам есть что сообщить о предстоящих событиях из мира аккордеона, пожалуйста, напишите нам об этом. Новости, которые мы публикуем для аккордеонистов всего мира, зависят от вашей информации, поэтому, пожалуйста, продолжайте присылать свои их. Наш сервис является бесплатным, и мы стремимся быть максимально полезными для вас.

От имени всех сотрудников нашего ресурса ‘Accordions Worldwide’ я надеюсь, что вам понравится предстоящий год и что вы с удовольствием поддержите проведение аккордеонных мероприятий в вашем регионе и по всему миру.

Роб Ховард


Джеральд Кроссман (Gerald Crossman,1920-2015), Лондон – Великобритания

Gerald CrossmanДжеральд Кроссман родился в 1920 году, учился в музыкальном Тринити-колледже и в 1930 году начал профессиональную карьеру как аккордеонист и пианист. Он неплохо зарабатывал, играя в ресторанах, в том числе в 'Lyons Corner Houses’, а позже на круизных судах, а также выступал в качестве приглашенного музыканта во многих группах и оркестрах, среди которых Примо Скала, Тед Хит, Джо Лосс, Мантовани, Франк Чексфилд, Рон Гудвин, Норри Парамор, Эдмундо Рос и т.д.

После военной службы в ВВС Великобритании Джеральд Кроссман работал со множеством известных имен из шоу-бизнеса, став весьма уважаемой фигурой мире аккордеона. В 1950-х и 60-х годах он был вице-президентом НАО (национальная аккордеонная ассоциация Британии), и некоторые из его многочисленных композиций были использованы в качестве обязательных пьес на британских конкурсах, где он также работал в качестве члена жюри.

Как пианист он работал аккомпаниатором с такими артистами, как Чарли Чаплин, Марлен Дитрих, Гарри Секомб, Ральф Ричардсон и Джек Хокинс. Отличный музыкант, Джеральд написал более 100 музыкальных произведений, создал множество аранжировок, выпустил около 200 статей в аккордеонных журналах.

С 1952 по 1966 год выступления его секстета 'Gerald Crossman Players’ часто транслировались по радио ВВС. Последняя трансляция его сольного концерта состоялась в 1978 году. С 1968 года он состоял в браке с Мириам Оффнер до ее смерти в 2012 году. Детей у них не было.

Уход Джеральда Кроссмана 22 декабря 2014 года в почтенном возрасте 94 лет знаменует собой конец целой эпохи.

Полную биографию можно прочитать здесь: Gerald Crossman


Новый CD оркестра ‘Guardia Nueva’, запись с концерта в зале Берлинской филармонии – Германия

Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra
Raimo Vertainen26 декабря на Радио Финляндия вышла специальная программа о новом двойном альбоме оркестра ‘Guardia Nueva’ под названием "Tangokonzert Berlin Philharmonie" («Концерт танго в Берлинской филармонии»).

Танго оркестр ‘Guardia Nueva’ (директор Раймо Вертайнен – фото слева) из Остроботнии, Финляндия, дал концерт в пятницу 6 июня в Камерном зале Берлинской филармонии.

В репертуаре оркестра танго Астора Пьяццоллы, Ришара Гальяно, Готан Проджект, а также финское танго, специально аранжированные для этого оркестра. Концерт в Берлинской филармонии стал первым в истории концертом танго оркестров Финляндии.

Оркестр ‘Guardia Nueva’ обладает уникальным исполнительским стилем, дополняя ритмы хабанеры мягким звучанием аккордеона, соблазнительным скандинавским вокалом и демонстрируя сильные финские танго традиции, развивавшиеся на протяжении более 80 лет.

Фото ниже – Раймо Вертайнен исполняет соло на аккордине.

Два CD и альбомы с электронными треками eTracks доступны в Интернете по адресу: Guardia Nueva


Нильс О. Лундин (Nils. O. Lundin, 1921-2014), Нью-Хемпшир – США

Nils. O. LundinВидео: Нильс Лундин (89 лет), исполняет свое сочинение ‘American Wooden Shoe Polka’ (Полька «Американский деревянный башмачок») в июле 2009 года.

Нильс Олаф Лундин из Норвелла, штат Нью-Хэмпшир, умер 28 декабря после непродолжительной болезни в возрасте 93 лет.

Нильс родился в шведском городе Торсакер, провинция Евлеборг, в 1921 году. В 1929 году семья Лундин эмигрировала в США. Во время Второй мировой войны Нильс служил в армии США, в 1945 году был с почетом уволен в звании сержанта. В течение 40 лет Нильс работал корпорации 'Pneumatic Scale Corporation’ до выхода на пенсию в 1985 году в должности «руководитель по инвентаризации».

В подростковом возрасте Нильс со своими братьями Карлом и Эриком играл на кнопочном аккордеоне в ансамбле ‘Lundin Brothers Orchestra’. В CША Нильса ценили как аккордеониста и автора, он внес большой вклад в дело сохранения скандинавской музыки. Эта деятельность принесла ему медаль короля Швеции, полученную в 1981 за достижения в этой области.

Он также был удостоен престижной награды 'Elin’ (шведский аналог Грэмми) за свою композицию ‘American Wooden Shoe Polka’.

Он был вдовцом, у него остались дети, внуки и правнуки.


Концерты Ксении Сидоровой, Базель, Фрайбург – Швейцария, Германия

Ksenija SidorovaЛатвийская аккордеонистка Ксения Сидорова, в настоящее время проживающая в Лондоне, на следующей неделе даст сольные концерты в Швейцарии и Германии.

13 января, вторник, 19.00 – зал 'Hans Huber Saal’, Stadtscasino, Базель, Швейцария.
14 января, среда, 19.00 – Университет Фрайбурга, Германия.

Сергей Беринский – «Так говорил Заратустра» (Каденция, Танец, Хорал, Колыбельная)
Иоганн Себастьян Бах – Хорал ‘Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ’ BWV639
Доменико Скарлатти – Соната фа минор K481 и Соната фа мажор K8
Сергей Рахманинов – «Баркаролла» op. 10. No. 3
Мориц Мошковский – «Испанский каприс» op.37
Петр Лондонов – «Скерцо-Токката»
Артем Нижник – «Сансара»
Сергей Войтенко – «Откровение»
Альфред Шнитке – «Ревизская сказка» (Детство Чичикова, Чиновники, Вальс, Полька)

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: ksenijasidorova@yahoo.co.uk


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Beltango Release Theatre of Soul CD - Serbia

Beltango Theatre of Soul CD cover
The very popular Beltango Quintet have release a new CD title Theatre of Soul. This CD features 10 tracks and can be purchased online. Sound samples for you to hear. Cat No. beltango4

The Beltango 3 CD pack continues to be popular as well. View all at Beltango and purchase online with credit card.


Video: Lars Karlsson Band "Jailhouse Folk" (Bondbröllopsschottis) - Sweden

Video Published on Dec 21, 2014. Popular Swedish folkrock group LKB (Lars Karlsson Band) latest music video is recorded inside the prison i Varbergs Fästning.

Bondbröllopsschottis is a more than a hundred year old typical Swedish schottische composed by Oskar Sundquist, now in a new musical arrangement by Lars Karlsson. The Schottische is one of the oldest of all dances, one of the most fundamental of the dance steps. The Schottische is a partnered country dance, that apparently originated in Bohemia and was popular in Victorian era ballrooms.


John Jones MBE Does It Again!!, Cheshire – UK

John Jones, a member of the Stockport Accordion Club, was awarded the MBE two years ago for ‘services to charity’ as a result of over 20 years of raising money for different charities playing his accordion in public places, especially Macclesfield General Hospital. The following is a report from the Macclesfield Express:

An accordion player awarded an MBE for charitable service has presented yet another donation to the Macclesfield & District MS Society.

John Jones MBE, 72, from Macclesfield, handed over a cheque for £906 to Derek Farmer, the society’s chairman, at its Christmas Lunch. This makes the total he has raised for the branch over the past 10 years £17,562.70.

He said: “It is really nice to raise money for charity by doing something I enjoy and I am very appreciative of the support of the public.”

In the 20 years he’s been performing, he has raised more than £250,000, including £67,000 for the East Cheshire Hospice, and £23,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society and £60,000 for Macclesfield Hospital’s MAST digital scanner appeal.


Video: Paris Moscou Popular Russian Melody - France

The well known Paris Moscou Duo of Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov playing a popular Russian folk melody.


Walter Kuehr Dies, ‘Main Squeeze’ Closes, New York – USA

‘Main Squeeze’ accordion store
Walter Kuehr‘Main Squeeze’, the accordion shop on Essex Street, West Side, New York, has closed following the death of its longtime owner German-born Walter Kuehr on January 2nd.

Marianne De Marco, a former student who helped him run the store when he was away, commented “He was so generous and he was so in love with music”.

Walter Kuehr, who been battling lymphoma for the past seven years, was 59 years old. Kuehr opened the shop in 1996, where he sold new and used accordions, repaired instruments and gave lessons, becoming became known as “the accordion guru of the Lower East Side,” according to his ex-wife and close friend Claire Connors.

The shop drew accordion enthusiasts, curious passersby, and famous musicians like Weird Al Yankovic, Sheryl Crow, Emmylou Harris and Sean Lennon, who stopped in about nine months ago. “Of course Walter didn’t know who he was because he didn’t care about celebrities,” Connors said.

During the store’s 19-year run, Kuehr also started a nine-piece Latin jazz and lounge act called The Last of the International Playboys and an 18-piece, all-female accordion group called the Main Squeeze Orchestra (picture below), which appeared on ‘America’s Got Talent’ in 2010.

Walter Kuehr began playing accordion when he was 6 years old in Germany. He grew up to be a musician and moved to the USA after he received a scholarship to study at Harlem’s Jazzmobile in 1988.

DeMarco and Connors remembered Kuehr as a funny, kind and generous man. “When you met him, he made you feel like you were the only person in the room and the most special person in the room,” Connors said. They called his passing and the store’s closure as “devastating”.

DeMarco said the store will hold one last sale before it is cleared out on January 15th. While accordions will not be for sale, customers can stop by on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm to purchase other items inside Main Squeeze, like vinyl records, display cases and little accordion figurines from a collection Kuehr built up over the years, she said.

Prices will range anywhere from 25 cents to about $30. "We're not trying to make big bucks, it's more about folks stopping by who want a tiny memento of Main Squeeze," DeMarco said.

Friends and family will also remember Kuehr at a private memorial ceremony in NoHo, DeMarco said, but are planning to publicly celebrate his life in an event next month. Connors said they hoped to have it on Valentine’s Day. “It was his favorite holiday,” Connors said. “He was a huge romantic.”
Main Squeeze All Girl Orchestra


Video: ENEJ Performs "Bila Topola" on TVP rozrywka - Poland

Piotr Sołoducha of ENEJENEJ Performs "Bila Topola" on TVP rozrywka.

ENEJ is a very popular Polish rock-folk band founded in 2002 in Olsztyn. They have won awards: Eska Award for Best Band, Eska Award for Best Hit.

Lead singer and accordionist: Piotr Soloducha


Benefit of Kids' Music Lessons Revealed - Study Reported by Washington Post - USA

logoAlexander ReekieResearchers looked at brain development in children who play musical instruments.

Parents who have patiently sat through countless music recitals and questioned their sanity at encouraging all those music lessons need do so no longer. Even ear-splitting dissonance has an upside.

Music training not only helps children develop fine motor skills, but aids emotional and behavioral maturation as well, according to a new study, one of the largest to investigate the effects of playing an instrument on brain development.

Using a database produced by the National Institutes of Health Magnetic Resonance (MRI) Study of Normal Brain Development, researchers at the University of Vermont College of Medicine analysed the brain scans of 232 healthy children ages 6 to 18 specifically looking at brain development in children who play musical instruments.

"What we found was the more a child trained on an instrument," said James Hudziak, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Vermont and director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families, "it accelerated cortical organisation in attention skill, anxiety management and emotional control."

The cortex, or outer layer of brain, changes in thickness as a child grows and develops. Previously, Hudziak and colleagues Matthew Albaugh and Eileen Crehan found relationships between cortical thickening and thinning in various areas of the brain responsible for depression, aggression and attention problems. This research, announced last month in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, was different.

"I wanted to look at positive things, what we believe benefits child development," Hudziak said.

"What I was surprised by was the emotional regulatory regions. Everyone in our culture knows if I lift 5-pound, 10-pound, 15-pound weights, my biceps will get bigger. The same is true for the brain. We shouldn't be surprised we can train the brain."

Because the study's participants were all mentally healthy children, Hudziak thinks the positive effect of music training on those who are not could be significant.

"A kid may still have ADHD," he said. "It's the storm around it that improves."

Inspired by his own research, and having never learned to play an instrument, the 56-year-old Hudziak decided to take viola lessons last year.

"I had this passion for health promotion in children, it seemed silly not to do it myself," he said.

Though music isn't his only health-related extracurricular activity - Hudziak also engages in regular exercise and meditation - he believes the viola lessons contribute to his overall wellness. They have not, however, contributed much to his overall playing ability - at least not yet. The sanguine psychiatrist had just one word for his viola skills: "Horrible."

- Washington Post


Video: Michael Telo and Friends - Brazil

Michael Telo and Friends


Maria Selezneva - Now I have three men! Moscow - Russia

Congratulations Maria Selezneva, pictured with her twins Peter and Paul - Beautiful babies


Tribute to Roy Carrier, Louisiana - USA

Roy CarrierDikki Du and the Zydeco Krewe, Chubby Carrier and the Swamp Band, paid tribute on Tuesday December 30th to the bandleader’s father, the late Roy Carrier, during their 5th annual tribute party at Slim’s Y-Ki-Ki in Opelousas.

Also performing were Jeffrey Broussard and the Creole Cowboys, Corey Ledet and His Zydeco Band and Geno Delafose and French Rockin’ Boogie. “I always like to go old school,” organizer Troy “Dikki Du” Carrier said.

The non-smoking event was a successor to the holiday bash that Roy Carrier hosted for more than 15 years before his death in 2010 at the Offshore Lounge in Lawtell. For almost 30 years at that location, the elder Carrier allowed newcomers to jam with his band The Night Rockers on Thursday nights and encouraged them to carry forward the traditions of zydeco music.

“Musicians who didn’t know how to play zydeco, that’s where they learned,” Dikki Du said. The lounge helped to launch many musicians, including Delafose, Beau Jocque and Carrier’s Grammy Award-winning son Chubby.

Roy Carrier developed his singular accordion style after a farming accident that claimed part of an index finger. Like his father, a sharecropper, he mostly played gigs in St. Landry and surrounding parishes. His primary job on an offshore oil rig - seven days on, seven days off - allowed him time to practice when he was away and perform and record while he was at home.

After he retired from the rig in the late 1980s, Roy Carrier helped to spread the popularity of zydeco by touring beyond Louisiana. Wherever he performed, he encouraged his fans to visit Louisiana.

That’s how the Carrier Festival around New Year’s Eve became a destination event for out-of-town music lovers, his son said, “So many people were coming down for New Year’s and the Carriers’ event”, Dikki Du added, other venues started to book special events that make the turn of the year a busy season in Acadiana for visiting zydeco dancers and musicians from coast to coast.

Proceeds from the event may help speed up the reopening of the Offshore Lounge, which closed after his father’s death. Earlier this year, he paid off his father’s $10,000 loan on the club. “Now I can sleep at night,” the younger Carrier joked.

“I took on the challenge to keep the Offshore Lounge on the ground in Lawtell,” he said. “I wanted it to be paid off before anything else happens there.”


Video: Accordion Orchestra München e.V. - Germany

The Akkordeonorchester München e.V. conducted by Stefan Fußeder performs Der Zauberlehrling (Sorcerer's Apprentice) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


Video: TV Program 123 Musette Hosted by Pierre-Yves Lombard - France

123 musette logoPopular 123 musette TV program presented by Pierre-Yves Lombard with Jérôme Richard, have invited accordionist Damien Poyard for this broadcast of TV 123 musette, a co-production with Vosges Television. March 2014. An all-accordion program!


‘14 Years Ago’: Sir Jimmy Shand Passes Away – Scotland

Sir Jimmy ShandThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending January 19th 2001 reported the death of Sir Jimmy Shand, arguably the most famous Scotsman of the 20th Century, and an accordionist who personified Scottish dance music. In a career that began in the early 1930s and went on until the 1990s, there can be few accordionists anywhere whose music has touched so many for so long.

Sir Jimmy Shand Passes Away – Scotland
Contributed by Stuart Thomson

The world of Scottish dance music was saddened at news of the death of Sir Jimmy Shand M.B.E., M.A. Knighted in 1999 at a Ceremony in Edinburgh for his services to Scottish Music, Sir Jimmy passed away on December 23rd 2000 at the age of 92. Jimmy not only played accordion, but he had the Hohner company build a ‘button’ model to his specification, which would produce a sound better suited to Scottish dance music, the ‘Shand Morino’. He also played the melodeon, mouth organ and violin.

Jimmy Shand and his Band were in the charts in 1955 playing ‘The Bluebell Polka’, the one and only Scottish Dance Band to achieve chart success. During the 1960s, they were also firm favorites on the BBC Scotland TV series ‘The White Heather Club’, a show which also achieved worldwide acclaim on stage. In 1962, Jimmy was awarded an M.B.E. An honour of a different nature, in 1985, was when British Rail named a Class 37 diesel - electric locomotive ‘Jimmy Shand’. Later, in 1988, he was awarded an Honorary M.A. Degree by Dundee University.

Over a musical career that spanned an astonishing 70 years, Jimmy composed over three hundred tunes. They alone will ensure that Sir Jimmy Shand M.B.E., M.A. will continue to do as he has always done - bring pleasure to people from all walks of life, from the most humble, right through to Royalty. Jimmy is survived by his wife Lady Anne Shand and sons Jimmy (Jnr) and David. Further information at Memorials.


Будущие события

Friedrich Lips’ 2015 Diary Dates - Russia, Switzerland, UK, Austria

Friedrich LipsVirtuoso musician and educator Friedrich Lips, from Moscow, has the following diary dates for the first half of 2015:

January 8th - concert with Piazzolla-Studio in Ryasan, Russia
January 13th – master class in Lausanne, Switzerland
February18th to 21st – master class at the Royal Academy of Music, London, UK
March 19th to 22nd - master class and concert (Piazzolla: ‘Aconcagua’) in Irkutsk, Russia
March 23rd – All-Russian Day of bayan, accordion and harmonica in Moscow
April 9th to 15th - head of jury at the Repnikov competition in Petrosavodsk, Russia
May 9th to 12th - head of jury at the competition ‘Friend of bayan’ in Kurgan, Russia
May 13th to 18th - head of jury at the Panitsky competition in Saratov, Russia
July 13th to 17th - workshop at Musikforum Viktring, Austria

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Marco Lo Russo Show, Rome - Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo collaborates this weekend with choreographer Francesco Milana and dancers Manuela Costantini, Valerio Polverari, and Marcello Letizia on a show at the Teatro di Documenti, Rome.

The performances are:
Saturday January 10th, 9pm
Sunday January 11th, 5.30pm and 9pm
Monday January 12th, 9pm

For further information email: dina@marcolorusso.com


Erika plays for dancing, Floreffe – Belgium

ErikaOn Sunday January 18th, 2pm, the popular musette accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’, plays for dancing at the Au Fond de la Cour Restaurant, 11 Rue Rivierre, Floreffe, Belgium.


NHAA Meeting and Tribute to Nils O. Lundin, New Hampshire – USA

NHAA logo
The New Hampshire Accordion Association begins 2015 with a meeting on Saturday January 17th, 12.30pm until 4pm. This will include a musical tribute to Nils O. Lundin, famous Scandinavian accordionist, composer and Honorary Life Member of NHAA. Nils passed away on December 28th 2014. His music will live on through his friends all around the world.
So come to visit us and take part in this special day. The agenda is:

12.30pm - Jam session warm-up
1pm - Open Mike – ALL accordionists, including guests, may play solo, duet, trios, etc
1.45pm – brief business meeting
2.15pm - Social Time – snacks by NHAA, beverages by Accordion Connection
2.45pm - Play-Along – In memory of Nils O. Lundin (1921-2014), honorary NHAA Life Member
Please bring your parts for the following selections:
‘Jularbo Polka’
‘Sue's Vals’
‘Lilla Carol's Vals’ (played as medley)
‘American Wooden Shoe Polka’
‘Patriotic Medley’ (arr. Regis & Lovello)
4pm – Clean-up

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Harry Hussey Jazz Night, Staffordshire – UK

Harry HusseyOn Tuesday January 20th, 8pm, Harry Hussey joins forces with local jazz band Lily’s Weepers for an evening of entertainment. The venue is the Holditch Miners’ Welfare Club, London Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 7PT. Admission is £4.

Harry Hussey, now based in Glasgow, is one the UK’s most popular and respected accordionists. The line-up of Lily’s Weepers is: Pete Brown – trumpet, vocals, Peter (Pedro) Robinson – guitar, banjo, Terry Brunt – trombone, vocals, Lily Lynch - double bass, and Chris Pendlebury – drums.

For further information email: accordions@northstaffsaccordionclub.co.uk


Eddie Monteiro @ Connecticut Accordion Club – USA

Eddie MonteiroJazz accordionist Eddie Monteiro, accompanied by Jack Varanelli on drums, performs as guest for the Connecticut Accordion Club on Sunday January 25th, 1pm. The venue is Vasi's Restaurant, 1700 Watertown Ave, Waterbury, CT 06708. Admission is $5 for CAA members, and $10 for non-members.

Eddie Monteiro, originally from Brazil, has a long and distinguished career in jazz and other genres. He is a music teacher and choral director in New Jersey, and a member of the American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) Governing Board.

For further information email: Marilyn@CTAccordion.com


Accordion Course Entrance Exam, Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt – France

Vincent LHermetInformation is now available about upcoming entrance examinations for the DNSPM degree course taught at PSPBB, the higher arts education centre of Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt and also at Lille Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

The deadline for applications is January 30th, there are instrumental tests on March 7th at the CRR in Boulogne-Billancourt, and instrumental tests between March 30th and April 21st at RRC Lille.

The course teachers are Vincent LHermet (picture left) and Casilda Rodriguez, and the visiting teacher will be Matti Rantanen, Professor at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work U Ciucciariellu (The Little Donkey)

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco193 U Ciucciariellu (The Little Donkey)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

The new work is based upon a traditional joyful Calabrian (Southern Italy) Tarantella.


Updated Site: Lorenzo Bosica Adds CD to Site - Italy

Lorenzo BosicaLorenzo Bosica adds CD to website so the album is now available in eTracks MP3 format download from internet and CD sent by post. Order online at: Lorenzo Bosica


CD Отзывы

According to Amy by Amy Jo Sawyer

According to AmyCD Reviews Index for the Review of According to Amy by Amy Jo Sawyer, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joseph Natoli


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