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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Apr-2021
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Особенности Highlights

Что ты делаешь на Всемирный день аккордеона? - Международный
V Окружной Конкурс-Фестиваль "Кубок Ямала", Новосибирск - Россия.
Онлайн: Absolute Premiere Streaming 9 мая 18:30 - Италия
Онлайн: 11-й фестиваль Akordeon Art Plus 2021 - Босния и Герцеговина
Онлайн: Международный конкурс аккордеонистов "Concord of Sounds 2021" - Латвия
Онлайн: Уильям Шиммель выступает с оркестром Святого Луки - США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Janne Valkeajoki, Accordion Artist of the Year - Finland
Passed Away 5th April: Vincenzo Borsini - A Life for the Accordion - Italy
Results: XXII All-Russian Young Performers Competition Anatoly Kusyakov, Rostov-on-Don - Russia
3rd GAPO “Lockdown Trilogy” Underway - UK
Prague Conservatory Accordionists at Concert Art Show – Czech Republic
Karolyn Broadhead NAO 2021 Merit Award Recipient – UK
Results: BCA International and National Graded Anniversary Festival 2021 - UK
Video: A. Mirković: Sonata No. 1 for Bayan ''Almaz'', Premiere by Vladimir Stupnikov - Russia
Video: St Patrick's Day Mini Concert by The Irish Rovers, Nanaimo - Canada
Online: 2021 Vilnius Konkursas International Accordion Competition - Lithuania
Video: Orchestra Paolo Bertoli - Italy
Cancelled: NAO UK Championships 2021 - UK
Video: Online Concert by Albanian Balkan Ensemble - USA

Будущие события

Online: 59th Annual New England Music Festival – USA
"Jammalong" in Canberra - Australia
CNIMA April Workshops - France
Online: Skerryvore “Onboard” Concert - Scotland
Online: "Colombian Squeezebox 101" Workshop - USA
Rose City Accordion Camp in Eagle Creek - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA
Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand

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Особенности Highlights

Что ты делаешь на Всемирный день аккордеона? - Международный

World Accordon Day Header
World Accordion Day logoЧто вы делаете для Всемирного дня аккордеона для продвижения аккордеона в вашей стране? Всемирный день аккордеона - 6 мая, это день, когда аккордеон был запатентован в 1829 году.

Всемирный день аккордеона был начат в 2009 году ЦРУ и был очень успешным, вызвав много положительной рекламы для аккордеона. Ключевой частью этого мероприятия является веб-сайт Всемирного дня аккордеона.

Каждую ассоциацию, группу, оркестр, исполнителя и преподавателя просят активно поддержать это мероприятие, поощряя проведение национальных и местных аккордеонных мероприятий в их стране в этот день или в выходные дни по обе стороны от Дня аккордеона, если это будет более удобным.

Каждый может зарегистрировать свою активность на Всемирный день аккордеона на веб-сайте и отправить отчет о своем мероприятии после этого для этого веб-сайта.

Ни одно событие не является слишком большим или слишком маленьким. ВСЕ аккордеонные мероприятия, посвященные Всемирному дню аккордеона, приветствуются. Это акция ЦРУ для аккордеона, в которой каждый энтузиаст-аккордеонист может принять участие и помочь объединить наш аккордеонный мир, а также активно продвигать аккордеон.


V Окружной Конкурс-Фестиваль "Кубок Ямала", Новосибирск - Россия.

Russia13Russia14V Окружной конкурс-фестиваль исполнителей на баяне и аккордеоне «Кубок Ямала» пройдет с 11 по 15 апреля 2021 года в Новосибирске на базе В.А. Кох ДМШ №2.

В этом году в конкурсе и фестивале примут участие 50 юных музыкантов из разных уголков Ямала.

Мероприятие проводится в рамках региональной составляющей федерального проекта «Творческие люди» и национального проекта «Культура».

Помимо конкурсных занятий, фестиваль включает в себя торжественные концерты открытия и закрытия с участием членов жюри и победителей конкурса, а также мастер-классы от членов жюри. В состав жюри входят Юрий Шишкин, Сергей Осокин, Мария Власова, Эдуард Аханов и многие другие.

Категории соревнований будут проходить следующим образом:

Ансамбли -
1. до 12 лет
2. до 15 лет
3. учитель / ученик

Соло Классика -
1. до 9 лет
2. от 10 до 12 лет
3. 13-15 лет

Подробности смотрите на плакатах.


Онлайн: Absolute Premiere Streaming 9 мая 18:30 - Италия

Absolute Premiere
Associazione Promotion Arte во главе с Ренцо Руджьери (Renzo Ruggieri) организует "Absolute Premiere", новинку в области организации концертов, в виде конлайн-концерта, приветствующего артистов из мира аккордеона, которые представят свои произведения на предварительном просмотре.

Мини-концерты с впервые исполняемым репертуаром, которые являются прелюдией к предстоящим концертам / постановкам. Мероприятие будет транслироваться на сайте accordions.com, а также в Facebook и Youtube 9 мая 2021 года в 18:30.

- Винченцо Аббраччианте «Ориззонте»
- Андреа Ди Джакомо (Andrea Di Giacomo) «Люкс Абруццо»
- Марко Джемелли "Resíliens"
- Ансамбль Роберто Палермо "Mediterranima"
- Ренцо Руджьери (Renzo Ruggieri) Мауро де Федерисис «Чак»

Подробная информация о каждой новой композиции на итальянском и английском языках: AbsolutePremiere.pdf
Absolute Premiere


Онлайн: 11-й фестиваль Akordeon Art Plus 2021 - Босния и Герцеговина

11th Art Comp
11-й Международный конкурс и фестиваль Akordeon Art Plus 2021 будет проводиться онлайн в этом году с 31 мая по 3 июня, организованный Академией музыки Университета Восточного Сараево (Босния и Герцеговина), главой отделения аккордеона, профессором Даниелой Газдич.

Конкурс предлагает множество категорий от самых юных участников до студентов колледжей и университетов, а также взрослых. Доступны категории «Аккордеонное соло» и «оркестр».

Крайний срок подачи электронных заявок - 21 мая 2021 года.

В жюри конкурса входят Мария Власова (Россия), Мие Мики (Германия), Нежа Торкар (Словения), Владимир Благоевич (Сербия), Владимир Мандич (Сербия) и Катя Пуповац (Сербия), а из Боснии и Герцеговины - Мелита Чичич, Дарко. Ружичич, Даниела Симович, Ваня Албиянич, Дражан Косорич, Раде Радович, Даниела Газдич, Марко Стоянович, Мирадет Зулич, Любо Шкилевич, Виолета Попадич, Недим Сулич и Даниела Лукета Станич.

Скачать правила конкурса и форму заявки на английском и сербском языках можно здесь: 2021AkordeonArtRules&Entry.pdf

Для получения дополнительной информации по электронной почте: akordeonart@mak.ues.rs.ba


Онлайн: Международный конкурс аккордеонистов "Concord of Sounds 2021" - Латвия

Concord header
Международный конкурс аккордеонистов "Concord of Sounds", который состоится с 16 по 20 мая 2021 года, организован Марупской музыкальной и художественной школой в сотрудничестве с классом аккордеона Латвийской Музыкальной Академии Язепом Витолсом и Ассоциацией международных музыкальных школ. «Con Anima».

Конкурс делится на два этапа: вначале идет процедура отбора участников, затем жюри конкурса оценивает выступления участников на основе представленных видеозаписей.

Конкурс предлагает различные сольные категории для конкурсантов музыкальных школ, конкурсантов музыкальных общеобразовательных школ, конкурсантов высших учебных заведений и конкурсантов музыкальных общеобразовательных школ. Есть также категории для малых ансамблей (от 2 до 5 участников), больших ансамблей (от 6 до 12 участников) и оркестров.

Прием заявок завершится 6 мая 2021 г. Скачать правила конкурса и форму заявки можно здесь: 2021ConcordRules&EntryForm.pdf


Онлайн: Уильям Шиммель выступает с оркестром Святого Луки - США

William SchimmelДоктор Уильям Шиммель (William Schimmel - на фото слева) исполнит часовую симфонию с Оркестром Св. Луки (Нью-Йорк) 14 апреля 2021 года в камерной версии с аккордеоном.

Мероприятие называется «Жаворонок и Титан» и включает «Восхождение жаворонка» Ральфа Воана Уильямса (аранжировка Геригка) и Симфония № 1 ре мажор «Титан» Густава Малера (аранжировка Саймона). Тито Муньос будет дирижером.

Прямая трансляция - OSLmusic.org

Телефон для справок: 212.594.6100
Orchestra of St. Luke's


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Janne Valkeajoki, Accordion Artist of the Year - Finland

Janne Valkeajoki
Magnus LindbergThe Finnish Accordion Association has awarded Janne Valkeajoki “The Accordion Artist of the Year”.

This annual award was evaluated by over 300 members who sent their decisions to the Executive Board.

Janne (picture above) was born in 1992 in Helsinki and studied first in the Lappeenranta Music School, then in the Youth Department of the Sibelius Academy, where he studied accordion and conducting with teachers Matti Rantanen and Jorma Panula.

Following this, Janne completed his studies at the University of Music in Würzburg, Germany, where he was trained by Stefan Hussong and Ari Rasilainen.

Janne Valkeajoki is considered one of the most talented and merited musicians of his generation in Finland. A few weeks ago his first CD was released by the German publisher NEOS (picture below). This new CD is very unique and includes full complete accordion works by Finnish composer Magnus Lindberg (picture right).

The CD includes well known works “Metal Work” for accordion and percussion as well as the solo work “Jeux d’anches”.

Two recent works, the “Accordion Jubilees” and “Dos Coyotes” were adapted for the accordion by the composer together with Janne.

In the near future, Janne will perform the world premiere of the “Sonata Concertante” by Finnish composer Kalevi Aho at the St. Michel’s Music Festival. The new concerto by Ville Raasakka will be premiered in Bamberg in Germany. The next contemporary CD will be released together with the German ensemble “Der/gelbe/klang”.

Photos: © Pietari Purovaara
Janne Valkeajoki CD cover


Passed Away 5th April: Vincenzo Borsini - A Life for the Accordion - Italy

Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini
Picture above: Brothers Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini of the family Borsini who manufactured Borsini Accordions for decades from 02 January 1922 until the company ceased operation in 2015.

Giancarlo Borsini passed away on July 22, 2019. Vincenzo passed away 5th April 2021.

Information about Vincenzo from the Borsini Accordion Site.

Vincenzo Borsini. Born in 1934 in a flat above the Borsini accordion factory in Castelfidardo, son of Elio Borsini who had founded the Borsini factory in 1922.

He finished technical school in 1944 and at the age of 10 began to study the accordion with Giovanni Marcosignori, father of the world famous, Gervasio Marcosignori. In 1946 Vincenzo began working in the mechanical department of the Borsini factory making bass mechanisms. As Vincenzo had the gift of "perfect pitch" he also studied the acoustics of the accordion, which led to him making improvements to the sound quality of the Borsini range, and by 1949 he was employed full-time in the preparation of reeds and tuning.

In 1950 Vincenzo went to the U.S.A. to work as a repairman for one of the biggest accordion importers on the American West Coast and after 8 months, he moved to New York to work in the Excelsior factory, owned by his uncle Egisto Pancotti. During his time in New York Vincenzo was acquainted with many world famous accordionists of the time (Antony, Gallarini, Russ Messina, Carmen Carozza, John Molinari, Dick Contino and Frank Gaviani) and became a personal friend of none other than Pietro Deiro.

Having acquired a great wealth of knowledge and experience in the U.S.A., Vincenzo returned to Italy in 1957 to work with his family and contributed to the "Borsini boom" when the factory was exporting 6000 accordions annually. The good times continued for Borsini until 1963 when the popularity of the guitar caused a worldwide slump in accordion sales. Vincenzo, however, was undaunted by this and suggested to his brothers that they should specialise in producing only quality instruments and, after adopting this policy, Vincenzo introduced major manufacturing improvements resulting in top quality professional accordions, one of the first being a Cassotto model with 2 sets of reeds and weighing only 8 kilos (as played by Nick Ariondo). During this time, Vincenzo, wishing to improve his accordion technique, was studying with the famous Adamo Volpi.

In 1964, Vincenzo returned to the U.S.A. to work with Joseph Romagnoli, owner of the Italo-American Accordion Co. of Chicago where he was servicing and tuning accordions for the chain store Montgomery Ward. It was during this time that Vincenzo became a personal friend of Leon Sachs and Tony Dannon, whose influence led Vincenzo to develop a real jazz sound in the accordion. Tony Dannon was the founder and director of the Modern Accordion School of Champions and he personally taught the great Peter Soave using accordions produced and tuned by Vincenzo Borsini.

In 1981, in a joint project with Lars EK of Sweden, the nostalgic accordion was produced. This was a lightweight 4-voice accordion suited to the music of Frosini and Deiro.

Hohner Trossingen approached Vincenzo in 1985 to create a top quality free bass convertor line and it was during this time that he became friends with Franz Lindemeir, the quality control manager at Hohner. It was at the suggestion of Franz that Vincenzo produced an accordion for Hugo Noth, the musical director of the accordion department at the Trossingen Conservatory of Music. When Hugo played Vincenzo's accordion, he was so impressed by it that he embraced Vincenzo and refused to play any other accordion. When Hohner heard of Hugo Noth's accolade, they offered Vincenzo the job of senior technical manager with a fabulous salary, but Vincenzo declined, preferring his talent to benefit only Borsini.

Further advances were made in the bass mechanism of the free bass convertor models during 1988 when Vincenzo instructed the Gamma factory in Castelfidardo on the making of what became the system for the free bass convertor.

Vincenzo must surely be one of the most experienced technicians in Castelfidardo, he is also an amiable man who is now endeavouring to pass on his vast knowledge to younger employees of Borsini to encourage further developments and improvements in the accordion. He will readily co-operate with his competitors by giving them the benefit of his advice, playing their accordions and giving his opinion on possible improvements.

This is Vincenzo Borsini, musician, accordion player, teacher, tuner, technician - in his spare time: a tennis player and an undoubted legend in the accordion world.
Borsini logo


Results: XXII All-Russian Young Performers Competition Anatoly Kusyakov, Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Russia logo
The XXII All-Russian Competition of Young Performers named after Anatoly Kusyakov was held from April 2nd to 6th at the RGC base of S.V. Rachmaninoff in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

This year, 66 performers from Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod, Tambov, Voronezh, Kazan, Simferopol, Taganrog, Shakht, Korolev, Uyar and Krylova came to compete for prizes of a prestigious music competition with a rich history.

Competition results as follows:

• "Accordion" Category 1A: 1st - Nikolai Korolev
• "Bayan" Category 1A: 1st - Sestrakov Timur & Ivan Shishkanov
• "Accordion" Category 1B: 1st - Nalivaiko Svetlana Krasnodar
• "Bayan" Category 1B: 1st - Kamyansky Maxim & Yakunin Ivan
• "Accordion" Category 2: 1st Vovk Maxim
• "Bayan" Category 2: 1st - Alexey Chukaev
• "Accordion" Category 3: Grand Prix - Egor Shapovalov
• "Bayan" Category 3: 1st - Lysyakov Fedor & Horobey Denis


3rd GAPO “Lockdown Trilogy” Underway - UK

Global banner
The 3rd and final Global Accordion Project Orchestra (GAPO) “Lockdown Trilogy” commission was launched this week. The new piece will be called “Towards the Light”.

Over the past year Ian Watson has written "Horizon" and "The Challenge of Time" for the GAPO with over 200 players from 23 countries taking part. The virtual performance videos have had over 50,000 views.

We hope the projects have been fun and there's always a sense of anticipation about the premiere day that we've lost with live performances not being possible. Returning to international performances is still some way off so Ian is very happy to have the time to write the last commission in the lockdown trilogy.

For details email: projectorchestraglobal@gmail.com


Prague Conservatory Accordionists at Concert Art Show – Czech Republic

Prague accordionists
Jindřich FeldVideo: Jindrich Feld: Concerto (I, II, excerpt) - Filip Kratochvíl (accordion) and Jirí Kollert (piano).

Prague Conservatory students of Ladislav Horák took part in the recent filming of the Concert Art Show held in the Martin u Hall Hamu.

Martin Šulc, Martin Kot and Filip Kratochvíl played a program of Piazzolla, Angelis, Hermosa, Ganzer and Kukal.

On April 10th, Filip Kratochvíl will be recording a concerto with the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra together with colleagues from the Prague Conservatory.

The concerto for accordion and orchestra (1975) by Jindrich Feld (1925-2007 - picture left) was written for Danish accordionist Mogens Ellegard and premiered in 1976 in Glasgow. Vladimir Cuchran recorded it in Pilsen, Czech Republic.


Karolyn Broadhead NAO 2021 Merit Award Recipient – UK

Karolyn BroadheadOn March 28th, the NAO was proud to announce that Karolyn Broadhead (picture left) was the recipient of the 2021 NAO Merit Award.

Karolyn is a well- known composer, adjudicator, teacher and BCA Examiner who began playing the accordion at the age of 9, studying at the Leicester School of Music and gaining her LBCA Performers Diploma.

Karolyn has been a member of the British College of Accordionists Orchestra, including making numerous successful recordings and has arranged music for a variety of musical productions.


Results: BCA International and National Graded Anniversary Festival 2021 - UK

BCA header
The British College of Accordionists (BCA) held their International and National Graded Anniversary Festival 2021 online recently. BCA Principal, Raymond Bodell congratulated all the contestants who participated thanked the international Jury members for their efforts.


Senior Classical Solo: 1st Roman Puneiko (Ukraine)
Junior Classical Solo: 1st Sofia Ros Gonzalas (Spain)
Senior Traditional/variety Solo: 1st Dantong Wang (China)
Junior Traditional/variety Solo: 1st Egor Shapovalov (Russia)
Senior Ensemble: 1st Double Expression (Russia)
Junior Ensemble: 1st Leonardo Rojnic & Chiara Moscarda (Croatia)

All other placings are online at: British College of Accordionists


Video: A. Mirković: Sonata No. 1 for Bayan ''Almaz'', Premiere by Vladimir Stupnikov - Russia

Video of premiere performance of Sonata No.1 ''Almaz'' in Moscow (Russia) during Russian day of bayan, accordion and garmonica at RAM ''Gnesin'' Concert hall.

The Sonata is "dedicated to my friend, Russian performer and World champion Vladimir Stupnikov" who made this premiere performance.

Almaz is Russian word for brilliant. Sonata is composed after Mirkovic's visit to Almaz fund in Moscow Kremlin and programmatically describes the museum.


Video: St Patrick's Day Mini Concert by The Irish Rovers, Nanaimo - Canada

St Patrick's Day Mini Concert, The Irish Rovers
Saturday 17 April "The Irish Rovers Celebrate St. Patrick"


Online: 2021 Vilnius Konkursas International Accordion Competition - Lithuania

Vilnius logo
Raimondas SviackeviciusThe 2021 online Vilnius Konkursas International Accordion Competition is currently underway, beginning on April 1st and will run until April 10th, 2021.

The Artistic director of the competition is President of the Lithuanian Accordionists Association, Raimondas Sviackevicius (picture right).

Competitor entries were viewed by 47 Jury members and results of all categories will be announced during a live online awards ceremony from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater on April 10th, 2021.


Video: Orchestra Paolo Bertoli - Italy

Performance of “Padre Vagabondo” by the Orchestra Paolo Bertoli in Piacenza, Italy with vocalists ELisa Pisotti and Joel.


Cancelled: NAO UK Championships 2021 - UK

cancelledThe NAO Executive Committee believe that all members will appreciate that the holding of the UK Championships in April 2021 is currently not viable due to the Covid-19 pandemic and have taken the decision that we will not meet in Liverpool at that time.

Having considered various options including a potential online festival, the decision is that hopefully things will improve in the 1st half of the year enabling the NAO to host an “Accordion Day” event in the later part of 2021 (perhaps October or November).

Of course, only time will tell if such plans can be brought into fruition and we will keep you updated.


Video: Online Concert by Albanian Balkan Ensemble - USA

The Albanian Balkan Ensemble performed an online concert which included an array of Albanian folk songs and an instrumental piece displaying styles from different parts of Albania and Kosova such as the middle of Albania, Luma Province, Gjakova, and Gjilan. Performing with this ensemble is the Albanian singer, Merita Halili.

The concert was recorded at the Jed Leshowitz Recital Hall at the Cali School of Music, Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey, USA


Будущие события

Online: 59th Annual New England Music Festival – USA

NEMF lofoAs the Covid-19 pandemic continues across the world, the Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) is working hard once again to virtually host their 59th Annual New England Music Festival this month.

This event usually draws 2,000 to 3,000 people over the competition weekend. With categories for accordion, drums, guitar, piano, voice, and violin players, there is a wide variety of musicians represented. Also, just two years ago, the ATAM added categories for adult musicians as well: accordion, drums, guitar, piano, and voice are open to all musicians age 23 and older.

Entries for video submissions are now open. The judging will be undertaken from April 26th to May 2nd and the final results and awarding of trophies will be completed the week of May 9th, 2021.

For details email: peggyf1944@gmail.com


"Jammalong" in Canberra - Australia

“Jammalong” in Canberra is hosted by Michael and Dianne Porter and is a free, fun jam session held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Questacon Building, under the Pergola on the lake side of the building in Canberra, Australia.

Their next jam session will be held on April 10th from 2pm to 6pm.

All are welcome to bring a song to share and a portable chair.


CNIMA April Workshops - France

The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix, will run two accordion workshops this month.

Dates as follows:
• 19th to 24th April 2021
• 26th to 30th April 2021

The workshops are for all ages, levels and styles and will give attendees the opportunity to learn and develop their technique, how to hold the instrument correctly, balance of the bellows, the various musical touches, musicality etc.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Online: Skerryvore “Onboard” Concert - Scotland

Skerryvore (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion) will hold an online concert entitled “Onboard” from the luxury floating hotel Fingal Edinburgh on April 24th, 2021.

The Fingal is permanently berthed on Edinburgh’s vibrant waterfront. This historic ship, which started life as a lighthouse tender, has now been transformed into an exquisite 23 cabin boutique hotel. Skerryvore will perform live from the grand ballroom located in the former hold of the ship as well as hosting interviews inside the luxury Skerryvore Suite.

Attendees will have the chance of winning an overnight stay on board this unique ship in the Skerryvore Suite, as part of the prize package for the event.

As well as the live performance, Skerryvore will also take attendees on a virtual tour of Fingal’s sister ship The Royal Yacht Britannia, Her Majesty The Queen’s former floating palace, located just a few minutes’ walk away.

For details email: info@skerryvore.com


Online: "Colombian Squeezebox 101" Workshop - USA

BAC logoSadysThe Brooklyn Accordion Club will run an online accordion workshop entitled "Colombian Squeezebox 101" on April 25th at 2pm (NYC time).

Guest Sadys R. Espitia (picture right) from WKCR 89.9FM NY Columbia University talks about Columbian music, his radio show Sonidos Columbianos, and the diatonic button accordion.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Rose City Accordion Camp in Eagle Creek - USA

Rose City AC
RCThe Rose City Accordion Camp will be held at the Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek, Oregon, USA from August 29th through to September 3rd, 2021.

The event will include workshops led by Courtney von Drehle and Toby Hanson, solos, small group playing and large group jamming in the evening as well as an orchestra conducted by Beverley Fess and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues.

All attendees must have had the COVID vaccination unless there is a medical condition certified by a doctor. Masks are required.

For details email: bevo925@comcast.net


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Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA

John Bonica bookbook coverUpdated Site: John Bonica , PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), author of the book "Play the Accordion Without Pain" site updated to include new information.

The book was written just prior to his unexpected passing in March 2018.


Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand

Heather GladstoneAn updated site for known performer Heather Gladstone QSM, honored by the New Zealand Government for her services to music. Pictures of her investiture and also being admitted as a Bard of the Gorsedh in Cornwall, UK.


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