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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 09-Apr-2021
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你打算在世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球
V区竞赛暨“亚马尔杯”节,新西伯利亚 - 俄罗斯
在线:Absolute Premiere 5月9日18:30 直播 - 意大利
在线观看:第11届 Akordeon Art Plus 2021年艺术节 - 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
在线:国际手风琴比赛“Concord of Sounds 2021” – 拉脱维亚
在线:William Schimmel 与圣卢克管弦乐队合作演出 - 美国


Janne Valkeajoki,年度手风琴艺术家 - 芬兰
逝世于4月5日:Vincenzo Borsini - 手风琴的一生 - 意大利
结果:第22届全俄罗斯青年表演者比赛 Anatoly Kusyakov ,顿河畔罗斯托夫 - 俄罗斯
第三届 GAPO “封锁三部曲” 正在进行中 - 英国
布拉格音乐学院手风琴家参加音乐会艺术展 – 捷克
Karolyn Broadhead NAO 2021优异奖获得者 – 英国
结果:2021年BCA国际和国家分级周年庆典 - 英国
视频: A. Mirković: 巴扬''Almaz''”第一奏鸣曲,Vladimir Stupnikov 首演 - 俄罗斯
视频:The Irish Rovers 在圣帕特里克节迷你音乐会,纳奈莫市 - 加拿大
在线: 2021年维尔纽斯 Konkursas 国际手风琴大赛 - 立陶宛
视频:Paolo Bertoli 管弦乐队 - 意大利
活动已取消:2021年NAO英国锦标赛 - 英国
视频:阿尔巴尼亚Balkan乐团线上音乐会将举行 - 美国


在线:第59届年度新英格兰音乐节 – 美国
“Jammalong”在堪培拉 - 澳大利亚
CNIMA 四月研讨会 - 法国
在线:Skerryvore “Onboard”音乐会 - 苏格兰
在线:“哥伦比亚 Squeezebox 101”研讨会 - 美国
Rose City Accordion Camp in Eagle Creek - USA


Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA
Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand

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你打算在世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球

World Accordon Day Header
World Accordion Day logo由于新冠肺炎疫情在国际上造成的混乱,许多世界手风琴日 World Accordion Day (WAD) 活动都被相关条例停止了。世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 网站仍将继续报道那些可能在未来举行的活动。

计划于5月6日由 Kevin FriedrichGrayson Masefield 主持的一场2小时的儿童手风琴教育 WAD 直播。

对于世界各地的团体和表演者: 你们在世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 做了什么来在你们国家推广手风琴的呢? 每年的5月6日是世界手风琴日,1829年手风琴就是在这一天获得专利的。

世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day ) 于2009年由美国 CIA 发起,并取得了很大的成功,为手风琴带来了很多正面的宣传。这个活动的一个关键部分是世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 网站,以帮助注册您的活动并为媒体提供背景信息。



活动是不分大小的。我们欢迎所有庆祝世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的手风琴活动。这是一个 CIA 的手风琴推广活动,每一个手风琴爱好者都可以参加,帮助把我们的手风琴世界联系在一起,并大力推广手风琴。


V区竞赛暨“亚马尔杯”节,新西伯利亚 - 俄罗斯

Russia13Russia14第五届巴扬和手风琴表演比赛暨“亚马尔杯”将于2021年4月11日至15日在俄罗斯新西伯利亚举行。活动由V.A. Koch DMSH N2举办。



除竞赛类课程外,音乐节还包括盛大的开幕式和闭幕式音乐会,评委团成员和竞赛优胜者将参加比赛,评委团成员还将举办大师班。 表演者/评委团包括 Yuri ShishkinSergey Osokin ,Maria Vlasova,Edward Akhanov等。

Competition categories will be held as follows:

Ensembles –
1. up to 12 years
2. up to 15 years
3. teacher/pupil

Solo Classics –
1. up to 9 years
2. 10 to 12 years
3. 13 to 15 years

See posters for details.


在线:Absolute Premiere 5月9日18:30 直播 - 意大利

Absolute Premiere
Renzo Ruggieri 领导的 Associazione Promotion Arte 组织了一场“Absolute Premiere”,这是音乐会组织领域的一个创新,作为一个欢迎来自世界手风琴艺术家的音乐会,他们将在预览中展示他们的作品。

首次演出曲目的迷你音乐会是即将举行的音乐会/作品的序幕。 该活动将于2021年5月9日18:30在 Accordions.com 以及Facebook和Youtube上进行直播。

- Vincenzo Abbracciante "Orizzonte"
- Andrea Di Giacomo "Suite Abruzzo"
- Marco Gemelli "Resíliens"
- Roberto Palermo Ensemble "Mediterranima"
- Renzo Ruggieri Mauro De Federicis "Ciak"

Absolute Premiere


在线观看:第11届 Akordeon Art Plus 2021年艺术节 - 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那

11th Art Comp
第11届 Akordeon Art Plus 2021年国际比赛和音乐节将于今年5月31日至6月3日在线上举行,该活动由波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那东萨拉热窝大学音乐学院和东萨拉热窝促进学术音乐“新声音”协会组织。

The competition offers numerous categories for the youngest contestants through to college and university students, as well as adults. Accordion solo and orchestra categories are available.

The deadline to submit electronic applications is May 21st, 2021.

竞赛评委团包括 Marija Vlasova(俄罗斯),Mie Miki(德国),NežaTorkar(斯洛文尼亚),Vladimir Blagojevic(塞尔维亚),Vladimir Mandic(塞尔维亚)和Katja Pupovac(塞尔维亚),以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的 Melita Cicic,Darko Ružicic,Danijela Simovic,Vanja Albijanic,DražanKosoric,Rade Radovic,Danijela Gazdic,Marko Stojanovic,Miradet Zulic,LjuboŠkiljevic,Violeta Popadic,Nedim Suljic 和 Danijela Luketa Stanic。




在线:国际手风琴比赛“Concord of Sounds 2021” – 拉脱维亚

Concord header
“协和之声”国际手风琴大赛将于2021年5月16日至20日举行,由马鲁佩音乐艺术学院、拉脱维亚音乐学院 Jazeps Vitols 手风琴班和 Con Anima 国际音乐学院协会联合举办。

本次比赛分为两个阶段: 首先进行参赛选手的选拔,然后由大赛评审团根据参赛选手的参赛录像对其表现进行评估。

The competition offers a variety of solo categories for contestants of music schools, contestants of music secondary schools, contestants of higher educational establishments, and contestants of Music Secondary schools. There are also categories for small ensembles (2 to 5 participants), large ensembles (6 to 12 participants), and orchestras.



在线:William Schimmel 与圣卢克管弦乐队合作演出 - 美国

William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel (图左) 将于2021年4月14日与纽约圣路加交响乐团一起演奏一小时的交响乐,室内乐将全程使用手风琴演奏。

The event is entitled “The Lark and the Titan” and features “The Lark Ascending” by Ralph Vaughan Williams (arr. Gerigk) and Symphony No. 1 in D Major, "Titan" by Gustav Mahler (arr. Simon). Tito Muñoz will be the conductor.

Live Stream - OSLmusic.org

For details phone: 212.594.6100
Orchestra of St. Luke's



Janne Valkeajoki,年度手风琴艺术家 - 芬兰

Janne Valkeajoki
Magnus Lindberg芬兰手风琴协会授予 Janne Valkeajoki “年度手风琴艺术家”称号。


Janne (上图) 于1992年出生于赫尔辛基,先是在拉彭兰塔音乐学校学习,然后在西贝柳斯学院的青年部学习手风琴,并师从 Matti Rantanen 和 Jorma Panula 老师。

Following this, Janne completed his studies at the University of Music in Würzburg, Germany, where he was trained by Stefan Hussong and Ari Rasilainen.

Janne Valkeajoki is considered one of the most talented and merited musicians of his generation in Finland. A few weeks ago his first CD was released by the German publisher NEOS (picture below). This new CD is very unique and includes full complete accordion works by Finnish composer Magnus Lindberg (picture right).

The CD includes well known works “Metal Work” for accordion and percussion as well as the solo work “Jeux d’anches”.

Two recent works, the “Accordion Jubilees” and “Dos Coyotes” were adapted for the accordion by the composer together with Janne.

In the near future, Janne will perform the world premiere of the “Sonata Concertante” by Finnish composer Kalevi Aho at the St. Michel’s Music Festival. The new concerto by Ville Raasakka will be premiered in Bamberg in Germany. The next contemporary CD will be released together with the German ensemble “Der/gelbe/klang”.

Photos: © Pietari Purovaara
Janne Valkeajoki CD cover


逝世于4月5日:Vincenzo Borsini - 手风琴的一生 - 意大利

Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini
上图: Borsini 家族的 Vincenzo 和 Giancarlo Borsini 兄弟从1922年1月2日到2015年公司停止运营为止,生产 Borsini 手风琴长达几十年。

Giancarlo Borsini 于2019年7月22日去世。Vincenzo 于2021年4月5日去世。

关于文森佐的信息来自 Borsini 手风琴网站。

Vincenzo Borsini 。1934年出生在 卡斯特尔菲达多 Borsini 手风琴厂楼上的一间公寓里,他的父亲 Elio Borsini 于1922年创建了 Borsini 工厂。

1944年,他从技校毕业,10岁时开始跟随世界著名手风琴大师 Gervasio Marcosignori 的父亲 Giovanni Marcosignori 学习手风琴。1946年,Vincenzo 开始在 Borsini 工厂的机械部门工作,制造低音机械。由于 Vincenzo 拥有“完美音高”的天赋,他还研究了手风琴的声学,这使他改进了 Borsini 音域的音质,到1949年,他全职从事簧片和调音的准备工作。

In 1950 Vincenzo went to the U.S.A. to work as a repairman for one of the biggest accordion importers on the American West Coast and after 8 months, he moved to New York to work in the Excelsior factory, owned by his uncle Egisto Pancotti. During his time in New York Vincenzo was acquainted with many world famous accordionists of the time (Antony, Gallarini, Russ Messina, Carmen Carozza, John Molinari, Dick Contino and Frank Gaviani) and became a personal friend of none other than Pietro Deiro.

Having acquired a great wealth of knowledge and experience in the U.S.A., Vincenzo returned to Italy in 1957 to work with his family and contributed to the "Borsini boom" when the factory was exporting 6000 accordions annually. The good times continued for Borsini until 1963 when the popularity of the guitar caused a worldwide slump in accordion sales. Vincenzo, however, was undaunted by this and suggested to his brothers that they should specialise in producing only quality instruments and, after adopting this policy, Vincenzo introduced major manufacturing improvements resulting in top quality professional accordions, one of the first being a Cassotto model with 2 sets of reeds and weighing only 8 kilos (as played by Nick Ariondo). During this time, Vincenzo, wishing to improve his accordion technique, was studying with the famous Adamo Volpi.

In 1964, Vincenzo returned to the U.S.A. to work with Joseph Romagnoli, owner of the Italo-American Accordion Co. of Chicago where he was servicing and tuning accordions for the chain store Montgomery Ward. It was during this time that Vincenzo became a personal friend of Leon Sachs and Tony Dannon, whose influence led Vincenzo to develop a real jazz sound in the accordion. Tony Dannon was the founder and director of the Modern Accordion School of Champions and he personally taught the great Peter Soave using accordions produced and tuned by Vincenzo Borsini.

In 1981, in a joint project with Lars EK of Sweden, the nostalgic accordion was produced. This was a lightweight 4-voice accordion suited to the music of Frosini and Deiro.

Hohner Trossingen approached Vincenzo in 1985 to create a top quality free bass convertor line and it was during this time that he became friends with Franz Lindemeir, the quality control manager at Hohner. It was at the suggestion of Franz that Vincenzo produced an accordion for Hugo Noth, the musical director of the accordion department at the Trossingen Conservatory of Music. When Hugo played Vincenzo's accordion, he was so impressed by it that he embraced Vincenzo and refused to play any other accordion. When Hohner heard of Hugo Noth's accolade, they offered Vincenzo the job of senior technical manager with a fabulous salary, but Vincenzo declined, preferring his talent to benefit only Borsini.

Further advances were made in the bass mechanism of the free bass convertor models during 1988 when Vincenzo instructed the Gamma factory in Castelfidardo on the making of what became the system for the free bass convertor.

Vincenzo must surely be one of the most experienced technicians in Castelfidardo, he is also an amiable man who is now endeavouring to pass on his vast knowledge to younger employees of Borsini to encourage further developments and improvements in the accordion. He will readily co-operate with his competitors by giving them the benefit of his advice, playing their accordions and giving his opinion on possible improvements.

This is Vincenzo Borsini, musician, accordion player, teacher, tuner, technician - in his spare time: a tennis player and an undoubted legend in the accordion world.
Borsini logo


结果:第22届全俄罗斯青年表演者比赛 Anatoly Kusyakov ,顿河畔罗斯托夫 - 俄罗斯

Russia logo
第22届以 Anatoly Kusyakov 命名的全俄青年表演者比赛于4月2日至6日在俄罗斯顿河畔罗斯托夫的 S.V. Rachmaninoff 研究资助委员会基地举行。

This year, 66 performers from Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod, Tambov, Voronezh, Kazan, Simferopol, Taganrog, Shakht, Korolev, Uyar and Krylova came to compete for prizes of a prestigious music competition with a rich history.

Competition results as follows:

• "Accordion" Category 1A: 1st - Nikolai Korolev
• "Bayan" Category 1A: 1st - Sestrakov Timur & Ivan Shishkanov
• "Accordion" Category 1B: 1st - Nalivaiko Svetlana Krasnodar
• "Bayan" Category 1B: 1st - Kamyansky Maxim & Yakunin Ivan
• "Accordion" Category 2: 1st Vovk Maxim
• "Bayan" Category 2: 1st - Alexey Chukaev
• "Accordion" Category 3: Grand Prix - Egor Shapovalov
• "Bayan" Category 3: 1st - Lysyakov Fedor & Horobey Denis


第三届 GAPO “封锁三部曲” 正在进行中 - 英国

Global banner
第三个也是最后一个全球手风琴项目乐团 (GAPO) “封锁三部曲” 委托曲于本周启动。新作品将被称为“Towards the Light”。

在过去的一年里,Ian Watson 为 GAPO 创作了“Horizon”和“the Challenge of Time”,有来自23个国家的200多名选手参加。线上表演视频的浏览量已超过5万。

We hope the projects have been fun and there's always a sense of anticipation about the premiere day that we've lost with live performances not being possible. Returning to international performances is still some way off so Ian is very happy to have the time to write the last commission in the lockdown trilogy.

For details email: projectorchestraglobal@gmail.com


布拉格音乐学院手风琴家参加音乐会艺术展 – 捷克

Prague accordionists
Jindřich Feld视频: Jindrich Feld: Concerto (I, II,摘录) - Filip Kratochvíl (手风琴)和 Jirí Kollert (钢琴)。

布拉格音乐学院拉迪斯拉夫的学生 Horák 参加了最近在 Martin u Hall Hamu 音乐厅举行的音乐会艺术展览的拍摄。

Martin Šulc, Martin Kot 和 Filip Kratochvíl 演奏了 Piazzolla, Angelis, Hermosa, Ganzer和Kukal的曲目。

On April 10th, Filip Kratochvíl will be recording a concerto with the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra together with colleagues from the Prague Conservatory.

The concerto for accordion and orchestra (1975) by Jindrich Feld (1925-2007 - picture left) was written for Danish accordionist Mogens Ellegard and premiered in 1976 in Glasgow. Vladimir Cuchran recorded it in Pilsen, Czech Republic.


Karolyn Broadhead NAO 2021优异奖获得者 – 英国

Karolyn Broadhead3月28日,NAO 自豪地宣布 Karolyn Broadhead (图左)获得了2021年 NAO 优异奖。

Broadhead 是一位著名的作曲家、评委、教师和 BCA 考官,她从9岁开始演奏手风琴,在莱斯特音乐学院学习,并获得了 LBCA 表演家文凭。

Karolyn has been a member of the British College of Accordionists Orchestra, including making numerous successful recordings and has arranged music for a variety of musical productions.


结果:2021年BCA国际和国家分级周年庆典 - 英国

BCA header
近日,英国手风琴学会 British College of Accordionists (BCA) 在网上举办了“2021年国际和全国分级周年庆典”。 BCA 校长 Raymond Bodell 祝贺所有参赛选手,并感谢国际评委团成员的努力。


Senior Classical Solo: 1st Roman Puneiko (Ukraine)
Junior Classical Solo: 1st Sofia Ros Gonzalas (Spain)
Senior Traditional/variety Solo: 1st Dantong Wang (China)
Junior Traditional/variety Solo: 1st Egor Shapovalov (Russia)
Senior Ensemble: 1st Double Expression (Russia)
Junior Ensemble: 1st Leonardo Rojnic & Chiara Moscarda (Croatia)

All other placings are online at: British College of Accordionists


视频: A. Mirković: 巴扬''Almaz''”第一奏鸣曲,Vladimir Stupnikov 首演 - 俄罗斯

视频为俄罗斯巴扬,手风琴和口琴日期间在 RAM “Gnesin”音乐厅进行的第一奏鸣曲''Almaz''在莫斯科(俄罗斯)的首演。

奏鸣曲是“献给我的朋友,俄罗斯演奏家和世界冠军Vladimir Stupnikov”,他进行了这次首演。

Almaz 在俄语里是才华横溢的意思。奏鸣曲是在 Mirkovic 访问莫斯科克里姆林宫的阿尔马兹基金后创作的,并照例描述了博物馆。


视频:The Irish Rovers 在圣帕特里克节迷你音乐会,纳奈莫市 - 加拿大

圣帕特里克节迷你音乐会,The Irish Rovers 乐队
4月17日,星期六 “爱尔兰流浪者乐队庆祝圣帕特里克”


在线: 2021年维尔纽斯 Konkursas 国际手风琴大赛 - 立陶宛

Vilnius logo
Raimondas Sviackevicius2021年维尔纽斯 Konkursas 线上国际手风琴比赛正在进行中,从4月1日开始,一直持续到2021年4月10日。

比赛的艺术总监是立陶宛手风琴家协会主席 Raimondas Sviackevicius (右图)。



视频:Paolo Bertoli 管弦乐队 - 意大利

Paolo Bertoli 乐团在意大利皮亚琴察的“Padre Vagabondo”乐队与歌手 ELisa Pisotti 和 Joel 的表演。


活动已取消:2021年NAO英国锦标赛 - 英国

cancelledThe NAO Executive Committee believe that all members will appreciate that the holding of the UK Championships in April 2021 is currently not viable due to the Covid-19 pandemic and have taken the decision that we will not meet in Liverpool at that time.

Having considered various options including a potential online festival, the decision is that hopefully things will improve in the 1st half of the year enabling the NAO to host an “Accordion Day” event in the later part of 2021 (perhaps October or November).

Of course, only time will tell if such plans can be brought into fruition and we will keep you updated.


视频:阿尔巴尼亚Balkan乐团线上音乐会将举行 - 美国

The Albanian Balkan Ensemble performed an online concert which included an array of Albanian folk songs and an instrumental piece displaying styles from different parts of Albania and Kosova such as the middle of Albania, Luma Province, Gjakova, and Gjilan. Performing with this ensemble is the Albanian singer, Merita Halili.

The concert was recorded at the Jed Leshowitz Recital Hall at the Cali School of Music, Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey, USA



在线:第59届年度新英格兰音乐节 – 美国

NEMF lofo随着新冠病毒 (Covid-19) 在全球的持续流行,马萨诸塞州手风琴教师协会 (ATAM) 正在努力,准备在本月举办第59届年度新英格兰音乐节。

This event usually draws 2,000 to 3,000 people over the competition weekend. With categories for accordion, drums, guitar, piano, voice, and violin players, there is a wide variety of musicians represented. Also, just two years ago, the ATAM added categories for adult musicians as well: accordion, drums, guitar, piano, and voice are open to all musicians age 23 and older.

Entries for video submissions are now open. The judging will be undertaken from April 26th to May 2nd and the final results and awarding of trophies will be completed the week of May 9th, 2021.

For details email: peggyf1944@gmail.com


“Jammalong”在堪培拉 - 澳大利亚

堪培拉的“Jammalong”由 Michael 和 Dianne Porter 主持,是每个月的第二个星期六,在澳大利亚堪培拉湖旁凉亭下方的 Questacon 大楼举行的免费有趣的畅谈会。

Their next jam session will be held on April 10th from 2pm to 6pm.

All are welcome to bring a song to share and a portable chair.


CNIMA 四月研讨会 - 法国

Nathalie Boucheix 带领的 CNIMA 本月将举办两个手风琴专题讨论会。





在线:Skerryvore “Onboard”音乐会 - 苏格兰

Skerryvore 将于2021年4月24日在爱丁堡 Fingal 豪华水上酒店举办一场名为“Onboard”的在线音乐会,乐队成员包括手风琴手 Daniel 和风笛手 Martin Gillespie 。

The Fingal is permanently berthed on Edinburgh’s vibrant waterfront. This historic ship, which started life as a lighthouse tender, has now been transformed into an exquisite 23 cabin boutique hotel. Skerryvore will perform live from the grand ballroom located in the former hold of the ship as well as hosting interviews inside the luxury Skerryvore Suite.

Attendees will have the chance of winning an overnight stay on board this unique ship in the Skerryvore Suite, as part of the prize package for the event.

As well as the live performance, Skerryvore will also take attendees on a virtual tour of Fingal’s sister ship The Royal Yacht Britannia, Her Majesty The Queen’s former floating palace, located just a few minutes’ walk away.

For details email: info@skerryvore.com


在线:“哥伦比亚 Squeezebox 101”研讨会 - 美国

BAC logoSadys布鲁克林手风琴俱乐部将于4月25日下午2点(纽约时间)举办一个名为“哥伦比亚Squeezebox 101”的在线手风琴研讨会。

Guest Sadys R. Espitia (picture right) from WKCR 89.9FM NY Columbia University talks about Columbian music, his radio show Sonidos Columbianos, and the diatonic button accordion.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Rose City Accordion Camp in Eagle Creek - USA

Rose City AC
RCThe Rose City Accordion Camp will be held at the Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek, Oregon, USA from August 29th through to September 3rd, 2021.

The event will include workshops led by Courtney von Drehle and Toby Hanson, solos, small group playing and large group jamming in the evening as well as an orchestra conducted by Beverley Fess and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues.

All attendees must have had the COVID vaccination unless there is a medical condition certified by a doctor. Masks are required.

For details email: bevo925@comcast.net



Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA

John Bonica bookbook coverUpdated Site: John Bonica , PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), author of the book "Play the Accordion Without Pain" site updated to include new information.

The book was written just prior to his unexpected passing in March 2018.


Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand

Heather GladstoneAn updated site for known performer Heather Gladstone QSM, honored by the New Zealand Government for her services to music. Pictures of her investiture and also being admitted as a Bard of the Gorsedh in Cornwall, UK.


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