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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Nov-2019
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Особенности Highlights

Бесплатная поездка в Новую Зеландию для Учителя Победителей и Студента - Новая Зеландия
Аккордеонисты награждены на концерте «Between the Folds of the Bellows» - Италия
Концерт празднования нового альбома "Vision for Two - 10 Years" - Германия
Франк Анжелис Новая композиция «Вальс Клоуна» - Франция
Аккордеонист Алекс Мейкснер получает премию Линни - США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Registrations Open for 2020 National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA
Video: New Gorka Hermosa Composition Alabei Recorded - Spain
New releases by Dr William Schimmel - USA
Successful AWAM Concert by Japanese Accordionist Mihoko Goto - USA
New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand
Inspirational Quote from Willie Nelson - USA

Будущие события

International Festival of Torres Vedras - Portugal
Jelena Milojevic at “Tango del Cielo”, Vancouver - Canada
Maugein Exhibits at Dubai Design Week – United Arab Emirates
Ludovic Beier Performs at 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival – USA
Sergey Osokin in Seoul this Month - South Korea
18th Huellas de Tradición Festival in Lavalleja - Uruguay
Accordion Pops Orchestra Annual Christmas Concert, New Jersey – USA
"Carmen in 40 Minutes", London - England
Final 2019 CNIMA Christmas Accordion Courses – France
Closing Dates for 23rd Annual Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Video: Stas Venglevski Performs Ice Meadow, Las Vegas - USA
Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

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Особенности Highlights

Бесплатная поездка в Новую Зеландию для Учителя Победителей и Студента - Новая Зеландия

New Zealand Accordion Association header
Poster: 2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneНовозеландская Аккордеонная Ассоциация (NZAA) объявляет международный видео-конкурс и продвижение аккордеонной музыки 2020 года от известного новозеландского композитора Гэри Дэверна Gary Daverne.

Это прекрасная возможность для учителя и одного победителя-аккордеониста посетить Новую Зеландию.

Это бесплатный онлайн «Видеоконкурс для аккордеонистов всех возрастов и национальностей» с первым призом в два билета в оба конца в Новую Зеландию на южно-тихоокеанский аккордеонный чемпионат 2020 года, 30-31 мая 2020 года, Окленд, Новая Зеландия. Проживание в течение 3 ночей включено плюс некоторые другие другие возможности для концерта / отдыха.

Участники должны отправить видеозапись в формате .mp4 одной (или нескольких) работ, написанных Гэри Дэверном, который имеет широкий репертуар композиций для аккордеона, включая:
- соло;
- дуэт аккордеона или аккордеон с другим инструментом;
- трио / ансамбль аккордеона или аккордеон со струнным ансамблем;
- аккордеонный оркестр;
- солист аккордеона с аккордеонным оркестром или солист аккордеона с струнным оркестром или солист аккордеона с симфоническим оркестром.

Аккордеонная музыка доступна для любого участника бесплатно по запросу.

Международное жюри: Gary Daverne, Кевин Фридрих, Grayson Masefield, Стефани Пул.

Записи онлайн закрыты 5 января 2020 года.

Полная информация на:


Аккордеонисты награждены на концерте «Between the Folds of the Bellows» - Италия

В выпуске «Концерты Совета» 2019/2020 годов, организованном Музыкальной школой Паоло Сопрани в тесном сотрудничестве с Советом культуры Кастельфидардо, состоялось их первое заседание 27 октября в Салоне дел Стемми.

На мероприятии, озаглавленном «Between the Folds of the Bellows», было представлено выступление студентов, которые получили стипендии от компании AMARE, в память о Марино Пигини и Нелло Джаккалья.

Среди стипендиатов были Николас и Кристиан Кьяральюс, сыновья директора Fisitalia Accordions Джузеппе Кьяральюс.

Менеджер музыкальной школы Паоло Сопрани, Эмилиано Джаккалья представил студентов, которые выделялись во время летнего семинара с мастером Виньяни из Консерватории Пезаро и солистами других инструментов, которые участвовали в конкурсе.

Фото внизу (слева): лирический певец Норис Боргогелли, Эмилио Джаккалья, Николас и Кристиан Кьяральюс во время презентации со своим учителем Луиджино Паллотта


Концерт празднования нового альбома "Vision for Two - 10 Years" - Германия

Paier poster
Видео: Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic- Видение на два, 10 лет

Аккордеонист Klaus Paier и виолончелистка Asja Valcic сотрудничают вместе и исполняют музыку в течение десяти лет. 15 ноября они дадут концерт в Sparkassensaal Neunkirchen, чтобы презентовать выпуск своего нового альбома «Vision for Two - 10 Years».

Их совместное путешествие началось в 2009 году с их дебютного альбома «À Deux», и с тех пор Paier и Valcic стали превращать свое уникальное звучание в миксе аккордеон плюс виолончель в чудо.

Их игра порадовала зрителей, и критики были в восторге: «Захватывает дух», - сказал журнал Der Spiegel, - «Захватывающий матч» (The Guardian).

Paris Move (FR) пишет: «Этот альбом позволяет слушателю пересечт музыкальные границы, поэтому не задавайте себе вопрос, стоит ли нам говорить о классической музыке, джазе или мировой музыке. Прекрасный альбом двух артистов, дающих лучшее от себя ».

Смотрите плакат выше о деталях концерта.


Франк Анжелис Новая композиция «Вальс Клоуна» - Франция

World premiere of "valse du clown" by Franck Angelis performed by Chrstina Rossi.
Franck AngelisВидео выше - мировая премьера «Valse du clown» на PIF 2019 в Кастельфидардо была представлена на концерт «Кристина Росси (Франция) играет Анжелиса».

Этот концерт был совершенно уникальным и историческим. Композитор Франк Анжелис (на фото слева) присутствовал, а также выступил на концерте, в том числе представил две новые композиции мировых премьер. Посмотреть видео всего концерта можно по адресу: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2019/21.htm

Музыка в формате pdf «Valse du clown», которая посвящена: «Для моего друга Жака Морне», каталог ang570 теперь доступен онлайн, а также образец страницы онлайн, всего € 9.00.

Franck Angelis и Jacques Mornet из известной музыкальной школы CNIMA J.Mornet имеют долгую историю музыкального сотрудничества, и многие ученики успешно исполняют сочинения Анжелиса на международных конкурсах.

Каталог ang571 Romance № 2 от Franck Angelis


Аккордеонист Алекс Мейкснер получает премию Линни - США

Linny Award
Alex MeixneПобедители премии Linny Award 2019 будут награждены на церемонии Linny Awards, которая состоится 14 ноября в Musikfest Café, ArtsQuest Centre на SteelStacks в Вифлееме, штат Пенсильвания, представленной Yuengling.

Аккордеонист Алекс Мейкснер будет награжден «Исполнитель года». Эта награда присуждается артисту Lehigh Valley, чьи работы символизируют превосходство в своей области.

Мейкснер дебютировал на сцене в возрасте 6 лет, и с тех пор является концертирующим исполнителем. Он работал с Джеком Блэком в фильме Netflix, снятом в Сандэнсе, «Король польки», с Post Modern Jukebox и в качестве официального представителя Hormel Pepperoni. Он также номинирован на премию GRAMMY Award за «Polka Freak Out» в 2007 году. Его совместный альбом с Bubba Hernandez из Brave Combo.

Accordions Worldwide поздравляет Алекса с получением этой награды.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Registrations Open for 2020 National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA

NAA banner
Norman SeatonRegistrations are now open for the 2020 National Accordion Convention which will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Richardson, Texas from March 18th to 21st, 2020.

The event will include group training activities such as accordion bands and symphonic orchestras and opportunities to perform in numerous settings. Next year they will focus on the colorful sounds and origins of world music: German, Czech, French, American, Texas-Mexican and much more.

NAA Convention President Norman Seaton (picture left) has announced a Call for Presenters 2020. Band/orchestra presenters have been preselected by the planning team and are listed on the website. Therefore the Annual Call for Presenters (2020) is open for those seeking to be featured conventioneers in 2020. Conventioneers wanting to conduct workshops while attending the convention as a "sharing conventioneer" are to complete the 2020 convention registration form.

Forms are available on the National Accordion Convention website or you can email: natlaccordion@sbcglobal.net


Video: New Gorka Hermosa Composition Alabei Recorded - Spain

Gorka HermosaThe new composition titled Alabei by Gorka Hermosa was recently recorded, August 2019, at Moon River Studio (Santander) by Fernando Macaya. The sound was mixed at Estudios Vumeter (Cabezón de la Sal) by Javier López "Javeta" (October 2019) and then released. Enjoy!


New releases by Dr William Schimmel - USA

Tango Scene from the movie "Scent of a Women" featuring William Schimmel performing:
William SchimmelDr William Schimmel has recently released a new CD “DragonFly on Fence”, new Digital albums - What’s Tango about the Classics 1 - 2 – 3 as well as a new video “Le Chat Noir” with Micki Goodman and two new books: Milking your Accordion and Accordion Mixology.

Bill Schimmel is a leading accordionist, composer and academic, based in New York, where he organizes the annual ‘Master Class and Concert Series (The Seminars)’ sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA).

He received a Merit Award from the AAA for his contributions spanning fifty years plus the "Accordionist of the Year" Award in 1988. He has performed with many major symphony orchestras in the US, many chamber groups, as well as with rock, jazz, and avant-garde groups.

As a Juilliard trained musician, he is frequently asked to play with the Philharmonic and other orchestras around the country. He also performs in the pit orchestras on Broadway, his most recent performance being the accordionist for the award winning production of “An American in Paris." Over the years Bill’s music has been included in television shows and films. His best known appearance is in the tango scene of "Scent of a Woman" starring Al Pacino. (See video above)

Upcoming performances and projects in 2019 and 2020:
December 1st, 2019: National Gallery - Klezmer with Alicia Svigals - Washington D.C.
December 8th, 2019: Concert with Cristina Fontanelli - Carnegie Hall
December 14th, 2019: Klezmer with Alicia Svigals - Providence, Rhode Island
December 27th 2019 to January 22nd 2020: Wozzeck - Metropolitan Opera
January 12th, 2020: Premiere of Dr. Schimmel’s Variations on a Waltz by Pee Wee King
North South Consonance Orchestra - at Christ and St Stephen’s Church, NY
January 12th 2020: Premiere of Dr. Schimmel’s MaterialSpirtualWorld - Kosavi World Salon
February 22nd 2020: Premiere of Tipsy Steps by Noriko Koide - Music from Japan Festival
February 27th, 28th & 29th 2020: Jorg Widmann - Babylon Suite - New York Philharmonic - Lincoln Center

New Video - Le Chat Noir - Dr. Schimmel and Micki Goodman - You Tube

New Digital Albums - What’s Tango about the Classics 1 - 2 - 3 - Available at Amazon and CD Baby

New Books: Milking your Accordion
Accordion Mixology - (The essential Dr. Schimmel)

New CD - DragonFly on Fence - new works by Peter Jarvis, percussion and Dr. Schimmel Composers Concordance/Naxos Records

Blues, Hues and Views - William Schimmel/Elliott Sharp - Cavity Search Records

For further information email: accordionbill@gmail.com


Successful AWAM Concert by Japanese Accordionist Mihoko Goto - USA

Mihoko GotoMihoko & ChiMihoko Goto performed a concert in October at AWAM. This “first” Japanese experience drew an audience of about a hundred people who greatly appreciated the musicianship of
Mihoko (picture above left) who literally danced around the stage.

Her program included concert pieces like Magnante’s "Accordion Boogie", Confrey’s "Dizzy Fingers", Piazzolla’s "Libertango", and even Bach’s "Toccata in D Minor". Her encore of "Dark Eyes" was an expansive version she had arranged.

Most pieces included improvisational sections she composed that showed off her technical skills, but more significantly, proved her ability to conceive music imaginatively and realize it through exceptionally controlled dynamics.

Mihoko also spoke about her studies in Japan. She has composed original pieces and set traditional Japanese tunes in contemporary styles, a few of which she played.

Mihoko became the accompanist when her friend Chiharu Ebihara (picture above right with white accordion) took the lead voice in two American West duets.

A repeat appearance is planned during the AWAM World Accordion Day Festival on May 2nd, 2020.


New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM has composed a new version of his popular Margarita duet, this time for accordion and piano. Catalog ED0050 - Margarita - accordion and piano

Gary Daverne after several requests, has also composed the accordion solo with piano accompaniment for his 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra. Catalog ED0082d

The 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra is composed for accordion solo with accordion orchestra or accordion solo with symphony orchestra. Full details at: Gary

These new works can also be used for the "Teachers - Win a trip to New Zealand" competition. Full information at:

Other Margarita duets are:
ED0051 - Margarita - accordion duet
ED0052 - Margarita - accordion & flute
ED0053 - Margarita Revisited - accordion solo & piano accompaniment
ED0054 - Margarita - accordion & soprano saxophone Bb
ED0055 - Margarita - accordion & viola
ED0056 - Margarita - accordion & violin


Inspirational Quote from Willie Nelson - USA

Willie Nelson quote
Popular Willie Nelson, American musician, actor, and activist, wrote his first song at age seven and joined his first band at ten. A friend was visiting a restaurant recently and saw this inspirational quote on the wall.

The accordion is such a great group instrument, with other accordions or any other instruments and the fun of making music together is universal. Thank you to Willie Nelson for this nice musical quote.


Будущие события

International Festival of Torres Vedras - Portugal

The International Festival of Torres Vedras is currently underway and will run until November 9th. The festival features a variety of accordionists and bands, wine tasting, cheese and traditional sweets.

Program as follows:

November 8th: Janusz Prusinowski Trio (Poland – picture above right) at Theater-Cine in Torres Vedras. This trio are part of the revival of popular Polish music.
November 8th: Bianca (picture above left) at the Agricultural Professional School Fernando Barros Leal, Runa

November 9th: solo accordionist Ruben Alves at Promar, Porto Novo
November 9th: solo accordionist Rodrigp Mauricio at Noah Surf House, Santa Cruz
November 9th: João Carlos & Ricardo Abreu at Taskinha Chef, Torres Vedras
November 9th: Solo accordionist Tino Costa at Municipal Market Campelos, Campelos
November 9th: Solo accordionist John Castro at Agrarian Association Culture Recreation Bonabal, Bonabal

The festival will conclude with a concert entitled “Hidden Dances” at the Theater-Cine in Torres Vedras on November 9th from 9.30pm. The concert is a celebration of 30 years of contemporary Portuguese music. Accordion quartet Artur Fernandes, Filipe Ricardo, Filipe Cal and Francisco Miguel will entertain at this concert.

Their program includes chamber music, Tango Nuevo and other urban traditional music.

For details email: teatro.cine@cm-tvedras.pt


Jelena Milojevic at “Tango del Cielo”, Vancouver - Canada

Tango poster
Accordionist Jelena Milojevic will perform at “Tango del Cielo” (Tango of Heaven) held at the Grosvenor Theatre, Kay Meek Arts Centre in Vancouver, BC, on November 9th at 7.30pm.

The event, which is presented by BC Accordion and Tango Society will take attendees on a journey into the world of tango like you've never done before! Imagine sultry tango and flair of flamenco, mixed with hip Latin-jazz and nostalgic swing-era melodies, add a dash of art and film on a multi-media stage, and voila – enjoy a show full of surprises called Tango Del Cielo.

Jelena Milojevic joins the performance as a special guest along with Anna Maria Mendieta (harp), strings, percussion and exhilarating dance.

See poster for further details


Maugein Exhibits at Dubai Design Week – United Arab Emirates

Dubai logo
Held under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture & Arts Authority, the Dubai Design Week, may be the largest creative festival in the Middle East will be held this month.

The six-day program from November 11th to 16th covers a range of design disciplines including architecture, product design, interiors, multimedia and graphic design, with the majority of events being free to attend and accessible for both industry and public.

Last year over 75,000 visitors attended the event which included design-related events, exhibitions, performances, awards, talks, workshops and experiences.

This year’s exhibitors include Maugein Accordion Manufacturers (France) who will display instruments from their Padam collection.


Ludovic Beier Performs at 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival – USA

Video 1:
Video 2
Ludovic BierVideo 1: Brazilian Love Affair (G. Duke)
Tribute to George Duke / Accordion, Live In Studio 2019 SESSIONS
"Thank you George for your great inspiration..."

Video 2:Django Reinhardt NY Fest at Birdland + special guest Stéphane Séva
June,27, 2015 New York , Birdland jazz Club Django Reinhardt NY Fest featuring Django Festival Allstars: Samson Schmitt (guitar) with Ludovic Beier (accordion) Pierre Blanchard (violin) Douodu Cuillerier (guitar) Brain Torff (Bass) + special guest Stéphane Séva (Washboard) playing "The Sheik of Araby"

Accordionist Ludovic Beier will perform at the 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival at Birdland Jazz Club, produced by Pat Philips-Stratta and her late partner, conductor Ettore Stratta. The festival, which will run from November 12th to 18th, began in 1999, and has featured many talented musicians over the years who embody the gypsy jazz style of music by the great Django Reinhardt.

Ludovic will be joined by Samson Schmitt (guitar) and Amati Schmitt (guitar), Pierre Blanchard (violin), Francko Mehrstein (rhythm guitar), Gino Roman (bass) and special guests Ken Peplowski, Tim Ries, Joel Frahm, Grace Kelly and Roger Kellaway.

Ludovic performs on the French and European scene with some of the top players of the Django/Swing Jazz style including Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt and Florin Niculescu.

For details email: patmusic2@gmail.com


Sergey Osokin in Seoul this Month - South Korea

Sergey Osokin
Accordionist Sergey Osokin will visit South Korea from November 14th to 18th giving a series of concerts and masterclasses in Seoul, organized by the Lifemusic Association President Jeon Doo Hwan and Artistic Director Alexander Sheykin.

On November 16th Sergey will hold individual lessons and a group masterclass featuring special individual practice techniques as well as a lecture entitled “How to be a Classical & Jazz Accordionist in One”. This will be held at 118 Beodeul-ro, Wonseong 2(i)-dong, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do from 10am to 3pm.

On November 17th a South Korean accordionists concert will be held, featuring Sergey as special guest at the Cheonan Arts Center at 3pm. Sergey’s program will include his own arrangements of Kurt Weill’s “Mack the knife”, Richard Galliano's “Fou rire” and Meccano’s “Hijo de la Luna”.

For details email: jdhjdh66@hanmail.net
CD's available online at: Sergey Osokin


18th Huellas de Tradición Festival in Lavalleja - Uruguay

The 18th annual Huellas de Tradición Festival (Festival of Footprints) will take place in Lavalleja Village, Salta Uruguay from November 15th to 17th. The event is a Creole festival of horse riders, in which there will be exhibitions, parades, activities & demonstrations with cattle and horses, a stage set up for artistic and musical performances and a final festival dance.

Folklore band “Fuelles Salteños” will entertain at this festival on November 15th. The band consists of vocalists Caterin Zaz & Vanessa Zaz, accordionists Elida Rusconi, Walter Olhausen & Carlos Seyañes, Federico Zacarias (bass), Franco Nuñez (guitar) and Miguel Acosta (drums).

Their program will include folk music such as Kilometer 11, La Ariscona, Yaguatirica, Le Dentradora as well as some Uruguayan cumbias (dance music).

See poster for further details.
Fuelles band


Accordion Pops Orchestra Annual Christmas Concert, New Jersey – USA

Accordion Pops posterThe Accordion Pops Orchestra conducted by Al Terzo will present their 49th annual Christmas concert on November 17th at 3pm at Conlon Hall Auditorium, St. John the Evangelist Church in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

The largest professional accordion orchestra of its kind on the East Coast, the group consists entirely of accordions plus percussion instruments. In addition, the orchestra often accompanies guest soloists including pianists and vocal artists.

For further information email: webmaster@accordionpops.com


"Carmen in 40 Minutes", London - England

Carmen eventRomano V“Carmen in 40 Minutes” will be held at the Royal Opera House, Linbury Theatre Foyer, Covent Garden in London on November 17th.

This ROH Late event will feature two performances of a shortened version of Carmen arranged for piano, accordion and violin, telling the story of how Carmen and Don José fall in love and end up in a state of despair. The arrangement includes the famous Habanera, Flower Song and heart-breaking finale.

Accordionist Romano Viazzani (picture above right) will be joined by Alexander James Edwards (tenor), Marie Elliott (mezzo-soprano), Philippa Mo (violin) and Elizabeth Rowe (piano).

For details phone: +44 (0)20 7304 4000


Final 2019 CNIMA Christmas Accordion Courses – France

CNIMA logo
CNIMAThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold two final holiday workshops for 2019 in December as follows:

Five day course from December 27th to 31st
2½ day course from December 27th to 29th

Tutors Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix will focus on Jacques Mornet's method, which enables the student to work efficiently on any problem whether related to rhythm, technique or musicality. This allows each student to reveal their real potential, opening the path of musicality.

Each course will include group lessons (work on body positions and use of joints, phrasing and bellows) as well as individual lessons.

A video (not compulsory for adults) will be shot at the beginning and the end of the workshops. There will be a de-briefing at the end of the workshops and each student will receive a personal evaluation.

A final student’s concert (not compulsory for adults) will be held on December 30th.

For further details and registrations email: cnima@wanadoo.fr
CNIMA Xmas logo


Closing Dates for 23rd Annual Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - UK

Clyde JohnstonThe 23rd Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships will be held in the Loughshore Hotel, Carrickfergus on February 22nd, 2020 from 9am organised by Clyde Johnston (picture right).

A Prize Presentation will take place at a Gala Concert and Ceilidh Dance on the Saturday night in the Hotel. There will also be a 'Free & Easy' concert on the Friday night (February 21st) from 8pm featuring top accordionists from the UK and Ireland.

The 2019 22nd Championships held earlier this year attracted a huge entry and early indications suggest this could be surpassed in 2020 with competitors from England, Scotland and the Irish Republic as well as a strong local entry.

The event caters for all types of accordion music with Solo, Duet, Group, Orchestral and Marching Band Sections suitable for all ages and grades and ranging in styles from classical and continental to traditional. It promises to be a musical feast with three halls in use all day.

The Championships are run under the rules of the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) and are a qualifying heat for the 2020 UK Championships held in Liverpool, England. This means that any UK resident who competes in an NAO Section at the Championships will have qualified to compete in the relevant Section of the UK Championships.

In addition to the NAO Sections a number of non-NAO sections have been introduced including Irish Traditional and introduced for the first time earlier this year, Jimmy Shand & Shand Morino sections.

The closing date for entries is 31st December 2019.

For details email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Video: Stas Venglevski Performs Ice Meadow, Las Vegas - USA

Stas VenglevskiVideo: Ice Meadow now available in pdf format, composed and performed by Stas Venglevski.

Stas Venglevski performs Ice Meadow at the recent Las Vegas International Accordion Convention. The work is available in pdf format able to be emailed to you.

Catalog: vstas062 Ice Meadow View a sample page of the music, US$6 or Euro equivalent sent to your email. Daily Reports, pictures and video at: 2019LasVegas


Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association Inc (NZAA) header
The New Zealand Accordion Association has changed the registered office address and phone number.

The Prospectus (rules and entry information) will be published by 1st December for the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival being held Saturday 30 May and Sunday 31 May 2020.


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