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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Mar-2019
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Особенности Highlights

Международный Конгресс Аккордеонистов (CIA) Зимний Конгресс - Эстония
Обновленная информация о Coupe Mondiale от конгресса CIA - Эстония
Национальный фестиваль польки в Эннисе, штат Техас - США
Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (НАА), Техас, США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Sasko Velkov - Majestic Accordion (Official Video 2019) - Macedonia
Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA
NAO Thames Area Festival & Competition - UK
Kokatahi Band 108 Years Old, Hokitika – New Zealand
Accordionist Entertains at Café do Margs - Brazil
World Accordion Day Performance - USA
Successful First 2019 Concert for Reunion Island Orchestra
Accordion Babes 2020 Calendar - Art Deadline Extension

Будущие события

Benefit Concert for Japanese Tsunami Victims - Germany
Melbourne Taranta Festival – Australia
Popular Duo Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham Spring Tour 2019 - UK
Accordionist Marko Kassl Performs in New Ballet – Germany
Folk Accordion Week – England
CNIMA Tango Passion Workshop - France
Foster & Allen Australian Tour 2019
Accordionist Entertains at Magic Training Course – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia
New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

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Особенности Highlights

Международный Конгресс Аккордеонистов (CIA) Зимний Конгресс - Эстония

CIA Winter Congress
CIA Winter concertС 1 по 3 марта в Таллине, Эстония, состоялся Зимний Конгресс Международной федерации аккордеонистов (CIA) 2019 года, организованный Eesti Akordioniliit. Фотография выше Генерального секретаря Киммо Маттила.

Мероприятие включало в себя заседания Исполнительного и Музыкального комитета CIA, 141-ю Генеральную ассамблею делегатов, концерт в ратуше Таллина, концерт в Хопнери Майя и заключительное заседание. У участников также было немного свободного времени для посещения достопримечательностей, чтобы насладиться Эстонской зимой.

Особая благодарность Eesti Akordioniliit и ее лидерам и делегатам Айви Тилк, Кристел Лаас, Сирье Мыттус, Хели Райтар, Марит Сукк, Тийна Вялья и Микк Лангепрун, которые принимают 141-ю Генеральную Ассамблею.

Конгресс был хорошо организован и полон творческих дискуссий. Также спасибо Тийт Каллусте, Виллу Вески, Кульно Мальва, Каспар Ульяс и Изабель Бермехо.

Многие фотографии на: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ctqv1dwrznoab16/AABCZkiEgvSV004HN7l6OMZ8a?dl=0
CIA Winter C


Обновленная информация о Coupe Mondiale от конгресса CIA - Эстония

2019 Coupe Mondiale
Coupe Mondiale Subsidy72-й Coupe Mondiale пройдет с 12 по 17 августа 2019 года в Шэньчжэне, Китай, под эгидой аккордеонной ассоциации Ассоциации китайских музыкантов (CAA). Президент Li Cong его Организационный комитет (фото ниже) приглашают всех насладиться знаменитым китайским гостеприимством и прекрасной музыкой в современном здании музыкальной долины Сисян в Шэньчжэне.

На зимнем Конгрессе CIA в Таллине, Эстония, делегат Китая Crystal Wang сделала 24-страничную цветную презентацию: 2019CMPresentation.pdf

и сообщили:

1. Подтверждение 16 января 2019 встреча с Отделом пропаганды Bo'an района, что 2019 Coupe Mondiale находится в списке культурных проектов, поддерживаемых правительством.

2. Около 130 китайских конкурсантов после отбора будут соревноваться в 7 Coupe

Категории Mondiale.

3. 130 китайских конкурсантов плюс мировые конкурсанты будут означать новый рекорд купе

Записи Mondiale.

4. На открытии выступят приглашенные артисты: оркестр аккордеонистов Байди, китайские аккордеонисты Цзюньхао Мао, Тан Цзялян и победитель 2018 Кубка мира Раду Ратой (Литва).

5. На других концертах выступят молодые китайские аккордеонисты, группы и юные любители аккордеона.

6. Концерт World Accordion Orchestra: информация будет доступна онлайн в ближайшее время для желающих подать заявку на участие.

7. Президент CIA Мирко Патарини приглашает конкурсантов из всех стран представить свои заявки и высоко оценил щедрое спонсорство правительства Китая/Шэньчжэня, которое предоставило возможность присудить 50 конкурсантам субсидии на авиабилеты и бесплатный номер и питание. Заявки на субсидии должны быть получены до 15 марта 2019 года, поэтому подайте заявку сегодня!!

Заявки принимают до - 30 июня 2019 года. Система онлайн запись теперь открыта для записи на 72-й Кубок мира с 2019 общего конкурса Правила: 2019CM-Rules
2019 Coupe Mondiale Organising Committee


Национальный фестиваль польки в Эннисе, штат Техас - США

National Polka Festival
В Мемориальные выходные, 24-26 мая 2019 года, проходит национальный фестиваль польки в Эннисе, штат Техас.

Национальный фестиваль польки приглашает всех желающих помочь отпраздновать 53 замечательных года чешского наследия с пятницы по воскресенье. Проводимый ежегодно Национальный фестиваль польки предлагает множество развлечений для всей семьи в атмосфере маленького города.

В субботу утром в центре города начнутся мероприятия, группы и красочные костюмы. Парад традиционно включает в себя развлечения для посетителей всех возрастов.

Вы почувствуете наши традиции, религиозные обычаи, танцы, вкусы, достопримечательности, звуки и «немного чешских земель» в наших трех просторных залах с кондиционерами.

Наслаждайтесь уик-эндом танцев в польку, чешских блюд и 13 сенсационных живых польских групп, включая Brave Combo, удостоенную премии Грэмми. Присоединяйтесь к нам!
National Polka Festival


Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (НАА), Техас, США

Lionel Reekie, Jane Christison,Norman Seaton
Rita Barnea, Norman SeatonКонвенция NAA находится в стадии реализации, и AccordionUSA News будет иметь полный отчет ежемесячных новостей 1 апреля.

На снимке выше изображены Лайонел Рики, Джейн Кристисон и президент НАА Норман Ситон.

Справа - фотография редактора новостей AccordionUSA Риты Барни и Нормана Ситона.

Картинка ниже (слева направо) Майк Солоуэй, Кори Песатуро, Эдди Монтейро, Джо Натоли, Рита Барни.
Mike Soloway, Cory Pesaturo, Eddie Monteiro, Joe Natoli, Rita Barnea.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Sasko Velkov - Majestic Accordion (Official Video 2019) - Macedonia

Video of Sasko Velkov performing his own composition Majestic Accordion
- Music and Arrangement : Sasko Velkov
- Mastering: Ljupco Sokolovski - City Sound Skopje
- Video: Stole Stoilov - Fly Video Production


Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC)
The Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) takes place from June 20-23, 2019.

See Doris Osgood’s link to “It’s Time to Prepare for Leavenworth” The 26th anniversary of the Leavenworth Accordion Celebration looks to be one of the best events ever. Note the outstanding line up of professional performers. The variety of music will showcase the versatility of the accordion. Link: 2019LeavenworthArticle.pdf


NAO Thames Area Festival & Competition - UK

NAO PosterThe National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) Thames Area Festival and competition was held on February 23rd at St Andrews Church Centre, Ealing, London. Festival organiser was Alison Worthington.

The competition included solo, duet and group categories. The London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra scored top marks in the Intermediate Orchestra section (picture below), and won the Bridget Cumiskey Memorial Cup for the highest mark.

The James Mullally Cup for Outstanding Performance was award to Cairan Gilligan. This cup was donated by members of the London Accordion Orchestra in his memory. In recognition for an Outstanding Performance it is hoped that it will continue not just James’ love of music but also his wish to encourage people to play the accordion.

This Area Festival is a qualifying stage for the 70th Anniversary Celebration NAO UK Championships 2019, which will again take place at The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, from April 26th to 28th.
London Orchestra


Kokatahi Band 108 Years Old, Hokitika – New Zealand

Kokatahi Band
Kokatahi Band logoThe Kokatahi Band from Hokitika on the West Coast of New Zealand celebrates its 108th anniversary this year. When first formed, the band followed the principle that they should only use instruments that were commonly available in the early years of the 20th century.

Now, one hundred years on, the band is still pumping out the tunes on an eclectic mix of instruments including the accordion. Members come from as far afield as Invercargill (at the bottom of the South Island) and Ashburton to don the colours and clothes of what people wore from the gold fields in 1910, and get the crowds singing.


Accordionist Entertains at Café do Margs - Brazil

Fernando AvilaBrazilian accordionist Fernando Avila entertained diners at the Café do Margs, Praca Da Alfandega in Porto Alegre, Brazil on March 2nd. His program included his own compositions, some of which have been recorded on his CD “A Lua de Santiago”.

In addition Fernando played a mix of Latin American popular music, tango, milonga, chamame, baião as well as some French waltzes and pieces by Frank Marocco including “Take Ten” and “Cynthia”.


World Accordion Day Performance - USA

Henry DoktorskiAccordionist Henry Doktorski III has been invited to the World Accordion Day and Dr. Willard A. Palmer Festival at A World of Accordions Museum in Superior Wisconsin on May 4th and 5th.

Henry will present a 45-minute lecture/recital on the two great pioneer Italian-American piano accordionists - Guido and Pietro Deiro. Henry is honored to share the two-day program with great musicians such as Joan Sommers, Kevin Friedrich, Stas Venglevsi, Mary Tokarski, Murl Allen Sanders, Betty Jo Simon, Paul Vargason, Mike Middleton, Aydar Salahov, Jane Christison, and the UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble.


Successful First 2019 Concert for Reunion Island Orchestra

The Polyphonia Orchestra conducted by Pierre Varo performed its first 2019 concert at Hôtels de la chaîne Exsel, St Gilles, Reunion Island. Pierre Varo is the Director at Association Ensembles Pour La Musique, Professor of the accordion at Ecole de Musique de Saint Andre and Art Director at Orchestre Polyphonia. The orchestra consists of accordions, violins, flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, euphonium, keyboards, percussionists and vocalists all aged between 12 and 18 years, who give 25 concerts each year on Réunion Island.

The successful 2 hour concert included a variety of light classical music, international music, film music, Latin music, jazz and traditional music.

This ensemble is currently preparing for a musical tour which will take place in 6 states of the West Coast of the United States and an International accordion competition in Los Angeles from July 19th to August 12th 2020.
Reunion Island Orchestra


Accordion Babes 2020 Calendar - Art Deadline Extension

The deadline for photos for the 2020 Accordion Babes calendar has now been extended to April 14th, 2019. The calendar is currently half full, so there are 6 further places available. The theme for 2020 is: Women of the Future: or: An Instrument Beyond Time. As always, the theme is flexible. The print date will be June 1st, 2019.

For further information email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com

Pictured below is Sapo, of Montreal, Canada who is Miss February 2019.
2019 calender


Будущие события

Benefit Concert for Japanese Tsunami Victims - Germany

Andreas and Naoko Nebl
bassoonNaoko & Andreas Nebl (picture above) will take part in a benefit concert at Bundesakademie, Hugo-Herrmann-Str. 22 in Trossingen, Germany on March 11th at 7pm. The concert is for the tsunami victims in Kamaishi, Iwate, Japan.

They will perform with Professor Akio Koyama on bassoon (picture right). Works include Amasia (Laurent Boutros) and Libertango (Astor Piazzolla).

Other performers include vocalists Yuko Koyama, Aya Koyama, Elias Schneider (bassoon), Imai-Stastny Sonoko (violin), Holger Spegg (piano) and piano duo Shoko Hayashizaki & Michael Hagemann.

For concert details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Melbourne Taranta Festival – Australia

Canzoniere Grecanico SalentinoVardos TrioThe “Vardos Trio” will be supporting seven piece band “Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino” (from Salento, Italy - picture above) at the Melbourne Taranta Festival in the Thornbury Theatre, Thornbury, Melbourne, Victoria on March 15th. As well as traditional Pugliese food stalls and Italian wines, attendees will enjoy a variety of music from both groups. The Vardos Trio (picture right) play a variety of Gypsy and folk music.

“Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino” (which includes accordionist Massimiliano Morabito) are exponents in a new wave of young performers re-inventing Southern Italy’s Pizzica musical and dance traditions. The group are said to “make an audience shimmy with the energy of the ancient ritual of pizzica tarantata, said to cure the taranta spider’s bite with its frenzied trance dances.” They also play music by global artists Ballake Sissoko, Ibrahim Maalouf & Piers Faccini, contemporary classical composers Ludovico Einaudi, and pop mavericks Stewart Copeland of The Police.

For further details email: neilwedd@thethornburytheatre.com


Popular Duo Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham Spring Tour 2019 - UK

Popular duo Aly Bain (violin) & Phil Cunningham (accordion) will tour the UK this month beginning at the Coronation Hall in Ulverston on March 15th and finishing at the Masham Town Hall on March 30th.

Aly and Phil have become a national institution with their mastery of violin and accordion, bringing popular traditional Scottish/Celtic music to venues across the country. Individually they pursue other ventures in performance, television and education but it is when they tour together that they truly shine with over quarter of a century of well honed skills and hilarious banter delighting audiences.

See Poster below for concert details.
Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham Poster


Accordionist Marko Kassl Performs in New Ballet – Germany

Marko KasslAccordionist Marko Kassl will perform in “Ein Sommernachtstraum” a new ballet by Bridget Breiner which will be held in the Music Theaterkasse, Kennedyplatz in Gelsenkirchen from 31st March.

The ballet is based on Shakespeare's classic "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Breiner uses ballet music by Mendelssohn as well as compositions by Claudio Jacomucci, Uroš Rojko, Alessandro Sbordoni, Antonio Correa and Duke Ellington.

Marko Kassl will perform live as a soloist and also in duo with pianist Annette Reifig. Marko is a teacher at the Detmold Academy of Music and also takes an accordion class at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He has given many concerts as a soloist and in “Duo Mares” (picture right) in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Slovenia and Luxembourg.

The premiere of the ballet will be held on March 31st with further performances on April 5th, April 28th, May 12th, May 25th, June 16th and June 21st.

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Folk Accordion Week – England

Paul HutchinsonFolk Accordion Week includes an accordion course held from April 5th to 7th at Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire with tutor Paul Hutchinson.

Paul’s style of teaching is relaxed and entertaining, however, he believes that the accordion should be taken more seriously as a beautiful and versatile instrument. His playing is unique in that he uses a lot of sustained left hand notes, block chords, and drones or pedal notes. He enjoys harmony and frequently adds extra lines in the right hand.

His playing is inspired by the sound of the church organ and he is an experienced teacher who loves teaching and enjoys developing the potential of a group or individual to deepen and improve their musicianship.

For details phone: +44 (0)1462 459446


CNIMA Tango Passion Workshop - France

Louise JalluAlain PennecCNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold a Tango Passion workshop with Louise Jallu (picture left) from April 22nd to 27th. Louise will share her tango passion with trainees and offers the course to all instrumentalists passionate about tango (bands, accordion, guitar and strings) to come and work in groups.

During the same week, CNIMA will hold a diatonic and chromatic: Breton and Celtic Music workshop with Alain Pennec (picture right). Alain contributes to the revival of traditional Breton music. Trainees can work with or without sheet music on their instruments.

During these courses there will be an accordion demonstration by Matthew Chaussalet on April 24th as well as concerts and exhibitions throughout the week.

The workshops are aimed at beginners, experienced musicians and even professionals and are open to all ages. Each trainee will have individual and daily group lessons.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Foster & Allen Australian Tour 2019

Foster & AllenPopular duo Foster & Allen (Mick Foster and Tony Allen) will tour Australia from May 1st to June 2nd performing a total of 18 concerts. Mick has a "Foster Special" accordion and was influenced in his music by the well known Jimmy Shand. Tony started playing the accordion after one of his brothers brought him an accordion home from England. His whole life revolves around music, and he enjoys every minute he is entertaining people all over the world.

Tour dates are:

May 1st: Toowoomba, Empire Theatre, Phone - 1 300 655 299
May 2nd: Maryborough, Brolga Theatre, Phone – (07) 4 122 6060
May 3rd: Bundaberg, Moncrieff Entertainment Centre, Phone – (07) 4 130 4100
May 5th: Mackay Entertainment & Convention Centre, Phone – (04) 9 619 777
May 8th: Ipswich Civic Centre, Phone - (07) 3 810 6100
May 11th: Port Macquarie Glasshouse, Phone - (02) 6 581 8888
May 12th: Newcastle, Civic Theatre, Phone – (02) 4 929 1977
May 15th: Dubbo Regional Theatre & Convention Centre, Phone (02) 6 801 4378

May 18th: Griffith Regional Theatre, Phone – (02) 6 962 8444
May 20th: Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Phone – (02) 6 926 9688
May 21st: Canberra Playhouse, Phone - (02) 6 275 2700
May 22nd: Frankston Arts Centre, Phone - (03) 9 784 1 060
May 23rd: Sale, The Wedge Performing Arts Centre, Phone – (03) 5 143 3200
May 25th: Albury, Entertainment Centre, Phone – (02) 6 043 5610
May 26th: Geelong, The Playhouse GPAC, Phone – (03) 5 225 1 200
May 29th: Wollongong, Anita’s Theatre
June 1st: Gold Coast, Home of the Arts, Phone – (07) 5 588 4000
June 2nd: Caloundra, The Events Centre, Phone - (07) 5 491 4240


Accordionist Entertains at Magic Training Course – France

Noton Magic courseAccordionist Jean-Louis Noton will entertain at a magic training course as “Noton Fire Musician Musical Companion” to be held from July 17th to 24th at the Hotel des Sapins, Col de La Croix Fry in Manigod, France.

The event will include training on the secrets of magic, the mysteries of manipulation and general magic skills with “Alpha” (picture right), a professor of magic at the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts in Paris. The course is suitable for all age groups.

For information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Music sampleFranco CambareriThree new compositions by Franco Cambareri of Australia have been released.

cfranco241 - Fantasia Lunatica
cfranco242 - Nostalgic Moments
cfranco243 - Triste Autunno

View sample page online, pdf format music sent to purchaser by email.


New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing
Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW952 Clown in a Pickle
DW953 Horseplay

Two weeks previously, Douglas Ward released:
DW950 Backstage Waltz
DW951 Conundrum

Douglas Ward is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing Douglas Ward. Sample music pages online. Purchase with credit card online.


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