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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Feb-2013
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Особенности Highlights

III Международный конкурс ансамблей “Terem Crossover”, Санкт-Петербург – Россия
Новый конкурс “AccordionVideo 2013”, Кастельфидардо – Италия
День украинского баяна и аккордеона – Украина
Мика Вяйрюнен (Mika Väyrynen) исполнит концерт ‘Prophecy’ («Пророчество») с оркестром Sinfonia Lahti – Финляндия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Trio Voronezh "Two step" A. Zigankov
Resurgence of the Accordina, Bords - France
Video: Comedy Accordion, Moscow - Russia
Video: Bartosz Glowacki at Regent Hall, London - UK
Video: Extreme Bellows, Group Di Gojim Performs Makedonsko oro - Netherlands
‘14 Years Ago’ – New feature: Celebrity Interviews

Будущие события

Håvard Svendsrud Sixth Accordion Concert in the Oslo Konserthus - Norway
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Győr – Hungary
Romano Viazzani Diary Dates, London – UK
2013 AAA Master Class and Concert Series, July 26-28, New York - USA
Buckwheat Zydeco Tour Dates – USA
CT Tango Ensemble Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa
Gala D’Accordéon Danse, Sciez – France
Paul Chamberlain @ Stockport Accordion Club and on Radio 3 Live - UK
Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak Concert, Paris – France
Accordeon Club de Riom’s 30th anniversary, Riom – France
Milos Milivojevic, Upcoming Concerts, February - UK
Ludo Mariën Concerts, Leuven – Belgium
International Accordion Competition, Ostrava - Czech Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano releasing CDs
Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album
Gary Dahl Music eBooks Now Released - USA
'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA

CD Отзывы

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Особенности Highlights

III Международный конкурс ансамблей “Terem Crossover”, Санкт-Петербург – Россия

Terem Crossover
III Международный музыкальный конкурс Terem Crossover пройдет с 7 по 13 октября в Санкт-Петербурге. Основателем конкурса является Музыкальное Общество «Друзья Терем-квартета». Конкурс проводится при поддержке Комитета по культуре Правительства Санкт-Петербурга.

Terem Crossover – это конкурс для музыкальных групп от 2 до 7 человек, в составе которых могут быть любые музыкальные инструменты и музыканты любых национальностей. Вокал допускается при условии его трактовки в качестве музыкального инструмента.

Первый отборочный тур проходит по видеозаписям. Лауреаты конкурса станут обладателями внушительных денежных призов: ансамбль-победитель получит 500.000 рублей (около US$16,500), лауреат 2 премии – 300.000 рублей (около US$10,000) и лауреат 3 премии – 150.000 рублей (около US$5,000). Последний день приема заявок 30 июня 2013 года.

Правила и условия на: 2013Terem

На фото ниже музыканты «Терем-Квартета», которые в этом году отмечают 25 лет совместной творческой деятельности, получившей признание во всем мире.


Новый конкурс “AccordionVideo 2013”, Кастельфидардо – Италия

2013 Castelfidardo Rules and Regulations38 международный аккордеонный фестиваль пройдет в Кастельфидардо, Анкона, с 20 по 22 сентября. В этом году в рамках фестиваля пройдет празднование 150-летия образования в Кастельфидардо первой аккордеонной фабрики, основанной Паоло Сопрани (Paolo Soprani).

Фестиваль включает в себя новую специальную категорию «AccordionVideo 2013» для неопубликованных видео или видео, опубликованных на веб-сайтах, посвященных аккордеону и выпущенных профессионалами или любителями в период январь - июль 2013 года.

Спонсором новой категории выступила “Italcinte”, директор Бенжамино Буджолакки (Beniamino Bugiolacchi).

Темой 5-минутного видео должна быть роль аккордеона в мире музыки или шоу-бизнеса в целом. Прием видео заканчивается 30 августа.

Вы можете скачать буклет с правилами и условиями с подробным описанием этой новой категории, а также других категорий международного конкурса по адресу: 2013castelfidardo


День украинского баяна и аккордеона – Украина

Volodymyr RunchakДобро пожаловать на День Украинского Баяна и Аккордеона! Мы рады объявить об этом международном мероприятии, инициатором и организатором которого выступили Национальный Всеукраинский Музыкальный Союз и Ассоциации Баянистов и Аккордеонистов Украины.

В субботу в Киеве с 12 часов дня и до 9 вечера будет идти нон-стоп концерт. Участники концерта – представители молодого поколения украинских баянистов / аккордеонистов. На той же неделе в разных областных центрах Украины пройдет множество интересных концертов.

Это большое событие, целью которого является возродить искусство баяна и аккордеона в Украине, где эти фантастические инструменты очень важны для сохранения наших традиций, а также подчеркнуть актуальность баяна и аккордеона в XX веке и в современном художественном творчестве.

Ассоциация Баянистов и Аккордеонистов Украины примет участие в серии концертов «Новая музыка в Украине», которая пройдет под руководством профессора Владимира Рунчака (фото слева) в качестве примера высокого искусства нового поколения украинских композиторов.

Видео вверху: баянист Олег Кунтий (Oleh Kuntyi) исполняет сюиту № 1 для баяна В. Рунчака «Портреты композиторов» (в 4 частях):
1.Бахиана – Медитация на тему B-A-C-H
2.Подражание Д. Шостаковичу
3.Около портрета Н. Паганини
4.Посвящение И. Стравинскому


Мика Вяйрюнен (Mika Väyrynen) исполнит концерт ‘Prophecy’ («Пророчество») с оркестром Sinfonia Lahti – Финляндия

Mika VäyrynenИзвестный финский баянист Мика Вяйрюнен исполнит концерт ‘Prophecy’ для баяна/аккордеона и симфонического оркестра с оркестром Sinfonia Lahti под управлением Окко Каму (Okko Kamu). Концерт состоится 7 марта в 19.00 в зале Sibelius Hall, город Лахти.

Мика Вяйрюнен исполнил мировую премьеру этого сочинения композитора Эркки-Свен Туур (Erkki-Sven Tuur) в октябре 2007 года с Филармоническим оркестром Турку, дирижер Олари Ельтс (Olari Elts), в городе Турку, Финляндия.

Видео выше: насладитесь превосходным мастерством Мики Вяйрюнена, исполняющего свои аранжировки “Трех финских народных песен” 23 июля 2011 года. Концерт в Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaca - Claustro D. Afonso VI.

- Небо голубое и белое (посвящается A-J-E)
- Ostrobotnian Polska (памяти...)
- Маленькая народная песня (посвящается Вильи)


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Trio Voronezh "Two step" A. Zigankov

Trio Voronezh "Two step" A. Zigankov performed at a 2012 concert in Florence, Oregon, USA and published 31 January 2013.


Resurgence of the Accordina, Bords - France

AccordinaThe Accordina is a wind and free reed instrument which was invented and built originally in Paris by Andrew Borel in the 1930s and patented in 1943. The instrument did not prove popular at the time however the Accordina is enjoying a resurgence today, especially in Europe and in China.

Jazz musicians such as Richard Galliano, Jacques Bolognesi, Francis Jauvin, and Peter Soave appreciate the instrument for its great expressive qualities, unique sound and light  weight compared to the accordion.

The Accordina combines the sound of a chromatic harmonica with the keyboard of a chromatic accordion and has a range of three and a half octaves (from F – C) with 44 keys. Italian (C) and Russian (B) keyboards are available and the buttons can be coloured black and white, the same as a piano keyboard. Amplified versions are also available although the instrument is easily played through a conventional microphone.

Although jazz is the main style played on the instrument, it is equally suited to tango, Latin American and classical music.

Alan Shute is the UK contact for Joseph Carrel Accordina's and he will be visiting festivals and Box and Fiddle Clubs to promote and demonstrate the instrument.

For further information email: alanms44@yahoo.co.uk


Video: Comedy Accordion, Moscow - Russia


Video: Bartosz Glowacki at Regent Hall, London - UK

Bartosz Glowacki, Polish student at RAM performs Archipelago Gulag 1-4 movements, composed by Victor Vlasov at the Regent Hall, London on 16th December 2012.


Video: Extreme Bellows, Group Di Gojim Performs Makedonsko oro - Netherlands

The Group Di Gojim, Kay Krijnen (accordion), Jaap Mulder (clarinet), Vincent Knaven (drums), Sjaak van drer Reijden (trumpet), Joris van Beek (violin), Eric Roelofsen (tuba).

Check out the extreme bellows of accordionist Kay Krijnen.


‘14 Years Ago’ – New feature: Celebrity Interviews

Friedrich LipsThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 12th 1999 began with an announcement that his website had a new feature, Celebrity Interviews, with Friedrich Lips being the first interviewee.

Celebrity Interviews has continued to the present time, and now has some 63 interviews archived and available at: Celebrity Interviews


Accordions Worldwide will be starting interviews with famous accordionists and accordion personalities and we are giving everyone a unique opportunity to "personally interview" the great personalities of our art. These interviews will be kept permanently on site to form a unique part of the history of the accordion.

The first Interview will be the famous Russian concert artist and teacher Friedrich Lips.

The second interview will be with 95 year old Anthony Galla-Rini.

The Moderator Wallace Liggett is a well known New Zealand accordionist and author of the book "The History of the Accordion In New Zealand".

All interviews can be viewed at: Celebrity Interviews


Будущие события

Håvard Svendsrud Sixth Accordion Concert in the Oslo Konserthus - Norway

Håvard SvendsrudHåvard Svendsrud will perofrm his sixth accordion concert in the prestigious Oslo Konserthus on Saturday 16 February 2013.

In 2013, it fifteen years ago Svendsrud finished his education at the Barratt Due Institute of Music in Oslo, and he has since made his mark as one of the most active and respected accordionists. In February, he also plays in Sweden and Germany.

Håvard Svendsrud has a lot of new repertoire for these concerts.

The first section consists of transcriptions of classical works by JS Bach. The rest of the concert is original works composed for the accordion in the second half of last century. Svendsrud specialty, the virtuosic small pieces, is abundant in the last section of the concert.

In the previous four Oslo Konserthus concerts, Svendsrud had invited guest musicians from Norway, Sweden, France and Russia. This concert features Håvard Svendsrud entirely.

Tickets can be purchased by contacting the Oslo Konserthus.


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Győr – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz March 1st ConcertOn March 1st, 6pm, accordionist Zoltan Orosz and percussionist Horvarth Kornel perform in concert at József Attila Muvelodési Ház, Móra Park 1, Gyor, Hungary.

For further information email: harmonika@harmonika.hu

The artist has 4 CD's available at: Zoltan Orosz


Romano Viazzani Diary Dates, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniAccordionist Romano Viazzani writes as follows about his imminent gigs:

On Friday February 8th, 8pm, I will be playing with Joanna Strand again, this time in a show called ‘Delerium’ at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Dean Street, Soho, London W1D 3RW. This will be much more in the jazz vein and Joanna will be on vocals with myself on accordion, Nick Pini on Bass, Asaf Sirkis on drums, John Bailey on piano, and Yazz Ahmed on trumpet/flugelhorn.

On Saturday February 9th the same Delerium concert will take place at the Pizza Express Jazz Club, 32 Earl St, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1PS.   
If you fancy a little light background accordion and guitar music to accompany your Sunday Lunch I will be playing with guitarist Ray Gallo at the Oxo Tower Brasserie overlooking the Thames between 1pm and 4pm on Sunday February 10th.  This is not a concert but it's a lovely setting and the food is good too. 
On Wednesday February 13th you will hopefully be getting into the mood for St Valentine's Day. If you're in the Bournemouth area ‘Cabaret Verite’ will be back with ‘Soiree Parisienne’ at Highcliffe Castle at 7.30pm with myself, Bethany Jameson, and the gang. 
On March 3rd, 8pm, I will be back at The Pheasantry, King's Road, Chelsea, this time as part of singer-songwriter David Vaughan's ensemble with himself on piano and vocal and clarinettist Daniel Broncano. 

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


2013 AAA Master Class and Concert Series, July 26-28, New York - USA

The Accordion is 3D, No Glasses Required

The American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Master Class and Concert Series celebrate its 19th season on July 26, 27 and 28 at Tenri Cultural Institute,43A West 13th Street, in New York. Master classes are at 3 pm. Concerts at 7 pm.

The title of the Seminars is "The Accordion is 3D-No Glasses Required". The moderator/curator, Dr. William Schimmel projects that it will be the best one yet: intriguing workshops, stellar performances and, most of all, a collegial attitude in its presentation.

Master Classes are at 3:PM. Concerts take place at 7:PM. $20/master class; $25/concert; $40/day includes master class and concert. Or $110/weekend.

Participants come from the local New York area, across the United States as well as China, Japan, Argentina, Croatia and Norway. Guest artists during the weekend include Dr. Schimmel, Dr.Robert Young McMahan, Erica Mancini, Peter Flint, John Foti, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Micki Goodman presenting a new video work, Doug Makofka, Ken Laufer, Paul Stein, Ingrid Kvale, Martina Li, Mayumi Mayaota, Corn Mo, Mary Tokarski, Will Holshouser, Bob Goldberg and The Famous Accordion Orchestra, David Stoler, Art Bailey, Brian Dewan, Melissa Elledge plus more.

For reservations and information:
212-876-0827 (office)
917-498-6823 (cell)


Buckwheat Zydeco Tour Dates – USA

Buckwheat ZydecoBuckwheat Zydeco is on tour in the USA during February, as follows:

February 8th – Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, St Paul, MN
February 10th – Evanston, Illinois
February 15th – Club Café, Pittsburgh, PA
February 20th – Filene Center, Wolf Trap, Vienna, VA
February 21st – with CJ Chenier, Page Auditorium, Duke University, Durham, NC
February 22nd – Isis Music Hall, Asheville, NC
February 24th – Rams Head on Stage, Annapolis, MD
February 26th – World Café at the Queen, Dilmington, DE
February 28th – New Hope Winery, New Hope, PA

Buckwheat Zydeco is the stage name of Stanley Dural, Jr. (born 1947), a leading Zydeco accordionist and band leader. He is one of the few zydeco artists to achieve mainstream success. His band is formally billed as Buckwheat Zydeco and Ils Son Partis Band, but often they perform as merely Buckwheat Zydeco.


CT Tango Ensemble Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa

CT Tango Ensemble
The CT Tango Ensemble perform for a Milonga dance at iKhaya Lodge, Cape Town, on Saturday February 9th, 7.15pm.

7.15 – 8.30 pm - milonga lesson
8.30pm - midnight - Milonga
10pm – performance by Murat Elmadagli and Elif Burcu Celik, Tango teachers from Istanbul, Turkey

The CT Tango Ensemble line-up is Stanislav Angelov (bandoneon, accordion), Willie van Zyl (clarinet, saxophones), Albert Combrink (piano), Dave Ridgway (double bass).


Gala D’Accordéon Danse, Sciez – France

The 2nd Gala D’Accordéon Danse Poster
The 2nd Gala D’Accordéon Danse takes place at the Centre d’Animation, Léman, Sciez, south eastern France, on Saturday February 16th, 7.30pm.

Accordionists performing include: Jean-Marc Torchy, Phil Bouvier, Stephanie Methot, Virginie and Cyril Danrey, and Emilie Demolis. The event is organized by L'Amicale des Sapeurs Pompiers de Sciez and l'Association Promotion Accordéon.


Paul Chamberlain @ Stockport Accordion Club and on Radio 3 Live - UK

Paul ChamberlainOn Wednesday February 13th, 8pm, accordion soloist Paul Chamberlain, from Edinburgh, is the guest at Stockport Accordion Club, Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF. All are welcome.

The Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs) will open the concert.

Paul Chamberlain, a former member of Stockport AC, makes his debut as our guest.

Paul Chamberlain will be appearing on BBC Radio 3's @BBCInTune program with Sean Rafferty on Monday 11th Feb for an interview and live performance!

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
CD and original music at: Paul Chamberlain


Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak Concert, Paris – France

Elwira Sliwkiewicz-CisakThe Association of Polish Artists and Musicians in France presents a accordionist Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak in concert on Wednesday February 13th, 7pm, at the Polish Library, 6 Orléans Avenue, 75004 Paris.

The programme includes: ‘Suite bulgare’ - Viatcheslav Semionov, ‘Asturia d'Isaac’ – Albéniz, ‘Studium III’ - Andrzej Krzanowski, ‘Libertango’ - Astor Piazzolla.

For further information email: e.niemirowicz@bplp.fr


Accordeon Club de Riom’s 30th anniversary, Riom – France

Frédéric LanglaisThe Accordeon Club de Riom celebrate their 30th anniversary with a Gala Dance on Saturday February 16th, 3.30pm, at Riomois à la salle Dumoulin, Riom, western France.

Performing are accordionists Frédéric Langlais, Elodie Soulard, Olivier Coigny, ‘Les doigts tordus’, ‘Piano et bretelles’, and students from the Riomoise school

The club was formed in 1983 by Jean-Claude Venuat from his accordion students.

For further information email: jean-claude.venuat@sfr.fr


Milos Milivojevic, Upcoming Concerts, February - UK

Milos MilivojevicUpcoming Concerts by Milos Milivojevic during February.

9th February
Cadogan Hall, Chelsea, London
Concert with violinist Taro Hakase.
The Japanese star violinist returns to Cadogan Hall for an early Valentine's evening of romantic tangos

14th February
University of Southampton
Workshop and performance with composition department on new works written for the classical accordion.
Lead by Benjamin Oliver and Matthew Shlomowitz.

15th of February. 7pm.
The Guildford Accordion Club,
Performance with Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra. Surrey UK.

17 February, 3.00pm
Solo Recital at The Regis School of Music
46 Sudley Road
Bognor Regis
PO21 1ER
Tel: 01243 866462

19th February, 13:00 - 13:45
Lunchtime concert at the Imperial College London.
Performing works by Angelis, Semenov and Sarasate
Wolfson Lecture Theatre I
Hammersmith Campus

20th February
Kosmos Ensemble performs at the
Rhyl Music Club.
North Wales

27th February
Kosmos Ensemble
Maelor Music Society
Maelor School, Penley, Wrexham, Wales LL13 0LU


Ludo Mariën Concerts, Leuven – Belgium

Ludo MariënAccordionist Ludo Mariën and oboe player Karel Schoofs perform concerts titled ‘Water Music’ on Sunday February 17th, at 2 pm and 4 pm, at the Predikheren Church, Leuven.


International Accordion Competition, Ostrava - Czech Republic

International Accordion Competition, Ostrava logo
The International Accordion Competition for solo players will be held in the city of Ostrava in the Czech Republic for the second time. The competition is organized by the Music School, Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, with the main aim to support interest in accordion music. The competition is open to pupils of music schools, students of school age, and secondary schools with music education.
The International Accordion Competition Ostrava 2013 is open to contestants up to the age of 22 and younger in solo accordion playing. The one-round competition is held from April 18th to 20th 2013 at the Music School, Ostrava-Moravská, with categories according to the contestants age.

Download the rules and regulations: 2013ostrava

For further information email: Halmova.M@seznam.cz


Новые и обновленные сайты

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano releasing CDs

The Jewel Of The Accordion CD coverThe Two Great Pietros CD coverPearl Fawcett-Adriano releasing 3 new CD's titled

'The Jewel Of The Accordion', catalog: pearlcd09,
'The Two Great Pietros', catalog: pearlcd10 and
'Les Melodies Continentales', catalog: pearlcd11

with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano. Purchase online.
Les Melodies Continentales CD cover


Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

Xu XiaonanXu Xiaonan releasing his eTracks Album titled

'Sunrise', catalog: xxu500eT

with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan. Purchase online.


Gary Dahl Music eBooks Now Released - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlUpdated Site: Following on the big success of the Gary Dahl graded specials series of eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email), Gary Dahl has now released three Music eBooks.

Cat No: DH01 Collection #1 Latin Spectacular - 10 titles, Besame Mucho, Amapola, Tico Tico, Brazil, Beyond the Sea, El Cumbanchero, Adios Muchachos, Spanish Eyes, A Day in the Life of a Fool, Amour, over 26 pages of high quality arrangements for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

Cat No: DH02 Collection #2 Favorite French Standards - 10 titles, La Vie en Rose, Les Bicyclettes de Belsize, Moulin Rouge, Clair de Lune, Pigalle, Domino, Michelle, Padam Padam, Under Paris Skies, The River Seine, 32 pages of high quality arrangements for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

Cat No: DH02 Collection #3 The American Songbook - 10 titles, Tenderly, Angel Eyes, Misty, September Song, Moon River, Summertime, Sentimental Journey, Crazy, The Godfather, Autumn Leaves, over 32 pages of music for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

You can view sample pages of the music online (DH01, DH02, DH03) and order from the shopping basket which links to the high security eCommerce site run by Worldpay.com, one of the world's largest internet payment processing systems.

There are nearly 200 arrangements on his MusicForAccordion.com website of Gary Dahl.


'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' book coverThis is an ebook (able to be emailed to you, Acrobat pdf format). John Bonica PT CMP NZRP has released the 2nd Chapter of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. The chapter is titled: 'Learning to Read Your Body's Signals'

John Bonica writes: "This book is exclusively for accordionists, written by an accordionist, about accordion related problems and injuries, based on 50 years of professional clinical experience."

Further information at: John Bonica


CD Отзывы

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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