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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-May-2010
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Заметка редактора
Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию
V Международный Конкурс Баянистов и Аккордеонистов – Москва, Россия
10 Международный Фестиваль Музыки Мира, Инсбрук – Австрия Мировой Музыки
Новый аккордеонный фестиваль, Восточное Сараево – Босния-Герцеговина

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

I фестиваль исполнителей на народных инструментах «Дон-Арт», посвящённый 110-летию Ростовского колледжа искусств
Simone Mannarino Wins Varieté Senior, NAO UK Championships – UK
World Accordion Day in Siauliai - Lithuania
World Accordion Day Live Web Master Class – Lithuania
Angel Luis Castaño´s New Book and Master Classes - Spain
Vivant! and World Accordion Champion Grayson in Exciting Concert, Kansas City - USA
European Forum on Music and EMC Annual Meeting, Vienna – Austria
‘Happy and Romantic Alpine Music’‏ CD, Florida – USA
Andrea Germano performs at 1st of May Concert, Tortora – Italy

Будущие события

‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Larne – Ireland
‘Accordion Fascination’ Concert, Wiesbaden – Germany
Zagorelos 1st CD and Concerts, St.Petersburg – Russia
Stafford Folk Music Day, Staffordshire – UK
Paris-Moscow Concert Dates – Russia, France
Vadim Fyodorov Trio, Innsbruck - Austria
Gorka Hermosa News – Spain
Kimberley International Oldtime Accordion Championships, BC - Canada
Julien Gonzales Coming Performances - France, Madagascar

Новые и обновленные сайты

Mario Tacca releases new music
Gary Dahl release new and updated work
Franck Angelis release new music
NAA Publications New Music Releases
Gary Dahl Releases One New Work

CD Отзывы

Nuevo Mundo Duo

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора

Rob Howard1829 год был ключевым годом для инновационной деятельности. В Великобритании это был год, в который была введена почтовая служба; Сэр Роберт Пиль (Robert Peel) ввел постоянно действующую гражданскую полицию; Джордж Стефенсон (George Stephenson) со своим локомотивом «Ракета» выиграл знаменитые «Рэйнхильские испытания» недалеко от Ливерпуля. В США Уильям А. Берт (William A. Burt) запатентовал пишущую машинку; в Париже впервые прозвучала Увертюра к «Вильгельму Теллю» Россини; команда Оксфордского Университета выиграла первые состязания по гребле. 1829 год был также годом, в котором были запатентованы аккордеон и концертина (в Вене и Лондоне соответственно).

6 мая 1829 Кирилл Дамиан (Cyril Damian - англизированная версия имени Cyrillius Demien, 1772-1847) запатентовал в Вене аккордеон. В 2009 году Международной Конфедерация Аккордеонистов Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), обозначила 6 мая как Всемирный День Аккордеона (World Accordion Day) с целью «объединить усилия в развитии и пропаганды аккордеона».

На официальном сайте мероприятия размещен перечень событий, происходящих во многих странах по случаю Всемирного Дня Аккордеона (World Accordion Day), и мы приветствуем любые дополнения и предложения, связанные с празднованием этой выдающейся даты.

Роб Ховард (Rob Howard), редактор новостей.


Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию

AWW bannerСайт Accordions Worldwide добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей.

Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте Accordions Worldwide.

Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами.


V Международный Конкурс Баянистов и Аккордеонистов – Москва, Россия

Moscow competition title
Herbert Scheibenreif and Friedrich LipsПри участии Федерального агентства по культуре и кинематографии России, Российской академии музыки имени Гнесиных и Фонда Фридриха Липса с 12 по 19 декабря 2010 года в Москве пройдет V Международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов. Этот престижный международный конкурс пройдет в двух основных категориях - Академическая музыка и Эстрадная музыка (Варьете). Категория Варьете появится впервые.

Фридрих Липс (Friedrich Lips) и Херберт Шайбенряйф (Herbert Scheibenreif) стали авторами сайта на английском языке, который содержит полные требования к программе конкурса и информацию для участников, включая анкеты для участников. Заявки принимаются до 25 сентября 2010 года. 2010 V International.

Полная версия конкурсных правил, содержащая все условия соревнования, будет размещена в сети в ближайшее время.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: 7712838@gmail.com


10 Международный Фестиваль Музыки Мира, Инсбрук – Австрия Мировой Музыки

World Music Festival, Innsbruck logo
В этом году Международный Фестиваль Музыки Мира предлагает на выбор такое количество музыкальных мероприятий, что трудно выбрать, куда же пойти. Фестиваль начинается с конкурса, прослушивания которого пройдут в пятницу и субботу 14 и 15 мая в залах Ратуши, Консерватории, а также в залах Hall Tyrol, Dogana Hall, Hall Innsbruck, Hall Brussel, the Convention Center и Raiffeisen halls. Вечерний Гала-концерт с участием оркестра аккордеонов Untergrombach и Фестивального оркестра состоится в зале Hall Tirol. Параллельно с этим в зале Hall Innsbruck пройдет международный концерт оркестров Accordeonova из Дании и Alphen Opus II из Нидерландов, а в зале Dogana Hall выступит польский коллектив, обладатель международных наград, ансамбль Motion Trio.

В субботу во время «Ночи Наций» во всех частях конференц-центре пройдет множество музыкальных событий, включая выступления ансамбля Quadro Nuevo, оркестра Hohner, первого аккордеонного оркестра Cologne Accordion Orchestra, оркестра аккордеонистов из Нюрнберга, коллектива Ars Harmoniae из Австрии, швейцарского аккордеонного оркестра, трио Вадима Федорова (www.accordions.com/duetfedorov) из Исландии и Кристины Шмид (Christine Schmid), которое пройдет в виде музыкального кабаре.

Константин Ищенко, победитель многочисленных международных конкурсов, подлинный мастер игры на баяне, стал центром внимания на официальной пресс-конференции на съезде 6 мая.


Новый аккордеонный фестиваль, Восточное Сараево – Босния-Герцеговина

Bosnia posterС 28 апреля по 1 мая в Восточном Сараево, Босния и Герцеговина, прошел Первый Международный Аккордеонный Фестиваль, организованный Музыкальной Академией Восточного Сараево. Это ежегодное мероприятие с самого начала стало одним из самых важных фестивалей аккордеона в этом регионе. Организатор и художественный руководитель фестиваля – профессор Зоран Ракич (Zoran Rakic), декан Академии. Фестиваль прошел при поддержке Министерства Культуры и Образования Сербской Республики, многих радио и телевизионных каналов, а также множества компаний из Боснии и итальянских производителей аккордеонов, таких, как Pigini, Ballone Burini, Mengascini Nello, Cagnoni.

В Академии Музыки был проведен конкурс в 9 категориях. В нем приняли участие более 160 исполнителей, 14 членов жюри. Призовой фонд составил 2000 евро. Среди участников были лучшие юные музыканты из Сербии, Боснии, Македонии и Черногории, показавшие высокий уровень исполнительского мастерства. Гостем фестиваля в этом году стал известный русский композитор Евгений Дербенко, который представил свои новые произведения для детей и для исполнителей всех возрастов. Вечерние программы включали концерты известного ансамбля "Beltango” из Белграда – событие, привлекшее большое внимание как зрителей, так и средств массовой информации. А также сольный концерт молодого музыканта из Крагуеваца Александра Анджековича (Aleksandar Andjekovic ), лауреата нескольких престижных конкурсов аккордеонистов. Все вечерние концерты прошли в элегантном помещении нового бизнес-центра «Том».


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

I фестиваль исполнителей на народных инструментах «Дон-Арт», посвящённый 110-летию Ростовского колледжа искусств

Yuri ShishkinViatcheslav Semionov11 апреля 2010 года в Ростовском колледже искусств состоялся I фестиваль исполнителей на народных инструментах «Дон-Арт», посвящённый 110-летию знаменитого музыкального заведения. Здесь получили своё первое профессиональное музыкальное образование всемирноизвестные музыканты Вячеслав Семенов (Viatcheslav Semionov), Юрий Шишкин (Yuri Shishkin), Владимир Ушенин, Владимир Колонтаев и многие другие. В фестивале участвовало свыше 300 человек из разных городов Ростовской области и Краснодарского края исполнителей на баяне, аккордеоне, домре, балалайке, гитаре и ансамбли различных составов. Такие музыкаль¬ные праздники позволяют выявить одаренных юных музыкантов и дать им мощный импульс для дальнейшего профессионального развития. В течении дня 8 составов жюри из педагогов колледжа прослушало участников четырёх категорий и выбрало лучших исполнителей для участия в галла-концерте. Жюри стало свидетелями высокого уровня ис¬полнительского мастерства юных музыкантов:
1. Матвей Левашов (баян) посёлок Рассвет, преподаватель Л.И. Ераксина
2. Филипп Гагалаян (баян) г.Ростов-на-Дону, преподаватель Лёвин Е.В,
3. Максим Алёхин (баян) станица Багаевская, преподаватель Торочков С.Н.
4. Кирилл Анисимов (баян) станица Кагальницкая, преподаватель Лебедев О.И.
5. Юрий Орлов (аккордеон) Цимлянский район, преподаватель Сидонская Е.Н.
6. Анастасия Могильная (аккордеон) посёлок Матвеев-Курган, преподаватель Савченко А.И.
7. Алина Матюшенко (аккордеон) г.Ростов-на-Дону, преподаватель Данилова В.И.
8. Исполнители на домре, балалайке, гитаре
В рамках фестиваля прошла методическая конференция, где были представлены презентации школы игры на баяне Г.И.Крыловой и новая нотная и методическая литература профессора РГК им С.В.Рахманинова, кандидата искусствоведческих наук В.В. Ушенина, дискуссия по актуальным вопросам обучения на народных инструментах с ведущими преподавателями области. Особое впечатление на участников конференции произвела демонстрация фильма, составленного преподавателями отделения колледжа «Народные инструменты 21 века», где были собраны интересные выступления исполнителей всего мира на различных инструментах.
Галла-концерт завершило выступление лауреата Конкурса Юга России оркестр русских народных инструментов колледжа искусств под руководством Заслуженного деятеля Всероссийского музыкального общества Г.П.Шишкиной. Участники фестиваля были отмечены грамотами, а преподаватели благодарственными письмами. Всё мероприятие проходило в атмосфере праздника и радости общения. Преподаватели колледжа уверены, что многие сегодняшние конкурсанты станут про¬должателями традиций отделения и будут в авангарде исполни¬тельства на народных инструментах в XXI веке.


Simone Mannarino Wins Varieté Senior, NAO UK Championships – UK

Raymond Bodell and Simone Mannarino
There was great success for Simone Mannarino during the recent NAO UK Championships, a promising young student of the class of modern accordion ‘Voglia D’Arte Academy’, directed by Antonio Spaccarotella. Simon Mannarino was classified winner of the Senior Varietè of this prestigious international competition where he performed a varied program with arrangements and unpublished authors as: (Bouvelle, Ruggieri, Corea).

The event now in its 75th year has been guided under the direction of Raymond Bodell (President Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA), in Blackpool, Lancashire, from April 23rd to 25th. The jury included Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales (France), Antonio Spaccarotella (Italy), Larisa Bodell (UK), and Djordje Gajic (UK).

Simon is currently studying modern accordion, preparing himself for the selection process for the next CIA World Championships, to be held during the Strumenti & Musica Spring Music Festival in Spoleto/Italy.


World Accordion Day in Siauliai - Lithuania

Romas Morkunas and Nerijus Bakula
Martynas Levickis and Tadas MotiieciusOn the 3rd of May in the city of Siauliai, Lithuanian accordionists celebrated an important occasion – World Accordion Day and also gathered for a traditional conference and gala concert.

The Lithuanian Accordionist Association’s Youth section under the guidance of the President Raimondas Sviackevicius, organizes a project ‘Nauji Vejai’ (‘Winds of Change). This was the second ‘Winds of Change’ event.

During the conference, accordionists interacted via internet with famous accordion teacher Frédéric Deschamps and his students from his international accordion school.

The members of LAA Youth section discussed the ideas of creating future opportunities for young accordionists in their country and abroad. This whole day event concluded with a substantial concert in the City Cultural Centre.

The concert included various works by most famous composers and covered many contrasting styles.

The very talented young and already famous and acknowledged Lithuanian accordionists: N. Bakula, A. Mikalkenas, R. Morkunas, A. Pazniokas, R. Erniulis, R. Kardušaite, J. Gecaite, M.Levickis, T. Motiecius, D. Jocius, E. Bartkeviciute, L. Šiukšteris, S. Paulauskas, E. Medelyte, E. Daduraite, A. Sidorenko, M. Vaicekauskas, J. Stonkus, V. Nociute, J. Bezumenko, A. Matuleviciute, L. Vlasenko, M. Berezina were featured on this splendid concert. All of them have won many prizes in the international competitions and participated in the major festivals.

Fans of accordion music are always welcome in Lithuania!
Edita Medelyte and Viktorija Nociute


World Accordion Day Live Web Master Class – Lithuania

Simaunas Paulauskas and Frederic Deschamps
On May 4, Frédéric Deschamps was invited by Raimondas Sviackevicius, President of the "youth" section of the National Association of Lithuanian accordionists and Director at the Accordion Conservatory of Vilnius for a unique Master Class, via the Internet.

At 1:30 pm, students in the class of accordion questioned Frédéric Deschamps about various aspects of pedagogy as it has developed in recent years, the mode of operation with many foreign students, international events that he regularly attends, and also about the various possibilities for development of the instrument's repertoire, its place in the world of music and professional openings available with our instrument in the near future.

The talented Martynas Levickas opened the Master Class session. Martynas also intervened at the end of his Master Class with a series of very pertinent questions about the adaptation of teaching techniques of Frédéric Deschamps for the piano accordion and the latter's interest in chamber music, a large and very interesting subject which should be developed as one of the major ways for the future of our instrument.

Frédéric Deschamps as a teacher and also President of the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) sincerely hopes that this discipline is an integral part of the Trophée Mondial in the near future.

Morkunas Romas, also a student of Raimondas Sviackevicius, interpreted the Divertimento by Kusiakov, followed by another young student, Paulauskas Simaunas interpreting music of André Astier.

These are extremely interesting initiatives using skype/web technology to have an international master class and also permit debate between two countries with such different cultures. Such communications shows the immense future possibilities that modern communications can bring, via this new teaching tool, for the future advancement of accordion teaching.

Petar Maric, a student Frederic Deschamps, performed the world premiere of the new work, "Haiti" by Franck Angelis, to add another exciting dimension to this international sharing of knowledge and music.

Other meetings, master classes and concerts will be organized by Raimondas Sviackevicius during 2010 as well as live concerts via the Internet. The aim is to decentralize, having such activities in small towns so that information is not exclusively reserved for university students in the capital, further enhancing the sharing of knowledge through modern communications.
Frederic Deschamps and Petar Maric


Angel Luis Castaño´s New Book and Master Classes - Spain

Angel Luis Castaño bookLast week Spanish concert accordionist Angel Luis Castaño presented a new book about accordion titled ‘250 accordionists in Castilla La Mancha’ in Cuenca (Spain). This book includes an important Monographic Essay about the accordion (about 100 pages), written by Angel Luis Castaño.

In this Essay he includes information about the evolution, history, presence in the society (popular and classical music), past and present of the instrument, etc, completed by some photos of his own accordion collection.

This book also includes 250 biographies of Spanish accordionists that made their activity in Castilla La Mancha (central region of Spain) and who were active during the years 1950 to 1980. Those biographies have been compiled by J.Jimenez. The book has been edited in Spanish by the Government of Castilla La Mancha and it is available in all Spanish book-shops.

Angel Luis Castaño will again be the Accordion Professor in the 2010 Summer Music Master Classes in Oviedo (Spain), organized by Fundacion Principe de Asturias. The dates of the master classes will be held from July 20th until 31st. As every summer, there will be lectures, concerts, etc...

For more information about the book or the summer master classes, contact Raquel Ruiz, email: raquelru@gmail.com


Vivant! and World Accordion Champion Grayson in Exciting Concert, Kansas City - USA

Grayson Masefield
Vivant! teamed with World Accordion Champion, Grayson Masefield to perform an exciting and interesting program for an appreciative audience recently in Kansas City. For this celebration concert, the festive stage was decorated in turquoise and silver balloons, turquoise being the color of the day.

Masefield took the stage and his energetic presentation and virtuosic passagework wowed the crowd. He shared some interesting tidbits about the works he performed to the delight of the audience.

Vivant! kept things lively by presenting fresh new works and arrangements by their Musical Director, Karen Fremar, while rolling out their new CD, ‘Whatever You Do’. Vivant! is loaded with hot percussion and brass which supports the accordions and a unique blend of interesting electronic sounds on keyboards. Vivant! members include Dee Sligar - bass keyboard, Gail Overly – accordion, Julie Silfverberg - accordion/keyboard, Karen Fremar - accordion/keyboard, Sarrah Cantrell - percussion/mallets/keyboard, and Janne Silfverberg - trombone/percussion. Hannah Cantrell assisted the group as auxiliary percussionist for this concert.

Fremar explained that ‘Sterling Illusions’, a new work for trombone, vibraphone and accordion, was commissioned by group trombonist, Janne Silfverberg, and was premiered the previous week at his senior trombone performance recital. ‘Herricks Road’, the recent work commissioned by the American Accordionists' Association for Faithe Deffner's Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented by Vivant! in a new setting that employed additional percussion, accordion, bass, and keyboard strings and woodwinds.

Following Masefield's variety program segment, Fremar took a few moments to interview him - asking him to share with the audience some of the special aspects of his concert accordion, and also to describe a typical day in his training regimen in France. "We hit the first note at 6 am," Masefield told the astonished audience, "and after a break of a couple of hours for lunch, we practised into the evening, with a lesson at 9 or 10pm each evening." Vivant! then presented Masefield with a Vivant! T-shirt and a Kansas University hat, making him an ‘Honorary Vivanter’, as the crowd erupted into cheers and warm applause.

Both Vivant! and Masefield left their audience enthused and wanting more as they were greeted with several standing ovations and encore requests. The final treat of the afternoon of musical surprises was an impromptu duo of International Entertainment Champions Masefield and Fremar with Vivant! backing them in an electric version of Piazzolla's ‘Libertango

For a complete report, visit the Vivant website or for further information email: vivant@vivantsound.com


European Forum on Music and EMC Annual Meeting, Vienna – Austria

World Forum on Music
The European Forum on Music, held in cooperation by the European Music Council (EMC), the Austrian Music Council and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, April 15th to 18th, was an event that will surely linger in the participants‘ minds for a long time to come. The theme of the forum, itself titled ‘Musical Diversity:

Looking back, Looking forward’, encouraged the delegates, who came from nearly 30 countries, to reflect on how musical diversity had developed over the past decade and how they and their organisations could help shape the future.

Discussions took place regarding the roles that education, the digital environment, the EU 2020 Strategy, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the role that cities have in promoting musical diversity.

Conclusions and recommendations that resulted from these discussions include the idea that the concept of ‘culture impact assessment’ should be introduced, that regulators should have to prove that their measures have positive effects, that EMC members should focus on the field of music education in their activities, that the EMC should play a key role in redefining the UNESCO Roadmap for Arts Education and that advocacy work be governmentally holistic, going beyond the ministries of culture and education.

Apart from the discussions and presentations, the Austrian Music Council and the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, gave delegates the opportunity to experience Vienna’s musical diversity first hand with performances from the university’s students, a concert of new Viennese music at the legendary Porgy and Bess Jazz Club and a stunning performance by the Wiener Symphoniker at the world famous Musikverein.

Alongside the forum, elections for the EMC Board 2010–2012 were held. The new board consists of Timo Klemettinen (Finland), Christian Höppner (Germany), Stef Coninx (Belgium), Erling Aksdal (Norway), Helena Maffli-Nissinen (Switzerland/Finland), Frank Stahmer (Austria) and Kaie Tanner (Estonia), as well as a co-opted Working Group Youth member of Claire Goddard (UK/Germany).


‘Happy and Romantic Alpine Music’‏ CD, Florida – USA

Shirley Evans
Shirley Evans CDShirley Evans, Florida-based Liverpool-born accordionist, has released a CD titled ‘Happy and Romantic Alpine Music’?. All eight tracks, three vocals and five instrumentals, are written by Shirley, and reflect her interest in Tyrolean Alpine-style music.

Shirley Evans is an all round entertainer, composer and writer, well-known for playing the accordion in The Beatles' 1967 film ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.

For further information email: alpinemusiccd@yahoo.com


Andrea Germano performs at 1st of May Concert, Tortora – Italy

Andrea GermanoAndrea Germano, a young accordion student performed at the 1st of May Concert in Tortora (Cs), Italy, the fourth edition with the presence of numerous international artistes.
Andrea, winner of several competitions (Accordion Revolution, Accordion Art Festival, National Award Pollino, and others), presented his repertoire of Varietè accordion to a large and attentive audience. The crowed appreciated the performance of fourteen Calabrese with enthusiasm.

Andrea studies at the Accademia Musicale Cauteruccio (a school affiliated to the National Club Voglia d'arte), under the guidance of Maestro Salvatore Cauteruccio, where he is currently attending the Intermediate Course ‘Musica D'Insieme’.

For further information email: info@salvatorecauteruccio.it


Будущие события

‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Larne – Ireland

East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra
A concert, featuring the East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra and the students of East Antrim Accordion School, takes place on May 8th, 2pm, at the Broadway Bandstand, Larne, Antrim, in celebration of ‘World Accordion Day’. The concert includes a mixture of ensemble, solo and duet performances of light entertaining pieces.

For further information email: asrz33@dsl.pipex.com


‘Accordion Fascination’ Concert, Wiesbaden – Germany

Mirjana PeterecolOn Saturday, May 8th, a concert by the students of lecturer Mirjana Peterecol will take place as part of the Cultural Dotzheimer Accordion Day’s ‘Accordion Fascination’. The varied musical program (Bach, Nordheim, Angelis, Shamo, etc) is supplemented with information about the history of the accordion.

For further information email: mirjanapetercol@gmx.de


Zagorelos 1st CD and Concerts, St.Petersburg – Russia

Zagorelos CDZagorelos, St.Petersburg, is the only music group in Russia performing Zydeco.
Zydeco, created in New Louisiana, is based on Creole music, including blues and rhythm & blues elements. Zagorelos’ Zydeco style harmonically combines forro, musette, Cajun music and even Balkan influences. Zagorelos play a mixture of traditional and original music, and their instrumentation includes accordion, washboard, violin, guitar, bass guitar and drums.

Zagorelos have recorded their first CD, and the tracks include: ‘Dont mess with my toot, toot’, ‘I feel good’, ‘Jolie Blond’, ‘Baiao combo’, ‘Gypsy rhythms’, ‘Zeitnot’, ‘I try to call you Baby’, ‘Co Co Zydeco’, ‘Infiniti’, ‘Balkan’.

Next performances in St.Petersburg include:

May 9th - open air concert, Palace Square (performance devoted to day of victory in 1945)
15th – Stereobar (Gypsy jazz)
19th - Chaplin Club (French chanson)
21st - The Farm Club (evening of style musette)
29th - open air concert: a ‘City Day’ on Palace Square (Zydeco)

For information contact Sergey Petrov


Stafford Folk Music Day, Staffordshire – UK

Rod StradlingThe Stafford Folk Music Day takes place at Barnfields Primary School, Wildwood, Stafford ST17 4RD on Sunday May 9th, 10am until 6pm, and includes workshops for folk dance musicians from every level from beginner to advanced. Topics include ‘Accordion Technique’, ‘Playing for Contra dancing’, ‘Fiddle Technique’, ‘Playford Style’, ‘Playing by Ear’, ‘Strathspeys and Airs’, ‘Any Jig or Reel won’t do!’, ‘Beginner Accordion’, and ‘Challenging tunes’.

The tutors include Heather Bexon - accordion, Shane Day - accordion, Ted Morse - accordion, Rod Stradling - accordion and concertina, Howard Mitchell – melodeon and concertina, Dave Brown – melodeon, Aiden Broadbridge – fiddle, and Colin Hume - calling.

For further information email: info@staffordfolkplayers.co.uk


Paris-Moscow Concert Dates – Russia, France

Domi Emorine and Roman JbanovDomi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, the Paris-Moscow Duo, perform in concert as follows:

May 10th to 14th, 7pm - Salle de Philarmonie, Kurgan, Russia
28th - St Laurent les tours (46), France
June 4th, 8.30pm - Salle des fêtes, Saint-Sauves d'Auvergne (63), France
9th, 8.45pm - Salle du Casino, Le Mont-Dore (63), France
21st - Saint-Genis-Pouilly (01), France


Vadim Fyodorov Trio, Innsbruck - Austria

Vadim Fyodorov TrioThe Vadim Fyodorov Trio trio, virtuoso entertainers from Iceland, are guests at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck. The trio performs on Thursday, May 13th, 7pm, in the Orangerie, Innsbruck, Tyrol, for the festival reception, and on Saturday, May 15th, 10.15 pm, in the Brussels Hall, Innsbruck.

The Vadim Fyodorov trio were formed by Vadim, a Russian accordion virtuoso. The group performs French musette and jazz virtuoso entertainment music. Their instrumentation is accordion, double bass and guitar. Since 2005, the trio Vadim Fyodorov has been given numerous concerts in Iceland.

For further information: www.accordions.com/duetfedorov


Gorka Hermosa News – Spain

Gorka HermosaSpanish accordionist Gorka Hermosa and clarinet player Josep Sancho perform music from their new CD ‘Tangosophy’ in Donamaria, Navarre, on May 15th. Their program includes music by Galliano, Piazzolla, Germán Díaz and Hermosa.

They recently recorded music for the production company Eurodelta, for transmission on TV channels such as Telemadrid, Canal Sur, and Televisión Canaria.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Kimberley International Oldtime Accordion Championships, BC - Canada

Kimberley International banner
The annual Kimberley International Oldtime Accordion Championships take place from July 5th to 10th at Kimberley in the south-eastern of British Columbia. The contests focus on competitors’ ability to play in a truly distinctive ‘Old Time’ style.

For the purposes of the competition, ‘Old Time’ accordion music refers to the manner and style of playing, not the selection itself or its ethnic origin. Styles may include music used for dancing the Polka, Waltz and Schottische as used in Western Canadian communities during the past century. Competitors are judged on a combination of the technical merit and the danceability of their playing. The competition is open to accordionists from any nation.

The festival also includes accordion and dance workshops, jam sessions, pancake breakfasts and barbecue.

Evening events include:
July 5th - concert, details TBA, followed by a dance with The Softones
6th – concert featuring Michael Bridge; dance with the Smilin’ Scandinavians
7th – ‘Spaghetti Night’ concert: Cory Pesaturo, Alex Meixner; dance - Alex Meixner
8th – dance featuring the Best of the Platzl Jams
9th – ‘Friday Night at the Movies’ concert: Spokane Accordion Ensemble; dance to the music of Northwind
10th - Massed Band concert; dance to the music of Alex Meixner

For further information email: info@kiotac.ca


Julien Gonzales Coming Performances - France, Madagascar

Julien GonzalesThe 1st “Premio International de Acordeao de Alcobaça” (Portugal) organized by Anibal Freire was held from 15th to 19th April. Here Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales won 1st prize in three different sections … Solo Virtuoso, Ensemble Classic and Ensemble Virtuoso (with Duo SYRIUS – Accordion/Clarinet (Cyril Carbonne)). One week earlier, Julien competed in St Petersburg (Russia) for the “1st Terem Crossover Competition”.

He was selected between 250 other groups with his Duo (Duo Syrius) for the Finale which one was held in “Grand Hall Shostakovich” of St Petersburg.
From the 24th to 27th April, Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales adjudicated at the by The National Accordion Organisation of United Kingdom (NAO) for the UK Championships 2010 and for the UK National Finals of the Roland-V Competition.

Over the coming months Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales will be performing at:
- 9th May – Villeneuve Saint Georges (Paris-France) with Duo Syrius
- 28th, 29th, 30th May – Strasbourg (Alsace-France)
- 20th to 30th June – Tunisia (Tunis, Sousse, Sidi Bou Saïd…) in collaboration with French Embassy.
- 28th July to 10th August – Festival de St Céré (France) with Duo Syrius
- October/November – Tour in Madagascar Island (Antananarivo…)

This 22 years old World Accordion Champion Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA), Klingenthal, Ikaalinen, Alcobaça…) is also teaching, arranging and performing in different styles of music (Classic, Virtuoso, Musette, Tango, World Music…).


Новые и обновленные сайты

Mario Tacca releases new music

Mario Tacca releases 5 new pieces, 'Fisa Di Tivo', catalog:mtacca207', 'Mazurka Volante, catalog:mtacca208', 'Nostalgie Musette, catalog:mtacca209', 'Roller Coaster Express, catalog:mtacca210' and 'Souvenir D'alsace, catalog:mtacca211'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl release new and updated work

Gary Dahl - Mel Bay Publishing Author, composer, arranger, Mel Bay recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Its Magic, catalog:DH0230' and updated music, 'Les Bicyclettes De Belsize, catalog:DH0170'. Samples for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Franck Angelis release new music

Franck Angelis releases 3 new pieces, 'Hommage A Paco (Duet)', catalog:ang557, 'Toccata', catalog:ang559 and 'Haiti (Duet)', catalog:ang560. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

NAA Publications release 1 new piece, 'West Side, catalog:naa136'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl Releases One New Work

Gary Dahl - Mel Bay Publishing Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Finlandia, catalog:DH0229'. Samples for this music is now available at the MusicForAccordion.com web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Nuevo Mundo Duo

Nuevo Mundo Duo CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "Nuevo Mundo Duo" by Joan C.Sommers. Performer are Francisco Javier Rivera Montoya (clarinet) and Lacides Romero (accordion).


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