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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Feb-2020
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Caterina Fiorentini erhält Sonderpreis - Italien
24. Internationale Woche des Akkordeons "Alcobaca 2020" - Portugal
Vladimir Stupnikov (Russland) gewinnt den Videowettbewerb 2020 in Neuseeland
ATG feiert 80-jähriges Jubiläum in Los Angeles - USA
Akkordeon Gelbe Seiten / Ereignisse - Cyberspace
CIA 2020 Winterkongress in Prag - Tschechische Republik

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist in Final of “Prodigios” TV Talent Show - Spain
AWAM Proudly Announces Arrival of Dick Contino’s Estate – USA
Article: Linda Soley Reed and Mary Tokarski, Lifelong Advocates for the Accordion
Panel of Musical Experts at NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Future events

Duo Accellorandom at 7th Osterholz Accordion Days - Germany
Alex Meixner Band Entertains at Heidelberg Music Hall, Georgia - USA
Echoes of Erin 2020 Concert, Liverpool - England
8th Annual Concertina Cruinniú – Ireland
"Scythian" February 2020 Concert Tour - USA
Day of the Accordion in Washington State – USA
Jose Valadez Accordion Recital, Monterrey - Mexico
Lidia Kaminska Performs with Atlantic Classical Orchestra, Florida - USA
2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert - USA

New and Updated Sites

Chinese Report Page Translation Now Completed: Oleg Sharov and Grayson Masefield at Zhongsin International Music Competition - Singapore
New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia
Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

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Caterina Fiorentini erhält Sonderpreis - Italien

Award poster
Video: Ibla-Gran-Preis, Caterina Fiorentini, veröffentlicht am 02. Februar 2020.

Die Akkordeonistin Caterina Fiorentini wird zusammen mit der Dichterin Silvia Piacentini am 22. Februar 2020 in Rom den "Tacita Muta" Preis für Minderheitensprachen erhalten. Der Preis wird vom sardischen Verband in Rom "Il Gremio", vom Salpare-Verband und vom VP Sardinia Fund unter der Schirmherrschaft des Internationalen Verbands der Literaturkritiker und des Ministeriums für kulturelles Erbe - Projekt für ethnische und literarische Parks verliehen.

Die Anerkennung, die letztes Jahr an den sardischen Singer-Songwriter Pietro Marras ging, erhielt Caterina Fiorentini auf Empfehlung des Fogolar Furlan von Rom (der an der Initiative mitarbeitet) für die Originalmusik, die Silvia Piacentini in friaulischer Sprache komponierte .

Im Video tritt Caterina im Mai 2019 mit ihrer Originalkomposition für Stimme und Akkordeon bei den Konzerten der Gewinner des Ibla-Hauptpreises in New York auf (Casa Italiana Zerilli / Marimò der Universität New York und Weill Recital Hall in der Carnegie Hall) auf.

Der Anlass ist das Ergebnis der Anerkennung, die beim Ibla Grand Prize-Wettbewerb 2017 erzielt wurde, bei dem Caterina mit 8,50/10 unter anderen Komponisten die beste Note erzielte und den vierten Gesamtrang belegte.

2019 war ein wichtiges Jahr, auch wegen Caterinas Originalkonzert "Sentire il Margine". Dieses Projekt wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Vincenzo Fiorentini, Alessandro Cubi und Giuseppe Piras in einigen Terminen der italienischen Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. 2019 veröffentlichte Caterina auch ihre EP "Come Icaro", zweite Arbeit nach dem Album "Incontri randagi (Live in Studio)", das 2018 veröffentlicht wurde.

Beide Plattenprojekte sind online verfügbar.


24. Internationale Woche des Akkordeons "Alcobaca 2020" - Portugal

Portugal header
Diana Freire and Aníbal FreireDie 24. Internationale Woche des Akkordeons "Alcobaca 2020" beinhaltet die 25. Nationale Trophäe und den 6. Internationalen Akkordeonwettbewerb für Solisten, Duette, Trios, Quartette, Orchester und Kammermusik für alle Altersgruppen.

Die Veranstaltung, die von Diana Freire (Wettbewerbsmanagerin) und Aníbal Freire (Bilder links), Präsidentin des portugiesischen Akkordeonverbandes ASACORD, organisiert wird, findet vom 23. bis 31. Mai 2020 statt und umfasst Konzerte und Meisterklassen sowie die Wettbewerbe.

Sonderpreise für Solisten sind:

Frank Angelis Preis

Neu in diesem Jahr:
Die Jury wird einen oder zwei Kandidaten aus einer der Solistenkategorien nominieren (sofern sie aus einem europäischen Land stammen), die die künstlerischen Voraussetzungen haben, um die Internationale Alcobaça 2020 Akkordeon Woche bei den folgenden Festivals zu vertreten:

Internationaler Preis von Fisarmonica (PIF 2020) im September 2020 in Castelfidardo, Italien.

Das 7. Internationale Accordéons-Nous Festival findet am 22. August 2020 in Mons, Belgien, statt.

Einsendeschluss ist der 8. Mai 2020.
Laden Sie die Teilnahmebedingungen und Anmeldeformulare in Englisch und Portugiesisch herunter: 2020Alcobaca.pdf


Vladimir Stupnikov (Russland) gewinnt den Videowettbewerb 2020 in Neuseeland

NZAA header
2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneVideo: Sieger Vladimir Stupnikov spielt Tango 130 von Gary Daverne

Die Neuseeländische Akkordeon Vereinigung (NZAA) gibt das Ergebnis des Internationalen Videowettbewerbs und der Förderung der Akkordeon Musik 2020 des berühmten neuseeländischen Komponisten Gary Daverne bekannt. Gewinner Video oben:

Der Gewinner war Vladimir Stupnikov aus Russland. Vladimir Stupnikov und sein Lehrer Friedrich Lips gewannen den 1. Preis von zwei Hin- und Rückflugtickets nach Neuseeland zur Südpazifischen Akkordeon Meisterschaft 2020, 30.-31. Mai 2020, Auckland, Neuseeland.

Am Samstag, dem 17. Januar 2020, hat die Jury des Internationalen Videowettbewerbs & Promotion für Akkordeonmusik 2020 von Gary Daverne (die Jury besteht aus Gary Daverne, Kevin Friedrich, Grayson Masefield und Stephanie Poole) ihre Bewertung aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt abgeschlossen. Gary Daverne und Stephanie Poole waren in Neuseeland. Grayson Masefield trat in Singapur auf und Kevin Friedrich in New York.

Es gab 15 Einsendungen aus vielen verschiedenen Ländern und der Gesamtstandard war ausgezeichnet. Gary Daverne schrieb: "Ich möchte den Teilnehmern für ihre Musik und ihre Begeisterung danken. Ich war sehr beeindruckt und froh, dass meine Musik auf so hohem Niveau aufgeführt wurde."


ATG feiert 80-jähriges Jubiläum in Los Angeles - USA

ATG poster
Die Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG), Präsident Joe Natoli, lädt alle ein, vom 5. bis 9. August 2020 im Doubletree Hotel in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, ihr 80-jähriges Bestehen zu feiern.

Die Veranstaltung bietet Konzerte, Wettbewerbe, Workshops, Ausstellungen, internationale Gäste, das World Accordion Orchestra (unter der Leitung von Joan Sommers), ein Bankett zum 80. Jahrestag und vieles mehr.

Gastkünstler sind Alexander Poeluev, Cory Pesaturo, Stas Venglevski, Das Wiener Akkordeon-Kammer-Ensemble (Österreich), das Southern Cross Akkordeon Ensemble (Australien / Neuseeland), das Bayerische Jugendorchester (Deutschland) und das Polyphonia Orchester (Réunion Island - unter der Leitung von Pierre Varo und unten abgebildet).

Der Festivalwettbewerb umfasst eine Vielzahl von Altersgruppen
Reunion Island Orchestra


Akkordeon Gelbe Seiten / Ereignisse - Cyberspace

Accordion-YellowPages.com header
Alle Veranstalter von Konzerten, Wettbewerben und Festivals werden darauf hingewiesen, ihre künftigen Veranstaltungen auf unseren gelben Seiten-Webseite aufzulisten. Es ist kostenlos und Sie können es selbst tun. Sie können Ihren Eintrag auch selbst ändern und aktualisieren, sobald weitere Informationen verfügbar sind.

Der akkordeongelbe Kalender für zukünftige Ereignisse wird oben rechts in den wöchentlichen Nachrichten von accordions.com in allen 7 Sprachen sowie auf anderen beliebten Websites wie den USA News und den Diatonic News angezeigt.

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern sieht sich jedes Jahr die Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten "Zukünftige Veranstaltungen" an. Daher sollten alle Veranstalter von Akkordeon-Veranstaltungen diesen kostenlosen Service in vollem Umfang nutzen, um die Akkordeon-Community auf dem Laufenden zu halten.


CIA 2020 Winterkongress in Prag - Tschechische Republik

2020 CIA Winter Congress logoDer Winterkongress 2020 der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) und die 143. Generalversammlung der Delegierten finden vom 28. Februar bis 1. März im Hotel Olympik, Sokolovská 138, Prag 8, Tschechische Republik, statt.

Gastgeber des Kongresses ist das CIA-Abstimmungsmitglied The Prague Conservatory of Music unter der Leitung von Jirí Lukeš.

Die Veranstaltung beinhaltet einen Empfang der Akkordeonabteilung des Prager Konservatoriums, Konzerte im Museum für dekorative Kunst in Prag, im Konzertsaal des Prager Konservatoriums, ein Konzert zum Gedenken an Milan Bláha und Václav Trojan, Vorstand und Musikkomiteesitzungen, Besichtigung der Freizeit und ein Abendessen, das vom tschechischen Akkordeonverband organisiert wird.

Das Online-Registrierungsformular ist ab sofort auf der CIA-Website verfügbar. Um den CIA-Tarif zu erhalten, buchen Sie bitte vor dem 15. Februar 2020.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist in Final of “Prodigios” TV Talent Show - Spain

Marta Cubas HondalVideo: Tango pour Claude (R.Galliano) by Cristina and Marta Cubas Hondal, recital atTeatro Casyc de Santander, 14 Oct 2019.

Accordionist Marta Cubas Hondal (picture left - student of Gorka Hermosa) has been selected to play in the finals of "Prodigios" (Spanish National TV`s version of "Got Talent") from 200 applicants.

Nine students will perform with a symphony orchestra in the final rounds and Gorka Hermosa has prepared the orchestral arrangements for her.

This is great exposure for the accordion and Accordions Worldwide wishes Marta all the best for this competition.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


AWAM Proudly Announces Arrival of Dick Contino’s Estate – USA

AWAM logo
Dick ContinoA World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) proudly announces the impending arrival of Dick Contino’s estate as a major landmark event for our museum. This 1940s idol and national heartthrob prompted unparalleled accordion enthusiasm that inspired thousands of aspirants and greatly promoted the industry in general.

Contino won the hearts of American audiences after winning Horace Heidt’s talent contest with his version of “Lady of Spain.” Thereafter featured on major television shows, his public performances drew extraordinary audience numbers and unprecedented income. His name became, and remains, one of the most prominent in American accordion history.

His brilliant virtuosity and charismatic stage presence regularly thrilled Las Vegas audiences even into his advanced years. Contino died in 2017 at age 87.

Mrs. Judy Contino has declared her intention to donate a significant portion of her husband’s estate in order to draw ongoing public attention to the legacy of his contributions to American culture. In addition, for our 2020 World Accordion Day festival she committed to presenting a 45-min. talk to include unpublished excerpts of Dick’s life, some with humorous anecdotes that portray the real person who was more than a world celebrity.

The announced donations include recordings, photos, music in published and manuscript form, and various sundry items. One of these will be a life-size mannequin accompanied by some performance clothes worn in his Las Vegas shows. This figure will be displayed in our Special Exhibits Area as a new focal attraction of the Concert Hall.


Article: Linda Soley Reed and Mary Tokarski, Lifelong Advocates for the Accordion

Rita Barnea, Editor USA News: A new historical article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the history of the accordion in the USA.

Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

Read the full article by Joan Grauman titled:
"Linda Soley Reed and Mary Tokarski, Lifelong Advocates for the Accordion" at: LifelongAdvocates.htm

Previous articles:
1. "What Events Led to the Formation of the American Accordionists' Association?" at AAA-Formation.htm

2. "Joseph Biviano and Charles Magnante – A Lifetime Commitment to the American
Accordionists’ Association" at: Biviano-Magnante

3. “Beverly Roberts Curnow – Former Accordion Queen and World Accordion Champion still bringing joy with her beloved instrument! (Women in the AAA Through the Decades)”.

4. "80 Years of AAA Logos and Promotional Materials"

5. "Growing up in the accordion schools : The 1950s through the 1970s"


Panel of Musical Experts at NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Sharon SeatonpanelIt is with great enthusiasm that musicians from all genres are welcoming the 2020 - 2029 musical decade with great expectations and with perfect "20-20" vision. Gone are the years of negative thinking and regret that "music is not like it used to be."

During the 2020 National Accordion Convention in Dallas, Texas (March 18th to 20th, 2020), Sharon Seaton, Ed.D, (picture left) will serve as the moderator for a special discussion panel. Dr. Sharon Seaton was selected because she serves the accordion community as a National Accordion Association (NAA) board member, professor of music, and a professional musician.

Sharon will moderate the panel of experts who will express their opinions related to the future of the music including the accordion. To initiate the process, Sharon has authored a simple survey that is open for any interested individual to complete during the month of February 2020. Prior to the 2020 National Accordion Convention, the panel of experts will be assembled and the raw data will be forwarded to the selected panel members.

Individuals selected for the panel will work together (electronically) to consolidate the data into short presentations, with Sharon asking predetermined questions. At the end of each topic, conventioneers will respond. The conclusions drawn from this open discussion will be delivered in the post-convention summary for evaluation. At that time, a finalized report will be distributed for publication via the National Accordion Association website, AccordionUSA and Accordions Worldwide Weekly News.

The online survey questions are:

1. Briefly describe your opinions related to musical changes coming during the next decade as related to training, marketing, and performance opportunities.

2. What must the musical world (teachers, organizations, etc.) do to remain current as new ideas continue to evolve?

3. What changes should the National Accordion Association be making to remain one of the leading accordion-related organizations?

4. How can the accordion world benefit from studying other musical genres and instruments?

5. Are you interested in serving on this panel? If yes, what qualifies you to serve in this position during the convention?


Future events

Duo Accellorandom at 7th Osterholz Accordion Days - Germany

Duo Accellorandom PosterVideo: Duo Accellorandom - Havana (Cover) - Camila Cabello

Duo Accellorandom, which includes accordionist Neza Torkar and Romana Simbera (cello) will give a special live concert at the 7th Osterholz Accordion Days in the Town Hall of the city of Osterholz-Scharmbeck on February 8th at 7pm.

Accordionist Neza Torkar (Slovenia) regularly performs solo and in various chamber music ensembles and participates in various projects such as Musical Evita, Orchestra Gewandhaus Leipzig, Jeunesses musicales Slovenia, Radio Recordings, RTV Slovenia, Festival Ljubljana, Weimar Early Jardays, Festival Echos and Rotary clubs etc.

See poster for details.


Alex Meixner Band Entertains at Heidelberg Music Hall, Georgia - USA

Heidelberg poster
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at a Fashing Weekend at the Heidelberg Music Hall in Helen, Georgia from February 14th to 16th, 2020.

The venue features a German Restaurant “The Heidelberg”, pub and concert hall “Bierhimmel Konzerthalle” located on the 3rd floor of the building.

For concert details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Echoes of Erin 2020 Concert, Liverpool - England

Video: Echoes of Erin at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre, 2012 North America tour final performance.

Ireland’s traditional musician, singing and dancing group “Echoes of Erin” will perform at the Liverpool Irish Centre in Liverpool, England on February 15th at 8pm, hosted by Comhaltas Liverpool, Liverpool Irish Centre and Comhaltas in Britain.

The group, which includes Aaron Glancy (Co. Sligo - accordion), Thomas Palmer (Co. Cork - accordion) and Brogan McAuliffe (London – concertina) will entertain with a variety of traditional and contemporary Irish Music.

For concert details phone: 0151 263 1808
Echoes of Erin


8th Annual Concertina Cruinniú – Ireland

Concertina logo
Noel HillThe Claire Institute for Traditional Studies will present the 8th Annual Concertina Cruinniú in Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare, Ireland from February 14th to 16th, 2020.

The Cruinniú is a festival weekend consisting of concertina classes, informal music sessions, lectures, recitals, and sessions for all age groups and abilities.

Tutors include well known concertina players Noel Hill (event Master tutor - picture right), Edel Fox, Bernie Geraghty, Mairead Hurley, Claire Keville, Mary MacNamara, Caoilfhionn Ní Fhrighil, Liam O'Brien and Jack Talty.

They will also present lectures on topics related to the concertina which are open to both students and the public.

Along with the activity during the day, there will be an evening Concertina Trail, with free traditional music sessions in the local pubs.

Download festival program here: 2020Cruinniu.pdf


"Scythian" February 2020 Concert Tour - USA

Dan FedorykaWashington DC-based band “Scythian” (sith-ee-yin) will tour the USA giving concerts in Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and Virginia from February 19th to 29th.

On January 4, 2020, Scythian was the headliner at Washington, DC’s famed “The Hamilton” venue. The sold-out crowd was treated to an evening of Celtic, folk, rock, and bluegrass selections.

For over 12 years they have found success as an independent band and have played over 1,300 shows all over the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia.

Scythian’s accordionist is Dan Fedoryka. Dan and his brother, Alex, are the founding members of the band, which hosts annual fan trips to Ireland and the Labor Day weekend “Appaloosa “festival in Front Royal, Virginia.

February Performance Schedule:
February 19th – Music Box Supper Club, Cleveland, Ohio
February 20th – Byrne’s Pub, Columbus, Ohio
February 21st – The Loft 28 West, Aurora, Illinois
February 22nd – Brightside Theatre, Dayton, Ohio
February 27th – Lincoln Theater, Raleigh, North Carolina
February 28th – Barter Theater, Abingdon, Virginia
February 29th – Beech Mountain Resort, Beech Mountain, North Carolina

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


Day of the Accordion in Washington State – USA

DOTA poster
“Day of the Accordion” has been expanded and will be held over 3 days in Crossroads Bellevue, Washington State from February 21st to 23rd, 2020, presented by the Northwest Accordion Society.

The event will include a variety of concerts, workshops, free accordion lessons, and a free accordion Q&A workshop.

A concert featuring Mark Myking with Bayou Envie will open the event on February 21st. The following day entertainment will be provided by the Toby Hansen Trio, Lenny Luzzi, the Ken Olendorf Tribute Band, Northwest Accordionaires, a Student Showcase, Folkvoice Band, Charlie Brown & Nancy Gibson , the Lyle Schaefer Duo and Bavarian Beer Garden Band.

The event will close with a performance by Bonnie Birch & Continental Classics on February 23rd.

See poster for details.


Jose Valadez Accordion Recital, Monterrey - Mexico

Mexico poster
Video: ( 1 ) F.A. Boïeldieu ( 1775-1834 ) El califa de Bagad ( 2 )P.I.Tchaikovsky ( 1840 - 1893 ) Vals, de la Serenata para Cuerdas Op. 48 ( 3 ) G.A. Rossini ( 1792 - 1868 ) La italiana en Argel ( 4 ) F. von Suppé ( 1819 - 1895 ) Caballería Ligera
Concert, Mayo, ESMDM, Feb 2017.

Jose Valadez will give an accordion recital at the Almma Music School in Colonia Obispado
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México on February 26th at 8pm.

His program will include works by Rossini, Lecuona, Offenbach and Brahms among others.
Admission is free.

See poster for further details.


Lidia Kaminska Performs with Atlantic Classical Orchestra, Florida - USA

Lidia KaminskaLidia Kaminska will perform with the Atlantic Classical Orchestra in a series of concerts in Florida from March 3rd to 6th, 2020. Under the direction of Musical Director David Amado, Lidia will be featured on bandoneon performing Aconcagua Concerto by Astor Piazzolla.

The concerts take place in:
Vero Beach (March 3rd at 7.30pm)
Jupiter (March 4th at 7.30pm)
2 concerts in Stuart (March 6th at 4pm and 8pm)

The concerts "Masterworks lll" are billed as featuring "the third of four tries Beethoven made at writing an overture to his only opera, Fidelio. The Leonore Overture No. 3 is the most symphonic of the pack, expansive, dramatic, and moving.”

Their program will also include Concerto Aconcagua by Astor Piazzolla and Schumann’s third symphony.

For details email: trina@ACO-music.org


2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert - USA

Alicia BakerKevin SolekiDownload flyer: 2020NJOFlyer.pdf
Registrations are now open for the 2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert, held in Austin, Texas from June 26th to 28th, 2020.

The event is made possible by a grant from the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department, with support from Texas Folklife, Austin Central Market, and the San Antonio Accordion Association.

Workshop presenters and concert performers will include Alicia Baker (picture above left) and Grammy Award Nominee, Kevin Solecki (picture above right).

A free concert will be held on Friday June 26th, from 6.30pm at Central Market North in Austin, Texas.

The Workshop will be held the following 2 days at the Lamar Senior Activity Center and will include a jam session.

A free Polka Dance Session will be held on Sunday, June 28th, so bring your family and friends for a fun afternoon learning polka, with free dance lessons taught by Gaby Thompson from the San Antonio Accordion Association.

The event will also offer one Youth Scholarship to a deserving accordionist age 18 or younger.

Further information and application for the Youth Scholarship is available online at: 2020NJOScholarship.pdf Applications close April 5th, 2020.

Download the Registration/Payment form at: 2020NJORegistration.pdf


New and Updated Sites

Chinese Report Page Translation Now Completed: Oleg Sharov and Grayson Masefield at Zhongsin International Music Competition - Singapore

Zhongsin International Music Competition header, Oleg Sharov
Xia GangOleg Sharov (President of Committee, Zhongsin Int. Competition, picture above) and Grayson Masefield were performing and on the jury at the major Zhongsin International Music Competition. Picture left: Xia Gang (Founder and Secretary-General of Committee of the Zhongsin International Competition)

Chinese Report Page Translation Now Completed:
Full report and many pictures at: English 2020Zhongsin Chinese: 2020-Zhongsin


New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia

Ivan DymaNew website for Ivan Dyma (saxaphone) of the SaxAkkord Duo with Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion).

Contact: Ivan Dyma, Professor of Saxophone, A. Schnittke Institute of Music, Moscow, Russia.
Mobile: +7 9035821 529
E-mail: adyma@yandex.ru


Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

Russian News logo
14 new articles since 1st December 2019 are listed in the Accordion Russia News in Russian language.


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