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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 07-Feb-2020
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Caterina Fiorentini 荣获特别奖 - 意大利
第24届国际手风琴周“Alcobaca 2020” - 葡萄牙
Vladimir Stupnikov(俄罗斯)赢得2020年视频比赛 - 新西兰
ATG 80周年 庆典在洛杉矶举办 - 美国
Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace
布拉格 CIA 2020冬季大会 - 捷克


手风琴家在“Prodigios”电视才艺表演节目决赛中演出 - 西班牙
AWAM 宣布 Dick Contino 庄园的到来 - 美国
文章:Linda Soley Reed 和 Mary Tokarski,手风琴的终身倡导者
Panel of Musical Experts at NAA Convention, Texas - USA


二重奏组在第七届 Osterholz 手风琴日上演出 - 德国
Alex Meixner Band Entertains at Heidelberg Music Hall, Georgia - USA
Echoes of Erin 2020 Concert, Liverpool - England
第八届年度六角琴音乐会 - 爱尔兰
“Scythian” 2020年2月音乐会巡回演出 - 美国
Day of the Accordion in Washington State – USA
Jose Montaderey 手风琴演奏会,蒙特雷 - 墨西哥
Lidia Kaminska 与佛罗里达州大西洋古典乐团合作演出 - 美国
2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert - USA


中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:Oleg Sharov 和 Grayson Masefield 参加新加坡中新国际音乐比赛 - 新加坡
New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia
Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

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Caterina Fiorentini 荣获特别奖 - 意大利

Award poster
视频:Ibla Gran奖,Caterina Fiorentini,发布于2020年2月2日。

手风琴家 Caterina Fiorentini 和诗人 Silvia Piacentini 将于2020年2月22日在罗马获得少数民族语言奖“Tacita Muta”奖。该奖项由罗马撒丁岛协会(Il Gremio),萨尔帕雷协会(Salpare Association)和撒丁岛VP基金会颁发,由国际文学评论家协会和文化遗产部赞助 - 民族与文学园区项目。

去年,撒丁岛的创作型歌手兼作曲家彼得罗·马拉斯(Pietro Marras)获得了这一奖项。而今年,在罗马福戈尔·弗兰 (Fogoll Furlan) (他参与了这一倡议)的推荐下,卡特琳娜·佛罗伦蒂尼 (Caterina Fiorentini) 因根据西尔维亚·皮亚森蒂尼 (Silvia Piacentini) 所作的弗留利安 (Friulian) 的诗歌创作了原创音乐而获奖。

在视频中,卡特琳娜(Caterina)于2019年5月在纽约 Ibla 大奖获得者音乐会(纽约大学 Casa Italiana Zerilli /Marimò 和卡内基音乐厅的 Weill Recital Hall)上演奏了她为人声和手风琴创作的乐曲。

这是在2017年 Ibla 大奖赛上获得认可的结果,当时,卡特琳娜(Caterina)以 8.50 / 10 的得分,在其他表现出色的作曲家中获得了很高的排名,并最终排名第四位。

2019年也是非常重要的一年,因为独奏会“Feeling the Margin”是随着一些意大利重大日期进行的,Caterina 在2018年推出了现场专辑“Incontri straagi(Live in Studio)”,同时发行了新专辑“Come Icaro”(2019年)。



第24届国际手风琴周“Alcobaca 2020” - 葡萄牙

Portugal header
Diana Freire and Aníbal Freire第24届国际手风琴周“Alcobaca 2020”将包括第25届全国奖杯和第六届国际手风琴比赛,面向各个年龄段级别的独奏,二重奏,三重奏,四重奏,管弦乐队和室内音乐。

比赛由 Diana Freire(竞赛经理)和葡萄牙手风琴协会ASACORD主席 AníbalFreire(左图)主办,该活动将于2020年5月23日至31日举行,包括音乐会,大师班以及比赛。


Vitorino Matono 奖
Joao Barra Bexiga 奖
Frank Angelis 奖
Alcobaca City 奖

评委团将从任何一个独奏家类别(如果他们来自欧洲国家)中提名一至两名候选人,他们需具有代表国际 Alcobaça 2020 手风琴周在以下音乐节上所必需的艺术条件:

Fisarmonica 国际大奖(PIF 2020)音乐会将于2020年9月在意大利 Castelfidardo 举行。




Vladimir Stupnikov(俄罗斯)赢得2020年视频比赛 - 新西兰

NZAA header
2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary Daverne视频:优胜者 Vladimir Stupnikov 演奏 Gary Daverne 的作品 Tango 130

新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 宣布了2020年国际视频大赛和新西兰著名作曲家 Gary Daverne 所作的手风琴音乐推广的结果。上方为获奖视频:

冠军是来自俄罗斯的 Vladimir Stupnikov。 Vladimir Stupnikov 和他的老师 Friedrich Lips 于2020年5月30日至31日在于新西兰奥克兰举行的2020年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛 (2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships) 上获得了两次往返新西兰机票的一等奖。

2020年1月17日星期六,2020年国际视频比赛和 Gary Daverne 手风琴音乐推广的评委团(评委团成员分别是 Gary DaverneKevin FriedrichGrayson Masefield 和 Stephanie Poole )在世界各地圆满完成了审评人物。 Gary Daverne 和 Stephanie Poole 在新西兰。 Grayson Masefield 在新加坡, Kevin Friedrich 则在纽约。

来自不同国家的15个参赛作品,总体表现和质量都非常好。 Gary Daverne 写道:“我要感谢参赛者的音乐和热情。听到如此高水准的音乐演奏,真的是令我印象深刻并感到赏心悦目”。


ATG 80周年 庆典在洛杉矶举办 - 美国

ATG poster
国际手风琴家和教师协会 The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 主席 Joe Natoli 邀请所有人于2020年8月5日至9日在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的 Doubletree 酒店庆祝该协会成立 80周年。

活动将包括音乐会,比赛,交流会,展览,国际嘉宾,世界手风琴乐团(由 Joan Sommers 指挥),80周年宴会等等。

嘉宾艺术家将包括 Alexander Poeluev , Cory Pesaturo , Stas Venglevski ,维也纳手风琴乐团 the Viennese Accordion Ensemble (奥地利),Southern Cross 手风琴乐团(澳大利亚/新西兰),巴伐利亚青年乐团(德国)和 Polyphonia 乐团(留尼旺岛 - 由 Pierre Pierre Varo 指挥,如下图)。


有关比赛规则,参赛表格和报名截止日期,请见 ATG 网站。
Reunion Island Orchestra


Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace

Accordion-YellowPages.com header

Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站 (The accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动(Future Events)日程表在环球手风琴网站 (accordions.com ) 每周新闻的右手边有链接展示,共7种语言版本,也收录在美国手风琴新闻 (USA News) 和 Diatonic News 中。

每年都会有大量的读者浏览手风琴黄页 (accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动,希望所有的手风琴活动组织者都能充分利用这项免费服务,让手风琴社区了解更多的信息。

任何的不便于网上浏览的组织者可把他们的信息通过电子邮件发送至: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


布拉格 CIA 2020冬季大会 - 捷克

2020 CIA Winter Congress logo2020 年国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 冬季大会和第143届代表大会将于2月28日至3月1日在捷克共和国布拉格8号索科洛夫斯卡138号奥林匹亚克酒店举行。

大会将由 CIA 投票成员布拉格音乐学院主办,由 JiríLukeš 指导。

活动将包括布拉格音乐学院手风琴部举办的招待会,在布拉格装饰艺术博物馆举办的音乐会,在布拉格音乐学院的音乐厅举行的音乐会,以及一场旨在纪念执行委员会的 Milan Bláha 和 Václav Trojan 的音乐会。 同时还包括执行委员会和音乐委员会会议、空闲观光时间和捷克手风琴协会的晚宴。

现在您可以在 CIA 网站上获得电子版报名表格。 若要获得 CIA 活动特价,请在2020年2月15日之前进行预订。



手风琴家在“Prodigios”电视才艺表演节目决赛中演出 - 西班牙

Marta Cubas Hondal视频:Cristina 和 Marta Cubas Hondal 的 Tango pour Claude (R.Galliano) ,2019年10月14日,西班牙桑坦德凯西剧院独奏会。

手风琴家 Marta Cubas Hondal(左图 - Gorka Hermosa 的学生)从200名参赛者中脱颖而出,参加了“Prodigios”(西班牙国家电视台的“天才Got Talent”节目)决赛。

九名学生将在最后几轮与交响乐团一起表演, Gorka Hermosa 已经为她做好了管弦乐队的安排。

这对手风琴来说这是一个很好的机会,环球手风琴 (Accordions Worldwide) 祝 Marta 在本届比赛中一切顺利。



AWAM 宣布 Dick Contino 庄园的到来 - 美国

AWAM logo
Dick Contino世界手风琴博物馆 World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) 自豪地宣布 Dick Contino的庄园即将到来,这是该博物馆的一项重要里程碑事件。这位20世纪40年代的偶像和风靡全国的万人迷激发了无数人对的手风琴对热情,激励了成千上万的有志之人,并极大地促进了手风琴业的发展。

Contino won the hearts of American audiences after winning Horace Heidt’s talent contest with his version of “Lady of Spain.” Thereafter featured on major television shows, his public performances drew extraordinary audience numbers and unprecedented income. His name became, and remains, one of the most prominent in American accordion history.

His brilliant virtuosity and charismatic stage presence regularly thrilled Las Vegas audiences even into his advanced years. Contino died in 2017 at age 87.

Mrs. Judy Contino has declared her intention to donate a significant portion of her husband’s estate in order to draw ongoing public attention to the legacy of his contributions to American culture. In addition, for our 2020 World Accordion Day festival she committed to presenting a 45-min. talk to include unpublished excerpts of Dick’s life, some with humorous anecdotes that portray the real person who was more than a world celebrity.

所宣布的捐赠包括录音,照片,已出版和手稿形式音乐以及各种杂物。 其中一个将是真人大小的人体模型,并配有他在拉斯维加斯表演时穿的表演服装。这个人物将作为音乐厅的一个新的焦点,在我们的特别展览区展出。


文章:Linda Soley Reed 和 Mary Tokarski,手风琴的终身倡导者

Rita Barnea ,《美国新闻》编辑: AAA 历史学家 Joan Grauman(右图)与《美国新闻》 (USA News) 合作撰写的系列中的一篇新对历史性文章,旨在帮助推广美国手风琴的历史。

在此非常感谢 Joan Grauman 的这些文章。

阅读 Joan Grauman 撰写的全文:
“Linda Soley Reed 和 Mary Tokarski ,手风琴的终身倡导者”,网址:LifelongAdvocates.htm

1. "What Events Led to the Formation of the American Accordionists' Association?" at AAA-Formation.htm

2. "Joseph Biviano and Charles Magnante – A Lifetime Commitment to the American
Accordionists’ Association" at: Biviano-Magnante

3. “Beverly Roberts Curnow – Former Accordion Queen and World Accordion Champion still bringing joy with her beloved instrument! (Women in the AAA Through the Decades)”.

4. "80 Years of AAA Logos and Promotional Materials"

5. "Growing up in the accordion schools : The 1950s through the 1970s"


Panel of Musical Experts at NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Sharon SeatonpanelIt is with great enthusiasm that musicians from all genres are welcoming the 2020 - 2029 musical decade with great expectations and with perfect "20-20" vision. Gone are the years of negative thinking and regret that "music is not like it used to be."

During the 2020 National Accordion Convention in Dallas, Texas (March 18th to 20th, 2020), Sharon Seaton, Ed.D, (picture left) will serve as the moderator for a special discussion panel. Dr. Sharon Seaton was selected because she serves the accordion community as a National Accordion Association (NAA) board member, professor of music, and a professional musician.

Sharon will moderate the panel of experts who will express their opinions related to the future of the music including the accordion. To initiate the process, Sharon has authored a simple survey that is open for any interested individual to complete during the month of February 2020. Prior to the 2020 National Accordion Convention, the panel of experts will be assembled and the raw data will be forwarded to the selected panel members.

Individuals selected for the panel will work together (electronically) to consolidate the data into short presentations, with Sharon asking predetermined questions. At the end of each topic, conventioneers will respond. The conclusions drawn from this open discussion will be delivered in the post-convention summary for evaluation. At that time, a finalized report will be distributed for publication via the National Accordion Association website, AccordionUSA and Accordions Worldwide Weekly News.

The online survey questions are:

1. Briefly describe your opinions related to musical changes coming during the next decade as related to training, marketing, and performance opportunities.

2. What must the musical world (teachers, organizations, etc.) do to remain current as new ideas continue to evolve?

3. What changes should the National Accordion Association be making to remain one of the leading accordion-related organizations?

4. How can the accordion world benefit from studying other musical genres and instruments?

5. Are you interested in serving on this panel? If yes, what qualifies you to serve in this position during the convention?



二重奏组在第七届 Osterholz 手风琴日上演出 - 德国

Duo Accellorandom Poster视频:二重奏组 Accellorandom - 哈瓦那(封面)- Camila Cabello

来自手风琴家 Neza Torkar 和 Romana Simbera (大提琴)的二重奏组将于2月8日晚7点在 Osterholz - Scharmbeck 市市政厅的第七届 Osterholz 手风琴日上进行特别的现场音乐会。

Accordionist Neza Torkar (Slovenia) regularly performs solo and in various chamber music ensembles and participates in various projects such as Musical Evita, Orchestra Gewandhaus Leipzig, Jeunesses musicales Slovenia, Radio Recordings, RTV Slovenia, Festival Ljubljana, Weimar Early Jardays, Festival Echos and Rotary clubs etc.

See poster for details.


Alex Meixner Band Entertains at Heidelberg Music Hall, Georgia - USA

Heidelberg poster
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at a Fashing Weekend at the Heidelberg Music Hall in Helen, Georgia from February 14th to 16th, 2020.

The venue features a German Restaurant “The Heidelberg”, pub and concert hall “Bierhimmel Konzerthalle” located on the 3rd floor of the building.

For concert details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Echoes of Erin 2020 Concert, Liverpool - England

Video: Echoes of Erin at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre, 2012 North America tour final performance.

Ireland’s traditional musician, singing and dancing group “Echoes of Erin” will perform at the Liverpool Irish Centre in Liverpool, England on February 15th at 8pm, hosted by Comhaltas Liverpool, Liverpool Irish Centre and Comhaltas in Britain.

The group, which includes Aaron Glancy (Co. Sligo - accordion), Thomas Palmer (Co. Cork - accordion) and Brogan McAuliffe (London – concertina) will entertain with a variety of traditional and contemporary Irish Music.

For concert details phone: 0151 263 1808
Echoes of Erin


第八届年度六角琴音乐会 - 爱尔兰

Concertina logo
Noel Hill克莱尔传统研究所(The Claire Institute for Traditional Studies)将于2020年2月14日至16日在爱尔兰克莱尔州米尔敦马尔贝市举行第八届年度六角琴音乐会。

The Cruinniú is a festival weekend consisting of concertina classes, informal music sessions, lectures, recitals, and sessions for all age groups and abilities.

Tutors include well known concertina players Noel Hill (event Master tutor - picture right), Edel Fox, Bernie Geraghty, Mairead Hurley, Claire Keville, Mary MacNamara, Caoilfhionn Ní Fhrighil, Liam O'Brien and Jack Talty.

They will also present lectures on topics related to the concertina which are open to both students and the public.

Along with the activity during the day, there will be an evening Concertina Trail, with free traditional music sessions in the local pubs.



“Scythian” 2020年2月音乐会巡回演出 - 美国

Dan Fedoryka华盛顿乐队“Scythian”(sith-ee-yin)将于2月19日至29日在美国俄亥俄州,伊利诺伊州,北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州举行音乐会。

2020年1月4日,Scythian 成为华盛顿特区著名的“The Hamilton”场地的头条新闻。演唱会门票一度售罄,人们在Celtic,民乐,摇滚和蓝草音乐中度过了一个美好的夜晚。


Scythian’s accordionist is Dan Fedoryka. Dan and his brother, Alex, are the founding members of the band, which hosts annual fan trips to Ireland and the Labor Day weekend “Appaloosa “festival in Front Royal, Virginia.

February Performance Schedule:
February 19th – Music Box Supper Club, Cleveland, Ohio
February 20th – Byrne’s Pub, Columbus, Ohio
February 21st – The Loft 28 West, Aurora, Illinois
February 22nd – Brightside Theatre, Dayton, Ohio
February 27th – Lincoln Theater, Raleigh, North Carolina
February 28th – Barter Theater, Abingdon, Virginia
February 29th – Beech Mountain Resort, Beech Mountain, North Carolina

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


Day of the Accordion in Washington State – USA

DOTA poster
“Day of the Accordion” has been expanded and will be held over 3 days in Crossroads Bellevue, Washington State from February 21st to 23rd, 2020, presented by the Northwest Accordion Society.

The event will include a variety of concerts, workshops, free accordion lessons, and a free accordion Q&A workshop.

A concert featuring Mark Myking with Bayou Envie will open the event on February 21st. The following day entertainment will be provided by the Toby Hansen Trio, Lenny Luzzi, the Ken Olendorf Tribute Band, Northwest Accordionaires, a Student Showcase, Folkvoice Band, Charlie Brown & Nancy Gibson , the Lyle Schaefer Duo and Bavarian Beer Garden Band.

The event will close with a performance by Bonnie Birch & Continental Classics on February 23rd.

See poster for details.


Jose Montaderey 手风琴演奏会,蒙特雷 - 墨西哥

Mexico poster
视频:(1)F.A. Boïeldieu ( 1775-1834 ) El califa de Bagad(2)P.I.Tchaikovsky ( 1840 - 1893 ) Vals, de la Serenata para Cuerdas Op. 48 (3)G.A. Rossini ( 1792 - 1868 ) La italiana en Argel (4)F. von Suppé ( 1819 - 1895 ) Caballería Ligera

Jose Valadez will give an accordion recital at the Almma Music School in Colonia Obispado
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México on February 26th at 8pm.

His program will include works by Rossini, Lecuona, Offenbach and Brahms among others.
Admission is free.

See poster for further details.


Lidia Kaminska 与佛罗里达州大西洋古典乐团合作演出 - 美国

Lidia KaminskaLidia Kaminska 将于2020年3月3日至6日在佛罗里达举行的一系列音乐会中与大西洋古典乐团一起参与演出。在音乐总监 David Amado 的指导下,Lidia 将在 Astor Piazzolla 的班德琴演奏阿孔卡瓜协奏曲中扮演重要角色。

Vero Beach(3月3日,晚上7.30)
在 Stuart 举行2场音乐会(3月6日下午4点和晚上8点)

The concerts "Masterworks lll" are billed as featuring "the third of four tries Beethoven made at writing an overture to his only opera, Fidelio. The Leonore Overture No. 3 is the most symphonic of the pack, expansive, dramatic, and moving.”

Their program will also include Concerto Aconcagua by Astor Piazzolla and Schumann’s third symphony.

For details email: trina@ACO-music.org


2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert - USA

Alicia BakerKevin SolekiDownload flyer: 2020NJOFlyer.pdf
Registrations are now open for the 2020 Not Just Oom-Pah! Accordion Workshop and Concert, held in Austin, Texas from June 26th to 28th, 2020.

The event is made possible by a grant from the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department, with support from Texas Folklife, Austin Central Market, and the San Antonio Accordion Association.

Workshop presenters and concert performers will include Alicia Baker (picture above left) and Grammy Award Nominee, Kevin Solecki (picture above right).

A free concert will be held on Friday June 26th, from 6.30pm at Central Market North in Austin, Texas.

The Workshop will be held the following 2 days at the Lamar Senior Activity Center and will include a jam session.

A free Polka Dance Session will be held on Sunday, June 28th, so bring your family and friends for a fun afternoon learning polka, with free dance lessons taught by Gaby Thompson from the San Antonio Accordion Association.

The event will also offer one Youth Scholarship to a deserving accordionist age 18 or younger.

Further information and application for the Youth Scholarship is available online at: 2020NJOScholarship.pdf Applications close April 5th, 2020.

Download the Registration/Payment form at: 2020NJORegistration.pdf



中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:Oleg Sharov 和 Grayson Masefield 参加新加坡中新国际音乐比赛 - 新加坡

Zhongsin International Music Competition header, Oleg Sharov
Xia GangOleg Sharov (新加坡中新国际音乐比赛委员会主席, 如上图) 和 Grayson Masefield (下图) 在新加坡中新国际音乐比赛中进行表演并担任评审。图片左夏刚(中信国际大赛委员会创始人兼秘书长)。

中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:完整的报道和更多图片,尽在该网址:英文版: 2020Zhongsin 中文版:2020-Zhongsin


New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia

Ivan DymaNew website for Ivan Dyma (saxaphone) of the SaxAkkord Duo with Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion).

Contact: Ivan Dyma, Professor of Saxophone, A. Schnittke Institute of Music, Moscow, Russia.
Mobile: +7 9035821 529
E-mail: adyma@yandex.ru


Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

Russian News logo
14 new articles since 1st December 2019 are listed in the Accordion Russia News in Russian language.


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