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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Feb-2015
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Особенности Highlights

Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NAA), Техас – США
Национальный аккордеонный фестиваль, Терминьон ла Вануаз – Франция
Университет Музыки ‘Haute École de Musique de Lausanne’ (HEMU), Лозанна – Швейцария
19 международная Неделя Аккордеона "Alcobaça 2015", Алкобаса – Португалия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Mary Tokarski New AAA President, Connecticut - USA
Video: In G - Tribute to Gino Pigini, Castelfidardo - Italy
William Schimmel has 4 World Premieres plus a Feature in a Movie - USA
Video: Life of Yuri Kazakov, Honored December 2014, Moscow - Russia
Nihad Hrustanbegovic CD Release of ‘The Four Seasons’ - Netherlands
Video: Eva Zöllner, Ensemble Con Tempo (Azerbaijan), Conductor Vladimir Runchak - Ukraine
New album by Jacques Pellarin: ‘Accordion rushes Vol 2’ - France
Video: William Schotte, Sonia Rékis and Marc Gosselin
Accordeon Jazz Salon, Owned by Alex Neuman, Haifa - Israel
Video: Sur un air d'accordéon n°12
‘14 Years Ago’: Cirque du Soleil and the Accordion

Будущие события

Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic
Erika’s Monthly Dance Dates, Floreffe – Belgium
Stanislav Angelov Concert, Stellenbosch – South Africa
David Vernon and Alex Hodgson Tour, South Island – New Zealand
Duo ‘Pagoda’ Concerts, Brighton, London – UK
Life and Music of Anthony Mecca Presentation, Connecticut - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

New and Updated Site: Updated Arrangement of Ebb Tide - USA
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Danza Guapa
Updated Arrangements of Misty, Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA
Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

CD Отзывы

CD Review: Buffoni CD by Black Pencil

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Особенности Highlights

Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NAA), Техас – США

NAA header
Norman and Sharon Seaton29 Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (National Accordion Association - NAA) состоится в отеле и конференц-центре ‘Southfork’, Плано, Даллас, штат Техас, с 5 по 7 марта. Сейчас самое время забронировать номер в гостинице – обратите внимание, что специальный тариф истекает 10 февраля. Мероприятие организовано командой NAA во главе с президентом Норманом Ситоном (Norman Seaton).

В рамках Конвенции состоятся концерты, семинары, «совместное музицирование», джем-сейшн, танцы, выставки, презентации новых инструментов, и «своп магазины» (магазины обмена).

Темой Конвенции в этом году станет «Дуэт Вместе». Найдется ли какая-либо организация в Плано, штат Техас, настолько смелая, чтобы организовать целую конвенцию вокруг каламбура «дуэт вместе»?!!

Среди аккордеонистов, участвующих в Конвенции этом году, Стас Венглевски, Джон Симкус, Брент Басуэлл, Дебра Петерс, Елена и Григорий Файнштейн, Ким и Дэна Кристиан, Шэрон Фокс и Лу Ле Брун.

Если вы планируете посетить конвенцию, отправьте Вашу регистрационную информацию по почте (с проверкой) и заполните он-лайн заявку на время и место выступления, используя форму “Performance Event Interest Survey”.

Для получения дополнительной информации, формы для оегистрации и полную программу посетите сайт NAA http://accordions.com/naa/convention/index.html или напишите по адресу NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net


Национальный аккордеонный фестиваль, Терминьон ла Вануаз – Франция

Vanoise Header
Festival D'Accordeon, Termignon La Vanoise posterВидео выше: телепрограмма ‘Bonus de Nacre’, ведущий Паскаль Савар (Pascal Savard).

14 Национальный Аккордеонный Фестиваль состоялся с 24 по 30 января в Терминьон ла Вануаз, регион Рона-Альпы на юго-востоке Франции. Директор фестиваля – Поллукс (Даниэль Пишон).

Это было праздник всех стилей аккордеонной музыки, с концертами классической музыки, гала-концертом мюзета, баллом мюзета и многим другим.

Среди исполнителей (в алфавитном порядке) Balbazar Trio, Cerdane Cigliutti-Nossent, Orchestre v. Desnault, Guillaume Fric, Daniel Gainetdinoff, Anthony Gilbert, Elsa Gourdy, Fabrice Guillot, Elodie Genoud, Yannick Leybros, Frederic Laurent, Grayson Masefield, Laurent Michelotto, Yves Moulin, Pierre Peribois и телеведущий Pascal Savard.

Каждый день и ночь во всех основных ресторанах и барах выступали артисты, а аккордеонистам всех уровней подготовки было предложено присоединиться к музыкантам.

В заключение мероприятия состоялся парад с участием всех аккордеонистов, которые прошли под снегом по главной улице до лыжной станции! Мероприятие завершилось впечатляющим финалом и фейерверком.


Университет Музыки ‘Haute École de Musique de Lausanne’ (HEMU), Лозанна – Швейцария

Stéphane ChapuisЗаявки на следующий учебный год принимаются до 1 марта. Прослушивания 28 апреля. Скачать: 2015HEMU_admissions.pdf

Классические и джазовые факультеты HEMU предлагают студентам обучение на университетском уровне по теоретическим и практическим дисциплинам, а также содействие в продвижении профессиональной карьеры по окончании обучения.

Преподавателем аккордеона является профессор Стефан Шапюи (Stéphane CHAPUIS). Его студенты 2014-2015 годов обучения:

- Наоми Санчез (Naomi Sanchez), Швейцария, бакалавриат, 1 курс
- Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield), Новая Зеландия, бакалавриат, 3 курс
- Тиффани Мюллер (Tiffanie Mueller), Швейцария, педагогическая магистратура, 1 курс
- Шуан Ма (Shuang Ma), Китай, педагогическая магистратура, 1 курс
- Лиза Биар (Lisa Biard), Швейцария, педагогическая магистратура, 2 курс
- Димитрий Бушлер (Dimitri Bouclier), Франция, педагогическая магистратура, 2 курс
- Кристель Сатю (Christel Sautaux), Швейцария, исполнительская магистратура, 2 курс

Степени бакалавра и магистра HEMU аккредитованы Швейцарской Конфедерацией и подразделением крупнейший профессиональной сети обучения в Швейцарии – Университета прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии – ‘Musique et arts de la scène’.

Количество и разнообразие предлагаемых курсов предоставляют студентам доступ к широкому спектру профессиональной деятельности. Студенты могут работать в качестве концертного исполнителя, артиста оркестра, солиста оркестра, дирижера оркестра. Кроме того они изучают джазовую композицию и музыкальную педагогику.

Образовательный процесс HEMU делится на два цикла. Первый дает степень бакалавра музыкального искусства (BA), как правило, длится три года и требует в общей сложности 180 ECTS (европейская система учета учебной работы студентов). Студенты, желающие поступить на второй цикл, дающий степень магистра, должны иметь степень бакалавра.

Программа на получение степени магистра (MA) требует в общей сложности 120 ECTS, как правило, длится два года, выпускник получает степень магистра музыкального искусства. Студенты также могут получить вторую степень магистра, требующую 90 ECTS.

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь со Стефаном Шапюи (Stéphane Chapuis).


19 международная Неделя Аккордеона "Alcobaça 2015", Алкобаса – Португалия

Aníbal Freire
19-ая Международная Неделя Аккордеона "Alcobaça 2015" пройдет с 23 по 31 мая в Алкобасе, Португалия.

В рамках Международной недели состоится 20 Национальный конкурс 'National Trophy’, а также 1 Международный аккордеонный конкурс, который пройдет 29 и 30 мая. Скачать формы заявок и правила конкурса на английском языке можно здесь: 2015Alcobaca.pdf
Дата окончания подачи заявок: 15 мая 2015 года.

Поскольку Международный конкурс пройдет в первый раз, у организаторов нет возможности предложить значительный призовой фонд. Основная цель первого конкурса – дать возможность всем молодым аккордеонистам оценить свои знания и навыки на международном уровне.

Алкобаса – португальский город, расположенный в 12 км от Атлантического океана, с прекрасными достопримечательностями, такими, как монастырь Санта-Мария де Алкобаса, включенный в лист Всемирного Наследия Человечества, Назаре, Сан-Мартинью-ду-Порту, и т.д. Алкобаса находится в 70 км от Лиссабона.

Вышли правила конкурса, а полная программа Международная Недели (концерты и мастер-классы) также скоро будет опубликована.

Для получения дополнительной информации напишите президенту аккордеонной ассоциации Анибалу Фрейре (Aníbal Freire), Алкобаса/Португалия: anibalfreire@hotmail.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Mary Tokarski New AAA President, Connecticut - USA

AAA Header
Mary TokarskiThe American Accordionists' Association (AAA) is pleased to welcome Mary Tokarski as their new President, taking over from outgoing President Linda Soley Reed, who has remained part of the Executive Team.

A concert accordionist, Mary Tokarski performs both nationally and internationally as a soloist, with symphony orchestras, string quartets, and various ensembles. Mary has appeared as a soloist with the Prince George’s Philharmonic (Maryland), the Moravian Symphony (Czech Republic), the Auckland Symphony (New Zealand), The Pioneer Valley Symphony Orchestra (Massachusetts), the Waterbury Symphony (Connecticut), the Bronxville Pops Orchestra (New York), the Hamden Symphony Orchestra (Connecticut) and most recently with the Boston Modern Orchestra Project (Massachusetts).

She has toured China several times with the Mantovani Orchestra, performing both in the orchestra and as a soloist. She has accompanied the musical ‘Fiddler On The Roof’, performed with the Wolf Trap Performing Arts Center Orchestra for ‘Lord of the Rings: Return of the King’ complete with the film, and in the Opera ‘Four Saints In Three Acts’ by Virgil Thomson and Gertrude Stein. Mary was also featured in the Westport Country Playhouse production of ‘Sing For Your Shakespeare’.

For more than 20 years, Mary served as Director of Music Education at Tokarski Music Center in North Haven, Connecticut, where she taught piano and accordion, conducted the choral and ensemble programs, supervised the pre-school programs, and served as a Music Educator in the North Haven Department of Education's Early Childhood Development Program.

Mary currently teaches accordion and piano at her home in Northford, Connecticut. In collaboration with Karen Malan-Uribe and fellow AAA officer Joan Grauman (an illustrator/artist from Maryland), Mary selected and recorded the music and narration for the guided reader children’s book “An Accordion! What Is That?” released in 2010, and now in an iBook format! ? www.accordionbee.com

Mary has performed internationally in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Scotland and Switzerland – as well as extensively in the USA. As a two-time United States Champion she represented the U.S. in the Coupe Mondiale (World Championship) events in Belgium and France. She has served on the Board of Directors for the AAA in multiple capacities, is one of the founders of the Connecticut Accordion Association and is a member and former Executive Officer of the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG).

As an educator, Mary presents workshops and master classes on improving musical skills, and coaches on all aspects of performance throughout the U.S. and Canada, and recently at the Peter Soave Music Academy in Sauris, Italy. Mary has also served as an adjudicator at festivals around the U.S. as well as serving on jury panels for world events.

Mary began her music career at the age of 7 with Michael Fernino of Ansonia, Connecticut. During the course of her musical career she has studied theory, performance, ensemble and orchestral training with professors from Yale University, Indiana University, Peabody Conservatory, Boston University, the University of Texas and the University of Denver. In addition, she has had extensive Kindermusik training at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, and Princeton University, and has attended numerous seminars on the psychology of teaching, technics for ‘special needs’ learners, and LOTS of education-related topics!

Mary has the distinction of winning over 185 trophies and awards for her performances in competitions, and was elected to the Who's Who Among America's Teachers in 2002, the Oxford's Who's Who in 1992, was a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow in 2004, and received the AAMS Recognition Award in March 2011.

We congratulate Mary on her new role as AAA President, and we wish her much success as she and her team lead this prestigious organization during the upcoming term of office.

Note: As Mary begins her new role, we offer our sincerest condolences to her on the sad loss of her devoted husband Frank. Mary had just returned from her concert tour in China with the Mantovani Orchestra to learn of husband's cancer diagnosis and tragically lost him a week later. Family and friends gathered for his beautiful funeral service in North Haven, CT, on January 24th. Our thoughts are with Mary during this difficult time.


Video: In G - Tribute to Gino Pigini, Castelfidardo - Italy

Massimo Pigini with background picture of father Gino PiginiPublished on Oct 25, 2014 this video clip Titled "IN G" is a tribute to Gino Pigini, music by Claudio Jacomucci.

This video was filmed on the 27th June 2014, when accordion factory Pigini s.r.l. celebrated 100 years since the birth of the father of the accordion factory - Gino Pigini.

Picture left: Massimo Pigini speech with background picture of father Gino Pigini.

Also on the clip celebrating this event, were the staff of the Pigini accordion factory, suppliers, distributors and of course, some of the many famous accordionists who play Pigini instruments.

4th July 2014 News report: Gino100
4th July 2014 Photo report: www.accordions.com/pigini100


William Schimmel has 4 World Premieres plus a Feature in a Movie - USA

Dr William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel’s new work: ‘Liszt: Vision and Transformation for Accordion and Piano’ had its world premiere at Mannes College of Music. Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig was the pianist and William Schimmel on the accordion.

Also on the same program which took place on January 23rd were two encores, which also happened to be world premieres: ‘Rain in the Gardens’ and ‘Air for the C scale’, both composed by William Schimmel.

On February 15th William Schimmel will premiere his new work, ‘Max to Max for Accordion and Strings’, with the North South Consonance Orchestra under the direction of Max Lifchitz. This event will take place at Christ and St. Stephen’s Church in Manhattan.

William Schimmel is featured in the new film, ‘The Humbling’, starring Al Pacino. The film was directed by Barry Levinson and the music was composed by Marcelo Zarvos. This is William Schimmel’s third collaboration with Marcelo Zarvos, the first being ‘The Beaver’, starring Mel Gibson directed by Jodie Foster, the second being ‘Ray Donovan’, the TV series starring Lev Schreiber.

For further information: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Video: Life of Yuri Kazakov, Honored December 2014, Moscow - Russia

Yuri Kazakov presentation
Yuri Ivanovich Kazakov, People's Artist of the USSR - the first in the USSR paved the way for other Russian artists who are renowned around the world. In December, Yuri Kazakov was honored for his major contribution to the development of the accordion at the XXV International Moscow Festival “Bayan and Bayanists”. Picture above of Yuri Kazakov making a speech at his presentation, presented by Friedrich Lips.

This video about the history/life of Yuri Kazakov by ProtaVideo (Anatoly Morozov, pictured in video box) is one of 274 videos on youtube by ProtaVideo.


Nihad Hrustanbegovic CD Release of ‘The Four Seasons’ - Netherlands

CD Preview sound file: The Four Seasons Winter part 1. Click left below.
Nihad HrustanbegovicAfter almost 300 hundred years since ‘The Four Seasons’ was composed by Antonio Vivaldi comes a new interpretation, interpreted on the concert accordion by Nihad Hrustanbegovic.
Nihad Hrustanbegovic has spent the last 7 months arranging and recording ‘The Four Seasons’ for concert accordion, completely based on the urtext music score. The album was recorded in the Zeews Concert hall in Middelburg, The Netherlands for Zefir Records.
The release of Nihad's 6th solo album, Vivaldi's ‘Four Seasons’, takes place on Valentine's Day Saturday February 14th and will be available in all classical CD record shops and Libris bookshops in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg and on international websites.
On Sunday 15th February at 8 pm, will be a CD presentation and concert which will be broadcast on De Balie TV with internet HD streaming.
The places and the dates of Nihad’s ‘The Four Seasons’ European concert tour will be announced in March 2015.
For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Video: Eva Zöllner, Ensemble Con Tempo (Azerbaijan), Conductor Vladimir Runchak - Ukraine

From the 5th Qara Qarayev International Contemporary Music Festival. Performance. "Night Cabaret", 18 April 2013, published on Dec 16, 2014.
Titled: Mauricio Kagel, Variété (1977).

Ensemble Con Tempo (Azerbaijan), Conductor Vladimir Runchak (Ukraine);
AVA Dance Company (Germany/Spain); Eva Zöllner (accordeon, Germany)
Azerbaijan State Theatre of Young Spectators. Baku, Azerbaijan


New album by Jacques Pellarin: ‘Accordion rushes Vol 2’ - France

Video promo above, by Lucas Pellarin. Published on Jan 2, 2015
" L' EPHEMERE " HD ( version solo ), composer Jacques Pellarin, Album "Accordion rushes Vol 2" - released 2015.

With the digital release of ‘Accordion rushes Volume 2’, this closes a cycle of three albums by French accordionist Jacques Pellarin, devoted to his so-called ‘imaginary cinema’, with a very melodic, nostalgic accordion, and orchestra in a recording studio.

The album has a sound that evokes a certain tradition accordion in the French cinema, and is inspired by famous composers such as Nino Rota, Ennio Morricone, Francis Lai, François de Roubaix, Michel Legrand, Georges Delerue, Jean Wiener. Inspiration is also nourished by the atmosphere of films of Federico Fellini, Jean-Pierre Melville, Claude Sautet, La nouvelle vague, Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

For further information: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Video: William Schotte, Sonia Rékis and Marc Gosselin

Published on Jan 12, 2015,
Performers William Schotte (vocalist, cello), Sonia Rékis (accordion, vocal chorus) and Marc Gosselin (violin, percussion, vocal chorus).


Accordeon Jazz Salon, Owned by Alex Neuman, Haifa - Israel

Accordeon Jazz Salon, Israel
An article wirtten by Eli Bass about Accordeon Jazz Salon owner Alex Neuman including pictures. JazzSalon


Video: Sur un air d'accordéon n°12

French musette TV program. Performers:
Erika - What's going on
James Caubert - La polka du Vimen
Erika - Amzazing Greese
Michel Pruvot - Je voudrais t'embrasser
James Caubert - Venez sur la piste
Les félines - La danse du sabre

If you enjoy, visit the other Sur un air d'accordéon programs on Daily Motion.
Erika - La valse de Saint-Bernard


‘14 Years Ago’: Cirque du Soleil and the Accordion

Cirque du Soleil logoCirque du Soleil logoThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 9th 2001 included an article concerning the appointment of Suzie Gagnon as accordionist with Cirque du Soleil. Founded in 1984 in Montreal, Canada, by accordionist, stilt walker and fire eater Guy Lalilberte, Cirque du Soleil was initially a collection of street buskers of various kinds.

Now a hugely successful and popular worldwide organization with many differently themed circus shows, Cirque du Soleil has always employed accordionists amongst its accompanying ensembles. Long may this continue.

Accordionist Performs with Cirque du Soleil - New Zealand
Contributed by Heather Masefield

Accordionist Suzie Gagnon (Canada) toured New Zealand in January with the Cirque du Soleil ‘Alegria’ as part of a two year Asian Pacific tour. The show has 56 artists, 6 musicians and 2 vocalists. Suzie not only plays the accordion but also has special stage makeup, an extravagant costume, acts, and takes part in difficult choreography for 10 performances a week! She travels with 6 accordions, and plays piano, chromatic and diatonic instruments.

After Auckland the group will perform in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane (Australia), before going to Taiwan, Singapore and China.


Будущие события

Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordion entertainer Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday February 6th - Toughers Ballroom, Newbridge, County Kildare
Saturday February 7th - Bellsfort Inn, Newmarket on Fergus, County Clare
Sunday February 8th - Gandon Inn, Ballybrittas, County Laois
Monday February 9th – Ballykealy Manor, Balton, County Carlow

Sun:-Gandon Inn Ballybrittas Co.Laois
Mon:-Ballykealey Manor Ballon Co.Carlow.
Declan Aungier began learning the piano accordion at the age of 9, took up Irish/Scottish traditional music at age 13, and became All-Ireland Under 18 Piano Accordion Champion in 1987. He switched to the 5-row Continental button accordion, and works as a solo entertainer, with many CDs to his credit, covering music varying from Country and Western, Irish traditional, jazz, and pop music.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


Erika’s Monthly Dance Dates, Floreffe – Belgium

ErikaThe popular musician Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’, plays for dancing on Sundays February 8th, March 15th, April 26th, and May 24th, all at 2pm, at Au Fond de la Cour, 1 Rue Riverre, Floreffe, Belgium.


Stanislav Angelov Concert, Stellenbosch – South Africa

Stanislav AngelovStanislav Angelov and his Sharena Sol Orchestra, featuring guest vocalist Melanie Scholz, perform at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre, Adam Tas Road, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa, on Sunday February 15th, 6.30pm. The music will be a fusion of Gypsy Jazz, Parisian valse musette and tango, with a touch of Balkan madness.

The line-up for this concert is Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, Willie van Zyl – saxophones & clarinet, Dave Ledbetter – guitar, Charles Lazar – double bass, and Frank Paco – drums.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


David Vernon and Alex Hodgson Tour, South Island – New Zealand

David Vernon and Alex Hodgson
In the next fortnight versatile accordion entertainer David Vernon and singer/guitarist Alex Hodgson, both from Scotland, perform a 20 dates tour of the South Island, New Zealand.

February Saturday 7th, 7.30pm - Timaru RSA
February Sunday 8th, 2pm - Fairlie Pub 2pm
February Monday 9th, 7.30pm - Geraldine Club
February Wednesday 11th - Nelson Club
                10am - 40min School show
                Noon - 40min Senior Citizen show
                5pm - 1 hour Bar show
February Thursday 12th - Blenheim Club 
                10am - 40min School show
                Noon - 40min Senior Citizen show
                5pm - 1 hour Bar show
February Friday13th, 8pm - Hornby Club
February Saturday 14th, 8pm Kaiapoi Club 8pm
February Monday 16th - Coronation Hall, Dunedin
                  11am - 1 hour Senior Citizens show
                  2pm - 40min School show
February Tuesday 17th – Cricket, Scotland v NZ     
February Wednesday 18th - Coronation Hall Mosgiel
                  11am - 1 hour Senior Citizens show
                  2pm - 40min School show
February Thursday 19th, 8pm - Wanaka Club
February Friday 20th - Galleon Complex Oamaru
             2pm 40min School show
              8pm full show
February Saturday 21st, 8pm - Ranfurly Town Hall
February Sunday 22nd, 7pm - Ashburton RSA  

For further information email: dvernon100@aol.com


Duo ‘Pagoda’ Concerts, Brighton, London – UK

PagodaPagoda are Paul Hutchinson on accordion and Karen Wimhurst on clarinet. Their evocative sound can be heard at two of their upcoming concerts:

Friday February 20th, 7.30pm - St Nicholas Church, Church Street, Brighton BN1 3LJ 
Sunday February 22nd, 7.30pm - The Barn Church, Atwood Avenue, Kew, London TW9 4HF

Lovers of Playford music will be interested in the Playford music course with Karen Wimhurst, Richard Heacock and Paul Hutchinson at Halsway Manor from March 23rd – 27th.

For further information email: paulaccordion@gmail.com


Life and Music of Anthony Mecca Presentation, Connecticut - USA

Anthony MeccaThe next gathering of the Connecticut Accordion Association (CAA) will be held at 1pm on Sunday February 22nd at Vasi's Restaurant, 1700 Watertown Ave, Waterbury, CT. A multimedia presentation of the life and music of accordionist, Anthony Mecca, will be given by Bill Mecca and Don Gerundo.

The admission fee is $5 per person to CAA members. Non-members: $10 per person.


Новые и обновленные сайты

New and Updated Site: Updated Arrangement of Ebb Tide - USA

Gary DahlUpdated arrangement of Ebb Tide, a mellow professional sounding of jazz version of a favourite standard. This arrangement qualifies for professional performances and recording. Arrangement by Gary Dahl.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco190 Cafe Seville (Solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

Cafe Seville is a sentimental Flamenco Piece.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Danza Guapa

Danza Guapa musicFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco192 Danza Guapa (solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

Danza Guapa is a Happy Paso Doble Dance.


Updated Arrangements of Misty, Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Gary DahlUpdated arrangement of Misty, catalog DH0026 is now available online. Also available is the easy version arrangement by Gary Dahl, catalog DH0249.


Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2015 examination dates and 2015 entry forms.


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Buffoni CD by Black Pencil

Buffoni CD cover by Black PencilCD Reviews Index for the Review of Buffoni CD by Black Pencil, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers


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