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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 05-Nov-2021
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祖芬根 2022年 Coupe Mondiale,10 月 4 日至 9 日 - 瑞士
新日期已确定,2023年因斯布鲁克世界音乐节 - 奥地利
Petar Dincic (Serba) Wins Masters Coupe Mondiale - Germany
视频:Klaus Paier 与 Camerata Sinfoonica 合作演奏乐曲“Premiere Suite” - 奥地利
在线 ATG:Friedrich Lips 研讨会 - 美国
Sirius Accordion Trio (Italy) Wins International Competition for Chamber Music - Germany
在线:第二届俄罗斯民间乐器演奏家比赛,彼尔姆 - 俄罗斯
阿姆斯特丹手风琴协会 Insulinde 周年音乐会 – 荷兰


Peter Milovanov (Russia) Winner of the 2021 Junior Coupe Mondiale - Germany
Alexey Peresydly 赢得 Yugra Grant 比赛 – 俄罗斯
2021年布拉格第7届国际手风琴日年度比赛和音乐节 - 捷克共和国
比赛结果:第 72 届珀斯线上手风琴和小提琴节 - 苏格兰
由 Robert McMahan 教授撰写的 AAA 音乐委员会历史
Nikola Djoric 在维也纳音乐协会演奏巴赫、Gubaidulina 和 Piazzolla 作品 - 奥地利
手风琴乐队在“Be Free Fest”演出 - 摩尔多瓦
Amalgalis 组合在维尔纽斯音乐节表演 - 立陶宛
视频:Julie 手风琴万圣节快乐表演 - 澳大利亚
2021年巴里手风琴节 - 意大利
视频:Alex Acco 表演“Fly me to the Moon” - 韩国
视频:“Olé Guapa”现场表演 - 德国


手风琴家 Will Holshouser 的荷兰巡演
Mickaël Clément 在 Grand Reopening 表演 - 法国
Ladislav Horák 和 Petr Tomeček 二重奏音乐会 - 捷克共和国
现场直播:55 周年庆典 Jahreskonzert Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling – 德国
“Skipinnish” 2021 年节日巡演现场音乐会 - 苏格兰
“Scythian” CoMMA 表演艺术中心音乐会 - 美国
Klaus Paier 组合与 2021 年巴赫曼奖得主合作演出,维也纳 - 奥地利
“The Henry Girls” 音乐表演,都柏林 - 爱尔兰


视频:Akordeonový Orchestr Pohoda - 布拉格比赛管弦乐团获奖者 - 捷克共和国


在线:ATG 专业发展课程 - 美国
2022年 NAA 公约计划发布 - 美国

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祖芬根 2022年 Coupe Mondiale,10 月 4 日至 9 日 - 瑞士

2022 Coupe Mondiale poster
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo Mattila, Yvonne Glur, Ruedi Marty继上个月在慕尼黑 2021年 Coupe Mondiale 的成功举办之后,10 月 4 日至 9 日在瑞士祖芬根举行的 2022年 Coupe Mondiale 正在顺利进行中。

在上个月举行的第 146 届 CIA 国际代表大会上, accordeon.ch 总裁 Yvonne Glur 和 CIA 副主席兼 accordeon.ch Coupe Mondiale 组织者 Ruedi Marty 与 CIA 总裁 Mirco Patarini、秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 共同签署了 2022 Coupe Mondiale 主办合同。如上图。

accordeon.ch 主持人向来自 19 个国家和 6 个通过代理出席的国家的大会代表作了介绍展示。该展示具体介绍了很多关于城市、音乐会场地、酒店和旅游的相关信息,您可在此处下载:2022CM-Presentation.pdf

祖芬根是一座拥有 12000 名居民的小城市,距离巴塞尔和苏黎世机场约 60 公里,苏黎世机场是欧洲最重要的机场之一,它将瑞士与全世界连接了起来。

音乐大厅位于祖芬根的中心位置,彼此之间仅需 5 分钟步行即可到达。主要的音乐会和比赛在可容纳 450 人的大型市政厅举办。
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo Mattila, Yvonne Glur, Ruedi Marty


新日期已确定,2023年因斯布鲁克世界音乐节 - 奥地利

2023 WMF logo
The Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e. V. (DHV) 宣布将日期从 2022 年更改为 2023 年。 因斯布鲁克世界音乐节现将于 2023 年 5 月 18 日至 21 日在奥地利因斯布鲁克举行。

该活动每三年举办一次,德国 DHV 协会邀请数千上万的参与者和游客参加该世界音乐节,每个人都兴奋不已。



Petar Dincic (Serba) Wins Masters Coupe Mondiale - Germany

Bundesministerium für Kultur und MedienPetar Dincic (Serba) was the winner of the Masters Coupe Mondiale category in Munich Germany. The one round category had 14 competitors and is always a very competitive category.

The candidate must perform a program of three or more pieces including:
One Baroque work.
Two (2) pieces of contrasting character and style.
One (1) of these pieces must be an original work for accordion.
Complete cyclic works or a selection of movements can be played.
Playing time: suggested minimum of 15 minutes to maximum 20 minutes.

Petar Dincic (Serba) Music program:
Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In A Major, K24
Staffan Mossenmark Water Spirit
Franz Liszt Edute No 2, E Flat Major

Daily Reports of video, pictures and results is online. There is video of every Coupe Mondiale contestants performance and the concerts, provided by the CIA Video Archive and Education Project.
Video Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2021CM-Video
Daily Reports, pictures, results at: 2021CM-Report
Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


视频:Klaus Paier 与 Camerata Sinfoonica 合作演奏乐曲“Premiere Suite” - 奥地利

Klaus Paier视频:Klaus Paier 与奥地利 Camerata Sinfonica 乐团合作演奏他为手风琴和管弦乐团创作的作品“Premiere Suite”,由 Davorin Mori 担任指挥。

该视频于 7 月 21 日在下卡林西亚最大的音乐节 St. Pauler Kultursommer 2021 现场录制,该音乐节在五旬节和圣母升天日之间举办了一系列活动。


在线 ATG:Friedrich Lips 研讨会 - 美国

ATG header
Friedrich Lips国际手风琴家和教师协会 The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 将于美国中部时间 12 月 12 日下午 2 点举办一场由 Friedrich Lips 教授 (俄罗斯莫斯科) 主持的特别的一次性线上研讨会。

Lips 教授将具体探讨手风琴在当今一般音乐文化中的作用。 在全球范围内,它如何与其他乐器和团体交互合作?

详情请查看 ATG 网站或发送电子邮件至:atg.accordioniststeachersguild@gmail.com


Sirius Accordion Trio (Italy) Wins International Competition for Chamber Music - Germany

The International Ensemble - Classical Music category held at the 2021 Coupe Mondiale was won by the Sirius Accordion Trio (Italy). Performers were: Bianco, Michele (Accordion) Nardelli, Alberto (Accordion ), Secundo, Pietro (Accordion ).

The Candidates must perform:
Own Choice Program of concert music consisting of at least two (2) pieces with contrasting style.
Marking will take into consideration program choice, level of playing and ensemble work.
Playing time: maximum 20 minutes.

Music program Sirius Accordion Trio:
V. Semionov Toccata Barbara
K. Olczak Maestoso Mesto
K. Hakola Arara'
First Day Of Spring P. Baranek
Bundesministerium für Kultur und Medien


在线:第二届俄罗斯民间乐器演奏家比赛,彼尔姆 - 俄罗斯

Perm logo

The main objectives of the Competition are to expand the possibilities of creative formation of performers on folk instruments, identification and support of the most gifted students, along with the expansion and strengthening of interregional ties.

The jury consists of Ozerov Sergey Alexandrovich (button accordion, N. Novgorod), Kartashov Viktor Dmitrievich (button accordion, Saratov), Burlakov Mikhail Sergeevich (button accordion, Moscow) and Novikov Grigory Vladimirovich (Russia, N. Novgorod).

Competition categories include:
Solo Bayan (pupils, students, teachers)
Solo Accordion (pupils, students, teachers)
Ensemble accordion and mixed instruments (pupils, students, teachers)
Teacher-student (including mixed instruments)
Orchestra (from 12 players)

报名截止日期为 2021 年 11 月 15 日。有关详细信息,请发送电子邮件至 permstruni@gmail.com



阿姆斯特丹手风琴协会 Insulinde 周年音乐会 – 荷兰

Insulinde orchestra
AAAI logoAAAI pic阿姆斯特丹手风琴协会 Insulinde 将于 2021 年 11 月 14 日下午 2 点 30 分举办一场在 Marja Vrieling 指导下,由 Insulinde 乐团和 Insulinde 合奏团进行表演的音乐会,以此来庆祝其成立 85 周年。

The event will be held at the Dorpshuis Landsmeer (Landsmeer Village Hall) in Landsmeer, North Holland, Netherlands.

Following the concert, there will be a cocktail hour with accordion music by Sjaak Wester (picture below).

For details email: mart.stralen@live.nl
Sjaak Wester



Peter Milovanov (Russia) Winner of the 2021 Junior Coupe Mondiale - Germany

Round I

Round II
Winner of the 2021 Junior Coupe Mondiale category is Peter Milovanov (Russia).

Music requirements of Junior Coupe Mondiale category: Round I
The candidate must perform three pieces:
One Baroque work.
Two (2) pieces of contrasting character and style
Notifications: Minimum one original work for accordion must be included. One of the pieces can be a single movement from a cyclic work. Each piece must be from a different composer.
Playing time for Round 1: maximum 15 minutes.

Music requirements: Round II
The candidate must perform:
Minimum of two (2) pieces must be played of which one must be an original work for accordion.
Complete cyclic works or a selection of movements can be played.
Playing time: maximum of 15 minutes.

Music Program of Peter Milovanov
Round I
D. Buxtehude Praeluadium And Fuge In G-Moll Buxwv 149
D. Scarlatti Sonata Number 73 In H-Moll
V. Semionov “the Tale Of The Quiet Don”
Round II
V. Semionov Sonata Number 2 “basqueriad”
O. Novachek “perpetual Motion”


Alexey Peresydly 赢得 Yugra Grant 比赛 – 俄罗斯

Alexey Peresydly poster
Alexey Peresydly手风琴家 Alexey Peresydly 赢得了本周在俄罗斯莫斯科KTC ''Yugra-Classic'' 管风琴大厅举行的Yugra Grant 比赛的总冠军。 他还获得过 2003 Coupe Mondiale 国际第二名的好成绩。

Alexey 表演了首演节目“Earthly Captivity”,其中包括具有深刻哲学背景的作品、为手风琴创作的当代学术音乐,旨在从不同的角度为听众揭示那些早已众所周知的真理。

Pieces included Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov - ''He who dwells under the blood of the Almighty in the shadow of the Almighty will calm down...", Vasily Serdyshov - ''From darkness to light'', Alexei Peresydly - ''Earthly Slavs'' and Sergey Zyatkov - ''Three Pieces for the accordion'' (''Lay there and then - hear", ''Mechanisms of tenderness", and ''Twinkle'').

Alexey 的项目“The art of Ugra for the whole planet”获得了一笔巨额资助,他计划借此出版更多的音乐,在未来表演他的作品,并制作一场电影音乐会“Mosfilm”。


2021年布拉格第7届国际手风琴日年度比赛和音乐节 - 捷克共和国

competition winners

视频:Viktor Stocker(10 岁 - 捷克共和国),13 岁以下类别的冠军。 24分和18分的高分,让他成为了比赛中得分最高的独奏演奏家。


Event co-hosts were the Prague Conservatory, the Society of Czech Accordionists the Club Tours Concert Agency.

The festival and competition attracted more than 100 players from eight countries.

Picture above left: Front row competition winners - Jan Švejda 2nd prize in the 4th category, Martin Šulc winner of the 6th category (centre) and Martin Kot winner of the 7th category (right).

下图:评委团成员 Andreas Nebl 、Josef Hrebík、 Jörgen Sundeqvist 、Stefan Hippe、 Mirco Patarini 和 Ladislav Horák。
Prague jury members


比赛结果:第 72 届珀斯线上手风琴和小提琴节 - 苏格兰

72nd poster
2021 年第 72 届珀斯手风琴和小提琴音乐节于 10 月在苏格兰珀斯的 Redgorton 在线上举行。

Accordion adjudicators were James Coutts, Michael Philip and Freeland Barbour.

Competition result were announced on October 30th, 2021 apart from the All Scotland Senior Traditional Accordion Solo Championship, which were announced live on BBC Radio Scotland “Take The Floor” program on Saturday 30th October 2021.

Winner of the 2021 All Scotland Senior Traditional Accordion Solo and picking up the coveted Jimmy Shand Shield was: Duncan Black from Edinburgh
2nd place - Liam Stewart, Galston
3rd place - Clelland Shand, Dunfermline



由 Robert McMahan 教授撰写的 AAA 音乐委员会历史

AAA Header
美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 作曲家委员会 (图左) 主席 Robert Young McMahan 博士撰写了许多非常有趣的关于当代手风琴音乐会作品的文章,这些文章多年来一直受 AAA 委托而撰写。

Robert McMahan 是最近从新泽西学院退休的音乐教授,也是音乐家和乐曲创作的区域协调员,同时他也是一位古典手风琴艺术教师。

AAA 音乐委员会的完整名单在以下地址:

A brief history of the AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee has been revised and is online at:

Articles about individual AAA Music Commissions is going to be published over the coming months with the list of articles to be published at:

The first article titled: “The First [AAA] Commission: Prelude and Dance, by Paul Creston” is online at: http://ameraccord.com/commissions/creston.htm

The AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee welcomes donations from all those who love the classical accordion and wish to see its modern original concert repertoire continue to grow. The American Accordionists’ Association is a 501(c)(3) corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law. They can easily be made by visiting the AAA-Store at http://www.ameraccord.com/cart.aspx which allows you to both make your donation and receive your tax deductible receipt on the spot.

For additional information, please contact Dr. McMahan at grillmyr@gmail.com


Nikola Djoric 在维也纳音乐协会演奏巴赫、Gubaidulina 和 Piazzolla 作品 - 奥地利

Nikola Djoric
Nikola Djoric poster2021 年 10 月 22 日,作为“年轻音乐家”系列的一部分,Nikola Djoric 在奥地利维也纳维也纳音乐协会的“Matellener Saal”中用他的乐器将他的大量观众带到了全新的声音世界。

Gubaidulina's sonata “Ex expecto” in particular aroused the listeners' curiosity with its many new effects, such as multi-part ricochets or the use of the air button.

The well-known "Toccata and Fugue in D minor", BWV 565 is one of the highlights of J.S. Bach's works. While the toccata tends to represent the virtuoso, sometimes playful element, the fugue then pays homage to the strict contrapuntal movement, resulting in an artful polyphonic structure. In the 20th century this work gained new creative life on the youngest contemporary instrument - the bayan.

In the "English Suite N° 2 in A minor", BWV 807 (Prélude - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Bourrée I - II - I - Gigue) Djoric impressed with interpretive subtleties including the floating lines that make the charm of Bach‘s "English Suites“.

S. Gubaidulina (recently celebrated her 90th birthday) is an important composer in Russia in the 20th century. She is the author of numerous works for symphony orchestra, chamber and vocal music. In the 1980s, S. Gubaidulina's work achieved international recognition.

For bayan she wrote “De profundis” (1978), “Seven words” for bayan, violoncello and strings (1982), “Et exspecto” - Sonata in 5 movements (1986), “Silenzio” for bayan, violin and cello ( 1992), “Tatar Dance” for bayan and two double basses (1992), “Under the Sign of Scorpio” - variations on six hexachords for bayan and orchestra (2003) and “Fachwerk” for accordion, percussion and orchestra (2009). “Et exspecto” refers to the second appearance of Christ. The focus of the sonata is the conflict between two spheres of sound. The pure and clear chorale is juxtaposed with sonorous clusters. The theme of the chant, now clear, now mysterious and mystical, now solemn, appears in all movements except in the finale. In the culmination of the 4th movement, the chorale seems to feel strengthened on its painful-majestic path, but the initially harmoniously simple chords together with the imperceptibly emerging figurations gradually acquire a dissonant structure, and this mutation leads to grandiose clusters over the entire range of the Instrument. The sound of the air button, which represents the howling of the wind, plays a major role in the sonata. This tonal effect, which in the finale takes on a sound shape, creates the image of a winter snowstorm ... and evokes an association with the sonata B flat minor by F. Chopin.

Astor Piazzolla wrote an "Ave Maria" (Tanti anni prima / Many years ago) for violin and piano for the 1984 film "Enrico IV", based on the play of the same name by Luigi Pirandello (1922), the flattering melody of which soon became popular. In addition to numerous arrangements for various instruments, the one for accordion can often be heard.

Accordionist Nikola Djoric has made a name as a soloist and chamber musician and has already performed in the Wiener Musikverein, the Philharmonie Cologne, the Konzerthaus Berlin and the Gasteig in Munich. With his accordion he is constantly exploring previously unknown sound spectra in the classical repertoire, strictly adhering to the original text. From this, as well as from his affinity for contemporary music, he draws his inspiration for such grandiose evenings.
Wiener Musikverein


手风琴乐队在“Be Free Fest”演出 - 摩尔多瓦

Be Free poster
“Be Free”音乐节于 2021 年 10 月 29 日至 11 月 4 日在摩尔多瓦的基希讷乌举行,由罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦 Friedrich Naumann 基金会组织。 Concertino 手风琴乐队(如下图所示)于 11 月 4 日在基希讷乌的 Teatrul National Satiricus Ion Luca Caragiale 的 Sala Mare 举办了一场名为“Piazzolla 100”的音乐会。

Their performance celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Argentine composer, Astor Piazzolla with a program including “Michelangelo 70”, "Milonga del Angel", "Porteña Spring", "Autumn Porteño", "Porteño Winter", "Verano Porteño", "Oblivion", “Tango Ballet”, "Goodbye Nonino", “Escape”, "I am Mary", “Escape and Mystery”, and "Let's go to the devil".
Concertino Accordion Band


Amalgalis 组合在维尔纽斯音乐节表演 - 立陶宛

Amalgalis Duo
由手风琴家 Daniel Lis 和 Ewa Grabowska-Lis 组成的 Amalgalis 组合于 11 月 3 日在立陶宛维尔纽斯的立陶宛音乐与戏剧学院 (LMTA) 的 Akordeono Festivalis 举行的音乐会上演出。

他们的表演包括 “Running on the street” (Leszek Kolodziejski) 的全球首演,以及波兰作曲家 Bogdan Dowlasz、 Mikolaj Majkusiak 和 Maciej Zimka 献给他们组合的最新作品。


视频:Julie 手风琴万圣节快乐表演 - 澳大利亚


我们希望您能喜欢这个由悉尼专业手风琴家 Julie Accordion (Julie Wisniewski) 创作的 Addams 家庭主题视频。


2021年巴里手风琴节 - 意大利

Video: Performance at the Bari Accordion Festival final concert by the Folksongs Tango Project. Francesco Palazzo (accordion and festival Artistic Director), Tiziana Portuguese (voice), Michele Campobasso (piano), Donato Pugliese (violin), Paolo Debenedetto (saxophone) Camillo Pace (double bass).

巴里市 - 位于该市的皮奇尼音乐学院(Piccinni Conservatory)是意大利第三个在1993 年启用了最重要的手风琴委员会之一的音乐学院 - 现在正在举办第一届巴里手风琴节。 2021 年 10 月 15 日至 17 日,在意大利南部巴里的慈幼会修道院 - 救世主教堂在 3 个晚上共举行了 6 场音乐会。艺术总监 Francesco Palazzo 是巴里音乐学院的手风琴家和教师。

The event, which was supported by the Bari Municipality, the Apulia Region and the Patrocini entities, included six concerts over 3 evenings.

Festival accordionists included: United Sounds with Pasquale Barberio (accordion), SudEstada Ensemble with Tiziano Zanzarella (accordion), Shanah Tovah with Fabio Zurlo (accordion), duo composed of Pietro Adragna (accordion) and Giuseppe Sinacori (guitar), Alchémia with accordionist Loderini, Folksongs Tango Project.
Bari performers


视频:Alex Acco 表演“Fly me to the Moon” - 韩国

Alexander Sheykin 又名 Alex Acco,与歌手 Eunyul Lee 和吉他、贝斯和鼓一起表演“Fly me to the Moon”。

该视频是以韩国首尔蚕原和盘浦汉江公园为背景,在 COZ 举办的在线音乐会上录制的。


视频:“Olé Guapa”现场表演 - 德国

视频:这段视频是 André Rieu(小提琴)和他的 Johann Strauss 乐队在柏林森林公园现场表演 Olé Guapa 的画面。 取自 DVD 'La Vie Est Belle'。

独奏手风琴家是 Johann Strauss 乐队的手风琴/低音长号手 Leon van Wijk。



手风琴家 Will Holshouser 的荷兰巡演

Will Holshouser & Eric Vloeimans视频:Will Holshouser 和 Eric Vloeimans 表演“Redbud Winter”。

手风琴家 Will Holshouser 将于本月与 Eric Vloeimans (小号) 一起前往荷兰进行巡回演出。

During the tour, the duo (pictured left) will perform “Redbud Winter” composed by Will Holshouser, which is commissioned by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA).

The piece was premiered at the AAA Seminars curated by Dr. William Schimmel, on July 30th, 2021 and was written in memory of Will's mother, Cynthia Shoemaker (1939 - 2021).

Netherlands Tour dates as follows:

November 5th: Theaterkerk Wadway Opmeer
November 6th: Theater Ludens Voorburg
November 7th: De Kleine Willem Enschede
November 11th: Lantaren Venster Rotterdam
November 12th: De Roode Bioscoop Amsterdam
November 13th: Schouwburg De Kring Roosendaal
November 14th: Vredeskerkje Bergen

For further information: holshouserwill@gmail.com


Mickaël Clément 在 Grand Reopening 表演 - 法国

Mickael poster
手风琴家 Mickaël Clément 将于 2021 年 11 月 7 日在法国 Eix-Abaucourt 的 Odile 餐厅举办的Grand Reopening上进行表演。

Mickaël 的表演时间为下午 2:30 至下午 6:30。



Ladislav Horák 和 Petr Tomeček 二重奏音乐会 - 捷克共和国

Ladislav posterLadislav Horák (手风琴) 将于2021年11月9日晚上7:30在捷克共和国布拉格的 Šimona a Judy 音乐厅与 Petr Tomecek (长笛) 合作举办一场音乐会。

Their program will include Sinfonia No. 3 G major (Vivaldi) plus works by Astor Piazzolla – Oblivion, Suite del Ángel and Las cuatro estaciones porteñas (The four Buenos Aires seasons).

For details email: vstupenky@pko.cz


现场直播:55 周年庆典 Jahreskonzert Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling – 德国

Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling 乐团将于 2021 年 11 月 13 日下午 4 点在德国 Wesseling 的 Wesselinger Rheinforum 举行年度音乐会。

The event entitled “Not only Beethoven Celebrates its Anniversary”, will celebrate the 55th anniversary of the orchestra and Beethoven, as most concerts honouring his 250th birthday last year had to be canceled or postponed due to the pandemic.

Therefore the first half of the program (under the direction of Anita Brandtstäter) will be dedicated to the great Bonn-born composer.

As a world premiere the orchestra will present the “Beethoven Highlights” (written especially for them by Gottfried Hummel), with excerpts from symphonies 1, 5, 6 and 9, the chorale “Die Himmel Rühmen”, the Moonlight Sonata and the piano sonata “Für Elise”.

The theme of the 5th symphony was also used in pop and disco music and they want to present “Celebration” by Sebastian Klein and “A Fifth of Beethoven” by Josef Retter.

In the second half, they will present a colorful mix of music that shows the diversity of accordion music, from a rock overture “On Stage” (Thomas Ott), to “Anos de Soledad” (Astor Piazzolla), film music, electro swing and pop classics.

For details email: a.brandtstaeter@netcologne.de


“Skipinnish” 2021 年节日巡演现场音乐会 - 苏格兰

Skipinnish poster
Angus MacPhail视频:Skipinnish 表演 “Walking On The Waves”(官方音乐视频)。

“Skipinnish” will perform live concerts as part of their 2021 Festive Tour in November and December this year. The band features Angus MacPhail (accordion - picture left) with band members on bagpipes, guitar, violin, drums and vocals.

Concert schedule as follows:

• November 20th: Victoria Halls, Selkirk, Scotland
• December 4th: Barrowland in Glasgow, Scotland
• December 11th: Perth Concert Hall in Perth

For details email: info@skipinnish.com


“Scythian” CoMMA 表演艺术中心音乐会 - 美国

CoMMA header
包括手风琴家 Dan Fedoryka (下图) 在内的“Scythian”将于 2021 年 11 月 20 日晚上 7 点在美国北卡罗来纳州 Morganton 的 CoMMA 表演艺术中心演出。

This will be Scythian's final North Carolina show of 2021 and the end of their Roots & Stones Tour. The CoMMA is a state of the art venue, which will make for an amazing musical experience!

The band plays “roots music from Celtic, Eastern European and Appalachian traditions with thunderous energy, technical prowess, and storytelling song writing, beckoning crowds into a barn-dance, rock concert experience.”

For details phone: 800-939-7469


Klaus Paier 组合与 2021 年巴赫曼奖得主合作演出,维也纳 - 奥地利

KonzerthausKlaus Paier & Asja ValcicDuo Klaus Paier (accordion) and Asja Valcic (cello) will perform a concert at the Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal in Vienna, Austria on November 22nd, 2021 at 7.30pm.

The performance will feature Nava Ebrahimi (Tehran), who will read her text “The Cousin”, which was awarded the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2021, while the duo perform.

The event is held in conjunction with the Days of German Language Literature Bachmann Prize and organised by Konzerthausgesellschaft.

For details email: ticket@konzerthaus.at


“The Henry Girls” 音乐表演,都柏林 - 爱尔兰

Henry Girls
“The Henry Girls”(如上图所示)将于 2021 年 12 月 4 日至 5 日在爱尔兰都柏林圣殿酒吧“The Ark”举行的雪雪音乐秀中进行现场音乐表演。

The show by the three sisters from Co Donegal, is aimed at primary school classes and includes Listening & Responding, Composing and Performing strand units of the Music curriculum.

The trio also provide free downloadable classroom pack, “which provides a range of accessible music activities and creative approaches connected to the theme and songs of the show. The activities will encourage music-making projects in the classroom and support imaginative music responses to the performance which are relevant to the composing and performing music curriculum strands.”

In line with Covid-19 regulations, audience capacity is reduced by 50% plus the venue has implemented new safety measures such as enhanced ventilation, thorough cleaning between performances, face coverings, hand sanitising stations, perspex screens and a new one-way system.

For details email: thehenrygirls@gmail.com



视频:Akordeonový Orchestr Pohoda - 布拉格比赛管弦乐团获奖者 - 捷克共和国

视频:本周,由 Ivana Laštovicková 指挥的 Akordeonový Orchestr Pohoda (Pohoda 手风琴乐团) 赢得了捷克共和国布拉格2021 年第 7 届国际手风琴日年度比赛和音乐节的管弦乐队类别比赛。

这段视频是他们表演的“Up to the Stars”的片段。



在线:ATG 专业发展课程 - 美国

国际手风琴家和教师协会 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 推出了一个新季度的研讨会系列:手风琴教师的专业发展。

第一场研讨会将于 2021 年 11 月 7 日美国中部时间下午 3 点至 6 点在线上举行。

您可以与 Joan SommersATG 总裁 Mary Ann Covone 一起参加手风琴教师专业发展课程。

请参阅 ATG 网站进行报名注册。


2022年 NAA 公约计划发布 - 美国

NAA Banner
NAA logo全国手风琴协会 National Accordion Association (NAA) 已经公布了他们 2022 年大会的计划。

包括 Norman Seaton, Sharon Seaton, Nick Ballarini, Nancy Bernstein, Markus Baggio 和 Sabine Baggio 在内的 2022 年 NAA 董事会成员和规划团队建议,在因受疫情影响而中断了两年后,他们希望在德克萨斯州理查森举办现场活动。



大会将包括许多演讲、讲习班、互动会议、Fun Band和 Dance Band(以纪念 Sheila Lee)。

晚上也将有充足的时间进行非正式会议和 Jam Sessions。

初步时间表将于 11 月公布,报名活动将于 2021 年 12 月上旬开放。

The 2022 event will follow all health guidelines of the State of Texas, the local authorities, and the Hotel to keep attendees safe.

Further information will be advised in future Accordions Worldwide Weekly News publications and the USA News.


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