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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-May-2017
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От редактора во Всемирный День аккордеона
Новое мобильное приложение от accordions.com “Weekly News”
Всемирный День Аккордеона и множество захватывающих событий, весь мир
Всемирный День аккордеона, квалификационный отбор на конкурсы, Кастельфидардо, Италия
Билл Вильки MBE (1922-2017), Шотландия - Великобритания
Martynas Return To England Tour, May - UK

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Dick Contino Gets a New York Times Tribute - USA
Music by Marco Lo Russo in Italian films, RAI TV, and fiction - Italy

Будущие события

Akkordeonale International Accordion Festival - Germany
Paolo Bertoli Dancing Gigs List for May - Italy
World Accordion Day in Ransater – Sweden
World Accordion Day Gala Concert, Skopje - Macedonia
World Accordion Day Event, Bristol – UK
Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Balzan – Malta
Alexander Sevastien Concert, Vancouver – Canada
Sasha Farseev and Jiaxi Zhang Concert – Singapore
Akkordeon-Orchester Diemelspatzen e.V. Concert, Bad Arolsen – Germany
Bugari EVO presentation at Accordeonspecialist Karine
‘Jazz Accordion Jam’, Vienna – Austria
Guy Klucevsek: Bellows Brigade Concert, New York – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Karthause-Schmülling New Contact Details - Germany
Updated Arrangement: Gary Dahl

CD Отзывы

Обзор двух электронных книг по джазовой импровизации Renzo Ruggieri, Италия

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Особенности Highlights

От редактора во Всемирный День аккордеона

Rob HowardВ субботу, 6 мая отмечается Всемирный день аккордеона, и если вы нажмете на эту ссылку 2017WAD, вы увидите как много музыкальных событий проходит во всем мире в этот день. А все началось в 1829 году, в тот выдающийся день,
когда аккордеон был запатентован Кирлиусом Демианом (в английской интерпретации Кирилл Дамиен) в Вене, Австрии.

К.Демиан назвал своё изобретение аккордеоном, поскольку его отличительной особенностью было именно аккордовое звучание. Демиан долгие годы работал над усовершенствованием своего музыкального инструмента.

Аккордеон прошел долгий путь с начала 19-го века, и он очень хорошо адаптировался ко многим международным музыкальным стилям и жанрам.

У нынешних исполнителей, почитателей и приверженцев аккордеона есть богатое наследие именно благодаря австрийскому изобретателю и другим первым мастерам аккордеона.

Поздравляю всех со Всемирным Днем аккордеона!

Роб Говард,


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Всемирный День Аккордеона и множество захватывающих событий, весь мир

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) logo
World Accordion Day logoВсемирный день аккордеона под эгидой Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA) - событие, которое проходит ежегодно 6 мая.

Это международное событие CIA помогает популяризовать аккордеон по всему миру. Оно приурочено ко дню рождения инструмента – 6 мая 1829 года, когда аккордеон был впервые запатентован в Вене Кириллом Демианом.

Отчеты и видео с мест празднования по всему миру будут онлайн после 6 мая.

Отчеты и список событий по двадцати странам мира здесь: 2017WAD


Всемирный День аккордеона, квалификационный отбор на конкурсы, Кастельфидардо, Италия

Italian Accordion Culture (IAC) header
Города Осимо и Кастельфидардо находятся рядом и их объединяет аккордеон. В сентябре 2017 года здесь будут проведены 70-я Международная конфедерация (CIA), Международный конкурс Coupe Mondiale и 42-я Международная аккордеонная премия PIF «Città di Castelfidardo».

Конкурс Coupe Mondiale состоится 5 - 9 сентября в Осимо.

Премия PIF «Città di Castelfidardo» состоится 10-17 сентября в Кастельфидардо.

Администрации двух городов решили объединить свои усилия для совместной работы, чтобы привлечь аккордеонистов со всего мира.

Во Всемирный день аккордеона 6 мая в аудитории San Francesco в Кастельфидардо состоялся отбор итальянских аккордеонистов для Coupe Mondiale.

В престижное жюри вошли:

- Дарио Фламини, консерватория Аквила, председатель жюри;

- Марко Джемелли, консерватория
Nocera Terinese;

- Мирко Патарини, председатель музыкального комитета CIA;

- Германо Скурти, консерватория Lecce;

- Антонио Спаккаротелла, консерватория Nocera Terinese.

В отборочном туре приняли участие 19 солистов и три ансамбля.

Смотрите подробности: 2017itCM.pdf

Полный отчет с видео и фотографиями 2017WAD-Italy
World Accordion Day: 2017WAD


Билл Вильки MBE (1922-2017), Шотландия - Великобритания

Bill WilkieБилл Вильки был неутомимым исполнителем, учителем, бизнесменом и импресарио. Его вклад в шотландскую аккордеонную школу был огромным, благодаря ему ежегодно проводился фестиваль All-Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival и другие мероприятия, связанные с аккордеоном.

Этот престижный ежегодный фестиваль, проводимый каждый октябрь в Перте, оказался конкурентным плацдармом для карьеры многих известных шотландских аккордеонистов. Билл и его жена Эна дали старт фестивалю в Перте в 1950 году, и в течение многих лет там также проходил фестиваль Национальной аккордеонной организации NAO.

В рамках своего фестиваля в Перте энергичный Билл Вильки еще организовал множество вечерних концертов с участием ведущих международных аккордеонистов, таких как Гервасио Маркосиньори, Торалф Толлефсен, дуэт Париж-Москва, Перл Фосетт-Адриано, Даниэль Паули, Олег Шаров и многих других.

Билл играл на губной гармошке с пятилетнего возраста, а клавишный аккордеон начал осваивать в 12 лет.

В 30-е годы Билл работал в танцевальных группах, играя разножанровую музыку, в том числе музыку для бальных танцев.

Во время Второй мировой войны Билл служил в Королевских ВВС.
После окончания войны Билл, уже женившись на Эне, стал профессиональным аккордеонистом.

В 1959 году он основал новый музыкальный дом Wilkie - один из крупнейших британских магазинов аккордеона - в Перте, который был закрыт в 2010 году.
В 1994 году Билл Вильки был награждён высокой наградой Британской империи - MBE за достижения, связанные с вышеупомянутым фестивалем All-Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival.

В 2009 году фестиваль отметил свой алмазный юбилей захватывающим шоу.
Билл вышел на пенсию только в 2010 году. В течение 60 лет он был организатором музыкального фестиваля, это своего рода рекорд.

Билл Вильки скончался в Перте 1 мая 2017 года в возрасте 95 лет, это печальное событие для многочисленных почитателей его таланта.


Martynas Return To England Tour, May - UK

Martynas LevickisLithuanian accordionist Martynas Levickis performs a series of concert in the UK during May, as follows:

May 11th, 1.05pm – lunchtime recital at St John’s Smith Square, London, includes ‘De Profundis’ - Sofia Gubaidulina, ‘Organ Sonata No. 6’ – Felix Mendelssohn, and new transcriptions by Levickis of Baroque pieces by J.S. Bach and Padre Antonio Soler.

May 16th, 7.30pm – solo recital at Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry, includes transcriptions of baroque and classical masters to tango, folk and 21st Century works.

May 18th, 7pm – solo recital plus collaborations with the Notes Inégales ensemble led by Peter Wiegold at Club Inegales, London. The program includes a solo set by Martynas of tangos by Piazzolla, contemporary works by Spanish composer Gorka Hermosa and traditional folk music from his home country Lithuania. Martynas and Notes Inégales then join together in a closing set of improvisations.

May 26th, 7.30pm – an orchestral program with Manchester Camerata, as soloist and director in a program of the ‘Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi and music by Piazzolla, at The Muni, Colne, Lancashire

Martynas graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, played at the Royal Albert Hall, Auditorio Nacional in Mexico, Debussy's residence in Paris, the Berlin Waldbühne, etc. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV, and as the first accordionist signed to Universal Music’s Decca Classics label, his debut album went straight to the top of the UK Official Classical Album Chart.

For further information email: bethany@martynasmusic.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Dick Contino Gets a New York Times Tribute - USA

Dick Contino circa 1948Dick Contino has received an obituary from New York Times writer Richard Sandomir, printed in the newspaper and also published online on 30th April.

The New Yorks Times obituary will be added tomorrow to the other obituary and information at: Dick Contino


Music by Marco Lo Russo in Italian films, RAI TV, and fiction - Italy

Marco Lo RussoIn addition to the recent single EP ‘7 Days’, musical production by the Label Rouge Sound Production by Marco Lo Russo, who ranked among the finalists songs of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Lithuania, musical productions and compositions by accordionist, composer and producer Marco Lo Russo have been included in films, documentaries, television productions, Italians fiction, even during this season, by RAI.

‘È arrivata la felicità’, ‘Una grande famiglia’, ‘Un viaggio sfacciatamente unico’, ‘Centovetrine’, and ‘Donna Detective’, and also on DVD in the collection ‘Storia della TV, Lo sceneggiato’ are some of the productions that include the music of Marco Lo Russo as soundtracks.

All RAI fiction has met with great favour with audiences having, in the cast, big names such as: Alessandro Gassman, Lucrezia Lante della Rovere, Luca Ward, Lina Bernardi, Claudia Pandolfi, Ninetto Davoli, Ettore Bassi, Edwige Fenech, just to name a few; ‘Donna Detective’ fiction has been distributed abroad by the name of ‘Lady Detective’.

This confirms that the ‘Made in Italy Sound’ by Marco Lo Russo not only takes the form of international tours and concerts but also develops an artistic musical creativity that is very successful for Italian films and TV.


Будущие события

Akkordeonale International Accordion Festival - Germany

Akkordeonale International Accordion Festival
Tour Dates from 5th May:
05 May, Gutsscheune Varrel, 28816 Stuhr, 20 hours
06 May, Passionskirche, 10961 Berlin, 20 hours
07 May, Schloss Hallenburg, 36110 Schlitz, 19 hours
08 May, Tuchfabrik, 54290 Trier, 20 hours
09 May, Cafe Hahn, 56072 Koblenz, 20 hours
10 May, Kultur im SWR Foyer, 77654 Mainz, 19 hours
11 May, Reithalle, 77654 Offenburg, 20 hours
12 May, Pauluskirche, 89073 Ulm, 20 hours
13 May, Kulturhaus Orfeld, 75172 Pforzheim, 20 hours
14 May, Burghof, 79539 Lörrach, 20 hours
16 May, E-Werk, 79106 Freiburg, 20 hours
17 May, KUZ Dieselstraße, 73734 Esslingen, 20 hours
18 May, Zehntscheuer, 88212 Ravensburg, 20 hours
19 May, Bierstindl, A-6020 Innsbruck, 20 hours
20 May, Spielboden, A-6850 Dornbirn, 20 hours
22 May, Roxy, 67433 Neustadt, 20 hours
23 May, Capitol, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, 20 hours
24 May, Veranstaltungsforum, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck, 20 hours


Paolo Bertoli Dancing Gigs List for May - Italy

Paolo Bertoli Dancing posterAccordionist Paolo Bertoli and his orchestra have an extensive list of dancing gigs during June, as shown on the poster.

Paolo Bertoli, was born in Wales, UK, of Italian parents, in 1974. He began playing the accordion at the age of seven, and later moved to Italy, where he formed a dance orchestra that performs in dance halls throughout northern Italy. His dance orchestra has also played at a function in Paris, France, for 11 consecutive years.

For further information email: info@orchestraballolischio.com


World Accordion Day in Ransater – Sweden

A two day annual World Accordion Day event takes place in the village of Ransater in Sweden on May 5th and 6th. The chief guests are leading accordionists Lars Holm, Alf Hagadel, and Jo Fredrik Oiamo.

For further information email: gun.britt.andersson@tella.com


World Accordion Day Gala Concert, Skopje - Macedonia

Grayson MasefieldposterThe Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” Skopje is delighted to invite you to the World Accordion Day Gala Concert which will be held at Macedonian National Theatre Skopje on May 6th.

The concert will feature renowned artists from Macedonia and accordion students from the class of Prof. Zorica Karakutovska performing works by Mozart, Derbenko, Bete Ilin, V. Semionov, Piazzolla and others.

A special guest on the concert will be Grayson Masefield from New Zealand who will perform the composition "The New Tomorrow" by Bete Ilin which was premiered this March in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The international project "May 6th World Accordion Day" is supported by the Macedonian Association of Accordionists with various events and successful realization of concerts at home and abroad.

This year, for the ninth time, the association organizes a solemn concert marking the celebration of the International holiday and birthday of the instrument accordion. The project is supported by the national program of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia.

An article with the information about the ninth World Accordion Day, being held on the 188th birthday of the accordion, is published in all main newspapers and portals in Macedonia. During this week, President of MAA, Professor Zorica Karakutovska, is promoting the event appearing live on the National TV programs.

Stay tuned for the upcoming report of these activities to be listed here, shortly after the concert.


World Accordion Day Event, Bristol – UK

Karen Tweed and Karen StreetA World Accordion Day event takes place at the Colston Hall, Bristol, on Saturday May 6th, 2pm, organised by accordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed.

The organisers are looking for 46 accordionists to play a wonderful array of sing-a-long favourites. It promises to be a great free family event – come along to sing, to dance, to watch and listen to a grand celebration of this extraordinary instrument. Accordionists keen to play need to register to participate as places are limited. The registration fee is £5.

Collections will be made on the day for Musicians’ Benevolent Fund and Alzheimer’s Society.

For further information email: karenstreet2@icloud.com


Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Balzan – Malta

Malta posterOn Saturday May 6th, 4.30pm – World Accordion Day – the Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Bussutil Cassar L.B.C.A) perform in concert at San Anton Gardens H'Balzan, Malta. This concert, which takes place near to the President's Palace entrance area, is part of the annual Horticultural Spring Show 2017.

For further information email: mtbusuttil@yahoo.com


Alexander Sevastien Concert, Vancouver – Canada

Alexander Sevastien
On Saturday May 6th, 6pm – World Accordion Day – accordionist Alexander Sevastien and the Folk Band ‘Silver’ present a concert of music, songs and dance at the Russian Hall, 600 Campbell Ave, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada.

Alexander Sevastian, from Minsk, Belarus, is a winner of the prestigious Coupe Mondiale International Accordion Competition in 2007 in Washington, DC. He is also a winner of three other competitions such as The Oslofjord (Norway 1998), Cup of the North (Russia 2000), Anthony Galla-Rini (USA 2001).

For further information email: sevastian2004@gmail.com


Sasha Farseev and Jiaxi Zhang Concert – Singapore

Singapore posterOn Saturday May 6th, 7pm – World Accordion Day – accordionists Sasha Farseev and Jiaxi Zhang perform in concert at 10 Square @ Orchard Central, Orchard Central, Level 10, 181 Orchard Road, Singapore 238896.

Sasha Farseev is from St Petersburg, Russia, and Jiaxi Zhang is from Zi’an, China.

For further information email: ks@playwithmozart.sg


Akkordeon-Orchester Diemelspatzen e.V. Concert, Bad Arolsen – Germany

Akkordeon-Orchester Diemelspatzen e.V. ConcertOn Saturday May 6th, 7.30pm until 10pm – World Accordion Day – the Akkordeon-Orchester Diemelspatzen e.V., Korbach (MD Hans C. Peterson) perform in concert at the BAC Theater, In den Siepen 6, 34454 Bad Arolsen, northern Hesse, Germany.


Bugari EVO presentation at Accordeonspecialist Karine

7th May 2017 - Bugari EVO presentation at Accordeonspecialist Karine - Antwerpsesteenweg 251, 2390 Malle, Belgio


‘Jazz Accordion Jam’, Vienna – Austria

‘Jazz Accordion Jam’ poster
On Monday May 8th, 7pm accordionists Zoltan Migovics and Anel Ahmetovic perform a concert titled ‘Jazz Accordion Jam’, performing the works of Pat Metheny, Yellowjackets, Dave Brubeck, and Thelonius Monk at Spielraum, Gasometer B, Gugigasse 8, 1110 Vienna.


Guy Klucevsek: Bellows Brigade Concert, New York – USA

Guy Klucevsek Bellows Brigade
On Thursday May 11th, 8pm, Guy Klucevsek presents ‘Bellows Brigade’ an all-accordion group, performing an homage to the late Pauline Oliveros?, and other new pieces by band members. This concert takes place at Roulette, 509 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217.

The ‘Bellows Brigade’ members are: Guy Klucevsek – accordion, Will Holshouser – accordion, Nathan Koci – accordion, bass accordion, and Kamala Sankaram – accordion, voice.

Accordionist and composer Guy Klucevsek is a versatile musician, and frequently active in new music, jazz and free improvisation. He has released 20+ albums, and has recorded or performed with Kepa Junkera, Dave Douglas, John Zorn, Bill Frisell, Laurie Anderson, and many others. He is also a founding member of the international group ‘Accordion Tribe’. In 2010 Klucevsek won a United States Artists Fellow award.

Admission - $20. Brooklyn Accordion Club members receive a $5 discount. The discount code is BAC17, which applies to online and adult door prices.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Karthause-Schmülling New Contact Details - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
New contact details for Karthause-Schmülling, publisher of sheet music, books and other media.

Karthause Schmülling, an internationally renowned and specialist book publisher based in Germany, has been a leader in the field of compositions for concert accordion literature for decades. Among other things, it publishes the most important works by Soviet and Russian authors. Please note the new contact data of the company:

Telephone: +49-2307-97088-28
Fax: +49-2307-97088-30
E-mail: uab-intermusic@gmx.de

The current and complete list of titles and prices is available as a PDF file download at:

All pieces for accordion in different instrumentation can be ordered worldwide online at:
Payment by credit card or by bank transfer.


Updated Arrangement: Gary Dahl

Gary DahlGary Dahl has released an updated arrangement of Sharpshooters March composed by Gerardo Metallo in 1911. This popular March is claimed to be the most played accordion composition and has been performed by tens of thousands of accordionists.

Guido Deiro wrote:
One morning, in the Fall of 1907, I was playing in Metz, Germany. I heard a very catchy march melody that was being played on a hand organ. I was so impressed by the tune that I made the hand organist play it over several times. He didn't know the name of it; all he could tell me was that it was an Italian march. At that time, I was taking lessons from the famous accordionist, Giovanni Galiardi. He took it down the best he could.

Soon after, I came to America and played the composition in cities on the West Coast.

And so you can see I have never claimed the composition as being mine. I did, however, introduce it and make it popular with the American public. The old composition, Curro Cuchares is never played in its original form by accordionists. It is, in every case, written and published under the title of Sharpshooters March, as I arranged it, as I introduced and popularized it.

the true story behind the introduction of this composition to the accordion playing public.


CD Отзывы

Обзор двух электронных книг по джазовой импровизации Renzo Ruggieri, Италия

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBookDieci Approcci All’ImprovvisazioneCD Reviews Index представляет 2 электронные книги Ренцо Ружжьери, с комментариями профессора Mugnoz на итальянском и английском языках.

Английская версия: 10 подходов к джазовой импровизации Ренцо Ружжьери;
Итальянская версия: Dieci Approcci all'improvvisazione (джаз), Ренцо Ружжьери
CD Reviews Index


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