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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 05-Jul-2019
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2019年Fleadh CheoilnahÉireann - 爱尔兰
AAA 音乐节,2019年7月17日至21日,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国
第29届科塔蒂(Cotati)音乐节 - 美国
新书“Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America” - 加拿大


July 4th Celebrations with Daddy Squeeze - USA
Stockport Accordion Club President & Vice President’s Evening - UK
萨瑟兰音乐俱乐部手风琴展示 - 悉尼,澳大利亚


7月手风琴大师班开课于奥西莫 - 意大利
奥克兰手风琴交响音乐会 - 新西兰
“Rebel Lovers” Concert in San Francisco - USA
2019 Annual Ripley Event – England
Cambridge Folk Festival – England
Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists - USA
Francesco Palazzo 大师班 - 意大利
Upcoming Accordion Repair Course - UK
“Jingle all the Way” 音乐会 - 新西兰


New Works by Franco Cambareri - Australia
网站内容已更新:Friedrich Lips 3 CD和 6 CD的特定页面已更新 - 奥地利

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2019年Fleadh CheoilnahÉireann - 爱尔兰

Fleadh banner
entertainers2019年的 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 是世界上最大的爱尔兰音乐、语言、歌曲及舞蹈庆典,并将于8月11日至19日在劳斯 (Co. Louth) 的德罗赫达 (Drogheda) 举行。 本次节日的特色包括年轻音乐家的讲习班、比赛、演奏会、演唱会、céili’s 以及为期一整周的乐趣供大家享受。

比赛类别包括:Ceili 乐队和其他类型的乐队、按键式手风琴(各年龄段)、Melodeon 以及 键盘式手风琴(各年龄组)。

近年来,参加 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 的人越来越多,2013年在德里 (Derry) 的庆典活动上就有超过40万人参加。
Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann


AAA 音乐节,2019年7月17日至21日,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国

AAA header
AAA flier拉开帷幕!点亮灯! AAA 音乐节的相关信息基本都在这里!今年有好多新奇又绝妙的惊喜 - 超棒的音乐会,精彩的比赛,优质的讲习班和令人眼花缭乱的表演。有很多神秘嘉宾也会出席哦 - 你一定会等不及想要见到他们!

手风琴表演的开场时间是7月17日(星期三)的下午3点,且将持续进行5天,其中包括由 Joseph A. Natoli 创作的 AAA 最新委托作品 “Child's Play” 的首演,这是一部需要两台手风琴,一把大提琴和打击乐器共同演奏的室内乐。其中一位手风琴手是我们的 Robert Young McMahan 博士,当然另一位就是作曲家 Joseph A. Natoli。大提琴演奏家 Cecylia Barczyk 对于 AAA 演奏会以及打击乐手 Bill Trigg 来说并不陌生 - 他们两人可以同台表演真是一种荣幸。

7月17日(星期三)的见面会和接待会将代表这次活动的开始,且会向所有登记过的参与者开放,在这之后则是 After Hours 俱乐部。而在下午的两个超赞的讲习班也一定会激起你的兴趣的。

在咱们这周四的时候,午餐音乐会艺术家 Nathan Chapeton、Stan Colcicovsci、PhillyJoe 和 Joe Soprani 都准备好去为您带来一场视听盛宴。而 Pasta之夜 (哦吼~) - 也会有很多艺术家亮相,包括 Chris Brettschneider、Ray Oreggia、Cody McSherry、Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini 以及 Westmont Philharmonia Orchestra 在内的艺术家和团队一定会让您惊喜不断!


室内乐团开始了节目表演,紧接着的是 Petar Maric 和了不起的 Michael Bridge!这是 Michael 第一次参加 AAA 艺术节,他的表演也一定会让观众满意的。

手风琴?你是说手风琴吗?是的!我们这里应有尽有。请支持我们的手风琴制造商们,并参过位于 Radisson 大厦下层的 Buchanan 屋的展品。或许你想尝试一些新东西?对了,各类的音乐、录音和配件我们也会为您提供。

比赛、讲习班、After Hours、少年管弦乐团、青年爵士乐团 和 节日乐团 - 适合所有手风琴手参加。除了美食活动和周五晚上的音乐会之外,所有的活动都将显示在您的节日登记单上。登记并确保您能随身携带您的姓名牌。

访问 AAA 网站节日页面,查看有关所有活动的宣传单和信息。

我们都期待着结识一些新朋友,拜访我们的常客。还等什么 - 今天就上网注册吧!AAA Shopping Cart


第29届科塔蒂(Cotati)音乐节 - 美国

Cotati header
Cory PesaturoPietro Adragna第29届科塔蒂音乐节将于8月17日和18日在美国加利福尼亚州科塔蒂市的 La Plaza 公园举行。千万不要错过今年的手风琴盛会,在7个舞台上将会有40多个来自美国国内外的表演。一定要来听听 Cory Pesaturo 、Ginny Mac、Pietro Adragna 等人的精彩音乐哦!

今年这次音乐节,会从中午开始为跳舞的人们播放 Zydeco 音乐一直到旁晚。想设立摊位的摊主们!请尽快申请哦,好的位置先到先得。不管是在网上或是在节日上做广告都还不算晚!对了,别忘了提前买票!

Accordion Apocalypse Stage,AnaïsBessières,Andre Thierry,Amber Lee Baker,Art Peterson&Laurie Miller,The Bellow Shakes,Big Lou's Dance Party,Big Lou the Accordion Princess,Corky Bennett, Cory Pesaturo, CrèmeBrülée,Creosote,Dona Francisca,Duckmandu ,En Canto,Future Accordion Stars,Gary Blair,Geoff Berner,Ginny Mac,Golden State手风琴俱乐部,Grand Finale,The Great Morgani,Intuitive Compass,Jim Gilman,Junk Parlour,La Agency,Mad Maggies,Mark St. Mary, Moonshine小姐,MotorDude Zydeco,Nathan Rivera Jessie Anders,Penny Opry,Pietro Adragna,Rene Sevieri,Skyler Fell,Sourdough Slim,Steve Balich,The Wild Catahoulas,ZLA VILA



新书“Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America” - 加拿大

Book coverBruce TriggAccordion Noir 电台主持人 Bruce Triggs 的一本名为“Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America”的新书,于6月28日在位于温哥华的 Accordion Noir 的总部 CFRO Co-Op Radio 举办的发布会上开始发行。

在发布会上,Blues 用他那漂亮的定制手风琴印章为新书署名。新书发布会上还有奖品、多媒体读物、现场音乐和手风琴冰淇淋蛋糕! 发布会在举行的第二个小时开始,通过 CoopRadio.org 进行了广播和流媒体播放。

平装本,6 x 9英寸,440页。




July 4th Celebrations with Daddy Squeeze - USA

Hank Williams and Fats Domino
Accordionist Dan Newton and the Daddy Squeeze Band celebrated July 4th at The Como Pavilion in St Paul, Minnesota with a performance entitled "Hankerin' for Fats". The popular band played songs by Hank Williams (picture left) and Fats Domino (picture right).

On July 6th the band will entertain a similar program at Crooners in Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota. This performance will include Dan singing his favorite Hank Williams and Fats Domino tunes in a special happy hour in the Dunsmore Room at the Crooners Lounge.

For further details phone: 763-760-0062


Stockport Accordion Club President & Vice President’s Evening - UK

Stockport orchestra
The Stockport Accordion Club held a successful President & Vice President’s Evening on June 26th in Stockport. The enjoyable event included a well supported concert with the SAC Band (conducted by John Trigg, Adrienne Sharpe and Marj Howard) opening the proceedings with popular polkas and marches among others.

This was followed by entertainment such as well-known Irish songs, lively country dance tunes, Edith Piaf and Abba medleys, a medley of music from 'Allo 'Allo finishing with an Italian medley.
Stockport supporters


萨瑟兰音乐俱乐部手风琴展示 - 悉尼,澳大利亚

Larysa Kovalchuk, Tania Marx, Lionel Reekie
Lionel Reekie澳大利亚手风琴教师协会 (AATA) 很乐意于7月2日 (星期二)为萨瑟兰音乐俱乐部的7月会议分享和展示手风琴。 悉尼历史悠久的萨瑟兰纪念艺术剧院(Sutherland Memorial Arts Theatre)的观众们,通过独奏和二重奏表演,感受到了手风琴带来的的无与伦比的多样性和魅力。

音乐会以 AATA 主席 Tania Marx (手风琴)和 Larysa Kovalchuk (班杜拉琴)表演的传统乌克兰曲调作为开始。这两位表演者最近都在奥地利因斯布鲁克举行的世界音乐节(World Music Festival)上亮过相,澳大利亚的观众显然对这种乐器组合十分着迷 - 毕竟这在音乐会上是难得一见的。

有两位年轻的表演者 - 都是最近澳大利亚国际手风琴锦标赛和音乐节的获奖者 - Andrew Zhao (12岁)和 Alvin Xiao (6岁),这二人都是当之无愧的群众演奏家!在新西兰特色独奏演奏者 Lionel Reekie 登台之前,他们都赢得了来自观众的热烈掌声。

从传统曲调到流行的标准爵士乐,Lionel 的表演令观众十分满意。观众的反应也解释了他作为一个艺人为什么总能倍受欢迎。Lionel 还从他的流行CD专辑 “From Russia With Love” 中收录了一些舞台/荧幕歌曲的声乐演奏,然后 Lionel 又回到手风琴上,解释它的历史以及它是如何运作的。



7月手风琴大师班开课于奥西莫 - 意大利

Osimo posterLips & Mirco手风琴大师班和晚间音乐会将于7月9日至13日在安科纳的奥西莫举行,由 Dario Flammini 和 Mirco Patarini 担任艺术指导。

大师班将包括指导员 Friedrich Lips (俄罗斯),Mirco Patarini (意大利),Dario Flammini (意大利),Vojin Vasovic (塞尔维亚),Germano Scurti (意大利)。

音乐会将由 Duo Gabriele Mirabassi(单簧管)和 Simone Zanchini(7月9日),Jef De Haes,Andrea di Giacomo(7月10日),Bandoneon,Fernando Gabriele Mangifesta,Walter di Girolamo(7月11日)和Fuccelli Fisarmony(7月12日)献上表演。



奥克兰手风琴交响音乐会 - 新西兰

AAS Poster奥克兰手风琴交响乐团将于7月7日下午6点在奥克兰贝尔蒙特玫瑰中心 (Rose Centre in Belmont) 举办一场名为“无言”的音乐会。 奥克兰手风琴交响乐团由著名的歌手和手风琴演奏家 Lionel Reekie 担任指挥。

他们的节目将包括一些有趣的作品,如“Two plus One”(Gary Daverne )和“Trololo Song”以及 Rossini,Strauss,Rubinstein 和 Leroy Anderson 的作品。



“Rebel Lovers” Concert in San Francisco - USA

Rebel Lovers band
“Rebel Lovers” (who are based in Hamburg, Germany) will entertain mid-show at the popular Burlesque Show Hubba Hubba Revue at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco, California on July 8th.

The duo, which includes Renee de la Prade on accordion and Ingo Braeuning on drums, play a high-energy blend of rock, blues, soul, New Orleans and Cajun music, with a mighty sound, despite the compact band size. Renee’s unique accordion style has been influenced a lot by her love of power chords and her passionate commitment to old grooves; especially, classic American grooves from the 40’s-70’s.

For concert details email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


2019 Annual Ripley Event – England

Tillingbourne AOThe 2019 annual Ripley Event will be held on July 20th on the village green in Ripley Village, Surrey (about 45 mins from Central London) starting at 1.30pm. This event is a free family day out supporting local and national charities.

Performers include the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra (pictured) and the The Panama Cafe Orchestra. Other events include a Rock Choir and dancing display, stalls, vintage cars and a Dog Show, ongoing ring entertainment, children’s entertainer, bouncy castles and pony rides.

For further information email: ripleyevent@gmail.com


Cambridge Folk Festival – England

Cambridge folk festival
Cockle Bridge, The Darkening live at The Great Northern Soundtrack, Sage Gateshead, July 2018.
Festival picThe Cambridge Folk Festival will be held from August 1st to 4th in Cherry Hinton Hall Park, Cambridge, England. The festival is one of the longest running folk festivals in the world. Held each year since 1965 it attracts around fourteen thousand people (many of whom return year after year) and is renowned for its unique atmosphere and its eclectic mix of music.

Accordion entertainment will be provided by a number of groups including “Fisherman’s Friends” (picture below), “Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening” (which includes accordionist Amy Thatcher), Scottish three-piece band “Talisk” (accordionist Mohsen Amini), Yorkshire's comedy band “The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican”, “Holy Moly & The Crackers” (Rosie Bristow on accordion), Will Pound (harmonica) and Eddy Jay (accordion), “Bedlam” dance band (Will Hampson on melodeon), and 6 piece Ceilidh band from Cambridgeshire “Frog on a Bike” (Tom on melodeon and concertina).

For further festival information email: hello@cambridgelive.org.uk
Fishermans Friends


Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists - USA

The 6th annual Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists will be held at the Redwood Café in downtown Cotati, California on August 16th in conjunction with the Cotati Festival.

The concert will include an impressive line-up of popular western US accordionists including Paul Betken, Reno Di Bono, Lou Jacklich and Colette Ogata, Frank Lima (AKA the Great Morgani), and Sheri Mignano Crawford of Due Zhigi Baci (Two Gypsy Kisses with Michael Van Why (tenor).

Entry is by $5.00 donation per person.
Concert poster


Francesco Palazzo 大师班 - 意大利

手风琴家 Francesco Palazzo(巴里 “Niccolò Piccinni” 音乐学院手风琴教授)将于8月29日至9月1日在意大利库内奥市的博尔戈马莱镇(Borgomale)的“Le stanze della Musica”举办大师班。


Palazzo 3 CDs 在线可得:Francesco Palazzo



Upcoming Accordion Repair Course - UK

Repair courseRepair picBookings are now open for a 2 day Accordion Repair Course run by PLG Marketing in Teddington on October 10th and 11th, 2019.

The course is an ideal opportunity to learn more about your accordion and how it all works. In addition you are free to bring along an instrument needing some attention for assessment and possibly fixing it depending on what the problem is.

The course is for 10-12 persons and includes some practical work. The tutor is Paul Flannery who is a piano tuner who became involved with melodeon and then accordion tuning and repairs some years ago now.

Over the two days, sessions will cover the working parts of the accordion and how the treble and bass switches work and common problems. Also reed block configurations, voices, how to undertake minor repairs, including valve replacement, sticky keys and switches, changing bellows gasket and general fault finding. Some practical work will be possible and materials are provided. Questions can be fielded throughout the course.

There will also be an optional dinner on the Thursday evening at a local Italian restaurant who allow us to play accordions after dinner (Instruments can be supplied).

Numbers are limited so if interested it’s advisable to book a place as soon as possible.

For details email: plg@plgmarketing.com


“Jingle all the Way” 音乐会 - 新西兰

Kevin Xmas Poster
手风琴家 Kevin Friedrich 将于12月8日在Dargaville博物馆灯塔功能中心举办一场名为“Jingle all the Way”的音乐会。 Dargaville博物馆展出了 Kevin Friedrich 的手风琴珍品 (Accordion Gems) ......一样经过时间历练的大师级手风琴藏品......对于新成立的音乐室来说,这是一次里程碑式的展览。

结合本次展览,Kevin 也同时举办了每年3月都会在博物馆举办一次的年度筹款音乐会,这些音乐会门票已经发售就总会售罄。这是 Kevin 组织一场圣诞音乐会的第一年,这也让更多的人能有机会见到手风琴的广泛性。



New Works by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has release three new compositions. Sample pages online. Music in pdf format that is emailed to the you.

cfranco244 Bolero Carnival Sample page online.
cfranco245 Farfallina Sample page online.
cfranco246 Granma's March Sample page online.


网站内容已更新:Friedrich Lips 3 CD和 6 CD的特定页面已更新 - 奥地利

Friedrich LipsFriedrich Lips 页面更新:
- 目录:任何3张CD的特价 CD3Packs;
- 目录:任何6张CD的特价 CD6Packs;
已更新,包括最新的 Friedrich Lips CD,目录 CD029 Quodlibet 。

现在 Friedrich Lips Productions 发布了30张 CD,这为人们提供了很大的选择不同音乐的空间。


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