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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Nov-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Легендарный музыкант Нико Карстенс, Южная Африка
54-ый Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в Klingenthal (май, 2017) - Германия
Фотоизображения преступников, укравших аккордеоны, Sunningdale (Беркшир) - Великобритания
"Beyond Amazing" Государственный молодежный оркестр аккордеонистов, Баден-Вюртемберг - Индия
Чанго Спасюк: ноябрьские гастроли - Франция, Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Book Published: "Markkinarenkuttimesta Martin Pauliin" by Markku Lepistö - Finland
Video: Grayson Masefield Performing Disco Medley, University of Massachusetts - USA
Super Orchestra Day 2016, Ripley Village - United Kingdom
Video: Netta Skog Performs Medly - Finland
‘Another Vintage Year for Irish trad’, London – UK
Gary Dahl Arranges Wienerschnitzel Polka, Polka Book Coming - USA
Christchurch Accordion Orchestra in Concert - New Zealand
Video: The Heimatdamisch Group Perform Highway to Hell (AC/DC) - Germany
Chapter 20 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)

Будущие события

International Accordion Days 2016, Prague – Czech Republic
Paier Valcic Quartet Concerts – Austria, Germany
The Lomond Ceilidh Band - Official Album Launch, Scotland – UK
Maciej Frąckiewicz Soloist With NOSPR, Katowice - Poland
Pauline Oliveros in Concert at the Jewish Museum, New York – USA
Bebe Kramer @ Festival Villa Lobos, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Akkordia 1935 e.v. Concert, Berlin - Germany
JP Jofre Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
Stanley Ceilidh, Scotland – UK
Trophée National d’Accordeon Hohner 2016, Semur en Auxois – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Book: Accordion Anthology by Rob Howard - UK
Updated Site: Douglas Ward Celebrates 70 Compositions Published - UK
New Compositions: Franco Cambareri "Crystal Dreams and Brazilian Sunset"

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Особенности Highlights

Легендарный музыкант Нико Карстенс, Южная Африка

Nico Carstens
Nico Carstens plays Zambesi
Nico CarstensНастоящая легенда южно-африканской музыки - Нико Карстенс умер во вторник, 2 ноября, в больнице Кейптауна в возрасте 90 лет, передал Channel 24 news.

Нико Карстенс, голландец по происхождению, родился 10 февраля 1926 года в Кейптауне, а свой первый инструмент получил в возрасте 13 лет. Шесть месяцев спустя Нико Карстенс уже выиграл музыкальный конкурс для взрослых.
Он сочинил свою первую музыкальную пьесу в 17 лет, и с тех пор написал около 1200 песен и мелодий. Наиболее известная мелодия - «Замбези», созданная в 1950-е годы.

Аккордеонист организовал свою первую группу в 1950 году. Он записал более 90 альбомов, которые были проданы тиражом более 2 миллионов экземпляров в Южной Африке. Артист выступал на протяжении многих лет с большим успехом в Намибии, Мозамбике, Зимбабве, Ботсвана, а также во Франции.

Концерт в честь 90-летия Нико Карстенса состоялся 13 июля на фестивале искусств Vrystaat Kunstefees, Bloemfontain.

Статья об этом концерте:


54-ый Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в Klingenthal (май, 2017) - Германия

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
54th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal 2017Mayor of Klingenthal Thomas Hennig54-й Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в Клингентале пройдет с 15 по 21 мая 2017 года.
Как обычно, будут представлены различные категории Конкурса: для солистов и групп, для концертной и развлекательной музыки, а также для для детей.

Правила Конкурса и полную информацию о категориях смотрите в 2017Kling.pdf

В конкурсе принимает участие международное жюри, в которое входят хорошо известные преподаватели и мастера.

Заявки можно подавать до 31 января 2017.

В рамках Конкурса выступят известные музыканты.

Клингенталь известен как город музыки, он располагается у подножия горы Ашбергом в прекрасном Фогтланде. Мэр города Томас Хенниг (фото справа) приглашает музыкантов всех национальностей из всех стран мира и их друзей на Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в Клингентале 2017.


Фотоизображения преступников, укравших аккордеоны, Sunningdale (Беркшир) - Великобритания

Police picture
В августе ночью был ограблен магазин The Accordion Shop, в графстве Беркшир. Были украдены 40 аккордеонов вместе с рабочими компьютерами.

Вы можете видеть фото с видеокамер от Thames Valley Police выше.

Бев Ловелл, чей дед основал эту компанию почти 90 лет назад, объяснил изданию The Guardian, что воры знали, зачем пришли. Они взяли из магазина самые дорогие инструменты.

Дознаватель Эндрю Корбетт: "Я обращаюсь к этому человеку, которого мы видим на снимке с камеры, и к тем, кто знает его. Пожалуйста, сообщите в полицию.
Позвоните по 101 и сообщите информацию на справочный номер 43160218225".
The Accordion Shop


"Beyond Amazing" Государственный молодежный оркестр аккордеонистов, Баден-Вюртемберг - Индия

2016 Accordion State Youth Orchestra, Baden-Wurttemberg
Silke D'InkaВидео: Государственный молодежный оркестр аккордеонистов, Баден-Вюртемберг Брамс, Венгерский танец No.1, "КСВ Sonntagstour" (ТВ 2009г.). Дирижер: Стефан Хиппе.

Недавно Силке D'Инка была удостоена премии Серебряный дирижер от DHV Национальной ассоциации аккордеона за успехи в последнее 10-летие своей активной деятельности.

Обзор и Интервью CatchNews.com, Нью-Дели, от 28 октября 2016.

Половине оркестрантов этого коллектива всего лишь около 18 лет!
Мы увидели на сцене тридцать с лишним человек, в возрасте от 16 до 26 лет, каждый из которых блестяще играл на аккордеоне. Звучали: Hungarian Rhapsody, Dance of the Comedians to Aaja Sanam Madhur Chandni и Dragon Fight и много другой музыки. Это были молодые исполнители из Государственного молодежного оркестра аккордеонистов, (Баден-Вюртемберг, Германия). Концерт продолжался более двух часов под искусным руководством дирижера Силке D'Инки.

После концерта дирижеру задали несколько вопросов:
Вопрос: Кроме аккордеонов, в оркестре играют только барабаны. Не слишком ли мало инструментов?

Ответ: Возможно вы заметили, что инструменты имеют различные переключатели, регистры? Мы используем и электронные аккордеоны и аккордеоны с усилителями. У нас есть первый аккордеон, и второй, и третий и четвертый, как в симфоническом оркестре.

Вопрос: Я знаю, что в ваш оркестр каждый год приходят молодые музыканты, многие из которых еще несовершеннолетние.

Ответ: У нас всегда в оркестре играет около 30 человек. Каждый год мы берем как минимум 10 новых музыкантов. Они обычно хорошо обучены, являются победителями конкурсов. Мы берем не всех подряд.

Вопрос: Сегодня звучала самая разная музыка. Была ли она связана какой-то общей темой?
Ответ: Я всегда стараюсь составлять программу таким образом, чтобы мы исполняли как оригинальную музыку (написанную специально для аккордеона), так и классическую.
2016 Accordion State Youth Orchestra, Baden-Wurttemberg


Чанго Спасюк: ноябрьские гастроли - Франция, Великобритания

Chango SpasiukВидео: Чанго Спасюк и группа записи Назарено

Расписание концертов аргентинского аккордеониста Чанго Спасюка:
4 ноября - Espace Jean Vilar, Lanester, Франция
5 ноября - Cambridge Junction, UK
7 ноября - The Stables, Milton Keynes
8 ноября - Rich Mix, Лондон
9 ноября - Colston Hall, Бристоль
10 ноября - Sheffield University
12 ноября - The Sage, Gateshead
13 ноября - National Centre for Early Music, Йорк
14 ноября - The Apex, Bury St Edmunds
17 ноября - Mac, Бирмингем
18 ноября - Pontio, Bangor, Уэльс
24 ноября - Espace Apollo, Mazame, Франция
26 ноября - Cite de la Musique, Марсель
27-го ноября - Auditorium Jean Moulin, Le Thor

Чанго Спасюк, музыкант украинского происхождения, - один из самых известных в мире аргентинских аккордеонистов. Он исполняет аргентинскую фолкмузыку Chamame. Его популярность начала расти с конца 1980-х годов, и с тех пор он стал обладателям множества музыкальных наград. Чанго Спасюк, в том числе, выиграл BBC World Music Award и был номинирован на Latin Grammy.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Book Published: "Markkinarenkuttimesta Martin Pauliin" by Markku Lepistö - Finland

Markku Lepistö, Markkinarenkuttimesta Martin Pauliin book coverSubject: Accordion public education and popular music in Finland 1850 to 1900.

Publisher: Sibelius Academy 2016
Original release date: Sep 16, 2016
Format: Book (softcover). 138 pages + covers
Lanquage: Finnish (abstract in English)
Price: 20.00 €

Markku Lepistö writes: "I focused specifically on early sales channels for accordions, early performers on the accordion and aspects of public appreciation of the instrument.

My principal source database was the digital newspaper archive maintained by the Finnish National Library, where I could search for and compile a wealth of information about instrument sellers, instrument repairers and accordion builders, among other things.

I also cover the acccordion history at the height of the folk education movement. A key figure in this book is the German-Danish-Finnish accordionist Martin Paul (1843–1893), who created a signifcant career as a performing artist and an accordion teacher in Finland between 1879 and 1893."


Video: Grayson Masefield Performing Disco Medley, University of Massachusetts - USA

Disco MedleyGrayson MasefieldPublished on Nov 3, 2016. Grayson Masefield writes: "A fun light-hearted disco medley created for me by Renzo Ruggieri - Performed at University of Massachusetts Boston July 2016 courtesy of Dr. Emilian Badea."

This superb arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri is available online, Catalog: rrenzo508

Other Renzo arrangements available are:
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)


Super Orchestra Day 2016, Ripley Village - United Kingdom

Super Orchestra Day
Julie NorthOn Sunday 30th October, over 80 accordionists met at Ripley Village Hall, Woking, to participate in the 2016 Super Orchestra Day. There was representation from 11 different accordion orchestras or groups as well as soloists from all over England. The youngest member this year was 9 years of age.

Three pieces were carefully selected to accommodate different playing levels and different styles and the orchestra was conducted for the first time by Julie North. The day started out with a slow run through of each piece paying attention to all the details and expression before percussion is added in the afternoon session. There was a final run through of the pieces before the public performance that evening to an audience.

The evening concert also featured performances from the London Accordion Intermediate Orchestra conducted by Julie North, Watford Accordion Band conducted by Shona Holmes, Middlesex Accordion Orchestra led by James Mullally and the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra conducted by Marion Szuman.

The quote of the day from the youngest participant and first time member - 'I just want to do this again tomorrow!'. Unfortunately, she and all the other participants will have to wait another year for the 2017 Super Orchestra Day!


Video: Netta Skog Performs Medly - Finland

Netta SkogNetta Skog performs "Over the Hills" & "Sweet Child O' Mine". Video published 22 July 2016.

1st Netta Skog, 2015 Coupe Mondiale International Digital Accordion category;

2012 Journalist Award, Roland V-Accordion International Competition, Rome, Italy;

2012 Winner of Roland V-Accordion Nordic championships;

Professional performer in Heavy Metal bands,
Ensiferum (Since 2016), Turisas (2008 – 2011).

2006 – Winner of Golden Accordion competition, Finland.


‘Another Vintage Year for Irish trad’, London – UK

The following report on this year’s ‘Return to Camden’ performances, from ‘Irish World’, was written by Anne Geaghan.

This year’s ‘Return to Camden Town’s Friday concert at King’s Place was presented by ‘Pride of London’ banjo player Mick O’Connor, accompanied by former Thatch ceilidh band accordion player John Bowe. Both players have a gentle, soothing approach and were well supported on stage by the steady keyboard skills of Pete Quinn. Mick, John and Pete glided through popular tunes.

After a short interval Mórga entered the stage with a rousing programme presented by Danny Diamond, the fiddle player in the Mórga quartet. Danny’s fellow band members David Munnelly on accordion, Dominic Keogh on bodhrán (he is also a fine flautist), and Jonas Fromseier, from Denmark, on bouzouki presented a programme of Irish American music, Irish music composed in the ‘70s and session-style arrangements of well-known tunes.

The following night, Saturday, the performances moved to the London Irish Centre in Camden and we heard the London Irish Pensioners’ Choir perform lovely ballads with audience participation. Crossharbour followed with new compositions from Orlaith McAuliffe and Tad Sergeant. Rosie sang her heart out ending with a fine interpretation of ‘Banks of the Claudy’. Sam Proctor on fiddle and Philippe Barnes on tin whistle played new tunes with Orlaith. Waterford based Caladh Nua concluded the Saturday concert with a showcase of music from Ireland’s south-east. Singer Lisa Butler sang authoritatively, played the fiddle and introduced her four colleagues, Derek Morissey (accordion), Paddy Tutty (fiddle), Brian Mooney (banjo) and Caoimhin O Fearghaill (guitar).

Up the road at Cecil Sharp House, the set dancers were out in force to welcome back the Tulla Ceili Band. The band made many new friends in 2012 and delivered the best tunes – polkas, slides for the Connemara, Caledonian, and Clare Sets. This time, as then, they were greeted by a sea of happy faces and deft footwork. The Ceilidhs were poignant as tributes were paid to the wonderful Marian Savage who passed away in 2015. Mairead Casey from Longford was back again for workshops and a fine display of Sean-nós steps.

On Sunday afternoon an orderly queue waited eagerly before heading upstairs to the presidential suite to hear Bobby Gardiner on accordion and his daughter Lynda on concertina. Mary McNamara, who earlier had led a concertina workshop and did a guest slot with the Tulla band, was joined by daughter Sorcha Costello on fiddle. Tom O’Connell from West Limerick on accordion and Peter McAlinden, from London, added more great music.

Afterwards, preparation began in McNamara Hall for Sunday night’s concert – a tribute to the late Jimmy Philbin from Cornamona, Co Galway who died earlier this year. The Good Mixer band and le Cheile were gems demonstrating precision teamwork and seamless harmonies.


Gary Dahl Arranges Wienerschnitzel Polka, Polka Book Coming - USA

Wienerschnitzel Polka samplePolka Book coverPopular accordion arranger and teacher Gary Dahl has just released an arrangement of Wienerschnitzel Polka (picture left), available in eSheet .pdf format, able to be emailed to you. Catalog: DH0256 Wienerschnitzel Polka $6.

Gary Dahl has also announced:
"My latest book of arrangements titled 'Polka!' is nearly ready for release. All 8 titles in eSheet .pdf format for only $18.50 is great value. Release date is 11th November in time for the Christmas Market for these quality arrangements."

Titles will be:
Ferryboat Serenade
Achtung Los
Beer Barrel Polka
Beer Barrel Polka (Advanced)
Champagne Polka
Clarinet Polka
Just Because
Liechtensteiner Polka

This article will be updated when the book is released so you can purchase by clicking a link from here.


Christchurch Accordion Orchestra in Concert - New Zealand

Christchurch Accordion Orchestra
David Thorne ConductorThe current New Zealand Open Accordion Orchestra Champions, The Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, in conjunction with the St. Albans Community Choir presented a concert to a capacity audience on October 30, 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The St Albans Community Choir is directed and accompanied on accordion by well known Christchurch entertainer Heather Gladstone (QSM). Each of the groups presented well received programs, concluding with an impressive finale combining both groups, joined by invited Brass musicians.

Initially known as Royale Accordion Orchestra the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra began in 1972 under the direction of well known accordion personality Meg Fidler. The membership for this Orchestra has been a very faithful group of accordionists, who over the years have given concerts over the length and breadth of the South Island, competed in the national New Zealand Accordion Association Competitions winning the NZ National Accordion Orchestra Championships on four occasions, as well as competing at the Australian Accordion Teachers Competitions in Sydney, in 2001.

They were featured guest artists performing at the World Accordion Championships (Coupe Mondiale) in Auckland in 1980 and again in 2009. In addition to recording a CD, in 2005 they embarked on a three week concert tour to Reunion Island via Brisbane, Singapore and Mauritius.

Back home in Christchurch, they are regular performers for the Canterbury Accordion Association's Sunday afternoon Mini concerts, as well as in concert with visiting International orchestras and guests. They also enjoy performing for residents in Rest Homes, at community Christmas celebrations and carol services, the annual Santa Parade and the Scottish Society Ceilidh dances.

In addition to this years New Zealand Open Accordion Orchestra Championship, the orchestra won the Open Entertainment Accordion Orchestra Trophy and received the Ben Emmett Accordion Orchestra Commendation Trophy.

After the retirement of their founding conductor Meg Fidler in 2010, the orchestra has been under the Musical direction of David Thorne.
Kim Waddell and Merle Kershaw


Video: The Heimatdamisch Group Perform Highway to Hell (AC/DC) - Germany

The Heimatdamisch Group Perform Highway to Hell (AC/DC)

The Heimatdamisch group of German members are: Florian Rein (Drums, Vocals, Arrangements, Accordion), Sebastian Horn (Vocals), Conny Kreitmeier (Vocals, guitar), Konrad Sepp (Tuba, Euphonium), Dominik Glöbl (Trompete), Alois Riesch (Accordion), Leonhard Schwarz (Posaune, Basstrompete), Max Grasmüller (clarinet).


Chapter 20 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain, book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPChapter 20 now released, is titled: Other Arm/Hand Conditions Which Affect Playing Your Accordion.

John Bonica writes: "There are many medical conditions that can affect your ability to play your accordion both mechanically and neurological."

The chapter ends with the advice: "Finally I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of not ignoring pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in your extremities. Seek medical help and advice sooner rather than later."

A teacher wrote: "I'm busy reading the book of John Bonica and I find absolutely interesting the information over the working of our mechanisms and the patologies from the medical point of view of an expert. From this point of view I really find this work important for the accordion community.

I'm an Italian classical accordionist based in Belgium and also accordion teacher. Luca Pignata"

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 20 chapters released so far.

Special offer: You can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


Будущие события

International Accordion Days 2016, Prague – Czech Republic

International Accordion Days 2016, Prague
International Accordion Days in Prague 2016 is a competition mainly for accordion orchestras, held at the Prague Conservatory from November 3rd to 6th. The competition is organized by ‘Club Tours Agentur Praha’ in partnership with the Czech Accordion Association and the Accordion Department of the Prague Conservatory.

This year’s festival performers include Ladislav Horák – accordion and Petr Nouzovský – cello (Czech Republic), Akkordeonorchester Leipzig (Germany), Castletown Accordion Orchestra (Irish Republic), and the Accordioona-Junior-Orchestra (Germany)

For further information email: cta@iol.cz


Paier Valcic Quartet Concerts – Austria, Germany

Paier Valcic QuartetAccordionist Klaus Paier and cellist Asja Valcic have expanded their duo into a quartet, adding bass player Stefan Gferrer and drummer Roman Werni into their line-up.

The Paier Valcic Quartet performs this month, as follows:
November 7th, 8pm – Graz, Austria
November 10th, 8pm – Lambach, Germany
November 11th, 8pm - Ismaning, Austria
November 12th, 8pm - Raab, Austria
November 13th, 11am – Seggau/Leibnitz, Austria
November 24th, 8pm - Radstadt, Austria

?Klaus Paier, Austrian accordionist and composer, studied accordion, jazz and composition at Klagenfurt conservatory. He became interested in other genres, from tango to jazz and world music, in order to fuse them into his own personal style. He works with various ensembles, including as a duo with the Croatian cellist Asja Valcic.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.at


The Lomond Ceilidh Band - Official Album Launch, Scotland – UK

PosterThe Lomond Ceilidh Band - Official Album Launch takes place on Monday November 7th, 5.30pm, at The Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline KY12 7JA, Scotland. Special guests performing include button accordionist Brandon McPhee and the comedian Eddie Rose. Tickets £15.

Their new album, ‘Back on Track’, is released on both CD and vinyl. The tracks include: Jigs; John Carmichael’s Farewell to Scotland/The Craic at Cashmore Hall; Triste Sourire; Norrie Scott’s Four Score March; The Northlands/A Spoonful of Sugar; Jigs; Mark’s Legacy; Reels; Tunes Selection; I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter/All Of Me; Reels; Alan’s 12 volter; Tipperary Medley; Beaumont Rag; Disney Medley; Drunken Parson Medley; Reels.

The band line-up is Alan Small – accordion, Gemma Donald – fiddle, and Kyle Innes – drums.

For further information email: lomondceilidhband@hotmail.com


Maciej Frąckiewicz Soloist With NOSPR, Katowice - Poland

Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR)
Maciej FrąckiewiczVideo: Fachwerk composed by Sofia Gubaidulina, soloist Maciej Frackiewicz, Live performance from Konzerthaus in Detmold, Germany, Published on Feb 23, 2016.

The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR) is featuring composer Sofia Gubaidulina on the 10th November, with a performance of "Under the Sign of Scorpio", soloist Maciej Frackiewicz (picture right), conducted by Christopher Lyndon-Gee (picture below).

One of the favorite instruments of Gubaidulina is the bayan and about "Under the Sign of Scorpio" (composed 2003), she wrote: "The title comes from the fact that this work has been dedicated to one of the most important musicians of our time, bayan player Friedrich Lips, who was born under the sign of Scorpio. (Indeed, this is also my zodiac sign)."

Soloist Maciej Frackiewicz was the winner of the 20th ‘Arrasate Hiria’ International Accordion Competition in Spain (2012). He studied with Klaudiusz Baran (FCUM Warsaw), with Inaki Alberdi, (ESMUC Barcelona), Grzegorz Stopa (HFM Detmold) and Mie Miki (Folkwang Universität der Künste).

In 2013 he received the “Polityka” magazine “Passport” award for “very mature and diverse interpretations of contemporary music and other music genres. For courage, daring and consistency. For enriching the musical repertoire. For his concert creations and stimulating our imagination, as well as his persuasive strength”.

He regularly appears on stage to perform solo parts with the leading orchestras in Poland, as well as in several chamber ensembles. He is also a devoted propagator of accordion among contemporary composers. It was his initiative or inspiration that influenced composing over 70 new works for accordion.
Christopher Lyndon-Gee


Pauline Oliveros in Concert at the Jewish Museum, New York – USA

Pauline OliverosPauline Oliveros will perform in ‘Bang on a Can’ on Thursday November 10th, 7.30pm, at the Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, New York City.

‘Bang on a Can’ and the Jewish Museum are presenting the second concert of their 2016-2017 concert season featuring seminal American composer Pauline Oliveros. Accompanying the exhibition, ‘Take Me (I'm Yours)’, the concert will feature Oliveros performing ‘The Sound of Meditation’ on Roland V Accordion. Like the exhibition, the concert also blurs the boundary between the performer and the audience by asking the listener to participate in the making of music.

Since the 1960s Pauline Oliveros has influenced American music profoundly through her work with improvisation, meditation, electronic music, myth and ritual. In the 1950s she was part of a circle of iconoclastic composers, artists, poets in San Francisco.

She is the recipient of the John Cage award for 2012 from the Foundation of Contemporary Arts, and serves as Distinguished Research Professor of Music at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY and Darius Milhaud Artist-in-Residence at Mills College. She has been as interested in finding new sounds as in finding new uses for old ones - her primary instrument is the accordion, perhaps an unexpected visitor to the musical cutting edge.

Pauline is the founder of ‘Deep Listening’, which she describes as a way of listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing. Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life, of nature, of one's own thoughts as well as musical sounds. "Deep Listening is my life practice," she explains, simply. Oliveros is the founder of the Center For Deep Listening at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, formerly the Pauline Oliveros Foundation.


Bebe Kramer @ Festival Villa Lobos, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Gafieira do Bebê, featuring accordionist Bebe Kramer and singer Áurea Martins, perform on Friday November 11th, 10pm, at Gafieira Estudantina, Praça Tiradentes 79 1º Andar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This concert is an event in the annual Festival Villa Lobos, and features the second concert appearance this year by Bebe Kramer, who also appeared on November 4th.

For further information email: contato.fvl@sarauagencia.com.br


Akkordia 1935 e.v. Concert, Berlin - Germany

Poster: Akkordia 1935 e.v. orchestra concertThe Akkordia 1935 e.v. orchestra (Hartmut von Zander) perform in concert on Sunday November 13th, 4pm, at Ernst-Reuter-Saal, Reinickendorfer Rathaus, Eichborndamm 215-239, Berlin.

Based in Berlin, Akkordia 1935 e.v. are one of Germany’s longest established accordion orchestras.

For further information email: vorstand@akkordia.de


JP Jofre Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

JP JofreBrooklyn Accordion Club presents the highly accomplished Argentinean bandoneon player and composer JP Jofre in a workshop, ‘Bandoneon: Four Keyboards in Two’, on Sunday November 13th, from 3-5pm at 61 Local (61 Bergen Street, Brooklyn), New York. Admission: $5 (under 18s are free!).

The afternoon includes:
3pm to 4pm - Open Mic (interested in performing a piece or two? please reserve your spot!)
4pm to 4.45pm - Presentation by JP Jofre

Open mic performers: Interested in performing? Please email to sign up!

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Stanley Ceilidh, Scotland – UK

The Stanley CeilidhThe Stanley Ceilidh is an annual Scottish dancing and music weekend event at the Tayside Hotel, Mill St, Stanley, Perthshire PH1 4NL, Scotland, and this year’s event, November 4th, 5th and 6th, features the Graeme Mitchell Scottish Dance Band, and many others. The organizer is the accordionist Iain Cathcart.

For further information email: shirley_cathcart@yahoo.co.uk


Trophée National d’Accordeon Hohner 2016, Semur en Auxois – France

Poster Trophee National d'AccordeonProgramThe Trophée National d’Accordeon Hohner 2016 takes place on November 19th and 20th at the Salle Saint Exupery, Rue Joseph Lambery, Semur en Auxois, in eastern France.

As well as competitions, there are concerts each day and demonstrations of instruments.

The event is presented by Frédéric Deschamps and Société Hohner.

Download a pdf of the poster and program: 2016FrCompetitions.pdf


Новые и обновленные сайты

Book: Accordion Anthology by Rob Howard - UK

Accordion AnthologyAccordion: A Pictorial History‘Accordion Anthology’ (published in 2016, Catalog: robaccord07) is aimed at accordion enthusiasts, including those who are new to the instrument. It contains a variety of articles and biographies, written in the style of the ‘An A to Z of the Accordion’ series, but with the larger page size and colourful visual layout of my book 'Accordion: A Pictorial History' Catalog: robaccord06

‘Accordion Anthology’ has six chapters:
1. Getting to Know the Accordion
2. accordions,
3. articles of General Interest,
4. CD/DVD/Book Reviews,
5. Biographical Writings,
6. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Purchase online at Catalog: robaccord07

Other recent books by Rob Howard are:
Acccordion: A Pictorial History. Catalog: robaccord06
A Vintage Accordions. Catalog: robaccord05


Updated Site: Douglas Ward Celebrates 70 Compositions Published - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Douglas WardDouglas Ward and Charnwood Publishing celebrates 70 compositions published, mostly solo , some duet and some published in print and eSheet (pdf) format. The site has also been updated with a new picture.


New Compositions: Franco Cambareri "Crystal Dreams and Brazilian Sunset"

Crystal Dreams by Franco CambareriFranco CambareriTwo new compositions released by Franco Cambareri.

Brazilian Sunset, Catalog: cfranco216
Brazilian Sunset is a simple and easy tune with a Latin Touch

Crystal Dreams, Catalog: cfranco217
Crystal Dreams is a Beautiful, Romantic and Sad piece of Music.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


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