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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 04-May-2018
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在第六届国际 'Green Noise'音乐节上的手风琴——俄罗斯


ruggieri 为自由低音作曲:ll bosco incanato
新伊凡诺·巴蒂斯顿的安排,“瑞瑟拉·特雷”& 3巴尔干舞——意大利
Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia
视频:Elena 和GregoryFainshtein 在TED演讲中讲到了手风琴


1st Accordion Festival, Pera Oreinis – Cyprus
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert @ RAM, London – UK
World Accordion Day @ ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA
Accordion in Time/in honour of Gervasio Marcosignori - Italy
Marco Lo Russo ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Fjärås – Sweden
Elsa Gourdy Dancing Gig, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin - France
LAO and Percussion Concert, Ljubljana – Slovenia
Tobias Escher Concert, Dortmund – Germany
Accordion Gala, Auriac - France
Gemma Donald & Alan Small @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK
Martynas’ Summer Concerts Schedule – Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany
Karen Street and Karen Tweed’s ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Cambridge, Knutsford – UK
Multi Day Accordion Meeting 8-10 June, Ossiach - Austria


Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA
Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany

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Rob HowardWorld Accordion Day logo5月6日星期日是世界手风琴日,这是为了庆祝在1829年5月6日,当手风琴在奥地利的维也纳获得了注册,Cyrllius Demien(通常被英国化为Cyril Damien)获得了授权。

众所周知,在1829年以前,许多欧洲人都在试验用芦苇生产手风琴、口琴和其他早期自由簧片乐器的设计,但Cyrllius Demien是第一个发明手风琴的人。






Frank Busso Jnr & Manny Bobenrieth
Manny BobenriethFrank Busso Jnr上图:军士长Busso和少校Bobenrieth,在国宴前一天的彩排。

图片左/右:照片摄于白宫入口大厅。在4月24日的国宴上,美国军方的两名手风琴演奏家在华盛顿特区的白宫向法国总统Emmanuel Macron致敬。

傍晚时分,军士长Manny Bobenrieth和美国军队在东门廊迎接客人,而军士长Frank Busso Jr. 和空军的弦乐则在东翼的入口处招待了前来的客人。

在国宴厅享受法式美食之后,客人们来到东厅举行音乐会。音乐会以著名的华盛顿国家歌剧演唱家和美国陆军合唱团的演出开始。音乐会的最后一曲是特别安排的Edith Piaf的《玫瑰人生》,由 Bobenrieth军士长演奏。


音乐会结束后,中士Bobenrieth和军士长Busso 再次带领着各自的乐队,向东侧的客人们道别。

Manny Bobenrieth是智利康塞普西翁人,于1986年加入美国军队,并于2004年成为该组织的领导人。在军队之外,他作为自由音乐家在华盛顿特区的大华盛顿地区演出,并在他的 Potomac, MD studio提供私人指导。Manny还是美国手风琴协会(AAA)董事会成员。

来自纽约史泰登岛的Frank Busso Jr.于2005年成为美国空军乐队的手风琴手,同时也是该组织现场制作的科长。下班后,他在Alexandria经营Busso音乐学校(Busso Music School),担任Ernest Deffner Affiliates公司的董事。自2007年以来,弗兰克一直在AAA的董事会任职。


在第六届国际 'Green Noise'音乐节上的手风琴——俄罗斯

VI International Festival 'Green Noise'
上图1(左至右):Yuri Shishkin、Karolina Desyatkova、Nikita Voitenko、Anna Kryshtaleva、Rinat Valiev、Pyotr Yarinenko、Denis Adaev

图片2:Yuri Shishkin,Anna Kryshtaleva


“Green Noise”,著名音乐家Yuri Shishkin和他的学生,国际比赛奖得主Anna Kryshtaleva、Pyotr Yarinenko、Karolina Desyatkova与Stanislav Dyatlov指挥的苏尔图爱乐交响乐团演出。“Green Noise”是俄罗斯最大的节日之一,包括各种艺术领域的世界音乐家(音乐、芭蕾、歌剧)。艺术节的艺术总监是杰出的钢琴家Ekaterina Michetina。

音乐会取得了巨大的成功。这节目是独一无二的:每个表演者都演奏独奏曲,然后和管弦乐队一起演奏,然后和Yuri Shishkin、管弦乐队一起演奏二重奏。

对于SHISKIN的学生来说,这是交响乐团的首次演出。音乐由V. Semionov、A. Tsfasman、A. Piazzolla、V. Gridin、L. Presicci、V. Vlasov、N. Dautov演奏。音乐会结束时,作曲家Roberto Molinelli为七名手风琴演奏家和管弦乐队首演了Seventango,这是晚会的高潮。

Shishkin和他的弟子一起,Seventango是由Surtube音乐家,国际竞赛获奖者Denis Adaev,Rinat Valiev,Nikita Voitenko。我必须说,Surtuh手风琴学校是世界闻名的,里面有许多世界冠军,著名的获奖者。


下图:Yuri Shishkin, Karolina Desyatkova Yuri Shishkin, Pyotr Yarinenko
VI International Festival 'Green Noise'



NAO Presentations

在此期间,著名作曲家Douglas Ward因其对音乐和手风琴的奉献而荣获“NAO功勋奖”。

这个节日很高兴欢迎美国CIA副主席Herbert Scheibenreif(奥地利)。在最后一次颁奖典礼上的演讲中,Herbert Scheibenreif借此机会在所有NAO成员面前重新出现,CIA于2017年颁发给CIA主席Raymond Bodell和CIA尊敬的朋友Anna Bodell“手风琴奖”。这些奖项于去年9月在意大利奥西莫的Coupe Mondiale举行。

包括Herbert Scheibenreif、Graham Laurie、Alistair Gillespie、Larysa Bodell、Karolyn Broadhead、Douglas Ward、Gerry Kelly和Alexander Bodell在内的评审团在整个周末都在三个场地进行比赛。

4个分区冠军得主取得了极好的成绩,Annalize Bodell 赢得了高级演奏会和17岁以下的“贝尔奖”独奏,多组优冠军Clelland,Blythe和Inver Shand,以及来自 Ben Cobb的出色表演,Colchester Preparatory乐队的表演……

整个周末的其他表演包括:一场国际盛典,演奏的是来自德国的Musika Akkodia乐团,来自Eire的ACE合唱团,以及英国和爱尔兰的CMA国际公开赛单人资格赛。

一个赞助商的演讲让星期六晚上的观众Prizewinner Alexander Bodell以及传统的塞利德人感到高兴,和由 NAO Hon Vice的 Graham Laurie指挥的Highland Fling的表演。

NAO Presentations



WOW Festival Poster
5月10日至14日,当地的人才和国际嘉宾参加第二届“WOW Folk ”民俗艺术节。


“我们已经想到了一个路径,从年轻人才国际客人,同时提供舞蹈工作室,街头食物、跳蚤市场和旅游节目,这将使广场上的舞会重新焕发活力,同样也能传递激情与活力”,委员Ruben Cittadini解释道。




World Accordion Day logo5月6日是世界手风琴日!世界手风琴日的新闻内容在周末会被登录在网站上面。


ruggieri 为自由低音作曲:ll bosco incanato

Renzo Ruggieri视频:ll bosco incanato 由marco gemelli 于4月26日首演 (本视频不包括作品介绍)

Renzo Ruggieri已经发布了他为自由低音手风琴而创作的第一首作品:ll bosco incanato

Renzo:“我为Marco Goldin的戏剧表演创作了这首曲子。”他的作品是献给著名画家Edward Munch 的。事实上,这个标题让人想起了他1903年的作品《魔法森林》。之后其简单的旋律被改编用于the guided solo,这是演奏者可以自由诠释和个性化的时间。




Joan Grauman, AAA Historian《美国新闻》编辑Rita Barnea:这是记录AAA发展历史的joan grauman与《美国新闻》合作的第五篇文章,旨在帮助宣传80年代的AAA周年庆典。从1938年3月9日到2018年,每月都有一篇文章写到了AAA的发展历史。非常感谢Joan的这些文章。


感谢Joan sommers ,Liz finch ,joe Cerrito, mark yacovone, linda soley reed ,rita barnea,Karen malan uribe ,Marilyn oneil对这篇文章的贡献!

阅读joan grauman的整篇文章:在手风琴学校成长—20世纪50年代至70年代


新伊凡诺·巴蒂斯顿的安排,“瑞瑟拉·特雷”& 3巴尔干舞——意大利

Ivano Battiston视频:3 Balkan Dances (Hum , Surduk, Rakita) catalog battiston106,,由David Bellugi和Ivano Battiston在俄罗斯Krasnoyarsk的音乐会上表演,Krasnoyarsk室内管弦乐队(艺术指导:Michael Beniumov)。最后一个舞蹈的主题是“audience winner”。

Ivano Battiston新发布的安排:
目录:battiston105 "Ricercare a tre" 手风琴独奏,三条赋格曲的第一章,由Johann Sebastian Bach音乐祭(1747),其中最清晰和复杂的作品组成,并被普遍认为是有史以来最高的音乐高度。所有的音乐素材都是基于Frederick II Prussia创作的音乐主题,并由伟大的德国音乐家精心策划。
目录: 3 Balkan Dances是为手风琴而写的三篇小曲,受到塞尔维亚和马其顿民间传说的启发。歌曲的标题也是一些巴尔干村庄的名字。Hum, Surduk, Rakita.

battiston101 Libertango( Astor Piazzolla)
battiston102 Postcards(Ivano Battiston)
battiston103 Ples(Ivano Battiston)
battiston104 Paganiniana 手风琴二重奏



A Happy Family with a Vintage Accordion
世界手风琴日….绘画…..艺术家Philippe Agius 在马耳他岛重新创作。

Philippe Agius写道:“我在1996年有机会参观了castelfidardo (ancona talian),还参观了手风
2018年2月:在玛塔尔总统办公室礼赞中,风琴乐队的主席也把他的一幅画送给了玛塔尔总统。此外圣玛丽亚手风琴乐队的主席Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar的主席也出席了总统Marie louise Coleiro Praeca 阁下位于照片中间。

Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar, President of Malta Her Excellency Marie. Louise Coleiro Preca, Dr Phillipe Agius


Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia

Gala Concert posterThe Macedonian Association of Accordionists (MAA) “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” Skopje is delighted to invite you to the World Accordion Day Gala Jubilee Concert which will be held at Macedonian National Theatre Skopje on May 6th.

This year, for the tenth time, the association organizes a solemn concert marking the celebration of the international event and birthday celebration of the instrument, the accordion. The project is supported by the national program of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia.

The concert will feature renowned artists from Macedonia and accordion students performing works by Zubitsky, Derbenko, Bete Ilin, Angelis, Piazzolla and others.

A last year’s special guest, Grayson Masefield from New Zealand, on the WAD concert performed the composition "The New Tomorrow" by Bete Ilin with string quintet (premiere performance was in March 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland). This year, May 26th, Grayson Masefield will perform this composition in Berlin with Berlin Philharmonic. On this year’s concert, the composition "Duellum" by Bete Ilin will have its premiere performance by AkordioM (Zorica Karakutovska and Filip Stameski) and a string orchestra.

The international project "May 6th World Accordion Day" is supported by the Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” with various events and successful realization of concerts at home and abroad.

An article with the information about the jubilee World Accordion Day Concert, being held on the 189th birthday of the accordion, is published in all main newspapers and portals in Macedonia. During this week, President of MAA, Professor Zorica Karakutovska and other association’s members, are promoting the event appearing live on the National TV and radio programs.

Stay tuned for the upcoming report of these activities to be listed here, shortly after the concert.


视频:Elena 和GregoryFainshtein 在TED演讲中讲到了手风琴






1st Accordion Festival, Pera Oreinis – Cyprus

PosterCyprus’ first Accordion Festival, organised by Cleopatra Charalambous and Angelos Doukas, takes place from May 4th to May 6th in Pera Oreinis, Cyprus. The festival includes several workshops, seminars and concerts. Pera Oreinis is a village 19 kilometres south of Nicosia.

On Friday May 4th the festival opens with an Open Accordion Exhibition & Technical Support at the village cultural centre, an Interactive Musical Theatre for children, featuring Leon the Accordion. The First Accordion Band of Cyprus (MD Cleopatra Charalambous) will be entertaining from the central stage in the village square along with the visiting Leipzig Akkordeon Ensemble, from Germany, and, later in the evening, with the local group Parapera.

The following two days include seminars on subjects such as ‘Accordion in Greek Traditional Music’; concerts (including the Young Volunteer Choir featuring the Windcraft Kids’ Band, and DJ Vassilis Palamas); and the ‘Learn about the Harmonica’. There’s also a live performance on the third day which will see all the workshop attendees performing live in the village streets – a sort of wandering minstrel event with groups popping out of alleyways to delight and surprise. And the entire three-day event will culminate in a village square showcase which includes both the Bellw Epoque Music Band and the First Accordion Band of Cyprus.

For further information email: cyprusaccordionfest@gmail.com


Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert @ RAM, London – UK

‘The Spirit of Tango’ is a concert featuring Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi on Friday May 4th, 7.30pm, in the Duke’s Hall at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT. The internationally renowned Bandoneon virtuoso performs alongside Academy string, piano and accordion students with a programme inspired by tango music. Tickets are £7.50 (concessions £5.50) from the RAM’s Box Office.
The Academy accordion students will also be performing with the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy, at St David’s Hall, Cardiff on Friday May 18th and again at the Royal Festival Hall, London, on Sunday May 20th both at 7.30 pm.

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


World Accordion Day @ ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA

Helmi Harrington's ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, 1401 Bellknap St, Superior, Wisconsin, plays host to events this weekend that celebrate World Accordion Day.

On Saturday May 5th and 6th, 10am until 9pm each day, the 6th Willard A. Palmer Festival takes place, featuring Joey Miskulin, Dee Langley, Kevin Friedrich, Michael Bridge, Stanislav Venglevski, and more. The event includes concerts and workshops. Tickets available at the door.

World Accordion Day, which began in 2009, is an initiative of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).   

For further information email: accordion@sprynet.com


Accordion in Time/in honour of Gervasio Marcosignori - Italy


Marco Lo Russo ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Fjärås – Sweden

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist, composer and producer Marco Lo Russo will be celebrating World Accordion Day in style by performing classical, jazz, and world music on Swedish made Bengts accordions (produced in collaboration with the Bugari Armando company of Italy), 11am until 5pm, at Karlssons Musik, Äskebackavägen 18, Fjärås, Hallands Län, Sweden.

Marco Lo Russo’s recent career has seen him performing internationally with appearances in Poland, Mexico, Cuba, Africa, and Canada, pursuing various musical projects, especially his ‘Made in Italy’ project. Recent accomplishments include composing the Italian entry for the the Eurovision Song Contest, producing the soundtrack of the film ‘CityZen’, directed by Ruggero Gabbai, broadcast on SKY TV, and the composition of the ‘Ave Maria’ dedicated to Pope Francis.

For further information email: press@marcolorusso.com


Elsa Gourdy Dancing Gig, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin - France

Elsa GourdyAccordionist Elsa Gourdy and her orchestra play for dancing on Sunday May 6th, 3pm until 8pm, at 1 Rue Gustave Eiffel, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, in the Loiret department in north-central France.

Elsa Gourdy, accordionist, bandoneonist and composer, performs in many musical genres, from French chanson to jazz. She began the accordion at the age of 6, studied at a conservatory, and was later mentored by Frédéric Deschamps. To date she has performed in the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Russia, Mongolia, China, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Qatar, Switzerland, and Austria.

For further information email: contact@elsagourdy.fr


LAO and Percussion Concert, Ljubljana – Slovenia

London Accordion Orchestra, Slovenia Poster
On Sunday May 6th, 6pm, the London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) perform in a concert, titled ‘SToP, Slovenian Percussion Project’ with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra at Kongresni trg 10 (Philharmonic Hall), 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The accordion orchestra programme will include some new pieces of English composers and works of film music, as well as the work of Slovenian composers. The Slovenian percussion project will join the orchestra and will also be presented independently. This will be an unforgettable concert for lovers of accordion and percussion.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


Tobias Escher Concert, Dortmund – Germany

Tobias Escher
Jazz accordionist Tobias Escher is the guest at the Accordion Café, Eschwister-Scholl-Straße 33-37, 44135 Dortmund, Germany, on Monday May 7th, 7pm.

Tobias Escher from Waiblingen, with his solo programme ‘Gestastet, nicht gequetscht’ (Touched, Not Squashed) will present a mixture of jazz, blues, polkas, and world music.


Accordion Gala, Auriac - France

Accordion Gala, Auriac posterOn Monday May 7th, 4pm, an Accordion Gala featuring the female accordionists Sylvie Pulles and her orchestra, Nicole Berges, Stephanie Methot, and Fabienne Souques, all playing for dancing in Auriac, Correze, France.

Auriac is a commune in the Corrèze department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of central France.


Gemma Donald & Alan Small @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK

Gemma Donald & Alan Small
On Thursday May 10th, 7.30pm, fiddle player Gemma Donald and accordionist Alan Small are the guests at the Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is St Margaret Mary’s Social Club, Scalegate Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 4JX. Admission is £3.50 and £1.50 for local players. There is a raffle and a bar.

Alan Small was the All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2002, teaches the accordion, plays in a variety of styles, and is currently band leader with the Lomond Ceilidh Band. Gemma Donald is a fiddle player, accordionist and pianist, and also an accordion technician, trained in Castelfidardo.


Martynas’ Summer Concerts Schedule – Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany

Martynas’Lithuanian accordionist Martynas Levickis performs in concerts this summer, as follows:

May 12th, 7pm - Bilkent Concert Hall, Ankara, Turkey
May 17th – with TRNC Presidential Symphony Orchestra, Bellapais, North Cyprus
May 18th - with TRNC Presidential Symphony Orchestra, Ataturk Cultural & Congress Centre, Nicosia, North Cyprus
June 15th to 24th – Composers Summer Academy, Egles sanatorija, Druskininkai, Lithuania
June 27th to July 1st – International Chamber Music Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands
June 27th – opening concert, Utrecht
June 27th – late night concert, Utrecht
June 30th – Musical Tour of Utrecht
July 7th – with Vilnius City Ensemble Mikroorkestra, Mittlefest 2018, Cividale, Fruili, Italy
July 12th – with Ensemble Triole, Sudtirol Festival, Merano, Italy
July 13th – with Ensemble Triole, KLANGEfest, Runklestein Castle, Italy
July 15th – solo concert, Festival de Bellerive, Switzerland
July 25th – with Svang Harmonika Quartet, Festspiele Mecklenberg, Vorpemmern, Germany

Martynas Levickis, from Lithuania, graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and has since performed internationally to great acclaim. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV.

For further information email: newsletter@martynasmusic.com


Karen Street and Karen Tweed’s ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Cambridge, Knutsford – UK

Time to Sing PosterOn Saturday May 12th and Sunday May 13th, 11am to 5pm, accordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed lead two one-day accordion events called ‘Time to Sing’. These events are open to all accordionists and also those who like to sing. In the morning there is a workshop, rehearsing mainly sing-along tunes, and after lunch there is a public concert, with community singing. Each afternoon also includes accordion solos from specially invited guest players. Proceeds from the day will go to the Alzheimer’s Society.

May 12th – Barhill Church, Hanover Close, Bar Hill, Cambridge CB23 8EH
May 13th, 10am until 5pm - Marthall Village Hall, Sandlebridge Lane, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7SB

Karen Street was twice an All-Britain Virtuoso Champion, and is now a respected jazz accordionist. Karen Tweed was an All-Ireland Accordion Champion, and is a renowned player and teacher of several international folk music styles.

Music for the workshop is available in advance by email.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com
Time to Sing Poster


Multi Day Accordion Meeting 8-10 June, Ossiach - Austria

Entries Close 13th May 2018. The Kärntner Akkordeonverein (KAV) invites for the first time in June this year to a multi-day accordion meeting in Ossiach, Carinthia. This musical encounter is especially aimed at adult accordion beginners and amateur musicians who like to play accordion in their free time or in retirement for their own enjoyment.

In the foreground is getting to know other music enthusiasts but also the exchange of common musical interests. The participants are offered a number of different workshops for beginners and advanced learners such as:
Ø Musical games for everyone
Ø Easy song accompaniment
Ø Interplay in a small ensemble
Ø Rudimentary music theory
Ø Feedback on self-produced pieces

Furthermore, there is the possibility to practice and easy interaction with others. In addition to the musical exchange and cozy get-together, the beautiful landscape around the Ossiacher Lake invites to walks or to swim.

Depending on the interests of the participants, the content of the course will be adjusted variably! The speakers Stefan Kollmann, Roman Pechmann and Christoph Hofer are looking forward to a musical weekend!

Where: Carinthian Music Academy Ossiach
Cost: 220 € incl. Full board (single room supplement: 20 €)

For further information email: steveom@gmx.at



Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA

AAA header
Dr. Robert Young McMahanElsie M BennettJust added to the new AAA website. Dr. Robert Young McMahan (picture left), Chair, AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee writes about Elsie M. Bennett (nee Blum, picture right) and the history of AAA Commissioning.

Over 60 new works have been commissioned by the AAA over the years to make an important contribution to accordion repertoire.

Click here for full article: AAA Composers’ Commissioning History.


Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA

Mike Middleton
Mike MiddleonUpdated Site: Picture above of Texas accordionist Mike Middleton performing at the National Accordion Association (NAA) Convention. Updated site adds pictures and text to the website. Also lists future events.


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionThe complete Karthause-Schmülling site is now online. There are over 520 line items of printed accordion sheet music (for solo, duo, ensemble and orchestra) as well as books (text) about accordion.

In stock. The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips, Catalog kslips03


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