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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Dec-2020
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Особенности Highlights

Отчет: 144-я Генеральная ассамблея делегатов Конгресса - Международный
Конкурс "Магия аккордеона" - Всемирный
32-й Московский международный фестиваль «Баяны и баянисты» - Россия.
Рождественский концерт Guardia Nueva будет транслироваться из церкви Коккола - Финляндия
Фридрих ЛИПС исполняет «Семь слов» в Пушкинском музее в Москве - Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Carlos Vives Latin Grammy Winner with Cumbiana - Columbia
Stas Venglevski Dedication to Helmi Harrington - USA
CNIMA Online 2020 Workshop - France
Video for Christmas: Lionel Reekie Performs O Holy Night - New Zealand
81-Year-Old Stefano Bozzini Serenades His Dying Wife - Italy
AAA 2021 Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition - USA
Cancelled: 49th Kleine Tage der Harmonika 2021 – Germany
Rose-Marie Coppola Passes Away - USA
Introducing: the Essentials Collection for Digital Accordions
Video: Sergey Neverov Plays Bach - Ukraine
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Former French President 1926 – 2020 - France
AccordionGifts Holiday Sale – 25% off everything in stock! – USA

Будущие события

Online Show by Tango Milonga/Otoño – South Africa
Accordion Meeting Point II, San Sebastian - Spain
Alex Meixner Band “Holiday Cheerfest”, Lake Worth - USA
Skerryvore and Manran Joint Concert - UK
Louise Jallu New CD “Piazzolla 2021” - France

Детский уголок

Children's Corner Editors Note:
Future Accordion Stars - Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Obituary Site: Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956 - France
Site Updated: Harley Jones Site Updated with New Pictures

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Особенности Highlights

Отчет: 144-я Генеральная ассамблея делегатов Конгресса - Международный

CIA Congress header
Ruedi MartyМеждународная конфедерация аккордеонистов (CIA) провела онлайн 144-ую Генеральную ассамблею делегатов Конгресса для 44 участников, многие из которых являются национальными аккордеонными организациями 28 ноября.

Конгресс, возглавляемый президентом Мирко Патарини и генеральным секретарем Киммо Маттила, никогда раньше не проводился онлайн, и в нем приняли участие около 40 членов.

Были представлены планы на 2021 год:

- Зимний конгресс, проводимый в Базеле, Швейцария, 12-14 марта Руэди Марти, президентом принимающей стороны accordeon.ch

- Конкурс промо-роликов «Магия аккордеона» - см. Статью ниже.

- Всемирный день аккордеона в мае, официально 6 мая, онлайн-мероприятие, включающее виртуальный Всемирный аккордеонный оркестр и концерты в некоторых странах, в зависимости от правил covid.

- 2021 Coupe Mondiale в Мюнхене, 13-17 октября 2021 года. Организатор-организатор Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e. V., (DHV), делегат Георг Хеттманн с информацией о холле, отелях и поездках по адресу: 2021CM-Presentation.pdf

Правила 2021 Coupe Mondiale, детали проезда и проживания будут опубликованы до Рождества.
74 Coupe Mondiale header


Конкурс "Магия аккордеона" - Всемирный

The Magic Accordion header
Mirco PatariniОбъявление президентом ЦРУ Мирко Патарини видеоконкурса «Магия аккордеона» было частью повестки дня 144-й Генеральной ассамблеи Конгресса делегатов ЦРУ 28 ноября 2020 года.

Подтверждающий текст: ЦРУ всегда очень внимательно относилось к эволюции мира аудио, видео и Интернета в целом. Даже если видео выступления нельзя сравнивать с живым концертом, видео, тем не менее, само по себе может быть художественным продуктом.

Аккордеон - один из самых молодых инструментов, но в настоящее время создано пространство во всех музыкальных жанрах, от барокко до современного, от народного до джаза. Новая задача - модернизировать имидж инструмента, чтобы сделать его привлекательным и популярным среди широкой публики и особенно современной молодежи. Ролик должен быть свежим, молодым и современным.

Отсюда возникла идея конкурса на создание рекламных роликов. Цель конкурса - создание рекламного ролика продолжительностью 60 секунд на тему «Магия аккордеона»; посвященный популяризации аккордеона среди широкой публики. Видеоролик также должен быть адаптирован в версиях 30 секунд и 10 секунд для использования в СМИ.

Было создано полное объявление со всеми правилами, и победитель будет выбран членами ЦРУ. Бюджет составляет около 2500 евро, покрывается ЦРУ.

Предложение состоит в том, чтобы объявить победителей Всемирного дня аккордеона, 6 мая 2021 года, и использовать лучшее видео в качестве «вступления» для всех мероприятий ЦРУ в году.

Полная информация о конкурсе будет опубликована в ближайшие 10 дней.


32-й Московский международный фестиваль «Баяны и баянисты» - Россия.

Bayan festival poster
LipsВверху: рекламный ролик на 2020 год.
Печатный плакат: 2020MoscowPoster.pdf

Художественный руководитель Фридрих Липс (на фото слева) приветствует вас на 32-м Международном московском фестивале «Баян и баянисты», который пройдет в Музыкальной академии имени Гнесиных в Москве с 15 по 20 декабря 2020 года.

15 декабря на концерте открытия выступит победитель VI Международного конкурса баянистов и аккордеонистов Айдар Салахов. Он исполнит произведения Чайковского, Лифа, Салахова и Десмонда.

Затем выступит ансамбль баянистов «Русский тембр», Вячеслав Куйменский, Вячеслав Стома, Павел Сайцев, Кирилл Русинов и Максим Ткачев, которые исполнят произведения Чайковского и Пьяццоллы.

Полное расписание концертов на английском языке по адресу: 2020Moscow

Обратите внимание: количество мест на этих концертах ограничено 25% из-за ограничений Covid-19, однако выступления также будут проводиться онлайн.

32-й Международный Московский Фестиваль проводится в рамках VII Международного конкурса баянистов и аккордеонистов. В этом году конкурс будет проходить онлайн с 13 по 20 декабря. Он будет открыт для музыкантов в возрасте от 18 до 32 лет на момент конкурса и будет проходить в 2 тура, при этом 50% участников перейдут во второй тур. Правила конкурса на русском языке: 2020MoscowRules.pdf

Полный отчет будет онлайн по адресу: 2020Moscow


Рождественский концерт Guardia Nueva будет транслироваться из церкви Коккола - Финляндия

Guardia Nueva
Знаменитый оркестр танго Guardia Nueva и художественный руководитель Раймо Вертенен объявляют, что их Рождественский концерт будет транслироваться из церкви Коккола во вторник 8 декабря в 17:00 по центральноевропейскому времени (по финскому времени в 18:00).

Концерт можно увидеть в прямом эфире в Интернете по адресу: www.keskipohjanmaa.fi

Концерт ограничен только 20 людьми из-за Covid-19, поэтому концерт должен быть без зрителей, все 1,200 мест пусты, только оркестр в церкви и даже люди с видеотехникой в машине рядом с церковью. Видеосъемку концерта будут вести 5 роботов-камер!

Открыт новый веб-сайт Guardia Nueva по адресу www.guardianueva.fi, теперь он на финском языке, а вскоре будет добавлен английский.

Концертная программа: Рождественские песни, Астор Пьяццолла и впервые музыка русского композитора Николая Римского-Корсакова. Один из самых известных русских композиторов, в том числе произведения из опер «Сочельник» и «У могилы».

Компакт-диски доступны в Интернете по адресу: Guardia Nueva


Фридрих ЛИПС исполняет «Семь слов» в Пушкинском музее в Москве - Россия

„Seven words“
2 декабря в знаменитом Пушкинском музее Москвы состоялся первый концерт фестиваля «Декабрьские вечера Святослава Рихтера» - «Художник читает Библию».

Открыл фестиваль камерный ансамбль «Солисты Москвы» под управлением Юрия Башмета. Вместе с легендарным коллективом выступили российские звезды: Евгений Миронов, Александр Рудин и Фридрих Липс.

Программа концерта включала «Семь слов» в версиях Йозефа Гайдна и Софии Губайдулиной, основанных на текстах Евангелия, отражающих кульминацию Страстей Господних.

Из-за блокировки концерт проходил как онлайн-мероприятие.

Изображение ниже: Удивительные альбомы 30 Lips доступны в Интернете по адресу: Friedrich Lips
30 Lips albums


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Carlos Vives Latin Grammy Winner with Cumbiana - Columbia

Video 1:

Video 2:
Carlos IvesVideo 1: Carlos Vives - Cumbiana (Official Video)
Video 2: NPR Tiny Desk Concert

The Colombian and Panamanian legends take home Best Tropical Song at the 21st Latin GRAMMY Awards. The lively collab between the two GRAMMY- and Latin GRAMMY-winning legends is from Vives' joyful, cumbia-infused 2020 album, Cumbiana, which won Best Contemporary/Tropical Fusion Album during the Latin GRAMMY Premiere ceremony on November 19, 2020.

Carlos took home a total of three 2020 Latin GRAMMY wins, the other for Best Long Form Music Video for the documentary accompaniment to the album, El mundo perdido de Cumbiana. Columbian multi-Grammy and Latin Grammy award-winning singer, composer and actor Carlos Vives has been a prominent musical figure for over 30 years.

With 14 albums under his belt, including his latest Cumbiana, Vivas has sold tens of millions of copies globally. He is best known for fusing styles of music, such as vallenato, porro, cumbias, pop, rock and reggaeton.

In Cumbiana, Vives does what he does best, brings it all. He incorporates all of these styles of music, while at the same time modernizing them. The first track, “Hechicera” features Canadian R&B singer and songwriter, Jessie Reyez. The song, in both English and Spanish, is an upbeat tropical vibe song. It fuses styles such as pop and cumbia to create a sexy rhythmic song. Vives, throughout his career, has been known as “El Hijo del vallenato,” the son of vallenato.

Vallenato is a popular music style originating from Columbia’s Caribbean coast. It fuses Columbian, African and European cultures. Typically vallenatos include three main instruments, the guacharaca, a percussion instrument associated with indigenous culture, the caja, a drum associated with African culture, and the accordion associated with European culture.

In 1993 Carlos released "Clásicos de la Provincia", which proves to be a timeless classic in Colombian and Latin American music, launching the vallenato on the world stage.Then came "La Tierra del Olvido" (1995), "Tengo Fe" (1997), "El Amor de mi Tierra" (1999), "Déjame Entrar" (2001) and "El Rock de mi Pueblo" (2004) which while not equaling the first success they definitely affirm the singer's maturity.

On July 28, 2017, Carlos Vives presented the new single Robarte in Beso, with Sebastián Yatra, reaches the top places in the world charts and reaches a total of 1.3 billion views on his VEVO channel on YouTube. It was presented at the Viña del Mar 2018 Festival in Chile, which surprised ChocQuibTown, Sebastián Yatra and Wisin.

Additional Grammy Award Results for Carlos Vives

61st Annual Grammy Awards (2018)
Best Latin Pop Album

57th Annual Grammy Awards (2014)
Best Tropical Latin Album
Más + Corazón Profundo

56th Annual Grammy Awards (2013)
Best Tropical Latin Album
Corazón Profundo

47th Annual Grammy Awards (2004)
Best Latin Pop Album
El Rock De Mi Pueblo

44th Annual Grammy Awards (2001)
Best Traditional Tropical Latin Album
Dejame Entrar

42nd Annual Grammy Awards (1999)
Best Traditional Tropical Latin Performance
El Amor De Mi Tierra (Album)


Stas Venglevski Dedication to Helmi Harrington - USA

Stas Venglevski posterStas Venglevski, in dedicating his new major composition “Poetic Rhapsody” to Helmi Harrington, curator of A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, USA. This is a “first” in the history of the Museum.

The piece will be premiered by Stas at a concert on December 6th at the Hanni Strahl Concert Hall, Harrington Arts Centre in Superior. The hall’s capacity to seat 1,000 people will be more than adequate to allow for 6-feet (or more) spacing between guests. Face masks for attendees is required.

The concert can also be seen online around the world and will begin with music by J.S.Bach, followed by Yehuda Yannay’s Fantasietta with Interruptions on a Theme in F minor, William Susman’s Zydeco Madness and finish with “Poetic Rhapsody”.
Helmi Harrington


CNIMA Online 2020 Workshop - France

CNIMA header
Promotional video: Testimonials of three international online CNIMA Students - Kayla from California, USA and Neil and Richard from England.

The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold their final 2020 workshop from December 27th to 31st online.

Because of Covid-19 restrictions in France, the CNIMA has, for the time being, successfully switched all its classes to online teaching.

Since 2018, online teaching had already been made available for distance students who wanted to benefit from the school’s specific accordion teaching system, while not being able to come on location in the heart of France.

The Covid lockdown has reinforced this online teaching trend and made the CNIMA further confident it is a very valid option. Accordion classes online are suggested for people in remote places with no accordion teachers around, people who want to start accordion on the right foot with the right technique, players who have reached a glass ceiling and want to break through, as well as accordion champions in the making that are preparing for contests etc.

The school created by Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix 22 years ago, has a world record of 107 first prizes at international competitions.

Its specialises in the teaching of a very efficient accordion technique where the accordion is approached as a wind instrument. The right handling of the air column and the bellows, the correct holding of the instrument in connection with a good body balance, a study of a panel of touches and musicality as the ultimate goal frees up one's playing and allows students to make spectacular progress.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Video for Christmas: Lionel Reekie Performs O Holy Night - New Zealand

Lionel ReekieVideo: New Zealand popular accordionist and vocalist Lionel Reekie performs a stunning rendition of "O Holy Night" at the 2019 Christmas Kevin Friedrich and Friends concert in Dargaville, New Zealand.

Enjoy this popular Christmas song. AWW wishes everyone a very happy Christmas season


81-Year-Old Stefano Bozzini Serenades His Dying Wife - Italy

New York Times reporter Elisabetta Povoledo wrote an article recently regarding 81 year old accordionist Stefano Bozzini.

Because of coronavirus restrictions in Italy, thousands of people have not been able to visit loved ones in hospitals, regardless of their ailment or how ill they are. This has very sadly been happening in many parts of the world.

However, that didn’t stop Stefano Bozzini.

In November, Stefano, plunked himself in the courtyard of a hospital in Castel San Giovanni, a town in the central region of Reggio Emilia, and began playing his accordion under the second-story window of his wife of 47 years, Carla Sacchi, who was hospitalized for an illness unrelated to Covid-19.

He played a few of her favorite songs, including “Spanish Eyes,” the 1965 Bert Kaempfert classic made popular by the crooners Al Martino, Engelbert Humperdinck and Elvis Presley.

The couple’s son, Maurizio Bozzini, recorded the serenade and sent it to a friend who posted it on Facebook. Local and international media picked up the video, a soulful testament of profound love in these sad times."

Very sadly, Carla Sacchi died at home a short time later at the age of 74.


AAA 2021 Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition - USA

AAA header
Elsie BennettThe 2021 Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers will be held in January 2021.

Elsie M. Bennett (picture left) was the driving force behind the AAA’s Composers Commissioning Committee, and was successful in getting the most famous of contemporary composers to write for the accordion. Among them were Robert Russell Bennett, Paul Creston, Robert Baksa, Lucas Foss, Alexander Tcherepnin, and so many more. A complete list is included on the AAA website.

This competition is in her memory and the AAA encourages contemporary composers to include writing for the accordion in their repertoire.

A panel of prominent accordionists and composers will be assembled to judge the submissions in two divisions:
Junior Division (up to 18 years of age)
Open Division (18 and older)

Entry closing date: January 10th, 2021. Winners will be notified by email on or about January 30th, 2021.

For entry forms and further details see: AAA


Cancelled: 49th Kleine Tage der Harmonika 2021 – Germany

cancelledOrganisers of the 49th Kleine Tage der Harmonika 2021 (Day of the Accordion) which was due to be held in Klingenthal, Germany on March 6th and 7th, 2021 have regrettably had to cancel the event due to the uncertainties of Covid-19.

They now look forward to the 2022 competition.


Rose-Marie Coppola Passes Away - USA

Rose-Marie Bruno and Lou Coppola, accordion champions, with their proud teacher Rudy MolinaroPicture left: Rose-Marie Bruno and Lou Coppola, accordion champions, with their proud teacher Rudy Molinaro, 1955

Rose-Marie Bruno Coppola passed away on November 28th, 2020 after bravely battling a long illness. Born in Connecticut, USA in 1939, she spent almost her entire life performing, promoting and teaching the accordion.

An award-winning musician, Rose-Marie performed on the stage at Carnegie Hall in her teen years, and for US Presidents and other dignitaries, for decades, with her group The Strolling Strings. When her illness prevented her from playing, she enjoyed supporting accordionists in the Washington, DC area and at the AAA festivals.

A lovely, kind, inspirational person to the end, Rose-Marie will be sadly missed!

Picture below: The Coppola family in 1972. Both sons were award-winning accordionists.
Left to right: Addie Cere, John Coppola, Maddalena Belfiore, Kevin Coppola, Rose-Marie and Lou Coppola.
Coppola family


Introducing: the Essentials Collection for Digital Accordions

Gary Dahl Legacy
Essentials Collection boxNow Available! Gary Dahl—the Legacy Continues (GDTLC), is proud to announce the availability of two editions of the Essentials Collection for the Roland FR-8X and Bugari Evo digital accordions.

The Essentials Collection - Acoustic Edition is packaged specifically for musicians who enjoy the acoustic accordion sounds of the Roland and Bugari digital accordions. This collection consists of the two acoustic accordion sets which introduce the sound of the popular Borsini SuperStar. Using the Roland sound engine, the tone, timbre, and color of the Borsini SuperStar are faithfully reproduced with a range of musette tunings. The Essentials Collection – Acoustic Edition is being offered at $39.95 USD.

The Essentials Collection - Premium Edition is the foundation collection of digital accordion resources from GDTLC. The Premium Edition includes:

* 2 foundation Sets based on the sound of the Borsini SuperStar?
* 84 User Programs using the Borsini sets plus orchestral instruments, covering a wide range of uses?

The Essentials Collection – Premium Edition is being offered at $99.95 USD.

How We Developed These Satisfying Sound Offerings:
All digital programming from GDTLC undergoes a comprehensive finishing process. This process includes placing each instrument or reed at the desired location in the sound field, balancing volume according to its role with other instruments or reeds, and blending and optimizing the sound of each instrument or reed using a number of other signal processing steps. This comprehensive finishing process produces mellower smooth sounds, crisper bright sounds, and well-optimized sound combinations yielding a rich, full, and professional sounding result.

Volume is a particular area of focus. Recorded music underwent a number of years of “more volume is better” thinking—often referred to as the volume wars in radio. Now, it is generally accepted among audio engineers that high compression can be fatiguing and washes out the music. Instead, our finishing process allows for a wide dynamic range with thoughtful proportion among the instruments/reeds and between treble and bass. With plenty of signal headroom left after finishing, the performer is in full control of the sound.

For more information, or to get your Acoustic or Premium Edition, visit the GDTLC website.


Video: Sergey Neverov Plays Bach - Ukraine

Video: Sergey Neverov playing Invention No. 4 in D minor BWV 775 by J.S.Bach.
Sergey says “This video is an attempt to show only a small part of the hidden harmonies, motives, voices in the famous two-voice innovation of the composer to my taste. I note that the development of audio and video technology allows us to find new opportunities in performing practice. Enjoy!”


Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Former French President 1926 – 2020 - France

Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
Valéry Giscard d’EstaingValéry René Marie Georges Giscard d’Estaing, former French President from 1974 to 1981 passed away at the age of 94 on December 2nd, 2020.

Valéry was often photographed playing the accordion as he wanted to be known as the “people’s President”.

Valery Giscard d’Estaing, set European monetary union in motion, fathered the first draft of the European Union’s Constitution and helped create the Group of Eight forum.

He is survived by his wife Anne-Aymone de Brantes and three of their four children.


AccordionGifts Holiday Sale – 25% off everything in stock! – USA

gifts header
AccordionGifts Holiday Sale.

This year has been difficult with the Coronavirus pandemic affecting everyone, so we thought that we would end the year on a happy note.

AccordionGifts is offering everything in stock, including holiday items, clothing, jewellery, stationery, and novelties at 25% off the listed price. The sale is in effect for the entire month of December.


Будущие события

Online Show by Tango Milonga/Otoño – South Africa

Tango Milonga/Otoño
An online show by the group “Tango Milonga/Otoño” will be available from December 4th to 8th, 2020, hosted by the Drostdy Theatre in, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The group includes accordionist Stanislav Angelov. You can join them for tango music in the comfort of your home. Pour a glass of wine, sit back and relax or dance the night away with their music.

For details email: ane@drostdyteater.co.za


Accordion Meeting Point II, San Sebastian - Spain

Accordion Meeting Point II will be held from December 9th to 12th at Musikene, Basque Country Higher Music School Donastia, in San Sebastian organised by Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea with Artistic Director Inaki Alberdi.

The event is designed to help musicians share ideas and learn important aspects of performance, recording, promotion etc.

See poster for dates, times and names of tutors.


Alex Meixner Band “Holiday Cheerfest”, Lake Worth - USA

√The Alex Meixner Band will perform a “Holiday Cheerfest”, Winter Beer Festival concert at the American German Club of the Palm Beaches in, Lake Worth, Florida on December 13th, 2020.

This event will be a German Beerfest with a Christmas twist under the Pavilion! In the spirit of Christmas, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity to help feed the community.

The public are welcome to attend. Masks must be worn and there will be temperature checks. Tables will be sanitized and socially distant. There is limited seating under the pavilion as tickets are limited due to required Covid-19 safety protocols. However, additional seating is available in the outdoor picnic area!

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Skerryvore and Manran Joint Concert - UK

Skerryvore (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion) will perform “A Winter Wonderful” Online Show on December 19th, 2020 at 2pm GMT+13.

This will be followed by a joint concert: Skerryvore and Scottish folk rock band “Manran” (which features accordionist Gary Innes) at the Reid Hall Forfar in Forfar, UK on December 19th.

This concert has become a preXmas tradition for the bands and last year’s event was a sell-out!

For details email: info@skerryvore.com


Louise Jallu New CD “Piazzolla 2021” - France

Louise JalluCD coverA new CD by Louise Jallu (picture left) entitled “Piazzolla 2021” will be released at a concert on January 10th, 2021 at 4pm, at the Paris Philharmonic with the support of the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation.

Louise will be accompanied by Mathias Lévy (violin & electric guitar), Grégoire Letouvet (piano & synthesizer), Alexandre Perrot (double bass), Médéric Collignon (bugle) and Gustavo Beytelmann (piano).

The album was recorded at the Philharmonie de Paris and will be released by Klarthe (Pias Distribution) at the end of a concert.

For details email: louise.jallu@free.fr


Детский уголок

Children's Corner Editors Note:

Christine JohnstoneAccordions Worldwide have been asked to include a Children’s Corner section in our Weekly News, so our readers can send in news items, pictures, videos, reports etc on our young upcoming accordionists.

Children, adults and teachers are welcome to send their news and photos to: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz


Future Accordion Stars - Italy

Martina KoniAlberto Nardelli talks about his experience as a teacher and introduces us to the talented 9-year-old accordionist Martina Koni.

"In just 6 months of lessons Martina studied a Bach minuet in G major, the fourth movement of Solotariev's 'Suite pour Enfants'.

Martina has a lot of enthusiasm and desire to learn, thanks also to her father (ex-accordionist) who knew how to help her in the best way.

My vocation, as the teacher says, is to accompany and stimulate, through a methodical study, these children so full of life, towards a world where music sighs for their soul and their heart ".

Bravo Martina, we can't wait to attend one of your concerts!


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Updated Obituary Site: Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956 - France

Historical Video of Yvette Horner Live on Television 1956, France, added to her obituary site.


Site Updated: Harley Jones Site Updated with New Pictures

Harley Jones album coverHarley Jones Site Updated with New Pictures and album information in English and Chinese


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