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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Oct-2008
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Особенности Highlights

The Musictech Digital Orchestra Concert - Italy
BREAKING NEWS - CMA Results Online - Bosnia
Roland Europe Junior в Эйфелевой башне, Париж – Франция.
Новости о Гае Ключевсеке (Guy Klucevsek), Нью-Йорк – Аргентина, США
Компания Roland US проводит первый фестиваль цифровых аккордеонов - V-accordion Festival – США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

World Premiere of Bandoneon Concerto, Cavtat – Croatia
Kevin Friedrich Helps Home Town Celebrate Centennial - New Zealand
Henry Doktorski in Iowa Orchestra Residency – USA
‘That's Broadway’ Production, Stanmore Bay – New Zealand
Cavagnolo Accordion Event, Versailles – France
Festival de Acordeón de Lasarte-Oria, Gipuzkoa – Spain

Будущие события

Julie Best Concert, Wiltshire - UK
Trophée National de Chaville, Paris - France
Festival D'Accordeon de Meyzieu, Lyon - France
Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland - UK
Trio ‘De las Piedras’ Concert, Madrid – Spain
3rd Contest and Festival ‘Etnie Musicali’, Teramo - Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Music - 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus'
New Music - 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young'
New Music - 'Maple Leaf Rag', 'Sunrise Sunset'
New music - 'Rondo Alla Turca', 'William Tell'

CD Отзывы

Hot Club Of Detroit

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Особенности Highlights

The Musictech Digital Orchestra Concert - Italy

musictech_daoMusicTech, producer of Midi Systems and Accordion Amplification, presents “The Musictech Digital Accordion Orchestra” at the historic Astra Theatre, Castelfidardo, October 15th at 9pm. The orchestra members Vincenzo Abbracciante, Mirko Azzalin, Giancarlo Caporilli, Vincenzo De Ritis, Gianni Mirizzi, Gennaro Ruffolo, Marco Polidori, Massimo Siviero, Heather Smith and Alberto Valguarnera will show the world the potential of the Music Maker Digital 50.

Aesthetically it is a traditional accordion maintaining the traditional parameters; keyboards, bass mechanism and bellows, the last of which enables the performing accordionist to express his personal soul and sensitivity by means of the perfect dynamic control, able to respond adequately even when the bellows are fully open, due to the special Musictech sensor circuitry. Technology has replaced the valves with solid-state contacts and the hand-made reeds with integrated Digitally Sampled Instrument Sounds featuring 25 various accordions such as Musette, Cassotto and another 25 traditional orchestral instruments; Strings, Violins, Choruses, Organs, Guitars, Brass etc.
MusicTech, with international experience of the needs of accordionists, has united human resources and the latest technology in the development of the Music Maker Digital 50 Accordion. The professional accordionists of today’s musical world know the potential of this instrument and use it in the most amazing performances of many kinds of music.


BREAKING NEWS - CMA Results Online - Bosnia

CMA logoGrayson Masefield (New Zealand)The full CMA 2008 Sarajevo Results are now online on the CMA website.

Trophée Mondiale Senior Classique winner was Dimitri Bouclier (France) with Grayson Masefield (New Zealand) 2nd and Miodrag Dordevic (Serbia) 3rd.

Grayson Masefield (picture right), the only competitor to be in two categories was also first placegetter in the Trophée Mondiale Senior Varieté category ahead of Adragna Pietro 2nd (Italy) with Benoit Chabod (France) in 3rd.

A full report of the event will be on the CMA site soon.


Roland Europe Junior в Эйфелевой башне, Париж – Франция.

Ludovic Beier, Marc Berthoumieux, Bernard Marly, 2008 poster
Конкурс Roland Europe Junior прошёл 27 сентября в Густав-зале (Gustave room) знаменитой Эйфелевой башни в Париже. (Загрузить France 2008 poster 698 КВ). В состав жюри вошли прославленные аккордеонисты Marc Berthoumieux, Bernard Marly и Ludovic Beier и ассистенты Marco Cinnaglia (Roland Европа) и Jeroen Ravesloot (Roland Центральная Европа).

Участники соревнования оценивались по следующим критериям: виртуозность, музыкальность, творческий подход, использование возможностей цифровых аккордеонов (V-Accordion) и артистизм. Конкурс проходил в двух категориях. В категории Юниоры – до 18 лет – в финал вышли 4 аккордеониста, играющие на аккордеонах Roland FR-3.

1. Renee Verleg (Нидерланды)
2. Remco Troquete (Нидерланды)
3. Alexis Lambert (Франция)
4. Eric Allard-Jacquin (Франция)

Победителем стал Eric Allard-Jacquin (фото вверху слева), получивший в качестве приза аккордеон Roland FR-3. Второе место занял Alexis Lambert (Франция), а третье Renee Verleg (Нидерланды).
Во второй категории – Senior – старше 18 лет – выступили 7 полуфиналистов, которые играли на аккордеонах Roland FR-7.

1. Nicolas Koch (Франция)
2. Jean-François Prin (Франция)
3. Félicien Brut (Франция)
4. Estelle Sauvain (Франция)
5. Marie Guihard (Франция)
6. Koen Walraevens (Бельгия) 7. Yannick Wijnants (Бельгия)
Программа конкурса подразумевала исполнение музыки на собственный выбор продолжительностью до 5 минут без использования живого или электронного сопровождения. Победителем стал Jean-François Prin, Франция (фото внизу слева), выигравший аккордеон Roland FR-7, а также оплаченную поездку на финал конкурса V-Accordion, который будет проходить в ноябре в Риме. Второе место занял Félicien Brut (Франция), а третье Estelle Sauvain (Франция)
В промежутке Ludovic Beier провёл полную и содержательную демонстрацию недавно выпущенного аккордеона Roland FR-1 (релиз прошёл 12 сентября). Этот замечательный маленький инструмент, весящий всего 5,5 кг, был продемонстрирован с блестящей виртуозностью к удовольствию публики.
Вечер завершился ярким выступлением Ludovic Beier Trio в этом изумительном историческом месте с великолепными видами. (Загрузить France 2008 poster 698 КВ).


Новости о Гае Ключевсеке (Guy Klucevsek), Нью-Йорк – Аргентина, США

angels_and_accordionsguy_klucevsek18 октября в рамках престижного «Международного Джазового Фестиваля Буэнос-Айрес» музыканты из Нью-Йорка Гай Ключевсек (Guy Klucevsek) (аккордеон) и Алан Берн (Alan Bern) (аккордеон, фортепиано) будут исполнять свои сочинения для дуэта. Этот ежегодный фестиваль пройдет в Буэнос-Айресе с 15 по 19 октября (место проведения - ND Ateneo, 918 Paraguay, BA). Среди других участников фестиваля – саксофонист Джеймс Муди (James Moody) (США), квинтет Теренса Бланшарда (Terence Blanchard Quintet), кубинский пианист Гонзало Рубалкаба (Gonzalo Rubalcaba) и аргентинский трубач Роберто «Фэтс» Фернандес (Roberto 'Fats' Fernández).

«Ангелы и Аккордеоны» - ежегодное мероприятие на Бруклинском кладбище Green-Wood, сочетающее исполнительство и пешую экскурсию, запланировано на 4 октября, в 12 часов дня и в 15.30. В случае дождя, мероприятие переносится на следующий день, время то же. Место встречи участников у главных ворот кладбища Green-Wood, на пересечении 25-й улица и 5-й авеню, Бруклин. Вход свободный. Просьба быть на месте за 15 минут. Следует надеть удобную прогулочную обувь и взять с собой бутылку воды.
В этом шоу, созданном Джэфом Риманом (Jeff Richman), танцующие ангелы, роли которых исполнят Гай Ключевсек (Guy Klucevsek), девять других аккордеонистов и саксофонист Стив Элсон (Steve Elson), будут сопровождать посетителей исторического бруклинского кладбища Green-Wood. Режиссер и хореограф – Марта Бауэрс (Martha Bowers), музыкальный руководитель Боб Голдберг (Bob Goldberg).

15 октября, в среду, Гай Ключевсек (Guy Klucevsek) откроет фестиваль 2008 Edgefest, зал Kerrytown Concert House, в Энн Арборе, Мичиган. Он будет играть отделение из своих сольных произведений. А затем выступит совместно с местными музыкантами, в рамках возрождения своего проекта 1990-х годов – The Bantam (Забияка) Orchestra (скрипка, виолончель, контрабас, аккордеон).
Дополнительная информация по e-mail: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


Компания Roland US проводит первый фестиваль цифровых аккордеонов - V-accordion Festival – США

Joe NatoliВ рамках празднования, посвящённого аккордеону, мировому инструменту с богатейшей историей, 20 сентября 2008 года в Лос-Анджелесе прошел первый фестиваль Roland V-Accordion, организованный компанией Roland Corporation U.S.
Со всех концов Соединенных Штатов приехали конкурсанты, играющие в разных стилях, от джаза до кельтской музыки. Каждому участнику для пятиминутного выступления был предоставлен аккордеон FR-7 V-Accordion. Это мероприятие было организовано в связи с проведением второго Международного Фестиваля Roland V-Accordion.
Жюри, состоявшее из 5 человек – Фрэнк Марокко (Frank Marocco), Джоан Кохран Соммерс (Joan Cochran Sommers), Эд Водичка (Ed Vodicka) и Эдди Монтэйро (Eddie Monteiro) – присудило высшую награду Джозефу Натоли (Joseph Natoli – фото слева).

Как обладатель Гран-при, Натоли отправится в Италию, в Рим, где 7 ноября 2008 будет участвовать во втором Международном Фестивале Аккордеона и соревноваться с участниками из 15 других стран.
Координатора Фестиваля Roland V-Accordion Рон Лэнкфорд (Ron Lankford) сообщает, что «Roland гордится своим содействием развитию лучшей аккордеонной музыки, и мы были очень взволнованы большим количеством участников и высоким уровнем музицирования».


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

World Premiere of Bandoneon Concerto, Cavtat – Croatia

damir_buzletaDuring the second `Epidaurus Festival` in beautiful Cavtat, accordion virtuoso Miran Vaupotic premiered with known Zagreb soloists the ‘Epidaurus Concerto’ for bandonen and string orchestra, by Croatian composer Damir Buzleta. This is the first bandoneon concerto in the history of Croatian music. The performance was a great success, with inspired playing from both soloist and ensemble. The concerto consists of three movements.

The first describes passengers and lovers of Dubrovnik in the late hours, the second movement brings an impression of Dubrovnik at dawn, and the third is a vivacious dance-like play where a wonderful mixture of tango rhythm and a Mediterranean charm is interlaced and described.

Damir Buzleta, born in 1958 in Pula, learned music very early, taking up the accordion. He participated in many competitions and festivals in Croatia and abroad, winning many awards. In 1978 he started to compose, and his first composition was called ‘Sketches’. He studied composition with eminent Croatian composer Zlatic, and also took up conducting. His works are mainly written for accordion and for accordion orchestra. Bužleta also organizes master classes for accordion.

Ancient remains, Renaissance palaces and villas make up the historical nucleus of Cavtat, a town south of Dubrovnik. In ancient times it was known as Epidaurum, and today is the tourist and cultural center of Konavle, the southernmost region of Croatia.

For further information email: artagent.vjeran@hi.t-com.hr


Kevin Friedrich Helps Home Town Celebrate Centennial - New Zealand

Kevin Friedrich in concertCIA President Kevin Friedrich performed to a capacity audience in the Dargavillle Town Hall as part of his home town’s Centennial celebration weekend, which featured local born artists including pop star Mark Williams and Dragon (Australia) as other well other local performers. Kevin (New York) has returned regularly to his home town to partake in various concerts and activities.

Among those in attendance was the town Mayor Neil Tiller of Dargaville (population 4,000). Located north of Auckland, Dargaville was once home to a thriving accordion scene which boasted eight accordion orchestras and bands spread amongst four sizeable accordion studios.

Over recent years, the Dargaville community has strongly supported fund raising efforts to support accordion activities including the commissioning of ‘Gem of the Kaipara’ (in memory of Jenny Cocurullo) for Accordion and Symphony by well known New Zealand composer Gary Daverne, the establishment of the “Accordion Gems, A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time” housed at the Dargaville Museum, as well as numerous concerts and projects featuring local and international accordion guests.

In their ongoing efforts to support the accordion movement, the Dargaville community is sponsoring $10,000 in prizes at the upcoming CIA Coupe Mondiale to be held in Auckland, New Zealand in August, 2009.
$5,000 – 2009 International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music in honor of the late Jenny Cocurullo (supporter of arts and accordion in Northland).
$5,000 – 2009 International Competition for Piano Accordion in honor of Ben Emmett (accordion teacher in Dargaville).

The 2009 CIA Coupe Mondiale will feature a day trip to Dargaville option at the conclusion of the Coupe Mondiale, where there will be a Gala Concert, Champagne Reception at the Light House Function Center boasting spectacular views of the surrounding area, a Museum visit and local sightseeing. Full details will be available soon on the Coupe Mondiale website.


Henry Doktorski in Iowa Orchestra Residency – USA

ames_conductorFrom November 9th to 14th, accordionist Henry Doktorski will serve as Artist-in-residence for the Ames Iowa High School Orchestra, and also perform as guest soloist with the orchestra in a concert on Friday November 14th, under the direction of Mary Kay Polashek.

The Ames High School Orchestra has become one of the premier high school orchestras in the USA and for the last nine years, the orchestra has had celebrated guest artists perform with them during their annual Fall Festival Concert.

Detailed article about Doktorski and the Ames Iowa High School Orchestra performances.


‘That's Broadway’ Production, Stanmore Bay – New Zealand

Skylah Jeffries in Thats Broadway
On September 23rd and 24th eight year old accordionist Skylah Jeffries took part in the Stanmore Bay School production entitled ‘That's Broadway’, which featured a variety of songs from many Broadway shows. Skylah is the only accordionist that attends the school, which has a very active music program and encourages the accordion within its program.

As well as singing in the school choir Skylah performed ‘Doh a Deer’, ‘Oom Pah Pah’, and ‘Edelweiss’ on her accordion, accompanied by students on the glockenspiel and keyboards. Skylah is also a member of the North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra, which performed on September 21st at the Allan William Jones Memorial event. Report of the 2008 AWJMS.


Cavagnolo Accordion Event, Versailles – France

jean_louis_notonThe Salon de la Musique, Versailles, near Paris, September 12th to 15th, was the venue for a demonstration event organised by the French accordion manufacturer Cavagnolo. There were accordion tuning and repair workshops, and instrument demonstrations, involving Guy Duchène, Cathy Barré, Jean Louis Noton, Amandine, Marcel Dreux et Madame, Thierry Duchène, Michel Farez, Claude Cavagnolo, and Laurence Cavagnolo.

The days were well attended and many new instruments were ordered. The four days were deemed very successful by the organisers.


Festival de Acordeón de Lasarte-Oria, Gipuzkoa – Spain

zoltan_oroszOn Saturday September 27th the 5th Festival de Acordeón de Lasarte-Oria? took place in the theatre Manuel Lecuona, Lasarte-Oria, Guipúzcoa, in northern Spain. The evening concert featured Hungary’s Zoltan Orosz, the Accordion Orchestra of the Conservatory of Sabadell (Catalonia), and the Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra (Lasarte-Oria).

Zoltan Orosz’s dazzling performance drew tremendous applause from the capacity audience. The two orchestras were similarly applauded for their masterly performances. Many people present were of the opinion that this festival was the best one to date.


Будущие события

Julie Best Concert, Wiltshire - UK

julie_bestOn Sunday October 5th, 2pm until 5pm, Carlisle accordionist Julie Best is the guest artiste at the White Horse Accordion Club. The venue is Westbury Leigh Hall, Westbury Leigh (on the A3098), Westbury, Wiltshire.

For further information email: white-horse@blueyonder.co.uk


Trophée National de Chaville, Paris - France

The 2008 Trophée National de Chaville, organised by L’Académie Musicale de France, takes place on October 27th and 28th in Chaville, Paris. This music festival includes graded sections for stradella and free bass accordion, electronic organ, clavier, piano, drums, acoustic and electric guitar.

For further information email: raymond.valli@orange.fr


Festival D'Accordeon de Meyzieu, Lyon - France

The Festival D'Accordeon de Meyzieu takes place on October 18th and 19th in Meyzieu, a suburb of the city of Lyon, situated Rhône-Alpes region of south-eastern France. There is a Grand Evening Gala, 8.30pm, on Saturday October 18th featuring accordionists Stéphanie Rodriguez, Dimitri Saussard, Nathalie Boucheix (picture right), and Jérome Richard (picture left). The following afternoon, October 19th, 3pm, the festival presents a dance, featuring accordionists Michel Pruvot and Stéphanie Rodriguez, and their respective orchestras.

The festival is organised by the Société des Accordéonistes Aixois, in collaboration with Didier Ouvrard and Pascal Sevran.


Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland - UK

dewar_scottishbandThe 21st Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival takes place from October 9th to 13th. Visiting guest artistes include Colin Dewar Scottish Dance Band, Duncan Black SDB, James Coutts SDB, Niall Kirkpatrick SDB, Tom Orr SDB, Nicky McMichan SDB, Craig Paton, George Balfour, Mark Cummine, Ian Robertson, Willie Johnstone, Liz Doherty, Larry Gavin, Terje Martinsen, Lynne Christie, and Neil Copland.

For further information email: info@shetlandaccordionandfiddle.com


Trio ‘De las Piedras’ Concert, Madrid – Spain

On October 22nd the trio ‘De las Piedras’ -
Esteban Algora (accordion), Ingar Zach (percussion), and Alessandra Rombolá (flute) perform in concert at
Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

For further information email: ale@allesandrarombola.com


3rd Contest and Festival ‘Etnie Musicali’, Teramo - Italy

etnie_musicalli_logoThe third ‘Etnie Musicali’ Contest and Festival takes place at the Liceo Classico, piazza Dante, Teramo, on December 6th and 7th. The event includes the following competitive sections: Accordion ‘Virtuoso’, Accordion ‘Classic’, Diatonic Accordion (up to 4 basses), Diatonic Accordion (over 4 basses), plus guitar, piano, saxophone, singing, and composition. There are no test pieces, and monetary prizes.

For further information email: info@etniemusicali.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Music - 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus'

Peter Wilk - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online, 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus', 'Nimrod', 'Valse Romantique', 'Happy Poppa Polka' and 'Days Gone By'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Music - 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young'

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 4 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young', 'Evelyn Polka' and 'Hot Tango'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Music - 'Maple Leaf Rag', 'Sunrise Sunset'

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 3 new works and one new work update for accordion available for purchase online, 'Maple Leaf Rag','Sunrise Sunset', 'It's All In The Game', and 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New music - 'Rondo Alla Turca', 'William Tell'

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 4 new music of 'Rondo Alla Turca', 'William Tell', 'Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag' and 'Santa Lucia'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Hot Club Of Detroit

detroit_cdHot Club of Detroit, whose line up is Evan Perri (guitar), Julien Labro (accordion), Carl Cafagna (sax), Paul Brady (guitar), and Shannon Wade (bass).
CD Reviews Index.


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