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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-May-2019
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Особенности Highlights

Мероприятия, посвященные Всемирному дню аккордеона, 6 мая – Во всем мире.
Трансляция Всемирного Дня Аккордеона на AlphaTV - Финляндия
Девять премьер Геннадия Ротари на музыкальном фестивале Risuonanze! - Италия
Национальная квалификация итальянского купе Mondiale, Сполето - Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Wedding Bells for Marco Lo Russo, Lake Como - Italy
Report: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival - China
Orkney Isles Mini Concert Tour - Scotland
Val Tidone International Music Competition Closing Date Extended - Italy

Будущие события

UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble World Accordion Day Concert - USA
“Iva Nova” Russian Rock Band Tours Europe this Month
Texas Folklife Hosts Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert – USA
Swaledale Squeeze Weekend - UK
14th Wirral Folk Festival – UK
CNIMA Courses for Young Children - France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Russian News Updated
Report: Frankfurt Musikmesse 2019 Online – Germany
Report: 12th Anniversary Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich & Friends Online - New Zealand

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Особенности Highlights

Мероприятия, посвященные Всемирному дню аккордеона, 6 мая – Во всем мире.

WAD banner
WADЧтобы узнать всех о событиях, посетите сайт World Accordion Day в выходные дни.

ФИНЛЯНДИЯ: прямая трансляция WAD на финском телевидении, включает множество интервью, презентаций, дискуссий и живых выступлений. Пожалуйста, смотрите полную новость ниже.

США: в World of Accordions Museum 4-5 мая пройдет World Accordion Day (WAD), где будет представлен ряд концертных выступлений, которые будут показаны в международном видео-трансляции под эгидой Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).
К ним относятся (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble дирижер Prof. Joan C. Sommers, Mary Tokarski, Stas Venglevski, Murl Allen Sanders, Betty Jo Simon, Jane Christison, Mike Middleton, Генри Докторски, Айдар Салахов и Джоан Соммерс в дуэте Стас Венглевский.

КИТАЙ: Шанхайский весенний международный аккордеонный фестиваль 2019 года, посвященный Всемирному дню аккордеона, будет включать в себя видео с концертов известных международных и китайских аккордеонистов, которые будут опубликованы во Всемирный день аккордеона 6 мая.

Загрузить плакат для печати: 2019PosterShanghai.pdf

Посмотреть основной отчет в Интернете о великолепно организованном фестивале: 2019Shanghai

США: Аккордеонный ансамбль Bachtopus выступает в 16:00 в Епископальной Церкви Святого Петра, Нью-Йорк, в рамках серии «Музыка в Челси».

США: Концерт, посвященный Всемирному дню аккордеона, в понедельник, 6 мая, с 18:00 до 21:00 в WIld Heaven Beer, 35 Maple St B, Avondale Estates, GA 30002, представленный NESS Records and Accordionology. Вход свободный.

ГЕРМАНИЯ: Ежегодный концерт Баварского Молодежного Аккордеонного Оркестра под управлением Silke D'Inka. Они сыграют сочинения Густава Холста, Сэмюэля Барбера, Славко Суклара, Фрица Доблера, Олега Гамаюнова, Альберто Гинастера, Дмитрия Шостаковича. Для деталей - электронная почта: dinka@aljo-bw.de

ИСПАНИЯ: Концерт Всемирного дня аккордеона состоится в Университете Сервера в Каталонии 4 мая. Для получения дополнительной информации - электронная почта: ferranbayan@gmail.com

НОВАЯ ЗЕЛАНДИЯ / КИТАЙ: Новозеландский аккордеонист Грейсон Мэйсфилд выступит с концертом 7 мая в Zhuozhi Education, Школа английского языка Сюй Лин в Чэнду, Китай. Концерт откроет ученик Грейсона Сюй Нао, который только что занял первое место в поп-классе до 10 лет и в открытом классе на 13-м Сингапурском и Китайском международном музыкальном конкурсе (2019). См. Плакат справа и загрузите плакат для печати: 2019GM.pdf

Великобритания: во второй половине дня в понедельник (WAD) аккордеонист Роб Ховард станет одним из нескольких музыкантов, выступающих на частной вечеринке в саду в доме в Чорлтоне, Стокпорт, где все доходы пойдут на благотворительность India Share.

АВСТРИЯ: Harmonika -WM - трехдневное международное мероприятие, начинающееся в конце мая. Полная информация рядом с датой.


Трансляция Всемирного Дня Аккордеона на AlphaTV - Финляндия

Apha TV logo Finland
Kimmo MattilaФинский телеканал AlfaTV будет транслировать в прямом эфире презентацию Всемирного дня аккордеона 6 мая, которая будет состоять из интервью, презентаций, дискуссий и живых выступлений. История аккордеона - одна из главных тем, потому что 190-я годовщина аккордеона отмечается в тот же день.

Несколько аккордеонистов будут играть в студии во время передачи, которую будут вести известные телеведущие Хайди Пакаринен и Киммо Маттила (фото слева). Одним из специальных гостей станет член парламента ЕС Мерья Киллонен, которая обсудит международные культурные аспекты. Программа подготовлена Финской Аккордеонной Ассоциацией в сотрудничестве CIA .

После прямой трансляции телепередача можно будет смотреть в течение как минимум 12 месяцев в любой стране мира. Ссылка на программу будет доступна в этой статье, когда телепрограмма выйдет в эфир.

Для дальнейших деталей - электронная почта: secretariat_cia@harmonikkaliitto.net


Девять премьер Геннадия Ротари на музыкальном фестивале Risuonanze! - Италия

Ghenadie RotariВидео: Фестиваль MA Intermedia 2017, <Exercise de stratigraphie>, написанные Мартой Гентилуччи, в исполнении Геннадия Ротари.

Аккордеонист Геннадий Ротари исполнит девять (мировых и итальянских) премьер произведений, написанных для соло на аккордеоне, на фестивале современной музыки Risuonanze в Удине 1 июня.

Его программа будет включать в себя работы:

Харис Киттос (Греция),

Идин Самими Мофахам (Иран),

Мартина Косецка (Польша),

Паоло Маркеттини (Италия),

Иван Буффа (Словакия),

Бьяджо Путиньяно (Италия),

Сара Карвалью (Португалия),

Уго Васко Рейс (Португалия) и

Арсия Самсаминия (Иран).

Родившийся в Молдове, Геннадий Ротари выступал в престижных местах, таких как Карнеги-Холл (Нью-Йорк, США), Концертный зал Киой (Токио, Япония), Musikverein и Radiokulturhaus (Вена, Австрия), Гастайг (Мюнхен, Германия) и Teatro Regio ( Турин, Италия).

Для дальнейших деталей концерта - электронная почта: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Национальная квалификация итальянского купе Mondiale, Сполето - Италия

Italian Accordion Culture header
Coupe Mondiale logoИтальянский член Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Итальянской Аккордеонной Культуры (IAC) ежегодно проводит Национальный Отбор кандидатов в CIA Coupe Mondiale. В 2019 году 18 мая в Сполето, Sala Nobile di Palazzo Leti Sansi, состоится итальянский национальный отбор.

Помимо двух кандидатов, спонсируемых IAC, еще двое получат поддержку от организаторов China Coupe Mondiale, которые предлагают 42 900 евро в виде денежных призов, а также субсидии на авиабилеты и проживание.

Для получения дополнительной информации об итальянском национальном отборе обращайтесь: Мирко Патарини.

Другая информация о 2019 Coupe Mondiale онлайн на: Coupe Mondiale


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Wedding Bells for Marco Lo Russo, Lake Como - Italy

Marco wedding
Accordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo married television journalist Silvia Vecchi on April 27th. The private ceremony was held on Lake Como, at the abbey of Santa Maria di Piona in Colico in Lecco, Italy. Prior Father Massimo Marianella (former Prior of the Abbey of Valvisciolo in Sermoneta, Latina) officiated at the wedding.

Best wishes to the newlyweds from Accordions Worldwide!


Report: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival - China

2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Video 1: Esse Quintet (Russia)
Video 2: Tango Reaction (Serbia) performing Baltango composed by Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) performing with Petar Maric
Days 16, 18 and 19 April of the 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival are now online. This is the touring part promoting 'Belt and Road' economic policy and enriching the accordion and public cultural services in the Yangtze River Delta region. The Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival was also dedicated to World Accordion Day.

View the major report online of the superbly organised 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival: 2019Shanghai

Download 21 page color Festival Program: 2019FestivalProgramShanghai.pdf
Download 24 page color Concert Program: 2019ConcertsShanghai.pdf
Download printable poster: 2019PosterShanghai.pdf
2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival


Orkney Isles Mini Concert Tour - Scotland

Karen Tweed Tour poster
Accordionist Karen Tweed has just completed a mini tour of the Orkney Isles with Alistair Anderson (English concertina and Northumbrian pipes). Their tour began on April 26th in Westray, Orkney followed by performances in South Ronaldsay, Kirkwall before a final concert at the Shapinsay Community Centre, Shapinsay on April 30th.

Alistair Anderson also gave a talk entitled “My Life in Music & Why Traditional Music is Important Today” after their performance in Kirkwall.


Val Tidone International Music Competition Closing Date Extended - Italy

Livio BollaniThe closing date for the Val Tidone International Music Competitions has been extended to May 18th, 2019. The competitions will be held from June 7th to 16th in Val Tidone. The Artistic Director is Livio Bollani (pictured).

This year’s event will include six international music competitions for a variety of instruments including the accordion, solo and group with categories such as classical and contemporary, pop, rock, world and Jazz.

Special prize categories include "Contessa Tina Orsi Anguissola Scotti" Chamber Music Prize, "Val Tidone" Young Talent Competition, "Egidio Carella" Composition Competition, and "Tidone Folk" - Special Prize for Folk Music (soloists and groups).

Download competition rules: 2019ValTidone.pdf


Будущие события

UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble World Accordion Day Concert - USA

World Accordion DayThe University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble will perform in Concert at the World of Accordions Museum for the World Accordion Day celebration in Superior, Wisconsin on 4th May 2019.

All players are alumni of the University of Missouri - Kansas City, and former members of the renowned UMKC Accordion Orchestra. The players make their living in various careers, but each have remained devoted to promoting the accordion and its varied repertoire, which includes transcriptions, commissions and other original works.

They have recently performed in Chicago, San Francisco and Kansas City and Alexandria, VA (Washington DC). In addition, they have participated in several USA contributions to World Accordion Day, when videos of their performances were broadcast during the live presentation.

The UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble performs under the direction of Joan C. Sommers who also plays as a member of the ensemble. Joan C. Sommers was awarded the title of Professor Emerita upon her retirement from the University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory of Music (USA), where she established and taught the accordion degree program for forty years. She has arranged innumerable works for both Accordion Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble, works that have been performed around the globe.

Joan C. Sommers has held numerous positions in several music organizations, including the Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA – IMC-UNESCO) where she holds lifetime Honorary Membership.

At the World of Accordions Museum performance, the concert will include: Zar und Zimmermann (Czar and Carpenter) by Albert Lortzing (arr. Curt Herold); Variationen über “Komm, lieber Mai” by Rudolf Würthner; Tambourin Chinois by Fritz Kreisler (arr. Anthony Galla-Rini) featuring Samantha Wagner, soloist; Omphale’s Spinning Wheel by Camille Saint-Saëns (arr. Anthony Galla-Rini); Cité Tango by Astor Piazzolla (arr. Joan C. Sommers) featuring Ron Barrow, soloist; Concerto per Archi by Nino Rota (arr. Eugene Negruta) I. Preludio, II. Scherzo, III. Aria and IV. Finale; Flight (Movement 3) by Ian Watson and Blackbird Polka by Vladimir Ushakov.

Members of the UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble pictured above include Kevin Friedrich, Samantha Wagner, Ron Dake, director Joan Cochran Sommers, Ron Barrow, Betty Jo Simon, Cathy Sue Weiss and Mary Ann Covone.

For more information on the World of Accordions Museum concert please visit www.worldofaccordions.org or contact Joan C. Sommers: joansommers@kc.rr.com


“Iva Nova” Russian Rock Band Tours Europe this Month

Iva Nova band
Video: Iva Nova live in 2016.

The “Iva Nova” rock band from St Petersburg, Russia will tour Lithuania, Poland and Germany from May 8th to June 6th.

The band includes Natalia Potapenko (accordion - graduated from Saint Petersburg Conservatory), Anastasia Postnikova (vocals, keyboard & percussion), Ekaterina Fedorova (drums & percussion) and Galina Kiseleva (bass & backing vocals).

They play a mixture of modern rock and ethnic music along with jazzy and electronic flavouring. The sound is strong and driving, connecting “rural restlessness with urban insanity”.

The band has played numerous gigs in Russia, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Canada.

They have also taken part in festivals such as Wazemmes Accordion Festival (Lille, France), Accordion Noir festival (Vancouver, Canada), International Accordion festival (Vienna, Austria), Le Grand Soufflet (Rennes, France) and Akkordeon Akut! Festival (Halle, Germany).

Tour dates are:
8th May - Vilnius, XI20 (Lithuania)
9th May - Wrozlaw, Kalambur (Poland)
11th May - Augsburg, Provino (Germany)
12th May - Weinstadt, JAK (Germany)
13th May - Karlsruhe, Die Anstoß e.V. (Germany)
15th May - Köln, Sonic Ballroom (Germany)
16th May - Darmstadt, Belleville (Germany)
17th May - Rotthausen, Neuhaus (Germany)
18th May - Leverkusen, KAW (Germany)
20th May - Hamburg, Hedi (Germany)
25th May - Kneipe Westen, Dörverden (Germany)
28th May - KIT Cafe, Dusseldorf (Germany)
29th May - Kulturverein Wespennest , Neustadt a.d.W., (Germany)
30th May - Halle/Saale, Objekt 5 (Germany)
31st May - Berlin, Supamolly (Germany)
1st June - Stacja Wolimierz, Pobiedna, Dolnoslaskie (Poland)

For concert details email: ivanovabandrus@gmail.com


Texas Folklife Hosts Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert – USA

Texas Folklife will host the Statewide Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert that will take place on May 11th at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, Texas. The event is a live concert to feature Texas' top young accordion talent with performances by Cedryl Ballou & the Zydeco Trendsetters and Conjunto Cats.

The 13th annual Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Contest, will take place during the event and will feature ten youth musicians battling it out in the traditional Texas accordion music genres: polka, Cajun & zydeco, and Conjunto.

The Big Squeeze is a culmination of ten competitions held throughout Texas that began in February and stretched from Ennis to Edinburg. Communities across the state came together to celebrate one of Texas’ most cherished musical traditions while young musicians showed off their accordion skills for a chance to play on the Austin stage.

Each of the Grand Prize Winners will receive a prize package including a Hohner accordion, cash prize, performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development and other professional opportunities. Additionally, the Grand Prize Winners will perform onstage with legendary Texas musicians at Texas Folklife’s Accordion Kings & Queens Concert, held at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre on June 1st.

The Big Squeeze is free and open to the public.

For further details phone Sarah Rucker: 512-773-11 61

Photo below - Melenie Gonzalez, 2018 Conjunto Champion, 17 and Under Category; Photo by Robert Garriott
Melenie Gonzalez


Swaledale Squeeze Weekend - UK

Squeeze poster
Jody KruskalThe annual Swaledale Squeeze Weekend will be held from May 17th to 19th at Grinton Lodge, based just outside Reeth, in the picturesque setting of Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales. This concertina weekend aims to be a fantastic mixture of learning and fun.

Guest tutors will be Jody Kruskal (picture left - USA – Anglo), Simon Thoumire (Edinburgh – English) and Tim Laycock (Dorset – Duet) who will join with a dedicated band of regular tutors: Alex Wade (English), Harry Scurfield (Anglo), Paul Walker (English/Anglo), Carolyn Wade (Band) and Dave Ball (Band/English). Together they provide workshops covering a whole range of concertina playing for different abilities, systems and styles.

The weekend will begin with two informal sessions including the Dotty session, with written music provided for the tunes. Saturday includes teaching workshops in the morning and afternoon, an informal tea-time concert and a ceilidh in the evening in Reeth, with the band for the ceilidh and the 'spots' provided by participants. There are more workshops on Sunday morning before the farewell concert on Sunday afternoon, again in Reeth, featuring spots from the tutors and their workshop groups.

In addition there will be a walk around Swaledale for those who wish to join it. They also have Chris Algar's (Barleycorn Concertinas) emporium. Families and friends are welcome too - they may enjoy the area's many craft shops, tearooms and outstanding walks and are welcome to bring other musical instruments for joining in sessions or the ceilidh band.

For further details email: steven@swaledalesqueeze.org.uk


14th Wirral Folk Festival – UK

Wirral Poster
The 14th Wirral Folk Festival will take place from May 30th May to June 2nd at The Whitby Club and Grounds, Chester Road & Dunkirk Lane, Ellesmere Port in Cheshire.

The event will feature a variety of live performances on the main stage, including “The Tom McConville Band” (picture below) who combine a rollercoaster of musical delights from fast, rhythmic dance tunes through to beautiful slow airs. The group includes accordionist Shona Kipling, a BBC Folk Award nominee.

Other performers include “Boys of the Thatch” who play and sing Irish trad music on fiddles, banjos, accordions, guitars, mandolins and bodhran. “The Time Bandits” are a folk music and ceilidh band which includes Ian Jones (melodeon & flute) as well as bagpipes, recorders, whistles, saxophone, violin, bouzouki, cittern, bouzar, vocals, bass and drums.

For further details phone: 0151-678-9902
Tom McConville Band


CNIMA Courses for Young Children - France

CNIMA logo
Stéphanie MéthotThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run an “Introduction to the Accordion and Leisure” course for children aged from 7 years. The course will run from July 15th to 19th, 2019 with full board (children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult).

Stéphanie Méthot (pictured) will take the course and she has an ultra-playful approach to music planned, with accordion based games, exploring sound and the creation of a small orchestra.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

Russian News Updated

Russian News header
The Russian News has been updated with new articles. View online at:
Russia News


Report: Frankfurt Musikmesse 2019 Online – Germany

Frankfurt Musikmesse
The extensive report of the Frankfurt Musikmesse 2019 of pictures and video is now online at: Frankfurt2019 Gallery link

Video above: Matthias Matzke (Germany) demonstrating the Bugari-Evo performing "All is hell that ends well" (Two Steps from Hell).

Accordion factories exhibiting included:
Beltuna Accordions S.r.l.
Bugari Armando and Bugari Evo
Cagnoni Srl
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc
Dallape in visit
Harmonikas s.r.o.
Italcinte in visit
Mengascini in visit mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc
Orla Srl
Pasco Italia Srl E Soprani Moreschi
Pigini Srl
Scandalli Accordions Srl
Zero Sette


Report: 12th Anniversary Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich & Friends Online - New Zealand

Dargaville concert logo
The 12th Anniversary Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich & Friends report and photos are now online. The report includes information on the March 31st, 2019 variety Show featuring accordionists and entertainers from New Zealand and Australia. The show was called 'Music from the Stage and Screen'.

View the report at: 2019Dargaville


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