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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 03-May-2019
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世界手风琴日活动,5月6日 - 全球
世界手风琴日在芬兰广播公司AlphaTV播出 - 芬兰
Ghenadie Rotari 在 Risuonanze 音乐节上的九个首映! - 意大利
意大利 Coupe Mondiale 全国资格赛,斯波莱托 - 意大利


献给 Marco Lo Russo 的婚礼钟声,科莫湖 - 意大利
报道:2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国
Orkney Isles Mini Concert Tour - Scotland
Val Tidone International Music Competition Closing Date Extended - Italy


UMKC室内手风琴合奏乐团的世界手风琴日音乐会 - 美国
“Iva Nova” Russian Rock Band Tours Europe this Month
Texas Folklife Hosts Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert – USA
Swaledale Squeeze Weekend - UK
14th Wirral Folk Festival – UK
CNIMA Courses for Young Children - France


Russian News Updated
报道:法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019年已在线上发布 - 德国
报道:“Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典已在线上发布 - 新西兰

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世界手风琴日活动,5月6日 - 全球

WAD banner
WAD活动只有越多越好,无论大小。欢迎所有庆祝世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的手风琴活动。 这是 CIA 对手风琴的推广,每个手风琴爱好者都可以参与并帮助把我们的手风琴世界融合在一起,并大力向世界推广手风琴。 许多国家已经举办了世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 活动,其中的一些已在我们的每周新闻中报道过。 下面列出了我们收到的一些其他活动情况。

在周末去世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 网站上观看活动内容吧。

芬兰:芬兰电视台现场直播 WAD ,包括采访、介绍、讨论和现场表演。请查看下方完整的新闻内容。

美国:手风琴世界博物馆 (World of Accordions Museum) 将于5月4日/5日举办世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) (WAD) ,一系列音乐会表演将在 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 赞助下的国际视频广播中播出。

其中包括由 Joan C. Sommers 教授、 Mary TokarskiStas Venglevski 、 Murl Allen Sanders 、 Betty Jo SimonJane ChristisonMike Middleton 、 Henry Doktorski 、 Aydar Salahov 组成的社区手风琴室内乐团 (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble 还有 Joan SommersStas Venglevski 的二重奏。

中国:2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节“献给世界手风琴日”将包括由国际和中国手风琴家在5月6日世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 上表演的音乐会视频。

美国:Bachtopus 手风琴乐团下午4点在纽约圣彼得大教堂举行表演,作为切尔西音乐系列的一部分,其收益将捐赠给圣彼得的食品储藏室。 该节目以 Peter Flint、Philip Glass、ArvoPärt、Guy Klucevsek、J.S. Bach 和其他许多的音乐为主要特色。 具体世界为2019年5月5日星期日,下午4:00 - 5:30。 建议捐款数额:10美元。

美国:世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 音乐会将于5月6日星期一下午6点至9点在 WIld Heaven Beer 举行,地址为35,Maple St B,Avondale Estates,GA 30002,由 NESS Records and Accordionology 主办。 可免费入场。由 Matthew Kaminski,Gabe Granitz,Nick Edelstein 进行主要表演。 Open Jam: 带上你自己的乐器! 迷你博物馆“The Origin of Squeezes”。 有关详细信息,请发送电子邮件至Jack Brantley:jack@accordionology.com(见右上方的海报)。

德国:巴伐利亚青年手风琴乐队的年度音乐会在 Theodor-Heuss-Str 举办,由 Silke D'Inka 担任指挥。 29,85764 Munich-Oberschleißheim(德国)将在5月5日下午4点,演奏 Gustav Holst,Samuel Barber,Slavko Suklar, Fritz Dobler ,Oleg Gamajunow,Alberto Ginastera,Dimitri Schostakowitsch 的作品。 详情请联系email:dinka@aljo-bw.de

西班牙:世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 音乐会将于5月4日在加泰罗尼亚的塞尔韦拉大学举行。 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至:ferranbayan@gmail.com

新西兰/中国:新西兰手风琴家 Grayson Masefield 将于5月7日在中国成都卓智教育旗下的许林英语学校进行演出。 该音乐会将由 Grayson 的学生许诺进行开幕式表演,她刚刚在第13届新加坡和中国国际音乐比赛(2019年)中取得了U10流行乐类和开放类的第一名。 详情请看右图,并下载可打印的海报:2019GM.pdf

英国:5月6日周一下午 (WAD) ,手风琴家 Rob Howard 将成为斯托克波特Chorlton一所私人花园派对演出上几位音乐家中的一员,所有收益将捐赠给慈善机构 India Share。

奥地利:Harmonika -WM三日国际活动将于5月底开始。 完整信息在日期周围可见。


世界手风琴日在芬兰广播公司AlphaTV播出 - 芬兰

Apha TV logo Finland
Kimmo Mattila芬兰电视频道 AlfaTV 将于5月6日播出世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的现场表演,其中包括采访、演讲、讨论和现场表演。手风琴的历史是主要话题之一,因为手风琴190周年纪念活动也是在这一天举行的。

几位手风琴演奏家将在节目播出期间在演播室进行演奏,著名电视节目主持人 Heidi Pakarinen 和 Kimmo Mattila 将参与主持(左图)。其中一位特邀嘉宾将是欧盟议会议员 Merja Kyllönen,他将和我们讨论国际文化方面的问题。该节目由芬兰手风琴协会与 CIA 协同制作。


欲获知更多详情,请发邮件至: secretariat_cia@harmonikkaliitto.net


Ghenadie Rotari 在 Risuonanze 音乐节上的九个首映! - 意大利

Ghenadie Rotari视频:2017年 MA Intermedia Festival,<Exercise de stratigraphie>由 Martan Gentilucci 创作,且由 Ghenadie Rotari 进行了演奏。

手风琴家 Ghenadie Rotari 将于6月1日在乌迪内 (Udine) 的 Risuonanze 当代音乐节上进行9首 (世界和意大利) 手风琴独奏的首演。

Haris Kittos(希腊),
Idin Samimi Mofakham(伊朗),
Martyna Kosecka(波兰),
Paolo Marchettini(意大利),
Ivan Buffa(斯洛伐克),
Biaggio Putignano(意大利),
Sara Carvalho(葡萄牙),
Hugo Vasco Reis(葡萄牙)和
Arshia Samsaminia(伊朗)。

Ghenadie Rotari 出生于摩尔多瓦,曾在卡内基音乐厅(纽约,美国),Kioi 音乐厅(日本东京),Musikverein 和 Radiokulturhaus(奥地利维也纳),Gasteig(德国慕尼黑)和 Teatro Regio 等着知名演奏厅表演过。都灵,意大利)。

他曾在各种国际音乐比赛中获得一等奖,如在里雅斯特举行的第六届国际比赛“Ars Nova”,“Val Tidone年轻人才比赛”,普拉(克罗地亚)国际音乐比赛“Okud Istra”, “CittàdiTreviso”国际音乐比赛,斯波莱托的“Strumenti&Musica音乐节”,斯洛文尼亚的国际比赛“Svirel”以及意大利“CittàdiPiove di Sacco”国际比赛的一等奖。



意大利 Coupe Mondiale 全国资格赛,斯波莱托 - 意大利

Italian Accordion Culture header
Coupe Mondiale logo每年意大利国际手风琴文化协会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 和意大利手风琴文化组织 (IAC) 的意大利成员都会为 CIA Coupe Mondiale 筹备举办全国候选人比赛。 2019年,意大利全国选拔赛将于5月18日在斯波莱托举行。

除了 IAC 赞助的两名候选人外,另外两名候选人将获得中国 Coupe Mondiale 主办方的支持,这些主办方将提供4.29万欧元的现金奖金,以及机票和住宿补贴。

有关意大利全国选拔赛的更多信息,请联系: Mirco Patarini.
有关2019 Coupe Mondiale 的其他信息,请访问:Coupe Mondiale



献给 Marco Lo Russo 的婚礼钟声,科莫湖 - 意大利

Marco wedding
4月27日,手风琴演奏家兼作曲家 Marco Lo Russo 与电视台记者 Silvia Vecchi 结婚。两人的婚礼在意大利莱科省科利科市的皮奥纳修道院旁边的科莫湖举行。前任神父 Massimo Marianella (前拉丁 Sermoneta 的 Valvisciolo 修道院院长)主持了婚礼。

世界手风琴 (Accordions Worldwide) 向这对新婚夫妇致以最美好的祝愿!


报道:2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国

2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Video 1: Esse Quintet (Russia)
Video 2: Tango Reaction (Serbia) performing Baltango composed by Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) performing with Petar Maric
2019年4月16日、18日和19日上海之春国际手风琴艺术节现已可上网查看。这是推动“一带一路”经济政策、丰富长三角地区手风琴和公共文化服务的参观访问计划的一部分。上海之春国际手风琴音乐节的举办也是为了献给世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 。




2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival


Orkney Isles Mini Concert Tour - Scotland

Karen Tweed Tour poster
Accordionist Karen Tweed has just completed a mini tour of the Orkney Isles with Alistair Anderson (English concertina and Northumbrian pipes). Their tour began on April 26th in Westray, Orkney followed by performances in South Ronaldsay, Kirkwall before a final concert at the Shapinsay Community Centre, Shapinsay on April 30th.

Alistair Anderson also gave a talk entitled “My Life in Music & Why Traditional Music is Important Today” after their performance in Kirkwall.


Val Tidone International Music Competition Closing Date Extended - Italy

Livio BollaniThe closing date for the Val Tidone International Music Competitions has been extended to May 18th, 2019. The competitions will be held from June 7th to 16th in Val Tidone. The Artistic Director is Livio Bollani (pictured).

This year’s event will include six international music competitions for a variety of instruments including the accordion, solo and group with categories such as classical and contemporary, pop, rock, world and Jazz.

Special prize categories include "Contessa Tina Orsi Anguissola Scotti" Chamber Music Prize, "Val Tidone" Young Talent Competition, "Egidio Carella" Composition Competition, and "Tidone Folk" - Special Prize for Folk Music (soloists and groups).

Download competition rules: 2019ValTidone.pdf



UMKC室内手风琴合奏乐团的世界手风琴日音乐会 - 美国

World Accordion Day密苏里大学 - 堪萨斯城 (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble 将于2019年5月4日在威斯康星州的苏必利尔的世界手风琴博物馆为世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 庆典举办音乐会。

所有演奏者都是密苏里大学 - 堪萨斯城分校的校友,以及著名的 UMKC Accordion Orchestra 的前成员。演奏者们虽然都有着不同的事业,但每个人都致力于推广手风琴及其各种曲目,其中包括摘录曲、委托曲和其他原创作品。

他们最近在芝加哥、旧金山、堪萨斯城和弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市(华盛顿特区)演出。此外,他们还参加了几次美国对世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的捐赠活动,展示期间,现场播放了他们表演的视频。

The UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble performs under the direction of Joan C. Sommers who also plays as a member of the ensemble. Joan C. Sommers was awarded the title of Professor Emerita upon her retirement from the University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory of Music (USA), where she established and taught the accordion degree program for forty years. She has arranged innumerable works for both Accordion Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble, works that have been performed around the globe.

Joan C. Sommers has held numerous positions in several music organizations, including the Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA – IMC-UNESCO) where she holds lifetime Honorary Membership.

At the World of Accordions Museum performance, the concert will include: Zar und Zimmermann (Czar and Carpenter) by Albert Lortzing (arr. Curt Herold); Variationen über “Komm, lieber Mai” by Rudolf Würthner; Tambourin Chinois by Fritz Kreisler (arr. Anthony Galla-Rini) featuring Samantha Wagner, soloist; Omphale’s Spinning Wheel by Camille Saint-Saëns (arr. Anthony Galla-Rini); Cité Tango by Astor Piazzolla (arr. Joan C. Sommers) featuring Ron Barrow, soloist; Concerto per Archi by Nino Rota (arr. Eugene Negruta) I. Preludio, II. Scherzo, III. Aria and IV. Finale; Flight (Movement 3) by Ian Watson and Blackbird Polka by Vladimir Ushakov.

上图中的UMKC室内手风琴合奏团成员包括:Kevin Friedrich ,Samantha Wagner ,Ron Dake ,指挥 Joan Cochran Sommers ,Ron Barrow ,Betty Jo Simon ,Cathy Sue Weiss 和 Mary Ann Covone。

For more information on the World of Accordions Museum concert please visit www.worldofaccordions.org or contact Joan C. Sommers: joansommers@kc.rr.com


“Iva Nova” Russian Rock Band Tours Europe this Month

Iva Nova band
Video: Iva Nova live in 2016.

The “Iva Nova” rock band from St Petersburg, Russia will tour Lithuania, Poland and Germany from May 8th to June 6th.

The band includes Natalia Potapenko (accordion - graduated from Saint Petersburg Conservatory), Anastasia Postnikova (vocals, keyboard & percussion), Ekaterina Fedorova (drums & percussion) and Galina Kiseleva (bass & backing vocals).

They play a mixture of modern rock and ethnic music along with jazzy and electronic flavouring. The sound is strong and driving, connecting “rural restlessness with urban insanity”.

The band has played numerous gigs in Russia, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Canada.

They have also taken part in festivals such as Wazemmes Accordion Festival (Lille, France), Accordion Noir festival (Vancouver, Canada), International Accordion festival (Vienna, Austria), Le Grand Soufflet (Rennes, France) and Akkordeon Akut! Festival (Halle, Germany).

Tour dates are:
8th May - Vilnius, XI20 (Lithuania)
9th May - Wrozlaw, Kalambur (Poland)
11th May - Augsburg, Provino (Germany)
12th May - Weinstadt, JAK (Germany)
13th May - Karlsruhe, Die Anstoß e.V. (Germany)
15th May - Köln, Sonic Ballroom (Germany)
16th May - Darmstadt, Belleville (Germany)
17th May - Rotthausen, Neuhaus (Germany)
18th May - Leverkusen, KAW (Germany)
20th May - Hamburg, Hedi (Germany)
25th May - Kneipe Westen, Dörverden (Germany)
28th May - KIT Cafe, Dusseldorf (Germany)
29th May - Kulturverein Wespennest , Neustadt a.d.W., (Germany)
30th May - Halle/Saale, Objekt 5 (Germany)
31st May - Berlin, Supamolly (Germany)
1st June - Stacja Wolimierz, Pobiedna, Dolnoslaskie (Poland)

For concert details email: ivanovabandrus@gmail.com


Texas Folklife Hosts Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert – USA

Texas Folklife will host the Statewide Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Concert that will take place on May 11th at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, Texas. The event is a live concert to feature Texas' top young accordion talent with performances by Cedryl Ballou & the Zydeco Trendsetters and Conjunto Cats.

The 13th annual Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Contest, will take place during the event and will feature ten youth musicians battling it out in the traditional Texas accordion music genres: polka, Cajun & zydeco, and Conjunto.

The Big Squeeze is a culmination of ten competitions held throughout Texas that began in February and stretched from Ennis to Edinburg. Communities across the state came together to celebrate one of Texas’ most cherished musical traditions while young musicians showed off their accordion skills for a chance to play on the Austin stage.

Each of the Grand Prize Winners will receive a prize package including a Hohner accordion, cash prize, performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development and other professional opportunities. Additionally, the Grand Prize Winners will perform onstage with legendary Texas musicians at Texas Folklife’s Accordion Kings & Queens Concert, held at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre on June 1st.

The Big Squeeze is free and open to the public.

For further details phone Sarah Rucker: 512-773-11 61

Photo below - Melenie Gonzalez, 2018 Conjunto Champion, 17 and Under Category; Photo by Robert Garriott
Melenie Gonzalez


Swaledale Squeeze Weekend - UK

Squeeze poster
Jody KruskalThe annual Swaledale Squeeze Weekend will be held from May 17th to 19th at Grinton Lodge, based just outside Reeth, in the picturesque setting of Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales. This concertina weekend aims to be a fantastic mixture of learning and fun.

Guest tutors will be Jody Kruskal (picture left - USA – Anglo), Simon Thoumire (Edinburgh – English) and Tim Laycock (Dorset – Duet) who will join with a dedicated band of regular tutors: Alex Wade (English), Harry Scurfield (Anglo), Paul Walker (English/Anglo), Carolyn Wade (Band) and Dave Ball (Band/English). Together they provide workshops covering a whole range of concertina playing for different abilities, systems and styles.

The weekend will begin with two informal sessions including the Dotty session, with written music provided for the tunes. Saturday includes teaching workshops in the morning and afternoon, an informal tea-time concert and a ceilidh in the evening in Reeth, with the band for the ceilidh and the 'spots' provided by participants. There are more workshops on Sunday morning before the farewell concert on Sunday afternoon, again in Reeth, featuring spots from the tutors and their workshop groups.

In addition there will be a walk around Swaledale for those who wish to join it. They also have Chris Algar's (Barleycorn Concertinas) emporium. Families and friends are welcome too - they may enjoy the area's many craft shops, tearooms and outstanding walks and are welcome to bring other musical instruments for joining in sessions or the ceilidh band.

For further details email: steven@swaledalesqueeze.org.uk


14th Wirral Folk Festival – UK

Wirral Poster
The 14th Wirral Folk Festival will take place from May 30th May to June 2nd at The Whitby Club and Grounds, Chester Road & Dunkirk Lane, Ellesmere Port in Cheshire.

The event will feature a variety of live performances on the main stage, including “The Tom McConville Band” (picture below) who combine a rollercoaster of musical delights from fast, rhythmic dance tunes through to beautiful slow airs. The group includes accordionist Shona Kipling, a BBC Folk Award nominee.

Other performers include “Boys of the Thatch” who play and sing Irish trad music on fiddles, banjos, accordions, guitars, mandolins and bodhran. “The Time Bandits” are a folk music and ceilidh band which includes Ian Jones (melodeon & flute) as well as bagpipes, recorders, whistles, saxophone, violin, bouzouki, cittern, bouzar, vocals, bass and drums.

For further details phone: 0151-678-9902
Tom McConville Band


CNIMA Courses for Young Children - France

CNIMA logo
Stéphanie MéthotThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run an “Introduction to the Accordion and Leisure” course for children aged from 7 years. The course will run from July 15th to 19th, 2019 with full board (children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult).

Stéphanie Méthot (pictured) will take the course and she has an ultra-playful approach to music planned, with accordion based games, exploring sound and the creation of a small orchestra.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr



Russian News Updated

Russian News header
The Russian News has been updated with new articles. View online at:
Russia News


报道:法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019年已在线上发布 - 德国

Frankfurt Musikmesse
法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019的图片和视频的全方位报道已在线上发布:Frankfurt2019 图库链接

上方视频:Matthias Matzke(德国)展示 Bugari-Evo 演奏 “All is hell that ends well”(距离地狱仅两步)。

Beltuna Accordions S.r.l.
Bugari ArmandoBugari Evo
Cagnoni Srl
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc
Dallape (访问)
Harmonikas s.r.o.
Italcinte (访问)
Mengascini (访问) mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc
Orla Srl
Pasco Italia Srl E Soprani Moreschi
Pigini Srl
Scandalli Accordions Srl
Zero Sette


报道:“Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典已在线上发布 - 新西兰

Dargaville concert logo
Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典(12th Anniversary Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich & Friends )的相关报道和照片已可在线上查看。该报道包括2019年3月31日综艺节目的信息,其中包括来自新西兰和澳大利亚的手风琴家和演艺人员。 该节目被称为“Music from the Stage and Screen”。

查看报道: 2019Dargaville


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