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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-May-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора
24-часовое Веб ТВ шоу World Accordion Day – весь мир
11 фестиваль World Music Festival 2013, Инсбрук – Австрия
50-й Международный конкурс в Клингентале - Германия
Чемпионат NAO UK Championships 2013 – Великобритания
4-й Международный фестиваль Akordeon Art Festival & Competition 2013 – Босния и Герцеговина

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion Exhibition and Meeting, Sümeg – Hungary
Joey Miskulin at 20th Annual Cowboy Festival, California – USA
Marco Lo Russo Award and Concert, Latina - Italy
Iain Cathcart Scottish Dance Band New CD, Scotland – UK
Video: Conjunto Fuego@Holy Name Church Spring Festival 2013 - USA
First V-Accordion Kids Orchestra Concert (REVAPO) - Austria
Video: Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra - China
‘14 Years Ago’ – Frosini Society active in Scotland in 1999

Будущие события

1st Certame Internacional do Acordeão, Algarve – Portugal
Kilfenora Ceili Band Concert, Abbeyfeale – Republic of Ireland
Festival der Harmonika, Gemeindezentrum, Thannhausen – Austria
NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
7th Accordion Art Festival & Contests, Pineto - Italy
Summer Accordion Week, Somerset – UK
Gala D’Accordeon Dansant, Montjean – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

John Raczka release 4 new music
Gary Dahl Site Update for eBook Collection, Favorite Polkas and Waltzs - USA
New and Updated Site - Susan Hall, Artist - Kenya

CD Отзывы

Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора

Rob Howard6 мая – Международный день аккордеона. Редакция Accordions Worldwide знаяет, что множество людей планируют отметить день своего любимого инструмента. Именно 6 мая 1829 года в Вене (Австрия) Кирилл Дамиан получил патент на свой первый аккордеон. И вскоре началось повальное увлечение этим инструментом.

Удивительно, что аккордеон, как хамелеон прекрасно приспособился в музыкальной культуре самых разных стран и стал неотъемлемой частью самых раз0ных музыкальных жанров. На нем играет и стар и млад на всех обитаемых континентах. Его репертуар и сфера применения продолжает расширяться, чтобы радовать любую аудиторию. Да будет так.


24-часовое Веб ТВ шоу World Accordion Day – весь мир

World Accordion Day poster
World Accordion Day Preview Video
Интернет – трансляция празднования Международного дня аккордеона, праздника, инициированного Международной конфедерацией баян и аккордеона (CIA) пройдет на интернет – канале и веб-сайтах Deschamps Channel и World Accordion Day.

Ведущие праздника Фредерик Дешамп и Грейсон Мейсфилд, ассистировать им будет директор канала Deschamps Channel Майк Росси.


Воскресенье 5 мая 2013
07-11.00 Начало, Новая Зеландия, Австралия и Азия
14-18.00 Восточная Европа
18-20.00 Северная Европа
20-24.00 Западная Европа и Великобритания

Понедельник 6 мая 2013
00-01.00 Западная Европа и Великобритания
01-07.00 Северная и Южная Америки

Уже 6 год проходит празднование Международного дня аккордеона и уже второй раз состоится 24-часовой интернет-марафон. Впервые он прошел с огромным успехом в прошлом году, набрав 310.000 минут просмотра в 87 странах.

В программе трансляции выступления аккордеонистов и баянистов, интервью и рассказы о различных мероприятиях прошедшего года, проведенных во всем мире национальными аккордеонными организациями, производителями, авторами, композиторами и педагогами в честь Дня аккордеона.

Сделайте метку об этой аккордеонной инициативе в своем календаре и празднуйте!

Особая благодарность:
Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA), Фредерику Дешампу, Грейсону Мейсфилду и Майку Росси.


11 фестиваль World Music Festival 2013, Инсбрук – Австрия

Фестиваль World Music Festival 2013 – это самый большой в мире конкурс аккордеонистов, аккордеонных оркестров и ансамблей.
Ежедневные репортажи читайте с 10 мая (пятница) 2013.


50-й Международный конкурс в Клингентале - Германия

The 50th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal 2013
Ежедневные репортажи online с 7 мая (вторника) 2013.


Чемпионат NAO UK Championships 2013 – Великобритания

NAO UK Championships 2014 poster
Egidio Apuzzo (Italy) and Raymond BodellКакой был замечательный уик-энд, полный дружеской атмосферы, прекрасной музыки в исполнении участников конкурса, проходившего уже 68 год.

Огромный успех снискали: Egidio Apuzzo (Италия, фото слева с Рэймондом Боделлем), победитель номинации International Solo Category Айлин Суини (Aileen Sweeney), категория Senior Recital, многократные лауреаты из семейства Боделль
(фото внизу): Александр (6 категорий), Розанна (3), Рэймонд (2) и Анна-Лиза (3). В конкурсе исполнителей на электронных баянах и аккордеонах Roland V-Accordion National стал Том Хардейкер (взрослая категория) Крэйг Харт (юношеская категория).

Замечательно выступил оркестр Брайана Лори Paisley Academy Orchestra (MD Brian Laurie).
Все результаты конкурса 2013 National Championships доступны на сайте NAO.

Награда NAO Merit Award была вручена педагогу и музыкальному директору Дженни Нил (Jenny Neal) из Колчестера, за многолетнюю службу аккордеону. Получателем награды NAO Associate Award стал Боб Доунер (Bob Downer) из Борнмута.

Конкурс NAO UK Championships в 2014 году пройдет с 25 по 27 апреля снова в том же месте и по тому же адресу: Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
Bodell Children


4-й Международный фестиваль Akordeon Art Festival & Competition 2013 – Босния и Герцеговина

4th International Akordeon Art Festival & Competition 2013 banner
С 23 по 27 апреля в Сараево прошел международный фестиваль Akordeon Art Festival. Организатор фестиваля – декан музыкального факультета местного университета Зоран Ракич. Это мероприятие стало крупнейшим по числу участников конкурсом солистов – баянистов и аккордеонистов, собрав около 240 заявок в 9 категорий по различным возрастным номинациям от 10 до 20 лет.

Участники приехали из Боснии и Герцеговины, Сербии, Черногории, Хорватии, Македонии, России и Украины.

Множество концертов и интересных мероприятий разного формата проходило каждый вечер в рамках фестиваля. После утренней пресс-конференции начался конкурс, в каждой категории которого было более 40 участников.

В концерте-открытии фестиваля участвовали: хор под управлением Раде Радовича (Rade Radovic) и оркестр баянистов и аккордеонистов Душана Эрака (Dusan Erak) (фото внизу), а также многократный чемпион мира Грейсон Мейсфилд с программой «варьете».
На третий день конкурса состоялась лекция профессора Вячеслава Семенова, на которой он рассказывал о своих сочинениях, истории создания тех или иных пьес, образных сферах, исполнительских интерпретациях.

Вечером состоялся концерт финского дуэта Киммо Маттилы (баян) и Айно Оякоски (скрипка). Прозвучала музыка танго, написанная композиторами Финляндии и других стран. Таким образом, слушатели получили представление о том, как развивается стиль танго в Финляндии в настоящее время.

В пятницу профессор Любомир Лукич (Ljubomir Lukic) сделал доклад о происхождении и развитии баяна и аккордеон с древних времен (Шэн) до наших дней.
Городской оркестр Белграда (фото внизу) в своем концерте исполнил программу с солирующими баяном (аккордеоном) и различными народными инструментами.
Суббота: после завершения финальных туров конкурса состоялась церемония награждения и закрытия.

Результаты на сайте: http://www.akordeonart.com/sr/


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion Exhibition and Meeting, Sümeg – Hungary

Peter MogerThis year’s Sümeg Accordion Exhibition and Meeting took place at the Hotel Captain, Sümeg, Hungary, April 19th to 21st, sponsored by Scandalli Accordions of Castelfidardo, Italy, and Peter Moger (pictured left), maker of Petromaestro Accordions, of Keszthely, Hungary.

There were exhibitions and demonstrations of Scandalli, Petromaestro, Moreschi, Paolo Soprani and E. Soprani accordions. During the festival visitors could test new accordions models like the Cromo VI Balkan, a model that designed and made especially for players from Balkan countries. Peter Moger organized a fine event.

For further information email: mogerp@freemail.hu


Joey Miskulin at 20th Annual Cowboy Festival, California – USA

20th Annual Cowboy Festival banner
Above is a video by Riders in the Sky, featuring accordionist Joey Miskulin, performing “Rawhide”, recorded in August 2012 at Durango, Colorado.

On April 20th and 21st, the Veluzat family’s Melody Ranch welcomed fans of western art, movies, poetry and culture to the 20th Annual Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival. The event, held in the Santa Clarita High School Auditorium, is the one chance the general public has each year to visit Southern California’s finest western movie town. The festival includes western re-enactments, a cowboy poetry competition, and lots of music.

The focus of the festival is cowboy music, and the acts included I was privileged to hear perform that afternoon were Native American musician Tracy Lee Nelson, The Band of the California Battalion, a recreation of a Union Civil War brass band, Baxter Black, Don Edwards, Hot Club of Cowtown, Texas accordionist/singer/songwriter Ginny Mac, The Saddle Cats, The Sons of the San Joaquin, and Riders in the Sky, featuring accordionist Joey Miskulin.


Marco Lo Russo Award and Concert, Latina - Italy

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo received the Nino Cepollaro Award for services to music on May 1st in his home town of Latina in a ceremony during a festival. “It is a great honor for me to receive an award that underlines my commitment to our land”, said the maestro Marco Lo Russo, “I love to perform in Italy and even more so in our beautiful province and in my city, then to receive appreciation of a tangible award so fills me with joy."

On Saturday May 4th, 6pm, at the piazza del Centro Commerciale, Morbella, Marco Lo Russo will perform during the presentation of a new book, ‘L’ottavo giorno’ (The Eighth Day), by the writer Lucia de Cristofaro.

Video above is by TV2000 Italy. Marco Lo Russo, accordionist and composer, was a guest in the studio Lucia Ascione.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Iain Cathcart Scottish Dance Band New CD, Scotland – UK

Iain Cathcart and his Scottish Dance Band
Iain Cathcart and his Scottish Dance Band have released a new CD, ‘Truly Scrumptious’. One of the tracks is a medley from Disney’s ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ The tracks include:

1) The Troops Of Mull - 4/4Marches: And a Campbell's March / The Troop's March / The Hills of Mull
2) Slainte: The Hogmanay Jig / The Jimmy Harris Jig / Broom from Troon / Jack's Pocket Ashtray
3) Waltzing With Calum" Grannie;s Heilan Hame / Darl Lochnagar / Loch Maree
4) Fantasmagorical: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Melody
5) 2/4 Pipe Marches: Captain Carswell's Castle / Glen Caladh Castle
6) Kilberry Twostep: The Ivy Cottage Twostep
7) Reels: Fr.Kelly's Reel / Marco's Reel / Mr.& Mrs. McShane of Houston / Pat The Budgie Breakdown
8) Burns Plus One: Afton Water / John Anderson, My Jo, /Green Grow the Rashes O / Ae Fond Kiss / Mary of Argyle
9) The Hampden Set: The Green Hills of Tyrol / Locanside / When the Battle's O'er
10) Jim Royle's Banjo Favourites: I Want A Girl / Ma! He's Makin' Eyes At Me / When You're Smiling / When You Wore A Tulip
11) Jigs - Lifting Anchor: The New Rigged Ship / THe Drunken Parson / Peter Rae's Jig / Miss Maria Stewart's Jig
12) Waltz From The West: The Wild Rose of the Mountain / Sound the Pibroch / Haste Ye Back
13) 6/8 Pipe Marches - Ladies Choice: Lady Dorothea Stewart Murray / Lily Long0Wade's Welcome to Inverness
14) Turned Full Circle: Circassian Circle / Swinging On A Gate / Hamish Renton / The Fencing Post
15) Saunter Through Ireland: The Isle of Innisfree / The Londonderry Air

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


Video: Conjunto Fuego@Holy Name Church Spring Festival 2013 - USA

Published on Apr 22, 2013, Conjunto Fuego @ Holy Name Church Spring Festival 2013, Rudy Garcia - Bajo Sexto, Ryan Navarro - Accordion.


First V-Accordion Kids Orchestra Concert (REVAPO) - Austria

R.E.V.A.P.O. Concert posterOn May 4th, the worlds first: "V-Accordion Kids Orchestra" will have their first performance at the REVAPO Concert, in Wagna, Austria. This is a band of young people with Roland V-Accordions and keyboards.

This is part of the REVAPO aim to get more young people playng the accordion, to show what is possible with the Roland instruments and also to inspire younger players to use new techologies in concert.

The orchestra members are young students of the Franz Koringer Music School, Leibnitz, Austria.

For further information email: info@revapo.com


Video: Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra - China

The 11th World Music Festival 2013 being held in Austria next week reminded me about accordion orchestra videos. The Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra, superbly conducted by Chen Weiliang, is famous in Beijing, performing nearly always, to packed concert halls. One of the finest accordion orchestras in the world.

I am sure you will enjoy their superb music.
1. The Syncopated Clock
2. Colonel Bogey March


‘14 Years Ago’ – Frosini Society active in Scotland in 1999

Gary BlairThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 6th 1999 included an item about workshops organized by the Frosini Society, and led by Swedish accordionist Lars Ek and Italian accordionist Roberto Enzo. The Frosini Society champions the cause of the music of Pietro Frosini, Guido and Pietro Deiro, and their contemporaries. Does the Frosini Society plan to do anything similar in 2013 to this very successful course held all those years ago? We would like to know.

Frosini Society Workshop – Scotland
Contributed by Gary Blair

The Frosini Society held a ‘workshop’ weekend in Kelso, Scotland in April. Tutors included Lars Ek (Sweden) and Roberto Enzo (Scotland) who gave informative sessions on accordion techniques to a number of young and enthusiastic players.

On Saturday night a gala concert was held featuring The Bill Sharp Accordion Orchestra, from Scotland, Lars Ek and Roberto Enzo. The audience of over 280 people were entertained to a wonderful variety of music. The UK Frosini Society plans to arrange other similar events in the future.


Будущие события

1st Certame Internacional do Acordeão, Algarve – Portugal

João Filipo GuerreiroThe 1st Certame Internacional do Acordeão takes place on May 4th, 5pm, at the Parque de Deiras e Exposicões de Tavira, Algarve. This event includes accordionists Eugenia Lima, Tino Costa, The St Petersburg Trio (Russia), Douglas Marcolino and Celia Nueza (Brazil), Fabio Guerreiro, João Filipo Guerreiro(pictured left), Sergio Conceiçáo, Manuel Matias, Jessica Guerreiro, and João Saboia and Pedro Constâncio.


Kilfenora Ceili Band Concert, Abbeyfeale – Republic of Ireland

Kilfenora Ceili Band
The Kilfenora Ceili Band perform in concert on Sunday May 5th, 8pm, at the 19th ‘Fleadh by the Feale’, at Coláiste Ide agus Iosef Abbeyfeale, County Limerick. The Kilfenora, joined by guest musicians Sharon Howley (cello), Brian O'Grady (double bass), will be performing their Big Band show ‘Spraoi’. The concert also features Don Stiff (singer), the West Clare Set Dancers and World Champion dancer Michael Donnellan.

The Kilfenora Ceili Band, Ireland’s longest established ceili band founded in 1909, features four fiddles (Eimear Howley, Sinéad Heagney, Anne Rynne, and Annemarie McCormack), two flutes (Anthony Quigney and Garry Shannon), concertina (Tim Collins), accordion (Claire Griffin), banjo (John Lynch), drums (Sean Griffin), and piano (Fintan McMahon).

For further information email: johnlynch1955@gmail.com


Festival der Harmonika, Gemeindezentrum, Thannhausen – Austria

Festival der Harmonika posterOn May 8th, 7.30pm, the Festival der Harmonika takes place in Gemeindezentrum, Thannhausen, Austria.

The guests include accordionists Klemen Leben, Andrej Toplisek, Loui Herinx, and brass player Stefan Traint.

Video above is a TV appearance by Klemen Leben and his group that was published on the 7th March 2013.


NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association banner
The New Hampshire Accordion Association present the blues band Catfish Howl, featuring accordionist Glen Robertson, in concert on Saturday May 18th, 1pm. The venue is Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


7th Accordion Art Festival & Contests, Pineto - Italy

7th Accordion Art Festival
Renzo RuggieriThe 7th Accordion Art Festival takes place in Pineto (TE), Italy, on June 15th and 16th. The Artistic Director is Renzo Ruggieri (picture right).

The accordion contest section includes the Italia Award and the Orphea Award, and there will also be a national selection of competitors for this year’s Tropheé Mondiale, which will be held in Samara, Russia, September 24th to 29th.

For further information email: info@accordionartfestival.com


Summer Accordion Week, Somerset – UK

Malcolm GeeThis year’s Summer Accordion Week takes place from July 20th to 27th at St Audries Bay, Somerset. Activities include Accordion Bands (Advanced/Intermediate/Beginners), Vintage Workshop, Scottish Workshop, French Accordion Circle, Composers Competition, Scottish Ceilidh Evening, Accordion Repairs, Accordion Tuition, Busking, and Trade Show. There’s also lots for non accordionists to do, including Guided Walks in the Quantock Hills, snooker, pool, bowls, putting, swimming, beach walks, darts, dancing, table tennis. In attendance, and doing much playing will be the inimitable Harry Husey.

Beautiful scenery and camaraderie. Chalet or caravan accomodation - half board or self catering available. This is the original ‘Friendly-Fun Summer Accordion Week’ started by the late Malcolm Gee (pictured left). Further details/booking forms from Mary Randle.

For further information email: enquiries@staudriesbay.co.uk


Gala D’Accordeon Dansant, Montjean – France

Gala D’Accordeon Dansant posterA Gala D’Accordeon Dansant takes place at La Péraudière, Montjean (16), France, on August 4th, 3pm until midnight. Dancing takes place continuously to the music of accordionists including Denis Salesse, Andre and Thierry Roques, Gilou, Franck Ledey, Pascal Terrible, Clody Musette, and others.

For further information email: gchanteloube@sfr.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

John Raczka release 4 new music

John RaczkaJohn Raczka- accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'12 German Dances No.1', catalog:raczka201,
'12 German Dances No.2', catalog:raczka202,
'12 German Dances No.3', catalog:raczka203.htm" target="_blank">raczka203 and
'12 German Dances No.4', catalog:raczka204

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl Site Update for eBook Collection, Favorite Polkas and Waltzs - USA

Gary Dahl eBook 4 CollectionThis new eBook Collection of Favorite Polkas and Waltzs has had some additional works added and the website updated.

Catalog: DH04-eB Favorite Waltz and Polkas


New and Updated Site - Susan Hall, Artist - Kenya

New and Updated Site - Susan Hall, Artist - Kenya

Superb new oil paintings of Kenya Wildlife and landscapes in advance of the forthcoming Art Exhibition, Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya. 3rd to 6th October 2013



CD Отзывы

Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin

Duo Feast CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin, in English language, reviewed by Joan C Sommers.


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