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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Jun-2016
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Особенности Highlights

VIII международный конкурс и фестиваль ‘Strumenti & Musica', Сполето – Италия
Статья в ‘Korean Times’: Шим Санг-рак (Shim Sung-rak) просит о помощи для покупки нового аккордеона», Сеул – Южная Корея
Фридрих Липс возвращается на музыкальный форум ‘Musikforum Viktring’ в продолжение давнего сотрудничества – Австрия
Окончание приема заявок на участие в 10-м фестивале и конкурсе аккордеонного искусства и получение премии ‘Orpheus Award’ – Италия
Ежедневные репортажи и видео с аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2016 – Новая Зеландия
Daily Reports/Video: 2016 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival – Australia

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Richard Galliano plays Mozart’ New CD - France
Video: 2015 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Round 1 Winners - Finland
Marco Lo Russo returns from Cuba, then flies to Gabon in Central Africa
Video: Renato Borghetti Featured on Hebe TV Show - Brazil
Reopening of German Harmonica and Accordion Museum - Germany
Frank Marocco Historic Video of His Final Concert, Beijing - China
Diatonic Player Jumps Out The Frame at Droitwich Arts Week to Perform Alongside His Portrait, West Midlands - UK
Video: Lu Zhuy - Light Disappearing Fireworks (T. Dzyalian) - Russia
Video: Arquimedes, The Worlds Oldest Accordionist? - Argentina
14 Years Ago: Russian-Ukrainian Musical Friendship in 2002

Будущие события

Paolo Bertoli Orchestra Dance List – Italy
Sergio Zampolli Octet Concerts, Pretoria – South Africa
Karine Huet Concerts and Workshop, London – UK
27th Annual Accordion Kings and Queens Festival, Texas – USA
Erika’s Monthly Dance Dates, Floreffe – Belgium
`Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` Gig, Ohio – USA
Jazz Accordion Concert, Lyss – Switzerland
Accordion Festival, Zagreb - Croatia
3rd Annual Open House for Accordions Live, Connecticut – USA
Concert Featuring Jelena Milojevic & BC Accordion Orchestra, Vancouver
Michigan Accordion Society Annual Youth Night - USA
University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: 2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
Updated Site: CD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' Available Again
New: Auckland March Solo Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne
Updated Site: Chapter 19, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frequently Midiagnosed - USA

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Особенности Highlights

VIII международный конкурс и фестиваль ‘Strumenti & Musica', Сполето – Италия

Buttons & Bellows
Video 1:
Video 2:
Фото выше: дуэт ‘Buttons & Bellows’ (“Кнопки и меха») в составе: Петар Марич (Petar Maric, слева) и Александар Николич (Aleksandar Nikolic).
Видео 1: Джорджио Деллароле (Giorgio Dellarole) исполняет Сонату Скарлатти C dur, K159.
Видео 2: Джорджио Деллароле и Массимилиано Лимонетти (Massimiliano Limonetti) исполняют концерт Телемана D dur для трубы, струнных и бассо-континуо TWV51: Adagio, Allegro, Grave, Allegro.

8-й международный конкурс и фестиваль ‘Strumenti & Musica’ собрал наибольшее количество участников (баянистов и пианистов) в сравнении с предыдущими годами его проведения. В этом году на конкурс съехались участники из Румынии, Японии, России, Китая, Греции, Чили, Литвы, Беларуси, США, Нидерландов, Чехии и Италии.

Программу фестиваля, организованного членом CIA IMC-UNESCO ассоциацией IAC («Итальянская аккордеонная культура»), открыл концерт под названием “Музыка барокко», в котором приняли участие аккордеонист Джорджио Деллароле и кларнетист Массимилиано Лимонетти, исполнившие сочинения Скарлатти, Баха, Вивальди, Телемана и Стэнли.

Субботним вечером на той же исторической сцене выступил дуэт ‘Buttons & Bellows’ (Александар Николич и Петар Марич), который привлек внимание слушателей оригинальным сочетанием бандонеона и баяна, а также исполнением интересного репертуара, включающего различные виды танго.

Мероприятие закончилось гала-концертом, на котором выступили победители всех конкурсных категорий.

Победители аккордеонного конкурса:
- Родион Широков (Россия), кат. A,
- Итальянцы Лоренцо Сколетта, кат. B, Даниэле Карабетта, кат. C, Валерио Руссо, кат. D, аккордеонный оркестр им. Лучано Фанчелли, кат. E, Алессандро Пильяри, кат. F, Дебора Морикони, кат.G и София Санторелли, кат. H.

Трое победителей также получили финансовую поддержку от IAC, которая покроет их расходы на участие в международном конкурсе «Кубок мира 2016». Конкурс пройдет с 11 по 17 сентября в Ростове-на-Дону, Россия.

Фото внизу: международное жюри (слева направо): Marco Gemelli (Италия), Александр Николич (Сербия), Джорджио Деллароле (Италия), Patrizia Angeloni (Италия) и Александр Селиванов (Россия).
Jury: ??, Aleksandar Nicholic, Giorgio Dellarole, ?? , Alexander Selivanov


Статья в ‘Korean Times’: Шим Санг-рак (Shim Sung-rak) просит о помощи для покупки нового аккордеона», Сеул – Южная Корея

Shim Sung-rakСтатья Квон Ми-Йо (Kwon Mee-yoo) в газете ‘Korean Times’ от 3 июня:

«Аккордеонист восстает, как феникс из пепла.

Аккордеонист Шим Санг-рак, 80 лет, потерял свой аккордеон при пожаре в своем доме в Сеуле в прошлом месяце. Несмотря на неожиданную потерю Шим хочет продолжить концертную деятельность, запланированную на ближайшее время.

Услышав эти новости, директор ‘Paper Records’ Чхой Санг-чул (Choi Sung-chul), который был организатором апрельского концерта, выступил в качестве временно кредитора артиста.

«Концерт прошел успешно, и я хотел бы что-то сделать для музыканта, отдавшего всю свою жизнь исполнительству на аккордеоне, - сказал Чхой. – Я думаю, лучшее, что мы могли бы для него сделать, подарить ему новый инструмент, чтобы он мог продолжить свою концертную деятельность».

Свыше 17 миллионов вон (около 12.850 евро) было собрано к вторнику, что составляет более половины суммы, которую необходимо собрать к 30 июня.

Чтобы сделать пожертвование, посетите сайт tumblbug.com/shimsungrak».


Фридрих Липс возвращается на музыкальный форум ‘Musikforum Viktring’ в продолжение давнего сотрудничества – Австрия

Friedrich Lips & Herbert ScheibenreifВпервые мы с Фридрихом Липсом встретились 40 лет назад на семинаре профессора Л. Пухновского в Белостоке, Польша, в 1977 году.

Эта встреча стала началом долгой дружбы и сотрудничества, и я начал приглашать Фридриха Липса в Европу с гастролями и семинарами, которые он проводил в австрийских консерваториях и музыкальных университетах. Тогда же появилась нужда и в проведении летних творческих семинаров.

В этом году Фридрих Липс продолжит начавшуюся так давно славную традицию австрийских семинаров и посетит музыкальный форум ‘Musikforum Viktring’, который пройдет в Каринтии, недалеко от Клагенфурта, с 11 по 15 июля 2016 года.

Участники австрийского семинара ежегодно получают редкую возможность получить индивидуальные занятия со знаменитым артистом и профессором и узнать его взгляды на преодоление музыкальных и технических проблем, концертное исполнительство и т.д.

Во вторник 12 июля в 20.00 Фридрих Липс даст сольный концерт под названием "Viktring connection", который состоится в церкви ‘Stiftskirche Viktring’. В концерте также примут участие Клаус Пайер (Klaus Paier, аккордеон), Ася Вальчич (Asja Valcic, виолончель) и Грегор Хубнер (Gregor Hübner, скрипка).

Загрузка заявки на участие: 2016musikforum.pdf
Дополнительная информация по e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Окончание приема заявок на участие в 10-м фестивале и конкурсе аккордеонного искусства и получение премии ‘Orpheus Award’ – Италия

10th Accordion Art Festival & Contests
10th Accordion Festival poster10-й фестиваль и конкурс аккордеонного искусства (организатор мероприятия Ренцо Руджиери) состоится 18 и 19 июня 2016 года в городе Росето Дельи Абруцци. Дата окончание приема заявок на участие 13 июня.

В этом году на фестиваль были приглашены Виталий Дмитриев из России и Андреа ди Джиакомо из Италии.

Правила и формы заявок на участие в конкурсе, а также на получение премии можно скачать здесь: 2016ArtFestival.pdf

В конкурс включены категории разных уровней подготовки – от студентов до концертных исполнителей академической и эстрадной музыки.

Конкурс также включает ансамблевые категории, а также категорию «Новый оригинальный проект» (ансамбль или аккордеон соло).

В рамках фестиваля состоится национальный отбор на участие в международном конкурсе “Трофей мира 2016», который пройдет в сентябре в Португалии.


Ежедневные репортажи и видео с аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2016 – Новая Зеландия

Daily Reports: 2016 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival
Poster: 2016 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and FestivalЕжедневные репортажи, включая видео, фотографии и результаты, с аккордеонного фестиваля-конкурса Южнотихоокеанского и Новозеландского региона 2016 года, который состоится в ближайшие выходные, 4 и 5 июня, будут доступны онлайн по адресу 2016SouthPac.


Daily Reports/Video: 2016 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival – Australia

AATA header
AATA posterDaily Reports and video of the 2016 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival organised including photographs, video and results are online at: Australian International Championships

The Daily Reports are sponsored by: Accordion House Importer/Retailer, serving Australasia with fine accordions and service since 1957.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Richard Galliano plays Mozart’ New CD - France

Richard Galliano plays Mozart CD cover‘Richard Galliano plays Mozart’ is a CD by the French accordion and bandoneon virtuoso, recorded on the Deutsche Grammophon label. The third album of classical repertoire from Galliano follows his extremely successful albums of Bach and Vivaldi, which sold over 50,000 copies in France alone.

On this recording of well-known Mozart pieces he is joined by Bertrand Cervera (violin), Stephane Henoch (violin), Jean-Paul Minali-Bella (viola), Raphael Perraud (cello), and Sylvain Le Provost (double bass).

Works performed include: ‘Adagio in C major, K356/617a’, ‘Clarinet Concerto in A major, K622’, ‘Flute Quartet no.1 in D major, K285’, ‘Piano Sonata no.11 in A major, K331’, ‘Rondo alla turca’, ‘Serenade no.13 in G major, K525 - Eine kleine Nachtmusik'.

The release date for ‘Richard Galliano plays Mozart’ is Friday June 17th 2016.

For further information email: sales@europadisc.co.uk


Video: 2015 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Round 1 Winners - Finland

Video 1: Mahatma Costa (Brazil) 1st, round 1 performance Video 2: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä (Finland) 2nd round 1 performance
Video 3: Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy) 3rd round 1 performance
This Round 1 section of the 2015 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category was broadcast live by ALFA TV and they have now kindly released the video for the CIA Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli Accordions.

2015 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Results:
1st Mahatma Costa (Brazil)
2nd Viivi Maria Saarenkylä (Finland)
3rd Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy)

Program: Own Choice Program consisting of at least two (2) pieces of different styles and moods. Playing time: maximum 9 minutes.

Videos of all the contestants in Round 1 of 2015 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category are online at:
Full results at: 2015CoupeResults.
44 page color program at: 2015Program.pdf
Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli


Marco Lo Russo returns from Cuba, then flies to Gabon in Central Africa

Marco Lo Russo
The concept-concert ‘Made in Italy’ by Marco Lo Russo does not allow for any breaks!

Returned from two recent Caribbean tours where he presented the world premiere of the concept-concert on the occasion of the Italian Culture Week, organized by the Italian Embassy in Havana and the 21st International Festival in Ciudad Movement in Havana, Marco Lo Russo is already in preparation for performances in Libreville, Gabon, in the heart of the African continent.

The prestigious invitation, received by the Italian Embassy in Gabon in Libreville, involves ‘Made in Italy’ concerts, organised by the Embassy itself, on Thursday June 2nd at the Embassy and on Saturday June 4th at the Resort Village Akouango, on the north shore of the estuary. Lo Russo will perform his music full of pathos and feeling, accompanied by the singer Maria Francesca Bartolomucci, and also partnerships with Riccardo Cocciante in the musical ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the role of Bloom in the ‘Winx’ musical.

Among the many recent events in the Caribbean, there was a concert at the Theatre on the National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana during which Marco Lo Russo performed a world premiere of a remake of the song ‘Un día de noviembre’, a tribute to the composer, guitarist and conductor Leo Brouwer. The famous composer was in the audience, and appreciated the arrangement of his composition in a jazz style, and also the flamenco versions of some of his compositions on the CD ‘Brouwer Flamenco II’, recently published as an international production signed by guitarist and composer Josué Tacoronte, winner of Cubadisco 2013.

The discographic work, nominated for the Cubadisco 2016, is the result of the collaboration of well-known musicians from 5 countries, saw the special participation of Marco Lo Russo as accordionist and was recorded between Mexico, Cuba and Italy in Rouge Sound Production by Marco Lo Russo in Sermoneta, Latina.

There was also a collaboration, with the company Danza Teatro Retazos, directed by Isabel Bustos, in which Marco Lo Russo as musical director, sound designer and accordionist, created the spectacle of the conclusion of the ‘Week of Polish Culture’ in Havana. The contribution of Marco Lo Russo has been critical to the realization of the show thanks to the experience gained in Poland in several years of artistic activities with numerous concerts held in Poland.

Thus ended the Cuban experience for Marco Lo Russo, who has now relocated to Gabon. There will be appearances in Poland in July where Lo Russo will be present with his inseparable friend, the accordion, during the ‘Night of Jazz Fair Play’, performing in many important artistic and musical events.

For further information email: press@marcolorusso.info


Video: Renato Borghetti Featured on Hebe TV Show - Brazil

Video above: Renato Borghetti appearing on a recent TV program of Brazilian star Hebe for the SBT (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão) TV station, Brazil. Video published on Apr 9, 2016.


Reopening of German Harmonica and Accordion Museum - Germany

German Harmonica and Accordion Museum
The German Harmonica and Accordion Museum has reopened on May 11th 2016.

The historic-cultural Hohner collection can be visited in „Bau V“ of the former Hohner plant (Hohnerstraße 4/1, 78647 Trossingen).

This superb historic display is not to be missed as the musical instruments reflect the spirit and the history of the decades.


Frank Marocco Historic Video of His Final Concert, Beijing - China

Video 1: Lisa composed and performed by Frank Marocco Video 2: Sophisticated Lady Video 3: Full concert of 59 minutes.
Frank Marocco book coverVideo 1: Frank and a chamber ensemble performing Frank’s composition, “Lisa”,
Video 2: Frank performing his arrangement of Duke Ellington’s “Sophisticated Lady”.
Video 3: The whole concert of nearly one hour.

Frank Marocco was unable to attend the 2012 accordion orchestra camp which bore his name. We had been running this popular camp in Mesa, Arizona, for Frank since 2007.

Frank Marocco was sadly in the hospital, gravely ill, with metal poisoning from a faulty replacement hip. Two weeks after the camp ended, Frank sadly passed away.

We were handed a DVD at the 2012 event with a handwritten title, “Frank Marocco Beijing 2011”. When we got home from Arizona, stressed out and horribly saddened by Frank’s imminent death, we put aside our camp materials including the DVD. While searching for another DVD two weeks ago, the Beijing DVD turned up.

Slipping the disc into the DVD player revealed the most amazing find – a concert that took place at the First International Accordion Festival in Beijing, China in November 2011 at which Frank was one of the performers. This was to be Frank’s final public concert.

We were transfixed watching one selection after another, first with a chamber ensemble and then solo. We had never seen Frank play so beautifully!

Editor: Now available again is the Frank Marocco 3 CD set and a beautifully presented book titled "Jazz On The Road, Volume 1-3" Catalog: ks550

The book describes Frank Marocco's musical life in extensive texts enriched with many never-before published photos and significant interviews. The author is accordionist, conductor and music historian Thomas Eickhoff.


Diatonic Player Jumps Out The Frame at Droitwich Arts Week to Perform Alongside His Portrait, West Midlands - UK

DaveReeves  by Cynthia Morrison (Droitwich Arts Week)
A portrait by the US artist Cynthia Morrison led to a performance by the diatonic accordionist, poet and performer Dave Reeves at Park’s Café, Droitwich, West Midlands, on Monday May 23rd as part of Droitwich Arts Week.

In 2015, Cynthia produced a piece of artwork for a gallery in the USA, itself based upon a photograph of Dave Reeves by Ali McK and, out of the blue sent an email to Dave informing him. But that, it turned out, was just the beginning, for later in the year she sent Dave a photograph of another work based on this photograph hanging as part of a Mail Art exhibition in Berlin, and said that there were more to come. Jokingly, Dave emailed her back saying that perhaps one day he’d be able to go and do a performance in a gallery where one of these pictures was hanging.

Well that day was Monday May 23rd. With the chain of events leading to Cynthia exhibiting a picture based upon that original photo of Dave in a Mail Art exhibition in Droitwich Spa, and Dave performing there, alongside it. The exhibition ‘Let’s Do Shakespeare’, celebrates the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and featured Dave playing accordion alongside a quote from Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’.

And it was a performance that jumped straight Out The Frame, with Dave, a performance poet and squeezebox player who brings his writing to life with the use of props and participation, humour and music, being streamed on Periscope and Facebook by Vaughn Reeves from internet broadcaster Radio Wildfire.

Dave, who appears under the stage name ‘Dave Reeves (who bellows)’ said, “I am intrigued by the idea of this image of me taking on a life of its own, and all because of the internet.”

He added, “When a copy of the picture came to be exhibited in Droitwich I really couldn’t wait to perform alongside it as it is only an hour’s drive from where I live.”

Dave continues with his unique mix of accordion, spoken word and theatre at Cheltenham Science Festival on Saturday June 11th (as half of the accordion duo Jiggery Spokery); at the Gardeners World Live weekend at the National Exhibition Centre on Sunday June 19th; Ledbury Poetry Festival on Saturday July 2nd; and Nozstock on Friday July 22nd.


Video: Lu Zhuy - Light Disappearing Fireworks (T. Dzyalian) - Russia

Lu Zhuy of Tianjin, China, performs Light Disappearing Fireworks by T. Dzyalian. Video provided by Rostov-on-Don concert artist Alexander Poeluev.


Video: Arquimedes, The Worlds Oldest Accordionist? - Argentina

Video: Arquimedes, reputedly 110 years of age, playing gaucho music. Is Arquimedes the oldest accordionist in the world?


14 Years Ago: Russian-Ukrainian Musical Friendship in 2002

Vladimir ZubitskyThe Accordions Worldwide News for May 31st 2002 included an item about a successful series of performances in the Ukrainian capital Kiev involving Russian virtuoso Vladimir Zubitsky and the ‘Kiev Camerata’ Chamber Ensemble. In these troubled times if only the common denominator of music could be the arbiter of political difficulties.

Musical Friendship - Ukraine

Friendship and collaboration between accordionist Vladimir Zubitsky and the ‘Kiev Camerata’ Chamber Ensemble (conducted by Valery Matiukhin - art director of Oles' Yas'ko) has continued for many years. In March and April this year they performed a series of five concerts in Kiev concert halls. Their program included ‘Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra’ (Zubitsky), ‘Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla’ and a piece dedicated to the first violinist of the Oles' Yas'ko ensemble entitled ‘Chao, muchahco!’ The concerts were well received by the Ukrainian public.


Будущие события

Paolo Bertoli Orchestra Dance List – Italy

Paolo Bertoli Orchestra Dance PosterAccordionist Paolo Bertoli and his orchestra play dance gigs throughout June, as shown on the poster.

Paolo Bertoli, Welsh-born of Italian parents in 1974, began playing the accordion at the age of seven. He later moved to Italy, where he formed a dance orchestra that performs in dance halls throughout northern Italy.

For further information email: info@orchestraballolischio.com


Sergio Zampolli Octet Concerts, Pretoria – South Africa

On 3rd, 5th and 7th June accordionist Sergio Zampolli is one of an octet performing at the Brooklyn Theatre, corner of Thomas Edison St and 13th St, Green Village Centre, Menlo Park, Pretoria, South Africa. Publicity for thee concerts states, “Come and enjoy a wonderful wartime street music spectacular with some of the best musicians in SA”. The concerts begin at 8pm, 8pm and 3pm respectively.

For further information email: sergiozampolli@gmail.com


Karine Huet Concerts and Workshop, London – UK

Karine Huet Concert poster
French accordionist Karine Huet performs Brazilian music in London twice this weekend, as follows:

Friday June 3rd, 8pm - Pau Brasil, 89 Mount Pleasant, Reading, Berkshire RG1 2TF
Saturday June 4th, 11.30am until 4.30pm - Choro & Forró instrumental workshops @ Made in Brasil Boteco, 48 Chalk Farm Rd, London NW1 8AJ (supported by Clube do Choro UK). Booking and further information email Cléa Thomasset - contact.transversarte@gmail.com
Saturday June 4th, 7pm until 10pm – Book and Kitchen, 31 All Saints Road, Notting Hill, London W11 1HE

Karine Huet, from Brittany, started her career playing French music (chanson and traditional breton music) and jazz. Since she has been playing in Recife at ‘Casa do Forró’ during her first trip to Brazil, and has become passionate about playing Forro music, a traditional folk style from NE Brazil.


27th Annual Accordion Kings and Queens Festival, Texas – USA

27th Annual Accordion Kings and Queens Festival poster
Texas Folklife’s annual festival concert celebrating the state’s accordion roots music takes place on Saturday June 4th, 7pm, at the Miller Outdoor Theatre, Houston. The concert will feature the best of Texas polka, Cajun zydeco, and conjunto music. This is a free concert, featuring
David Lee Garza, David Farias and Berna Rodriguez of Las Fenix, with Max Baca, Josh Baca and Noel Hernandez of Los Texmaniacs, Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie, The Magnolia Sisters, and the Czech Melody Masters.

The evening promises dancing and roots music, featuring the best of Texas accordion music genres, including conjunto, polka, zydeco, and Cajun. 

Texas Folklife is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State.

For further information email: info@texasfolklife.org


Erika’s Monthly Dance Dates, Floreffe – Belgium

Erika posterOn Sunday June 5th, 2pm, the popular accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for dancing at the restaurant 11 S’Y Sent Bien, Riverre 11, Floreffe, Belgium.

Erika Honorez is from Tilly, a village close to Villers La Ville in Belgium. She comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Erika's teacher was Mr Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, then specialized in the musette genre. Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared on radio and TV in Belgium and France. Erika has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


`Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` Gig, Ohio – USA

Ken and Mary`Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` perform at the Germania Bier Garten, 543 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio, on Friday June 10th, 7pm until 10 pm.


Jazz Accordion Concert, Lyss – Switzerland

PosterThe Anatoli Taran Jazz Trio and accordion soloist Yves Moulin share the bill at a concert at ‘The Bowler Hats Jazzkeller’, Bahnhofstrasser, 2a, 3250 Lyss, Bern, Switzerland, on Friday June 10th, 8.30pm. Entrance is free, but a collection will be taken. This concert is organized by the Akkordeon 100 Club.


Accordion Festival, Zagreb - Croatia

PosterThis year’s annual Zagreb Accordion Festival takes place from June 11th to 14th, 7pm until 10pm each evening, at the Pavilion Zrinjevac, Zagreb, Croatia. The performers include soloists, duets, and orchestras and the music includes classical, jazz, folk, etc.

For further information email: semir.sammy.hasic@gmail.com


3rd Annual Open House for Accordions Live, Connecticut – USA

The 3rd annual Open House for Accordions Live takes place on Sunday June 12th, 1pm to 4pm, at the New England Accordion Museum, 17 Margaret Lane, Canaan, Connecticut 06018.

Set in a garden party atmosphere, museum director Paul Ramunni will guide visitors through a collection of over 400 accordions, each of which comes with a story and many priceless secrets. Entertainment provided by Maestro Tony Lovello.

See an inventory of over 60 new and used accordions for sale. There will be museum tours, a Sheet music tag sale and raffle prizes! Complimentary desserts and beverages will be served.

Cost: $15.00 Cover Charge Per Person. Call Paul Ramunni with questions and to register: 860-833-1374. Space is limited! Registration required by June 1st.

For further information email: ramunni@comcast.net


Concert Featuring Jelena Milojevic & BC Accordion Orchestra, Vancouver

concert posterOn 19th June, 6 pm, concert at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Vancouver titled Night of the Stars and featuring Jelena Milojevic & the BC Accordion Orchestra.

Toll free number for ticket reservations: 1 888 838 3676 Children 10 years and under free.

Excerpts from the Victoria Conservatory of Music website:

Jelena Milojevic B.MUS, M.MUS (Serb. Music Academy

Jelena Milojevic studied both in Croatia and Serbia and ultimately received her Master’s Degree in Accordion Performance and Education, at the Music Academy in Kragujevac (Serbia).

Being a versatile musician with an extensive performing history, she has played numerous concerts in Europe, Canada and the USA, as a soloist, chamber musician and a soloist with various orchestras.

She is the winner of international accordion competitions.

Her debut concert in New York City at the Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall, in 2009, was the first accordion recital after 30 years, in that prestigious venue. She has been praised for her “brilliant virtuosity”.

Jelena Milojevic teaches students at Camosun College and Tempo Trend Studios. She is the Artistic Director of the Victoria International Accordion Festival.


Michigan Accordion Society Annual Youth Night - USA

Michigan Accordion Society logoThe next event of the Michigan Accordion Society (MAS) will be their annual youth night. The society will award $3,000.00 in scholarships to six accordion students on June 21, 2016 at Cripillis Club Room in Berkley, Detroit, MI. The event begins at 6:30 pm.


University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble - USA

University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble poster


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: 2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

2016 Harbin China International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuUpdated Site: Harbin 2016 Art Director Prof. Wang Hongyu (picture left), Vice-President of Harbin Normal University, has added Maciej Frackiewicz (Poland) and Marko Kassl (Gemany) to the list of invited international Guests/Jury members.

Along with famous Chinese accordion teachers, they will form the juries for the international competitions which are part of the Harbin 2016 China Summer International Accordion Art Week.

The list of international guests / jury include many famous musicians and teachers from many different countries (alphabetical order): Ondassyn Abdullahayev (Kazakhstan), Franck Angelis (France), Patricia Bartell (USA), Miljan Bjeletic (Serbia), Raymond Bodell (UK), Harley Jones (New Zealand), Eddy Jozef Flecijn (Belgium), Alexander Kapitan (Russia), Aleksandar Kolovski (Macedonia), Tatjana Marx (Australia), Yves Moulin (Switzerland), Mirco Patarini (Italy), Primoz Parovel (Slovenia), Zoran Rakic (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine), Samgar (Kazakhstan), Viatcheslav Semenenko (Russia), Yuri Shishkin (Russia), Ivan Šverko (Croatia), Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lithuania).

Download the competition rules and entry form in Chinese and English at: 2016Harbin
Entries close: 25th July


Updated Site: CD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' Available Again

Jörgen SundeqvistCD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' is available again. Performers Jörgen Sundeqvist (solo) and some tracks in duet with Anthony Galla-Rini. Catalog: ks515


New: Auckland March Solo Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne

Gary DaverneAuckland MarchComposer, conductor, arranger Gary  Daverne OMNZ has released his solo composition Auckland March for sale online.

This work is for standard bass. View sample page. Purchase with credit card online.

Catalog No: ED0275_D

Updated Site: Gary  Daverne Homepage and eTracks (mp3) Page


Updated Site: Chapter 19, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frequently Midiagnosed - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverChapter 19 of the book "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica PT CMP NZRP is now released.

Chapter 19 is headed: Frequently misdiagnosed medical conditions of the arm and hand - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Information about all the chapters now available at: John Bonica

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 19 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


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