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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 02-Jul-2021
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新 CD 发行,Friedrich Lips 的“Double Mirror” - 俄罗斯/奥地利
第二届国际手风琴节“Accordiomania 2021” – 保加利亚
Martynas Levickis 与 Mikroorkéstra 的音乐会,维尔纽斯 - 立陶宛
350 把手风琴被捐献给了美国世界手风琴博物馆


视频:开幕式,2021年 阳台山杯暨全国手风琴艺术节,深圳 - 中国
Herbert Pixner Projekt 在 Seebühne 纽伦堡表演 - 德国
Ball, Hanlon, Schulz 乐队 新 CD: Land of If - 澳大利亚
Jane Christison 在“June Bug Ball”上的表演 - 美国
Raymond Jones (1940-2021),布拉德福德 - 英国
斯托克波特手风琴俱乐部恢复现场会议 - 英国
音乐对建立自信心的治愈力量…… - 南非
Musikmesse 宣布 2022 年日期 - 德国


Vardos 三重奏组合在“七月圣诞节”演出 – 澳大利亚
在线:第 17 届年度国际手风琴节 – 意大利
英格兰新森林民乐节 - 英国
Nick Ariondo 为巴士底日表演,加利福尼亚 - 美国
现场音乐会:新发行的 CD “Accordion for Menotti” - 意大利
Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合莫斯科“City Day”音乐会 – 俄罗斯
Sharon Shannon 在 Cropredy 大会 – 英国


年轻的手风琴家演奏“La Volata” - 意大利


新的网站:Martin Frey - 瑞士
新的网站:NZAA 2022 日期公布 - 新西兰
网站已更新:Accordion Russia News

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新 CD 发行,Friedrich Lips 的“Double Mirror” - 俄罗斯/奥地利

新发行的CD目录 CD030 “Double Mirror”由 Efrem Podgaits 作曲,由 Friedrich Lips 与 Alexander Buzlov (大提琴)和 Mikhail Pletnev 指挥的俄罗斯国家交响乐团共同演奏。

这首于2018年10月4日在莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐厅现场录制的歌曲,在2019年俄罗斯学术音乐“纯声”国际竞赛中获得了俄罗斯学术音乐作品最佳录音一等奖。录音工程师: Victor Osadchev。

Efrem Podgaits writes “The Double Mirror“ concerto for cello, bayan and orchestra was written at the request of my friend Friedrich Lips, the outstanding bayanist. The epigraph to the composition are lines from the novel Middlemarch by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans): “Like a double mirror, the Soul will give birth to rows of beautiful reflections, extending them forward and backward“. “Double Mirror“ is a one-part composition in the center of which there are two heroes: a bayan and a cello......

以下为音轨列表。音乐样本以及进一步的信息和网上购买信息尽在:Catalog CD030
Double Mirror CD tracks


第二届国际手风琴节“Accordiomania 2021” – 保加利亚

Pleven poster
Yuri Schisken由手风琴艺术协会主办的第二届“2021年手风琴节”于2021年7月1日开始在保加利亚的普列文市 “P. Pipkov”国家艺术学院音乐厅举行,并将持续至2021年7月4日。、

The event aims to stimulate the development of the national accordion schools in the country, creating conditions for expression, promotion of the achievements of young Bulgarian musicians, and personal and professional improvement.

The festival will include the following events:
• A National Accordion Competition “Accordiomania”
• An International Accordion Competition “Accordiomania”
• Seminar: “Today`s instruments - accordion, bayan - structure, repair, set up and maintenance” with Viktor Melnyk
• Seminar: “Bellows technique in playing accordion and bayan” with Yuri Shishkin (picture left)
• Seminar: “Baroque music”, “French music”, “The movement creates the sound” with Frederic Deschamps (France)
• Master class: Frederic Deschamps (France)
• Master class: Yuri Shishkin (Russia)
• Workshop with Hristo Zlatkov “The accordion in today`s Bulgarian folklore music”
• Workshop with Stoyan Karaivanov “For the bandoneon – the Tango`s soul”

开幕音乐会将包括 Luka Simic(塞尔维亚)和 Yuri Shishkin (俄罗斯)的表演以及 Stoyan Karaivanov(班德琴)和 Accordiomania Ensemble 的音乐会。

7 月 4 日将举行最后一场盛大音乐会并公布获奖者名单。


Martynas Levickis 与 Mikroorkéstra 的音乐会,维尔纽斯 - 立陶宛

CD coverMartynas Levickis 将于 2021 年 7 月 11 日在立陶宛维尔纽斯的维尔纽斯大学的Great Courtyard与 Mikroorkéstra 合作举办一场夏季音乐会。

音乐会将展示 Martynas 的最新专辑《Vivaldi: The Four Seasons!》。 (左图为专辑封面)。

Mikroorkéstra 是一个由杰出的立陶宛青年音乐家组成的弦乐团,由 Martynas Levickis 于 2015 年创立。

The group will be joined by Belgian musician Chris Ruebens (guitar) to perform all four parts of "Seasons" live for the first time after a long break due to Covid-19 restrictions.

During the event, all the Covid-19 rules and recommendations established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania will be followed.

For details email: info@martynasmusic.com


350 把手风琴被捐献给了美国世界手风琴博物馆

AWAM header
accordions世界手风琴博物馆( A World of Accordions Museum )刚刚从美国华盛顿特区的 Alain Papineau 那里收到了 350 台被慷慨捐赠手风琴。

A World of Accordions 委员会的一些成员前往华盛顿帮助将手风琴装上了一辆出租卡车(左图), Kevin Friedrich 和 Tracey Gibbens 然后开车 24 小时将这些珍贵的货物运送到了威斯康星州苏必利尔的世界手风琴博物馆( World of Accordions Museum )。

Also loaded were 14 cartons of history material from the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Archives.


下图: Kevin Friedrich 驾驶着庞大的手风琴货车前往威斯康星州。
Kevin truck



视频:开幕式,2021年 阳台山杯暨全国手风琴艺术节,深圳 - 中国

Opening Ceremony performers
Prof. Li Cong, Mr Mr. Tong Jianhua视频:2021年阳台山杯开幕音乐会暨全国中小学生手风琴艺术节于1月16日至17日在中国深圳举行。

评委会主席童建华先生发言表示,参赛选手的整体技术水平提升已经超过了上届。 共有来自31个省市的65个城市的2392名选手参赛。

Thank you to the sponsors who are:
• Bureau of Education of Bao An District of Shenzhen
• Shiyan Street Office of Bao An District of Shenzhen
• Shenzhen Accordion Association, President Mr. Tong Jianhua
• with Undertake Unity: Shenzhen Shi Yan Public School
• with Direct Unity: China Musician Association Accordion Association, President Prof. Li Cong
• and Supporting Unity: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)



Gary Daverne2022 年新西兰作曲家 Gary Daverne 作曲国际指挥家视频比赛的报名截止日期已更改为:2022 年 6 月 1 日


一等奖是往返新西兰的机票,用于在 2023 年在新西兰奥克兰举行的音乐会参与指挥。包括 5 晚住宿。 这是获胜指挥家访问新西兰甚至在演出结束后度假的绝佳机会。




Herbert Pixner Projekt 在 Seebühne 纽伦堡表演 - 德国

Herbert Pixner ProjectHerbert Pixner Projekt(左图)很高兴本周能够在德国纽伦堡的 Seebühne Nuremberg 进行现场表演。 详情见上面的视频。

Their repertoire included world music in the best sense: traditional, Alpine music paired with jazz, blues, flamenco and gipsy elements.

The audience were in small boats on the lake in front of the stage!


Ball, Hanlon, Schulz 乐队 新 CD: Land of If - 澳大利亚

CD CoverBall Hanlon Schulz视频:Ball Hanlon Schulz 演示

由 Anthony Schulz (手风琴)、Eugene Ball (小号) 和 Ben Hanlon (低音提琴) 创作的名为“Land of If”的新的首张专辑于6月26日在澳大利亚维多利亚Brunswick 举行的发布会上发布。

The performance included guest vocalist Helen Svoboda.

The Ball, Hanlon, Schulz trio “draw from their collective experience in classical, jazz and folk traditions to reveal something not quite any of the above, and hitting the mark as something entirely their own. The Land of If is a playful foray into intimate moments of our everyday life.”

For details email: anthonyjschulz@gmail.com


Jane Christison 在“June Bug Ball”上的表演 - 美国

June Bug Ball
Jane Christison 很高兴地说,在一年多没有演出之后,表演活动终于又可以开始了。

Jane 本周在两所幼儿园和密苏里州圣约瑟夫的退休社区进行表演,该社区距堪萨斯城以北约一小时车程。

上周 Jane 在儿童/家庭活动中表演,活动名为“June Bug Ball”,舞者是“蝴蝶们”。

Jane Christison 喜欢让孩子们参与她的表演,“蝴蝶们”也加入了她的表演,真的是很有趣!


Raymond Jones (1940-2021),布拉德福德 - 英国

Ray Jones来自西约克郡 Bradford 的 Raymond Jones 是一位终生的手风琴演奏家和爱好者,无论是个人还是作为音乐家,他都受到所有认识他的人的高度尊重。 他还在管乐队中演奏长号,最有名的是著名的 Hammond Sauce Works 乐队,这是一支冠军乐队,他曾与他们在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅参加比赛。

An engineer by profession, playing the accordion was Ray’s first love. He competed often in regional and national accordion festivals, and was the runner-up to the All Britain Advanced Champion four times, and also competed in international competitions. He served for many years on the Board of Governors of the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom, served as an adjudicator at the NAO UK Championships, and was the organizer of his local area NAO festival.

Ray 曾师从 Ivor Beynon 学习手风琴,并获得了英国手风琴家学院( British College of Accordionists )的表演者文凭 LBCA 和教师文凭 ABCA , (TD)。 他是 BCA 审查委员会的成员,并在英格兰、苏格兰和马耳他担任审查员。

作为一名表演者,Ray 曾多次在 BBC 电台广播。 他以独奏者的身份进行演奏,并与各种合奏团合作。 Ray 多年来一直是一位受欢迎且有耐心的老师,最近他还参与了 Bradford 手风琴乐队、Craven 手风琴管弦乐队和 Weaver Valley 手风琴乐队的演出工作。

Raymond Jones was pre-deceased by his wife Angela, and survived by his daughter Pamela. He passed away on June 29th at the age of 81. RIP.


斯托克波特手风琴俱乐部恢复现场会议 - 英国

Woodley Church经过几个月的每周三晚的 Zoom 线上运作,斯托克波特手风琴俱乐部很高兴能够回到在位于英国斯托克波特的伍德莱卫理公会教堂(图左),重新开始乐队的现场练习。

The club says “it feels good to be home” as “getting together live is infinitely better”. Attendees are still following Covid-19 regulations by sitting 2 meters apart and wearing masks at rehearsals.

The group are now working towards their charity concert at the Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield, on September 26th, 2021 at 2pm.


音乐对建立自信心的治愈力量…… - 南非

KMA studentsAthula Dakuse南非开普敦豪特湾的 Kronendal 音乐学院 (KMA) 开展了一项课后计划,利用音乐的治愈力量来建立自信心,并利用音乐的魔力来培养孩子们取得成功所需的技能。

Their mission is to “provide a stable, safe and nurturing afternoon environment where the magic of music tuition develops children’s self-confidence, leading to enhanced cognitive, emotional and social skills and helping them grow into future-fit, resilient individuals whilst advancing and preserving South African musical culture.”

今年早些时候,位于德国 Klingenthal 的 Weltmeister Akkordeon Manufaktur 向学生 Athula Dakuse(右上图)捐赠了一台全新的手风琴,以表彰他在过去 5 年中的进步和决心。 上面的视频展示了 Athula 拿到的手风琴。

This year the KMA launched the “Shine Community Hub” (Safe, Healthy, Inspired, Nutured and Engaged). The SHINE trust focuses on “The Child in The Middle”, to assist in the development of local children and youth.

For further information email: shinetrust@kmahoutbay.org


Musikmesse 宣布 2022 年日期 - 德国

Musikmesse banner
MusikmesseMusikmesse下一届音乐节将于 2022 年 4 月 29 日至 5 月 1 日在德国法兰克福举行。 法兰克福展览集团是世界上最大的贸易展览会、会议和活动组织者,拥有自己的展览场地。

Musikmesse 2022 will focus on new themes that go far beyond the presentation of musical instruments and accessories. In this context, the Musikmesse Festival (28th April to 1st May) and the Musikmesse Plaza (30th April to 1st May) will also enter a new round.

In 2022, Musikmesse will continue to give companies (large and small), the opportunity to present their products.


On Friday, 29th April, Musikmesse will be held parallel to Prolight + Sound, the leading international trade fair for entertainment technology.

Musikmesse Plaza is aimed towards an experience-oriented target group, ranging from ambitious musicians, collectors and instrument lovers to fans, newcomers and families. It opens as a complement to the Musikmesse on Saturday and Sunday.

Exhibitors at Musikmesse Plaza have the opportunity to reach customers in a targeted manner and sell their products directly. The spectrum includes instruments to try out, sound carriers, merchandise, lifestyle articles and much more.

Musikmesse Plaza will also feature an attractive entertainment programme with workshops, meet and greets, interactive music events and concerts.

After a long freeze on events, the sector is hoping for an explosion in demand for concerts and events. Messe Frankfurt wants to pick up on this development and make up for the "small anniversary" with the 5th edition of the Musikmesse Festival.

Further details on the concept of the four-day musical experience will follow shortly.



Vardos 三重奏组合在“七月圣诞节”演出 – 澳大利亚

Vardos TrioThe Vardos Trio, which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman, will entertain at the “Christmas in July” Hungarian Folk Music sing along evening held in the Croydon Main Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on July 5th, 2021 from 6pm to 10pm.

The live event is organised by the Gyöngyösbokréta Melbourne Folk Dance Group and Kisgyöngyös.

For details email: vardos@hotmail.com


在线:第 17 届年度国际手风琴节 – 意大利

Festival header
Friedrich Lips第 17 届年度在线国际手风琴节 (Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica) 将于 2021 年 7 月和 8 月在意大利卡拉布里亚的圣文森特拉科斯塔举行。

The festival will open on July 9th, with a final evening on August 7th, 2021. The competition will be held online during the first week of August, 2021.

The competition jury includes Friedrich Lips (Russia - picture left), Frederic Deschamps (France), Danilo Di Paolonicola (Italy), Gianni Fassetta (Italy), Anibal Freire (Portugal), Marco Gemelli (Italy), Antonio Grosso (Italy), Francesco Perri (Italy), Adriano Ranieri (Italy). Carmine Sangineto (Italy), Giuseppe Scigliano (Italy) and Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lithuania).

Guests include Fernando G. Mangifesta and Dragana Kuzmanovic (Serbia - picture top), founder and General Director of the Festival Internazionale di Fisarmonica e Musica da Camera Eufonija, dedicated to promoting talented young accordionists and developing contemporary music for accordion, which is held annually in Novi Sad in Serbia.

For details email: ufficiostampa@festivaldellafisarmonica.it


英格兰新森林民乐节 - 英国

NFFF banner
Granny's AtticThe New Forest Folk Festival will be held from July 7th to 11th, 2021 at Powells Farm in Plaitford, Romsey, Hampshire, England.

Entertainers include “Granny’s Attic” (picture left) and Gerry Colvin Band (picture below).

Due to Covid-19 restrictions a reduced number of tickets will be available this year.

For details email: nick@newforestfolkfestival.co.uk
Gerry Colvin Band


Nick Ariondo 为巴士底日表演,加利福尼亚 - 美国

BastilleNick ANick Ariondo will entertain at a Bastille Day event at Nicole's Market & Café in South Pasadena, California, USA on July 11th from 11.30am to 4pm.

Nick enjoys performing a mix of classical, folk, jazz, blues, contemporary and world music.

The event will include a special menu with no reservations possible. Entrance is free.

For details phone: +1 626-403-5751


现场音乐会:新发行的 CD “Accordion for Menotti” - 意大利

CD coverA new CD “Accordion for Menotti” (Ars Spoletium Music and Publishing) will be released at a live concert at the Festival Pontino di Musica in Sermoneta, Latina, Italy on July 12th, 2021.

Performers include Patrizia Angeloni, Stefano Di Loreto and Umberto Turchi.

The CD includes works by Gian Carlo Menotti, Maximiliano Amici, Vito Palumbo and Paolo Rotili for concert accordion.


Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合莫斯科“City Day”音乐会 – 俄罗斯

Pigini Russia importers
莫斯科 Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合 (下图) 将于 2021 年 7 月 31 日在“City Day”音乐会上演出。这场音乐会将成为在俄罗斯莫斯科地区 Kashira 城市公园举行的庆祝活动的一部分。

该小组由 Pavel Zaitsev、Viacheslav Stoma、Aleksej Kochurov、Michail Dmitrokopulo 和 Viacheslav Kuzminskiy(该小组的艺术总监)组成。


Pavel Zaitsev 还是将意大利手风琴进口到俄罗斯的 pigini-excelsior.ru 业务的合作伙伴。

Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow


Sharon Shannon 在 Cropredy 大会 – 英国

Cropredy poster
Sharon Shannon视频:Sharon Shannon 于 2021 年 2 月在 Dolans 进行现场表演。

Sharon Shannon(左图)将于 2021 年 8 月 12 日至 14 日在英国牛津郡 Cropredy 举行的 2021 Cropredy 大会上演出。

The free, three-day open-air festival includes a variety of musical entertainment such as rock, pop and folk, headed by British folk-rock band Fairport Convention.

See poster for details.



年轻的手风琴家演奏“La Volata” - 意大利

这位来自意大利的年轻的手风琴家演奏了 Davide Budelacci 的 "La Volata" ,请您欣赏。



新的网站:Martin Frey - 瑞士

Martin FreyMartin Frey ,瑞士,音乐教师,近 33 年来,他管理着自己的企业"Accordion General Agency Switzerland" Akkordeon Generalvertretung Schweiz ,进口 PiginiExcelsior 手风琴,同时他也是二重奏演奏者、音乐会组织者和土木工程师。

Martin Frey 还是 pigini-excelsior.ru 业务的合作伙伴,将意大利手风琴进口到俄罗斯.

Martin Frey 的网站上更新了英文和德文的图片和简历。


新的网站:NZAA 2022 日期公布 - 新西兰

NZAA banner
新的网站已更新:新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 宣布了2022年的南太平洋手风琴锦标赛 (South Pacific Accordion Championships) 的日期。 2022 年 6 月 4 日至 5 日,地点待定,奥克兰。 2021 年 12 月 1 日将发布竞赛章程。

NZAA 计划在 2022 年与海外客人举办一场盛大的庆祝活动。
2022 年 NZAA 将举办其 50 周年庆祝活动(由于疫情而推迟一年)。


网站已更新:Accordion Russia News

Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News (俄罗斯手风琴新闻) 已经为即将到来的活动更新了重要活动信息。


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