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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Dec-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Подарки к Рождеству найдете на нашем сайте
XXVIII Международный Фестиваль "Баян и баянисты", Россия
Arrasate Hiria XXIV Международный конкурс аккордеонистов, Аррасате, Испания
Pigini S.r.l. - премия Торгово-промышленной палаты Анконы, Италия
Знакомимся: Serenellini Accordion Factory , Кастельфедардо, Италия
Бесплатная доставка, отличные рождественские подарки Книги

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Pauline Oliveros 1932-2016, New York - USA
Christel Sautaux, Soloist With Union Instrumentale de Fribourg - Switzerland
Announcing – Second Printing of “An Accordion! What Is That?” - USA
Brendan Breen, County Laois – Irish Republic
Ryan Corbett performed on the Royal Yacht Brittania - UK

Будущие события

Cherish the Ladies Concerts – Japan, USA
Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Belgium, Netherlands
Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Switzerland, Germany, UK
‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert, Dortmund – Germany
Zoe Tiganouria December News, Athens – Greece
Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK
Kennet Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Berkshire – UK
Musica: Che Passione, 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto - Italy
Murl Allen Sanders Concert, Seattle – USA
Angela Falcetti to Perform for National Italian Club, Springfield - USA
8th Taiwan Accordion Festival
Castletown Accordion Orchestra Festive Concert, Meath – Irish Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

Гэри Даль выпустил сборники «Полька» и “Рождественские колядки”, США
Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy
Renzo Ruggieri Releases Grande Jo Composition, Solo Format - Italy
New Website for José Valente, 2016 Castelfidardo Premio Winner - Denmark
Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy
Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

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Особенности Highlights

Подарки к Рождеству найдете на нашем сайте

Rob HowardСам факт того, что мы готовим декабрьские новости означает, что католическое Рождество не за горами, и если вы задумались о подарках аккордеонисту или баянисту, почему бы вам не взглянуть на страницы нашего сайта Accordions Worldwide.

Здесь в публикациях и обзорах вы можете выбрать в качестве подарка музыкантам CD и DVD, книги о музыке, ноты, инструменты, аксессуары и т.д.

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XXVIII Международный Фестиваль "Баян и баянисты", Россия

Friedrich Lips and Alexander Gataullin
XXVIII InternationalХудожественный руководитель фестиваля Фридрих Липс и организатор Александр Гатауллин объявляют об открытии Международного фестиваля XXVIII "Баян и баянисты", который проходит в концертном зале РАМ им. Гнесиных в Москве с 14 по 18 декабря 2016г.

Начало этому музыкальному мероприятию было положено еще в 1989 году.
XXVII Международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты» проходит при поддержке Министерства культуры Российской Федерации, Российской академии музыки им. Гнесиных, Благотворительного фонда Фридриха Липса в рамках Федеральной целевой программы «Культура России».

2016 Расписание концертов:

Скачать афишу: 2016MPoster.pdf

14 декабря – открытие фестиваля
85-летие Анатолия Беляева
Выступают: Народный артист России Анатолий Беляев (электронный баян),
призеры всероссийских и международных музыкальных конкурсов в 2016 году

15 декабря – Играют выпускники
Выпускники Белорусской государственной академии музыки в Минске.
Выпускники Ростовской государственной консерватории им. С.В. Рахманинова.

16 декабря – 70-летие знаменитого Вячеслава Семенова
Выступают: выпускники Вячеслава Семёнова,
Оркестр русских народных инструментов Воронежа.

17 декабря - Италия и Россия
Мирко Патарини (Италия).
Дуэт "Una Sinstra" Александр Селиванов, Юлия Америкова.
Дуэт баянов из Сибири.

18 декабря - заключительный концерт
Veli Kujala (Финляндия).
Klaus Paier, аккордеон (Австрия); Asja Valcic, виолончель (Хорватия).


Arrasate Hiria XXIV Международный конкурс аккордеонистов, Аррасате, Испания

Hauspoz (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea)
Arrasate Hiria XXIV International Accordion Competition'Hauspoz' Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea, ратуша Аррасате и Совет графства Gipuzkoa организуют 24-й Международный конкурс аккордеонистов и баянистов "Arrasate Hiria" в Аррасате-Мондрагон, Стране Басков, с 9 по 11 декабря 2016 г.

Кроме непосредственно самого конкурса здесь в это время проходят выступления, концерты, мастер-классы, музыкальный фестиваль. В Страну Басков пожалуют 350 аккордеонистов и баянистов из разных стран.

Загрузить программу 2016 (60 стр.): 2016AHiria.pdf

В конкурсной топ-категории соло принимают участие музыканты из: Китая, Хорватии, Финляндии, Франции, Италии, Польши, Португалии, России, Сербии, Словении, Испании, Швеции. Подробности о конкурсантах смотрите в программе.

В состав международного жюри входят: Инаки Альберди (Испания), Geir Draugsvoll (Норвегия), Фридрих Липс (Россия), Матти Рантанен (Финляндия), Vojin Vasovic (Сербия).


Pigini S.r.l. - премия Торгово-промышленной палаты Анконы, Италия

Massimo Pigini Award Presentation
Andrea NaspiФото выше: церемония презентации, премия вручается Massimo Pigini от Торговой палаты Анконы.
Фото слева: Andrea Naspi выполнения.

Преданность работе и верность экономическому прогрессу – с этими словами была присуждена награда известному производителю аккордеонов - компании Pigini S.r.l., на специальной церемонии награждения в Торгово-промышленной палате Анконы 19 ноября 2016г.

Премией лучшего регионального производителя (среди самых разных производственных компаний) наградили Пиджини за семидесятилетнюю историю производства аккордеонов и баянов высочайшего уровня. Было отмечено, что это выдающийся производитель мирового уровня, инструменты компании Пиджини востребованы по всему миру.

Франческа Пиджини сообщила, что эта награда также "за этику и правильную работу с поставщиками, сотрудниками, за хороший маркетинг и сервис, внимание к потребностям клиентов."

Компания верно хранит традиции, идущие еще от основателя фирмы - Джино Пиджини. Следующее поколение – это его дети: сын Массимо и дочь Франческа. Теперь растут внуки Джино - Федерико Пиджини и Андреа Наспи.

Фото ниже: сидят Francesca и Massimo Pigini, стоят - Federico Pigini и Andrea Naspi.
Sitting: Francesca and Massimo Pigini, above Federico Pigini and Andrea Naspi.


Знакомимся: Serenellini Accordion Factory , Кастельфедардо, Италия

Serenellini Accordion Factory
Valerio (Italy), 1st place 2015 Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment category. Выступление на инструменте Serenellini.

Valerio Russo (Италия), 1-ое место в 2015 Coupe Mondiale, категория - Junior Virtuoso Entertainment.

Знакомимся с компанией Serenellini Accordion Factory. Интервью 2016 г. с администрацией компании Serenellini:
- Сабрина Серенелли (директор)
- Лучано Серенелли (отец Сабрины, основатель и бывший директор)
- Донателла (Секретарь / Переводчик / Менеджер по экспорту)

Редактор Хольда Паолетти-Кампл
Знакомимся с теми, кто стоит за производством аккордеонов и баянов в городе Кастельфидардо. Ведь эти люди прославили свой небольшой городок своими замечательными инструментами.
Интервью 2016Serenellini


Бесплатная доставка, отличные рождественские подарки Книги

Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logoРождественские идеи подарков, связанных с аккордеоном, для друзей и родных смотрите здесь: 2016Christmas Ideas

Бесплатная доставка до 28 декабря ТОЛЬКО для книг в качестве рождественских подарков. Полная информация: 2016Christmas Ideas

Новые электронные книги (отправляются по электронной почте), которые вам интересны.
NEW - Каталог: rrenzo401 - 10 Подходы к джазовым импровизациям книгу Renzo Ruggieri
NEW - Каталог: ek203 - The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion by Lars Ek
Play the Accordion Without Pain by John Bonica

Мы надеемся привлечь ваше внимание к этим Рождественским подаркам, деньги за которые будут потрачены на исполнителей, композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите нашу идею и выберете то, что вам понравится из более чем 2347 возможных вариантов. Это 300 CD / DVD, 1903 трека, 833 издания нот и книг на выбор. 2016Christmas Ideas.
Books covers for sale


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Pauline Oliveros 1932-2016, New York - USA

Pauline OliversoPauline Oliveros, American accordionist, composer, and a central figure in the development of experimental and post-war electronic art music, passed away on November 24th.

She was a founding member of the San Francisco Tape Music Center in the 1960s, and served as its director. She taught music at Mills College, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Oberlin Conservatory of Music, and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Oliveros authored books, formulated new music theories, and investigated new ways to focus attention on music including her concepts of ‘Deep Listening’ and ‘sonic awareness’.

From a very young age Oliveros was interested in the sound field around her and started to learn to play music as early as kindergarten. She learned to play the accordion at nine years of age from her mother, and later went on to learn the tuba and French horn for grade school and college music. At the age of sixteen she decided to be a composer.
From the 1980s onwards, Oliveros focused on improvisation, particularly as an accordionist. She continued to teach at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Mills College, publishing five books - ‘Sounding the Margins: Collected Writings 1992–2009’, ‘Initiation Dream’, ‘Software for People’, ‘The Roots of the Moment’, and ‘Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice’ - and becoming the recipient of several awards, until the end of her life. Oliveros’ album ‘Accordion and Voice’ (1982) and her Stuart Dempster and Panatois collaboration ‘Deep Listening’ (1989) are considered landmark recordings.

At the time of her death, she was the Research Professor of Music at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Darius Milhaud Artist-in-Residence at Mills College. A distinguished explorer of sound, she commented, “I feel that students always learn more from each other than they do from their professor. They learn by doing.”


Christel Sautaux, Soloist With Union Instrumentale de Fribourg - Switzerland

Christel Sautaux
Video: Gernika 26.4/1937 by Gorka Hermosa arr. Beguiristain.
Christel SautauxOlivier NeuhausSunday, 20th November, the Union Instrumentale de Fribourg (founded in 1892) conducted by Olivier Neuhaus performed a concert with accordionist Christel Sautaux as featured soloist in Fribourg.

Christel Sautaux, the first accordion Master Soloist graduate, HEMU (University of Music Lausanne), accordion tutor Prof. Stéphane Chapuis performed some solos that the audience enjoyed.

The orchestra then performed two works, conducted expertly by Olivier Neuhausand (picture right). This orchestra has a very nice sound with their mix of brass, wind and some string instruments.

Christel Sautaux then joined the orchestra performing:
- Gernika 26.4/1937 by Gorka Hermosa arr. Beguiristain. This was a premiere of this work with orchestra. Video above.
- Jazz Suite #2 D. Shostakovich, arr. de Meij

The premiere of Gernika was well received by the audience with large applause also for the composer Gorka Hermosa who was present, having run seminars and a concert the day before at the Fribourg Conservatory.

The Jazz Suite was also liked by the audience and after the concert, the audience and orchestra members had a very nice social time to conclude a most pleasant Sunday afternoon concert.
Christel Sautaux & Union Instrumentale de Fribourg


Announcing – Second Printing of “An Accordion! What Is That?” - USA

“An Accordion! What Is That?” cover
If you missed this engaging and popular accordion book for young readers the first time around, here is your chance to “spread the word” and get it into the hands of children everywhere! www.accordionbee.com

Author Karen Malan-Uribe, Illustrator Joan Geller Grauman, and Accordionist/Narrator Mary Tokarski announce the second printing and re-release of their book “An Accordion! What Is That?”

The book will be ready for distribution within the next few weeks, just in time for Christmas! Books can be pre-ordered, and they will be shipped as soon as they are completed, which means you should have them in time for Christmas giving.

Books can be pre-ordered at $17.95 each (PLUS a shipping charge of $4.00 for up to 4 books to one address in the US). Orders of 10 or more books to a single address will receive a 20% discount. Contact Mary Tokarski at mary.tokarski@comcast.net for all orders, and for information on additional shipping charges or for orders outside the US.

Spread the word about the accordion to all your grandchildren and all the young people you know! It is a gift that will give joy for years to come! An Accordion! What Is That?
“An Accordion! What Is That?” back cover


Brendan Breen, County Laois – Irish Republic

Brendan BreenBrendan Breen, a regular member of the Gallowglass Ceili Band from 1964 to 1969 died this week. Breen played the 5-row Continental button accordion, and was one of the first in Ireland to use this type of accordion professionally.

Entirely self-taught, Brendan Breen originally played 3-row British chromatic before he played the Continental system. In his early years he practised non-stop, even during lunch break at his work. He won 4 All Ireland championship titles before joining the Gallowglass Ceili Band. The pieces he played to win his All Ireland titles included the ‘Carnival of Venice’ and Monti’s ‘Czardas’. A very accomplished musician, his favourite party pieces included Chopin’s ‘Minute Waltz’ and the ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’. He was equally at home playing Irish, Scottish, Continental or classical music. His instruments included Paolo Soprani, Hohner, Borsini, Solton, and Vignoni accordions. He was renowned for playing with a really light touch and played very quietly, preferring to let the microphone do the hard work.

During the 1960s Brendan Breen played on most of the Gallowglass Ceili Band’s recordings, and he can be seen playing on the 1993 video and DVD ‘The Original Gallowglass Ceili Band – together for one last reunion’.

Brendan Breen, from Mountrath, County Laois, also had a full time career working in the Irish prison service. He passed away on Tuesday November 29th, and was in his late 70s. He was a widower, had three daughters, and grandchildren.


Ryan Corbett performed on the Royal Yacht Brittania - UK

Ryan CorbettRyan Corbett performed on the Royal Yacht Brittania to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the first Arctic Convoy with Lev Atlas, Professor of Viola on the Royal Yacht Britannia, August 30.

They played Scottish and Russian music for 250 guests including 42 Arctic Convoy Veterans in their 90’s, at the reception on Britannia hosted by the Russian Consul General in Scotland.

Ryan is looking forward to playing at Bearsden Fiddlers Rally on Saturday, November 26 in Milngavie Town Hall. Amy Lewis, Marisa Manuel, Allan MacDougall and George Smith are also performing.


Будущие события

Cherish the Ladies Concerts – Japan, USA

Cherish the Ladies
Cherish the Ladies posterThe all-female band Cherish the Ladies, who specialize in Irish traditional music, are currently on a tour with dates in Japan, Alaska, Ohio, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Details are on the poster.

"It is simply impossible to imagine an audience that wouldn't enjoy what they do", says the Boston Globe speaking of Cherish the Ladies, the long-running, Grammy-nominated, Irish-American super group that formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene and has since toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics, recorded 16 outstanding albums including 'An Irish Homecoming', a live recording of their Emmy winning TV special that aired across America and Ireland.

For further information email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Belgium, Netherlands

Volodymyr KurylenkoVolodymyr Kurylenko, bayan player from Ukraine, performs this month, as follows:

December 3rd, 8pm - music school master class and concert, Polish Club Krakus, Zonnebloemstraat 58, Genk, Belgium
December 9th, 8pm - Restaurant La Ville Blanche, Thom, Netherlands
December 11th, 3pm - with Dionne Nijsten (cello), Theaterboerderij Boeket, Nederweert, Netherlands
December 14th, 12.45pm-1.15pm - Oude Kerk, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
December 18th, 3pm - with Rauf Berman - singing/violin, Hammerstraat 21, Herkenbosch, Netherlands
December 28th, 3pm - CD presentation 'Ukrainian Folk Music on bayan volume 2', Misericordeplein, 6211 Kunstkwartier, Maastricht, Netherlands

Volodymyr Kurylenko, a graduate of the Donetsk Conservatory and the Kyiv National University, had several competition successes, and often performs in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.

For further information email: bayan.ukraine@gmail.com


Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Switzerland, Germany, UK

Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs this month, as follows:

Sunday December 4th – with the Kremerata Baltica, Vidzemes Koncertzale Cesis, Cesis, Latvia
Tuesday December 6th - with the Kremerata Baltica, AMG Allgemeine Musikgellscaft, Basel, Switzerland
Tuesday December 13th – Bibliotheksaal, Kloster Polling, Germany
Wednesday December 14th – Stadtheater Furth, Germany
Thursday December 15th – Kultur-und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
Saturday December 17th – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Sunday December 18th – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Monday December 19th – Close up concert, Music Room, Liverpool
Tuesday December 20th - Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Thursday December 22nd - Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Friday December 23rd – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Wednesday December – Riga, Latvia

Ksenija Sidorova, since graduating from the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, has pursued a hectic international concert career, performing frequently all around Europe, USA, Brazil, Israel, Senegal, and other countries.

For further information email: ksenijasidorova@yahoo.co.uk


‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert, Dortmund – Germany

‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert
The duo ‘Reeds & Beats’ - Klaus Rüter (digital accordion) and Heiner Saggel (drums) perform in concert on Monday December 5th, 7pm, at Fritz-Henßler-Haus, Geschwister-Scholl-Str 33, 44135 Dortmund, Germany.


Zoe Tiganouria December News, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaAfter the release of her instrumental composition ‘Last Tango by Zoe’, December 2016 finds the Greek accordionist and composer with another personal success and selected appearances:

The amazing remix of Dreamers Inc. of her composition ‘Nostalgia’, was selected among hundreds of tunes and is included in the anniversary edition of Buddha-Bar entitled ‘The Ultimate Experience’, a collectible CD box set with musical selections by Ravin (Buddha-Bar’s well known Paris DJ) and Mario Chaviaras (Buddha-Bar London’s DJ), which will be released on December 2nd (the pre-orders have already started).

Zoe Tiganouria performs this month, as follows:
Tuesday December 6th, 11pm-2am - St Nikolaos day, Zoe Tiganouria performs in a festive mood in the ‘En Moshato’ music restaurant, 183 45 Moskháton, Attiki, Greece

Saturday December 17th at the Gallery of Artists, Zoe Tiganouria invites us to discover her work as a composer and arranger. In the ‘Greek Composers’ concept, she will walk us through her career as a composer, unfolding one-by-one songs and instrumental compositions in the Greek and international discography, starting from 1999 and reaching up to today. Also featured, the Professor of Byzantine Musicology, choir director & chanter Achilleas Chaldaiakis, Areti Kokkinou on guitar, Iasonas Ktenas on violin and Stelios Generalis on percussion.

Friday December 23rd at Pedion Areos Park, Zoe Tiganouria opens the Annual Christmas Events organised by the Administration of Attica Region, presenting a concert entitled ‘Aromas of the World & Byzantine Myrrhs’ with the participation of remarkable musicians and singers such as Polytimi, Kostas Tiganis, the Byzantine choir ‘Melirryton’ and the Group of Traditional Dances NPDD PAKPPA of Elefsina Municipality, with traditional carols from all over Greece, personal compositions and melodies from the international repertoire. Narration is by the actress Filio Tsompanidou.

For further information email: info@zoe-music.net


Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK

Stockport Accordion Club
The Stockport AC Band (MD Marj Howard) and Orchestra (MD Dennis Pepler OBE) and soloists Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and Helen Rich perform in concert at the Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8TU, on Friday December 9th, 7.45pm. All proceeds from this concert go to the East Cheshire Hospice.

Since 1999 Stockport Accordion Club has performed this fund raising concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice, raising many thousands of pounds. The organizer is SAC member John Jones MBE.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Kennet Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Berkshire – UK

Kennet Accordion Orchestra
The Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) performs a Christmas Concert on Saturday December 10th, 7.30pm, at the Deanwood Park Golf Club, Baydon Rd, Stockcross, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 8JP. Proceeds from this concert go to Newbury & District Cancer Care Trust.

The Kennet AO has an extensive musical repertoire that includes pieces from many musical genres – everything from Mozart to Freddie Mercury!

For further information email: nigelpasby@gmail.com


Musica: Che Passione, 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto - Italy

Musica: Che Passione Concert, Saturday 10th December 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto, Italy


Murl Allen Sanders Concert, Seattle – USA

Murl Allen SandersMurl Allen Sanders will perform a solo concert on Sunday December 11th, noon until 2pm, at the Pacific Place Shopping Center, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA98 101.


Angela Falcetti to Perform for National Italian Club, Springfield - USA

Angela FalcettiThe Unico Italian Club of Springfield, Mass. has hired 11 year old Angela Falcetti for the 2nd year to provide entertainment during their annual Christmas Party dinner on December 14, 2016.

Angela started on the accordion at 6 years of age and has won several trophies for her participation in both regional, (New England Music Festival in Boston), and national, (AAA in NY).

Angela started on an acoustic accordion and now plays a Roland Digital Accordion from two years ago. She loves to sing and play and has no fear of introducing her own program and handling the entire process of entertaining her audience.

Her teacher and grandfather, Sam Falcetti, was apprehensive about sending her out to perform by herself so he played a few duets with her, but of course she was the hit of the party.

Angela plays all genres of music from Broadway to Pop to Polka and Jazz. She recently recorded a half hour session on her Roland accordion for Public TV which appeared on National News.


8th Taiwan Accordion Festival

8th Taiwan Accordion FestivalSunday December 18th, 13:30~16:30
Venue: Youzhu Hall, Taipei International Art Village
Address: 1st Floor, No.7 Beiping East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei

For further information email: vincentaccordion@gmail.com
or phone: 02-27046610


Castletown Accordion Orchestra Festive Concert, Meath – Irish Republic

Castletown Accordion Orchestra
On Sunday December 18th the Castletown Accordion Orchestra (MD John Chilton) performs a concert of festive music at Clonabreany House, Crossakeal, County Meath. There is a Mulled Wine Reception at 6pm followed by a Candlelit Concert of Festive Music. Special guests will be Breeda Kenny (soprano) and Holly Chilton (oboe).

For further information email: info@clonabreanyhouse.ie


Новые и обновленные сайты

Гэри Даль выпустил сборники «Полька» и “Рождественские колядки”, США

Polka eBook by Gary DahlTraditional Christmas Carols eBook by Gary Dahl“Полька” - электронная книга нот, коллекция # 10 Каталог: DH10-ЕВ, стоимость $18,50 (или эквивалент в евро).

После оплаты ноты высылаются по электронной почте.

Гэри Даль пишет: издание “Полька” в качестве электронной книги – это сборник любимых популярных полек разной степени сложности. Занимательные мелодии вполне приемлемы для исполнения музыкантом-любителем. При этом ценность сборника несомненна и для профессионального исполнителя.

Традиционные “Рождественские колядки” - электронная книга, коллекция # 9 Каталог: DH09-ЕВ стоимость $18,50 (или эквивалент в евро).

Гэри Даль рассказал: “В этом издании собраны оригинальные аранжировки самых известных и любимых рождественских колядок – всего 21 песня. Играйте и наслаждайтесь!”


Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation, eBook coverDieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBookRenowned Jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri has released two eBooks (.pdf format) able to be sent to you by email.

English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421

Renzo Ruggieri wrote: "Originating from the need of outlining a practical method for improvisation (not only intended for jazz performers), this book is designed for those who can already master the basics.

Jazz classes most of the times primarily focus on theory as well as on its application, often neglecting or putting aside practice. But the theoretical framework can sometimes be perceived as overwhelming by students to such an extent that they may find it hard to get the major element of improvisation, that is the creation of a personal language which must include an appropriate assimilation.

Knowing what to do (or not to do) is not enough.

In order to perform a true improvisation one must first of all know a large number of pieces, but also be good enough as to forget them - in a sort of brainstorming – so as to avoid any remains of seduction left behind and create an empty space to be filled with their own creativity.

In this book I am going to explain in detail the procedures allowing a student to be introduced to the pragmatic ways of creativity."

Purchase online.
English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421


Renzo Ruggieri Releases Grande Jo Composition, Solo Format - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo above: Danilo Di Paolonicola winning the Castelfidardo 2007 Jazz Section with Grande Jo.

Grande Jo composed by Renzo Ruggieri, music now available in solo accordion format, Catalog: rrenzo510 only €10

Notes from Renzo: Grande Jo is a song which I have tried to put together the "Saltarello" (center italian dance) with jazz. The arrangement is for virtuoso accordion, written with the improvisations (customizable) transcribed from my CDs. The song is widely used in international competitions and is very suitable for concerts of world music and jazz.

Other recent releases by Renzo Ruggieri are:
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo) €10
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo) €10
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo) €10


New Website for José Valente, 2016 Castelfidardo Premio Winner - Denmark

José ValenteNew website for José Valente who was the winner of the 2016 Castelfidardo Premio category.


Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri has made a promotional video of his composition Cinema.

Cinema has been composed for 4 parts and drums for a group or ensemble.
Catalog: rrenzo506

Only 10 Euro or US$ equivalent, and its in eSheet format, able to be emailed to you, delivery within 24 hours and without any postage costs.


Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album coverThe website has been updated with more information for the this album in eTracks (MP3) format download by Zhang Jiahe.

The album is titled 'Winter Bilder', catalog: jiahe01
with sound samples. Only €9.00 for album sent to you by download.


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