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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 02-Dec-2016
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Editors Note
XXVIII国际莫斯科手风琴艺术节"Bayan and Bayanists" --俄罗斯
Arrasate Hiria XXIV国际手风琴比赛,Arrasate--西班牙
Pigini s.r.l.安科纳商会--意大利


Pauline Oliveros 1932-2016,纽约-美国
Christel Sautaux,Instrumentale de Fribourg独奏联盟, - Switzerland
宣布:第二次印刷“An Accordion! What Is That?” --美国
Brendan Breen, Laois 城-爱尔兰共和国
Ryan Corbett在Brittania皇家游艇表演--英国


Cherish the Ladies Concerts – Japan, USA
Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Belgium, Netherlands
Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Switzerland, Germany, UK
‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert, Dortmund – Germany
Zoe Tiganouria December News, Athens – Greece
Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK
Kennet Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Berkshire – UK
Musica: Che Passione, 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto - Italy
Murl Allen Sanders Concert, Seattle – USA
Angela Falcetti to Perform for National Italian Club, Springfield - USA
8th Taiwan Accordion Festival
Castletown Accordion Orchestra Festive Concert, Meath – Irish Republic


Gary Dahl发行波尔卡电子书和圣诞颂歌电子书--美国
Renzo Ruggieri发行两部新的爵士乐电子书--意大利
Renzo Ruggieri发布Grande Jo作品,独奏版本--意大利
New Website for José Valente, 2016 Castelfidardo Premio Winner - Denmark
Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy
Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

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Editors Note

Rob HowardThe first News of December means Christmas is not far away, and if you are looking for ideas for presents for accordionists, why not have a look at what the pages of Accordions Worldwide have to offer, including the reviews section.

There is a very large selection of interesting books, recordings on CD and DVD, music books, sheet music, instruments, accessories, etc, advertised on this website – something for everybody.

Please consider supporting our loyal advertisers, whose quality products should meet the needs of most accordion enthusiasts.

Rob Howard


XXVIII国际莫斯科手风琴艺术节"Bayan and Bayanists" --俄罗斯

Friedrich Lips and Alexander Gataullin
XXVIII International2016年12月14日至18日在莫斯科举行的俄罗斯Gnesin音乐学院音乐厅的XXVIII国际音乐节"Bayan and Bayanists"。艺术总监Friedrich Lips与组织者Alexander Gataullin一起欢迎所有参加的人们。

联邦文化机构,俄罗斯Gnesin音乐学院和Friedrich Lips基金的支持,从1989年的开始,这个节日一直是一个年轻的人才与已经认可的大师在舞台展现自己的地方。



12月14日 - 开幕音乐会
阿纳托利Belyayev 85周年
俄罗斯人民艺术家Anatoly Belyayev(电子巴彦)

12月15日 - 毕业生

12月16日 - Viatcheslav Semionov(70周年)
Viatcheslav Semionov的毕业生

Mirco Patarini(意大利)
Duo“Una Sinstra”Alexander Selivanov,Yulia Amerikova

12月18日 - 闭幕式音乐会
Veli Kujala(芬兰)


Arrasate Hiria XXIV国际手风琴比赛,Arrasate--西班牙

Hauspoz (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea)
Arrasate Hiria XXIV International Accordion Competition'Hauspoz'Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea,Arrasate市政厅和Gipuzkoa县议会联合组织了第24届'Arrasate Hiria'国际手风琴比赛,该比赛于2016年12月9日至11日在巴斯克地区的Arrasate-Mondragón举行。



第一名- €3.600和音乐会之旅,第二名 - €1.800第三名 - €900(税前)。



国际评委会包括:IñakiAlberdi(西班牙),Geir Draugsvoll(挪威),Friedrich Lips(俄罗斯),Matti Rantanen(芬兰),Vojin Vasovic(塞尔维亚)。


Pigini s.r.l.安科纳商会--意大利

Massimo Pigini Award Presentation
Andrea Naspi上图:颁奖典礼,由安科纳商会颁发给Massimo Pigini颁奖典礼。图片左:Andrea Naspi表演。

安科纳商会授予着名手风琴制造商Pigini s.r.l团队颁发的荣誉证书,奖赏工作和经济进步。,在11月19日的特别颁奖仪式。


Francesca Pigini表示,这一奖项“也是为了与供应商,工人和市场营销有关的良好的道德和行为,并特别关注客户的服务和需求。

该公司从“创立者Gino Pigini,下一代儿子Massimo和女儿Francesca,现在是Gino的第三代家族,Federico Pigini和Andrea Naspi的”第一代“,引导了Pigini家族的”忠诚和坚持“。

下图:坐:Francesca和Massimo Pigini,上面:Federico Pigini和Andrea Naspi。
Sitting: Francesca and Massimo Pigini, above Federico Pigini and Andrea Naspi.



Serenellini Accordion Factory
Valerio Russo(意大利),2015 世界杯手风琴锦标赛流行类别冠军。

“"Know The People"”Serenellini手风琴工厂采访2016Serenellini:
- Sabrina Serenellini(经理)
- Luciano Serenellini(Sabrina之父,创始人兼前经理)
- Donatella(秘书/翻译/出口经理)

编辑Holda Paoletti-Kampl

在Castelfidardo制作手风琴背后的"Know The People",这使得这个小城市在世界各地以其高质量的手风琴而闻名。 采访2016Serenellini



Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logo手风琴圣诞节给朋友和家人的礼物想法:2016Christmas Ideas


免费邮费特别:手风琴的进出口由Thierry Benetoux(目录benetouxen00)。一本关于手风琴修理,调音等的质量书确实非常受欢迎。英语和法语。 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon(目录benetouxfr00)。

免费邮费特别:探索Thierry Benetoux手风琴(目录bthierryen)。一本非常优质的书,关心你的手风琴的声音和调整。英语和法语。 L'Accordeon&SA Diversite Sonore(目录bthierryfr)。

新 - 目录: rrenzo401 - 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook Renzo Ruggieri 
新 - 目录:ek203 - The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion Lars Ek

播放John Bonica的Without Pain

请支持手风琴艺术,并选择超过2,347件电子表格,300多张CD / DVD,1,903张eTracks录音,833张印刷作品和许多书籍(文字)供选择。
Books covers for sale



Pauline Oliveros 1932-2016,纽约-美国

Pauline OliversoPauline Oliveros,美国手风琴家,作曲家,电子音乐艺术发展的代表人物,于11月24日去世。

她是20世纪60年代San Francisco音乐中心的创始成员,并担任主管。她在米尔斯学院,加利福尼亚大学,圣地亚哥(UCSD),奥伯林音乐学院和伦斯勒理工学院教授音乐。Oliveros撰写书籍,制定新的音乐理论,研究新的方法来关注音乐,包括她的概念‘Deep Listening’和‘sonic awareness’.


从上世纪80年代起,Oliveros专注于即兴创作,特别是作为一个手风琴家。她继续在伦斯勒理工学院和米尔斯学院任教,出版五本书‘Sounding the Margins: Collected Writings 1992–2009’, ‘Initiation Dream’, ‘Software for People’, ‘The Roots of the Moment’, and ‘Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice’,获得多个奖项,直到她生命的尽头。Oliveros的专辑‘Accordion and Voice’(1982),她的Stuart Dempster,和Panatois合作 ‘Deep Listening’(1989)被认为是具有里程碑意义的录音。



Christel Sautaux,Instrumentale de Fribourg独奏联盟, - Switzerland

Christel Sautaux
Video: Gernika 26.4/1937 by Gorka Hermosa arr. Beguiristain.
Christel SautauxOlivier Neuhaus11月20日,周日,Instrumentale de Fribourg独奏联盟(1892年创建)Olivier Neuhaus指导下手风琴家Christel Sautaux在Fribourg开独奏音乐会。

Christel Sautaux是首位手风琴硕士研究生,the first独奏家,HEMU(Lausanne大学音乐教师,手风琴教授)。Stéphane Chapuis演奏了一些独奏曲目,观众很喜欢。

乐团还演奏了两部作品,Olivier Neuhausand指挥(右图)。这个乐团拥有非常好的音色,包括铜管,号和一些弦乐器。

Christel Sautaux后来加入了乐队表演:

- Gernika 26.4/1937 by Gorka Hermosa arr. Beguiristain. This was a premiere of this work with orchestra. Video above.
- Jazz Suite #2 D. Shostakovich, arr. de Meij
在Fribourg音乐学院Gernika的首演,受到观众热烈的掌声,著名作曲家Gorka Hermosa也出席了,音乐会前一天进行了研讨会。

Christel Sautaux & Union Instrumentale de Fribourg


宣布:第二次印刷“An Accordion! What Is That?” --美国

“An Accordion! What Is That?” cover

作者Karen Malan Uribe,插画家Joan Geller Grauman,手风琴/解说Mary Tokarski宣布第二印刷,重新出版他们的书“An Accordion! What Is That?”

书籍可以预先订购每本17.95美元。同一地址订单10本或更多的书籍将获得20%的折扣。订单可联系Mary Tokarskimary.tokarski@comcast.net。

把手风琴传给你的子孙和你认识的年轻人! “An Accordion! What Is That?”
“An Accordion! What Is That?” back cover


Brendan Breen, Laois 城-爱尔兰共和国

Brendan BreenBrendan Breen,是一个成员Gallowglass Ceili Band乐队(1964—— 1969),这周去世。Breen演奏5排C系统按钮手风琴,并且是第一个在爱尔兰使用这种专业类型的手风琴。

Brendan Breen完全自学成才,最初学过C系统。在他早年的时候不停地练习,即使在午休的时候。他赢得爱尔兰4个冠军之前,加入Gallowglass Ceili乐队。作品包括‘Carnival of Venice’和 Monti的 ‘Czardas’。一个很有成就的音乐家,他最喜欢演奏萧邦的‘Minute Waltz’ 和‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’.他的乐器包括Paolo Soprani, Hohner, Borsini, Solton, 和Vignoni手风琴。

Brendan Breen在上世纪60年代演奏了Gallowglass Ceili乐队大部分的录音,他可以演奏1993年的视频和DVDGallowglass Ceili乐队一起–最后一次聚会

Brendan Breen来自Laois,城,于11月29日周二去世,他是一个鳏夫,有三个女儿和孙子们。


Ryan Corbett在Brittania皇家游艇表演--英国

Ryan CorbettRyan Corbett Ryan Corbett在Brittania皇家游艇表演,庆祝Lev Atlas首次北极护航第七十五周年, Brittania皇家游艇的中提琴教授,8月30日。


Ryan期待星期六,11月26日在milngavie市政厅小提琴手的演奏。Amy Lewis,Marisa Manuel,Allan MacDougall和George Smith也参加表演。



Cherish the Ladies Concerts – Japan, USA

Cherish the Ladies
Cherish the Ladies posterThe all-female band Cherish the Ladies, who specialize in Irish traditional music, are currently on a tour with dates in Japan, Alaska, Ohio, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Details are on the poster.

"It is simply impossible to imagine an audience that wouldn't enjoy what they do", says the Boston Globe speaking of Cherish the Ladies, the long-running, Grammy-nominated, Irish-American super group that formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene and has since toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics, recorded 16 outstanding albums including 'An Irish Homecoming', a live recording of their Emmy winning TV special that aired across America and Ireland.

For further information email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Belgium, Netherlands

Volodymyr KurylenkoVolodymyr Kurylenko, bayan player from Ukraine, performs this month, as follows:

December 3rd, 8pm - music school master class and concert, Polish Club Krakus, Zonnebloemstraat 58, Genk, Belgium
December 9th, 8pm - Restaurant La Ville Blanche, Thom, Netherlands
December 11th, 3pm - with Dionne Nijsten (cello), Theaterboerderij Boeket, Nederweert, Netherlands
December 14th, 12.45pm-1.15pm - Oude Kerk, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
December 18th, 3pm - with Rauf Berman - singing/violin, Hammerstraat 21, Herkenbosch, Netherlands
December 28th, 3pm - CD presentation 'Ukrainian Folk Music on bayan volume 2', Misericordeplein, 6211 Kunstkwartier, Maastricht, Netherlands

Volodymyr Kurylenko, a graduate of the Donetsk Conservatory and the Kyiv National University, had several competition successes, and often performs in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.

For further information email: bayan.ukraine@gmail.com


Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Switzerland, Germany, UK

Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs this month, as follows:

Sunday December 4th – with the Kremerata Baltica, Vidzemes Koncertzale Cesis, Cesis, Latvia
Tuesday December 6th - with the Kremerata Baltica, AMG Allgemeine Musikgellscaft, Basel, Switzerland
Tuesday December 13th – Bibliotheksaal, Kloster Polling, Germany
Wednesday December 14th – Stadtheater Furth, Germany
Thursday December 15th – Kultur-und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
Saturday December 17th – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Sunday December 18th – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Monday December 19th – Close up concert, Music Room, Liverpool
Tuesday December 20th - Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Thursday December 22nd - Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Friday December 23rd – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, UK
Wednesday December – Riga, Latvia

Ksenija Sidorova, since graduating from the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, has pursued a hectic international concert career, performing frequently all around Europe, USA, Brazil, Israel, Senegal, and other countries.

For further information email: ksenijasidorova@yahoo.co.uk


‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert, Dortmund – Germany

‘Reeds & Beats’ Concert
The duo ‘Reeds & Beats’ - Klaus Rüter (digital accordion) and Heiner Saggel (drums) perform in concert on Monday December 5th, 7pm, at Fritz-Henßler-Haus, Geschwister-Scholl-Str 33, 44135 Dortmund, Germany.


Zoe Tiganouria December News, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaAfter the release of her instrumental composition ‘Last Tango by Zoe’, December 2016 finds the Greek accordionist and composer with another personal success and selected appearances:

The amazing remix of Dreamers Inc. of her composition ‘Nostalgia’, was selected among hundreds of tunes and is included in the anniversary edition of Buddha-Bar entitled ‘The Ultimate Experience’, a collectible CD box set with musical selections by Ravin (Buddha-Bar’s well known Paris DJ) and Mario Chaviaras (Buddha-Bar London’s DJ), which will be released on December 2nd (the pre-orders have already started).

Zoe Tiganouria performs this month, as follows:
Tuesday December 6th, 11pm-2am - St Nikolaos day, Zoe Tiganouria performs in a festive mood in the ‘En Moshato’ music restaurant, 183 45 Moskháton, Attiki, Greece

Saturday December 17th at the Gallery of Artists, Zoe Tiganouria invites us to discover her work as a composer and arranger. In the ‘Greek Composers’ concept, she will walk us through her career as a composer, unfolding one-by-one songs and instrumental compositions in the Greek and international discography, starting from 1999 and reaching up to today. Also featured, the Professor of Byzantine Musicology, choir director & chanter Achilleas Chaldaiakis, Areti Kokkinou on guitar, Iasonas Ktenas on violin and Stelios Generalis on percussion.

Friday December 23rd at Pedion Areos Park, Zoe Tiganouria opens the Annual Christmas Events organised by the Administration of Attica Region, presenting a concert entitled ‘Aromas of the World & Byzantine Myrrhs’ with the participation of remarkable musicians and singers such as Polytimi, Kostas Tiganis, the Byzantine choir ‘Melirryton’ and the Group of Traditional Dances NPDD PAKPPA of Elefsina Municipality, with traditional carols from all over Greece, personal compositions and melodies from the international repertoire. Narration is by the actress Filio Tsompanidou.

For further information email: info@zoe-music.net


Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK

Stockport Accordion Club
The Stockport AC Band (MD Marj Howard) and Orchestra (MD Dennis Pepler OBE) and soloists Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and Helen Rich perform in concert at the Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8TU, on Friday December 9th, 7.45pm. All proceeds from this concert go to the East Cheshire Hospice.

Since 1999 Stockport Accordion Club has performed this fund raising concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice, raising many thousands of pounds. The organizer is SAC member John Jones MBE.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Kennet Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Berkshire – UK

Kennet Accordion Orchestra
The Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) performs a Christmas Concert on Saturday December 10th, 7.30pm, at the Deanwood Park Golf Club, Baydon Rd, Stockcross, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 8JP. Proceeds from this concert go to Newbury & District Cancer Care Trust.

The Kennet AO has an extensive musical repertoire that includes pieces from many musical genres – everything from Mozart to Freddie Mercury!

For further information email: nigelpasby@gmail.com


Musica: Che Passione, 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto - Italy

Musica: Che Passione Concert, Saturday 10th December 2016 Teatro Comunale, Loreto, Italy


Murl Allen Sanders Concert, Seattle – USA

Murl Allen SandersMurl Allen Sanders will perform a solo concert on Sunday December 11th, noon until 2pm, at the Pacific Place Shopping Center, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA98 101.


Angela Falcetti to Perform for National Italian Club, Springfield - USA

Angela FalcettiThe Unico Italian Club of Springfield, Mass. has hired 11 year old Angela Falcetti for the 2nd year to provide entertainment during their annual Christmas Party dinner on December 14, 2016.

Angela started on the accordion at 6 years of age and has won several trophies for her participation in both regional, (New England Music Festival in Boston), and national, (AAA in NY).

Angela started on an acoustic accordion and now plays a Roland Digital Accordion from two years ago. She loves to sing and play and has no fear of introducing her own program and handling the entire process of entertaining her audience.

Her teacher and grandfather, Sam Falcetti, was apprehensive about sending her out to perform by herself so he played a few duets with her, but of course she was the hit of the party.

Angela plays all genres of music from Broadway to Pop to Polka and Jazz. She recently recorded a half hour session on her Roland accordion for Public TV which appeared on National News.


8th Taiwan Accordion Festival

8th Taiwan Accordion FestivalSunday December 18th, 13:30~16:30
Venue: Youzhu Hall, Taipei International Art Village
Address: 1st Floor, No.7 Beiping East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei

For further information email: vincentaccordion@gmail.com
or phone: 02-27046610


Castletown Accordion Orchestra Festive Concert, Meath – Irish Republic

Castletown Accordion Orchestra
On Sunday December 18th the Castletown Accordion Orchestra (MD John Chilton) performs a concert of festive music at Clonabreany House, Crossakeal, County Meath. There is a Mulled Wine Reception at 6pm followed by a Candlelit Concert of Festive Music. Special guests will be Breeda Kenny (soprano) and Holly Chilton (oboe).

For further information email: info@clonabreanyhouse.ie



Gary Dahl发行波尔卡电子书和圣诞颂歌电子书--美国

Polka eBook by Gary DahlTraditional Christmas Carols eBook by Gary Dahl波尔卡电子书,系列#10目录:DH10-eB只有US $ 18.50或欧元等值。


加里·达尔写道:波尔卡电子书的目标是提供不同程度的困难最喜欢的流行波尔卡。 Clarinet, Achtung Los and Beer Barrel polkas等流行歌曲,是为演唱会设计的。



传统圣诞颂歌电子书,系列#9目录:DH09-eB只有US $ 18.50或欧元等值。

Gary Dahl写道:“21着名的传统圣诞颂歌 - 伟大的价值,每年有超过4亿人在世界各地庆祝圣诞节。唱歌和玩圣诞歌颂和颂歌的伟大的传统在几乎每个国家庆祝,无论哪种语言这是一个常见的音乐纽带,它创造了我们最珍贵的回忆。



Renzo Ruggieri发行两部新的爵士乐电子书--意大利

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation, eBook coverDieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook著名的爵士手风琴演奏家Renzo Ruggieri发行了两本电子书(.pdf格式),可以通过电子邮件发送给您。

英语:10方法爵士即兴电子书 - 目录:rrenzo401

意大利语:Dieci Approcci All'Improvvisazione(Jazz)电子书 - 目录:rrenzo421

Renzo Ruggieri写道:“源于需要一个实用的即兴创作方法(不仅仅针对爵士乐演奏者),本书专为那些已经掌握基础知识的人设计。


为了执行真正的即兴创作,必须首先知道大量的作品,但也足够好,以便忘记他们 - 在一种头脑风暴中,以避免留下任何残留的诱惑,并创造一个空的空间充满自己的创造力。



英语:10方法爵士即兴电子书 - 目录:rrenzo401

意大利语:Dieci Approcci All'Improvvisazione(Jazz)电子书 - 目录:rrenzo421


Renzo Ruggieri发布Grande Jo作品,独奏版本--意大利

Renzo Ruggieri视频:Danilo Di Paolonicola凭借Grande Jo在2007年Castelfidardo爵士音乐节获奖。
Grande Jo由Renzo Ruggieri作曲,现在可以购买手风琴独奏音乐版本,

另外Renzo Ruggieri最近还发布了:
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo) €10
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo) €10
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo) €10


New Website for José Valente, 2016 Castelfidardo Premio Winner - Denmark

José ValenteNew website for José Valente who was the winner of the 2016 Castelfidardo Premio category.


Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri has made a promotional video of his composition Cinema.

Cinema has been composed for 4 parts and drums for a group or ensemble.
Catalog: rrenzo506

Only 10 Euro or US$ equivalent, and its in eSheet format, able to be emailed to you, delivery within 24 hours and without any postage costs.


Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album coverThe website has been updated with more information for the this album in eTracks (MP3) format download by Zhang Jiahe.

The album is titled 'Winter Bilder', catalog: jiahe01
with sound samples. Only €9.00 for album sent to you by download.


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