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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Apr-2021
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Особенности Highlights

Passed Away 5th April: Vincenzo Borsini - A Life for the Accordion - Italy
Счастливый Пасха
Видео: Всероссийский день баяна, аккордеона и губной гармошки, Москва - Россия
66 Аккордеонистов исполняют музыку Марка Перроне - Бельгия
Конкурс «Гармоника-фест 2021», Москва - Россия
Аккордеонный документальный фильм для финского телевидения - Финляндия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Gorka Hermosa Releases New CD “Fragilissimo” - Spain
Romano Viazzani Ensemble “Terminal Tango” Competition – UK
Sofia Ros Star Candidate at London Young Musician of the Year Season 4
Salvatore Cauteruccio New CD “Accordion Solo” - Italy
Bayan and Accordion Concert in St. Petersburg - Russia
Bachtopus Releases 5th Commission from Composers Commissioning Fund - USA
Caterina Fiorentini New CD - Italy
Cancelled: 2021 Akkordeonale International Accordion Festival - Germany

Будущие события

“Mr Accordion Man” Easter Entertainment – Australia
Online: Frederic Deschamps Masterclass – France
Online: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International Workshops - USA
Anthony Schulz Performs in “From Paris to Brazil” Show – Australia
Alex Meixner Band at Rock’n River Walk Concert Series – USA
Heather Gladstone Performs at ANZAC Tribute – New Zealand
“Scythian” Live Outdoor Concert in Virginia – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Fisitalia Updated Website, Castelfidardo - Italy
Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA
Уильям Шиммель 2021 Мастер-класс и серия концертов AAA в Нью-Йорке - США
Фонд музыкального искусства Мэри и Фрэнка Токарски - США

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Особенности Highlights

Passed Away 5th April: Vincenzo Borsini - A Life for the Accordion - Italy

Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini
Picture above: Brothers Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini of the family Borsini who manufactured Borsini Accordions for decades from 02 January 1922 until the company ceased operation in 2015.

Giancarlo Borsini (Borsini Accordions) passed away on July 22, 2019. Vincenzo passed away 5th April 2021.

Information about Vincenzo from the Borsini Accordion Site.

Vincenzo Borsini. Born in 1934 in a flat above the Borsini accordion factory in Castelfidardo, son of Elio Borsini who had founded the Borsini factory in 1922.

He finished technical school in 1944 and at the age of 10 began to study the accordion with Giovanni Marcosignori, father of the world famous, Gervasio Marcosignori. In 1946 Vincenzo began working in the mechanical department of the Borsini factory making bass mechanisms. As Vincenzo had the gift of "perfect pitch" he also studied the acoustics of the accordion, which led to him making improvements to the sound quality of the Borsini range, and by 1949 he was employed full-time in the preparation of reeds and tuning.

In 1950 Vincenzo went to the U.S.A. to work as a repairman for one of the biggest accordion importers on the American West Coast and after 8 months, he moved to New York to work in the Excelsior factory, owned by his uncle Egisto Pancotti. During his time in New York Vincenzo was acquainted with many world famous accordionists of the time (Antony, Gallarini, Russ Messina, Carmen Carozza, John Molinari, Dick Contino and Frank Gaviani) and became a personal friend of none other than Pietro Deiro.

Having acquired a great wealth of knowledge and experience in the U.S.A., Vincenzo returned to Italy in 1957 to work with his family and contributed to the "Borsini boom" when the factory was exporting 6000 accordions annually. The good times continued for Borsini until 1963 when the popularity of the guitar caused a worldwide slump in accordion sales. Vincenzo, however, was undaunted by this and suggested to his brothers that they should specialise in producing only quality instruments and, after adopting this policy, Vincenzo introduced major manufacturing improvements resulting in top quality professional accordions, one of the first being a Cassotto model with 2 sets of reeds and weighing only 8 kilos (as played by Nick Ariondo). During this time, Vincenzo, wishing to improve his accordion technique, was studying with the famous Adamo Volpi.

In 1964, Vincenzo returned to the U.S.A. to work with Joseph Romagnoli, owner of the Italo-American Accordion Co. of Chicago where he was servicing and tuning accordions for the chain store Montgomery Ward. It was during this time that Vincenzo became a personal friend of Leon Sachs and Tony Dannon, whose influence led Vincenzo to develop a real jazz sound in the accordion. Tony Dannon was the founder and director of the Modern Accordion School of Champions and he personally taught the great Peter Soave using accordions produced and tuned by Vincenzo Borsini.

In 1981, in a joint project with Lars EK of Sweden, the nostalgic accordion was produced. This was a lightweight 4-voice accordion suited to the music of Frosini and Deiro.

Hohner Trossingen approached Vincenzo in 1985 to create a top quality free bass convertor line and it was during this time that he became friends with Franz Lindemeir, the quality control manager at Hohner. It was at the suggestion of Franz that Vincenzo produced an accordion for Hugo Noth, the musical director of the accordion department at the Trossingen Conservatory of Music. When Hugo played Vincenzo's accordion, he was so impressed by it that he embraced Vincenzo and refused to play any other accordion. When Hohner heard of Hugo Noth's accolade, they offered Vincenzo the job of senior technical manager with a fabulous salary, but Vincenzo declined, preferring his talent to benefit only Borsini.

Further advances were made in the bass mechanism of the free bass convertor models during 1988 when Vincenzo instructed the Gamma factory in Castelfidardo on the making of what became the system for the free bass convertor.

Vincenzo must surely be one of the most experienced technicians in Castelfidardo, he is also an amiable man who is now endeavouring to pass on his vast knowledge to younger employees of Borsini to encourage further developments and improvements in the accordion. He will readily co-operate with his competitors by giving them the benefit of his advice, playing their accordions and giving his opinion on possible improvements.

This is Vincenzo Borsini, musician, accordion player, teacher, tuner, technician - in his spare time: a tennis player and an undoubted legend in the accordion world.
Borsini logo


Счастливый Пасха

EasterМы желаем вам всем счастливой Пасхи и надеемся, что у вас будет возможность пообщаться с семьей и друзьями в Интернете или лично.

Это здорово, что мы смогли сообщить новости о пасхальных выступлениях, и мы надеемся, что в ближайшие месяцы будет больше живых концертов по всему миру.

Если у вас запланирован живой концерт, отправьте подробную информацию по адресу: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz

С наилучшими пожеланиями от команды Accordions Worldwide!


Видео: Всероссийский день баяна, аккордеона и губной гармошки, Москва - Россия

All Russia poster
Friedrich LipsВидео: подождите несколько секунд, пока загрузится видеофайл.
Концерт, посвященный Всероссийскому дню баяна, аккордеона и гармоники в Концертном зале РАМ им. Гнесиных 20 марта 2021 года. 2021AllRussiaMusicList.pdf

Российская академия музыки имени Гнесиных, кафедра баяна и аккордеона и Благотворительный фонд Фридриха Липса представляют Музыкальный колледж Российской академии музыки имени Гнесиных.


66 Аккордеонистов исполняют музыку Марка Перроне - Бельгия

La Vie poster
Benjamin Macke66 аккордеонистов недавно объединились, чтобы записать четыре композиции композитора музыки к фильму и диатониста Марка Перроне (рисунок ниже).

Видео и запись будут представлены на фолк-радио онлайн «La Vie est Folk» на Radio Passion FM в Бельгии.

Бенджамин Макке (фото слева) был приглашен ведущим шоу Яном Грэмом, чтобы рассказать о видео под названием «Мы все играем с Марком Перроне».

Шоу будет транслироваться онлайн в эти выходные.

Композитор и актер Марк Перрон (фото ниже) родился в 1951 году в Вильжюифе, Франция, снимался в таких фильмах, как «След», «L'Histoire du petit Paolo», «Море». Он также был народным музыкантом, гастролировал с окситанской группой Perlimpinpin Folc и собирал мелодии и песни в сельской местности на юге Франции.

Сейчас он хорошо известен своей сольной карьерой, композициями, благодаря которым он снялся в нескольких фильмах.
Marc Perrone


Конкурс «Гармоника-фест 2021», Москва - Россия

Competition poster
Конкурс «Гармоника-фест 2021» состоится 11 июня 2021 года в рамках празднования Дня России в городе Нахабино Красногорского городского округа Московской области.

Организаторами фестиваля выступают МАО «Клуб культурного досуга мечты» и Управление культуры и туризма администрации Красногорска, художественный руководитель - Георгий Илинский.

Конкурс будет включать категории для солистов аккордеона и баяна, ансамблей и оркестров (которые могут включать другие русские народные инструменты).

Возрастные категории включают:
• До 8 лет
• от 8 до 10 лет
• от 11 до 13 лет
• от 14 до 18 лет
• Отсутствие возрастных ограничений (семейные ансамбли, оркестры, музыканты-импровизаторы).

Цели фестиваля - способствовать развитию исполнительства народной музыки; пропагандировать искусство игры на губной гармошке и других музыкальных инструментах в традиционных формах народной музыки; создать высокохудожественный репертуар; выявление и поддержка талантливых музыкантов-любителей и повышение их квалификации; обучать детей и молодежь лучшим образцам народной музыки; оказывать творческую и методическую помощь специалистам, работающим с детьми.

Конкурсные программы должны включать традиционные народные мелодии с учетом импровизационной и эстрадной техники, оригинальные авторские сочинения и произведения современных композиторов.

Солисты могут исполнять программу до 5 минут, ансамбли и оркестры (до 8 минут).

Прием заявок заканчивается 30 апреля 2021 г.

Скачать правила конкурса и форму заявки на русском языке можно здесь: 2021HarmonicafestRules.pdf


Аккордеонный документальный фильм для финского телевидения - Финляндия

Jörgen SundeqvistВидео: документальный фильм об аккордеоне, представленный Пяйви Меттяля на финском языке по финскому телевидению.

Йорген Сундеквист (Jörgen Sundeqvist фото слева) завершил работу над коротким документальным фильмом из архива Dragspels (аккордеон) в Крамфорсе, Финляндия. На этой неделе фильм, который представил Пяйви Меттяля, транслировался в прямом эфире по финскому телевидению.

Йорген говорит, что фильм является «невероятно хорошим пиаром для муниципалитета Крамфорса и удивительной и уникальной аккордеонной традиции, которая существует здесь, в Крамфорсе и Одалене. Было также много превосходной степени и положительных отзывов от тех, кто руководил программой.

Мы продолжим наше прекрасное сотрудничество с Финляндией, где в ближайшем будущем появятся новые интересные и увлекательные совместные проекты ».


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Gorka Hermosa Releases New CD “Fragilissimo” - Spain

GorkaVideo: "Fragilissimo" by Gorka Hermosa.

Gorka Hermosa has just released his new CD entitled “Fragilissimo”. This is his 9th CD and it includes his most performed compositions internationally.

A total of 11 solo compositions make up his new album including "Gernika”, "Fragilissimo", "Alabei", "Northern Lights", "Goya: Capricho 43", "Oda", "Pater Noster", "Paco", "Anantango" and "Saudade Arctic". The album culminates with Gorka’s “Variations on Libertango” in tribute to Astor Piazzolla on the 100th anniversary of his birth, a composer whose influence has been of vital importance in his career.

A live presentation of the new album was held at the University of Cantabria on March 26th, 2021.

“The reason I have decided to record this album entirely solo is because it is the way in which my works are most performed by conservatory students and teachers from all over the world. It's nice to see how others interpret them, but I wanted to leave recorded my version, the original version, which I think will be a reference for those who perform them," explains Gorka Hermosa about the origin and motivation of his new album.

For details email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Romano Viazzani Ensemble “Terminal Tango” Competition – UK

Romano Viazzani Ensemble
Romano ViazzaniVideo: “Terminal Tango” from London Tango album by the Romano Viazzani Ensemble.

The Romano Viazzani Ensemble have released a video of “Terminal Tango” from their recent album “London Tango”. The piece is an Argentine-style Tango Nuevo with a London twist that combines footage of the ensemble playing the track with some fabulous archive footage depicting various forms of travel including some famous journey start-points and end-points.

ZZ Music are running a competition and will send out a copy of the London Tango CD to anyone who manages to name all 11 journey departure points in the video. There are 3 railway termini, 2 London underground stations, 4 regular railway stations and 2 airports. Nine of these are in the UK and two are in mainland Europe.

Email the answers by April 30th, 2021 along with your name and address to: info@zzmusic.uk


Sofia Ros Star Candidate at London Young Musician of the Year Season 4

Sofia RosVideo: Sofia Ros González performing Scherzo Toccata by Londonov.

Accordionist Sofia Ros González (Spain) is a Star Candidate at the 2020/2021 London Young Musician (LYM) of the Year Season 4 International Online Music Competition.

The competition is open to all classical musical instruments and vocalists under the age of 28. Its aim is to support the worldwide learning and creation of classical music and to provide pathways and resources which can be used by music learners to build higher musical skills and encourage progress.

This year-end the competition consists of a Pre-Screening Selection (offline) and a Final Round (livestream) using the same video submitted.

The final round will be livestream by True Art Tv. Both jury members and the audience vote to determine the final results.

Sofia has won numerous competitions including the 2021 British College of Accordionists BCA Festival 85th Anniversary in Category B (Classical Junior - see picture below).

Accordions Worldwide wishes Sofia all the best in this competition.
Sofia 1st


Salvatore Cauteruccio New CD “Accordion Solo” - Italy

Salvatore Cauteruccio New CDVideo: Dal Buio Dell'anima by Roberto Musolino

"Accordion solo" is the new album by accordionist Salvatore Cauteruccio released on the NSJ record label and includes pieces by composer Roberto Musolino.

The CD comes with a sheet music book dedicated to accordionists who will want to interpret the songs of "Accordion solo"

Salvatore Cauteruccio says “A record in itself, is the moment when the musician lays bare his soul, he can only be himself and tell through the notes he will have to interpret, every breath and his every thought without the protection and comfort of other instruments. My accordion was my breath and every time I wish it would come to you as a sign of love for music and for life”.

For details email: salvatorecauteruccio77@gmail.com


Bayan and Accordion Concert in St. Petersburg - Russia

A concert for bayan and accordion was held at the White Hall of SPBPU in St. Petersburg, Russia on March 28th, 2021.

The event featured performances by students of the SPBGK N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov class of Alexander Dmitriev, Arseniy Kiryukhin, Maxim Gorokhov, Vera Malikova, Stepan Armasar, Egor Pyshonin, Artyom Tretyakov, Andrey Kolesnik, Ivan Kishkin as well as Lyubov Startseva and Fyodor Lviv.


Bachtopus Releases 5th Commission from Composers Commissioning Fund - USA

BachtopusVideo: Fifth commission from the Bachtopus 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund - "Scintillation In Isolation".

Bachtopus is excited to release the fifth commission from their 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund, which was written for them by composer and accordionist Will Holshouser.

"Scintillation in Isolation" was composed during the general quarantine in New York City, USA during the spring of 2020. The title refers to the quiet maintenance of hope in the midst of fear and chaos, and the sharing of that hope through music, arts, and acts of solidarity.

Bachtopus members are accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Mayumi Miyaoka, and Jeanne Velonis. Their 2020 Composer Commissioning Fund is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).


Caterina Fiorentini New CD - Italy

CD coverVideo: Caterina Fiorentini

Caterina Fiorentini has released a new CD entitled “Cioccolata” (Chocolate). The CD includes the song “Chocolate” by Caterina, accompanied by Alessandro Cubi (acoustic guitar).

The CD also includes a variety of pieces and collaborations by Swiss poet Andreas Moser (music of his poem "Anemone"), alto Carlotta Buiatti (who sings "Alcione"), Caterina’s sister Erna Fiorentini (keyboards), and brother Vincenzo Fiorentini (classical guitar).

A special song by Alessandro Cubi entitled “Dove Vibrano” which is dedicated to Caterina and her accordion is also included.

For details email: cate.fiorentini@gmail.com


Cancelled: 2021 Akkordeonale International Accordion Festival - Germany

Akkordeonale poster
Organisers regret to announce that unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic leaves them no choice but to cancel this year's Akkordeonale Festival, which was due to be held at the Domicil Jazz & Blues Club in Dortmund, Germany on April 29th. They hope for better times and are looking forward to the Akkordeonale 2022.

If you have questions regarding the return and refund for last year's tickets (as the 2020 event was cancelled also) please contact your local concert promoters.

Organisers are already planning new dates for the Akkordeonale 2022. Stay tuned.


Будущие события

“Mr Accordion Man” Easter Entertainment – Australia

EasterMr Accordion Man“Mr Accordion Man” (Frank Miranda) will entertain at the “Pasta in the Valley” Italian Restaurant in Caversham, Western Australia over Easter on April 3rd and 5th from midday to 3pm.

For details email: bookings@pastainthevalley.com.au

“Mr Accordion Man” has just completed three days of performing at the 2021 Perth Cocktail Festival which was a fun event of dancing, cocktails, food and entertainment!


Online: Frederic Deschamps Masterclass – France

FD poster
Frederic Deschamps (France) will hold an online Masterclass (Youtube) on April 3rd, 2021. The event will feature guest artist Lev Solomonovic (Moldova) and will be available in English language.


Online: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International Workshops - USA

The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) are running 2021 online Wednesday Workshops which are free to members and $15 for non-members.

Each of the workshops will be 30 minutes duration.

Dates are:
• April 7th: "The Anatomy of the Accordion" by Frank Busso
• April 14th: "Friedrich Lips Life Achievements" by Herbert Scheibenreif

For details email: atg.accordioniststeachersguild@gmail.com


Anthony Schulz Performs in “From Paris to Brazil” Show – Australia

Accordionist Anthony Schulz (picture above) will accompany Jackie Bornstein (vocals) at the “From Paris to Brazil” jazz show held at the Open Studio in Northcote, Victoria, Australia on April 10th, 2021 at 6.30pm.

The show will take the audience on a journey through the jazz manouche of Paris, the nuevo canción of Chile and the bossa nova of Brazil.

Featuring a mixture of swing, bossa and poetry-driven songs by influential composers including Antonio Carlos Jobim, Maria Grever, Charles Trenet, Kurt Weill, Jacques Brel, Violetta Para and more.

Other jazz musicians include Nathan Slater (guitar) and Nick Haywood (bass).


Alex Meixner Band at Rock’n River Walk Concert Series – USA

AM poster
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at the Rock’n River Walk concert at the Riverwalk
Stage in Downtown Stuart, Florida, USA on April 11th.

This concert is part of a regular Sunday afternoon series held weekly from 1pm to 4pm.

For details please email: info@historicdowntownstuart.com


Heather Gladstone Performs at ANZAC Tribute – New Zealand

ANZAC poster
Heather Gladstone QSMHeather Gladstone QSM (picture left) will accompany and direct the St Albans Community Choir at their ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) tribute concert on April 18th, 2021 at 5pm in association with The New Brighton Silver Band.

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served".

The concert, entitled “Marching Away with a Song in Their Hearts” will take place at St Paul’s Church in Christchurch and entry is by donation.

Their program will include music people would have danced to at that time, such as: Alexanders Rag time Band, Dont sit under the apple tree, Hang out your washing on the Siegfried Line, Kiss me Good night, Suvla Bay (a ballad that originates from the first world war), Lili Marlene, and several Vera Lynn numbers that the choir will sing along with the Brass Band.

For details phone: 021 644 092


“Scythian” Live Outdoor Concert in Virginia – USA

“Scythian” Live Outdoor Concert poster
Popular band “Scythian” are excited to announce that they have two live outdoor concerts scheduled for May 7th and 8th, 2021 at the B-Chord Brewery in Round Hill, Virginia, USA. The concerts are entitled “Big Hooley II: Throwdown at the Hoedown!

The band, which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka, will have special guests performing each evening with them including Stevie Rees on May 7th for a “Ragin' Cajun night”, and Ben-David Warner on May 8th “to bring in the Moonshiner's Ball”.

The outdoor venue is on a lawn with limited seating so bookings are essential. Groups will be seated 10 feet apart.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com
Dan Fedoryka


Новые и обновленные сайты

Fisitalia Updated Website, Castelfidardo - Italy

Fisitalia logoFisitalia by Ci. & Emme. srl is a young company in the world accordion scene being launched on the market in 1995 by Giuseppe Chiaraluce, tuner, and Piero Montecchiani, mechanical and keyboard specialist.

Since those beginnings, the reputation of Fisitalia accordions has been exported all over the world.

Fisitalia have just updated their website which focusses on the excellence of their craftsmanship and how proud they are to be high quality 100% Italian made accordions.

Downloadable catalog (PDF) of the complete Fisitalia range from childrens models, piano and chromatic to professional concert piano and chromatic models with free bass. https://www.fisitalia.com/cataloghi/


Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA

John BonicaBook CoverUpdated Site: John Bonica , PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), author of the book "Play the Accordion Without Pain" site updated to include new information.

The book was written just prior to his unexpected passing in March 2018.


Уильям Шиммель 2021 Мастер-класс и серия концертов AAA в Нью-Йорке - США

William SchimmelАмериканская ассоциация аккордеонистов (AAA) представит серию мастер-классов и концертов 2021 года с доктором Уильямом Шиммелем, модератором и куратором с 30 июля по 1 августа 2021 года. Это мероприятие будет проводиться онлайн так же, как и очень успешное мероприятие 2020 года.

Названные «Время сумерек» (Волшебное место от света до тьмы), мастер-класс и серия концертов AAA будут включать ежедневные мастер-классы с 15:00 до 16:00 и концерты с 16:00 до 17:00.

Загрузите флаер AAA Masterclass для получения полного списка участников и информации о бронировании: 2021AAAMasterClass.pdf Онлайн-бронирование по адресу: http://www.ameraccord.com/annualmasterclass.php


Фонд музыкального искусства Мэри и Фрэнка Токарски - США

Logo Mary & Frank Tokarski Musical Arts Fund
Стандартное восточное время. 2018 Мэри Токарски (Mary Tokarski).

В 2018 году Мэри Токарски учредила Фонд музыкальных искусств Мэри и Фрэнка Токарски (Mary & Frank Tokarski Musical Arts Fund), которым управляет Фонд сообщества Большого Нью-Хейвена, чтобы молодые люди могли «испытать богатство и радость, которые приносит создание музыки».

Фонд носит имя ее мужа в честь бесконечной поддержки, которую он оказывал музыкальной карьере Мэри Токарски.

Начиная с июля 2021 года, Фонд начнет предоставлять одну или несколько стипендий и грантов молодым музыкантам (в возрасте до 26 лет), желающим продвинуться в учебе и / или улучшить свои музыкальные навыки игры на аккордеоне посредством внеклассных программ и мероприятий. и для этого потребуется финансовая помощь.

Подать заявку могут ученики средней школы North Haven, участники фестиваля Американской ассоциации аккордеонистов (AAA) и студенты членов AAA.

Крайний срок подачи заявок - 15 мая 2021 года, и на июльском мероприятии AAA Festival будут объявлены одна (или несколько) наград разной суммы - лично или виртуально.

Фонд музыкальных искусств Мэри и Фрэнка Токарски будет предоставлять стипендии на основе финансовых потребностей и академической успеваемости молодым музыкантам, которые в настоящее время зачислены или подали заявку на поступление на программу обучения в аккредитованном колледже или университете с требуемой учебной программой, ведущей к получению степени бакалавра или диплом младшего специалиста по музыке, желательно по аккордеону в качестве основного инструмента.

Особое внимание будет уделено тем, кто планирует использовать аккордеон как неотъемлемую часть своих карьерных планов.

Бланки заявлений и все необходимые документы должны быть отправлены или отправлены по электронной почте по адресу:
Фонд музыкального искусства Мэри и Фрэнка Токарских
835 Mix Avenue
Квартира T1
Hamden, CT 06514

Заявки и информация: Фонд музыкального искусства Мэри и Фрэнка Токарских
Вопросы, пояснения и запросы на заявки следует направлять Марии Токарски по адресу: mary.tokarski@comcast.net.


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