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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Feb-2019
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Особенности Highlights

Ежегодный круиз Финской Аккордеонной Ассоциации - Финляндия, Швеция
Зимний Аккордеонный Фестиваль в Кокколе - Финляндия
XІІ Международный Баяно-Аккордеонный Конкурс «Perpetuum Mobile» - Украина
Международный музыкальный конкурс Stradella 2019 - Италия
Международный Аккордеонный Праздник Leavenworth 2019 - США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Franck Angelis Two New Works Published - France
Michael Bridge & Ladom Ensemble Release New Album - Canada
French Accordionist and Composer Louis Ledrich Passed Away Last Week
And All Because of a Bumper Sticker - USA
New DVD Release by Pierre Andre - France
Aiden Gort Receives Scholarship for Accordion Repair - USA

Будущие события

Accordionists Perform with Camerata String Ensemble and Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble – USA
Valentine’s Day Concert – Belgium
Romano Viazzani Ensemble Concert – England
Future Book on History of the accordion in Malta

Новые и обновленные сайты

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

CD Отзывы

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

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Особенности Highlights

Ежегодный круиз Финской Аккордеонной Ассоциации - Финляндия, Швеция

Finnish Cruise
Финская Аккордеонная Ассоциация (Suomen Harmonikkalitto SHL) провела свой 28-й ежегодный круиз по сбору средств из Турку, Финляндия, в Стокгольм, Швеция и обратно на корабле «Балтийская принцесса». Лодка линии Silja Cruise была заполнена до 2000 аккордеонистов и представляла множество приглашенных артистов, концертов, конкурсов, выставок, джем-сейшнов и социальных мероприятий.
Среди мероприятий были квалификации SHL для CIA Coupe Mondiale. Среди кандидатов были Анниина Лууккайнен и Лина Понтинен (фортепиано), Пильви Хута, Соня Лампинен, Хере Рувинен, Эвелиина Уитто (диатоник), Вилма Вирен, Янина Суйкола и Лида-София Ханхикоски (альт), причем категория с участием гостей хорошо известна. Финская художница Вийви-Мария Сарренкиля.

Жюри, в состав которого вошли Паси Хирвонен, президент ЦРУ Мирко Патарини (Италия) и Сирпа Кайнулайнен, утвердили Пильви Хухта, Соню Лампинен и Янину Суйкколу для представления Финляндии на предстоящих соревнованиях Coupe Mondiale в Шэньчжэне, Китай, в Junior Virtuoso Entertainment, Senior Virtuoso Entertainment и World Music категории.
В концертах приняли участие победители Международного конкурса мировой музыки Coupe Mondiale 2018 года, The Pillers, в состав которого входят Даниэль Пиллер (аккордеон) и Дарко Пиллер (скрипка) из Сербии, популярный финский вокалист Эйла Пиенимяки в сопровождении президента Финской Аккордеонной Ассоциации Киммо Маттила, группы Ларса Карлссона Глен Qvarnström и польские короли, известный 90-летний Вейкко Ахвенаинен и его жена Карина Нордлунд, Pirttilahti Tango Experience с уникальной группой из семи бандонеонистов и струнных и многих других.
На торжественной церемонии закрытия популярному дирижеру Хна-Майя Ваннемаа была вручена премия «Аккордеонист года». Награда была вручена предыдущей победительницей Вииви-Марией Сааренкиля. Аккордеонный оркестр Valtakunnallinen Nuorten Хены-Майи исполнил серию пьес на заключительном концерте, завершив захватывающий круиз.
Cruise Orchestra


Зимний Аккордеонный Фестиваль в Кокколе - Финляндия

Raimo VertainenposterЗимний аккордеонный фестиваль в Кокколе будет проходить в Кокколе с 10 по 17 февраля, организованный художественным руководителем Раймо Вертейненом (фото слева). Событие будет включать в себя различные аккордеонные выступления и стили, включая классику, фолк, рок, развлечения и джаз.

Среди приглашенных артистов Джорджио Деллароле (Италия), Ойвинд Фармен (Норвегия), Ларс Карлссон (Швеция) и Esse Quintet (Россия), Трио Фратрес, другие артисты, фигурирующие на плакатах, а также известные финские артисты и оркестры. Скачать постеры: 2019Kokkola.pdf

На заключительном концерте выступит очень популярный оркестр Guardia Nueva под управлением Раймо Вертейнена с солистами Микой Похьонен и Дженни Сторбакой.

Для дальнейших деталей - электронная почта Harriet Jossfolk-Furu: harrietjfuru@gmail.com


XІІ Международный Баяно-Аккордеонный Конкурс «Perpetuum Mobile» - Украина

“Perpetuum Mobile” header
Закрытие заявок на участие в XII Международном конкурсе баянов-аккордеонистов «Perpetuum Mobile», проходившем в Дрогобыче, Львовская область (Украина), с 3 по 6 мая. Учредителями конкурса являются Министерство образования и науки Украины; Дрогобыч Иван Франко Государственный педагогический университет; Институт Музыкального Искусства; Дрогобыч Василий Барвинский Музыкальный Колледж; Национальный Украинский Музыкальный Альянс; Государственный научно-методический центр содержания культурно-художественного образования.

Целью конкурса является популяризация народно-инструментального искусства, выявление и повышение уровня профессионального образования творческой молодежи, унификация методов обучения и популяризация исполнительского искусства баян-аккордеона в Украине и мире.

В состав жюри войдут учителя, исполнители и композиторы из разных стран мира. Ожидаются участники из Украины, Беларуси, Литвы, Казахстана, Латвии, Сербии, Польши, Италии, России, Германии, Башкортостана, Словакии, Чехии, Франции, Великобритании, Австралии, Болгарии и Молдовы.

В конкурсе будут участвовать возрастные категории для солистов, ансамблей, студентов музыкально-педагогических учебных заведений, исполнителей народной, эстрадной и джазовой музыки, ансамблей и оркестров смешанных народных инструментов.

Помимо конкурсов, пройдут концерты, мастер-классы, встречи, конференции, методические семинары, обмен музыкальной и научной литературой, видео и аудиозаписи.

Пожалуйста, нажмите здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с правилами соревнований и информацией для участия: 2019PerpetuumRules.pdf


Международный музыкальный конкурс Stradella 2019 - Италия

Accademia del Ridotto
Accademia logoRegistrations for the 2019 Stradella International Music Competition organised by the Accademia del Ridotto close on March 10th, 2019. The event will be held at the Stradella Theatre, Vicolo Faravelli, 2, Stradella (PV) from April 4th to 7th.

The competition is open to musicians from any country and will include accordion categories for a variety of age groups in classical, virtuoso/variety, jazz, diatonic and ensemble music.

There will also be a professional performance prize for accordion “Mariano Dallapé” Accordion Prize.

Winners will be awarded with prize money, concert opportunities and scholarships to study at the Accademia del Ridotto.

Click here for competition rules: 2019AccademiaRules.pdf


Международный Аккордеонный Праздник Leavenworth 2019 - США

Poster: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration 2019
Международный Аккордеонный Праздник Ливенуорт (LIAC) 2019, 20-23 июня 2019
Дополнительная информация будет онлайн в ближайшее время.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Franck Angelis Two New Works Published - France

Franck AngelisVery popular French composer Franck Angelis has published and made available for international sale two new works:
ang568 - Spleen (Solo) View information and sample page
ang569 - Fantaisie (Solo) View information and sample page

The music is in pdf format sent to the client by email.


Michael Bridge & Ladom Ensemble Release New Album - Canada

“The Walls are Made of Song” albumAccordionist Michael Bridge and the Ladom Ensemble have released a new album, "The Walls are Made of Song”. A unique ensemble — accordion, cello, piano, & hand percussion — Ladom Ensemble was formed 10 years ago at the University of Toronto and has toured across Canada.

You may have noticed their name is “modal” spelled backwards, which points to their Persian and Balkan musical influences, along with Tango, Classical and Celtic flavours which form their musical tapestry.

The title track, “The Walls are Made of Song”, was inspired by one of Rumi’s poems, which reads: “In the house of lovers, the music never stops, the walls are made of song, and the floor dances.” It was written by the ensemble’s pianist and resident composer, Pouya Hamidi.

Through their original music, adaptations of classical and folk tunes from Iran, the Balkans, Central Europe, Argentina (and many more), and their collaborations with Canadian composers – they do not represent any one tradition but instead present a uniquely Canadian mosaic of coming together through music in a divided world.

Available on iTunes, Amazon and Spotify

Accordionist Michael Bridge has been a full-time member of the ensemble for the past five years and is pursuing his doctorate in accordion performance at the University of Toronto.


French Accordionist and Composer Louis Ledrich Passed Away Last Week

Louis LedrichFrench accordionist and composer Louis Ledrich (from Alsace, of German descent) died last week. Louis performed numerous concerts during his career and has released several albums comprising of 108 tracks. His best known composition is Printemps d'Alsace (Spring in Alsace).


And All Because of a Bumper Sticker - USA

Art Piel“Who is this crazy person tailgating me??”, thought my good friend and fellow accordionist, JoAnn Pankow. She was driving to the Carver Center in Purcellville, Virginia to return containers that she uses to prepare and deliver meals through the center’s home-delivered meals program.

The woman behind the wheel, Karen Michaels, was not going to give up. She pulled into the left lane of the road (yes, where oncoming traffic could be an issue!) and asked JoAnn to please stop. She did, and what a sweet meeting that turned out to be!! Why did Karen tailgate and stop JoAnn? Karen had been desperate to find other accordionists to play with her father. Then she saw JoAnn’s “I’d Rather Be Squeezin’” bumper sticker.

Karen’s father, Art Piel, is an accomplished accordionist. Art now has Alzheimer’s and has moved near his daughter to a dementia facility. Karen wanted to keep her father busy and fulfilled, so she signed him up as an official volunteer in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Karen and Art were on their way to — you guessed it — the Carver Center where Art would play accordion for an adult daycare group. JoAnn returned her containers, then walked over to where Art was playing the popular music of the 1940s. She sat at the piano and joined him. Art was so pleased!

“My father lives in the moment,” Karen said. “If it’s a joyful moment, he will remember being happy.” She spoke of her father’s love of the accordion and of music in general. Art taught himself to play the accordion at the age of 5, then took lessons on and off, but he mainly plays by ear.

Art worked on his sight-reading skills when the Connecticut Accordion Orchestra was formed. He loved playing with this group, then under the direction of Linda Soley Reed. Linda described Art as “the sweetest person I have ever met. He always volunteered to help with everything and anything and was always the first to arrive at rehearsals and performances.” It was sad for all when it became apparent that Art was losing his memory.

“My father is still physically fine, but the dementia has become very advanced. This doesn’t take away his passion for music and he still plays with feeling,” Karen noted. She asked JoAnn if she would consider accompanying her father again. JoAnn drove to the facility where Art now lives. His roommate is an accomplished guitar player and they frequently play together. JoAnn joined the duo playing the hits of the 40s. This time she brought her accordion. Art was thrilled!

Karen reflected on that first amazing meeting with JoAnn, which she feels was “God’s intervention.” Karen was running late that day, and she is almost never late for anything. “That car with the bumper sticker was RIGHT in front of me! If I had been on time....”
Bumper Sticker


New DVD Release by Pierre Andre - France

Pierre Andre DVDA new DVD by accordionist Pierre Andre entitled “N’arrete pas le vent” is now available. The DVD, which includes 17 tracks, is less traditional than his previous recordings and focuses on the sea, the south, the land and love.

It is intended to give listeners enjoyment, to make your day sunnier and to help you forget your worries!


Aiden Gort Receives Scholarship for Accordion Repair - USA

AWAM logo
Aiden GortIn honor of Ronny Setniker’s life, his daughter Shelby suggested the monies raised at A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) recent memorial event be used as a scholarship to benefit a promising accordionist who has expressed interest studying accordion repair at the institution. Ron Setniker, who died in 2018, was a professional accordionist, a popular entertainer, and active in many aspects of the accordion world.

Sixteen year old Aiden Gort of South Range, WI, has been chosen as recipient of this award enabling six two-hour apprenticeships at the museum and Harrington’s book, “A Technician’s Manual for Understanding Procedures”. His studies will include familiarity with major members of the accordion family, their quality criteria, and basic handling and repair procedures.


Будущие события

Accordionists Perform with Camerata String Ensemble and Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble – USA

Camerata String QuartetOn February 3rd, Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca will perform with the Camerata String Ensemble (founded by Victor Lionti) at the at Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Room 200 Theatre, Classroom Building, Valhalla, New York. Mary and Mario have performed with them before as the Victor Lionti String Quartet, at their annual Candlelight Christmas Concert.

This performance will include an afternoon of great classics that you don't want to miss!

A few days later on February 7th, Mary and Mario will perform with the Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble at the Taormina Restaurant, 59 Hudson Ave., Peekskill, New York.

As well as an evening of great accordion music and a delicious Italian style meal, tenor Rinaldo Toglia will join them to entertain you.

For further concert details email: manciniandtacca@gmail.com
Hudson Valley Ensemble


Valentine’s Day Concert – Belgium

Accordionist, composer and arranger, Gjovalin Nonaj will perform a Valentine’s Day concert on February 17th at Salle du Centre Européen de Médiations, 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies in Brussels.

For concert information phone: +32 479.640.534


Romano Viazzani Ensemble Concert – England

Roman Viazzani EnsembleThe Romano Viazzani Ensemble will entertain at the Pizza Express Jazz Club in Soho, London on March 10th. The concert will be a preview of the music for their forthcoming album of the same name which includes Argentine dance music as well as some of the most evocative and exhilarating original tango music from Argentina and around the world including works by Astor Piazzolla.

The group (pictured) includes Romano Viazzani (accordion), Corinna Hentschel (violin), Yaron Stavi (double bass), Jonathan Preiss (electric guitar), John Bailey (piano), Joanna Strand (vocals) and Jacqui Tate (vocals).


Future Book on History of the accordion in Malta

Philip_MaltaThe “Times of Malta” newspaper printed an article last week regarding Philip Agius, an accordion student of Carmelo Abela who would like to publish a book on the history of the accordion (piano accordion, chromatic accordion and concertina) in Malta and Gozo Islands, which will also include a directory of living accordionists.

Philip has performed in Christmas processions organised by the Christian Doctrine Museum Society and over Christmas last year he played the accordion in front of the Pietà chapel to raise awareness of the fact that the chapel needed restoration. (see picture)

If you have any information to contribute for the book, please send to: PO Box 16, Msida, Malta.


Новые и обновленные сайты

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

World Accordon Day Header
World Accordion Day LogoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

Hymn to Aphrodite CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Recent years Lips CD's:
CD028 Hymn to Aphrodite CD
CD027 Fachwerk | Kapote CD
CD026 Night Flowers CD
CD025 Lips Concerto CD
CD024 Under The Sign of Scorpio CD
CD023 Cocktail "Rio Rita" CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD022 Viva Voce CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD021 ecLipse CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD020 ¡Buenos Dias, Astor! CD & eTracks mp3 album


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