27 Junio 2008
Weekly news from around the world

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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

De todo el mundo
El Festival Ikaalinen Sata Hame Soi empieza – Finlandia
2ª Competición International de Acordeonistas – Brasil
¡Ernst Pfister en su último destino! – Alemania
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos,etc
Michael Vigneau Evenings Springtime – France
Aidar Gainullin Appears at Auction – Russia
Marco Franconi obtains scholarship – Italy
Stolen Accordion, Martinez, California – USA
Proximos enventos
Philip Buttall Compositions Featured - USA
Duo Paris-Moscow Training Course, Bourboule - France
Valle del Savuto Competition in Belsito (CS) – Italy
Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert - UK
"Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Weekend" - UKE
Thierry Benetoux
Critica De CD
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados

De todo el mundo
Yehuda Oppenheimer
El Festival Ikaalinen Sata Hame Soi empieza – Finlandia
Proporcionado por Harley Jones

El famoso Festival y Concurso Sata Hame Soi ha empezado en Ikaalinen Finlandia.  El magnífico arranque del evento fue el miércoles y se pueden leer los reportes diarios en Internet a cargo de Kevin Friedrich.
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
2ª Competición International de Acordeonistas – Brasil
Proporcionado por el Presidente Lauro Valerio, Asociación de Acordeonistas de Brasil

La 2ª Competición Internacional de Acordeonistas será del 21 al  23 de Agosto de 2008. La Competición está promovida y organizada por la Asociación de Acordeonistas de Brasil.

La característica del evento es que el hotel y la comida para los candidatos será ofrecida por los organizadores durante los días de la competición. Este evento intenta estimular la cultura y fomentar el perfeccionamiento de los acordeonistas brasileños y sudamericanos, y situar a Brasil y Sudamérica en el circuito internacional de competiciones de acordeón.

EL jurado incluirá a Bruno Moritz (Ganador de la 1ª Competición Internacional en Brasil), Prof. David Saidel, Carlos Gallizia (Vice-presidente de la Asociación de Acordeonistas de Brasil), Mirco Patarini y Waldonys.

La Asociación de Acordeonistas de Brasil ha realizado un reportaje fotográfico de la reciente y exitosa gira de conciertos de Paolo Gandolfo (Italia) y la generosa donación de un acordeón histórico a la asociación de Brasil.

Para más información sobre la competición escribir al e-mail: concurso@valerio.com.br
Accordion Jazz Chords
¡Ernst Pfister en su último destino! – Alemania
Proporcionado por Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Después de tres completos periodos de Trossingen a Rottweil, de Oberndorf-Böchingen a Sulz y de Gomaringen a Pliezhausen, con muchos destacados musicales, con más de 2.000 visitantes y prominentes caminantes a expensas de disfrutar la caminata de Ernst Pfister hasta los periodos finales, desde Bietigheim Bissingen a Ludwigsburg hasta su destino final en Stuttgart.

Para el gran final, el Ministro Pfister tiene el apoyo prominente para su iniciativa en Ludwigsburg, cuando Klaus Herrmann, MdL le prometió estar presente.

Ya el sábado en el evento musical en Bietigheim,  Eberhard Gienger, el antiguo campeón del mundo en ejercicio y hoy como MP en  Bietigiheim, honrará el evento. Otros invitados importantes son el Dr. Utz Remlinger, representantes del Consejo Nacional y el alcalde Juergen Kessing.

El comienzo del 4º periodo es el sábado 28 de Junio de 2008 a las 10.45h en el Landes-Musik-Festival, en Bietigheim-Bissingen.  El encuentro continúa el domingo 29 de Junio de 2008 a las 11h en frente del castillo Schloss Solitude.

El Primer Ministro de Baden-Wuerttemberg, Guenther Oettinger, como muestra de su apoyo al comité de juventud para la música y la cultura asistirá el domingo por la mañana al comienzo del encuentro musical en el Schloss Solitude.

¡Estad allí cuando el Ministro de Economía Ernst Pfister haga efectiva su promesa de caminar de Trossingen a Stuttgart!  Todo el mundo es invitado a tomar parte andando y hacienda música si lo deseáis o simplemente participad estando presente en este extraordinario evento.

 Para más información escribir a: SZimmer@hohner.de
Ernest Deffner Music catalog
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos, concursos, etc
Fisitalia Black
Michael Vigneau Evenings Springtime – France
Contributed by Frederic Deschamps

Last month was the launching of Evenings Springtime presented by Philippe G in Périgueux at the Garden Ice Café. The evening was an exceptional show with dancers, several DJ's and Mickaël Vigneau! Mickaël Vigneau turned establishment heads with his arrangement, mixs' and remixs' incorporating the accordion including accordion with MIDI.

In addition to being a DJ and an accordionist, Mickaël Vigneau is also producer and mixer and arranger for "Paris-Havana" in which the accordion holds a dominant role.

Mickael Vigneau has also been demonstrating accordions for the Hohner company and on May 31st, he was performing in the department store Gert Nijkamp of Apeldoorn (Amsterdam).

Aidar Gainullin Appears at Auction – Russia

A benefit auction for children with leukaemia was organized by Raisa Gorbacheva and took place in London on June 7th. Together with other Olympic champions in figure skating like Alexej Tichobov and Maria Petrova, was Aidar Gainullin, the prize-winner of various international accordion competitions.

Also present was: Chulpan Chamatova, Michail Gorbachev (picture right with Aidar), Hugh Grant, Bon,o Kiril Serebrennikov, Aleksandr and Evgeny Lebedev, plus about 600 invited audience.

Prizes at the auction included a car from Bently, a lunch with Gorbachev, a tennis match with well-known German tennis player Boris Becker in what was a quite remarkable fund raiser for children with leukaemia.
Yuri Medianik CD's for sale
Marco Franconi obtains scholarship – Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordionist Marco Franconi of Ussita (Macerata, Italy), and student of Alessandro Mugnoz at the Institute "GB Pergolesi" of Ancona, has recently obtained the prize of a scholarship, as the best accordion student for the academic year 2007/08.

The young accordionist recently participated (with flattering successes) in different competitions and concerts, such as "Young People Yesterday" in Ancona, where - along with accordionist Luigino Pallotta (another promising student of Maestro Mugnoz) -- performed with considerable maturity and skill, a program "between the serious and popular music"

For Information contact: amugnoz@wooowfast.it
An  A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard
Stolen Accordion, Martinez, California – USA
Contributed by Harley Jones

A new listing on the Stolen Accordion site concerns the accordion stolen recently from Charles R Smith. Accordionists are reminded to report all stolen accordions to this site to hopefully discourage future thefts and make the accordions harder to sell.

You are welcome to send in details of thefts in the last 3 years if the accordion has not been recovered. Submit on the Stolen Accordion site.

Niek van Uden (pictured) who also had an accordion lost recently has written an article "Recovering a Lost Accordion" about the experience.
Inaki Alberdi Accordeon
Proximos eventos
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Philip Buttall Compositions Featured - USA
Contributed by Patricia Bartell

The Spokane Accordion Orchestra, WA will be performing one of Philip Buttall’s compositions (Princess Grainne's Air and Jig) at their bi-annual concert titled Around The World. This concert will be held on July 1, 2008 at St. Marks Lutheran Church Spokane, WA conducted by Patricia Bartell.

Additionally, the Lone Ar-ranger solo composed by Philip Buttall is probably going to be popular again in 2008 with performers in Montana and Seattle for the Leavenworth and Kimberley International Accordion Festivals. The winner last year performed this work in the Leavenworth Open Category.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Duo Paris-Moscow Training Course, Bourboule - France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Duo Paris Moscow training course in La Bourboule, Auvergne, will be held from the 9th to 14th August, 2008. Dominique Emorine and Roman Jbanov, the Duo Paris Moscow, have designed their course to be suitable for all ages, different types of accordion including standard bass and free bass, and greatly different levels of ability.

Each day comprises individual and group sessions. The final concert will be at 21:00 hours, 14 August in La Bourboule, Auvergne.

Further information email: duopm@orange.fr
Charnwood Graded Music
Valle del Savuto Competition in Belsito (CS) – Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The 1st National Accordion Competition of Valle del Savuto for accordion, keyboard electronics and organ is to be held on 19th and 20th July 2008 in Belsito (CS).

On Saturday and Sunday evening (from 9 pm onwards) the winners of each category will have a chance to present themselves, at the outdoors stage of the local “piazza” square of the city. Special guest and President of the Jury will be famous French performer Jean Louis Noton.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert - UK

The Craven Accordion Orchestra are to hold their Summer Concert at Skipton Town Hall Saturday, 8 pm on the 12th July 2008

The Orchestra now in its 14th year consists of varied abilities from novice up to musicians of the highest level, some of whom are National Champions. The program contains a varied selection appealing to all tastes; from popular standards, light classical to modern film theme music plus the traditional big band sound.

Also featuring on the concert will be National Prize winners from the 2008 British Championships featuring young soloists Megan Parkinson and Erin Cokell, the successful ensembles and Max Verity (achievement for highest Exam marks).

Guest Artist is Thom Hardaker, who is currently a student of the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg Conservatory in Russia. Thom, who is studying under Professor Oleg Sharov has successfully completed the conservatory’s one year preparatory program and is about to start the four year course up to doctorate level leading to a D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts) qualification.

For further information, please ring 01729 840137 or 01535 635074.
James P O'Brien music catalog
"Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Weekend" - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On the 10th - 13th October 2008 is the Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Weekend featuring guest artists Marco Valenti, Pearl Adriano, Harry Hussey, Romano Viazzani, John Romero, Gary Blair, Charlie Watkins and the Crawley Accordion Orchestra (conductor Shaun Hunter). Over ten hours of classes will also run during the weekend

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk
Finland Recordings
Critica De CD
CD Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira

   Review by Alessandro Mugnoz
W A Mozart

by Anne Landa
Fisitalia Black
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados

A new site of Philip R Butall - accordionist, composer, arranger, teacher, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Bramstedter Marsch!', 'Princess Grainne's Air & Jig', 'Samba..alla Turca!', Tootie - Flooties!', 'The Lone Ar-ranger'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Peter Piccini music

Por Una Cabeza’, 'Clarinet Polka', 'It Had Better Be Tonight' and 'Vincin O Mare'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Alexander Dmitriev CD's and DVD for sale

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Romantic Nights'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week