29 Agosto 2008
Weekly news from around the world
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
La Fisarmonica Ritorna! – USA
Julien Labro nel nuovo CD ‘Night Town’, Detroit - USA
Stephanie Poole with Symphony Orchestra – New Zealand
Alphen Opera 2 alla Coupé Mondiale - Scozia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Jon Hammond’s Beloved 1970s Accordion - USA
2nd International Accordion Competition – Brazil
Sud Italia: Nuove prospettive per la fisarmonica da concerto
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Chico Chagas playing with some top Jazz stars! , London – UK
Jeancristophe Concerts - France
Musical Variety Night, Guildford – UK
Ettickbridge Accordion Weekends, Scotland – UK
Jorge Celedon and Jimmy Zambrano Concert, Florida - USA
Maria Kalaniemi Concerts – Finland, Belgium
Joseph Petric Premiere Performance, New Brunswick - Canada
Buonvicino Art Festival - Italy
Johanna Juhola in ‘Folkelarm’, Oslo - Norway
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

La Fisarmonica Ritorna! – USA
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Nei primi del anni 60, il cantante americano Bob Dylan realizzò ‘The Times They Are a-Changin', un brano che suscitò molti commenti su come la cultura popolare stava cambiando rapidamente. Questo accadde anche in un periodo dove la fisarmonica raggiunse rapidamente la popolarità dalla chitarra elettrica, e della musica strumentale in generale, rilanciando la fisarmonica come uno strumento commercialmente popolare.

Pertanto la fisarmonica come un vero e proprio camaleonte ha l'abilità di adattarsi a molti generi musicali diversi assicurandosi la sua sopravvivenza , per poi essere uno strumento riscoperto dalle generazioni più giovani.

Cenni tratti dal New York Times, dimostrano come la fisarmonica susciti interesse, riconoscendo un potenziale musicale che la collocano facilmente in contesti di musica popolare e moderna. C'è anche un altro articolo del Los Angeles.

Questo articolo divulga positivamente un nuovo modo: “La Fisarmonica ritorna.” Tale slogan si impegna per la popolarità futura della fisarmonica.
Gary Dahl esheet
Julien Labro nel nuovo CD ‘Night Town’, Detroit - USA
Contributo di Rob Howard

Sin dal 1930, allora apice del “Quintette du Hot Club de France”, rappresentato da chitarrista virtuoso Django Reinhardt e violinista Stephane Grappelli, una combinazione chiamata “Hot club” diffuse il suono del “Gypsy” in tutto il mondo. Uno simile è Hot Club di Detroit ,dove si fiancheggiano :Evan Perri ( chitarra), Julien Labro (fisarmonica), Carl Cafagna (sax), Paul Brady (chitarra), e Shannon Wade (basso).

Night Town, Il nuovo CD Hot Club di Detroit, è il seguito dell’allora acclamato CD, ‘‘Hot Club of Detroit’, esordito nel 2006.

Julien Labro, proviene da Marsiglia “Francia”, collega nel quintetto di Detroit , lo stile del musette francese balzando al Gypsy-jazz degli anni trenta, mentre il sassofono corposo di “Cafagna” lavora nel Gypsy, presentando elementi bop e post-bop.

Labro è il vincitore di numerose competizioni Internazionali di fisarmonica e ha partecipato a diversi Jazz festival negli Stati Uniti. I suoi spettacoli con Hot Club di Detroit,hanno riscosso notevole riguardo dalla critica esempio gli elogi dal critico musicale Mark Stryker che da nota della brillantezza degli assoli e l'abilità tecnica del musicista. Labro nel 2005 vinse 1° premio all’ Art Van Damme International Jazz Accordion Competition, all’ Vivian Stolaruk Intl. Entertainment Award (Detroit, MI) e al Heineken Jazz Starquest 2005.

Per ulteriori informazioni: julien@julienlabro.com
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's

Stephanie Poole with Symphony Orchestra – New Zealand
Contributo di Heather Masefield

Stephanie Poole insegnante Auckland Accordion University, fu invitato ad eseguire la parte per fisarmonica in un nuovo lavoro sinfonico con l'Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, primo lavoro di questo mese. Sinfonia N° III, composta da Zealander Ross Harris presentato al pubblico, successivamente grato all’auditorium di Auckland il 14 agosto.

Le caratteristiche legate alle sonorità ebraiche del klezmer, rappresentato dalla fisarmonica che si alterna al violino e clarinetto. Harris stesso è un appassionato di fisarmonica, che suona klezmer con The Café Klezmer Band della città di Wellington.

Stephanie disse : con solo cinque prove, era impressionante vedere come l'orchestra collaborò rapidamente in questo lavoro, specialmente con le diverse sfide ritmiche che si presentavano nell’esecuzione.

Alla conclusione del concerto, il direttore sloveno Marko Letonja consegna dei fiori al fisarmonicista Stephanie Poole.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Alphen Opera 2 alla Coupé Mondiale - Scozia

I concorrenti, delegati ed ospiti da 26 paesi diversi hanno già fatto le prenotazioni nel secondo albergo, L'Erskine Bridge quasi tutto esaurito per la Coupe Mondiale 2008 il Festival e Competizioni Internazionale di Fisarmonica.

La sera di giovedì, uno degli eventi di massima importanza sarà il concerto dell’ Alphen Opera 2 eseguita dall’Orchestra dei Paesi Bassi diretta dal russo Sergé Latychev. Questa orchestra specializzata in musica contemporanea, punta a promuovere la fisarmonica ad alto livello.

L'orchestra si distingue per la scelta del repertorio, dalla compattezza e lavoro di gruppo oltre che dall’identificazione musicale e l’attenzione verso la musica contemporanea dei compositori olandesi.

Un importante modo di cooperazione fra: NOVAM, l'organizzazione di fisarmonica nazionale olandese ed i membri della CIA. Fin da novembre 2007, Alphen Opera 2 , promotrice di questa organizzazione, è salvata come musica inedita nella biblioteca del NOVAM.
Charnwood Graded Music

CD - The Magic Accordion of Yehuda Oppenheimer
Jon Hammond’s Beloved 1970s Accordion - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

The picture shows Jon Hammond playing his beloved accordion in Topanga Canyon, California, at a wedding in 1971. The instrument, a rare model purchased from the late John Molinari, was stolen during a burglary in 1975 in Boston.

Jon recalls: “An old friend brought me these long lost photos yesterday from 1971! I can't believe it...these are the only photos of me during this period. I was the world's first psychedelic electronic accordion player! I played at the Berkeley Folk Festival with Country Joe and The Fish, Kaleidescope, with David Lindley, jammed with quicksilver Messenger Service (these were all big bands in SF Bay Area during the 1960s). I was 18 years old here! It is the same instrument I won the Jr. Jazz Championship with in 1966”.

A couple of weeks ago a fellow accordionist sent me a Link for an eBay listing that was apparently the instrument. These Giulietti Classic 127 instruments are extremely rare with factory pickups. It went for over 5 grand from a seller in a state of Connecticut. Mine was stolen from me in Boston, which is not far away so I'm pretty sure it was it.

Sadly, I couldn't prove it because I didn't have the serial number documented, sadly. That's the way it goes. Editor: This is lesson to all accordionists how important it can be to have documented the serial number of their accordion and even better, some digital photographs of the instrument and case.
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
2nd International Accordion Competition – Brazil
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 2nd International Accordion Contest took place in the city of Jaú, San Paolo, from August 21st to 23rd. Brazilian accordionist Waldonys carried out the opening ceremony, and the contest adjudicators were Mirco Patarini, Professor Roberto Bueno, Professor David Saidel, Oswaldinho of the Acordeon, Waldonys, Elizeu Vargas, and Bruno Moritz (winner of the 2007 contest).

The festival included the release of Bruno Moritz’s first CD, and a concert performance by Argentinean accordionist Alejandro Brittes.

For further information email: concurso@scandalli.com.br
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Sud Italia: Nuove prospettive per la fisarmonica da concerto
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

La nuova classe di fisarmonica del M. Giuseppe Scigliano al Conservatorio "P.Ciaikovsky" di Nocera Terinese (CZ) sta creando prospettive interessanti per coloro che si dedicano allo studio della fisarmonica da concerto.

Finora, le scuole di fisarmonica in queste regioni erano prevalentemente orientate verso musica tradizionale, folk e amatoriale.

Giuseppe Scigliano si è diplomato al Conservatorio di Roma sotto la guida del M. Massimiliano Pitocco ed ha frequentato per 3 anni il Corso Superiore di Fisarmonica (Accademia Fisarmonicistica Italiano) con Claudio Jacomucci e con numerosi insegnanti ospiti (Matti Rantanen, Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin, Geir Draugsvoll).

Dal 18 al 24 Agosto il Conservatorio "P.Ciaikovsky" di Nocera Terinese ha organizzato un Campus Estivo di Musica con il loro insegnante G.Scigliano e con una Master Class di Claudio Jacomucci. Notevole l'impegno, la partecipazione e la dedizione dei giovani studenti.

I nostri migliori auguri a Giuseppe Scigliano e alla sua promettente scuola.
Aww Recordings

Fisitalia Black
Chico Chagas playing with some top Jazz stars! , London – UK
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

Brazillian accordionist Chico Chagas performs with tenor saxophonist Dave O’Higgins at The 606 Club, 90 Lots Rd, London SW10 0QD, on Thursday September 4th. They will be supported by John Parricelli (guitar), Adriano Adewale (percussion), Enzo Zirilli (drums) and David Chamberlain (double bass).

Chico Chagas is generally recognised as one of the finest Jazz/Brazilian accordionists in World music. His fluent style and remarkable technique have made him something of a star in his native Brazil, and he now divides his time between London and Rio. A real character, his music is at once flowing and surprising, melodic and rich in Brazilian melody.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com

Jeancristophe Concerts - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

On Friday September 19th, 8pm, accordionist Jeancristophe performs at l’Espace Culturel Avionnais (Avion - 62).

Future performances include:
October 10th - Prix du Marais, Lomme
December 18th – Centre Arc, Ciel de Liévin
March 21st – Espace François Mitterrand de Bully les Mines
Finland Recordings
Musical Variety Night, Guildford – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On September 19th Guildford Accordion Club presents ‘A Musical Variety Night’, featuring accordionist Romano Viazzani, The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra, Andrew Lukins (vibraphone), George Bennett (keyboard), and the Diana Mitchell Irish School of Dancing. All proceeds to benefit ‘The New Ripley Village Hall’.

The venue is The Ripley Village Hall, near Guildford, Surrey GU23 6AJ; M25 J10. Doors open at 7pm.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com
William Schimmel CD's
Ettickbridge Accordion Weekends, Scotland – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordion tuition courses led by Ian Lowthian take place on September 20th and 21st November 8th and 9th in the beautiful village of Ettrickbridge in the Scottish Borders.

The courses involve teaching on both Saturday and Sunday from approximately 10am to 5pm, after which there is a lovely pub in the village that the course participants and tutor invade on the Saturday night for a session.

Accommodation is available at the local pub and in hotels and B&B’s in Selkirk, 7 miles away. Camping and caravan facilities are locally available.

For further information email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
Jorge Celedon and Jimmy Zambrano Concert, Florida - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

On Friday, October 3rd, 8pm, at the Adrienne Arsht Center, Miami, singer Jorge Celedón and accordionist Jimmy Zambrano, two of the most highly acclaimed Colombian Vallenato artistes today, perform an energetic mix of up-tempo dance music and romantic ballads.

Individually, they are top musicians, but it's their partnership for the past decade with six hit albums and countless live appearances that have made them favorite performers of Colombians (their hit ‘Esta Vida’ was Number One for 45 weeks!) throughout the Americas and Europe.

At the Knight Concert Hall, they'll combine the emblematic instruments of Vallenato, such as the caja, guacharaca, and accordion - with the big instrumental sounds of a symphonic orchestra for the first time in the US, playing hits such as ‘Ay Hombre’, ‘Cuatro Rosas’, and ‘Esta Vida’.
Las Vegas International
Maria Kalaniemi Concerts – Finland, Belgium
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Maria Kalaniemi is acclaimed in Finland and beyond as both a technically skilled player and an accomplished composer. See the Celebrity Interview Maria Kalaniemi

Maria Kalaniemi performs as follows:

September 28th - Sibelius Academy Concert Hall, Helsinki, Finland
October 11th – Muziekpublique, Brussels, Belgium

Joseph Petric Premiere Performance, New Brunswick - Canada
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 2008/2009 J.E.A. Crake Concert season presents the Symphony Nova Scotia on Friday March 13th 2009, 7.30pm, at the Convocation Hall, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.

Their program includes a brand new work for accordion and orchestra by Canadian composer Brian Current, featuring the Canadian accordionist Joseph Petric.

For further information email: performarts@mta.ca
John MacDonald CD for sale
Buonvicino Art Festival - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

From the 29 to 31 August will be held the third edition of Buonvicino Art Festival in Buonvicino (Italy, CS). Conceived by Calabrian accordionist Salvatore Cauteruccio and coordinated by Salvatore Vergara, the event features three days of music in the beautiful scenery of this historic centre of Italy.

The first evening features the duo TIZIANO CILLIS with a tribute to composers and the festival will close with the Calabrian group NAGRU that presents arrangements of Calabrian folk music, and the ANTONELLA BLOND trio with acoustic songs in Italian and Neapolitan jazz styles.
Fabio Alderight CD
Johanna Juhola in ‘Folkelarm’, Oslo - Norway
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Johanna Juhola will represent Finland in ‘Folkelarm’, a festival of Scandinavian folk music, in Oslo, September 25th to 28th. In showcases you will hear Johanna Juhola will perform music from her solo CD ‘Miette’, released by Texicalli Records, Finland, in 2006. Johanna Juhola will perform together with Roope Aarnio, guitar and Hannu Oskala, voice engineer.

Johanna Juhola studied the accordion at the Sibelius Academy’s Department of Folk Music. In 2000, she won the International Astor Piazzolla competition with the Novjaro Quintet, and in 2002 Johanna Juhola and the pianist Milla Viljamaa were awarded the International Citta di Castelfidaro prize. Johanna, also an acclaimed composer, performed her commissioned composition ‘Fantasiatango’ as one of the opening numbers of the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest.

Within the sphere of orchestral music, Johanna has appeared as a guest performer with various ensembles in performances of Timo Alakotila’s composition ‘Concerto for Free Bass Accordion and Chamber Orchestra’, and as one of the soloists in the Tapiola Sinfonietta’s ‘Symphonic Fantasies’ project.

For further information email: elisabeth.vatn@folkemusikk.no
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

   Critica di Renato Belardinelli
Highway Patrol

by Los Gigantes
 Thierry Benetoux

A new site selling a CD titled "Virtuosissimi" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano. Purchase online.

Yuri Medianik CD's

A new site selling a CD titled "Music On The Move" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano. Purchase online.

James P O'Brien music catalog

A new site selling a CD titled "American Hanuri Prinsessa Volume 11928-1929" with sound samples. Music performed by Viola Turpeinen. Purchase online.

Inaki Alberdi Accordeon

A new site selling a CD titled "American Hanuri Prinsessa Volume 3 1947-1949" with sound samples. Music performed by Viola Turpeinen. Purchase online.

Alexander Dmitriev CD's and DVD for sale

A new site selling a CD titled "American Hanuri Prinsessa Volume 4 1949-1951" with sound samples. Music performed by Viola Turpeinen. Purchase online.

The International Trio CD available

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 5 new music of 'Sonatina in C No. 1', 'Sonatina in C No. 2', 'Sonatina in C No. 3', 'Ragamuffin Polka', 'Spinning Wheel'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Sebastiano Cali music catalog

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, update 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online, 'Twilight Time'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Peter Piccini music compositions and CD's

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, update 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Cara Maria'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week