01 Febbraio 2008
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Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica - Aggiorna i tuoi dati su Internet
Paris-Moscow Duo-10° Anniversario, Alsace Haguenau - Francia

Aidar Gainullin e Mireille Mathieu cantanno in duetto "Occhi neri', Berlin - Germania
Accordion incontra la Fiat!, London - GB
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Theatre Review of 'OPERA?', Pineto - Italy
Yuri Shishkin's Successful Visit, Pescara - Italy
Alexander Shirunov plays at Namm Show - USA
Mario Milani Concert, Sant'Agostino - Italy
Kevin Solecki CD 'Grammy Nomination, Pittsburgh - USA
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Friedrich Lips' Engagements, Moscow - Russia
Tom Alexander at Crieff B & F Club, Scotland - UK
Irish Accordionists Perform, Massachusetts - USA
Steve Albini Plays Italian music, California - USA
'Accordion Extravaganza', Doncaster - UK
'Time to Time' CD Release Concert, Paris - France
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Yehuda Oppenheimer
Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica- www.accordion-yellowpages.com
Aggiorna i tuoi dati su Internet
Contributo di Harley Jones

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Gary Dahl esheet
Paris-Moscow Duo-10° Anniversario / Alsace Haguenau - France
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Domi Emorine e Roman Jbanov, conosciuti come Paris-Moscow Duo, hanno celebrato il loro 10° anniversario con un concerto alla scuola di fisarmonica dell’incantevole cittadina Alsace Haguenau, da dove, nel 1998, partì la loro carriera congiunta. L’orchestra di fisarmoniche della scuola, diretta da Raimond Keith, ha aperto il concerto con brani di W. Kahl, H. Költz, A. Piazzolla, W. Jacobi, Y. Derbienko, A. Jurbin e B. Tichonov.

La sala era piena; un folto pubblico ha partecipato alla giornata musicale tra Francia e Russia ascoltando Domi e Roman, che hanno interpretato composizioni di F. Angelis, N.Rizol, A.Astier e M. Azzola, A. Shalaiev, E. Bouvelle e M. Larcange, e infine Viacheslav Semionov.

Alla fine del concerto, Domi e Roman hanno ricevuto una grande torta e una bottiglia di Champagne.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: duopm@orange.fr
Accordion Jazz Chords
Aidar Gainullin e Mireille Mathieu cantano in duo 'Occhi Neri' - Germania
Contributo di Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

Il 20 di Gennaio il noto fisarmonicista, compositore e cantante russo Aidar Gainullin ha preso parte alla cerimonia della consegna dei riconscimenti del prestigioso Premio Culturale del giornale tedesco BZ (“il giornale di Berlino”) del 2008.

Questo premio internazionale è proposto per le stelle internazionali di musica, cinema e teatro per i loro contributi al progresso della cultura. Quest’anno hanno preso parte alla cerimonia l’attore di Hollywood Tom Cruise e la cantante francese Mireille Mathieu. Aidar Gainullin è stato invitato dopo il suo concerto alla Big Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic Society del 5 Novembre 2007, dove si è esibito con la famosa Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Questo concerto è stato trasmesso dalla radio tedesca, ed gli ha portato molti nuovi ammiratori.

Alla cerimonia  Aidar ha interpretato musiche di Alfred Schnittke e Astor Piazzolla. Durante la presentazione finale Mireille Mathieu ha avvicinato Aidar dicendogli di aver sempre amato Mosca e canzoni come ‘Notti di Mosca’ e ‘Occhi neri’. Poi ha cominciato a cantare e Aidar si è unito spontaneamente interpretando insieme a lei ‘Occhi neri’.

Aidar Gainullin, diplomato all’Accademia della Musica Gnessin, Russia, vive oggi a Berlino dove studia alla Hanns Eisler-University of Music. Nel 2003 il nome di Aidar è stato aggiunto al ‘Libro d’Oro’ dei talenti della Russia dal Presidente Vladimir Putin, per i grandi risultati nella sfera dell’arte del bayan.

Nello stesso anno Aidar ha ricevuto molte borse di studio dal fondo M.Rostropovich, Friedrich Lips ‘Russian Performing Art’. Nel 2006 è stato insignito dei premi ‘Best of the best’ e ‘Giovane talento di Russia’.

Aidar ha anche ricevuto premi per il suo talento di compositore: 20° premio nazionale ‘Nika’ (‘Oscar’ russo) e ‘L’elefante Bianco’ dalla critica cinematografica per la nomination per la migliore colonna sonora  del 2006 per il film ‘Euphoria’. In questo momento Aidar sta lavorando per la musica del nuovo film di Ivan Vyrypayev ‘Oxygen’.

Come concertista Aidar è costantemente in tournée nel mondo, e le sue date sono già programmate per molti mesi. Suona spesso in famosi palcoscenici europei ; nel mese di Giugno prenderà parte ad un concerto solenne di fronte a molti politi e uomini d’affari a Londra. Anche Elton John dovrebbe essere presente.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Accordion Meets Fiat!, London - UK
Contributo del Harley Jones

Il nuovo video pubblicitario della nuova 500 ha come colonna sonora l’Inverno dalle Quattro Stagioni di Vivaldi dal CD solo Piazzolla/Bobic di Romano Viazzani

La musica fa da colonna sonora in stile barocco italianoThe per il design retro delle auto delgi anni ’50 ncircolandi belle strade di campagna.

Questo è il link: a track ...   New Car Net
Questo CD ed altri 2 di Romano Viazzani sono disponibili su www.MusicforAccordion.com
Charnwood Graded Music
'Theatre Review of 'OPERA?', Pineto - Italy

'OPERA?' by Renzo Ruggieri was premiered at the Teatro Polifunzionale, Pineto, Italy, on January 26th 2008. Ruggieri is an Italian accordionist famous for his jazz performances. As a solo player and as leader of the Renzo Ruggieri Group (RRG: Massimo Moriconi, Paolo di Sabatino, Glauco di Sabatino) he has performed around the world and recorded several CDs in this genre.

In recent years he has explored the boundaries of his instrument recording 'Solo Accordion Project', a haunting combination of acoustic, electronic and recording effects. He has also had important collaborations with other instrumental groups and artistes, most notably the Italian singer - Antonella Ruggiero - on 'Souvenir d'Italie' in 2006.

His latest work naturally draws on all these influences and the cultural roots provided by three of Italy's greatest composers: Verdi, Rossini and Puccini, and arguably their greatest works 'La Traviata', 'The Barber of Seville', and 'Tosca'.

'Opera?' is a story set to music in five scenes. Ruggieri cleverly combines three protagonists and their actions from the above operas: the letter of Figaro, Alfredo's jealousy and Tosca's suicide. Against a (deliberate) plain dark background an actor (the powerful Paolo Perelli) foretells each scene in spoken word.

He has no script to follow, merely the outline of the story, he is improvising both content and delivery. Such is his variation that, at times, his change from a soft whisper to cries of anguish have the audience almost out of their seats. In the background, the accordion of Ruggieri follows the actor's lead occasionally joined by other members of the RRG. It is in these moments that the audience is asked to relive their own similar experiences or question their own emotion and choices.

When the scene has been set the chamber orchestra (directed by Massimiliano Caporale), another vital element of the spectacle, is involved and envelopes our thought process. Ruggieri is always melodic in his composition for the orchestra.

At times the strings come to the forefront, at others they enrich the continual improvisation of the RRG or provide musical acknowledgements of all three past masters. The RRG still has time for their own expressive jazz solos seemingly never out of place in a musical story with origins spanning the last two centuries.

Using these origins as inspiration, Ruggieri expresses his own 'italianality' and make us reflect on love, decisions and time so precious. He has provided a unique work that deserves further exposure and performances.
CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Yuri Shishkin's Successful Visit, Pesaro - Italy
Contributed by Claudio Jacomucci

An extraordinary talented guest was visiting Italy by invitation from 'Scuola Superiore di Fisarmonica' (Accordion High School) - Russia's Yuri Shishkin. From January 16th to 18th, Yuri held an advanced workshop in Urbino for the students of 'Scuola Superiore di Fisarmonica', directed by Claudio Jacomucci.

On Saturday 19th he gave a wonderful concert in Pesaro, organized by Ass. Fidelio, presenting his transcription of Mussorsky's 'Pictures of an Exbibition', Schubert-Horowitz,Lizst-Horowitz and original works by Kusiakov.

Next guest visiting the 'Scuola Superiore di Fisarmonica' will be Geir Draugsvoll (Royal Academy Copenhagen) during the festival 'Het Accordeon' in Holland.

Kusiakov and Shishkin shortly before before Kusiakov passed away
Fisitalia Black
Alexander Shirunov plays at NAMM Show - USA
Contributed by Horst Fausel, Hohner Accordion Product Manager

During the Winter Namm Show in Anaheim, Los Angeles, USA, from January 17th to 20th 2008 at the Hohner stand Alexander Shirunov cast a spell over the audience with his dynamic performances.

At the NAMM show, Alexander Shirunov was performing on his Morino IV 120 C45 de Luxe converter accordion and his Fun Flash piano accordion (picture left) promoting Hohner products and his recently released CD titled "Absolute".
Peter Piccini music
Mario Milani Concert, Sant'Agostino - Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Grandiosa apertura della quindicesima stagione concertistica organizzata dal Comune di Gavirate (VA), in collaborazione con l'Accademia Sant'Agostino, quella di venerdì sera, 18 gennaio, con il concerto inaugurale che ha visto gli archi dell'Orchestra Luchesi, diretti dal Maestro Davide Antonio Rizzo, accompagnare i solisti Mario Milani, alla fisarmonica, Elena Cosentino, all'arpa.

La serata, dal titolo "South American Rythms", si è aperta con tre deliziosi brani di Aldemaro Romero, compositore argentino contemporaneo, tratti dalla Suite de Castelfidardo, per continuare con il doppio concerto per fisarmonica, arpa e orchestra d'archi dal titolo Emotions, in tre movimenti composto dal M° Mario Milani, sublime connubio di musica classica, jazz e ritmi argentini, eseguito in anteprima assoluta.

Il concerto per bandoneon, pianoforte, arpa, percussioni e orchestra d'archi "Acongaua" ha concluso l'applauditissimo concerto, che è stato arricchito ulteriormente da due bis, richiesti insistentemente dal pubblico in sala. L'Orchestra Giovanile Andrea Luchesi nasce nel 2004 a Tradate, grazie all'entusiasmo di giovani e talentuosi strumentisti che, guidati dal giovane Direttore d'Orchestra Davide Antonio Rizzo, allievo di Yoichi Sugyiama ed Emilio Pomarico, sono cresciuti in questi anni, arrivando ad esibirsi in gran parte della Lombardia e del Piemonte, con repertori sempre nuovi ed interessanti, all'insegna della riscoperta di autori del '700 e dell'800, ingiustamente esclusi dai programmi da concerto.

Nell'anno 2006 il percorso dell'Orchestra si incrocia con quello di Mario Milani, fisarmonicista di fama internazionale nonchè compositore, ed è proprio in occasione di alcuni concerti in programma per il Natale 2006 che l'Orchestra Luchesi esegue l'Adagio dal Doppio Concerto per fisarmonica, arpa e orchestra, composto dal M°  Mario Milani. All'arpa Elena Cosentino, che da anni suona a fianco del M° Milani nel Duo Millemiglia. Concerti riuscitissimi che raccolgono consensi di critica e di pubblico.
Aww Recordings

Finland Recordings
Kevin Solecki CD 'Grammy Nomination, Pittsburgh - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Kevin Solecki's latest CD 'Solecktions' has been nominated for a Grammy Award. The CD is now also available on iTunes and CD Baby! 'Solecktions' features Polish, Slovenian, French, Italian, Irish, Eastern and Standard style polkas and waltzes, two accordion novelties and a tango.

Kevin Solecki has performed all over the USA, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the Caribbean, and Europe. He has also appeared on radio and television shows, and performed at many of The USA's polka festivals, state fairs, county fairs, hotels, and on cruise ships.

Kevin Solecki has performed all over the USA, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the Caribbean, and Europe. He has also appeared on radio and television shows, and performed at many of The USA's polka festivals, state fairs, county fairs, hotels, and on cruise ships.

For further information email: kevinpolkacd@aol.com
Titano Accordion Company
Friedrich Lips' Engagements, Moscow - Russia
Contributed by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

February 7th - A. Piazzolla: 'Aconcagua' and other tangos with the Orchestra of Russian Philharmony in House of Music, Moscow
24th - Performance on bayan with the Eurythmics at Götheanum-Bühne in Dornach, Switzerland; works by J. S. Bach, V. Solotarjov, J. Cage, V. Podgorny, S. Gubaidulina, P. Celan
March 9th - same venue, same concert as February 24th
10th to 12th - master class and concert at the Conservatory in Bern, Switzerland
21st to 29th - Head of Jury at the competition 'Spring Voices' in Moscow
April 10th - 'Efrem Podgaiz: LIPS-Concert' for bayan and orchestra in Vladimir, Russia
20th - same venue, same concert as February 24th
May 2nd to 9th - adjudicator at Klingenthal International Competition
10th - concert in Hof, Germany
July 7th to 11th - master class in Imst, Austria

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
Tom Alexander at Crieff B & F Club, Scotland - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Tom Alexander, best known as the accordion playing half ofthe long established Alexander Brothers duo, is the guest as a solo accordionist at the Crieff Box & Fiddle Club on February 7th. The venue is the Crieff Hotel, East High St, Perthshire.

Tom Alexander recently released the first of a three CD series, titled 'Bits and Pieces'. The second CD is due to be released in February, and the third later in the year.
For further information email: tom@alexanderbrothers.com

eSheet Music
Irish Accordionists Perform, Massachusetts - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Cape Cod Irish Village, 512 Main Street, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, features Irish American musicians every weekend throughout the year, including many accordionists. The following accordion-based acts can be seen in February, March and April.

February 8th - Fintan Stanley
9th and 10th - The Noel Henry Irish Showband
March 7th - Andy Healy Showband
14th to 17th - Fintan Stanley
April 4th and 5th - Fintan Stanley
18th and 19th - Irish Express
Yuri Medianik CD's
Steve Albini Plays Italian music - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Steve Albini leads a band to perform a concert of Italian music at Copia, The American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts in Napa, California on February 21st. The concert, 'Una Bella Sera', features international artiste Steve Albini performing pieces from his CD 'Italia' as well as music from all over Italy.

Salvia Bianca Imports LLC will be offering a tasting of rare and exquisite Italian wines before the concert. The wine tasting will begin at 7.15 pm and the concert will begin at 8pm.

Steve's group for the evening will include:
Steve Albini - acoustic/digital accordions, guitar and vocals
Dave Albini - acoustic and MIDI accordions, percussion and trumpet
Jim Lehmann - drums and percussion
Josh Jones - percussion
Ron Borelli - accordion, piano and keyboard

For further information email: info@albinimusic.com
CD - Inaki Alberdi Accordeon
'Accordion Extravaganza', Doncaster - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On Sunday March 2nd an all-day festival styled 'Accordion Extravaganza' takes place at Doncaster Racecourse, South Yorkshire, 10.30am until 10.30pm, organised by Harry Kipling. This one-day event looks set to be another "…total indulgence in accordions", to use the phrase coined by the late Malcolm Gee (picture left).

There is a continuous day/evening programme of concert performances from a guest list that includes Pearl Fawcett Adriano (picture right), Romano Viazzani (picture below left) Harry Hussey, George Syrett, Alan Young, Sam Pirt & The Hut People, Bill Sables (banjo), and the Burton Ensemble.

An itemised programme details all the concert performances, which take place throughout the 12 hours of this ambitious event, and is available on request.

There will also be workshops, a Roland V Accordion demo, a trade show, plus refreshments and ample parking.

For further information email:
The Art of Playing the Accordion Artistically - Lips
'Time to Time' CD Release Concert, Paris - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

On March 30th, the Irish-style band 'Time to Time' launch their new CD, 'Irish Traditional Music from Clare and East Galway' at a concert at CMT Ris Orangis-10, place Jacques Brel, Paris.

The band's members are French, but have taken much of their musical influence from the heartland of Irish traditional music, Ennis in County Clare. Blended with this are their own Jazz and Baroque styles, and this band has developed a rich repertoire of Irish traditional music from Clare and East Galway, with an added French influence.

'Time to Time' are: Jean-Paul Moreau - diatonic button accordion and melodeon, Sophie Bardou - violin, Gaëlle Branthomme - violin cello and vocals, and Ronan Yvon - guitar

For further information email: timetotime@tiscali.fr
Fabio Alderight CD

   Critica di Alessandro Mugnoz

Notes Vagabondes


Sebastiano Zorza (accordion and leader);
Marko Feri (guitar)
Aleksander Pavnovic (drums)
Giorgio Fritsch (drums)

eSheet Music
 Gary Daverne compositions and CD's

William Schimmel CD's
The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) website found at http://www.accordions.com/cia/winter_08.htm has been updated to reflect daily reports from the Winter Congress in Macedonia, new members and recipients of the various CIA Awards.

www.accordions.com/shmelkov winner of the Premio Castelfidardo 2007 (sponsored by AWW)
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week