03 Agosto 2007
Weekly news from around the world
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Accordions Worldwide Apologises for the Weekly News Delay
until Sunday 12th August.

Satellite services to the office which makes the news are still being repaired.
Roland International V-Accordion Festivals
La vita d’Astor Piazzolla su DVD, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Folefest 2008, Castelo Branco – Portogallo
Concerti/Coupe Mondiale, Washington DC - USA
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society Update - USA
Music of Nihad Hrustanbegovic in New TV Commercial - Netherlands
First Cologne AO’s Dolomites Concert Tour - Germany
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Alnwick International Music Festival 2007, Northumberland – UK
Corso Superiore di Fisarmonica, Madrid - Spain
International Accordion Seminar, Prato – Italy
Sidmouth Folk Week, Devon – UK
International Accordion Festival, Rezekne – Latvia
Fisa…armonie International Competition, Trieste – Italy
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Gary Dahl esheet
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Mancano poche settimane all’inizio della prima edizione del Roland International V-Fisarmonica Festival. La Roland è l’unica ditta al mondo che produce soltanto fisarmoniche digitali (la V-Fisarmonica) ed organizza il primo concorso internazionale per musicisti che suonano la fisarmonica digitale.

“L’obbiettivo principale”, secondo Luigi Bruti (Direttore/Roland Europa R&D), è di “non solo selezionare uno dei migliori artisti del mondo, ma di dimostrare la grande potenzialità della fisarmonica digitale che ha per interpretare la musica speciale per fisarmonica.

Il concorso Roland permette a tutti fisarmonicisti di ogni livello di partecipare nelle categorie solista ed ensemble con un massimo di 4 elementi – dall’appassionato dilettante fino al professionista. Il concorso prevede selezioni nazionali con un finale internazionale.

Molti fisarmonicisti dell’ Europa ed altri paesi si sono già iscritti come dal Benelux, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Germania, Italia, Norvegia, Portogallo, Spagna, Gran Bretagna, Australia, Brasile, Canada e Nuova Zelanda.

La prima selezione si svolgerà in Italia il 19 Agosto ad Aosta che coincide con la ‘Festa delle Fisarmoniche’. In seguito in Settembre saranno le selezioni in Brasile, Repubblica Ceca, Norvegia, Olanda, GB. Le finali della Francia ed Iberia si terranno in ottobre (per più dettagli visita www.v-accordionfestival.com).

Ogni vincitore nazionale parteciperà nel prestigioso finale in Pesaro/Italia il 9 e 10 novembre al Conservatorio “Gioacchino Rossini”. I vincitori internazionali saranno premiati con € 5000 dalla ditta Roland.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: srosetti@rolandeur.com
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
La vita d’Astor Piazzolla su DVD, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Contributo di Rob Howard

‘The Next Tango’ è un DVD che racconta la storia e la vita di Astor Piazzolla, creatore del 'Tango Nuevo.' In questo film Piazzolla – conosciuto nel suo paese, Argentina, come 'El Gran Ástor' – suona 3 brani insieme alla orchestra della radio di Cologna e parla con Andres Salcedo della sua vita, carriera e di questo irresistibile fenomeno “il tango”.

Con il suo 'nuevo tango,' Astor Piazzolla ha portato il Tango come compositore e virtuoso del bandoneón il ballo Argentino con la sua passione, grazia e potere erotico in tutte le più importanti sale del mondo. Il DVD ha una durata di 1 ora e 28 minuti.
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Folefest 2008, Castelo Branco – Portogallo
Contributo di João Gentil

Il Folefest Accordion Concorso e Festival si svolgerà in Castelo Branco dal 21 al 23 febbraio del 2008. Il concorso per fisarmonica è fissato per sabato 23. I brani d’obbligo per le varie categorie sono:

Categoria A – fino a 9 anni, compiuti entro il 31 Dicembre 2007; – ‘Romance’, di J. Draeger
Categoria B - da 10 a 12 anni compiuti entro il 31 Dicembre 2007; – ‘Marsch’ e la ‘Kindersuite no1’, di Albin Repnikov
Categoria C – da 13 a 15 anni compiuti entro il 31 Dicembre 2007; 3° e 4° movimenti della ‘Sonatine no1’, di Ernst Günter Rosenetzki
Categoria D – da 16 a 18 anni compiuti entro il 31 Dicembre 2007; – ‘Asia Flashes’ (3° movimento e la Suite B.B.), di Franck Angelis
Categoria E - 19 anni compiuti entro il 31 Dicembre 2007; test piece – ‘Ballata’ (1° movimento e la Sonata), di Bogdan Precz

Categoria (F) Musica da Camera: un programma con minimo 1 lavoro originale per ensemble della durata di 15’.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: joaogentil1@gmail.com

Concerti/Coupe Mondiale, Washington DC - USA
Contributo di Rob Howard

Una serie di concerti di fisarmonica saranno presentati sul palco della Millennium Stage nel famoso “Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts” durante il 2007 CIA Coupe Mondiale. Il progetto 'Performing Arts for Everyone' sul palco della Millennium Stage è stato creato per dare spazio agli artisti ed al pubblico di poter fare ed ascoltare musica per 365 giorni all’anno senza costi alcuni. Gli artisti dei concerti del Coupe Mondiale Millennium Stage sono:

14 agosto - Jerosh Accordion Orchestra (Canada), M° Maureen Jerosh, Akkordeonorchester Hof (Germania), M° Guenther Zeilinger
15 agosto – University of Missouri-Kansas City Accordion Community Orchestra, M° Joan Cochran Sommers, California’s Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra, M° Randall Martin
16 agosto - New Hampshire’s Rosita Lee Accordion Orchestra and Dancers, M°Rosita Lee Latulippe, North Shore Accordion Orchestra (Nuova Zelanda), M° Lionel Reekie
17 agosto - Accordeonova (Danimarca), M°Peter Anders, Beijing Children's Palace Accordion Orchestra (Cina)

August 18th - Six first place winners of the various categories within the Coupe Mondiale will play part of their \winning program in Coupe Mondiale, Junior Coupe Mondiale, Piano Accordion Entertainment, Virtuoso Entertainment, Junior Virtuoso Entertainment and Accordion Ensemble.

Una prima della World Accordion Orchestra sotto la direzione di Joan Cochran Sommers, una mass band di fisarmonicisti diretto da un Colonello militare davanti al US-Capitol.

Serata di Gala con banchetto per il 60° Anniversario Coupe Mondiale.

La US Army e la US Air Force Bands sempre con fisarmonicisti incorporati nella band.

The Coupe Mondiale, which takes place in a different country every year, is run under the auspices of the Confederation Interntionales des Accordeonistes. It is being sponsored in the US by through the joint efforts of the AAA (American Accordionists' Association) and the ATG (Accordionists and Teachers Guild). Faithe Deffner, a CIA vice president, is Coupe Mondiale coordinator (fdeffner@aol.com).
James P O'Brien music catalog

Charnwood Graded Music
Contributed by Rob Howard

Ken Kunec’s workshop ‘Accordions Gone Wild! Getting Creative With Your Music’ was a great way to spend part of a sunny July afternoon. In Ken’s words: “Most of us became accordion players by strict adherence to a framework of music that we were taught.

We learned to play somebody else’s arrangement of music, usually with wondrous precision and we graduated through increasingly more difficult compositions. Some of us learned to improvise somewhat around the framework and that represents our ‘creativity.’

While that is commendable and often very entertaining, this workshop challenges you to get away from those frameworks and become your own arranger. Be a rebel!”

Ken has prepared a series of short videos, along with some written materials, and these will be posted to the WMAS Web. After the workshop music was distributed for a WMAS Massed Band. In a couple of months we will be practicing for the December 16th holiday concert, and later for other concerts.

WMAS will not be meeting in August. Instead, everyone is encouraged to attend the Coupe Mondiale, August 13th to 19th.

On September 16th WMAS will be have Mary Tokarski (picture left) as guest. Mary is a wonderful musician and teacher, so mark your calendars now and be sure not to miss this meeting!

For further information email: mcherkasky@verizon.net
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Music of Nihad Hrustanbegovic in New TV Commercial - Netherlands
Contributed by Rob Howard

The première of the new commercial for Heineken Extra Cold took place on Monday 23rd. Music for this advertisement is played and composed by concert accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic and is called: 'World Promenade'. The clip is now to be seen on all Dutch public and commercial television. Nihad wrote the ‘World Promenade’ in February 2007 and it is the first part (also the introduction) of the ‘Stork Suite’. This Suite is recorded on his first solo CD: ‘The best of Concert Accordion’.

Nihad performed on March 28th as a soloist in the Dutch TV program, 'De wereld draait door' of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. This performance is the number 1 of the show's Top 11 since the end of May as the best artiste of last season.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic will be performing from upcoming September on several Dutch music concert stages.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com

First Cologne AO’s Dolomites Concert Tour - Germany
Contributed by Winfried Haushalter

Almost 11 years to the day after their last concert tour, the First Cologne Accordion Orchestra travelled in mid-July to the South Tyrol, Italy. The orchestra gave a series of concerts to enthused audiences in Spielorten, Pedraces, Wolkenstein, San Cassian, St. Vigil, and Corvara.

These concerts were performed before standing room only audiences, with approximately 2,500 visitors gave the largest applause in title as well as, ’Amadeus Goes Pop’, ’On the Sunny Side of the Street’, ’Up Where We Belong’, ’My Way’ and ’Abba’s Greatest Hits’, all arranged by Matthias Hennecke. The weather was beautiful, adding to the pleasure of the concert tour for the orchestra members. The next tour is likely to be in 2 years’ time.

For further information email: winfried.haushalter@ekao.de
Fisitalia black

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Northumberland – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Alnwick International Music Festival 2007 takes place from August 4th to 11th, presenting musicians, singers and dance teams from many countries. Local accordionist Robert Whitehead (picture right), the only Englishman to become an All Scotland Champion, is one of the guest artistes.

Also appearing are BorderBox, a local youth ensemble that includes mainly accordion and fiddle players. There are dance teams – most of which feature accordion accompaniment - from Greece, Italy, Latvia, Mauritius, Slovenia, Poland and Turkey.
Finland Recordings
Corso Superiore di Fisarmonica, Madrid - Spain
Contributed by Anne Landa

Il nuovo corso superiore di fisarmonica tenuto da Anne Landa nella Scuola Soto Mesa, nel centro di Madrid, comincia quest´estate per offrire la possibilitá di perfezionamento a fisarmonicisti spagnoli ed stranieri intorno a repertorio  barroco, clasico e contemporaneo. Si lavora su repertorio solista e cameristico.

Proffessoressa di fisarmonica e Tecnica Alexander: Anne Landa (proffessoressa spacializzata in musicisti di Tecnica Alexander nell centro superiore dei Paesi Baschi, da 2002; www.musikene.net).
Proffessori invitati: musicisti, direttori e compositori.

informazione: alanda@musikene.net

International Accordion Seminar, Prato – Italy
Contributed by Hermine Kaleta

An International Accordion Seminar takes place in Prato, near Florence, from September 3rd to 5th.

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at
Sebastiano Cali
Sidmouth Folk Week, Devon – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Sidmouth Folk Week takes place from August 3rd to 10th, involving over a hundred bands, dance teams, duos and solo performers.

As always, there are many accordion-based artistes, including All Blacked Up, Altan, Apples In Winter, Bodega, Fluxus, Gas Mark 5, GloryStrokes, Hoover the Dog, John Kirkpatrick, Last Orders, Tim Laycock, Jon Loomes, Lua, Moor Music, New Scorpion Band, The Outside Track, Chris Parkinson, Brian Peters, Random, Ed Rennie, Salsa Celtica, Emily Smith, Stomp, Trinculo, Twm Twp, Tim Van Eyken, Whapweasal, Wistman’s Wood, The Yetties, and Yves Lambert & Le Bébert.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
International Accordion Festival, Rezekne – Latvia
Contributed by Rob Howard

An International Accordion Festival takes place at the Festival Park, Rezekne, on August 25th and 26th.

For further information email: inara.jaudzema@rezekne.lv
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
Fisa…armonie International Competition, Trieste – Italy
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 5th Fisa…armonie International Competition takes place in Trieste from September 28th to 30th. This event has several age categories, open to solo players, concert performers, chamber groups and accordion orchestras. The final festival concert will be broadcast live on radio or television.

The closing date for entries is September 7th.

For further information email: trst@glasbenamatica.com
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers
Accordion Illusions


Stanislav Venglevski

Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Beer Barrel Polka’, ‘Fascination’, 'The Music Of The Night'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week