20 Aprile 2007
Weekly news from around the world
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accordions.com  (English)
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Frédéric Deschamps invitato ad insegnare al Conservatorio di Trossingen – Germania
Fisarmoniche “made in Castelfidardo” – Italia
Rivista mensile Accordéon et Accordéonistes - Francia
Premio del “British College per fisarmonicisti” va a Malta
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Accordionist Wins Competition with other Instruments!, Skopje - Macedonia
45th Annual ATAM New England Music Festival, Boston - USA
Successful Charity Accordion Concert, Yorkshire – UK
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Milwaukee Accordion Club to feature Walter Ostanek, Wisconsin - USA
Brett Gibson to appear with the Kansas City Civic Symphony Orchestra, Kansas - USA
2nd National Accordion Competition, Kozani – Greece
Klingenthal Concert Program - Germany
International Accordion Music Festival 'From Baroque to Jazz', Wroclaw – Poland
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Titano Accordion Company
Frédéric Deschamps invitato ad insegnare al Conservatorio di Trossingen – Germania
Contributo di Rob Howard

Il conservatorio di Trossingen ha invitato l' insegnante francese Frédéric Deschamps per le preparazioni dei loro studenti che parteciperanno al prossimo Concorso Internazionale  " Coupe Mondiale", dal 13 al 18 agosto  che si terrà a Washington DC, USA.

In vista della collaborazione di Frédéric Deschamps con Andréas Nebl, professore di fisarmonica presso il conservatorio di Trossingen si auspica di ottenere ottimi risultati tra gli artisti che avranno perfezionato lo studio con questi prestigiosi insegnanti alla "Coupe Mondiale 2007". In bocca al lupo ai giovani musicisti!
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Fisarmoniche “made in Castelfidardo” – Italia

Il Presidente del Consorzio “Music MarchePaolo Picchio ha tenuto presso la Musikmesse di Francoforte una conferenza sulla fisarmonica. L'occasione è stata fornita dall'I.C.E. (Istituto per il Commercio Estero) che come tutti gli anni ha allestito uno stand collettivo denominato "SUONO  ITALIA" dove erano presenti diverse produzioni di strumenti  musicali acustici provenienti da tutte le regioni d'Italia.

Gli incontri sono stati molteplici, ciascuno su un certo strumento o su una famiglia di strumenti. Paolo Picchio ha fornito alcuni cenni storici sullo strumento, ha parlato dell'evoluzione produttiva, della importante realtà economica, produttiva e culturale che è Castelfidardo nel panorama mondiale  fisarmonicistico. La conferenza è stata intervallata da alcuni apprezzatissimi.

Interventi musicali (interamente improvvisati ed estemporanei) da Renzo Ruggieri. In chiusura Paolo Picchio ha ufficialmente presentato il "Marchio di origine e qualità" per le fisarmoniche Made in Castelfidardo istituto dal Consorzio a garanzia del rispetto di una tradizione  produttiva artigianale vecchia di oltre 150 anni.
Angel Luis Castano
Rivista mensile Accordéon et Accordéonistes - Francia
Contributo di Frédéric Deschamps

La rivista mensile  Accordéon et Accordéonistes è sempre ricco di notizie. Questo mese:  articoli sul mondo musicale femminile della fisarmonica;  informazioni e notizie sui giovani artisti Hohner :   Phil Bouvier, Cyril Blanchard, Benoit Chabod e Julien Gonzales;  è stato realizzato  un bel reportage  sul loro ultimo tour alle isole Fiji e in Nuova Zelanda con il loro insegnante Frédéric Deschamps.
Charnwood Music Publishing  - UK
Premio del “British College per fisarmonicisti” va a Malta

Il “Sir James Anderton Award for Musical Excellence” – è un premio del British College per fisarmonicisti che si aggiudicano il punteggio al lode del grado 6. Per l’anno 2006 Mariel Agius, di Rabat, Malta, studente di Antoinette Borg si è aggiudicato questo prestigioso premio.

Mariel è riuscito ad superare tutti gli esami in teoria e pratica con il voto al lode. Il trofeo è stato consegnato al rappresentato della BCA Mro Jo Psaila dal preside della BCA Raymond Bodell all’inizio del “2007 Examination tour” sulla piccola isola mediterranea.

Raymond Bodell ha intervistato il Professore Charles Camilleri, un rinomato compositore maltese, conduttore e fisarmonicista.

Charles Camilleri ha composto il brano d’obbligo per il 1964 CIA Coupe Mondiale “ Danza Latina” ed ha organizzato il 1965 Coupe Mondiale in Valleta Malta. Nel 1972 ha ricevuto il CIA Merit Award. Tuttora all’età di 75 anni è impegnato a comporre e dirigere in tutto il mondo.  L’intervista di Celebrità sarà pubblicato prossimamente da Accordions Worldwide.

National Button Accordion Festival

Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Accordionist Wins Competition with other Instruments! - Macedonia
Contributed by Anica Karakutovska

The 2nd International Competition Festival ‘Macedonium M’, organized by the SMBEC ‘Ilija Nikolovski–Luj’, Skopje, was held from April 5th to 9th in Skopje.

The third category (born 1988 and younger) was won by 17 years old Aleksandar Kolovski (picture left), an accordion student of Professor Zorica Karakutovska (picture right), in a competition for all instruments and with 29 competitors. As the competitor with the highest number of points (LAUREATE), Aleksandar received 300 Euros and a certificate. The Macedonian piece in his programme was the composition ‘Miniature’, from Elizabeta Ilievska.

Last year’s competition was held in honour of the 250th anniversary from the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This year’s competition was held in honour of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Composers’ Association of Macedonia – SOCOM, containing a rule that in all categories there must be played one piece by a Macedonian composer.

At the final concert held on April 9th at the Concert Hall ‘ARM’ the winners from I, II, III and IV categories competed for ‘GRAND PRIX”’ - 1000 Euros, award sponsored and given by the Mayor of the City of Skopje, Mr. Trifun Kostovski (picture left).

Accordionist Aleksandar Kolovski was proclaimed the best overall competitor and winner of the GRAND PRIX in the final concert.
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel

45th Annual ATAM New England Music Festival, Boston - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

The Accordion Teachers' Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) recently held their 45th New England Music Festival in Newton (Boston) Massachusetts.

Competitions and festival performances took place during the weekend, ending with a spectacular performance by the Falcetti Music reunion accordion orchestra. The 50-piece orchestra was formed from present and alumni members to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Falcetti family music business. 

With the current conductor Michael Falcetti as concertmaster, the founding conductor Sam Falcetti stepped back on the podium to conduct his former students, while wife Peggy performed in the orchestra and son Anthony coordinated the elaborate sound system. All four members of the family continue to make their full time living from Falcetti Music.

Several awards were given during the weekend, including to honorary ATAM member Faithe Deffner for her Lifetime Achievement in the accordion world.

Picture left, Roger Latulippe (ATAM Contest co-chair), Faithe Deffner, Peggy Falcetti, (ATAM contest co-chair) and Michael Falcetti (ATAM president) presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award to Faithe Deffner. In her acknowledgement speech, Faithe Deffner applauded the effort of the students, parents and teachers for continuing to promote and support music education.

Winner of the New England Accordion Championship was 13-year-old Danielle Renzi (picture above right) and Anthony Falco won the Entertainment Solo championship, both students of Robert Paolo. Anthony also received the special ATAM scholarship award to assist in his upcoming University studies. The Paolo Accordion Orchestra, under the direction of Robert Paolo, won the Senior Orchestra division.

The 46th Annual ATAM Festival will take place from April 4th to 6th 2008.
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Successful Charity Accordion Concert, Yorkshire – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

A well-attended charity accordion concert held on April 17th in the Shire Hall, Howden, Yorkshire, proved to be great success.

The guest list included accordionists Harry Hussey, Murray Grainger, Dick Beeforth and his band, Ray Gallagher and Jock Thomson, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Sam Pirt, and the Wetherby Accordion Band (MD Brian Hibbert). Accordionist George Syrett acted as compere, and also performed a short spot.

Murray Grainger’s demonstrations of the Roland Virtual Accordion, impromptu playing on Roland V Accordions by Mike O’Regan and Heather Hawthorn, and a trade show, involving The Music Room, Kestrel Publications, Harry’s Old Time Music Stall and Rob Howard’s ‘An A to Z of the Accordion’, gave the concert the look and atmosphere of a festival. All proceeds from this event went to cancer research.
Fisitalia black

Gary Dahl esheet
Milwaukee Accordion Club to feature Walter Ostanek, Wisconsin - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

The Milwaukee Accordion Club (MAC) will feature accordionist Walter Ostanek on April 23rd when they hold their monthly gathering at the Root River Center, 7220 W. Rawson Avenue, phone: (414) 425-7225.

Walter Ostanek is known as ‘Canada's Polka King’, and is based in St. Catharine’s, Ontario. Walter has worked tirelessly for thirty-one years to promote Slovenian Cleveland-Style polkas and waltzes across the entire North American continent and abroad.

In addition to hosting his own television shows (the current one for 14 consecutive years), radio shows (three currently), and polka tours, Walter has appeared on the ‘Johnny Carson Show’, ‘Phil Donahue’, ‘Tommy Hunter Show’, and Cleveland's ‘Polka Varieties’, as well as his own award-winning TV specials and telethons. He has also appeared in concert with Roy Clark, the Oakridge Boys, Ronnie Milsap, Ray Price, Mel Tillis, Brenda Lee, Slim Whitman, Tom T. Hall, T. G. Shepard, Tommy Hunter, Lawrence Welk, Myron Floren, and Frank Yankovic. Among the band's honors are 3 Grammy Awards and a Gold Record from the Arc Recording Company.
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
Brett Gibson to appear with the Kansas City Civic Symphony Orchestra, Kansas - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Kansas City based musician Brett Gibson, who has performed with the world renowned group the Elders, popular US entertainer Eddie Delahunt, and many other well known artists in the Celtic music world, will be taking a detour from traditional, contemporary and original Irish music when he performs the ‘Concerto for Bandoneon and Orchestra’, by Astor Piazzolla, in his debut with the Kansas City Civic Symphony Orchestra (now in its 48th season), under the direction of Andy Anderson.

Brett was born in Auckland, New Zealand but now makes his home in the Kansas City area of the United States. Brett began playing the accordion at age 7, and at the age of 12 won his first New Zealand championship for that age category and continued to perform and compete into his late teens as a soloist and with duet, trio, quartet, ensemble and orchestra.

The concert will take place on Saturday April 28th at 7.30pm at the Atonement Lutheran Church, 9948 Metcalf in Overland Park, Kansas. Tickets are not required, and admittance is by donation at the door.
National Button Accordion Festival
2nd National Accordion Competition, Kozani – Greece
Contributed by Alexander Tchuev

The second Greek National Accordion Competition will be held on April 28th and 29th at the ‘Theatrodromio’ Hall in the city of Kozani.

The Director of the Competition is Alexander Tchuev (picture left), and the President of the Jury is Evgenia Tcherkazova (Kiev, Ukraine).

There are categories for solo, ensemble and orchestra. Evgenia Tcherkazova (picture right) and Alexander Tchuev will both perform in concert during the championships on April 28th, then will perform concerts in the following Greek cities:

April 30th - Grevena
May 2nd - Trikala
May 3rd - Patras
May 4th - Thessaloniki

For further information email: alexandertchuev@yahoo.gr
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Klingenthal Concert Program - Germany
Contributed by Harley Jones

The 44th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition, May 4th to 10th, also includes a comprehensive program of concerts. Starting with the opening concert featuring Juan José Mosalini (Argentinien – Bandoneon) and Maria Vlasova (Russia - picture right) 2006 Klingenhal top solo category winner, with the Vogtland Philharmonie Greiz/Reichenbach.

Others featured include: Timofej Satarov, Eva Zöllner and Krisján Orri Sigurleifsson (double bass), Fabian Carbone (bandoneon), Sebastian Reimann (bandoneon), Mario D’ Amario and many others, with concerts every day of the event.

For further concert information, view the Klingenthal Website.
Yuri Medianik CD's
International Accordion Music Festival 'From Baroque to Jazz', Wroclaw – Poland
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The International Accordion Music Festival 'From Baroque to Jazz', is a series of events that takes place in Wroclaw and Brzeg from April 20th to November 25th. There are evening concerts on April 20th, 21st and 24th.

The festival is held under the patronage of the Lower Silesia Region Speaker and the General Consulate of Austrian Republic in Krakow. The contest Jury Chairman is Professor of Music Academy in Lodz, Bogdan Dowlasz. Picture left is organizer Olexiy Suslov.

For further information email: suslov@wp.pl
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Renato Belardinelli


Jacek Grekow (accordion), Jan Mlejinek, Karol Sypytkowski
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

National Button Accordion Festival
A new site selling a CD titled "Irèene Tlilda - Mes Chansons Prèfèrèes" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "Vive Les Vacances!" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online. 
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
A new site selling a CD titled "Chansons de France - Les Chansons de Papa" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "Patachou - Histoire de Roses" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online. 
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
A new site selling a CD titled "Accordion Mon Amour" with sound samples. Music performed by Yehuda Oppenheimer of Israel. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "L'Album de Famille" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online. 
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
A new site selling a CD titled "Nous, Les Hommes" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "L'Auvergne est en fête!" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Marianne Melodie Recording Production in France. Purchase online. 

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week