15 Dicembre 2006
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
1° CD da solista di Eddie Hession,Londra - UK
‘Squeezing on the High Seas’ Cruise – New Zealand
Addio ad Alfonso Baldoni Passes, Wisconsin - USA
Calendardio "Accordion Enthusiasts" - Scozzia/GB
STAR WAYS 2007, Kragujevac – Serbia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
‘Champagne Lady’ Performs Two Concerts Within One Hour, Illinois – USA
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Friedrich Lips Concerts, Moscow – Russia
Salvatore Caueruccio’s Christmas Performances – Italy
Accordeon Melancolique’s Schedule, Driebergen – Netherlands
Los Mareados, London - UK
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
1° CD da solista di Eddie Hession’s Debut Solo CD, Londra - GB
Contributeto di Rob Howard

Il fisarmonicista Eddie Hession presenta il suo primo CD da solista con il titolo  ‘Under Duress’ con musica classical/jazz, con arrangiamenti  di due grandi jazzisti come  Chick Corea e Bill Evans, brani scritti per lui dal compositore britannico di musica contemporanea  David Gordon – ‘Eddi-Fis Suite’, e Adam Summerhayes – ‘Under Duress Suite’, e ‘Inveirno Portenoa’,una composizione realizzata dal maestro di tango Astor Piazzolla. Una recensione nota: “Il CD porta l’ascoltatore in un viaggio avventuroso, dove esprime tutto il talento di questo divino musicista”.  

Eddie Hession, secondo classificato del 1981  al Coupe Mondiale, è uno dei più importanti fisarmonicisti della Gran Bretagna. Quando non è impegnato come solista o musicista per registrazioni si esibisce insieme al gruppo ZUM.    Ha partecipato come fisarmonicista in  molte colonne sonore nei film di Hollywood come:   ‘Captain Corelli's Mandolin’, ‘Evita’, ‘Shrek’, e ‘Lord of the Rings’ e nei CD di altri grandi interpreti di vari stili musicali come per esempio    Lesley Garret, The Corrs e Ronan Keating.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail:cmg@zum.org.uk
Xmas with Gary Dahl Arrangements
‘Squeezing on the High Seas’ Cruise – New Zealand
Contributo di Rob Howard

Sydney-based Scottish accordion entertainer John Macdonald is rounding his busy year off with cabaret appearances on board one of the Princess Cruises ‘Love Boats’, The Pacific Princess. John will be flying to the South Island in New Zealand in December, to join the ship on its two week cruise of New Zealand, returning to Sydney on December 22nd, for Christmas performances.

2006 has seen John Macdonald appearing overseas, as well as performing throughout Australia in cabaret, and presenting his various bigger shows on the New South Wales concert and club circuit.
Titano Accordion Company
Addio ad Alfonso Baldoni   Wisconsin - USA l
Contributo di Rob Howard
Alfonso Baldoni, accordatore,  tecnico e distributore di fisarmoniche  è deceduto all’età di   82 anni. Nato a  Castelfidardo in Italia, Alfonso ha vissuto  in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin dal 1956,  dove grazie alla sua eccellente conoscenza di tutto il ciclo produttivo di una  fisarmonica ha potuto realizzare un ottimo profitto  e condurre una vita agiata. Fra i clienti di Baldoni  Fisarmoniche: Frankie Yankovic, Joey Miskulin, Dan Newton, Alison Krauss, CJ Chenier, Betty Jo Simon, Joe Derrane, Steve Meisner e Sheryl Crow.

Baldoni lascia la moglie Nancy, il figlio  Ivo, la figlia Annette Pigini, e quatro nipoti. Alfonso Baldoni è stato sapolto in Castelfidardo.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Calendario ""Accordion Enthusiasts" Scozzia-GB
Contributo di Rob Howard

Un calendario "Accordion Enthusiasts’ per il 2007, con bellissime foto in colori di fisarmoniche "vintage" è stato prodotto da Caroline Hunt, di Inverness in Scozzia.

Per informazioni email: accordionbook@huntc.fsbusiness.co.uk
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
STAR WAYS 2007, Kragujevac – Serbia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

La 4° edizione del concorso internazionale per giovani fisarmonicisti si svolgerà a Kragujevac, Serbia dal 26 al  31 marzo 2007. Per informazioni sul  regolamento siete pregati di contattare via  e-mail Milan Tomic: tomic@ia.kg.ac.yu

James P. O'Brien Xmas Arrangements
‘Champagne Lady’ Performs Two Concerts Within One Hour, Illinois – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Maria Merkelo, known as the accordion's ‘Champagne Lady’ at the University of Illinois, performed in two concerts within an hour in two theaters in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, on November 16th.

First, there was the 10th Annual Salvatore Martirano Award Concert in the Tryon Festival Theatre. Maria performed her part with the UI New Music Ensemble, conducted by Stephen Taylor, in a demanding piece scored for ten instruments titled ‘Dolmen for a New Albion’, by Nicholas Paul Vines.

Immediately following the performance of the Vines' work, Maria made her way to the Follinger Great Hall next door for a costume change and to prepare for her performance as the only instrumental soloist on that evening's program by the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Steven Larsen. The work was Dominick Argento's ‘Valentino Dances’, a popular Suite from his 1994 opera, ‘The Dream of Valentino’. Maria Merkelo brought to this performance the evocative sensuality that characterizes the tango.
Fisitalia black

la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Concerti - Friedrich Lips, Mosca – Russia

Il 16 Dicembre E. Podgaits ‘Ex-Animo’ con il famoso quartetto a fiati „Glinka Quartet“: Julia Igonina, Helen Kharitonova, Aleksander Galkovsky ed Oleg Smirnov  terranno un concerto nella sala concerti della    Gnessin Music Academy, Mosca.

Il 12 e 14 dicembre:  2 concerti solistici a  Mosca con alcune delle prime  composizioni di A. Cholminov, R. Ledenjov, E. Podgaits e lavori di  V. Zolotariev, Schuman, Schubert, Boccherini, Piazzolla, Chatchaturjan, Gershwin e Strauss.

Per informazioni e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Gary Dahl Arrangements
Salvatore Caueruccio’s Christmas Performances – Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordionist Salvatore Caueruccio performs as follows:-

December 17th at 7 pm: Accademia Musicale ‘F. Cilea’, Castrovillari, with the trio Acoustic Music Ensemble
December 22nd, at 8.30 pm: solo concert at the Accademia Musicale del Vallo di Diano, Teggiano
December 26th, at 7pm: Palazzo del Capo, Cittadella del Capo, with the trio Acoustic Music Ensemble
December 28th, 6.30 pm: Accademia del Vallo di Diano, Teggiano, in a duo with flautist Bernardo Tramontano, and with the Acoustic Music Ensemble
December 30th, 9 pm: Ex-Cinema, Castelluccio Inferiore, with the trio Acoustic Music Ensemble

For further information email: info@salvatorecauteruccio.it
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Accordeon Melancolique’s Schedule, Driebergen – Netherlands
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The duo Accordeon Melancolique - Jean-Pierre Guiran and Cherie de Boer – have announced their concert program to date. At most of these concerts, they will be performing numbers from their new CD, ‘Le Nid Aimé’, which means “the beloved nest”.

December 22nd, at 8.15pm – Christmas show at Santpoort-Noord, near Haarlem
December 26th, at 3pm – Christmas concert at De Vertelschuur, Curl Avenue 3
February 18th, 3pm – concert at De Agnietenkapel
February 25th, 3pm - Rosenstock-Huessy Huis, Hagestraat 10, Haarlem
April 6th, 8pm – concert, with special guest Tjeerd Buwe, at 45 Koedijk, Alkmaar
April 17th, 9pm – concert at the Parool Theater, Amsterdam
May 27th, 1pm to 2.30pm – lunchtime concert at Nicolaas Beetsstraat 48, Enschede
October 14th, 3pm – concert at Waalse kerk (Walloon church), Catharina Straat 83, Breda
October 28th, 3pm to 5pm – concert at the Hippolytus kapel (chapel), Oude Delft 118, Delft

For further information email: info@acmel.nl
Friedrich Lips CD's Xmas
Los Mareados, London - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The quintet Los Mareados, featuring and Ian Hill – accordion and bandoneon, and Frances Knight – bandoneon and piano, perform at the National Theatre, London, on December 29th, at 1pm. Los Mareados, founded in 1993, specialise in tangos, milongas and waltzes.

For further information email: info@losmareados.co.uk
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
    Joan Cochran Sommers


Alexander Skliarov
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Updated page about the CIA Winter Congress, January 2007, held for the first time ever in the Southern Hemisphere and first time ever in Fiji.
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
A new site selling a CD titled "Russian Hammond’s Bolero" with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond. Purchase online.
Angel Luis Castano
A new site selling a CD titled "The NDR Session Projekt" with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond. Purchase online.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Updated site: Promoting original accordion music compositions for the next 7 days, every accordionist may click here to view all the original compositions by Yehuda Oppenheimer (grade 2 to grade 6).

As part of the Xmas spirit, each accordionist may email MusicForAccordion@yahoo.com the piece name and catalog number to receive one eSheet Yehuda Oppenheimer composition free of charge by email. If you appreciate this kind offer and like more than one Yehuda Oppenheimer composition, then place an order too.
James P.  O'Brien
Yehuda Oppenheimer updated 2 arrangements of 'Prayer', and ‘Aria’. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
An A to Z of the Accordion
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 6 new arrangements of 'Magic Flute', 'Alexandvovu With Variations', 'La Castagnetas', ‘My Heart Wish’, ‘Jewish Partisan’, and ‘Korobushka’. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Christmas Music Releases by Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel. For the Christmas season, Yehuda Oppenheimer is releasing an impressive arrangement of an Aria by J. S. Bach. When this is performed, the music creates an organ-like atmosphere and the arrangement is designed to have the accordion sound with the distinctive style of Bach's choral music. Also for the New Year, Oppenheimer publishs the world famous New Year Hymn, "Auld Lang Syne", a famous hymn sung all over the world at the time of the new year.
Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week