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07 Luglio 2006
Fisitalia blue

Nota del’Editore:
ATG Festival, Minneapolis - USA
Nazionale Fisarmonica Festival, Bodø - Norvegia
Prima di Claudio Jacomucci – Italia, Svizzera, Francia
Bio Boccosi Passes Away - Italy
Diploma di II livello in Fisarmonica – Italia

The Severn Suite, Llandinam – UK
Tag der Harmonika, Graz- Austria

Fintan Stanley Concerts, Boston – USA
John Romero at Uxbridge Accordion Club, Middlesex – UK
Baltica 2006, Riga - Latvia
15th Viljandi Folk Festival, Viljandi – Estonia
Zydeco Playboys, Stuttgart - Germany
Lidia Kaminska’s Bach to Piazzolla Concerts, Philadelphia - USA
La Smala Concerts – France
Val Tidone Events – Italy
Frédéric Deschamps Seminars, Montargis – France
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio

Nota del’Editore:

Accordions Worldwide offre la possibilità di promuovere gratuitamente eventi e spettacoli in tutto il mondo ed in ben 7 lingue. Abbiamo fornito questo servizio senza interruzione per gli ultimi 10 anni non importa se questi erano piccoli o grandi. Siamo sicuri che ci siano tanti altri eventi di cui si potrebbe parlare e ci invitiamo insegnanti, organizzatori ed artisti di approfittare di questo servizio in tempo per poter pubblicare tutti gli appuntamenti e dare ai nostri lettori la possibilità di venire ad assistere ai vostri spettacoli. Tutti questo prenderà soltanto alcuni minuti del vostro tempo in cambio di pubblicità mandato in tutto il mondo.

Rob Howard
Etnie Musicali Festival
ATG Festival, Minneapolis - USA
Contributo di Kevin Friedrich

L’annuale Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG) festival si è svolto in Minneapolis, Minnesota dove fisarmonicisti si sono riuniti per 4 giorni di competizioni, concerti e workshops.

Solla foto da sinistra Stanley Darrow (ATG Storico), Karen Fremar (ATG Treasurer), Stas Venglevski (ATG Secondo Vice Presidente), Joanna Darrow (ATG Secretaria), Dee Langley (ATG Primo Vice Presidente), Joan C. Sommers (ATG Presidente), Faithe Deffner (ATG Ass. Direttrice e 2007 Coupe Mondiale Coordinatore), Amy Jo Sawyer (ATG Ass. Direttrice) ed ospite Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia).

L’artista d’onore di questo anno era il virtuoso e compositore Russo Viatcheslav Semionov, insegnante dei tanti vincitori della CIA Coupe Mondiale.

Altri ospiti dell’ ATG Festival: Murl Sanders, Stas Venglevski, Amy Jo Sawyer, Minnesota Accordion Quintet, Mike Alongi e Larry Malmberg, John Scaffeo, Dan Newton e il Café Accordion Orchestra, Dee Langley e Orkestar Bez Ime.

Workshops con: Joan Sommers, Murl Sanders e Dee Langley. Il ormai molto popolare improvvisate “Festival Orchestra” è stato diretto dall’ ATG Presidente Joan C. Sommers.

Le competizioni: ATG Junior National Championship è stato vinto da Samantha Jarquio di Missouri e che si è qualificata per la partecipazione al CIA World Accordion Championships in Asker, Norvegia dal 18-22 Ottobre 2006. Samantha è un studente di Joan Sommers.

L’anno prossimo l’ATG & AAA organizzerà il loro annuale festival come co-organizzatori della 2007 Coupe Mondiale.

Per ulteriori informazioni visita ATG website.
Pineto Accordion Festival
Nazionale Fisarmonica Festival, Bodo - Norvegia
Contributo di Kevin Friedrich

Il Norske Trekkspilleres Landsforbund (NTL) ha organizzaot il loro annuale festival in Bodo, Norveglia al Artic Circolo dal 28 Giugno fino al 2 Luglio.   Il NTL Presidente Kjell R. Olsen e Trond Smalås, Presidente del Bodo Trekkspillklubb hanno potuto dare il benvenuto ai più di 400 concurrenti, artisti, ospiti venuti da tutti le parti della Novegia ed alti paesi della Scandinavia.

Il Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Presidente Kevin Friedrich era invisita per incontrare I membri del NTL committee, la stampa in previsione della Coupe Mondiale che sarà ospitato dal NTL in Asker in Ottobre.

I 3,500 membri del Norske Trekkspilleres Landsforbund con direttori regionali celebreranni quest’anno il loro 35° compleanno.

Per ulteriori informazioni sul 2006 Coupe Mondiale.
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
Prima di Claudio Jacomucci– Italia, Svizzera, Francia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Fitto programma di Claudio Jacomucci: Il 26 Giugno Claudio Jacomucci ha presentato un concerto “solo” in Villa Massimo a Rome (Accademia Tedesca per Artisti) e la sua composizione ‘Dumka’ per “fisarmonica-solo” basato sui sottili e nascoste sonorità della fisarmonica e poliritmi.

Ha presentato altri 2 composizione in prima dai 2 compositori residenti nell’Accademia: “Engine” di Oliver Schneller per fisarmonica e 5 loudspeakers; ”Malchusohr” di Maxim Seloujanov per solo-fisarmonica (la fisarmonica insieme ai rumori dei aeroplani atterando in aeroporto di Roma).

Durante il ‘La Via Lattea Festival’ (Mendrisio, Svizzera in Agusto 2006) Claudio darà la prima di: ‘New Work’ di Stefano Gervasoni, per fisarmonica ed ensemble, Mario Pagliarani ‘I bei momenti’ per 2 suonatori (con la ballerina Kathleen Delaney), e la sua trascrizione di ‘Cantata BWV 54’ di J.S.Bach per alto e fisarmonica.

Al ‘Contemporaneamente Festival’ (Lodi, Italia, Septtembre 2006) presenterà ‘Seven Words’ di Sofia Gubaidulina ed un nuovo brano per fisarmonica, cello e orchestra di fiati di Stefano Vaglini insieme al cellista Francesco Dillon.

Concerto special da RADIO FRANCE in Novembre nel quale presenterò il nuovo lavoro di Francoise Barriere scritto per fisarmonica e elettronica.

Fra breve da presentare nell’auditorium ‘Parco della Musica’ a Roma (Freon Ensemble, IRCAM) il nuovo lavoro di Yan Maresz (per fisarmonica e 9 strumenti).

Il nuovo lavoro di Claudio Jacomucci per fisarmonica, bells e whistles sarà presentato a Lugano durante ll periodo invernale 2006.

Claudio è il direttore ed insegnante principale della ‘Accordion High School’ al Conservatorio di Rimini. Insegnanti ospiti: Viatcheslav Semionov, Matti Rantanen, con workshops di Luciano Biondini, Roberto Lucanero e Paolo Picchio.
Charnwood Music Publishing  - UK
Bio Boccosi Passes Away - Italy
Contributed by Harley Jones

Bio Boccosi, born 1912, who turned 94 in April this year has sadly passed away on 28 June 2006.

Bio Boccosi was an honorary citizen of the towns of Castelfidardo, Osimo and Recoaro Terme, and founder and director of several branches of the Italian Music Teaching Centre. He was widely celebrated for his life which was dedicated to music and to the accordion in particular.

Bio Boccosi was the Secretary General of the Confederation Mondiale de l'Accordeon for over 50 years. He was also a founder of the "Italian Pianists' Trophy" held in Osimo, Accordion World Oscar recipient, founder of the National Accordion Meeting of Recoaro, and winner of several awards including the "Giuseppe Verde" award granted by DISMA (Milano), the "Gorni Kramer" award (Stradella), the "Applauso d'Oro" award (Clivio), the SIAE prize for his 50 years in the music industry, and the "Nota d'Oro" award (Santa Giustina).

Bio Boccosi was also involved in the start of the Premio Internazionale di Fisarmonica, Città di Castelfidardo with Beniamino Bugiolacchi in 1964 which later changed from a national event to an international event in 1987. He was also the founder and editor of Strumenti e Musica for many years, which did so much to promote Italian musical instruments generally and in particular, the accordion.

His enormous contribution to the accordion and its development will continue long beyond his lifetime.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Diploma di II livello in Fisarmonica – Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Presso l’Istituto Musicale Pareggiato “G.B.Pergolesi” (AFAM) di Ancona sono stati autorizzati dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca i diplomi di II livello, ossia il massimo titolo di studio musicale ottenibile attualmente in Europa; tra i vari corsi strumentali, è stato attivato anche il corso di “Fisarmonica”. La ricca offerta formativa dei corsi comprende diverse attività: di base, caratterizzanti, integrative ed affini; fra le varie materie citiamo: Prassi esecutiva e repertorio, Musica da camera, Storia e analisi del repertorio, Prassi esecutiva su altro strumento della famiglia (ad ancia libera), Tecniche di trascrizione per tastiere, Pratiche di arrangiamento della musica d’uso, Tecniche di composizione, Informatica musicale, ecc.

I docenti del Pergolesi sono tutti apprezzati musicisti in attività; il corso principale di Fisarmonica sarà tenuto dal prof. Alessandro Mugnoz Sono previsti inoltre seminari con noti musicisti esterni.

Parallelamente continuerà a funzionare il precedente corso di fisarmonica, con i vecchi programmi ministeriali, valido come Diploma di I livello.

Il termine per la presentazione delle domande di ammissione ai vari corsi scadrà il prossimo 31 luglio. Per informazion e-mail , tel. 07152692.
Angel Luis Castano

Fisitalia Joy
The Severn Suite, Llandinam – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The TASC (Traditional Arts Support in the Community), based in Llandinam in mid-Wales, commissioned accordionists John Kirkpatrick and Karen Tweed to write and perform music for a set of new ceilidh dances. The music and dances, titled ‘The Severn Suite’ were premiered on June 10th in the Welsh town of Llandinam. A team of sixteen dancers from mid-Wales and Shropshire gave a magnificent display, and the music was performed by John Kirkpatrick – 3-row diatonic accordion, Karen Tweed – piano accordion, and fiddle player Nick Passmore.

John Kirkpatrick is planning to release, in due course, a CD of the music, and a book with the dance instructions, the tunes, and band arrangements.

Tag der Harmonika, Graz- Austria

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the ‘1. Grazer Harmonicaclub ACCORDEANA’, this year’s "Tag der Harmonika" was held on June 25th in the Styrian capital of Graz, Austria. The competition included categories for accordion soloists, duos, orchestras, ensembles and chamber music, as well as for the ‘Steirische Harmonika"’(Styrian Harmonica), which has become very popular recently. Compared to previous competitions it can be said that the interest in the instrument and also the level of performance are constantly growing.

The possibility to study the accordion at all major conservatories and universities of music as well as the work of the newly formed executive committee of Austrian Confederation of Accordionists HVÖ finally show very positive results. The photo shows Vice-President Werner Weibert during his speech while the accordion ensemble ‘Klavitoniker’, from Salzburg (where the CIA Coupe Mondiale will be held in 2014), is preparing for their performance.

For further information email:
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner Publications

Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Fintan Stanley Concerts, Boston – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Born in County Louth, Ireland, in 1941, American-based Fintan Stanley was the first player, in 1955, to become an All-Ireland Champion using a Continental button accordion. Fintan Stanley has the following bookings:-
The O’Connell Lounge, Fern Cliff House Resort, Catskill Mountains, New York State
July 7th and 8th
August 11th and 12th
September 8th and 9th

Cape Cod Irish Village, Massachussetts
July 30th and 31st
August 6th and 7th
23rd and 24th
September 18th and 19th
29th and 30th
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
John Romero at Uxbridge Accordion Club, Middlesex – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordion entertainer and former All Britain Champion John Romero is the guest at Uxbridge Accordion Club on July 10th, from 8pm. Also performing is the Uxbridge Accordion Band (MD Angie Lukins)(pictured).

The concert takes place at The Anglers Retreat Cricketfield Road, off Swan Road, West Drayton, Middlesex - close to Heathrow Airport and J4/M4.

For further information email:
Etnie Musicali Festival
Baltica 2006, Riga - Latvia
Contributed by Rob Howard

The annual dance festival Baltica 2006 takes place in Riga, Latvia, from July 12th to 16th. This large-scale event involves folk dance teams and their musicians, including many accordionists and bayan players, from Lativa, Estonia, Russia, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Poland, England, Croatia, Georgia and China.

15th Viljandi Folk Festival, Viljandi – Estonia
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 15th Viljandi Folk Festival focuses each year on a different instrument or aspect of folk music. The 2006 festival, which takes place from July 20th to 23rd, this year concentrates on all types of accordions, harmonicas and concertinas. There will be more than 300 performers, including many from outside Estonia, and 100 concerts taking place in 4 outside and 5 inside venues.

Estonian accordionists and accordion-based bands include Juhan Uppin, Pärnu Poisid, Henn Rebane, Vägilased, Atlas, Zetod, Diskreetse Mango Trio, Liisi Koikson ja ‘Helletused’, Seljanka, Svjata Vatra, Zorbas, Triskele, Virre, Arrotajad and Untsakad. Overseas performers include Altan (Ireland), Filska (Shetland), Duo Bertrand en Cie (France), Brendan Begley (Ireland), Iker Goenaga (Spain), Svart Kaffe (Sweden), Kvartet Ural (Russia), Csik Band (Hungary), Tummel (Sweden), Talent Project (Estonia-Ivory Coast-Norway), Kiharakolmio (Finland), Evgenij Genev (Bulgaria) and the Barnstormers (USA).

For further information email:
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
Zydeco Playboys, Stuttgart - Germany
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Zydeco Playboys, featuring Oliver Kraus on piano accordion, perform as follows:-

July 22nd, 9pm – Campagna, Brüggstr. 369 A
August 10th, 8pm – Schützenhaus, Am Hörnleskopf

For further information email:
Fisitalia black
Lidia Kaminska’s Bach to Piazzolla Concerts, Philadelphia - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Concert accordionist Lidia Kaminska will perform at the highly acclaimed Ocean Grove Summer Stars Classical Series, presented at the 6500 seat Great Auditorium in New Jersey on July 27th, where she will be joined by Curtis Institute pianist Hugh Sung. The concert will feature the music of Bach, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Gubaidulina and Piazzolla, among others.

Lidia’s Philadelphia concert debut will take a place at the Ethical Society Building on August 24th. The concert will also feature pianist Hugh Sung, Astral Artistic Services flautist Jasmine Choi, dancers Emily Waters and Elysia Lichtine of the Pennsylvania Ballet, with choreography by Jorge Laico.
Pineto Accordion Festival
La Smala Concerts – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

The French band La Smala, featuring accordionist Rodolphe Tissot, perform music that is a mixture of rock, Flamenco, Celtic, Latino, and Gypsy, with words in French and Spanish. Their future performances include:-

July 20th – Aime 73
21st – Seytoux (st. jean d’eaux)
23rd – Maxilly 74
28th – Yucatan (st. gervais 74)
30th – Le petit bal perdu (Annecy 74)
August 4th – Festival kiosques a musiques (la vouite 07)
10th – Varrse (Southern Alps)
15th – ‘La ferme des rochers – Flumet 73’
20th – Petit bal perdu (Annecy 74)

For further information email:
Karthause-Schmuelling quality catalog
Val Tidone Events – Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Val Tidone program of summer master courses and master classes, whose aim is to organize international cultural exchanges, is now available. Lessons will take place in a campus located in some beautiful castles of the Val Tidone, not unlike the US Summer Camps. The Val Tidone International Music Competitions offer money prizes and career opportunities.

Val Tidone Summer Camp (July 25th – August 6th)
Val Tidone Festival (June - October)

For further information email: -
Gary Daverne compositions and CD's
Frédéric Deschamps Seminars, Montargis – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Frédéric Deschamps leads several seminars during the summer:-

July 2nd to 8th
July 16th to 22nd
July 30th to August 5th
August 13th to 19th
August 28th to September 3rd

These seminars, aimed primarily at professional players, involve all musical styles: classical, variety, jazz, accordion music, and are open to players of all nationalities. They take place in Montargis, 100 km to the south of Paris by the Auto Route A6 or by train (Gare de Lyon - Montargis).

For further information email:

    Critica di

    Renato Belardinelli

Peter Piccini releases 8 new compositions of 'Florentine Tango', 'Happy Moments', 'My Pal', 'Night In San San Remo', 'Tell Me Now', 'Thinking Of You', 'The Way I Feel For You', 'What Does Our Friendship Mean To You?'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
French contemporary artist Pascal Contet - with up-dated concert dates.

Spanish accordionsit and alexander technique teacher Anne Landa.
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
A new site selling a CD titled "International Music" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England. Purchase online.
Practicing Music - Tom de Vree
A new site selling a CD titled "Musette Parisienne" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England. Purchase online.

Site update for the Confederation Mondiale de L'Accordeon - CMA and information and rules and test music for the 56th Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon in October 2006.

Martin Lubenov - Balkan-accordionist who has at his young age already found his own style. With breathtaking virtuosity and playful elegance he combines Balkan Roma music with shades of swing, modern jazz, tango nuevo, salsa and musette. There is also the Martin Lubenov Orkestar and the Jazzta Prasta Quartet - Lubenov's unorthodox balkan quartet, all with recordings for sale.

A new site selling a CD titled "Akkordeonorchester Hof"  with sound samples.  Orchestra conducted by Günther Zeilinger of German.  Purchase online.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
A new site selling a CD titled "Allegria Continentale"  with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England.  Purchase online.
Sebastiano Cali  music catalog
A new site selling a CD titled "Ettore Fantasia"  with sound samples.  Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England.  Purchase online.
Fisitalia Joy

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